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Rare ammonite species are reported from the Inferior Oolite Formation of Dorset. In the Aalenian the ammonite Shahrudites is described from the Scissum Zone for the first time and Malladaites is recorded from the Murchisonae Zone. Tmetoceras regleyi occurs in the Scissum and Murchisonae zones and Tmetoceras henriquesae is described from the Concavum Zone. In the Lower Bajocian, specimens of Zurcheria are presented from the Discites Zone. A revised zonal scheme is used for the Aalenian Stage and two new biohorizons are introduced. The Leioceras subglabrum biohorizon is erected in the Opalinum Subzone and Leioceras evolutum in the Bifidatum Subzone.  相似文献   

Two new species of stephanoceratid ammonites are erected: Stephanoceras (Riccardiceras) eoeteosum sp. nov. and Stephanoceras (Skirroceras) englandi sp. nov. from the Inferior Oolite Formation of Dorset, UK. They represent the first and last members of a chronocline of serpenticonic morphospecies. The stratigraphical position of Rhytostephanus rhytus Buckman is reviewed, necessitating a change in the faunal horizon scheme. The term mesoconch is proposed for use in describing microsomic macroconchs, the function of which is considered. Names applied to morphospecies and their uses are reviewed. The role of conservation is discussed in respect of preserving Dorset Inferior Oolite exposures.  相似文献   

The coal-bearing strata in the southern Junggar Basin in northwestern China have recently attracted the attention of coal geologists. Its abundance of coal resources is of great interest as there is a potential of unlocking details about the palaeoclimatic information. Coal deposits have the capacity to record wildfire events, even those with inefficient combustions. To characterize wildfire events and palaeoclimatic history of the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation (Aalenian and Bajocian ages), 22 coal samples from borehole cores and coal mines in the southern Junggar Basin were collected and their macerals were analyzed. The results indicated that fusinite and semi-fusinite were the dominant components of inertinite with proportions of 35.27% and 54.67%, respectively. The presence of inertinite is an indicator that wildfires occurred at the time of peat land development, and the widespread occurrence suggests large scale wildfires during the Middle Jurassic. This study proposes a new parameter for the evaluation of wildfire features by combining burning frequency and burning temperature. The comprehensive evaluation index (CEI) was influenced by the lacustrine basin level and ancient plant types from a sequence framework. During the Middle Jurassic, most wildfires were surface fires with low level and ground fire with high level. High oxygen levels were estimated in the lower, middle, and upper members of the Xishanyao Formation with corresponding to 26.78%, 24.55%, and 23.55%, respectively. The high oxygen levels would be the primary cause of repeated wildfires in the Middle Jurassic. These results are helpful for understanding palaeoclimatic changes in the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the lithologies of each of the beds present in the Osmington Oolite Formation of south Dorset is used to allocate numerous loose-collected ammonites to their correct stratigraphic horizons. Much new material has been collected by the author in addition to the limited amount of material available in museum collections. The age of the faunas of the three constituent members of the Osmington Oolite Formation is each assessed and placed into the context of Middle Oxfordian ammonite sequences elsewhere in England and in Europe.  相似文献   

Over 40 ammonites, mostly Promicroceras, with epifaunal worm tubes are described from the Lower Jurassic, Charmouth Mudstone Formation (Lias Group) of Dorset. Serpulids that were overgrown by the ammonites or responded to the ammonites’ growth attached to juvenile, living ammonites. Some epifaunal serpulids attached post-mortem, indicating oxygenated bottom water, which was rare in the lower Charmouth Mudstone Formation. Other serpulids do not conform to either pre- or post-mortem growth predictions and require individual assessment. The commonest pattern of growth for serpulids on live juvenile ammonites was attachment in the umbilical seam, with later growth onto, and finally around, the venter. Reconstructing this pattern shows that serpulids kept their aperture at 6 o’clock with respect to the orientation of the living ammonite (105-115° behind the ammonite aperture) throughout life. Reorientation of growth lines in serpulid worms just before the aperture suggests some worm tubes were fully grown. The 6 o’clock position of the aperture enabled feeding currents generated by the worms to parallel currents generated by swimming ammonites, thus maximizing food gathering and confirming that ammonites swam backwards. The mid-ventral position enabled the worm to deploy its branchia on both sides of the ammonite. Growth on ammonites was beneficial to the worms, but parasitic to the ammonites. Promicroceras with epifaunal worm tubes died at smaller sizes than unencumbered examples and size at death correlates inversely to extra weight of worm tubes. Uniformitarian comparisons suggest fossil serpulid worms grew in one season and that Promicroceras reached full size in two or three years.  相似文献   

