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华北克拉通岩石圈三维密度结构   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
显生宙以来华北克拉通岩石圈遭到破坏,这一现象的科学问题已受到世界地学家广泛关注.本文首先将地震层析成像反演得到的P波速度扰动转化为密度扰动,以此作为初始密度模型,然后利用布格重力异常反演得到了华北克拉通岩石圈高分辨三维密度结构.为了避开大型稀疏矩阵求逆计算,提高计算效率,我们将代数重构技术用于密度反演解算.反演结果表明:华北克拉通岩石圈密度在横向和纵向上均存在明显的不均匀性,密度分布形态与地表构造格局有很好的相关性;研究区地壳整体表现为低密度异常,地壳以下岩石圈部分则以高密度异常为主;鄂尔多斯块体地壳范围内以低密度异常为主,80~120 km深度上为呈南北两端集中分布的高密度异常,并分别与秦岭造山带和阴山造山带的高密度异常分布相连,这暗示了鄂尔多斯块体可能受到了来自其南北两端造山带深部动力学过程的影响;80~120 km深度上,华北克拉通东部地区呈现出显著的南北向非均匀的高密度异常,这表明遭到破坏后该地区上地幔物质分布具有强烈的南北向非均匀性.  相似文献   

The multi-episodic tectonic activities from the Precambrian to Cenozoic, including nucleus formation, cratonic amalgamation, and rejuvenation, make the North China Craton (NCC) an ideal natural laboratory for studying craton evolution. Spatial change in the upper deformation records is an important aspect for understanding cratonic formation and rejuvenation. In this study, we performed seismic shear wave splitting analysis using SKS phases from 50 portable stations. Two different methodologies, shear wave splitting measurement and amplitude analysis of transverse/radial components, produced mutually consistent splitting results. These results showed that the seismic anisotropy beneath the Ordos Block can be divided into three subgroups reflecting the tectonic control. Combining these results with those from previous splitting studies in the eastern NCC, we suggest that the Proterozoic amalgamation generated the seismic anisotropy in the boundary zone between the Ordos Block and the Trans-North China Orogen, while the anisotropy in the eastern Trans-North China Orogen and eastern NCC were possibly associated with the lithospheric rejuvenation during the Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic.  相似文献   

杨峰  黄金莉  杨挺 《地球物理学报》2010,53(8):1806-1816
本文选用首都圈数字地震台网2003年9月~2005年12月记录的300多个远震事件的波形资料,采用分频带多道互相关方法得到三个不同频段的P波相对走时数据共18499个,计算了每个频段的走时灵敏度核,应用有限频率层析成像反演得到首都圈地区的上地幔三维P波速度结构模型.利用检测板估计了反演结果的分辨率,并与射线层析成像方法的结果进行了比较,说明了反演结果的可靠性.研究结果表明,各构造单元具有明显不同的速度结构特征,其差异可到150 km深:燕山隆起区表现高速;太行山隆起区整体以低速为主并存在小范围高速块体;华北盆地、渤海湾下浅层上地幔中存在大范围的强低速异常,其顶面在50~70 km,可视为软流圈顶面的埋深,这一结果说明华北盆地、渤海湾下岩石圈明显减薄;张家口—蓬莱断裂带是上地幔浅部速度结构的变异带,也是岩石圈减薄的边界带,区内大部分强震都发生在该构造带上,由此看来该带上强震的发生不仅与地壳结构的不均匀性有关,还可能有较深的构造背景.  相似文献   

The prevailing academic view regards mantle flow and the metasomatism triggered by the subduction of the Pacific plate as the cause and mechanism for the destruction of the North China Craton (NCC). However, the geodynamic destruction process remains ambiguous, necessitating detailed information at this stage. Combining the structural images obtained by the exploration of dense seismic arrays and the geodynamic simulations inspired by numerical modeling, this paper arrives at the following conclusions: the spatial variation of the P- and S-wave velocities, as well as their velocity ratio in the mantle transition zone, are key evidences of the nonuniform dehydration of the Pacific plate, the subducted plate induces hot upwellings in the mantle transition zone (MTZ), resulting in the heterogeneous distribution of the melt/fluid beneath the craton, characterized by small scale anomalies in the seismic velocity field, and as revealed by dense seismic array observation, the heterogeneities in the upper mantle structure and deformation are the synthetic results of lithospheric strain localization and the heterogeneous distribution of the melt/fluid. It is known that the nonuniform dehydration of the Pacific slab and the heterogeneous distribution of the melt/fluid have occured in the Cenozoic. If these scenarios could have already occurred in the Early Cretaceous, their interaction with the NCC lithosphere would be the dynamic mechanism for the heterogeneous lithospheric destruction of the NCC. The inference in this study is significant for further reconciling the multidisciplinary evidences in the NCC.  相似文献   

