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We have used very deep XMM–Newton observations of the Chandra Deep Field -South to examine the spectral properties of the faint active galactic nucleus (AGN) population. Crucially, redshift measurements are available for 84 per cent (259/309) of the XMM–Newton sample. We have calculated the absorption and intrinsic luminosities of the sample using an extensive Monte Carlo technique incorporating the specifics of the XMM–Newton observations. 23 sources are found to have substantial absorption and intrinsic X-ray luminosities greater than 1044 erg s−1, putting them in the 'type-2' QSO regime. We compare the redshift, luminosity and absorption distributions of our sample to the predictions of a range of AGN population models. In contrast to recent findings from ultradeep Chandra surveys, we find that there is little evidence that the absorption distribution is dependent on either redshift or intrinsic X-ray luminosity. The pattern of absorption in our sample is best reproduced by models in which ∼75 per cent of the AGN population is heavily absorbed at all luminosities and redshifts.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the angular correlation function of galaxies selected from a B J ∼23.5 multicolour survey of two 5°×5° fields located at high galactic latitudes. The galaxy catalogue of ∼4×105 galaxies is comparable in size to catalogues used to determine the galaxy correlation function at low redshift. Measurements of the z ∼0.4 correlation function at large angular scales show no evidence for a break from a power law, although our results are not inconsistent with a break at ≳15 h−1 Mpc. Despite the large fields-of-view, there are large discrepancies between the measurements of the correlation function in each field, possibly caused by dwarf galaxies within z ∼0.11 clusters near the South Galactic Pole.
Colour selection is used to study the clustering of galaxies from z ∼0 to z ∼0.4. The galaxy correlation function is found to depend strongly on colour, with red galaxies more strongly clustered than blue galaxies by a factor of ≳5 at small scales. The slope of the correlation function is also found to vary with colour, with γ∼1.8 for red galaxies and γ∼1.5 for blue galaxies. The clustering of red galaxies is consistently strong over the entire magnitude range studied, although there are large variations between the two fields. The clustering of blue galaxies is extremely weak over the observed magnitude range, with clustering consistent with r 0∼2 h−1 Mpc. This is weaker than the clustering of late-type galaxies in the local Universe, and suggests that galaxy clustering is more strongly correlated with colour than morphology. This may also be the first detection of a substantial low-redshift galaxy population with clustering properties similar to faint blue galaxies.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of quasar variability from data collected during a photometric monitoring of 50 objects carried out at CNPq/Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísicá, Brazil, between 1993 March and 1996 July. A distinctive feature of this survey is its photometric accuracy, ∼0.02  V  mag, achieved through differential photometry with CCD detectors, which allows the detection of faint levels of variability. We find that the relative variability, δ σ L , observed in the V band is anticorrelated with both luminosity and redshift, although we have no means of discovering the dominant relation, given the strong coupling between luminosity and redshift for the objects in our sample. We introduce a model for the dependence of quasar variability on frequency that is consistent with multiwavelength observations of the nuclear variability of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151. We show that correcting the observed variability for this effect slightly increases the significance of the trends of variability with luminosity and redshift. Assuming that variability depends only on the luminosity, we show that the corrected variability is anticorrelated with luminosity and is in good agreement with predictions of a simple Poissonian model. The energy derived for the hypothetical pulses, ∼1050 erg, agrees well with those obtained in other studies. We also find that the radio-loud objects in our sample tend to be more variable than the radio-quiet ones, for all luminosities and redshifts.  相似文献   