Well preserved asterozoan ichnofossils (Asteriacites lumbricalis von Schlotheim) are documented from calcareous sandstone lenses within the upper part of the Harford Member of the Middle Jurassic (Aalenian) Birdlip Limestone Formation, in the north Cotswolds, central England. The ichnofossils are interpreted as undertraces, generated by the activity of small ophiuroids in a storm-influenced muddy coastal lagoon or bay margin setting.  相似文献   

Over part of south-central England the widespread shallow-water carbonate sedimentation represented by the White Limestone Formation (Great Oolite Group: Middle Jurassic), culminated locally with the formation of a sun-cracked, stromatolitic micrite indicating a supratidal environment. The emergent area can be mapped as a broad strip running at an angle to, and offshore from, the coast-line of the ancient Anglo-Belgian landmass. As a result of the emergence of this carbonate area a polarization of environments occurred. To the north-east a series of clay-rich sediments containing lignite and a brackish and fresh-water fauna were laid down: a lagoonal environment is indicated. To the south-west fully marine shelf carbonates continued to be deposited. We suggest that isolation of the northerly area of reduced salinity from the open sea was due directly to emergence of this carbonate area, which can thus be specifically interpreted as an island barrier or spit.  相似文献   

Limonitic oncoliths from the Bajocian of Europe, widely known as ‘snuff-boxes’, grew by accretion of bundles of laminae on one side, followed by overturning and accretion of laminae on the other side. A diverse hard-substrate encrusting fauna grew interleaved with the ferruginous laminations. The palaeoecological preferences of this fauna indicate that its growth, and hence the accumulation of the laminations, took place on the gloomy undersides of the oncoliths. This upsidedown growth is supported by characteristics of the lamination bundles themselves, and by the predominant present-day orientations of the snuff-boxes. The abundance of the associated fauna and the lack of carbonate-dissolving macroborers cutting the laminae suggest an original ferric composition. Precipitation was probably under the control of non-photosynthetic microorganisms that inhabited the microenvironments represented by the oncoliths' lower surfaces.  相似文献   

Extensive new material of scalpelliform cirripedes, including articulated individuals, from the Late Jurassic (Tithonian) Kimmeridge Clay of Dorset, southern England, is described and used as a basis for taxonomic revision of the family Zeugmatolepadidae. Two subfamilies, the Zeugmatolepadinae and Martillepadinae nov., are established and two new genera (Martillepas, Concinnalepas) in the latter subfamily are described from the Upper Jurassic and one (Icenilepas) from the Upper Cretaceous Chalk. Material from the Kimmeridge Clay of Dorset also includes the oldest fossil representative of the family Pollicipedidae for which a new genus and species, Etcheslepas durotrigensis, are erected, and the oldest calanticid, Cretiscalpellum sp. nov. Jurassic taxa established by T.H. Withers in 1928, on the basis of sparse material, are redescribed, and referred to the new genera as Martillepas ovalis, M. costata, M. hollisi, Concinnalepas concinna and Etcheslepas fragilis.  相似文献   

Unequivocal planktonic foraminifera have been discovered in Oxfordian strata from Dorset and Scotland. These assemblages are, in part, coeval with previously reported occurrences of planktonic taxa in the Oxfordian of Normandy and Seine Maritime (France). Three species are now reported from the United Kingdom for the first time: Globuligerina oxfordiana ( Grigelis, 1958 ), Haeuslerina helvetojurassica ( Haeusler, 1881 ) and Compactogerina sp. cf. C. stellapolaris ( Grigelis, 1977 ). There appears to be a close relationship between the distribution of these planktonic taxa in the UK and a marked sea-level highstand.  相似文献   

