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《Applied Geochemistry》1996,11(4):605-616
Lake Valencia is a tropical lowland lake in north-central Venezuela. Lake bottom sediments were collected from 25 locations in April, 1988. At 2 locations water pH, conductivity, dissolved O2 and temperature were measured at successive depths. After drying, 5 sediment samples were sieved into 5 mechanical fractions. Each was extracted with 1 M HNO3 and analysed for AI, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb and Zn. The <63 μm fraction of all samples was similarly analysed. Water temperatures declined with depth (1°C/25 m) from approximately 26°C. Conductivity varied little with depth but dissolved O2 contents indicated anoxic conditions < 25 m. Water pH (8.8–9.4) was consistent with high dissolved carbonates. There was little consistent relationship between grain size and sediment metal contents. Approximate baseline metal contents were calculated from 21 of 25 samples. The average composition of the sediments corresponded to an ideal mixture of shales/carbonate rocks as 0.5–0.7/0.5-0.3. Five samples from alluvial fans near the mouths of rivers traversing urban-industrial zones had compositions different from the other sediments. Generally, Ph, Zn, Ni, Cd and Cu were anthropogenically enriched by factors of 2–16. The major sources of pollutants were identified as domestic and industrial activities affecting the rivers that traverse the lakeside cities of Maracay and Valencia. Sodium, Mg, Ca, Mn and CO3 showed natural enrichment arising from carbonate precipitation following a physical mixing of 2 sedimentary components (biogenic carbonate and terrigenous material). Low geochemical mobility of metallic elements in neutral-basic and reducing waters, a processes of bury and mixture of sediments and precipitation of carbonate result in only 10% of the lake area being affected by contamination. Isoline plots of elements in the bottom sediments supported a hypothesis that material mixing, physical transport and carbonate precipitation are the main controls of spatial distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Gneisses in the Guri area of the Venezuelan Guayana Shield contain mineral assemblages with cordierite, garnet, sillimanite, hypersthene, biotite and Fe-Ti oxide intergrowths.Analysis of mineral assemblages and compositional relationships in the light of experimental data indicate metamorphic conditions of 725–800° C, 5–6 kb P T , <P T for the highest grade rocks and 650–700° C, 5–7 kb P T , approximating P T for the lowest grade rocks. Oxygen fugacities in different lithologies ranged between those of the MH and QFM buffers.The distribution coefficient K D (Mg-Fe) (gar-bio), decreases by 0.006 per atom percent increase in (Mn/Mn+Mg+Fe)gar, falls in the range of K D typical of the sillimanite-K feldspar zone and granulite facies, and is systematically lower in lower grade rocks-all in accord with observation in other localities. K D (Mg-Fe) (cord-bio) ranges from 3.0 in the highest grade rocks to 10.0 in the lowest grade rocks, appears independent of FeO/MgO of cordierite or biotite, and varies systematically with grade. In contrast with conclusions based on observation in other localities, data from the Guri area suggest -KD(cord-bio) may be a sensitive index of grade.A number of mineralogic and geologic observations are difficultly reconciled with existing experimental data.  相似文献   

We present results from a seismic refraction experiment on the northern margin of the Guayana Shield performed during June 1998, along nine profiles of up to 320 km length, using the daily blasts of the Cerro Bolívar mines as energy source, as well as from gravimetric measurements. Clear Moho arrivals can be observed on the main E–W profile on the shield, whereas the profiles entering the Oriental Basin to the north are more noisy. The crustal thickness of the shield is unusually high with up to 46 km on the Archean segment in the west and 43 km on the Proterozoic segment in the east. A 20 km thick upper crust with P-wave velocities between 6.0 and 6.3 km/s can be separated from a lower crust with velocities ranging from 6.5 to 7.2 km/s. A lower crustal low velocity zone with a velocity reduction to 6.3 km/s is observed between 25 and 25 km depth. The average crustal velocity is 6.5 km/s. The changes in the Bouguer Anomaly, positive (30 mGal) in the west and negative (−20 mGal) in the east, cannot be explained by the observed seismic crustal features alone. Lateral variations in the crust or in the upper mantle must be responsible for these observations.  相似文献   

Uranium and lead isotopic analyses of total-rock and feldspar samples from the Imataca Series indicate an early Archean (3.5+ b.y.) age for the basement gneisses. Lead isotopic evolution in most gneiss samples may approximately be described by a three-stage model. The start of the third stage is marked by a pervasive metamorphic event, locally up to pyroxene-granulite grade, at 2 b.y. ago, which commonly resulted in extensive depletion of uranium relative to lead.  相似文献   

