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津巴布韦矿产资源丰富,赋存矿产30余种,是世界上黄金、铬、石棉、金刚石等矿种的重要生产国,是非洲第五大金资源国,其中具有优势的矿种包括金、铬铁矿、铂族元素、镍、煤、铁、铜、钴等。文章总结了津巴布韦区域成矿地质背景、矿产地质特征,结合相关成矿理论和成矿规律研究的新成果,对津巴布韦的成矿规律进行了初步研究,并进行成矿区带划分,共划分了10个Ⅲ级成矿区带。  相似文献   

The Geology of the Great 'Dyke', Zimbabwe: The Ultramafic Rocks   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
WILSON  A. H. 《Journal of Petrology》1982,23(2):240-292
Textural and mineral chemistry data for the ultramafic sequenceof the Hartley Complex are presented with the object of evaluatingemplacement mechanisms, crystallization history and sub-solidusre-equilibration processes for the Great ‘Dyke’.Mineral chemistry indicates in situ crystallizaration for theultramafic sequence, whereas textural evidence suggests thatlimited crystal settling of chromite took place. It is concludedthat crystallization of cumulus phases occurred at or near thefloor of the magma chamber. The mineral chemistry indicates that the volume of magma fromwhich each unit crystallized was significantly smaller thanthat represented by the stratigraphic succession of the HartleyComplex. The magma chamber may effectively have been part ofan open system during the crystallization of the ultramaficsequence. The results are consistent with the concept of a stratifiedmagma chamber and the process of double-diffusion convection. Modelling of the liquid line of descent and crystallizationsequences indicate that none of the previously proposed initialliquid compositions are likely to have constituted the parentalmagma of the Great ‘Dyke’. Rather than komatüticor exceptionally high magnesium liquids, as previously suggested,a parental magma with about 15 per cent MgO, similar to thecomposition of the chill phase of a dyke parallel to and inclose proximity to the East Dyke is in closest agreement withthe observed and modelled results. Chromite compositions are strongly related to textural and mineralogicalenvironments. Seam chromitites are higher in Cr, Mg and Fe3+than chromites enclosed in silicates. Chromite enclosed in cumulusolivine is higher in Fe2+ than that in coexisting pyroxenesbut there is little difference in the proportions of the trivalentcaptions. Seam chromitites are considered to have precipitatedin response to increases in foi associated with periodic influxesof magma into the magma chamber. The higher ferric iron contentof the seam chromitites compared with the chromite enclosedin the silicates is consistent with such a mechanism. Compositional zoning in olivine and pyroxene adjacent to enclosedchromite grains is interpreted as reflecting subsolidus re-equilibrationwith cooling. Zoning profiles exhibit strong crystallographiccontrol. Computer modelling using finite difference approximationshas allowed controlling factors to be assessed by optimizationof the modelled parameters to give closest agreement to themeasured results. Interdiffusion coefficients and distributioncoefficients for Fe2+ and Mg for olivine and pyroxene with chromiteare modelled and compared with published data. Indicated blockingtemperatures for olivine are of the order of 600 °C to 700°C and 750 °C to 850 °C for orthopyroxene. Thuschromites enclosed in orthopyroxene are more Mg-rich than thoseenclosed in olivine. Coarse-grained seam chromitites have beenlittle modified subsequent to crystallization but the compositionsof the associated silicates have been influenced by the modalabundance of the chromite. Geothermometers based on chromite-silicate equilibria are probablynot applicable to layered intrusions, but information on thermalhistories may be provided by evaluation of the diffusion profiles.  相似文献   

The Adamsfield Ultramafic Complex is one of a dozen Tasmanian ultramafic-mafic and ophiolite complexes emplaced during Cambrian time in the Tasman Geosyncline.The Adamsfield complex is composed of partlyserpentinized dunites, olivine orthopyroxenites and orthopyroxenites. Rocks are commonly layered and alternately rich in olivines (Fo93–84) and orthopy roxenes (En94–87). Spinels are a minor but widely disseminated phase. Orthopyroxenes and spinels are poor in Al2O3 and TiO2. Clinopyroxenes are rare, plagioclase or garnet have not been found.Nominal equilibration temperatures calculated from coexisting mineral assemblages range from quasi-magmatic values (1200±100 °C) for little-deformed rocks down to subsolidus values (950 °C) for deformed and reacted assemblages. Olivine kink band orientations imply that deformation also took place at lower temperatures (<800 °C) but mineral compositions apparently failed to react further.Adamsfield mineral assemblages probably crystallized originally at low pressures from highly magnesian, titania-poor tholeiitic or andesitic magmas. Fine-grained igneous rocks from the Tasmanian ultramafic-mafic and ophiolite complexes include highmagnesia andesites of appropriate compositions and comprise a distinctive compositional group termed the Low-titania Ophiolite Association, poor in TiO2 (<0.5 wt%), P2O5 (<0.1 wt%) and Zr, and rich in MgO, Ni, and Cr.  相似文献   

