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利用1982-2000年逐月NOAA/AVHRR NDVI的时间序列数据,分析了天山巴音布鲁克草原植被覆盖的动态变化及其与降水、气温、浅层地温等气候因子的关系。结果表明:近20 a来巴音布鲁克草原植被覆盖面积总体上呈现增加趋势,生态环境有所改善。同时,生长季(4-9月)NDVI与降水、气温和浅层地温的相关分析表明, 气温和浅层地温是影响巴音布鲁克草原植被生长的两个重要因子。  相似文献   

利用2003-2010年5-10月巴里坤250 m分辨率的EOS-MODIS卫星影像数据,通过预处理、几何校正、NDVI计算以及最大值合成,并计算植被盖度,依照盖度值将地表植被总盖度划分为高、中、低覆盖三类,得到连续8 a巴里坤植被盖度的动态变化:植被总盖度在16%~44%范围内波动,2007年植被盖度相对较高,200...  相似文献   

基于全球土地利用类型和覆盖度,利用生长季多年平均(1982~2015年)归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)和气候平均态(气温、降水量)数据,讨论了全球植被格局与气候因子之间的关系,建立了两者之间的多元回归模型,并分析了植被对气温和降水气候态敏感性的特征。植被与气候因子在气候梯度上存在明显的对应关系,回归模型可较好拟合气候态NDVI的全球分布格局,拟合与观测NDVI的相关系数达0.90。其中,常绿阔叶林、混交林、常绿针叶林、落叶阔叶林、农田和木本稀树草原空间分布的拟合能力较好(r>0.8)。不同土地覆盖类型的NDVI对气温、降水气候态的空间敏感性特征不同。整体而言,植被对气温和降水的敏感性呈现反相关关系(r=-0.6)。不同土地覆盖类型对气温表现出正/负敏感性,寒带灌木对气温的敏感性最强,而农作物、草原、裸地对气温负敏感性较大;植被对降水的敏感性均表现出正敏感性,其中落叶针叶林、草原和稀树草原对降水的空间敏感性较强。  相似文献   

利用MODIS合成产品数据MOD11A2和MOD13A2获取的归一化植被指数(NDVI)和陆地表面温度(LST)构建Ts—NDVI特征空间,并把该特征空间计算的温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)作为土壤湿度指标。利用该指标反演伊犁博州地区6~8月3个月份每8d的土壤湿度。然后将土壤湿度分为5级,进而得到该时段伊犁博州地区土壤湿度空间分布特征。  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感归一化植被指数(NDVI)时间序列数据和站点气象数据,从农作物生长发育过程的角度,分析了1981~2008年华北平原农田在12个生长发育期(冬小麦8个、夏玉米4个)对降水和温度不同的响应特征。研究区农田植被指数对降水响应的滞后性强于对温度的滞后性,其中对降水最为敏感的是前1和前2个生长发育期,对温度最为敏感的是同期和前1个生长发育期。不同种类作物在不同时期对气候因子响应不同:冬小麦发育中后期、夏玉米发育中期,绝大多数站点植被指数与降水呈正相关;冬小麦生长发育前中期植被指数与温度呈显著甚至极显著正相关。冬小麦出苗期温度、返青期温度和返青期降水分别与不同时期植被指数显著相关,出苗期和返青期为研究区农田长势对气候因子响应的敏感期。  相似文献   