利用文登—阿拉善左旗长观测距地震宽角反射/折射剖面东段资料,辩识出4组地壳震相和3组地幔盖层震相.采用二维射线追踪走时反演和正演拟合交替计算方法,得到了包括鲁东隆起和华北裂陷盆地在内的地壳和地幔盖层二维速度结构.研究结果表明:华北裂陷盆地基底深达6km以上,研究区壳内界面C1埋深约15km,C2界面深约25km,Moho面平均埋深约35km.上地壳速度6.0~6.1km·s-1,且横向变化较大;中地壳速度相对均匀约为6.2~6.4km·s-1;下地壳速度为6.5~7.0km·s-1,速度梯度较大.地壳平均速度与隆起和坳陷构造相关.研究区岩石圈底界面一般为75~80km,西端接近太行隆起构造时深至90km左右,向西呈明显加深趋势,地壳厚度呈现相同的增厚特征.地幔盖层上部速度8.0~8.2km·s-1,具明显正梯度特征.岩石圈平均速度在郯庐断裂带附近显著偏低.PmP和PLP震相存在不同程度的复杂性,意味着在本地区Moho界面和岩石圈界面有较为复杂的结构,可能具有一定厚度或过渡带性质.结合其他研究结果认为,地幔盖层和下地壳速度梯度、界面性质差异与华北克拉通破坏相关,意味着破坏是一个渐变、缓慢和不均匀的过程.郯庐断裂带附近的低速应是其为软弱带的证据.  相似文献   

The mechanism of lithospheric removal and destruction of the North China Craton(NCC)has been hotly debated for decades.It is now generally accepted that the subduction of the(Paleo)-Pacific plate played an important role in this process.However,how the plate subduction contributed to the craton destruction remains unclear.Here we report high oxygen fugacity(fO2)characteristics of the Yunmengshan granite,e.g.,hematitemagnetite intergrowth supported by zircon Ce^4+/Ce^3+ratios and apatite Mn oxygen fugacity indicator.High fO2 magmas are widely discovered in Late Mesozoic(160-130 Ma)adakitic rocks in central NCC.The origin of high fO2 magma is likely related to the input of the"oxidized mantle components",which shows a dose connection between plate subduction and destruction of the craton.The research area is^1500 km away from the current Pacific subduction zone.Considering the back-arc extension of Japan Sea since the Cretaceous,this distance may be shortened to^800 km,which is still too far for normal plate subduction.Ridge subduction is the best candidate that was responsible for the large scale magmatism and the destruction of the NCC.Massive slab-derived fluids and/or melts were liberated into an overlying mantle wedge and modified the lithospheric mantle.Rollback of the subducting plate induced the large-scale upwelling of asthenospheric mantle and triggered the formation of extensive high fO2 intraplate magmas.  相似文献   

The Archean mantle lithosphere beneath the North China Craton(NCC) was transformed in the Mesozoic, leading to the craton destruction. Despite the significant breakthroughs in the craton studies, lithospheric transformation mechanisms are yet to be fully understood. Compositional variations of mantle-derived rocks and xenoliths provide insights into the nature of the mantle lithosphere before and after the craton destruction. The Paleozoic lithosphere of the NCC is ~200 km thick. It has a refractory mantle with an evolved isotopic signature. The Mesozoic mantle lithosphere was relatively fertile and highly heterogeneous. In the Cenozoic, the lithosphere in the eastern NCC is about 60–80 km thick. It has an oceanic-type mantle that is fertile in composition and depleted in the Sr-Nd isotopic signature. The Central Zone lithosphere is 100 km thick and has a double-layer mantle with an old upper layer and a new lower layer. The Western Block has a lithosphere of ~200 km thick. The lithospheric mantle beneath the southern and northern margins and eastern part of the NCC has been transformed significantly by peridotite-melt reactions due to the multiple subductions of adjacent plates since the Paleozoic. Paleo-Pacific subduction and the associated dynamic processes significantly alter the lithosphere based on the distribution of craton destruction. The involved mechanisms include mechanical intrusion of subduction plates, melt/fluid erosion, and local delamination. The lithospheric thinning of ~120 km is relevant to the continental extension caused by subduction plate rollback and trench retreat.  相似文献   