Serpentinized peridotites in an area south of Timmins, Ontario,have been extensively altered to tale and carbonate. In someplaces, rocks altered in this way have subsequently been decarbonatizedand converted back to a serpentine-magnetite assemblage. Chemicalanalyses of variably altered rocks indicate that the bulk chemicalchanges involved in the tale-carbonate alteration have beenthe addition of CO2, and removal of H2O and a very small amountof O2. Little or no magnesium, silicon, iron, or nickel metasomatismhas occurred. Consequently the relative partial pressures ofH2O and CO2 in solutions passing through the rocks are likelyto have been controlling factors for the alteration and subsequentdecarbonatization.  相似文献   

中南部非洲优势矿产资源有金、铜、铁、铬、金刚石,锰、铀、镍、钒、钴、铂、锑的储量也居世界前列。主要的矿产集中分布于前寒武纪地体内,中南部非洲前寒武纪地体的形成演化决定了矿产的种类和主要成矿类型。文章总结了中南部非洲的地质构造演化以及其主要矿产资源的成矿类型和分布规律,并划分成矿区带至三级。探讨了部分主要成矿区带的成矿规律:太古宙的矿产主要与花岗-绿岩地体有关;古元古代的矿产主要分布于陆缘盆地,与岩浆作用有关;中元古代的矿产主要与岩浆作用有关,次为沉积变质作用;新元古代的矿产主要与沉积变质作用有关,次为岩浆作用。  相似文献   

<正>Neoproterozoic ophiolitic Serpentinites are common in the Arabian–Nubian Shield(ANS)of the Eastern Desert(ED)of Egypt,which were formed in arc stage in different tectonic setting.Thus they might subject to exchange with the crustal material derived from recycling subducting oceanic lithosphere.This caused metasomatism enriching  相似文献   

Spinel-bearing mantle xenoliths have been recovered in the pyroclastic breccia surrounding the Lake Nyos maar. These include spinel lherzolites, spinel harzburgites and olivine websterites. They exhibit coarse granular or protogranular to weakly porphyroclastic textures, and show variations in mineral chemistry, modal compositions and equilibrium temperature. The xenoliths consist of four mineral phases typical of upper mantle origin: olivine (Fo89–Fo91.5, NiO = 0.29–0.38 wt%, CaO = 0.02–0.17 wt%), enstatite (Mg# = 90–92, Cr2O3 = 0.35 ± 0.04 wt%), Cr-diopside (Mg# = 92–98, Cr2O3 = 0.7–1.65 wt%, TiO2 = 0.26–0.6 wt%) and spinel (high Mg# of 70–80, low TiO2  0.4 wt%). Spinels are aluminous (Cr# = 9.7–11) in most lherzolites, and become increasingly chromiferous from websterites (Cr#Sp = 15.3–19.8) to harzburgites (Cr#Sp = 19–33.6). The lherzolites are composed of olivine (48–58%), orthopyroxene (22–30%), and clinopyroxene (8–15%). The harzburgites modes are olivine (60–81%), orthopyroxene (11–29%), and clinopyroxene (<5%). The websterites are mainly composed of pyroxene (~62%) with variable amounts of olivine (23–31%). Temperatures of mineral equilibration in the xenoliths have been estimated from the two-pyroxene thermometer of Wells (1977) and range between 850 and 1050 °C, corresponding to about 10–30 kbar at a depth mantle of 30 km at least. These P–T conditions show significant variations between different petrographical types, the maximum conditions being recorded in two spinel lherzolites (NY-05 and NY-23) that have atypical chemical compositions and textures suggesting that they were initially formed in an environment close to the garnet stability field, then re-equilibrated within the spinel stability field prior to their incorporation in the host magma. With the exception of minerals from these two lherzolite nodules, all the minerals exhibit depletion of light REE, a typical feature of abyssal peridotites implying that some xenoliths from the Cameroon volcanic line were probably sampled in a part of the sub-continental mantle that is chemically similar to sub-oceanic mantle. The variations observed in the mineral chemistry and modal compositions of xenoliths suggest that the spinel harzbugite nodules which represent residues of a significant degree of partial melting of lherzolitic mantle were affected by infiltration of alkali-enriched metasomatizing melts (or fluids) within the uppermost mantle to produce pargasitic amphiboles prior to their sampling by the host lava. The features of this metasomatism event occur in the rocks of all three petrographical facies xenoliths from Lake Nyos.  相似文献   

