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山谷城市大气边界层结构及输送能力 总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7
利用甘肃省—中国科学院科技合作项目“兰州市大气污染及对策研究”于2000年12月10~17日在兰州市城区用系留气球观测的大气边界层风速、风向、温度、湿度资料以及同期自动气象站观测资料和常规气象站辐射观测资料等,分析了山谷城市边界层大气的风速、温度、湿度结构特征,揭示了兰州市上空日夜维持的大气逆温的结构特征及其强度和分布特征的动态规律。提出了形成兰州山谷这种特殊大气逆温层的各种客观环境因素。最后还给出了在兰州市目前的小气候和地理环境条件下边界层大气的总体稳定度和Froude数的特征,由此初步定性讨论了兰州市大气边界层湍流运动和水平平流运动这两种主要输送形式的输送能力。 相似文献
Based on the prognostic equations of mixed-layer theory assuming a zeroth order jump at the entrainment zone, analytical solutions for the boundary-layer height evolution are derived with different degrees of accuracy. First, an exact implicit expression for the boundary-layer height for a situation without moisture is analytically derived without assuming any additional relationships or specific initial conditions. It is shown that to expand the solution to include moisture, only minor approximations have to be made. Second, for relatively large boundary-layer heights, the implicit representation is simplified to an explicit function. Third, a hybrid expression is proposed as a reasonable representation for the boundary-layer height evolution during the entire day. Subsequently, the analysis is extended to present the evolution of any boundary-layer averaged scalar, either inert or under idealized chemistry, as an analytical function of time and boundary-layer height. Finally, the analytical solutions are evaluated. This evaluation includes a sensitivity analysis of the boundary-layer height for the entrainment ratio, the free tropospheric lapse rate of the potential temperature, the time-integrated surface flux and the initial boundary-layer height and potential temperature jump. 相似文献
Large-eddy simulation has become an important tool for the study of the atmospheric boundary layer. However, since large-eddy
simulation does not simulate small scales, which do interact to some degree with large scales, and does not explicitly resolve
the viscous sublayer, it is reasonable to ask if these limitations affect significantly the ability of large-eddy simulation
to simulate large-scale coherent structures. This issue is investigated here through the analysis of simulated coherent structures
with the proper orthogonal decomposition technique. We compare large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer with
direct numerical simulation of channel flow. Despite the differences of the two flow types it is expected that the atmospheric
boundary layer should exhibit similar structures as those in the channel flow, since these large-scale coherent structures
arise from the same primary instability generated by the interaction of the mean flow with the wall surface in both flows.
It is shown here that several important similarities are present in the two simulations: (i) coherent structures in the spanwise-vertical
plane consist of a strong ejection between a pair of counter-rotating vortices; (ii) each vortex in the pair is inclined from
the wall in the spanwise direction with a tilt angle of approximately 45°; (iii) the vortex pair curves up in the streamwise
direction. Overall, this comparison adds further confidence in the ability of large-eddy simulation to produce large-scale
structures even when wall models are used. Truncated reconstruction of instantaneous turbulent fields is carried out, testing
the ability of the proper orthogonal decomposition technique to approximate the original turbulent field with only a few of
the most important eigenmodes. It is observed that the proper orthogonal decomposition reconstructs the turbulent kinetic
energy more efficiently than the vorticity. 相似文献
《Journal of Meteorological Research》2020,(3):482-498
Atmospheric boundary layer height(ABLH) is an important parameter used to depict characteristics of the planetary boundary layer(PBL) in the lower troposphere. The ABLH is strongly associated with the vertical distributions of heat, mass, and energy in the PBL, and it is a key quantity in numerical simulation of the PBL and plays an essential role in atmospheric environmental assessment. In this paper, various definitions and methods for deriving and estimating the ABLH are summarized, from the perspectives of turbulent motion, PBL dynamics and thermodynamics, and distributions of various substances in the PBL. Different methods for determining the ABLH by means of direct observation and remote sensing retrieval are reviewed, and comparisons of the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are presented. The paper also summarizes the ABLH parameterization schemes, discusses current problems in the estimation of ABLH, and finally points out the directions for possible future breakthroughs in the ABLHrelated research and application. 相似文献
