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利用耦合Morrison 2-mon(MOR)双参数微物理方案的中尺度天气研究与预报模式(WRF)中的单气柱模式,对热带暖池国际云试验(TWP-ICE)期间的个例进行数值模拟。通过与观测资料和云分辨率模式的模拟结果进行对比,检验MOR方案对热带对流云系的微物理特征的模拟能力。模拟结果显示:MOR方案能够较好地模拟出热带云系中液相和冰相水凝物的垂直分布以及随时间的演变特征。地表向下长波辐射和大气顶向外长波辐射的量级和时间演变趋势同观测也非常接近。对与冰晶和雪有关的云微物理特征分析之后发现:季风活跃期,冰晶主要的源汇项有凝华增长过程、沉降过程、冰晶向雪的自动转化以及冰晶被雪碰并的过程。由于冰晶主体位于温度低于―20℃的高空,因而它对雨水的形成主要是间接贡献。同时期雪的主要源汇项中,凝华增长和沉降过程占据着主导地位。雪的凝华过程消耗了大量的水汽,可能抑制了冰晶的增长。另外雪的融化过程非常强盛,是产生降水的重要因子。季风抑制期,冰相的微物理过程变得相对简单且整体削弱,以凝华升华和沉降过程为主。凝华凝冻核的数浓度(Ndep)的气溶胶敏感性试验表明:季风抑制期,高空的冰晶云的宏观和微观性质对凝华凝冻核数浓度的响应情况呈现显著的线性特征。冰晶的含量随着Ndep的增加而增加,反之降低。该时期微物理过程主要同冰晶有关,水分的分配较为简单,Ndep增加时,高空冰云中小冰晶粒子数目增多且云顶升高,使得大气顶部向外长波辐射(OLR)值减小,反之冰云主体中冰晶有效半径增加,高空的冰云更加透明,云顶更低,对 OLR值增加起促进作用。而季风活跃期,微物理过程复杂,冰晶云的宏微观特征对Ndep的响应表现出一定的不规律特征。  相似文献   

辐射雾雾滴谱拓宽的微物理过程和宏观条件   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
为研究南京雾的物理化学过程,2006~2007年冬季,在南京信息工程大学(原南京气象学院)院内进行了雾的外场综合观测实验,共获得27次雾过程资料,其中有22次过程进行了全过程不间断的雾滴谱和湍流观测.根据雾滴谱分布特征可以将辐射雾分为宽谱辐射雾(都为强浓雾,最大直径大于40μm)和窄谱辐射雾(多为浓雾,最大直径小于22...  相似文献   

积层混合云结构和云微物理的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对三维非静力中尺度模式ARPS的云微物理方案进行了改进,利用改进后的模式模拟了华北地区的积层混合云降水个例,通过对模拟结果的分析并结合实况资料研究了积层混合云的降水特征、云物理结构特征和微物理过程。结果表明,积层混合云降水分布不均匀,雨区中存在多个强降水中心,云系中微物理量在水平和垂直方向上分布都不均匀,积云中的垂直液态水积分含量大大高于层云中含量,此次降水冰相过程占主导地位,霰的融化是最主要的雨生成项。  相似文献   

赵震  雷恒池 《大气科学》2008,32(2):323-234
利用MM5中增加的双参数显式云物理方案模拟了西北地区一次层状云降水过程,模拟结果显示对小雨的预报评分较高,对中雨以上评分低而且位置有一定偏差,即对层状云降水模拟效果较好。模式中增加了雷达反射率的计算,与延安站雷达RHI回波相比较,模拟的回波结构基本符合层状云回波特征,存在0℃层亮带。采用三层模型解释模拟的层状云降水形成机制和过程:第一层为冰晶区,无过冷水;第二层存在过冷水,为各种冰相粒子增长区,第一层和第二层的分界不固定;第三层和第二层的分界在0℃,为暖云。第一层对第二层播种冰晶,第二层为第一层播种下的冰晶供给过冷水,使冰晶快速增长;第二层对第三层播种雪和霰,使其在第三层融化成雨,第三层同时消耗云水。模拟给出了三层模型层状云场的空间结构,延安站不同时刻微物理量垂直分布和各种水凝物粒子的生成源项分析揭示了三层模型降水形成机制和主要微物理过程。三层模型可以完整和全面地解释层状云降水形成机制和过程。  相似文献   