We investigate the angular correlation function, ο(θ), of the galaxies detected in the 2.1-μm K ' band in 17 fields (101.5 arcmin2 in total), each containing a z ∼1.1 radio galaxy. There is a significant detection of galaxy clustering at a limit of K ∼20, with a ο(θ) amplitude similar to that estimated by Carlberg et al. at K =21.5. The ο(θ) amplitudes of these K -limited samples are higher than expected from the faint galaxy clustering in the blue and red passbands, but consistent with a pure luminosity evolution model if clustering is stable (ε=0) and the correlation function of early-type galaxies is steeper than that of spirals.
We do not detect a significant cross-correlation between the radio galaxies and the other galaxies in these fields. The upper limits on the cross-correlation are consistent with a mean clustering environment of Abell class 0 for z ∼1.1 radio galaxies, similar to that observed for radio galaxies at z ∼0.5, but would argue against an Abell class 1 or richer environment. As Abell 0 clustering around the radio galaxies would not significantly increase the ο(θ) amplitude of galaxies in these fields, stable clustering with a steep ξ( r ) for E/S0 galaxies appears to remain the most likely interpretation of the ο(θ) amplitude.
At K ≤20, the number of galaxy–galaxy pairs of 2–3 arcsec separation exceeds the random expectation by a factor of 2.15±0.26. The excess of close pairs is comparable to that previously reported for R -band data, and consistent with a ∼(1+ z )2 evolution of the galaxy merger rate.  相似文献   

We investigate the dependence of the strength of galaxy clustering on intrinsic luminosity using the Anglo-Australian two degree field galaxy redshift survey (2dFGRS). The 2dFGRS is over an order of magnitude larger than previous redshift surveys used to address this issue. We measure the projected two-point correlation function of galaxies in a series of volume-limited samples. The projected correlation function is free from any distortion of the clustering pattern induced by peculiar motions and is well described by a power law in pair separation over the range     . The clustering of     galaxies in real space is well-fitted by a correlation length     and power-law slope     . The clustering amplitude increases slowly with absolute magnitude for galaxies fainter than M *, but rises more strongly at higher luminosities. At low luminosities, our results agree with measurements from the Southern Sky Redshift Survey 2 by Benoist et al. However, we find a weaker dependence of clustering strength on luminosity at the highest luminosities. The correlation function amplitude increases by a factor of 4.0 between     and −22.5, and the most luminous galaxies are 3.0 times more strongly clustered than L * galaxies. The power-law slope of the correlation function shows remarkably little variation for samples spanning a factor of 20 in luminosity. Our measurements are in very good agreement with the predictions of the hierarchical galaxy formation models of Benson et al.  相似文献   

We investigate the clustering of galaxies selected in the 3.6 μm band of the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) legacy survey. The angular two-point correlation function is calculated for 11 samples with flux limits of S 3.6≥ 4–400 μJy, over an 8 deg2 field. The angular clustering strength is measured at >5σ significance at all flux limits, with amplitudes of A = (0.49–29) × 10−3 at 1°, for a power-law model, A θ−0.8. We estimate the redshift distributions of the samples using phenomological models, simulations and photometric redshifts, and so derive the spatial correlation lengths. We compare our results with the Galaxies In Cosmological Simulations (GalICS) models of galaxy evolution and with parametrized models of clustering evolution. The GalICS simulations are consistent with our angular correlation functions, but fail to match the spatial clustering inferred from the phenomological models or the photometric redshifts. We find that the uncertainties in the redshift distributions of our samples dominate the statistical errors in our estimates of the spatial clustering. At low redshifts (median z ≤ 0.5), the comoving correlation length is approximately constant,   r 0= 6.1 ± 0.5  h −1  Mpc, and then decreases with increasing redshift to a value of 2.9 ± 0.3  h −1 Mpc for the faintest sample, for which the median redshift is z ∼ 1. We suggest that this trend can be attributed to a decrease in the average galaxy and halo mass in the fainter flux-limited samples, corresponding to changes in the relative numbers of early- and late-type galaxies. However, we cannot rule out strong evolution of the correlation length over  0.5 < z < 1  .  相似文献   