A smoke visualization experiment has beenperformed in the first 3,m ofneutral and unstable atmospheric boundary layersat very large Reynolds number(Re > 106). Under neutral atmosphericconditions mean wind profiles agreewell with those in the canonical flatplate zero-pressure-gradient turbulentboundary layer. The experiment was designedto minimize the temperaturedifference between the passive marker (smoke)and the air to ensure that anyobserved structures were due to vortical, ratherthan buoyant, motions. Imagesacquired in the streamwise–wall-normal planeusing a planar laser light-sheetare strikingly similar to those observed inlaboratory experiments at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. They reveal large-scaleramp-like structures withdownstream inclination of 3°–35°.This inclination isinterpreted as the hairpin packet growthangle following the hairpin vortexpacket model ofAdrian, Meinhart, and Tomkins.The distribution of this characteristicangle agrees with the results of experiments at far lower Reynolds numbers,suggesting a similarity in structures among low, moderate, and high Reynoldsnumber boundary layers at vastly different scales. These results indicate thatthe hairpin vortex packet model extends over a large range of scales. Theeffect of vertical heat transport in an unstable atmosphere on wall structuresis investigated in terms of the hairpin vortex packet model. 相似文献
The Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over Baltic Sea Ice 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A new parametrization for the surface energy balance of urban areas is presented. It is shown that this new method can represent some of the important urban phenomena, such as an urban heat island and the occurrence of a near-neutral nocturnal boundary layer with associated positive turbulent heat fluxes, unlike the traditional method for representing urban areas within operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. The basis of the new parametrization is simple and can be applied easily within an operational NWP model. Also, it has no additional computational expense compared to the traditional scheme and is hence applicable for operational forecasting requirements. The results show that the errors for London within the Met Office operational mesoscale model have been significantly reduced since the new scheme was introduced. The bias and root-mean-square (rms) errors have been approximately halved, with the rms error now similar to the model as a whole. The results also show that a seasonal cycle still exists in the model errors, but it is suggested that this may be caused by anthropogenic heat sources that are neglected in the urban scheme.The British Crowns right to retain a non-exclusive royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged. 相似文献
Boundary-layer measurements from the Brunt Ice Shelf, Antarctica are analyzed to determine flux–profile relationships. Dimensionless quantities are derived in the standard approach from estimates of wind shear, potential temperature gradient, Richardson number, eddy diffusivities for momentum and heat, Prandtl number, mixing length and turbulent kinetic energy. Nieuwstadt local scaling theory for the stable atmospheric boundary-layer appears to work well departing only slightly from expressions found in mid-latitudes. An $E$ E – $l_{\mathrm{m}}$ l m single-column model of the stable boundary layer is implemented based on local scaling arguments. Simulations based on the first GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Study case study are validated against ensemble-averaged profiles for various stability classes. A stability-dependent function of the dimensionless turbulent kinetic energy allows a better fit to the ensemble profiles. 相似文献
Geophysical boundary-layer flows feature complex dynamics that often evolve with time; however, most current knowledge centres on the steady-state problem. In these atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers, the pressure gradient, buoyancy, Coriolis, and frictional forces interact to determine the statistical moments of the flow. The resulting equations for the non-stationary mean variables, even when succinctly closed, remain challenging to handle mathematically. Here, we derive a simpler physical model that reduces these governing unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes partial differential equations into a single first-order ordinary differential equation with non-constant coefficients. The reduced model is straightforward to solve under arbitrary forcing, even when the statistical moments are non-stationary and the viscosity varies in time and space. The model is successfully validated against large-eddy simulation for, (1) time-variable pressure gradients, and (2) linearly time-variable buoyancy. The new model is shown to have a superior performance compared to the classic Blackadar solutions (and later improvements on these solutions), and it covers a much wider range of conditions. 相似文献
In recent years field experiments have been undertaken in the lower atmosphere to perform a priori tests of subgrid-scale
