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Hydrogeochemical characteristics and elemental features of groundwater and core sediments have been studied to better understand the sources and mobilization process responsible for As-enrichment in part of the Gangetic plain (Barasat, West Bengal, India). Analysis of water samples from shallow tubewells (depth 24.3–48.5 m) and piezometer wells (depth 12.2–79.2 m) demonstrate that the groundwater is mostly the Ca-HCO3 type and anoxic in nature (mean EhSHE = 34 mV). Arsenic concentrations ranged from <10–538 μg/L, with high concentrations only present in the shallow to medium depth (30–50 m) of the aquifer along with high Fe (0.07–9.8 mg/L) and relatively low Mn (0.15–3.38 mg/L) as also evidenced in core sediments. Most groundwater samples contained both As(III) and As(V) species in which the concentration of As(III) was generally higher than that of As(V), exhibiting the reducing condition. Results show lower concentrations of NO3, SO4 and NO2 along with higher values of DOC and HCO3, indicating the reducing nature of the aquifer with abundant organic matter that can promote the release of As from sediments into groundwater. Positive correlations of As with Fe and DOC were also observed. The presence of DOC may actively drive the redox processes. This study revealed that reduction processes of FeOOH was the dominant mechanism for the release of As into the groundwater in this part of the Ganges Delta plain.  相似文献   

To better understand the sources and mobilization processes responsible for arsenic enrichment in groundwater in the central part of Datong Basin where serious arsenic poisoning cases have been reported, hydrochemical characteristics of the groundwater and the geochemical and mineralogical features of the aquifer sediments were studied. The aqueous arsenic levels are strongly depth-dependent in the study area and the high arsenic concentrations are found at depths between 15 m and 60 m, with a maximum up to 1820 μg/L. The hydrochemical characteristics of high arsenic groundwater from the Datong Basin indicate that the mobilization of arsenic is related to reductive dissolution of Fe oxides/oxyhydroxides and/or desorption from the Fe oxides/oxyhydroxides at high pH (above 8.0). The bulk chemical results of sediments show the arsenic and iron are moderately correlated, suggesting that arsenic is associated with iron-bearing minerals. Results of sequential-extraction experiment show that solid-phase arsenic is similarly distributed among the different pools of reservoir in the aquifer sediments. Strongly adsorbed arsenic and co-precipitated arsenic are its dominant species in the solid-phase. Geochemical studies using chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy on magnetically separated fractions demonstrate that iron oxides/oxyhydroxides with residual magnetite and chlorite, illite, iron oxides/oxyhydroxides-coated quartz and feldspar, and ankerite are the dominant carriers of arsenic in the sediments. The major processes of arsenic mobilization are probably linked to desorption of As from Fe oxides/oxyhydroxides and reductive dissolution of Fe-rich phases in the aquifer sediments under reducing and alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

The occurrence of uranium in groundwater is of particular interest due to its toxicological and radiological properties. It has been considered as a relevant contaminant for drinking water even at a low concentration. Uranium is a ubiquitously occurring radionuclide in the environment. Four hundred and fifty-six (456) groundwater samples from different locations of five districts of South Bihar (SB) were collected and concentrations of uranium (U) were analyzed using a light-emitting diode (LED) fluorimetric technique. Uranium concentrations in groundwater samples varied from 0.1 µg l?1 to 238.2 µg l?1 with an average value of 12.3 µg l?1 in five districts of Bihar in the mid-eastern Gangetic plain. This study used hot spot spatial statistics to identify the distribution of elevated uranium concentration in groundwater. The hypothesis whether spatial distribution of high value and low value of U is more likely spatially clustered due to random process near a uranium hotspot in groundwater was tested based on z score and Getis-Ord Gi* statistics. The method implemented in this study, can be utilized in the field of risk assessment and decision making to locate potential areas of contamination.  相似文献   

