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Classical S-type Riemann ellipsoids are generalized taking a Ferrers-type inhomogeneity in the mass distribution, a three-dimensional anisotropy in the dispersion in the velocities, and the gravitation of a spherical halo into account. A Ferrers inhomogeneity in the mass distribution does not affect the equilibrium conditions for the ellipsoids, but only changes the numerical coefficients in the equilibrium parameters. An anisotropy in the dispersion in the velocities does change the equilibrium conditions, expanding or contracting the region in which embedded ellipsoids exist. A halo extends this region in all cases. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp.359–373 (August 2006).  相似文献   

Large-scale zonal flows, as observed on the giant planets, can be driven by thermal convection in a rapidly rotating spherical shell. Most previous models of convectively-driven zonal flow generation have utilized stress-free mechanical boundary conditions (FBC) for both the inner and the outer surfaces of the convecting layer. Here, using 3D numerical models, we compare the FBC case to the case with a stress free outer boundary and a non-slip inner boundary, which we call the mixed case (MBC). We find significant differences in surface zonal flow profiles produced by the two cases. In low to moderate Rayleigh number FBC cases, the main equatorial jet is flanked by a strong, high-latitude retrograde jets in the northern and southern hemispheres. For the highest Rayleigh number FBC case, the equatorial jet is flanked by strong reversed jets as well as two additional large-scale alternating jets at higher latitudes. The MBC cases feature stronger equatorial jets but, much weaker, small-scale alternating zonal flows are found at higher latitudes. Our high Rayleigh number FBC results best compare with the zonal flow pattern observed on Jupiter, where the equatorial jet is flanked by strong retrograde jets as well as small-scale alternating jets at high latitude. In contrast, the MBC results compare better with the observed flow pattern on Saturn, which is characterized by a dominant prograde equatorial jet and a lack of strong high latitude retrograde flow. This may suggest that the mechanical coupling at the base of the jovian convection zone differs from that on Saturn.  相似文献   

A discrete spherical harmonics method is developed for the radiative transfer problem in inhomogeneous polarized planar atmosphere illuminated at the top by a collimated sunlight while the bottom reflects the radiation. The method expands both the Stokes vector and the phase matrix in a finite series of generalized spherical functions and the resulting vector radiative transfer equation is expressed in a set of polar directions. Hence, the polarized characteristics of the radiance within the atmosphere at any polar direction and azimuthal angle can be determined without linearization and/or interpolations. The spatial dependent of the problem is solved using the spectral Chebyshev method. The emergent and transmitted radiative intensity and the degree of polarization are predicted for both Rayleigh and Mie scattering. The discrete spherical harmonics method predictions for optical thin atmosphere using 36 streams are found in good agreement with benchmark literature results. The maximum deviation between the proposed method and literature results and for polar directions \(\vert \mu \vert \geq0.1 \) is less than 0.5% and 0.9% for the Rayleigh and Mie scattering, respectively. These deviations for directions close to zero are about 3% and 10% for Rayleigh and Mie scattering, respectively.  相似文献   

Earlier work on the oscillations of an ellipsoid is extended to investigate the behaviour of a nonequilibrium compressible homogeneous rotating gaseous ellipsoid, with the components of the velocity field as linear functions of the coordinates, and with parallel angular velocity and uniform vorticity. The dynamical behaviour of the ellipsoid is obtained by numerically integrating the relevant differential equations for different values of the initial angular velocity and vorticity. This behaviour is displayed by the (a 1,a 2) and (a 1,a 3) phase plots, where thea i's (i = 1, 2, 3) are the semi-diameters, and by the graphs ofa 1,a 2,a 3, the volume, and the angular velocity as functions of time.The dynamical behaviour of the nonequilibrium ellipsoid depends on the deviation of the angular momentum from its equilibrium value; for larger deviations, the oscillations are more nonperiodic with larger amplitudes.An initially ellipsoidal configuration always remains ellipsoidal, but it cannot become spheroidal about its rotation axis, though it may become spheroidal instantaneously about either one of the other two principal axes.For an ellipsoid approaching axisymmetry about its axis of rotation, the angular velocity can suddenly increase by a large amount. Thus if an astrophysical object can be modelled by a nonequilibrium ellipsoid, it may occasionally undergo sudden large increases of angular velocity.  相似文献   