The ophiolitic peridotites in the Wadi Arais area, south Eastern Desert of Egypt, represent a part of Neoproterozoic ophiolites of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). We found relics of fresh dunites enveloped by serpentinites that show abundances of bastite after orthopyroxene, reflecting harzburgite protoliths. The bulk-rock chemistry confirmed the harzburgites as the main protoliths. The primary mantle minerals such as orthopyroxene, olivine and chromian spinel in Arais serpentinites are still preserved. The orthopyroxene has high Mg# [=Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)], ~0.923 on average. It shows intra-grain chemical homogeneity and contains, on average, 2.28 wt.% A12O3, 0.88 wt.% Cr2O3 and 0.53 wt.% CaO, similar to primary orthopyroxenes in modern forearc peridotites. The olivine in harzburgites has lower Fo (93?94.5) than that in dunites (Fo94.3?Fo95.9). The Arais olivine is similar in NiO (0.47 wt.% on average) and MnO (0.08 wt.% on average) contents to the mantle olivine in primary peridotites. This olivine is high in Fo content, similar to Mg-rich olivines in ANS ophiolitic harzburgites, because of its residual origin. The chromian spinel, found in harzburgites, shows wide ranges of Cr#s [=Cr/(Cr + Al)], 0.46?0.81 and Mg#s, 0.34?0.67. The chromian spinel in dunites shows an intra-grain chemical homogeneity with high Cr#s (0.82?0.86). The chromian spinels in Arais peridotites are low in TiO2, 0.05 wt.% and YFe [= Fe3+/(Cr + Al + Fe3+)], ~0.06 on average. They are similar in chemistry to spinels in forearc peridotites. Their compositions associated with olivine’s Fo suggest that the harzburgites are refractory residues after high-degree partial melting (mainly ~25?30 % partial melting) and dunites are more depleted, similar to highly refractory peridotites recovered from forearcs. This is in accordance with the partial melting (>20 % melt) obtained by the whole-rock Al2O3 composition. The Arais peridotites have been possibly formed in a sub-arc setting (mantle wedge), where high degrees of partial melting were available during subduction and closing of the Mozambique Ocean, and emplaced in a forearc basin. Their equilibrium temperature based on olivine?spinel thermometry ranges from 650 to 780 °C, and their oxygen fugacity is high (Δlog ?O2?=?2.3 to 2.8), which is characteristic of mantle-wedge peridotites. The Arais peridotites are affected by secondary processes forming microinclusions inside the dunitic olivine, abundances of carbonates and talc flakes in serpentinites. These microinclusions have been formed by reaction between trapped fluids and host olivine in a closed system. Lizardite and chrysotile, based on Raman analyses, are the main serpentine minerals with lesser antigorite, indicating that serpentines were possibly formed under retrograde metamorphism during exhumation and near the surface at low T (<400 °C).  相似文献   