Two series of volcanic rocks with different petrochemical affinities-calc-alkaline and komatiitetholeiitic series-were identified as protoliths for the Early Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Batomga granite-greenstone terrane. The metavolcanic rocks of the calc-alkaline series comprise metabasalts, metaandesites, metadacites, and metarhyolites. The distribution of the trace element abundances in the felsic metavolcanic rocks is similar to that of the Archean grey gneisses from the platform basements, thus suggesting a similar petrological mechanism for the formation of their protoliths. The protoliths for the komatiite-tholeiitic metavolcanic rocks include komatiite and tholeiite basalts. The chemical behavior of the tholeiites tends to support the fractionation of primary high-Mg basaltic magmas in a transient magma chamber at low pressures. The variations in the Nb, Y, and Zr contents of the metatoleiites indicate the derivation of their parental magmas from a plume-related source.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This report considers features of the geochemical composition of obsidian from beach sediments of Krasnoe Lake along the lower course of the Anadyr River, as well as from...  相似文献   

Sediment archives from a mountain lake are used as indicators of seismotectonic activity in the Grenoble area (French western Alps, 45°N). Sedimentological analysis (texture and grain-size characteristics) exhibits several layers resulting from instantaneous deposits in Lake Laffrey: six debris flow events up to 8 cm thick can be attributed to slope failure along the western flank of the basin. Dating with 210Pb and 137Cs gamma counting techniques and the reconnaissance of historical events, provide a constrained age-depth model. Over the last 250 years, five of such debris flow deposits could be related to historical earthquakes of MSK intensities greater than VI over an area of <60 km. One debris flow deposit triggered at the beginning of the last century can be related to an historical landslide possibly triggered by the artificial regulation of the lake level.  相似文献   

西藏蓬湖西蛇绿岩地球化学及构造背景研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西藏蓬湖西蛇绿岩隶属于班公湖—怒江缝合带的中段,是藏北湖区较好的堆晶岩剖面之一。形成该堆晶岩时矿物分离结晶顺序为铬铁矿→橄榄石→单斜辉石→斜长石,分离结晶作用具有由富镁质、铁质向富铝质、钙质演化趋势。堆晶岩主量元素组成与世界典型蛇绿堆晶岩成分相似;各种堆晶岩石的微量元素和稀土元素配分曲线总体上基本一致,反映其同源性;岩石Nb和Ta亏损,稀土元素含量很低,分配模式呈LREE微弱亏损的平坦型。该蛇绿岩形成于弧后盆地扩张中心,属SSZ型蛇绿岩。  相似文献   

The geochemical evolution of biotite (Bt) from garnet-bearing associations in the granite-forming series of the Nimnyr Block (Aldan Shield) is considered. The series includes the primary rock (gneiss or basic rock), autochthonous enderbite- or charnockite-gneiss (Lc1), migmatitic leucosome (Lc2, Lc4), and paraautochthonous charnockite (Lc3-ch1) and (Lc5-ch2 → grn). Bt in each series is characterized by an individual, significant difference in the concentrations of Ti, V, Cr; rarely Al, Fe, Mg, and Rb; and very rarely La, Ce, Nd, and Gd. The uniform trend of evolution of Bt compositions in the series was established for Al, KAl, (K + Na)/Al, rarely for Mg, Ti, and К. In contrast to the series with ch2, Bt becomes enriched in LREEs from autochthonous Lc1 to allochthonous Lc2 and Lc3. The different compositional variations of Bt in relation some minor elements is explained by the different composition of the material, which underwent melting, temperature variations (from 820 to 750°C), and changes in pH of the mineral-forming medium.  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements have been performed on volcanic catchment rocks, present-day soils, and cored sediments from Lake Massoko, an oligotrophic maar-lake from SW Tanzania. Magnetic concentration proxies, low- and high- temperature experiments, and hysteresis behavior, suggest significant contributions of Ti-magnetite and SP/SD (oxidized) magnetite in tuff-ring material transformed by pedogenesis (modern soil, littoral sand). In contrast, the basalt is characterized by relatively low concentrations of PSD-SD magnetite.Three depth/time intervals present magnetic signatures similar to the modern soils and littoral sands, at ~43-38 kyr, ~12-1.3 kyr, and 400-300yr BP (the uppermost 30 cm). They likely correspond to humid (high-lake stand) periods, with increased pedogenic processes and runoff. Other sediments have magnetic signatures closer to the catchment basalt, possibly indicating arid/low-stand periods with increased detrital inputs from the basaltic crater wall. Sediments deposited during the Last Glacial Maximum (~38-12kyr) present high Jrs/Js-high Hcr/Hc intervals, indicating an additional high coercivity component of unknown origin.  相似文献   