A detailed water quality analysis was carried out in the quaternary aquifer system of the marginal alluvial plain (Ganga Plain) in Bah Tahsil, Agra district, India. The electrical conductivity of 50 samples each from dug wells, hand pumps and tube wells was analysed for the study of salinity levels in shallow, intermediate and deep aquifers. Out of 50, 20 samples of each were also analysed for other chemical constituents such as Na+, K+, Cl, Fand TDS. The analyses show drastic changes in the salinity levels of shallow, intermediate and deep aquifers. The deep aquifers are more saline compared to the shallow and intermediate aquifers. On the contrary, the concentration of chemical constituents such as Na+, K+, Cl and Fwas more in the shallow aquifers compared to the deep aquifers. Moreover, there is an indication that the salinity and concentration of the above chemical constituents also escalate with time in each aquifer. The chemical constituents such as Na+, K+, Cl, F and TDS range from 51 to 165 mg/l, 1 to 14 mg/l, 224 to 1,459 mg/l, 0 to 1.5 mg/l and 750 to 2,650 mg/l, respectively. Over a 3-year period, the salinity levels have sharply increased and the average F level has increased by 0.1–0.3 mg/l. An attempt has been made here to discuss the factors causing the variation and escalation of chemical constituents and salinity in the water of the three aquifers.  相似文献   

Core sediments from two boreholes and groundwater from fifty four As-contaminated well waters were collected in the Chapai-Nawabganj area of northwestern Bangladesh for geochemical analysis. Groundwater arsenic concentrations in the uppermost aquifer (10 to 40 m of depth) range from 2.76?C315.15 mg/l (average 48.81 mg/l). Arsenic concentration in sediments ranges from 3.26?C10 mg/kg. Vertical distribution of arsenic in both groundwater and sediments shows that maximum As concentration (462 mg/l in groundwater and 10 mg/kg in sediments) occurs at a depth of 24 m. In January 2008, 2009 and 2010, maximum As concentration occurs at the same depth. Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) with EDAX was used to investigate the presence of major and trace elements in the sediments. The dominant groundwater type is Ca-HCO3 with high concentrations of As and Fe, but with low levels of NO3 ? and SO3 ?2. Statistical analysis clearly shows that As is closely associated with Fe (R2 = 0.64) and Mn (R2 = 0.91) in sediments while As is not correlated with Fe and Mn in groundwater samples. Comparatively low Fe and Mn concentrations in some groundwater, suggest that probably siderite and/or rhodochrosite precipitated as secondary mineral on the surface of the sediment particles. The correlations along with results of sequential leaching experiments suggest that reductive dissolution of FeOOH and MnOOH mediated by anaerobic bacteria represents mechanism for releasing arsenic into the groundwater.  相似文献   

A comparative hydrogeochemical study evaluated arsenic release mechanism and differences in contamination levels in the shallow groundwater of two areas within the deltaic environment of West Bengal (i.e. Karimpur and Tehatta blocks of Nadia district) in India. Groundwaters from both the areas are Ca-Na(K)-Cl-HCO3 type with highly reducing character (−110.16 ± 16.85 to −60.77 ± 16.93 mV). Low correlations among As, Fe, and Mn and the higher association between As and DOC are indicative of microbial decomposition of organic matter enhancing the weathering of shallow aquifer materials. Arsenic contamination in groundwater is higher in Karimpur (95 ± 81.17 μg/L) than that in Tehatta (43.05 ± 41.06 μg/L). The release mechanism of arsenic into groundwater is very complex. Low Fe (0.27–4.78 mg/L and 0.81–4.13 mg/L), Mn (0.08–0.2 mg/L and 0.03–0.22 mg/L), and SO42− (3.82 ± 0.31 and 2.78 ± 0.40 mg/L) suggest that the mechanism of arsenic release is not a single mechanistic pathway. Clustering of redox-active parameters in the principal component planes indicate that the reductive dissolution, and/or weathering/co-precipitation of Fe/Mn-bearing minerals in the shallow aquifer sediments control the dominant mechanistic pathway of arsenic release.  相似文献   