While a general concensus has recently been reached as to the causal relationship between the subduction of the west Pacific plate and the destruction of the North China Craton, a number of important questions remain to answer, including the initial subduction of west Pacific plate beneath the eastern Asian continent, the position of west Pacific subduction zone during the peak period of decratonization(i.e., Early Cretaceous), the formation age of the big mantle wedge under eastern Asia, and the fate of the subducted Pacific slab. Integration of available data suggests that the subduction of the western Pacific plate was initiated as early as Early Jurrasic and the subduction zone was situated to 2,200 km west of the present-day trench in the Early Creataceous, as a result of eastward migration of the Asian continent over a distance of ca. 900 km since the Early Cretaceous.The retreat of the subducting west Pacific plate started ~145 Ma ago, corresponding to the initial formation of the big mantle wedge system in the Early Cretaceous. The subduction of the Pacific slab excerted severe influence on the North China Craton most likely through material and energy echange between the big mantle wedge and overlying cratonic lithosphere. The evolution history of the west Pacific plate was reconstructed based on tectonic events. This allows to propose that the causes of phases A and B for the Yanshanian orogeny were respectively related to rapid low-angle subduction and to lowering subduction angle of the west Pacific plate. At ca. 130–120 Ma, the subduction of the west Pacific plate was characterized by increasing subducting angle, slab rollback and rapid trench retreat, leading to the final stagnation of the subducting slab within the mantle transition zone. This process may have significantly affected the physical property and viscosity of the mantle wedge above the stagnant slab, resulting in non-steady mantle flows. The ingression of slab-released melts/fluids would significantly lower the viscosity of the mantle wedge and overlying lithosphere, inducing decratonization. This study yields important bearings on the relationship between the subduction of the west Pacific plate and the evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton.  相似文献   

Forty-two Cenozoic(mostly Miocene) basalt samples from Jining, Chifeng, Fansi, Xiyang, and Zuoquan areas of the North China Craton(the NCC basalts hereafter) were analyzed for platinum-group elements(PGE, including Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd). Most of them are alkaline basalts and tholeiites and all of them display little crustal contamination. The total PGE contents of the NCC basalts vary from 0.1 to 0.9 ppb, much lower than those of the primitive mantle values of 23.5 ppb. Primitive mantle-normalized PGE patterns of these basalts define positive slopes and Pd/Ir ratios vary from 1.2 to 25. In terms of both PGE contents and Pd/Ir ratios, they are quite similar to the mid-ocean ridge basalts. There are no obvious negative correlations between PGE vs. Mg O, Ni, and Cu in the NCC basalts, indicating that fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, and/or sulfides during magmatic process cannot be the controlling factor for the observed PGE variation. The observed Pd/Ir variations of the NCC basalts require involvement of non-chondritic heterogeneous mantle sources. Based on Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic systematics and incompatible-element signatures, a mixing of partial melts from both asthenospheric peridotites and enclosed mantle eclogites at the top of asthenosphere was proposed for the origin of these NCC basalts. The lenses of eclogites are derived from upwelling of recycled continental crust during the westward subduction of the Pacific plate from the ~600 km discontinuity zone. The PGE geochemistry of these basalts provides independent evidence to support this conclusion and the observed Pd/Ir variations may reflect variations in proportions of tapped peridotitic and eclogitic melts.  相似文献   

地震层析成像在华北克拉通地区的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了地震层析成像方法在华北克拉通地区的研究成果,探讨研究中存在的问题及其研究前景.近年来很多层析成像方法在该地区获得了高分辨率的地壳、上地幔的速度结构,为研究构造运动以及深部的动力学过程提供了线索与约束.许多研究针对发震构造以及华北克拉通破坏等科学问题做了深入的探讨.地震层析成像技术仍然面临很大的挑战.比如速度间断面...  相似文献   


收集华北克拉通地区188个宽频带流动台站观测资料进行处理.通过背景噪声面波数据和接收函数双重资料约束联合反演,得到了研究区沉积层厚度、地壳厚度及地壳S波速度结构.结果显示:(1)沉积盖层厚度与地质构造相对应,盆地区与隆起区分界明显.(2)研究区地壳厚度变化范围约29~46 km,自西向东逐渐变薄.(3)中、上地壳华北盆地S波速度偏高,可能与新生代以来多次沉降所造成的相对高的岩石强度有关;(4)下地壳S波速度显示研究区主要存在三个低速区,分别是唐山—天津周边、张北及太行山造山带地区;华北盆地存在显著高速异常,推测可能是由于华北盆地经历下地壳拆沉后,大规模的伸展作用相伴随的幔源基性铁镁质岩浆底侵至下地壳结晶所造成的.(5)多个发生过强震的区域表现出沉积层下方存在较大范围的(约10 km)高速体,并且高速体又被其下低S波速度包裹,壳内岩石强度的差异为应力积累及地震发生提供条件.