The coupling of Shukla-Varma (SV) and convective cell modes is discussed in the presence of non-Boltzmannian electron response and parallel equilibrium shear flow. In the linear case, a new dispersion relation is derived and analyzed. It is found that the coupled SV and convective cell modes destabilize in the presence of electron shear flow. On the other hand, in the nonlinear regime, it is shown that Shukla-Varma mode driven counter rotating vortices can be formed for the system under consideration. It is found that these vortices move slowly by comparison with the ion acoustic or electron drift-wave driven counter rotating vortices. The relevance of the present investigation with regard to space plasmas is also pointed out.  相似文献   

The odd zonal harmonics in the Earth's gravitational potential are determined by analysing the changes in the eccentricities of six satellites having orbital inclinations spaced as uniformly as possible between 28° and 96°. The most satisfactory representation of the potential is found to be in terms of four coefficients, and their values are, in the usual notation: 106J3 = −2.56, 106J5 = −0.15, 106J7 = −0.44, 106J9 = 0.12. The resulting potential is compared with that obtained by other authors. Three and five-coefficient solutions are also presented.  相似文献   

Gravitational potential harmonics from the shape of an homogeneous body   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The spherical harmonic coefficients of the gravitational potential of an homogeneous body are analytically derived from the harmonics describing its shape. General formulas are given as well as detailed expressions up to the fifth order of the topography harmonics. The volume, surface and inertia tensor of the body are obtained as by-products. The case of a triaxial ellipsoid is given as example and used for numerical checking. Another numerical scheme for verification is provided. The application to Phobos is made and the convergence of the expressions for the harmonics is numerically established.
Résumé Les harmoniques du champ de gravitation d'un corps homogène de forme donnée sont calculés analytiquement à partir des harmoniques du développement en série du rayon vecteur exprimant la forme de la surface du corps. Outre la formule générale, des expressions détaillées, au cinquième ordre des harmoniques du rayon vecteur, sont données sous une forme bien adaptée à la programmation. Le volume, la surface et le tenseur d'inertie du corps sont calculés analytiquement `a partir des formules générales. Le cas de l'ellipsoide triaxial est pris comme test des formules établies. Un autre test numérique est fourni dans le cas le plus général. Ceci est appliqué à Phobos, et la convergence des expressions fournissant les harmoniques est numériquement démontrée.

The nonlinear motion (collapse/explosion) of a homogeneous, rapidly rotating, gaseous ellipsoid has been studied with the effects of an external gravitational field incorporated. The non-axisymmetric motion has been followed using an efficient numerical code based on certain properties of the potential functions. The gravitational radiation associated with the phenomenon was calculated, and the wave forms studied to extract information on the dynamics of the source. Possible implications of our results for various astrophysical processes are discussed.  相似文献   

The plane motion of a mass point inside an inhomogeneous rotating ellipsoidal body with a homothetic density distribution is considered. The force function of the problem is expanded in terms of the ellipsoid's second eccentricities up to the fourth order, which are taken as small parameters. We derive an expression for the perturbing function and solve the equations of perturbed motion in orbital elements.  相似文献   

The gravity potential of an arbitrary bodyT is expanded in a series of spherical harmonics and rigorous evaluations of the general termV n of the expansion are obtained. It is proved thatV n decreases on the sphere envelopingT according to the power law if the body structure is smooth. For a body with analytic structure,V n decreases in geometric progression. The exactness of these evaluations is proved for bodies having irregular and analytic structures. For the terrestrial planetsV n =O (n –5/2).
I I V n IV n I . . IV n I . I. IV n =O(n –5/2 )

Optimality conditions for intermediate-thrust arcs (IT-arcs) of rocket trajectories in rotating potential force fields where Coriolis-forces have to be taken into account are derived. For coplanar problems, the existence of IT-arcs in optimal time-free transfers depends on inequality conditions, based mainly on properties of the local potential field. Therefore, the region of the potential force field, where no time-free optimal IT-arc exists, can easily be evaluated. As an example the restricted three-body problem will be considered.  相似文献   