Thermal dynamics of lakes has a key role in chemical and biological processes in lakes including nutrient distributions and phytoplankton growth. Applications of hydrodynamic models to lakes can provide insights into possible future alterations in thermal dynamics induced by climate change. In this study, we present the calibration and validation of the newest version of the open-source hydrodynamic model GLM (General Lake Model) to the dimictic Lake Ammersee, located in south-east Germany. The simulation of lake water temperatures for the calibration period revealed an overall root mean square error of 0.65 °C and a mean error of 0.08 °C. The seasonal stratification pattern and the annual thermal structure of this dimictic lake were reproduced by the model. The model simulated the presence of winter ice cover for the only year out of 8 years simulated, when ice cover was observed. Elevated lake water temperatures were also reproduced in model simulations during a period in 2003 of unusually high air temperatures. Statistical analysis of the model calibration results for Lake Ammersee indicates a fit comparable to or better than most other well-established hydrodynamic models and provides an opportunity for continuous simulations through periods of ice cover. Our results indicate a major improvement in GLM compared with earlier model versions and demonstrate the applicability of GLM for limnophysical studies, particularly for altered forcing conditions such as climate change.  相似文献   

The results of study of geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic and Lower Cambrian deposits within the Berezovka depression are presented. A mudstone member of the Seralakh Formation is assumed to be an oil source bed. We compiled a series of geochemical maps for this formation and estimated the hydrocarbon generation potential and the scales of oil and gas formation in its mudstone member, using the volumetric-genetic method. The migrated liquid hydrocarbons amount to about 8 billion tons.  相似文献   

During our study we obtained the first age datings of detrital zircons from metasandstones of the Ladoga Group (North Ladoga Region, Russia) with the U-Pb isotopic method using the SHRIMP-II ion microprobe. The data obtained made it possible to clarify the lower age limit of sedimentation and to obtain additional age data for evaluating the chemical composition and an age of source areas. This work presents the results of isotopic-geochemical (Sm-Nd) and geochemical studies of metasediments. High LREE concentrations, a high La/Sc ratio and a low Cr/h ratio, and the presence of a distinct Eu-minimum (Eu/Eu* = 0.54–0.72) indicate a significant role of acidic terrigenous material in source areas. In addition, the data of the isotope analysis of detrital zircons show that sediments of the Ladoga Group accumulated from the destruction of Proterozoic rocks (1.9–2.0 Ga; a proportion in sediments is 60–70%) and, to a lesser extent, Archean rocks (2.54–2.74 and 2.9–3.01 Ga; the proportion in sediments is 30–40%). One of the Archean source areas could be granite-gneisses of the Pitkyaranta-Koirinoya dome structure with the U-Pb zircon age of 2659 ± 15 Ma. We have established the lower age limit of sedimentation as 1.9 Ga within the measurement error. The Sm-Nd model ages obtained (2.5–2.6 Ga for sediments of the Ladoga Group and over 3.4 Ga for granite-gneisses of the dome structure) suggest a significant contribution of ancient crustal source area into source rocks. Our age data agree well with those for svecofennides of Finland.  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖钾盐矿床形成的地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了罗布泊盐湖主要钾盐矿床富钾卤水的化学特性。采用元素地球化学技术、同位素地球化学技术,研究晶间卤水的起源、补给方向、富集机理等卤水演化过程,揭示出罗布泊盐湖晶间卤水主要起源于大气降水,盐分的富集以蒸发作用为主。开展罗布泊不同钾盐矿区的对比研究,探讨了卤水物质来源、卤水演化过程及阶段的差异。硫同位素确定了卤水硫酸盐和固体硫酸盐的同源性,且硫物质的演化以溶解、沉积作用为主。  相似文献   

In 1998, a 59-cm sediment box core (PLB98-2) was taken from the deepest part of Pyramid Lake (water depth =106 m), Nevada. Age control for PLB98-2 was provided using a variety of approaches. Dried sediment samples were leached with 10% ultra-pure nitric acid and analyzed for their elemental concentrations using standard ICP techniques. The variations in elemental concentrations can be divided into two periods: one prior to European settlement and one influenced by anthropogenic activities. The concentrations of K, Al, Na, Zn, and Mn all began to increase after pre-European manipulation of the watershed in ~1860, which indicates the increasing soil erosion in the watershed was due to deforestation and development. The highest concentrations of these elements and lithogenic elements such as P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Ba, and Si occurred during the flood event of the 1990s. The Pb enrichment times are similar to what has been observed in estuaries draining the western Sierra Nevada, but the Pb enrichments in Pyramid Lake are much less. The Ca, TOC, TIC, Sr, and Ba concentrations show a strong association that is closely related to drought-wet variations of climate and the construction of Derby Dam for water diversions in the early 1900s. Se concentrations vary with the '18O of the carbonate in the sediments. Although the '18O "leads" the other species and Truckee River discharge by a few years, it is an excellent indicator of the hydrological change of Pyramid Lake, which is related to climate changes and human activities. From ~1920, Mn and Mo vary inversely in the sediments. In general, the Mo concentrations varies directly with the organic carbon content of the sediments from 1910 to ~1980, suggesting enhanced removal of Mo during times of increased productivity in the lake, and anoxic conditions at the sediment/water interface. This coincides with low lake levels. The elemental composition of the sediments in Pyramid Lake clearly reflect the timing of important anthropogenic activities and climatic variations that have taken place within the watershed over the past 240 years.  相似文献   

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