陆地植被是影响地表水热通量,乃至气候的重要因素,植被覆盖度是气候模式(陆面过程模型)中的关键参数。为更全面认识中国东部植被覆盖度变化的时空特征,以便于今后研究陆地植被变化对气候的反馈效应,利用NOAA AVHRR-NDVI数据集,采用像元二分模型法,计算了中国东部(105°E以东)1982~2006年的植被覆盖度,并对其空间分布特征与时间演变过程进行了分析。结果表明:(1)研究区多年平均植被覆盖度为0~84.2%,呈现南高北低、东高西低的空间分布特征,南北差异在冬季最大,夏季最小;(2)森林、灌丛、农业植被和草原的年平均植被覆盖度依次减小,分别是49.9%、44.7%、40.4%和31.1%,并且植被覆盖度的季节变幅也依植被类型而异,其中森林的季节变幅最大,达31.5%,其次是灌丛,为27.7%,草原的季节变幅最小,为15.3%;(3)1982~2006年中国东部超过74%的地区植被覆盖度呈增加趋势,其中黄淮海平原、关中地区以及东北平原增幅相对较大,前两个地区主要表现为春季和冬季增加,后一地区则主要表现为夏季和秋季增加;在植被覆盖度降低的区域中,长三角、珠三角的降低趋势最强。上述结论为进一步研究中国东部地-气相互作用提供了科学基础。  相似文献   

基于中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)8 d 500 m分辨率地表反射率数据生成归一化植被指数(NDVI)时间序列,利用线性回归、转折点检测和Mann-Kendall趋势分析方法,分析2000—2013年新疆地区植被覆盖时空变化格局,并结合Landsat数据分析典型区域植被变化。研究结果表明:近14 a来,新疆地区植被覆盖整体呈波动型上升的趋势,植被改善区面积占全区的34.02%,恶劣区的占3.20%,其中2000—2003年植被明显增长、2003—2009年的波动下降及2009—2013年的逐渐回升,植被增长显著的区域主要分布在准噶尔盆地南部和塔里木盆地北部绿洲;大多数植被类型NDVI呈增长趋势,其中增长率最高的是作物、开放灌丛和混交林,6种主要植被类型常绿针叶林、混交林、开放灌丛、多树草原、草原、作物呈现出相似的NDVI变化趋势;在植被覆盖变化显著的4个典型区,NDVI变化受土地覆盖类型变化的影响,荒漠、草地被开垦成农田导致NDVI增加,城市建成区扩张导致NDVI降低。  相似文献   

中国各区植被覆盖和气候特征多样,植被覆盖变化和气候变化及植被对气候因子的响应存在明显的区域差异,研究不同气候区植被变化及其与气候变化的关系可以为各区针对性地应对气候变化、制定植物保护和生态环境修复政策提供科学依据。本文首先基于中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的土地覆盖数据,根据植被带的分布确定了划分中国干湿区的指标,其次利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)分析不同干湿区域NDVI的时空变化特征,最后探讨了NDVI变化与温度、降水的关系。结果表明:(1)中国区域200 mm、500 mm和800 mm年降水量等值线分别与荒漠/草地、草地/农田、农田(草地)/森林植被带的分界线吻合,气候过渡带对应着植被过渡带,这些等值线作为划分干湿气候区的指标比较合理。(2)中国年平均NDVI从东南向西北递减,从小到大依次为干旱区(0.11)、半干旱区(0.35)、半湿润区(0.57)、湿润区(0.68)。1982~2015年中国大部分区域NDVI呈显著的增加趋势,区域平均的NDVI在干旱区、半干旱区分别以0.002 (10 a)-1、0.008 (10 a)-1的趋...  相似文献   

通过对2000—2009年增强型植被指数(EVI)数据的分析发现:在过去的10 a里,中国的植被覆盖度明显增加,植被活动在增强。植被覆盖的年变化和季节变化特征如下:(1)10 a来植被覆盖地区的面积呈增加趋势,植被稀少地区的面积呈减少趋势;(2)无论是植被覆盖区还是全国平均,单位面积EVI年平均值都呈增加趋势;(3)在生长季节(夏季、春季)植被活动增加更明显,EVI增加速率按季节排列如下:夏季春季秋季冬季。植被覆盖的空间变化特征显示,尽管总体上中国植被覆盖呈增加趋势,但存在空间异质性。结合同期的温度、降水和森林资源清查数据,从两个方面初步解释了植被覆盖度增加的原因,即:温度的上升和春季降水量的增加;近年来中国开展的大型林业生态建设工程。  相似文献   