The Altınekin Complex in south central Turkey forms part of the south‐easterly extension of the Tavşanlı Zone, a Cretaceous subduction complex formed during the closure of the Neo‐Tethys ocean. The protoliths of metamorphic rocks within the Altınekin Complex include peridotites, chromitites, basalts, ferruginous cherts and flysch‐facies impure carbonate sediments. Structurally, the complex consists of a stack of thrust slices, with massive ophiolite tectonically overlying a Cretaceous sediment‐hosted ophiolitic mélange, in turn overlying a sequence of Mesozoic sediments. Rocks within the two lower structural units have undergone blueschist–facies metamorphism. Petrographic, mineral–chemical and thermobarometric studies were undertaken on selected samples of metasedimentary and metabasic rock in order to establish the time relations of deformation and metamorphism and to constrain metamorphic conditions. Microstructures record two phases of plastic deformation, one predating the metamorphic peak, and one postdating it. Estimated peak metamorphic pressures mostly fall in the range 9–11 kbar, corresponding to burial depths of 31–38 km, equivalent to the base of a continental crust of normal thickness. Best‐fit peak metamorphic temperatures range from 375 to 450°C. Metamorphic fluids had high H2O:CO2 ratios. Peak metamorphic temperature/depth ratios (T/d values) were low (c. 10–14°C/km), consistent with metamorphism in a subduction zone. Lawsonite‐bearing rocks in the southern part of the ophiolitic mélange record lower peak temperatures and T/d values than epidote blueschists elsewhere in the unit, hinting that the latter may consist of two or more thrust slices with different metamorphic histories. Differences in peak metamorphic conditions also exist between the ophiolitic mélange and the underlying metasediments. Rocks of the Altınekin Complex were subducted to much shallower depths, and experienced higher geothermal gradients, than those of the NW Tavşanlı Zone, possibly indicating dramatic lateral variation in subduction style. Retrograde PT paths in the Altınekin Complex were strongly decompressive, resulting in localized overprinting of epidote blueschists by greenschist–facies assemblages, and of lawsonite blueschists by pumpellyite–facies assemblages. The observation that the second deformation was associated with decompression is consistent with, but not proof of, exhumation by a process that involved deformation of the hanging‐wall wedge, such as gravitational spreading, corner flow or buoyancy‐driven shallowing of the subduction zone. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variant rock types of an Alkaline-Carbonatite Complex (ACC) comprising alkali pyroxenite, nepheline syenite, phoscorite, carbonatite, syenitic fenite and glimmerite along with REE and Nb-mineralization are found at different centres along WNW-ESE trending South Purulia Shear Zone (SPSZ) in parts of Singhbhum Crustal Province. The ACC occurs as intrusions within the Mesoproterozoic Singhbhum Group of rocks. Alkali pyroxenite comprises of aegirine augite, magnesiotaramite, magnesiokatophorite as major constituents. Pyrochlore and eucolite are ubiquitous in nepheline syenite. Phoscorite contains fluorapatite, dahllite, collophane, magnetite, hematite, goethite, phlogopite, calcite, sphene, monazite, pyrochlore, chlorite and quartz. Coarse fluorapatite shows overgrowth of secondary apatite (dahllite). Secondary apatite is derived from primary fluorapatite by solution and reprecipitation. The primary fluorapatite released REE to crystallize monazite grains girdling around primary apatite. Carbonatite is composed dominantly of Srcalcite along with dolomite, tetraferriphlogopite, phlogopitic biotite, aegirine augite, richterite, fluorapatite, altered magnetite, sphene and monazite. The minerals comprising of the carbonatite indicate middle stage of carbonatite development. Fenite is mineralogically syenite. Glimmerite contains 50–60% tetraferriphlogopite. An alkali trend in the evolution of amphiboles (magnesiotaramite-magnesiokatophorite-richterite) and chinopyroxenes (aegirine augite, aegirine) during the crystallization of the suite of rocks is noted. Monazite is the source of REE in phoscorite and carbonatite. Fluorapatite has low contents of REE, PbO, ThO2 and UO2. Pyrochlore reflects Nb-mineralization in nepheline syenite and it is enriched in Na2O, CaO, TiO2, PbO and UO2. Pyrochlore containing UO2 (6.605%) and PbO (0.914%) in nepheline syenite has been chemically dated at 948 ± 24 Ma by EPMA.  相似文献   