For the majority of optical observing programmes, the sky brightness provides the fundamental limit to signal detection such that the scientific feasibility is largely dictated by the phase of the Moon. Since most observatories do not have the resources to build expensive high-resolution or infrared instruments, they are increasingly at a loss as to how to exploit bright time. We show that, with due consideration of the field and Moon position, it is possible to undertake 'dark-time' observing programmes under 'bright-time' conditions. Our recommendations are particularly appropriate to all-sky survey programmes.
In certain instances, there are gains in observing efficiency with the use of a polarizer, which can significantly reduce the moonlight (or twilight) sky-background flux relative to an extraterrestrial flux. These gains are possible in background-limited cases because the sky background can be highly polarized, caused by scattering, around 90° away from the Moon (or Sun). To take advantage of this, only minor modifications to existing instruments are needed.  相似文献   

In present paper higher harmonic electrostatic ion-cyclotron (EIC) parallel flow velocity shear instability in presence of perpendicular inhomogeneous DC electric field with the ambient magnetic field has been studied, in different regions of the magnetosphere of Saturn. Dimensionless growth rate variation of EIC waves has been observed with respect to \(k_{ \bot } \rho _{i}\) for various plasma parameters. Effect of velocity shear scale length (\(A_{i}\)), temperature anisotropy (\(T_{ \bot } /T_{\|}\)), magnetic field (\(B\)), electric field (\(E\)), inhomogeneity (\(P/a\)), angle of propagation (\(\theta \)), ratio of electron to ion temperature (\(T_{e}/T_{i}\)) and density gradient (\(\varepsilon _{n}\rho _{i}\)) on the growth of EIC waves in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn has been studied and analyzed. The mathematical formulation for dispersion relation and growth rate has been done by using the method of characteristic solution and kinetic approach. This theoretical analysis has been done taking the data from the Cassini in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn in the extended region where ion cyclotron waves have been observed. The change in the growth of these waves due to the presence of Enceladus has been analyzed.  相似文献   

The existence of third and fourth harmonics of the lunar gravity potential gives rise to sizable lunar physical librations. Using one recent set of potential estimates, the following effects are noted: the mean sub-Earth point is displaced from the earthward principal moment of inertia axis by 168″; the inclination of the lunar equator to the ecliptic is decreased by 14″.5; and a six year period libration in longitude, with amplitude 13″.1, is induced.  相似文献   

We have established the exact expression for the gravitational potential of a homogeneous polar cell??an elementary pattern used in hydrodynamical simulations of gravitating discs. This formula, which is a closed-form, works for any opening angle and radial extension of the cell. It is valid at any point in space, i.e. in the plane of the distribution (inside and outside) as well as off-plane, thereby generalizing the results reported by Durand (Electrostatique. Vol. I. Les Distributions, 1953) for the circular disc. The three components of the gravitational acceleration are given. The mathematical demonstration proceeds from the incomplete version of Durand??s formula for the potential (based on complete elliptic integrals). We determine first the potential due to the circular sector (i.e. a pie-slice sheet), and then deduce that of the polar cell (from convenient radial scaling and subtraction). As a by-product, we generate an integral theorem stating that ??the angular average of the potential of any circular sector along its tangent circle is ${\frac{2}{\pi}}$ times the value at the corner??. A few examples are presented. For numerical resolutions and cell shapes commonly used in disc simulations, we quantify the importance of curvature effects by performing a direct comparison between the potential of the polar cell and that of the Cartesian (i.e. rectangular) cell having the same mass. Edge values are found to deviate roughly like ${2 \times 10^{-3}\times N/256}$ in relative (N is the number of grid points in the radial direction), while the agreement is typically four orders of magnitude better for values at the cell??s center. We also produce a reliable approximation for the potential, valid in the cell??s plane, inside and close to the cell. Its remarkable accuracy, about ${5\times 10^{-4}\times N/256}$ in relative, is sufficient to estimate the cell??s self-acceleration.  相似文献   

The main effects of tesseral harmonics of a gravity potential expansion on the motion of a satellite, are short period variations as well as long period variations due to resonances. However, other smaller long period and secular variations can arise from interactions between tesseral terms of the same order. The analytical integration of these effects is developed, using numerical evaluation of Kaula eccentricity and inclination functions. Examples for some Earth's geodetic satellites show that secular effects can reach a few decameters per year. The secular variations can even reach several hundred of meters per year for the Mars natural satellite Phobos.  相似文献   

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