周定文  范广洲  华维 《大气科学》2009,33(3):649-656
利用1982年1月~2001年12月归一化植被指数(NDVI)资料、台站实测降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 通过相关分析和合成分析等方法, 初步分析了我国春季降水与青藏高原冬季植被变化的关系。结果发现, 我国春季降水与青藏高原冬季NDVI有较明显的相关关系。一般而言, 高原冬季NDVI大值年时, 贵州至两广地区降水减少, 两湖平原和鄱阳湖平原降水增加, 长江流域以北至东北的广大地区降水将减少, 特别是黄河与长江之间地区降水量偏少可达40 mm以上。高原冬季NDVI与我国东部季风区春季降水的相关系数呈 “-+-” 的分布状态。100°E~130°E各月降水及其差值时空剖面分析也可看到其差异。文章也初步分析了高原冬季NDVI大值年和小值年春季海平面气压场、 850 hPa风场、 500 hPa高度场以及700 hPa垂直运动场的差异, 从分析结果可以看到, 亚洲和西太平洋地区大气环流的差异也同样明显。可见, 青藏高原冬季NDVI的大小将通过改变亚洲和西太平洋地区春季大气环流的分布状态, 导致冬季风和夏季风爆发和进退差异, 从而引起我国春季降水的变化。  相似文献   

This study documents the first two principal modes of interannual variability of midsummer precipitation over Northeast China(NEC) and their associated atmospheric circulation anomalies. It is shown that the first principal mode exhibits the largest amount of variability in precipitation over the south of NEC(referred to as the south mode), whereas the second principal mode behaves with the greatest precipitation anomaly over the north of NEC(referred to as the north mode). Further findings reveal that, through modulating moisture transportation and upper-and lower-troposphere divergence circulation as well as vertical movement over NEC, the anomalous northwestern Pacific anticyclone and the anticyclone centered over northern NEC exert the dominant influence on the south and north modes, respectively. Additionally, it is quantitatively estimated that water vapor across the southern boundary of NEC dominates the moisture budget for the south mode, while the north mode has a close connection with moisture through NEC's northern and western boundaries. Furthermore, the north(south) mode is strongly related to the intensity(meridional shift) of the East Asian westerly jet.  相似文献   

Using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as an indicator of vegetation growth, we explored the characteristics and differences in the response to drought of five vegetation biomes in Northeast China, including typical steppe, desert steppe, meadow steppe, deciduous coniferous forest and deciduous broad-leaved forest during the period 1982-2009. The results indicate that growing season precipitation may be the primary vegetation growth-limiting factor in grasslands. More than 70% of the temporal variations in NDVI can be explained by the amount of precipitation during the growing season in typical and desert steppes. During the same period, the mean temperature in the growing season could explain nearly 43% of the variations in the mean growing season NDVI and is therefore a dominant growth-limiting factor for forest ecosystems. Therefore, the NDVI trends differ largely due to differences in the vegetation growth-limiting factors of the different vegetation biomes. The NDVI responses to droughts vary in magnitude and direction and depend on the drought-affected areas of the five vegetation types. Specifically, the changes in NDVI are consistent with the variations in precipitation for grassland ecosystems. A lack of precipitation resulted in decreases in NDVI, thereby reducing vegetation growth in these regions. Conversely, increasing precipitation decreased the NDVI of forest ecosystems. The results also suggest that grasslands under arid and semi-arid environments may be more sensitive to drought than forests under humid environments. Among grassland ecosystems, desert steppe was most sensitive to drought, followed by typical steppe; meadow steppe was the least sensitive.  相似文献   