We present detailed predictions for the properties of Lyα-emitting galaxies in the framework of the Λ cold dark matter cosmology, calculated using the semi-analytical galaxy formation model galform . We explore a model that assumes a top-heavy initial mass function in starbursts and that has previously been shown to explain the sub-millimetre number counts and the luminosity function of Lyman-break galaxies at high redshift. We show that this model, with the simple assumption that a fixed fraction of Lyα photons escape from each galaxy, is remarkably successful at explaining the observed luminosity function of Lyα emitters (LAEs) over the redshift range  3 < z < 6.6  . We also examine the distribution of Lyα equivalent widths and the broad-band continuum magnitudes of emitters, which are in good agreement with the available observations. We look more deeply into the nature of LAEs, presenting predictions for fundamental properties such as the stellar mass and radius of the emitting galaxy and the mass of the host dark matter halo. The model predicts that the clustering of LAEs at high redshifts should be strongly biased relative to the dark matter, in agreement with observational estimates. We also present predictions for the luminosity function of LAEs at   z > 7  , a redshift range that is starting to be be probed by near-infrared surveys and using new instruments such as the Dark Ages Z Lyman Explorer (DAzLE).  相似文献   

We compare observations of the high-redshift galaxy population to the predictions of the galaxy formation model of Croton et al. and De Lucia & Blaizot. This model, implemented on the Millennium Simulation of the concordance Lambda cold dark matter cosmogony, introduces 'radio mode' feedback from the central galaxies of groups and clusters in order to obtain quantitative agreement with the luminosity, colour, morphology and clustering properties of the present-day galaxy population. Here we construct deep light cone surveys in order to compare model predictions to the observed counts and redshift distributions of distant galaxies, as well as to their inferred luminosity and mass functions out to redshift 5. With the exception of the mass functions, all these properties are sensitive to modelling of dust obscuration. A simple but plausible treatment agrees moderately well with most of the data. The predicted abundance of relatively massive  (∼ M *)  galaxies appears systematically high at high redshift, suggesting that such galaxies assemble earlier in this model than in the real Universe. An independent galaxy formation model implemented on the same simulation matches the observed mass functions slightly better, so the discrepancy probably reflects incomplete or inaccurate galaxy formation physics rather than problems with the underlying cosmogony.  相似文献   

We use recent observations of high-redshift galaxies to study the evolution of galactic discs over the redshift range 0 <  z ≲1. The data are inconsistent with models in which discs were already assembled at z  = 1 and have evolved only in luminosity since that time. Assuming that disc properties change with redshift as powers of 1 +   z and analysing the observations assuming an Einstein–de Sitter universe, we find that for given rotation speed, disc scalelength decreases with z as ∼ (1 +  z )−1, total B -band mass-to-light ratio decreases with z as ∼ (1 +  z )−1, and disc luminosity (again in B ) depends only weakly on z . These scalings are consistent with current data on the evolution of disc galaxy abundance as a function of size and luminosity. Both the scalings and the abundance evolution are close to the predictions of hierarchical models for galaxy formation. If different cosmogonies are compared, the observed evolution in disc size and disc abundance favours a flat low-Ω0 universe over an Einstein–de Sitter universe.  相似文献   

We explore the implications for the high-redshift universe of 'state-of-the-art' models for the chemical and spectrophotometric evolution of spiral galaxies. The models are based on simple 'scaling relations' for discs, obtained in the framework of cold dark matter models for galaxy formation, and were 'calibrated' so as to reproduce the properties of the Milky Way and of nearby discs (at redshift z ∼0) . In this paper, we compare the predictions of our 'hybrid' approach to galaxy evolution to observations at moderate and high redshift. We find that the models are in fairly good agreement with observations up to z ∼1 , while some problems appear at higher redshift (provided there is no selection bias in the data); these discrepancies may suggest that galaxy mergers (not considered in this work) played a non-negligible role at z >1 . We also predict the existence of a 'universal' correlation between abundance gradients and disc scalelengths, independent of redshift.  相似文献   