Yan ZHENG 《中国地质》2010,37(3):723-729
研究表明饮用水中微小数量的砷会对人类健康产生不利影响.世界上居住在贫穷地区的人数超过了100万,目前他们正直接饮用来自含水层中砷离子含量(>10μg/L)非安全标准的地下水.砷有时称为毒中之王,在水环境中常常以五价氧化物形式出现.自2000年以来,许多国家开始执行更为严格的10μg/L(WHO认可的居民安全饮水标准)饮用水标准,可以确定地说,在世界范围内的饮用水中检测到砷的情况越来越多.亚洲地区砷中毒的人数比世界其他地区总和还多.最受影响的地区位于南亚和东南亚富砷带,环绕恒河一雅鲁藏布江-梅克纳河三角洲及恒河平原上游的冲洪积扇含水层、红河三角洲、湄公河和伊洛瓦底江;在中国境内包括内蒙黄河冲积盆地,山西大同盆地、新疆准噶尔盆地,其中的地下水富含砷和氟化物而引发砷中毒和氟中毒.尽管还未完全掌握其中的水文地质及生物地球化学作用的详细过程,但对大多数沉积介质含水层,在还原条件下砷离子容易从沉积介质转移到地下水中.孟加拉研究实例表明地质时期尺度的冲刷降低了沉积介质中的As和有机物含量从而形成低砷地下水.这一认识为孟加拉国的降砷策略提供了科学指导,是未来水文学,矿物学,地质学和生物地球化学方面很有意义的研究方向,并有利于地砷病区低砷地下水的可持续利用.  相似文献   

The study on water level conditions of fractured aquifer system in northeastern part of Anantapur district is of immense importance as the area is covered by varied geological formations and has different irrigation patterns. The monthly groundwater level data of 154 observation wells for five year period (2001–06) is analyzed to decipher the behavior of water levels in different seasons and geo-environments. The hydrographs of the average water level data of each Mandal (group of villages) indicate steady declining trend ranging from 0.50 to 2.91m/yr. Yellanuru Mandal has both the shallowest and the deepest water levels among eight Mandals, highly undulating terrain could be one of the reasons for this contrasting condition. The pre-monsoon water levels show decline of 8.22 m in one year from May 2002 to 2003. A negative seasonal fluctuation of ?1.49m has occurred in the year 2002 during which the area received 32% less than normal rainfall. The mean water levels are deeper by 42% in areas covered by sedimentary formations than those of granite terrain. Raise in water levels is significant where monthly rainfall is more than 200 mm. Due to erratic rainfall in space and time, deeper water levels are noticed even in post-monsoon period and shallow in February month at some locations. The water levels in command areas are deep and exhibit falling trend as the area forms the tail end part of the Tunga Bhadra High Level Canal. The deeper water level conditions and its declining feature is directly related to groundwater development in the form of increased agriculture activity, reduced area under rain-fed crops, high horticulture development. Arid climatic conditions, low precipitation and continuous exploitation of groundwater resources could be other factors contributing for steady decline in water levels in the area. The wide variations in groundwater levels could be due to uneven topography, heterogeneous and anisotropic conditions of granites and poor porosity — permeability of shales, lack of vegetation, and increased groundwater extraction.  相似文献   



The origin of the spatial variability of dissolved As concentrations in shallow aquifers of the Bengal Basin remains poorly understood. To address this, we compare here transects of simultaneously-collected groundwater and aquifer solids perpendicular to the banks of the Hooghly River in Chakdaha, India, and the Old Brahmaputra River in Araihazar, Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) and fluoride (F?) in groundwater are increasing global water quality and public health concerns. The present study provides a deeper understanding of the impact of seasonal change on the co-occurrence of As and F?, as both contaminants vary with climatic patterns. Groundwater samples were collected in pre- and post-monsoon seasons (n = 40 in each season) from the Brahmaputra flood plains (BFP) in northeast India to study the effect of season on As and F? levels. Weathering is a key hydrogeochemical process in the BFP and both silicate and carbonate weathering are enhanced in the post-monsoon season. The increase in carbonate weathering is linked to an elevation in pH during the post-monsoon season. A Piper diagram revealed that bicarbonate-type water, with Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ cations, is common in both seasons. Correlation between Cl? and NO3 ? (r = 0.74, p = 0.01) in the post-monsoon indicates mobilization of anthropogenic deposits during the rainy season. As was within the 10 µg L?1 WHO limit for drinking water and F? was under the 1.5 mg L?1 limit. A negative correlation between oxidation reduction potential and groundwater As in both seasons (r = ?0.26 and ?0.49, respectively, for pre-monsoon and post-monsoon, p = 0.05) indicates enhanced As levels due to prevailing reducing conditions. Reductive hydrolysis of Fe (hydr)oxides appears to be the predominant process of As release, consistent with a positive correlation between As and Fe in both seasons (r = 0.75 and 0.73 for pre- and post-monsoon seasons, respectively, at p = 0.01). Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis revealed grouping of Fe and As in both seasons. F? and sulfate were also clustered during the pre-monsoon season, which could be due to their similar interactions with Fe (hydr)oxides. Higher As levels in the post-monsoon appears driven by the influx of water into the aquifer, which drives out oxygen and creates a more reducing condition suitable for reductive dissolution of Fe (hydr)oxides. An increase in pH promotes desorption of As oxyanions AsO4 3? (arsenate) and AsO3 3? (arsenite) from Fe (hydr)oxide surfaces. Fluoride appears mainly released from F?-bearing minerals, but Fe (hydr)oxides can be a secondary source of F?, as suggested by the positive correlation between As and F? in the pre-monsoon season.  相似文献   