将中国气象科学研究院(CAMS)混合双参数云微物理方案用于中尺度天气模式WRF,开展了对2013年超强台风天兔(1319)的模拟,通过与台风最佳路径、强度及热带降雨测量卫星(TRMM)资料对比,分析CAMS云微物理方案在模拟台风中的适用性及云微物理过程对模拟台风天兔的影响机制。设计了3组敏感性试验:修改雪粒子质量和落速系数(EXP1),采用海洋性云滴参数(EXP2),同时修改雪粒子质量和落速系数并采用海洋性云滴参数(EXP3)。结果表明:EXP1和EXP3由于霰碰并雪速率的增加及减小的雪下落通量,导致雪含量显著降低,同时也减少了整体冰相物的含量;EXP2和EXP3模拟的台风眼区对流有效位能快速减小,再现了前期台风的快速增强过程,路径偏差也最小;各试验模拟的小时降水率总体偏强,EXP3的降水空间分布与实况更接近,明显降低雪粒子含量,并一定程度上改善模拟的台风路径、强度及降水分布等。该结果不但可为改进适用于台风的云微物理参数化方案提供思路,也可加深云微物理过程对台风影响的认识。  相似文献   

强降水云物理过程的三维数值模拟研究   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:26  
利用改进的三维完全弹性强对流云模式,模拟了1998年7月21日晨发生在武汉附近的特大暴雨个例,结果显示,该模式模拟得到的降雨量与实测接近,计算得到的雷达回波强度最大值也与实际观测相一致,说明该模式对实际对流性强降水具有较好的模拟能力.在此基础上,通过冷云和暖云两种不同情况的比较分析,研究了云微物理过程在强降水形成过程中的作用.模拟结果表明,详细云物理过程的考虑对深入理解武汉这次强降水的形成过程是有意义的.该个例雨水的形成主要是暖雨过程,冰相微物理过程对该对流性强降水过程的发展和演变有重要的促进作用.在形成雨水的冷相过程中,霰的融化及其在0 ℃层下碰并云水形成雨水的过程是主要的.模式云在0 ℃层附近存在明显的雷达回波亮带,亮带中间含有强回波核和及地下挂回波.分析表明,这种强回波核和下挂回波的产生主要是由于冰相粒子在0 ℃层融化形成的,融化的冰相粒子与云滴碰并又加速雨水的产生.在这些融化的冰相粒子中,贡献最大的是霰粒.文中还分析了该强降水暴雨云维持长时间强降水的云物理机制.在低层大气温暖高湿和环境风切变有利条件下,倾斜上升气流和下沉气流之间的准稳态结构可能是暴雨强降水得以长时间维持的重要原因.  相似文献   

In this paper, the microphysical relationships of 8 dense fog events collected from a comprehensive fog observation campaign carried out at Pancheng(32.2 N, 118.7 E) in the Nanjing area, China in the winter of 2007 are investigated. Positive correlations are found among key microphysical properties(cloud droplet number concentration, droplet size, spectral standard deviation, and liquid water content) in each case, suggesting that the dominant processes in these fog events are likely droplet nucleation with subsequent condensational growth and/or droplet deactivation via complete evaporation of some droplets. The abrupt broadening of the fog droplet spectra indicates the occurrence of the collision-coalescence processes as well, although not dominating. The combined efects of the dominant processes and collision-coalescence on microphysical relationships are further analyzed by dividing the dataset according to visibility or autoconversion threshold in each case. The result shows that the specific relationships of number concentration to volume-mean radius and spectral standard deviation depend on the competition between the compensation of small droplets due to nucleation-condensation and the loss of small droplets due to collision-coalescence. Generally, positive correlations are found for diferent visibility or autoconversion threshold ranges in most cases, although negative correlations sometimes appear with lower visibility or larger autoconversion threshold. Therefore, the compensation of small droplets is generally stronger than the loss, which is likely related to the sufcient fog condensation nuclei in this polluted area.  相似文献   

Improvements to the Kessler-type parameterization of warm cloud microphysical conversion processes (also called autoconversion) are proposed based on a large number of CloudSat observations between Jun...  相似文献   

本文是祁连山夏季地形云结构和微物理过程模拟的第II部分。文中利用第I部分中祁连山夏季两个地形云降水个例的模拟结果,详细分析了地形云及其降水发展期间云微物理过程的特征及变化,并通过与平坦地面条件下模拟结果的对比,研究了云发展过程中的地形影响。研究表明,地形云中微物理过程的发展受地形影响很大,冰相微物理过程明显增强;地形影响下云的主要降水机制也受到影响甚至被改变。  相似文献   