We measure the local galaxy far-infrared (FIR) 60 to 100 μm colour–luminosity distribution using an all-sky IRAS survey. This distribution is an important reference for the next generation of FIR–submillimetre surveys that have and will conduct deep extragalactic surveys at 250–500 μm. With the peak in dust-obscured star-forming activity leading to present-day giant ellipticals now believed to occur in submillimetre galaxies near   z ∼ 2.5  , these new FIR–submillimetre surveys will directly sample the spectral energy distributions of these distant objects at rest-frame FIR wavelengths similar to those at which local galaxies were observed by IRAS . We have taken care to correct for the temperature bias and the evolution effects in our IRAS 60-μm-selected sample. We verify that our colour–luminosity distribution is consistent with the measurements of the local FIR luminosity function, before applying it to the higher redshift Universe. We compare our colour–luminosity correlation with recent dust–temperature measurements of submillimetre galaxies and find evidence for pure luminosity evolution of the form  (1 + z )3  . This distribution will be useful for the development of evolutionary models for Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) and Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) surveys as it provides a statistical distribution of the rest-frame dust temperatures for galaxies as a function of luminosity.  相似文献   

An analysis of the environments around a sample of 28 3CR radio galaxies with redshifts 0.6< z <1.8 is presented, based primarily upon K -band images down to K ∼20 taken using the UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). A net overdensity of K -band galaxies is found in the fields of the radio galaxies, with the mean excess counts being comparable to that expected for clusters of Abell Class 0 richness. A sharp peak is found in the angular cross-correlation amplitude centred on the radio galaxies that, for reasonable assumptions about the luminosity function of the galaxies, corresponds to a spatial cross-correlation amplitude between those determined for low-redshift Abell Class 0 and 1 clusters.
These data are complemented by J -band images also from UKIRT, and by optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope . The fields of the lower redshift ( z ≲0.9) radio galaxies in the sample generally show well-defined near-infrared colour–magnitude relations with little scatter, indicating a significant number of galaxies at the redshift of the radio galaxy; the relations involving colours at shorter wavelengths than the 4000 Å break show considerably greater scatter, suggesting that many of the cluster galaxies have low levels of recent or on-going star formation. At higher redshifts the colour–magnitude sequences are less prominent owing to the increased field galaxy contribution at faint magnitudes, but there is a statistical excess of galaxies with the very red infrared colours ( J − K ≳1.75) expected of old cluster galaxies at these redshifts.
Although these results are appropriate for the mean of all of the radio galaxy fields, there exist large field-to-field variations in the richness of the environments. Many, but certainly not all, powerful z ∼1 radio galaxies lie in (proto)cluster environments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the plausible luminosity evolution of early-type galaxies in different cosmological models by constructing a set of pure luminosity evolution (PLE) models via the choices of the star-formation rate (SFR) parameters and formation redshift z f of galaxies, with the observational constraints derived from the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST  ) morphological number counts for elliptical and S0 galaxies of the Medium Deep Survey (MDS) and the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). We find that the number counts of early-type galaxies can be explained by the pure luminosity evolution models, without invoking exotic scenarios such as merging or introducing an additional population, but the evolution should be nearly passive, with a high z f assumed. The conclusion is valid in all of the three cosmological models we adopt in this paper. We also present the redshift distributions for three bins of observed magnitudes in the F814w passband, to show the redshift at which the objects that dominate the counts at a given magnitude may be found. The predictions of the redshift distribution of 22.5 <  b j  < 24.0 are also presented for comparison with future data.  相似文献   

We have selected and analysed the properties of a sample of  2905 Ks < 21.5  galaxies in  ∼131 arcmin2  of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), to obtain further constraints on the evolution of Ks -selected galaxies with respect to the results already obtained in previous studies. We made use of the public deep multiwavelength imaging from the optical B through the infrared (IR) 4.5-μm bands, in conjunction with available spectroscopic and COMBO17 data in the CDFS, to construct an optimized redshift catalogue for our galaxy sample. We computed the Ks -band luminosity function and determined that its characteristic magnitude has a substantial brightening and a decreasing total density from   z = 0  to  〈 z 〉= 2.5  . We also analysed the colours and number density evolution of galaxies with different stellar masses. Within our sample, and in contrast to what is observed for less massive systems, the vast majority (∼85–90 per cent) of the most massive  ( M > 2.5 × 1011 M)  local galaxies appear to be in place before redshift   z ∼ 1  . Around 65–70 per cent of the total assemble between redshifts   z = 1  and 3 and most of them display extremely red colours, suggesting that plausible star formation in these very massive systems should mainly proceed in obscured, short-time-scale bursts. The remaining fraction (up to ∼20 per cent) could be in place at even higher redshifts   z = 3–4  , pushing the first epoch of formation of massive galaxies beyond the limits of current near-IR surveys.  相似文献   