The Middle Awash basin is an arid region in Ethiopia where surface waters are scarce and local communities are dependent on groundwater resources for water supply. The complex hydrogeological system of this basin has been conceptualized. Multivariate statistical analysis of hydrochemical variables and water isotopes were used to study the rock?Cwater interaction, geochemical reaction processes and the hydrological link between aquifers. Groundwaters from aquifers of the high-rainfall plateau bounding the rift are slightly mineralized, as well as depleted in ??18O and ??D, and contain 3H above 0.8?TU. This suggests a low degree of rock?Cwater interaction and that groundwater is under recharge from heavy rain that falls on surrounding highlands. On the other hand, groundwaters from aquifers of the rift floor are highly mineralized and show slight enrichment in ??18O and ??D with positive oxygen shift, but contain 3H below 0.8?TU. The positive oxygen shift in rift floor groundwaters may be caused by the isotopic exchange of oxygen between groundwater and aquifer materials during rock?Cwater interaction, whereas the low 3H content could be due to the decay of tritium along relatively long flow paths. The approach utilized in this study may be applicable to understanding hydrogeochemical processes in other complex volcanic terrains.  相似文献   

The Yinchuan plain is located in the arid climate zone of NW China. The western margin of the plain is the Helan mountain connecting a series of normal slip faults. The eastern margin of the plain connects with the Yellow River and adjacents with the Ordos platform. The south of the plain is bordered by the EN fault of the Niushou mountain. The bottom of the plain is the Carboniferous, Permian, or Ordovician rocks. Based on the analysis of groundwater hydrochemical and isotopic indicators, this study aims to identify the groundwater recharge and discharge in the Yinchuan plain, China. The hydrochemical types of the groundwater are HCO3–SO4 in the west, HCO3–Cl in the middle, and Cl–SO4 in the east. The hydrochemical types are HCO3–SO4 in the south, HCO3–Cl and SO4–HCO3 in the middle. The hydrochemical types are complex in the north, mainly SO4–HCO3 and Cl–SO4. Deuterium, 18O, and tritium values of groundwater indicate that groundwater recharge sources include precipitation, bedrock fissure water, and irrigation return water. Groundwater discharges include evaporation, abstraction, and discharge to surface water. According to the EW isotopic profile, the groundwater flow system (GFS) in the Yinchuan plain can be divided into local flow systems (LFS) and regional flow systems (RFS). Groundwater has lower TDS and higher tritium in the southern Yellow River alluvial plain and groundwater age ranges from 6 to 25 years. The range of groundwater renewal rates is from 11 to 15 % a?1. The depth of the water cycle is small, and groundwater circulates fast and has high renewal rates. Groundwater has higher TDS and lower tritium in the northern Yellow River alluvial plain. The range of groundwater age is from 45 to 57 years, and renewal rate is from 6 to 0.1 % a?1. The depth of the water cycle is larger. Groundwater circulates slowly and has low renewal rates.  相似文献   