李明明  何玉梅 《地震学报》2011,33(2):143-155
运用瑞雷面波相速度频散曲线分析和反演得到了华北克拉通东北部边界及其邻近区域岩石圈的精细S波速度结构.利用11个地震事件、60个台站的瑞雷面波波形资料,得到了周期从25-150 S的相速度频散曲线,并且通过线性反演方法得到了深度从40-300 km的S波速度结构.结果表明,该研究区域S波速度存在强烈的不均匀性.从东南部的...  相似文献   

To study the mechanism of melt-peridotite reaction pertinent to the destruction of the North China Craton (NCC) lithosphere, a series of experiments were performed at a pressure of 2.0 GPa and temperatures from 1250 to 1400°C using Bixiling eclogite and Damaping peridotite as starting materials. The experimental results show that the reaction between eclogite melt and peridotite causes dissolution of olivine and orthopyroxene and precipitation of clinopyroxene in the melt. The experimental run products, cha...  相似文献   

上地幔过渡带的结构形态对于研究上覆岩石圈的构造环境有十分重要的意义。本文通过对横跨华北克拉通中东部的一条北西向的测线L上分布的35个宽频带台站记录的远震数据进行接收函数的计算和共转换点叠加成像,得到了测线下方上地幔过渡带的结构。成像结果表明:华北克拉通的三个陆块处于不同的构造环境,西部陆块较为稳定,中部造山带位于地幔对流较强的构造环境内,而东部陆块由于受到太平洋俯冲板块的影响,所处环境温度较低,说明中部造山带内的裂陷盆地在形成过程中,受到地幔对流作用的影响较大,而东部陆块内的新生代裂陷盆地在形成过程中,可能主要是受到右旋拉张力的作用,两者的形成主要动力或有不同。  相似文献   

20301 Pn arrival time data are collected from the seismological bulletins of both national and regional seismic networks. Pn travel time residuals are tomographically inverted for the Pn velocity structure of uppermost mantle beneath North China. The result indicates that the average Pn velocity in North China is 7.92 km/s, and the velocity varies laterally from ?0.21 to +0.29 km/s around the average. The approximately NNE trending high and low velocity regions arrange alternatively west-eastward. From west to east we can see high velocity in the middle Ordos region, the Shanxi graben low, the Jizhong depression high, the west Shandong uplift and Bohai Sea low, and the high velocity region to the east of the Tanlu fault. In the southern boundary zone of the North China block, except for the high velocity in the Qingling Mountains region, the velocity is generally lower than the average. Obvious velocity anisotropy is seen in the Datong Cenozoic volcanic region, with the fast velocity direction in NNE-SSW. Notable velocity anisotropy is also seen around the Bay of Bohai Sea, and the fast velocity directions seem to show a rotation pattern, possibly indicating a flow-like deformation in the uppermost mantle there. The Pn velocity variations show a reversed correlation with the Earth”s heat flow. The low Pn velocity regions generally show high heat flow, e.g., the Shanxi graben and Bohai Sea region. While the high Pn velocity regions usually manifest low heat flow, e.g., the region of Jizhong depression. This indicates that the Pn velocity variation in the study region is mainly aroused by the regional temperature difference in the uppermost mantle. Strong earthquakes in the crust tend to occur in the region with the abnormal low Pn velocity, or in the transition zone between high and low Pn velocity regions. The earthquakes in the low velocity region are shallower, while that in the transition zone are deeper.  相似文献   