The approximately 150 km2 Jijal complex occupies a deep-levelsection of the Cretaceous Kohistan are obducted along the Indussuture. The complex consists of mafic garnet granulites, anda > 10 km ? 4 km slab of pyroxenites (diopsidite > websterite;? olivine), dunite, and subordinate peridotite, all of whichare devoid of plagioclase. These contain chromite either inlenses, layers, and veins or as disseminated grains. The chromiteis mostly medium grained, subhedral to euhedral, shows pull-aparttexture, and may contain inclusions of associated silicates.Chromite grains within thin sections of chromitite are generallyhomogeneous in composition, but dunite and pyroxenite samplescommonly contain chromite grains of variable composition. Thesegregated chromite has higher Cr2O3 wt%, cr-number, and mg-number,and lower fe'-number than the accessory chromite. These variationsare mainly attributed to subsolidus exchange of Mg and Fe betweenchromite and associated olivine or pyroxene, and to inheritancefrom a magmatic source, but other factors may also be responsible.In general, the chromite grains are altered along margins andfractures to ferritchromit that is enriched in cr-number (andgenerally Fe3+, Mn, and Ti) and impoverished in mg-number comparedwith the parent grains. Chromian chlorite (clinochlore, penninite,with up to 7?3 wt.% Cr2O3) is commonly associated with the alteration,as is serpentine in most silicate rocks and some chromitites.The chlorite shows considerable compositional variation fromgrain to grain and in some cases within a single grain. Clinopyroxene is low-Al, -Na and high-Ca diopside. Orthopyroxeneranges from En91 to En82 and olivine from Fo98 to Fo84 (ignoringone analysis each). The mg-number of these minerals is higherin chromitites than in dunites and pyroxenites. Several aspectsof the petrogenesis of the ultramafic rocks (e.g., the abundanceof diopsidite) are not clear, but they seem to have passed througha complex history. The high cr-numbers (>60) in the chromiteindicate that the rocks may have originated from some form ofoceanic lithosphere-island are interaction. Petrography andmineral compositional data suggest that the rocks are ultramaficcumulates derived from an are-related (?primitive) high-Mg tholeiiticmagma, possibly at pressures in excess of 8 kb.There also aresmall ultramafic bodies in the form of conformable layers andemplaced masses within the garnet granulites. These containmagnetite and pleonaste with < 10 wt.% Cr2O3, and less magnesianolivine and pyroxene than the principal ultramafic mass. Thesealso have the characteristics of island are plutonic rocks,but it is not clear whether the garnet granulites constitutea continuous sequence of are cumulates with the principal ultramaficmass or the two are produced from different source magmas.  相似文献   

Based on field work, prospection and petrographic studies ultramafic complexes and their mineral deposits from eastern Minas Gerais in southeastern Brazil are generally outlined to form a basis for future investigations in this region. The bodies dealt with occur at Ipanema, Córrego Novo, Bela Vista de Minas, Rio Pomba and Liberdade. These ultramafic bodies are generally enclosed in high-grade gneisses and consist of serpentinized peridotites and harzburgites which were metamorphosed together with their country rocks in upper amphibolite to granulite facies. Weathering of these rocks gives rise to nickeliferous laterite, while metamorphism has resulted in anthophyllite asbestos and talc deposits.  相似文献   

The Bixiling mafic-ultramafic metamorphic complex is a 1•5km2 tectonic block within biotite gneiss in the southern Dabieultrahigh-pressure terrane, central China. The complex consistsof banded eclogites that contain thin layers of garnet-bearingcumulate ultramafic rock. Except for common eclogitic phases(garnet, omphacite, kyanite, phengite, zoisite and rutilc),banded eclogites contain additional talc and abundant coesiteinclusions in omphacite, zoisite, kyanite and garnet. Some metaultramaficrocks contain magnesite and Ti-clinohumite. Both eclogites andmeta-ultramafic rocks have undergone multi-stage metamorphism.Eclogite facies metamorphisrn occurred at 610–700C andP>27 kbar, whereas amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphismis characterized by symplectites of plagioclase and hornblendeafter omphacite and replacement of tremolite after talc at P<6–15kbar and T <600C. The meta-ultramafic assemblages such asolivine + enstatite + diopside + garnet and Ti-clinohumite +diopside + enstatite + garnet + magnesite olivine formed at700–800C and 47–67 kbar. Investigation of the phaserelations for the system CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O-CO2 and the experimentallydetermined stabilities of talc, magnesite and Ti-clinohumiteindicate that (1) UHP talc assemblages are restricted to Mg-Algabbro composition and cannot be an important water-bearingphase in the ultramafic mantle, and (2) Ti-clinohumite and magnesiteare stable H2O-bearing and CO2-bearing phases at depths >100km. The mafic-ultramafic cumulates were initially emplaced atcrustal levels, then subducted to great depths during the Triassiccollision of the Sine-Korean and Yangtze cratons. KEY WORDS: eclogite; magnesite; meta-ultramafics; talc; ultrahigh-P metamorphism *Corresponding author  相似文献   

相山破火山口火山杂岩体的岩石学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
相山破火山口位于华南褶皱系的华夏褶皱带北西侧,发育于震旦系的基底变质岩之上,由于晚侏罗世强烈的火山活动,特别是最末一次剧烈而快速的大体积喷发,过渡岩浆室产生空腔而塌陷,次火山岩沿环状断裂侵入,形成了由酸性—中酸性的熔岩、火山碎屑  相似文献   