This paper reports the occurrence of a Toarcian–Aalenian (Early–Middle Jurassic) radiolarian fauna in the Los Molles Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, as well as comments on its paleobiogeographic affinities. The micropaleontologic analysis was carried out in fine-grained rocks from a turbiditic section of the Los Molles Formation. These samples were first chemically processed using only hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and afterward treated with acetic (CH3COOH) and hydrofluoric (HF) acids. The first chemical procedure permitted the recovery of only few spongy spumellarians, while the second one enabled to recover more diversified radiolarian assemblages. In general, the studied fauna presents low diversity and abundance, with a strong dominance of spumellarians over nassellarians. The fauna is composed by the genera Paronaella, Homoeoparonaella, Praeconocaryomma, Archaeocenosphaera, Orbiculiformella, Praeparvicingula, and some unidentified spumellarians and nassellarians. According to paleobiogeographic models, the studied Toarcian–Aalenian fauna presents a mid to high latitude affinity. It is possible to infer from those data a bipolar distribution of some taxa, such as Praeparvicingula and probably Praeconocaryomma, between the Northern and Southern hemispheres since the Early Jurassic (Toarcian).  相似文献   

Biostratigraphy is presented for horizons in the Discites to Sauzei zones at Coombe Quarry and Top Field at Mapperton, Dorset. The significance of these horizons is highlighted. Part of a chronocline is described in the Sonniniidae of the Discites Zone. A new ammonite faunal horizon, Docidoceras higginsi sp. nov. is erected as the oldest of the Ovale Zone. A revised subdivision of the zone is presented and the implications for the taxonomy and biogeography of the Stephanoceratidae is discussed. The distribution of Docidoceras may imply entry to western Tethys via a Hispanic Corridor. A method is presented for the allocation of generic names constituting segments of lineages.  相似文献   

Locally within the Charmouth Mudstone Formation (Sinemurian, Lower Jurassic) of the Dorset coast fatally bitten ammonites with ventral bite marks are common. Ventral bite marks occur at the rear of the body-chamber. The predator probably severed attachment muscles, thus removing its prey more easily. We report the first ventrally bitten fossil nautiloid, which is unusual in that the large bite mark is entirely within the phragmocone. The nautiloid is juvenile with a very short body-chamber extending 46° back from the apparently undamaged aperture. The whorl cross-section is nearly circular, giving the predator little to grip when biting. Nautiloid shells are also thicker than ammonite shells. Despite these difficulties, the predator bit repeatedly and damaged both the shell and septa. Five rounded bites occur on the left side, separated by sharp points. This suggests the predator was probably another cephalopod with suckered arms and powerful jaws. The centre of the bite is 160.5° back from the aperture, close to the mean value for ammonites (184.5°), suggesting the predator located the position of the first bite opposite the victim's aperture. Thus, we think the predator attacked an incomplete nautiloid shell which explains why the damage affects only the phragmocone.  相似文献   

Late Albian ammonite faunas from the Aitamir Formation of the Koppeh Dagh Basin in northeast Iran are described and illustrated. These comprise 14 taxa, several of which are recorded from Iran for the first time, namely Anahoplites planus (formerly recorded from central Iran in open nomenclature only), Semenoviceras solidus, Epihoplites (Metaclavites) iphitus, Hysteroceras orbignyi and Pseudhelicoceras robertianum. New records of Placenticeras grossouvrei extend the stratigraphic range of this species downwards into the Late Albian; previously it was known from the Early and Middle Cenomanian only. The record of the rare E. (M.) iphitus fills a palaeobiogeographic gap between Crimea and Tajikistan, and the holotype of Spath is re-illustrated here. Additionally, Epihoplites trapezoidalis, from the Late Albian of Tajikistan, is relegated into the synonymy of Spath's species. A large number of taxa typical of the Late Albian (upper part of the Gault Clay Formation) of northwest Europe indicate close palaeobiogeographic affinities with the Koppeh Dagh Basin and faunal exchange across the Russian Platform and Transcaspia. The stratigraphic succession of the ammonite faunas is used for a biostratigraphic subdivision of the upper Aitamir Formation.  相似文献   

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