20301 Pn arrival time data are collected from the seismological bulletins of both national and regional seismic networks. Pn travel time residuals are tomographically inverted for the Pn velocity structure of uppermost mantle beneath North China. The result indicates that the average Pn velocity in North China is 7.92 km/s, and the velocity varies laterally from ?0.21 to +0.29 km/s around the average. The approximately NNE trending high and low velocity regions arrange alternatively west-eastward. From west to east we can see high velocity in the middle Ordos region, the Shanxi graben low, the Jizhong depression high, the west Shandong uplift and Bohai Sea low, and the high velocity region to the east of the Tanlu fault. In the southern boundary zone of the North China block, except for the high velocity in the Qingling Mountains region, the velocity is generally lower than the average. Obvious velocity anisotropy is seen in the Datong Cenozoic volcanic region, with the fast velocity direction in NNE-SSW. Notable velocity anisotropy is also seen around the Bay of Bohai Sea, and the fast velocity directions seem to show a rotation pattern, possibly indicating a flow-like deformation in the uppermost mantle there. The Pn velocity variations show a reversed correlation with the Earth's heat flow. The low Pn velocity regions generally show high heat flow, e.g., the Shanxi graben and Bohai Sea region. While the high Pn velocity regions usually manifest low heat flow, e.g., the region of Jizhong depression. This indicates that the Pn velocity variation in the study region is mainly aroused by the regional temperature difference in the uppermost mantle. Strong earthquakes in the crust tend to occur in the region with the abnormal low Pn velocity, or in the transition zone between high and low Pn velocity regions. The earthquakes in the low velocity region are shallower, while that in the transition zone are deeper.  相似文献   


利用布设在华北克拉通地区的流动和固定地震台站记录到的地震波数据,使用基于程函方程的面波成像方法获得了整个华北克拉通地区瑞利波15~150 s周期的相速度,并反演了研究区S波速度结构.中长周期相速度结果显示,在上地幔及岩石圈深度范围内,燕山地区表现为高速特征,华北克拉通中部大同盆地及其以南地区、太行山等区域的低速体与华北盆地的低速体相连,呈现大面积的低速异常,低速体的速度值比青藏高原东北缘的速度值更低;S波速度显示鄂尔多斯岩石圈厚度较厚,克拉通中部和华北盆地岩石圈厚度相差不大,燕山地区岩石圈厚度要厚于华北盆地.本文认为华北克拉通岩石圈破坏存在分区性,克拉通中部和燕山地区均存在一定的克拉通破坏,但破坏程度不同,鄂尔多斯地块北部存在局部克拉通改造,但克拉通稳定性特征依然存在;破坏的主要动力学来源更可能是太平洋板块的西向俯冲.研究发现克拉通中部和东部的强震分布区与克拉通破坏区域重合,大部分强震发生在岩石圈强度边界上,分析认为岩石圈强度的差异是岩石圈强度边界上显示出较高的强震活动性的原因.


We investigate the mantle dynamics beneath the North China Craton (NCC) and surrounding regions based on a synthesis of recent P-wave mantle tomographic data down to depths of 600–800 km and their correlation with the surface geological features, with particular reference to the Paleoproterozoic tectonic events associated with the incorporation of the NCC within the Columbia supercontinent amalgam. From the tomographic images, we identify a hot corridor in the mantle transition zone beneath the central region of the Western Block of the NCC sandwiched between two cold corridors. This scenario is similar to the donut-shaped high-velocity anomaly surrounding a region of low-velocity anomaly in the lowermost mantle under the Pacific and suggests that the cold regions might represent slab graveyards which provide the fuel for the plumes rising from the center. A tomographic transect along the collisional suture of the NCC with the Columbia supercontinent, covering the Yinshan-Ordos Blocks in the Western Block through the Central Orogenic Belt and into the Eastern Block of the NCC reveals a ca. 250 km thick lithospheric keel below the Ordos Block defined by a prominent high-velocity anomaly. We identify slab break-off and asthenospheric upwelling in this region and suggest that this process probably initiated the thermal and material erosion of the tectosphere beneath the Eastern Block from the Paleoproterozoic, which was further intensified during the Mesozoic when a substantial part of the sub-continental mantle lithosphere was lost. We visualize heat input from asthenosphere and interaction between asthenosphere and overlying carbonated tectosphere releasing CO2-rich fluids for the preservation of ultra-high temperature (ca. 1000 °C) metamorphic rocks enriched in CO2 as well as high-pressure mafic granulites as a paired suite in this region. We also identify a hot swell of the asthenosphere rooted to more than 200 km depth and reaching up to the shallow mantle in the tomographic section along 35°N latitude at a depth of 800 km. This zone represents a cross-section through the southern part of the NCC. The surface distribution of Paleoproterozoic Xiong’er lavas and mafic dykes in this region would indicate that this region might have evidenced similar upwellings in the past. Our study has important implications in understanding the evolution of the NCC and suggests that the extensive modification of the mantle architecture and lithospheric structure beneath one of the fundamental Precambrian nuclei of Asia had a prolonged history probably dating from the Paleoproterozoic suturing of the NCC within the Columbia supercontinent amalgam.  相似文献   