This study aims at finding out possible relation between lithology and spatial pattern of dissolved arsenic (As) in groundwater around Chakdaha municipality, West Bengal, India. Satellite image, coupled with electrical resistivity survey and borehole drilling helps to delineate surface and sub-surface lithological framework of the As affected alluvial aquifers. The satellite imagery demonstrate that the high As area are presumably under active flood plain environment (low-lying areas), that constantly receive organics due to periodic flooding. Thick low resistive (fine-grained) layer was observed at the top around the high As areas, which, however, not found in low As areas. The result suggests that hydraulic properties of the surface/sub-surface soil/sediment have an important control on the fate and transport of As in the aquifer. This study demonstrates that electrical resistivity tools can be effectively used for the reconnaissance survey in characterizing the plausible lithological framework of an alluvial aquifer containing As.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of arsenic mobilization from sediment to groundwater mediated by microorganism, vertical distribution of bacterial populations in aquifer sediments of the Hetao plain, Inner Mongolia was investigated by a two-step nested PCR-DGGE and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries, combined with sediment geochemistry. A borehole to 30 m depth was drilled and 11 sediment samples were collected. Lithological profile and different geochemical characteristics of sediments indicated a distinct transition of oxidizing–reducing environment along the depth of the sediment core. As(III) and Fe(II) concentrations elevated progressively from 10 m, simultaneously coupling with decrease of As(V) and Fe(III) concentrations, implying that reductive dissolution of arsenic-rich Fe(III) oxyhydroxides led to arsenic release. Results of DGGE displayed that sediment samples with higher concentrations of total arsenic and total organic carbon had lower population diversity, which suggested total arsenic concentrations were important to determine the population diversity of sediments. Bacterial communities of a sediment sample with the highest diversity and ratio of As(III) to total As were dominated by aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria and belonged to Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria and Firmicutes group. Most of the retrieved sequences were closely related to high arsenic-resistance organisms, sulfide/thiosulfate oxidizers, denitrifiers, and aromatic hydrocarbon degraders. Thiobacillus distinctly predominated in clone library, which suggested that arsenic might be released by oxidized dissolution of sulfide minerals coupled to arsenate reduction or nitrate reduction in anaerobic condition. These data have important implications for understanding the microbially mediated arsenic mobilization in aquifers.  相似文献   

Core sediments from three disturbed boreholes (JOR, GHAT, and RAJ) and two undisturbed boreholes (DW1 and DW2) were collected in the study area of the Chapai-Nawabganj district of northwestern Bangladesh for geochemical analyses. In the study area, groundwater samples from fourteen As-contained private wells and five nested piezometers at both the DW1 and DW2 boreholes were also collected and analyzed. The groundwater arsenic concentrations in the uppermost aquifer (10–40 m of depth) range from 3 to 315 μg/L (mean 47.73 ± 73.41 μg/L), while the arsenic content in sediments range from 2 to 14 mg/kg (mean 4.36 ± 3.34 mg/kg). An environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer was used to investigate the presence of major and trace elements in the sediments. Groundwaters in the study area are generally the Ca–HCO3 type with high concentrations of As, but low levels of Fe, Mn, NO3 ? and SO 4 ?2 . The concentrations of As, Fe, Mn decrease with depth in the groundwater, showing vertical geochemical variations in the study area. Statistical analysis clearly shows that As is closely associated with Fe and Mn in the sediments of the JOR core (r = 0.87, p < 0.05 for Fe and r = 0.78, p < 0.05 for Mn) and GHAT core (r = 0.95, p < 0.05 for Fe and r = 0.93, p < 0.05 for Mn), while As is not correlated with Fe and Mn in groundwater. The comparatively low Fe and Mn concentrations in some groundwater and the ESEM image revealed that siderite precipitated as a secondary mineral on the surface of the sediment particles. The correlations along with results of sequential extraction experiments indicated that reductive dissolution of FeOOH and MnOOH represents a mechanism for releasing arsenic into the groundwater.  相似文献   