(SGS) models for large-eddy simulations (LES). The experimental arrangements and data collected have facilitated studies of
variables such as the filtered strain rate, SGS stress and dissipation, and the eddy viscosity coefficient. However, the experimental
set-ups did not permit analysis of the divergence of the SGS stress (the SGS force vector), which is the term that enters
directly in the LES momentum balance equations. Data from a field experiment (SGS2002) in the west desert of Utah, allows
the calculation of the SGS force due to the unique 4 × 4 sonic anemometer array. The vector alignment of the SGS force is
investigated under a range of atmospheric stabilities. The eddy viscosity model is likely aligned with the measured SGS force
under near-neutral and unstable conditions, while its performance is unsatisfactory under stable conditions. 相似文献
A scale-similarity model to estimate the subfilter-scale energy using the trace of the Leonard stress tensor is proposed and evaluated for large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The model is derived from a stability-dependent model of the energy spectrum in the ABL, which accounts for the effects of buoyancy and mean shear as a function of z/L, the Monin–Obukhov stability variable. An a priori test using ABL turbulence data demonstrates that the model has accurate performance for dimensionless filter widths of Δ/z = 2, 1, and 0.5 for stabilities of −1 ≤ z/L ≤ 0.5, and improves considerably upon a similar model that is derived using an infinite κ −5/3 spectrum. This improvement is especially significant in the first several grid points near the surface in large-eddy simulations of the ABL, where Δ/z is necessarily large. The modelling procedure is then extended to develop a similarity model for the subfilter-scale scalar variance; it is shown to have robust performance for temperature. 相似文献
The probability density functions (pdf’s) of the wind increments are measured under different weather conditions in the atmospheric
boundary layer, including the extreme weather of a typhoon and sand storm. It is found that in each case the measured pdf’s
with respect to different time lags coincide by suitable scaling transformation. This property is similar to that of the stable
distributions. However, fitting results show that the tails of the stable distributions are generally heavier than that of
the measured ones. Beside, the stable distributions (except for the Gaussian distribution) have infinite variance, which implies
infinite average kinetic energy. In fact, it can be proved that if the tails of the pdf’s are heavy enough, the variance will
be infinite. Therefore, the tail-truncated stable distributions with finite variances are introduced to fit the data and the
fitting results are excellent. 相似文献
Semi-idealized model simulations are made of the nocturnal cold-air pool development in the approximately 1-km wide and 100–200-m deep Grünloch basin, Austria. The simulations show qualitatively good agreement with vertical temperature and wind profiles and surface measurements collected during a meteorological field expedition. A two-layer stable atmosphere forms in the basin, with a very strong inversion in the lowest part, below the approximate height of the lowest gap in the surrounding orography. The upper part of the stable layer is less strongly stratified and extends to the approximate height of the second-lowest gap. The basin atmosphere cools most strongly during the first few hours of the night, after which temperatures decrease only slowly. An outflow of air forms through the lowest gap in the surrounding orography. The outflow connects with a weak inflow of air through a gap on the opposite sidewall, forming a vertically and horizontally confined jet over the basin. Basin cooling shows strong sensitivity to surface-layer characteristics, highlighting the large impact of variations in vegetation and soil cover on cold-air pool development, as well as the importance of surface-layer parametrization in numerical simulations of cold-air-pool development. 相似文献
Mitsuaki Horiguchi Taiichi Hayashi Hiroyuki Hashiguchi Yoshiki Ito Hiromasa Ueda 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2010,136(1):25-44
Turbulence structures of high Reynolds number flow in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) are investigated based
on observations at Shionomisaki and Shigaraki, Japan. A Doppler sodar measured the vertical profiles of winds in the ABL.
Using the integral wavelet transform for the time series of surface wind data, the pattern of a descending high-speed structure
with large vertical extent (from the surface to more than 200-m level) is depicted from the Doppler sodar data. Essentially
this structure is a specific type of coherent structure that has been previously shown in experiments on turbulent boundary-layer
flows. Large-scale high-speed structures in the ABL are extracted using a long time scale (240 s) for the wavelet transform.