It is well known that the destruction of the North China Carton(NCC) is closely related to subduction of the PaleoPacific slab, but materials recording such subduction has not been identified at the peak time of decratonization. This paper presents data of whole-rock major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes and zircon U-Pb ages and Hf-O isotopes for Mesozoic volcanic rocks from the Liaodong-Jinan region in the northeastern NCC, in order to trace the subduction-related materials in their source and origin. The Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the Liaodong-Jinan region are mainly composed of two series of rocks, including alkaline basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite and trachyte, and subalkaline trachyandesite and andesite. Zircon U-Pb dating yields eruption ages of 129–124 Ma for these rocks. The Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks are all enriched in LILEs(such as Rb, Sr, Ba and Th) and LREEs, depleted in HFSEs(such as Nb, Ta and Ti), indicating that they were originated from mantle sources that had been modified by subducted crustal materials. However, they have relatively heterogeneous and variable isotopic compositions. The alkaline basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite and trachyte have enriched whole-rock Sr-Nd-Hf and zircon Hf isotopic compositions and mantle-like δ~(18)O values, suggesting that they were derived from low-degree partial melting of an isotopically enriched lithospheric mantle source. In contrast, the subalkaline trachyandesite and andesite have relatively depleted isotopic compositions with zircon ε_(Hf)(t) values up to +5.2 and heavy zircon O isotopic compositions with δ~(18)O values of +8.1‰ to +9.0‰, indicating that they were originated from a lithospheric mantle source that had been metasomatized by melts/fluids derived from the recycled low-T altered oceanic basalt. All of these geochemical features suggest that the Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in the Liaodong-Jinan region would result from mixing of mafic magmas with different compositions. Such magmas were originated from the enriched lithospheric mantle and the young metasomatized mantle, respectively, with variable extents of enrichment and depletion in trace elements, radiogenic isotopes and O isotopes. Importantly, the identification of the low-T altered oceanic crust component in the origin of Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks by the zircon Hf-O isotopes provides affirmative isotopic evidence and direct material records for Mesozoic subduction of the Paleo-Pacific slab that induced decratonization of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

The crustal S-velocity structure and radial anisotropy along a dense linear portable seismic array with 64 broadband seismic stations were investigated from ambient noise tomography with about one-year-long ambient noise recordings. The array transverses the southern part of the central North China Craton(CNCC) and western NCC(WNCC) from east to west and reaches the adjacent Qilian Orogenic Belt(QOB). The phase velocity structures of Rayleigh waves at 5–35 s and Love waves at 5–30 s were measured. The crustal S-velocity structures(Vsv and Vsh) were constructed from the dispersion data(Rayleigh and Love waves,respectively) from point-wise linear inversion with prior information of the Moho depth and average crustal Vp/Vs ratio. The radial anisotropy along the profile was calculated based on the discrepancies between Vsv and Vsh as 2×(Vsh.Vsv)/(Vsh+Vsv). The results show distinct structural variations in the three major tectonic units. The crustal architecture in the southern CNCC is complicated and featured with wide-distributed low-velocity zones(LVZs), which may be a reflection of crustal modification resulting from Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonics and magmatic activities. The pronounced positive radial anisotropy in the lower-lowermost crust beneath the Shanxi-Shaanxi Rift and the neighboring areas could be attributed to the underplating of mantle mafic-ultramafic materials during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic activation. In southern Ordos, the overall weak lateral velocity variations, relative high velocity and large-scale positive radial anisotropy in mid-lower crust probably suggest that the current crustal structure has preserved its Precambrian tectonic characteristics. The low-velocity westward-dipping sedimentary strata in the Ordos Block could be attributed to the Phanerozoic whole-basin tilting and the uneven erosion since late Cretaceous. Integrated with previous studies, the systematic comparison of crustal architecture was made between the southern and northern part of CNCC-WNCC. The similarities and differences may have a relation with the tectonic events and deformation histories experienced before and after the Paleoproterozoic amalgamation of the NCC. The nearly flat mid-crustal LVZ beneath the southern QOB weakens gradually as it extends to the east, which is a feature probably associated with crustal vertical superpositionand ductile shear deformation under the intensive compressional regime due to the northeastward growth and expansion of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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