The Kutcho Creek asbestos deposit, owned by Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd., has been sampled by two major exploratory programs that have provided two sets of grade data—one from the horizontal direction (wall readings) and one from the vertical direction (diamond drill cores). These data (percentage chrysotile by volume) were divided into well-defined groups on the basis of location and sample continuity, and experimental variograms for percentage of fiber content were calculated for each group. Horizontal data were all oriented in directions roughly parallel to the trend of an elongate serpentinite zone containing local centers rich in chrysotile veinlets. Spherical variogram models fitted to horizontal and vertical data sets are as follows: Vertical: $$\begin{gathered} \gamma (h) = 0.27 m^2 + 0.44 m^2 [(3h/70) - (h^3 /85,750)] h \leqslant a \hfill \\ \gamma (h) = 0.71 m^2 h \geqslant a \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ Horizontal: $$\begin{gathered} \gamma (h) = 0.27 m^2 + 1.20 m^2 [(h/60) - (h^3 /729,000)] h \leqslant a \hfill \\ \gamma (h) = 1.47 m^2 h \geqslant a \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ Wherem is the mean value of data used in the construction of a variogram,h is a lag (sample spacing), anda is the range over which the grade is autocorrelated. These two one-dimensional models can be combined to a two-dimensional model with the form γ(h)=γ(r)+γ(x) where γ(r) is an isotropic component (equivalent to the vertical model above) and γ(x) is a zonal component in the horizontal direction (equivalent to the difference between the horizontal and vertical models above). This general model describes data throughout the entire serpentinite zone in a satisfactory manner but, of course, does not contain information in the third dimension, and, thus, cannot be used as a basis for grade and tonnage calculations and corresponding error estimates. Nevertheless, the analysis has illustrated the potential of variogram analysis for such tonnage and grade calculations. Furthermore, the study has provided limiting two-dimensional information on the geometry of chrysotile-rich zones within the serpentinite belt, information that can be used to advantage in planning future exploratory drilling.  相似文献   

D Field  S.A Drury  D.C Cooper 《Lithos》1980,13(3):281-289
High-Fe, intermediate-acid, charnockitic gneisses in the Arendal-Tromøy area of the Svecofennian terrain of southeast Norway comprise two chemically contrasting zones - one with normal large-ion-lithophile (LIL) element characteristics, and the other IIL-deficint. The noramal -LiLL-deficient varitties also have low ΣEEE, commonly with positive Eu anomalies. The normal-LIL rocks are enriched in ?REE, exhibit fractionated patterns and have negative Eu anomalies. Modelling shows that both the LIL and REE patterns are consistent with an essentially primary fractionation process involving the separation of cumulus (LIL-deficient) phases from andesitic-dacitic magma emplaced directly under the high-grade conditions, with the normal-LIL rocks crystallising from the residual melt. This process is interpreted as a deep-seated component of the magma system which culminated in the emplacement of some higher level rapakivi granite late in the Svecofennian event. The model presented does not require anorthosite to be part of the same magma system.  相似文献   