The global star formation rate has decreased significantly since   z ∼ 1  , for reasons that are not well understood. Red-sequence galaxies, dominating in galaxy clusters, represent the population that have had their star formation shut off, and may therefore be the key to this problem. In this work, we select 127 rich galaxy clusters at  0.17 ≤ z ≤ 0.36  , from 119 deg2 of the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) optical imaging data, and construct the r '-band red-sequence luminosity functions (LFs). We show that the faint end of the LF is very sensitive to how red-sequence galaxies are selected, and an optimal way to minimize the contamination from the blue cloud is to mirror galaxies on the redder side of the colour–magnitude relation. The LFs of our sample have a significant inflexion centred at     , suggesting a mixture of two populations. Combining our survey with low-redshift samples constructed from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we show that there is no strong evolution of the faint end of the LF (or the red-sequence dwarf-to-giant ratio) over the redshift range  0.2 ≲ z ≲ 0.4  , but from   z ∼ 0.2  to ∼0 the relative number of red-sequence dwarf galaxies has increased by a factor of ∼3, implying a significant build-up of the faint end of the cluster red sequence over the last 2.5 Gyr.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope images of a sample of 285 galaxies with measured redshifts from the Canada–France Redshift Survey (CFRS) and Autofib–Low Dispersion Spectrograph Survey (LDSS) redshift surveys are analysed to derive the evolution of the merger fraction out to redshifts z ∼1. We have performed visual and machine-based merger identifications, as well as counts of bright pairs of galaxies with magnitude differences δm ≤1.5 mag. We find that the pair fraction increases with redshift, with up to ∼20 per cent of the galaxies being in physical pairs at z ∼0.75–1. We derive a merger fraction varying with redshift as ∝(1+ z )3.2±0.6, after correction for line-of-sight contamination, in excellent agreement with the merger fraction derived from the visual classification of mergers for which m =3.4±0.6. After correcting for seeing effects on the ground-based selection of survey galaxies, we conclude that the pair fraction evolves as ∝(1+ z )2.7±0.6. This implies that an average L * galaxy will have undergone 0.8–1.8 merger events from z =1 to z =0, with 0.5 to 1.2 merger events occuring in a 2-Gyr time-span at around z ∼0.9. This result is consistent with predictions from semi-analytical models of galaxy formation. From the simple coaddition of the observed luminosities of the galaxies in pairs, physical mergers are computed to lead to a brightening of 0.5 mag for each pair on average, and a boost in star formation rate of a factor of 2, as derived from the average [O  ii ] equivalent widths. Mergers of galaxies are therefore contributing significantly to the evolution of both the luminosity function and luminosity density of the Universe out to z ∼1.  相似文献   

The excess number of blue galaxies at faint magnitudes is a subject of much controversy. Recent Hubble Space Telescope results have revealed a plethora of galaxies with peculiar morphologies tentatively identified as the evolving population. We report the results of optical spectroscopy and near-infrared photometry of a sample of faint HST galaxies from the Medium Deep Survey to ascertain the physical properties of the faint morphological populations. We find four principal results. First, the population of objects classified as 'peculiar' are intrinsically luminous in the optical ( M B  ∼ −19). Secondly these systems tend to be strong sources of [O  II ] line luminosity. Thirdly the optical–infrared colours of the faint population (a) confirm the presence of a population of compact   blue galaxies and (b) show the stellar populations of irregular/peculiar galaxies encompass a wide range in age. Finally a surface-brightness comparison with the local galaxy sample of Frei et al. shows that these objects are not of anomalously low surface brightness, rather we find that all morphological classes have evolved to a higher surface brightness at higher redshifts ( z  > 0.3).  相似文献   

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