The non-dimensional interval of time between structures is evaluated as 3.0–6.2 in most cases. These structures make a large
contribution to downward momentum transfer in the surface layer. Quadrant analyses of the turbulent motion measured by the
sonic anemometer (20-m height) suggest that the sweep motion (high-speed downward motion) plays a substantial role in the
downward momentum transfer. In general, the contribution of sweep motions to the momentum flux is nearly equal to that of
ejection motions (low-speed upward motions). This contribution of sweep motions is related to the large-scale high-speed structures. 相似文献
J. D. Wilson 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2012,145(1):165-184
This paper explores the utility of specifying the eddy viscosity for the horizontally uniform boundary layer as the product of the variance of vertical velocity and an empirical time scale τ w , as opposed to the more usual formulation where k is the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), λ k is a length scale and α is a dimensionless coefficient. Simulations were compared with the observations on Day 33 of the Wangara experiment, and with a plausible specification of τ w (or λ k ) each model simulated convective boundary-layer development reasonably well, although the closure produced a more realistic width for the entrainment layer. Under the light winds of Day 33, and with the onset of evening cooling, an excessively shallow and strongly-stratified nocturnal inversion developed, and limited its own further deepening. Boundary-layer models that neglect radiative heat transport and parametrize convective transport by eddy viscosity closure are prone to this runaway (unstable) feedback when forced by a negative (i.e. downward) surface flux of sensible heat. 相似文献
Single-Column Model Intercomparison for a Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer 总被引:2,自引:15,他引:2
J. Cuxart A. A. M. Holtslag R. J. Beare E. Bazile A. Beljaars A. Cheng L. Conangla M. Ek F. Freedman R. Hamdi A. Kerstein H. Kitagawa G. Lenderink D. Lewellen J. Mailhot T. Mauritsen V. Perov G. Schayes G-J. Steeneveld G. Svensson P. Taylor W. Weng S. Wunsch K-M. Xu 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2006,118(2):273-303
The parameterization of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer is a difficult issue, having a significant impact on medium-range weather forecasts and climate integrations. To pursue this further, a moderately stratified Arctic case is simulated by nineteen single-column turbulence schemes. Statistics from a large-eddy simulation intercomparison made for the same case by eleven different models are used as a guiding reference. The single-column parameterizations include research and operational schemes from major forecast and climate research centres. Results from first-order schemes, a large number of turbulence kinetic energy closures, and other models were used. There is a large spread in the results; in general, the operational schemes mix over a deeper layer than the research schemes, and the turbulence kinetic energy and other higher-order closures give results closer to the statistics obtained from the large-eddy simulations. The sensitivities of the schemes to the parameters of their turbulence closures are partially explored. 相似文献
William H. Snyder Robert E. Lawson Jr. Michael S. Shipman Jie Lu 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2002,102(3):335-366
A laboratory convection tank has been established following thepioneering work of Willis and Deardorff, but with many improvements and enhancements thattake advantage of modern technology. The main emphasis in the current design was toprovide the ability to conduct a virtually unlimited number of realizations under essentiallyidentical conditions in order to obtain reliable statistics on the dispersion of plumes and puffsreleased within the simulated atmospheric convective boundary layer. Described herein is the tankitself and its auxiliary systems, including a laser-induced-fluorescence and video-imaging system for makingnon-intrusive, full-field measurements of concentrations, and the interfacing of varioussubsystems with a master controller that automates essentially all operation and measurement functions.The current system provides unprecedented resolution, control, and data volumes. Exampleresults are presented from two types of releases: continuous plumes and instantaneous puffs.These data sets clearly show penetration of the highly buoyant plumes and puffs into theinversion above the convective boundary layer, gravity spreading within the inversion, andrapid diffusion within the mixed layer. They also show extreme `spottiness' in the instantaneousconcentration cross-sections. 相似文献