Summary Chemical compositions of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene from the Jinchuan ultramafic intrusion have been obtained by electron microprobe analysis. The Mg number (MgO/(MgO + FeO)) for both pyroxenes falls within narrow ranges, 82–87 for clinopyroxene and 81–85.5 for orthopyroxene, suggesting limited magma differentiation in regard to the present igneous body. The Al2O3 content ranges from 2.44 wt.% to 4.43 wt.% and increases with decreasing Mg of the pyroxenes, i.e., with the more evolved magma. This is attributed to the relatively greater effects of Al2O3, TiO2, Cr2O3 and Fe2O3 than that of SiO2 on pyroxene crystallization.Negative linear relationships between Ti4+ and Si4+, and Al3+ and Si4+ characterize the pyroxenes. In clinopyroxene, regression of Si4+ versus Al3+ results in a straight line with a slope of –1.012, indicating that the decrease of Si4+ in the crystal structure is matched by an increase only in tetrahedral Al3+; octahedral Al3+ has remained relatively constant. The negative linear relationship between Ti4+ and Si4+ in clinopyroxene reflects either a greater tendency of Ti4+ to occupy octahedral sites than Al3+, or that replacement of Al3+ for Si4+ demands a more efficient charge balance. The scatter in plots of Ti4+ versus Si4+ for orthopyroxene indicates that charge balance is not as critical as structure symmetry.The crystallization temperature of pyroxene is calculated to be 1108–1229°C usingWood andBanno's (1973) two pyroxene thermometer, and is within 40°C of that calculated fromWells's (1977) thermometer. The distribution coefficient (Kd) for Mg2+ and Fe2+ between clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene is estimated to be 0.86, which is higher than that of the other intrusions and lower than that of mantle nodules, but still falls within their Kd-1/T trend. This suggests that the Kd value of pyroxene is controlled mainly by temperature.
Mineralchemie der Pyroxene der Jinchuan-Intrusion, China
Zusammenfassung Die chemische Zusammensetzung von Orthopyroxenen und Klinopyroxenen aus der ultramafischen Jinchuan Intrusion wurden mit der Mikrosonde bestimmt. Die Mg-Zahl (MgO/(MgO + FeO)) beider Pyroxene liegt innerhalb enger Grenzen, 82–87 für Klinopyroxen und 81–85.5 für Orthopyroxen. Dies weist auf beschränkte magmatische Differentiation der Intrusion hin. Der Al2O3-Gehalt liegt zwischen 2.44 Gew.%. und 4.43 Gew.%. und nimmt mit der abnehmenden Mg-Zahl der Pyroxene ab, d.h. mit dem mehr entwickelten Magma. Dies wird damit erklärt, daß Al2O3, TiO2, Cr2O3 und Fe2O3 einen größeren Einfluß auf die Kristallisation der Pyroxene ausüben als SiO2.Die Pyroxene werden durch negative lineare Beziehungen zwischen Ti4+ und Si4+, sowie Al3+ und Si4+ charakterisiert. In Klinopyroxenen resultiert die Regression von Si4+ gegen Al3+ in einer geraden Linie mit einer Neigung von –1.012. Dies weist darauf hin, daß die Abnahme der Si4+ Gehalte in die Kristallstruktur durch Zunahme von ausschliesslich tetraedrischem Al3+ kompensiert wird; oktaedrisches Al3+ ist relativ konstant geblieben. Die negative lineare Beziehung zwischen Ti4+ und Si4+ in Klinopyroxenen geht entweder auf eine stärkere Tendenz des Ti4O2, oktaedrische Plätze zu besetzen zurück, oder darauf daß ein Ersatz von Al3+ für Si4+ einen effizienteren Ladungsausgleich verlangt. Die unregelmäßige Verteilung der Plots von Ti4+ gegen Si4+ in Orthopyroxenen läßt erkennen, daß Ladungsausgleich hier nicht so kritisch ist wie die Symmetrie der Struktur.Die Kristallisationstemperatur der Pyroxene wurde mit dem Zwei Pyroxenthermometer nachWood undBanno (1973) mit 1108–1229°C bestimmt. Diese Werte liegen innerhalb von 40°C des vonWells (1977) berechneten. Der Verteilungskoeffizient (Kd) für Mg2+ und Fe2+ zwischen Klinopyroxen und Orthopyroxen wird auf 0.86 berechnet; das ist höher als der aus anderen Intrusionen und niedriger als der von Mantelxenolithen, fällt aber immer noch innerhalb des Kd-1/T Trends derselben. Dies legt den Gedanken nahe, daß der Kd Wert der Pyroxene hauptsächlich durch Temperatur bestimmt wird.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