周志敏  崔春光  胡扬  康兆萍 《大气科学》2021,45(6):1292-1312
梅雨锋暴雨中的云微物理过程对降水的演变有着重要影响。本文通过WRF模式(3.4.1版本),针对2018年6月29~30日一次梅雨锋背景下的暴雨过程进行数值模拟,分别采用了Morrison、Thompson和MY云微物理参数化方案进行对比分析,结果发现:(1)三个方案模拟的背景场在天气尺度上,都与ERA5再分析资料一致,能够模拟出有利于强降水发生的环流场。云微物理过程对梅雨期暴雨的局地环流有着显著影响,不同方案存在明显差异,本次过程中,Thompson方案模拟出更强的局地环流系统变率和上升气流。三个方案的模拟降水均有所夸大,小时降水率始终大于观测值。冰相粒子融化或雨滴搜集云滴的高估可能是造成降水模拟值偏强的重要原因之一,总体来看,Morrison方案的模拟效果相对最优。(2)冰相粒子融化、雨滴搜集云滴是雨滴增长的关键源项,蒸发则是其最重要的汇项。总的来说,雨滴对云滴的搜集量大于冰相粒子融化。但上述过程在不同方案中存在空间上的差异,从而使得模拟降水的空间分布存在差异。(3)Thompson方案中,冰相粒子融化量最大,雨滴蒸发项显著大于其它两个方案,在底层表现得最为明显。同时,该方案水汽凝结效应最强,使得雨滴搜集更多云滴。该方案模拟的雨滴最多,降水最强。该方案中凝华的主要产物为雪,且其在与过冷水碰并增长过程中占主导地位,故模拟的雪最多。(4)Morrison方案中,水汽主要凝华为雪和少量霰(冰晶忽略不计);Thompson方案中水汽基本凝华为雪,其它冰相粒子极少;MY方案中,水汽主要凝华为雪和冰晶,冰晶总量略少于雪,但显著大于其它方案。(5)云滴在凇附过程中的总体贡献大于雨滴。Morrison和MY方案中,霰粒子搜集云滴增长的量均最大。Morrison方案中,其它凇附过程不同程度发挥作用,而MY方案中,其它凇附过程几乎可忽略不计。并且,霰粒子搜集云滴的增长量大于凝华过程产生的雪粒子总量。贝吉龙及凇附效应的差异,是不同方案中冰相粒子分布差异的关键原因之一。  相似文献   

一次南海海雾微物理结构个例分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
本文利用2010年3月22~23日广东省湛江市一次海雾过程的雾滴谱和能见度资料,分析了海雾的微物理特征及微物理参量(数浓度、液态含水量和平均直径)之间的相关性,并讨论了影响海雾的主要物理过程。结果表明:湛江地区海雾的平均雾滴谱符合Junge分布;在海雾发展和成熟阶段,雾滴谱拓宽过程以及数浓度与平均直径的正相关关系表明本次海雾过程主要以雾滴活化和凝结增长过程为主;湍流过程的参与使得雾滴混合均匀,雾滴平均直径向3.5 μm附近集中,趋向平均化。同时湍流使雾体内部和外部空气交流,外部空气的凝结核核化,数浓度升高,凝结增长造成小雾滴变大。  相似文献   

An extraordinary rainstorm that occurred in Beijing on 21 July 2012 was simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. The results showed that:(1) The two precipitation phases were based on a combination of cold cloud processes and warm cloud processes. The accumulated conversion amount and conversion rate of microphysical processes in the warm-area phase were all much larger than those in the cold front phase.(2) 72.6% of rainwater was from the warm-area phase. Rainwater mainly came from the melting of graupel and the melting of snow, while the accretion of cloud water by rain ranked second.(3) The net heating rate with height appeared as an overall warming with two strong heating centers in the lower and middle layers of the troposphere and a minimum heating center around the melting layer. The net heating effect in the warm-area phase was stronger than that in the cold front phase.(4) Warm cloud processes contributed most to latent heat release, and the thermal effect of cold cloud processes on the storm in the cold front phase was enhanced compared to that in the warm-area phase.(5) The melting of graupel and snow contributed most to latent heat absorption, and the effect of the evaporation of rainwater was significantly reduced in the cold front phase.  相似文献   

王庆  李季  樊明月  王洪 《气象》2019,45(9):1299-1309
受静稳天气影响,2017年1月3—6日我国华北、黄淮、长江中下游以及华南等中东部地区出现了大范围的持续性大雾天气,其中济南70 m以下的低能见度天气持续了6 h之久,最低能见度只有51 m。利用布设在山东省气象局院内的FM-120雾滴谱仪观测的微物理资料、自动气象站加密观测等资料,分析了此次浓雾天气过程的微物理结构,讨论了雾在4次"发展—减弱"过程中的主要特征,研究了雾在不同发展阶段以及爆发性增强期间的演变规律,探讨了雾的成因以及爆发性增强的原因。  相似文献   