The behavior of As in the subsurface environment was examined along a transect of groundwater monitoring wells at a Superfund site, where enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) is being used for the remediation of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. The transect was installed parallel to the groundwater flow direction through the treatment area. The ERD technology involves the injection of organic C (OC) to stimulate in situ microbial dechlorination processes. A secondary effect of the ERD treatment at this site, however, is the mobilization of As, as well as Fe and Mn. The concentrations of these elements are low in groundwater collected upgradient of the ERD treatment area, indicating that, in the absence of the injected OC, the As that occurs naturally in the sediment is relatively immobile. Batch experiments conducted using sediments from the site inoculated with an Fe(III)- and As(V)-reducing bacterium and amended with lactate resulted in mobilization of As, Fe and Mn, suggesting that As mobilization in the field is due to microbial processes.  相似文献   

The geochemical analyses of fluvial-lacustrine aquifer sediments of the Kathmandu Valley have been made as a step in assessing the environment for the mobilization of arsenic in groundwater. Elements measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) include 4 major oxides (Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, P2O5) and 14 trace elements (As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, V, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr, Th, Sc and TS). Elution tests of 15 selected core samples were also carried out to determine the potential leaching of arsenic from the sediments. The XRF results show that average bulk concentrations of the major oxides and trace elements are similar to modern unconsolidated sediments and average upper continental crust. However, the abundance of elements varies with grain size, with higher concentrations in finer-size grades. Variations in elemental abundances within the basin are strongly controlled by sediment facies. The elution tests show that greater amounts of arsenic are generally eluted from the fine sediments, although the rates are variable. The results overall suggest that As concentrations in the bulk sediments are not a controlling factor for elevated As in the Kathmandu Basin groundwater, and the roles of other factors such as redox conditions and organic matter contents are likely to be more significant.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Drinking water scarcity in rural parts of central India in basaltic terrain is common. Most of the rural population depends on groundwater sources located in the fractured...  相似文献   

Twenty groundwater samples were collected from Enugu metropolis over two seasonal periods in order to characterize the groundwater and to determine its quality for domestic and irrigation purposes. The results show that groundwater of the area is strongly acidic to slightly alkaline in nature and varied from “soft water” to “moderately hard” water type. The major ionic trend is in the order Cl> Na> HCO3 ? > K> Mg2+ > Ca2+ > SO4 2?and Mg2+ > Cl> Na> K> Ca2+ > HCO 3 > SO4 2? in abundance for dry and rainy seasons, respectively. The results also reveal that there is an increase in trend of the ionic concentrations during the dry season, which arises from weathering of the host rocks and anthropogenic activities. Two hydrochemical facies were identified, namely, Na+ –K+ –Cl? –SO4 2?and Ca2+ –Mg2+ –Cl? –SO4 2? , with Na+ –K+ –Cl? –SO4 2? as the dominant facies for the two seasons. Groundwater quality ranges from “very poor water” to “good water” and “water unsuitable for drinking purposes” to “good water” for the dry season and rainy season investigations, respectively. The groundwater is suitable for irrigation purposes for the two seasons.  相似文献   

Waterlogging is a complex phenomenon, the severity of which depends on a number of natural as well as anthropogenic factors. The present study pertains to the evaluation of control exerted by various factors, viz geomorphology, relief, groundwater fluctuation, rainfall, catchment area and canal–road network density, on waterlogging in the north Bihar region of Gangetic Plains. Satellite images IRS P6 LISS III acquired in the years 2005 and 2006 were used to map temporal variability in surface waterlogging which revealed a reduction of 52 % in the waterlogging area during the pre-monsoon. The seasonal groundwater fluctuation was examined using 2005–2006 pre- and post-monsoon water level data. It clearly indicated that a large portion of the area was also under highly critical groundwater level occurring at a depth of less than 1 m belowground surface during the post-monsoon periods. The percentage of waterlogged area per square kilometer in each geomorphological unit clearly depicts that the Kosi megafan (Lower), because of a high density of paleochannels, comprises the highest post-monsoon waterlogged area. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data were analyzed for the period 1998–2009 to examine the spatial variability of rainfall over the entire catchment during the monsoon period. The high incidence of post-monsoon surface waterlogging delineated through satellite data and high average rainfall (>1,100 mm) in the same area indicates a positive relationship between rainfall and surface waterlogging. Waterlogging is more prominent in the lower relief zones, but anomalous relative rise in waterlogging within 40–50 m of relief zone was attributed to anthropogenic factors primarily related to the development of canal network.  相似文献   

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