The interannual variations of summer surface air temperature over Northeast China (NEC) were investigated through a month-to-month analysis from May to August. The results suggested that the warmer temperature over NEC is related to a local positive 500-hPa geopotential height anomaly for all four months. However, the teleconnection patterns of atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with the monthly surface air temperature over NEC behave as a distinguished subseasonal variation, although the local positive height anomaly is common from month to month. In May and June, the teleconnection pattern is characterized by a wave train in the upper and middle troposphere from the Indian Peninsula to NEC. This wave train is stronger in June than in May, possibly due to the positive feedback between the wave train and the South Asian rainfall anomaly in June, when the South Asian summer monsoon has been established. In July and August, however, the teleconnection pattern associated with the NEC temperature anomalies is characterized by an East Asia/Pacific (EAP) or Pacific/Japan (PJ) pattern, with the existence of precipitation anomalies over the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea. This pattern is much clearer in July corresponding to the stronger convection over the Philippine Sea compared to that in August.  相似文献   

This study provides new evidence for the feedback effects of vegetation cover on summer precipitation in different regions of China by calculating immediate (same season), and one-and two-season lagged correlations between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and summer precipitation. The results show that the correlation coefficients between NDVI in spring and the previous winter and precipitation in summer are positive in most regions of China, and they show significant difference between regions. The stronger one-and two-season lagged correlations occur in the eastern arid/semi-arid region, Central China,and Southwest China out of the eight climatic regions of China, and this implies that vegetation cover change has more sensitive feedback effects on summer precipitation in the three regions. The three regions are defined as sensitive regions. Spatial analyses of correlations between spring NDVI averaged over each sensitive region and summer precipitation of 160 stations suggest that the vegetation cover strongly affects summer precipitation not only over the sensitive region itself but also over other regions, especially the downstream region.  相似文献   

Using the monthly NCEP-NCAR reanalysis dataset, the monthly temperature and precipitation at surface stations of China, and the MM5 model, we examine impacts of vegetation cover changes in western China on the interdecadal variability of the summer climate over northwestern China during the past 30 years. It is found that the summer atmospheric circulation, surface air temperature, and rainfall in the 1990s were different from those in the 1970s over northwestern China, with generally more rainfall and higher temperatures in the 1990s. Associated with these changes, an anomalous wave train appears in the lower troposphere at the midlatitudes of East Asia and the low-pressure system to the north of the Tibetan Plateau is weaker. Meanwhile, the South Asian high in the upper troposphere is also located more eastward. Numerical experiments show that change of vegetation cover in western China generally forces anomalous circulations and temperatures and rainfall over these regions. This consistency between the observations and simulations implies that the interdecadal variability of the summer climate over northwestern China between the 1990s and 1970s may result from a change of vegetation cover over western China.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the interannual variation of winter air temperature over Northeast China and its connection to preceding Eurasian snow cover.The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between October Eurasian snow cover and following-winter air temperature over Northeast China.The snow cover located in eastern Siberia and to the northeast of Lake Baikal plays an important role in the winter air temperature anomaly.More(less)eastern Siberia snow in October can cause an atmospheric circulation anomaly pattern in which the atmospheric pressure is higher(lower)than normal in the polar region and lower(higher)in the northern mid-high latitudes.Due to the persistence of the eastern Siberia snow from October to the following winter,the winter atmospheric anomaly is favorable(unfavorable)to the widespread movement of cold air masses from the polar region toward the northern mid-high latitudes and,hence,lower(higher)temperature over Northeast China.Simultaneously,when the October snow cover is more(less),the SST in the northwestern Pacific is continuously lower(higher)as a whole; then,the Aleutian low and the East Asia trough are reinforced(weakened),favoring the lower(higher)temperature over Northeast China.  相似文献   

针对传统时间序列模型无法有效预测模态混叠数据的不足,本文提出了一种基于CEEMDAN-SE-ARIMA的组合模型,并且对东北地区2016—2020年夏季降水量进行了实证分析。首先,基于完全自适应集合经验模态分解方法,将降水时间序列分解为多个本征模态分量,并根据不同分量样本熵的计算结果进行分量序列重构。然后,针对每一个重构分量,构建自回归移动平均预测模型。最后,将各分量的预测值进行叠加,得到组合模型的预测值。此外,还构建了ARIMA单一模型和其他组合模型,旨在与CEEMDAN-SE-ARIMA组合模型对比。结果表明:CEEMDAN-SE-ARIMA组合模型考虑了时间序列的模态混叠特征,能有效提高东北地区夏季降水时序模型的预测能力,具有良好的预测应用价值。预测结果较单一模型和其他组合模型均有所提高,MASE降低了0.02~0.91 mm, RMSE降低了0.80~130.49 mm, MAE降低了2.52~129.84 mm, MAPE降低了1.08~35.53 mm。CEEMDAN-SE-ARIMA模型在降水变率较小的西北部区域预测效果更好,对东南部区域的极值分布中心预测较为准确。  相似文献   