D. A. Carswell  R. N. Wilson  M. Zhai 《Lithos》2000,52(1-4):121-155
As is typical of ultra-high pressure (UHP) terrains, the regional extent of the UHP terrain in the Dabieshan of central China is highly speculative, since the volume of eclogites and paragneisses preserving unequivocal evidence of coesite and/or diamond stability is very small. By contrast, the common garnet (XMn=0.18–0.45)–phengite (Si=3.2–3.35)–zoned epidote (Ps38–97)–biotite–titanite–two feldspars–quartz assemblages in the more extensive orthogneisses have been previously thought to have formed under low PT conditions of ca. 400±50°C at 4 kbar. However, certain orthogneiss samples preserve garnets with XCa up to 0.50, rutile inclusions within titanite or epidote and relict phengite inclusions within epidote with Si contents p.f.u. of up to 3.49 — overlapping with the highest values (3.49–3.62) recorded for phengites in samples of undoubted UHP schists. These and other mineral composition features (such as A-site deficiencies in the highest Si phengites, Na in garnets linked to Y+Yb substitution and Al F Ti−1 O−1 substitution in titanites) are taken to be pointers towards the orthogneisses having experienced a similar metamorphic evolution to the associated UHP schists and eclogites. Re-evaluated garnet–phengite and garnet–biotite Fe/Mg exchange thermometry and calculated 5 rutile+3 grossular+2SiO2+H2O=5 titanite+2 zoisite equilibria indicate that the orthogneisses may indeed have followed a common subduction-related clockwise PT path with the UHP paragneisses and eclogites through conditions of Pmax at ca. 690°C–715°C and 36 kbar to Tmax at ca. 710°C–755°C and 18 kbar, prior to extensive re-crystallisation and re-equilibration of these ductile orthogneisses at ca. 400°C–450°C and 6 kbar. The consequential conclusion, that it is no longer necessary to resort to models of tectonic juxtapositioning to explain the spatial association of these Dabieshan orthogneisses with undoubted UHP lithologies, has far-reaching implications for the interpretation of controversial gneiss–eclogite relationships in other UHP metamorphic terrains.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the petrogenesis of the Seqi Ultramafic Complex, which covers a total area of approximately 0.5 km~2. The ultramafic rocks are hosted by tonalitic orthogneiss of the ca. 3000 Ma Akia terrane with crosscutting granitoid sheets providing an absolute minimum age of 2978 ± 8 Ma for the Seqi Ultramafic Complex. The Seqi rocks represent a broad range of olivine-dominated plutonic rocks with varying modal amounts of chromite, orthopyroxene and amphibole, i.e. various types of dunite(s.s.),peridotite(s.l.), as well as chromitite. The Seqi Ultramafic Complex is characterised primarily by refractory dunite, with highly forsteritic olivine with core compositions having Mg# ranging from about 91 to 93. The overall high modal contents, as well as the specific compositions, of chromite rule out that these rocks represent a fragment of Earth's mantle. The occurrence of stratiform chromitite bands in peridotite, thin chromite layers in dunite and poikilitic orthopyroxene in peridotite instead supports the interpretation that the Seqi Ultramafic Complex represents the remnant of a fragmented layered complex or a magma conduit, which was subsequently broken up and entrained during the formation of the regional continental crust.Integrating all of the characteristics of the Seqi Ultramafic Complex points to formation of these highly refractory peridotites from an extremely magnesian(Mg# ~ 80), near-anhydrous magma, as olivinedominated cumulates with high modal contents of chromite. It is noted that the Seqi cumulates were derived from a mantle source by extreme degrees of partial melting(40%). This mantle source could potentially represent the precursor for the sub-continental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) in this region,which has previously been shown to be ultra-depleted. The Seqi Ultramafic Complex, as well as similar peridotite bodies in the Fiskefjord region, may thus constitute the earliest cumulates that formed during the large-scale melting event(s), which resulted in the ultra-depleted cratonic keel under the North Atlantic Craton. Hence, a better understanding of such Archaean ultramafic complexes may provide constraints on the geodynamic setting of Earth's first continents and the corresponding SCLM.  相似文献   

This paper explores the hypothesis that chromite seams in theStillwater Complex formed in response to periodic increasesin total pressure in the chamber. Total pressure increased becauseof the positive V of nucleation of CO2 bubbles in the melt andtheir subsequent rise through the magma chamber, during whichthe bubbles increased in volume by a factor of 4–6. Byanalogy with the pressure changes in the summit chambers ofKilauea and Krafla volcanoes, the maximum variation was 0•2–0•25kbar, or 5–10% of the total pressure in the Stillwaterchamber. An evaluation of the likelihood of fountaining andmixing of a new, primitive liquid that entered the chamber withthe somewhat more evolved liquid already in the chamber is basedupon calculations using observed and inferred velocities andflow rates of basaltic magmas moving through volcanic fissures.The calculations indicate that hot, dense magma would have oozed,rather than fountained into the chamber, and early mixing ofthe new and residual magmas that could have resulted in chromitecrystallizing alone did not take place. Mixing was an important process in the Stillwater magma chamber,however. After the new magma in the chamber underwent {smalltilde}5% fractional crystallization, its composition, temperature,and density approached those of the overlying liquid in thechamber and the liquids then mixed. If this process occurredmany times over the course of the development of the Ultramaficseries, a thick column of magma with orthopyroxene on its liquiduswould have been the result. Thus, the sequence of multiple injections,fractionation, and mixing with previously fractionated magmacould have been the mechanism that produced the thick bronzitecumulate layer (the Bronzitite zone) above the cyclic units.  相似文献   

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