沪宁地区辐射雾的微物理结构及其演变   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
1996年12月27 ̄31日沪宁地区连续5天出现了浓雾天气。利用三用滴谱仪和ADAS对辐射雾的微物理结构及温、压、湿、风等要素的垂直分布进行了探测。通过对这些观测资料的分析,揭示了该地区辐射雾的微牧师结构特征及其演变过程。结果表明:雾的微物理结构与大气污染程度紧密相关,逆温层的长时间存在可以影响雾的微物理结构。此外,还观测到含水量、谱宽等存在周期为20 ̄30分钟的振荡现象。  相似文献   

王斌  石燕  吴涛  陈宝君 《湖北气象》2008,27(1):9-16
为了深入研究对流云降水微物理过程特征,为局地对流降水预报和人工增雨提供更多的参考依据,利用三维双参数对流云模式,使用常规单站探空资料,开展湖北两北部山地夏季对流降水实例的批量数值模拟,使用地面降水量和雷达回波资料检验模拟效果,统计分析降水微物理过程特征,归纳总结冰相粒子的形成、增长机制,以及液念水和冰相粒子的相互转化机制。结果表明:(1)对流云模式能够较好地模拟实际对流降水的一些宏观微观特征;(2)当地夏季主要是对流冷云降水,冰相过程是形成降雨的主要物理过程;(3)冰相过程巾过冷水、霰、冰晶之间的相互转化过程是主要的冷云降水形成机制。  相似文献   

The representation of a neutral atmospheric flow over roughness elements simulating a vegetation canopy is compared between two large-eddy simulation models, wind-tunnel data and recently updated empirical flux-gradient relationships. Special attention is devoted to the dynamics in the roughness sublayer above the canopy layer, where turbulence is most intense. By demonstrating that the flow properties are consistent across these different approaches, confidence in the individual independent representations is bolstered. Systematic sensitivity analyses with the Dutch Atmospheric Large-Eddy Simulation model show that the transition in the one-sided plant-area density from the canopy layer to unobstructed air potentially alters the flow in the canopy and roughness sublayer. Anomalously induced fluctuations can be fully suppressed by spreading the transition over four steps. Finer vertical resolutions only serve to reduce the magnitude of these fluctuations, but do not prevent them. To capture the general dynamics of the flow, a resolution of 10 % of the canopy height is found to suffice, while a finer resolution still improves the representation of the turbulent kinetic energy. Finally, quadrant analyses indicate that momentum transport is dominated by the mean velocity components within each quadrant. Consequently, a mass-flux approach can be applied to represent the momentum flux.  相似文献   

The effect of sub-tree forest heterogeneity in the flow past a clearing is investigated by means of large-eddy simulation (LES). For this purpose, a detailed representation of the canopy has been acquired by terrestrial laser scanning for a patch of approximately 190 m length in the field site “Tharandter Wald”, near the city of Dresden, Germany. The scanning data are used to produce a high resolution plant area distribution (PAD) that is averaged over approximately one tree height (30 m) along the transverse direction, in order to simplify the LES study. Despite the smoothing involved with this procedure, the resulting two-dimensional PAD maintains a rich vertical and horizontal structure. For the LES study, the PAD is embedded in a larger domain covered with an idealized, horizontally homogeneous canopy. Simulations are performed for neutral conditions and compared to a LES with homogeneous PAD and recent field measurements. The results reveal a considerable influence of small-scale plant distribution on the mean velocity field as well as on turbulence data. Particularly near the edges of the clearing, where canopy structure is highly variable, usage of a realistic PAD appears to be crucial for capturing the local flow structure. Inside the forest, local variations in plant density induce a complex pattern of upward and downward motions, which remain visible in the mean flow and make it difficult to identify the “adjustment zone” behind the windward edge of the clearing.  相似文献   

A generalized form of a recently developed minimum dissipation model for subfilter turbulent fluxes is proposed and implemented in the simulation of thermally stratified atmospheric boundary-layer flows. Compared with the original model, the generalized model includes the contribution of buoyant forces, in addition to shear, to the production or suppression of turbulence, with a number of desirable practical and theoretical properties. Specifically, the model has a low computational complexity, appropriately switches off in laminar and transitional flows, does not require any ad hoc shear and stability corrections, and is consistent with theoretical subfilter turbulent fluxes. The simulation results show remarkable agreement with well-established empirical correlations, theoretical predictions, and field observations in the atmosphere. In addition, the results show very little sensitivity to the grid resolution, demonstrating the robustness of the model in the simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer, even with relatively coarse resolutions.  相似文献   

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