利用2000—2017年广西典型喀斯特区MODIS NDVI卫星遥感影像,研究近20 a来喀斯特地区植被及不同等级石漠化区植被时空变化状况,分析降水及气温与喀斯特地区植被变化的相关性,探讨植被变化与气象因子的关系。结果表明:(1)研究区植被及各石漠化等级区植被年内NDVI变化特征均表现出"夏秋高,冬春低"的趋势,随着石漠化等级加重,植被NDVI均值降低。植被NDVI峰值多出现在8月上旬至9月上旬,谷值出现在1月和2月上旬。但以灌草为主的轻、中、重石漠化区植被NDVI峰值出现时间较早,以乔木为主的潜在石漠化区植被NDVI峰值出现时间较迟。(2)2000—2017年百色全喀斯特地区及各等级石漠化区植被NDVI均呈改善趋势,且重度石漠化区植被改善趋势最明显,轻度石漠化区次之。研究区植被多为稳定变化和改善趋势,改善、变化不大和退化面积比例分别为38.27%、57.86%、4.87%。(3)平均气温和降水量与研究区植被NDVI相关性均较高,且平均气温与植被NDVI的相关性总体好于降水量。年尺度气温和降水量对植被NDVI影响均较明显,季度尺度上,秋季和春季气温降水对植被NDVI影响较大,冬季影响最小。目前气候变暖引起的增温幅度有利于研究区植被生长,春夏季降水减少、秋季降水增多的气候变化趋势更利于研究区植被改善。  相似文献   

柴佳明  朱坚 《气象科学》2024,44(2):246-253
利用中国气象局提供的1960—2019年江南区站点观测逐日降水数据,分析了江南春雨不同持续时长雨日的变化及其与欧亚大陆积雪的联系。结果表明,江南春雨以持续5 d及以上的长持续降水为主,但降水日数下降趋势明显,导致长持续降水减少。利用奇异值分解法(Singular Value Decomposition,SVD)发现,欧亚大陆3—5月积雪覆盖率与江南春雨雨日数有显著正相关关系。将(48°~59°N,90°~110°E)区域平均积雪覆盖率定义为积雪覆盖指数,通过指数与同期大气环流的回归分析发现,当积雪偏少时,我国中北部及西伯利亚地区500 hPa位势高度正异常,在江南区850 hPa风场和水汽通量场西南向负异常,导致江南春雨雨日数减少。合成分析进一步验证了积雪偏少会在江南区形成异常东北风抑制水汽输送至江南地区,不利于降水发生。  相似文献   

利用1957-2010年冬季中国东北地区90站气温资料,应用REOF和聚类分析方法将东北划分为南、北两个冬季气温变化子区,分析讨论其冬季气温的变化趋势和冷暖异常特征,及其与主要环流指数之间的同期和滞后关系。使用向后去除变量选择法,选取最优预测因子,并建立了全区和各子区的回归统计模型。结果表明:东北冬季增温较明显,平均上升速率达到0. 45 ℃/ 10 a,北部略高;与同期欧亚纬向环流指数之间存在着较显著相关;前期8月东太平洋副热带高压面积指数、前期10月亚洲区极涡面积指数和前期8月北半球极涡面积指数与东北冬季气温存在着显著相关,复相关系数达到0.70,并且是回归方程最关键预测因子。在对冷、暖冬预测时,可以把选定时段和区域副热带高压和极涡面积指数作为重要的影响因素,且误报率较低。  相似文献   

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