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Astrophysics and Space Science -  相似文献   

Gradients of absorption line indices are studied and mean stellar metallicities are estimated for 46 elliptical galaxies. The mean stellar metallicities range from 〈 [Fe/H] 〉 ≃ =0.8 to +0.2 and ellipticals with smaller central velocity dispersions tend to have lower 〈 [Fe/H] 〉 thus the mass-metallicity relation holds not only for the galaxy center but also for the whole part of the galaxy. There is an evidence that the magnesium is enhanced systematically in all ellipticals by 0.2 dex with respect to the iron. Giant elliptical galaxies show lack of metal-poor stars (the G-dwarf problem). Metal-poor globular clusters of ellipticals formed well in advance of the formation of metal-rich ones which formed simultaneously with the bulk of stars of mother galaxies under the influence of galaxy chemical enrichment. The bimodal [Fe/H] distribution of globular clusters does not necessarily mean that elliptical galaxies formed by the mergers of disc galaxies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

G302=L3107是球状星团M4中的一颗红星,目前还没有自行或视线速度的测定,Greenstein和Lee分别给出此星的星等和色指数为:  相似文献   

评述了球状星团系统研究中的比频、金属度和质量谱三大问题,就目前的认识和存在的问题进行了讨论。指出不同星系球状星团比频之间的差别表明了需要有各种不同的球状星团形成模型;球状星团金属度的分布表明球状星团可能有三个形成时期,分别与三类形成模型效应;尽管对数正态初始质量的数值模拟初步结果与观测结果符合得更好,然而幂函数的初始质量谱在物理上能很好地与球状星团形成联系起来。  相似文献   

Using a recent determination of the X-ray luminosity function of galaxy clusters, accurate mass deposition rates and LX in cooling flow clusters from the literature, and reliable constraints on the star fomation episodes in cooling flows obtained by our group, we quantify the relevance of such star formation in comparison with the SFR in the local universe. We conclude that the SFR density in CF is ≲ 0.1% the total local reference. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用赫歇尔空间望远镜的H-ATLAS(Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey)SDP(Science Demonstration Phase)天区从紫外到亚毫米波段数据,结合星族合成方法和尘埃模型,计算了星系的红外总光度.在此基础上,分别针对强恒星形成星系和弱恒星形成星系,研究了利用紫外光度、红外光度和Hα谱线计算得到的恒星形成率(Star Formation Rate,SFR)的差异以及导致差异的内在物理起因.发现对于恒星形成活动强的星系,这3种恒星形成率指针给出的结果基本一致,弥散较小、只是在高恒星形成率端,利用紫外光度算得的恒星形成率比利用Hα谱线流量算得的恒星形成率略微偏小;而在低恒星形成率端,紫外光度指针偏大于Hα谱线指针;红外光度指针与Hα谱线指针在两端无明显偏差.对弱恒星形成星系,紫外光度、Hα谱线和红外光度3种恒星形成率指针存在明显的差异,且弥散较大.利用紫外光度和Hα谱线计算得到的恒星形成率的弥散和系统偏差随着星系年龄、质量的增加而增大.系统偏差增大的主要原因是利用紫外连续谱斜率β定标恒星形成活动较弱星系的消光时,高估了这些星系的紫外消光,使得消光改正后的紫外光度偏大.另外,MPA/JHU(Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics/Johns Hopkins University)数据库中弱恒星形成星系的恒星形成率SFR(Hα)比真实值偏低.  相似文献   

With the multi-wavelength data from UV to sub-millimeter in the region of H-ATLAS (Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey) Science Demonstration Phase (SDP), in combination with the population synthesis model and dust model, the total infrared luminosities of the galaxies were calculated. On this basis, for respectively the strong and weak star-forming galaxies, we studied the differences in the star formation rates calculated by the UV luminosity, infrared luminosity and Hα line, as well as the intrinsic physical origin of such differences. It was found that for the galaxies of strong star-formation activity, the 3 kinds of star formation rate indicators give the basically consistent results with a small dispersion. But at the end of high star formation rate, the star formation rate calculated by the UV luminosity is slightly smaller than that calculated by the Hα-line flux; at the end of low star formation rate, the UV indicator tends to be greater than the Hα indicator; and at both ends, the infrared indicator and Hα indicator have no significant difference. For the weak star-forming galaxies, significant differences exist among the 3 kinds of indicators, and there is a rather large dispersion. The dispersions and systematic difference of the star formation rates calculated by the UV luminosity and Hα line increase with the galactic age and mass. The main cause for the increased systematic difference is that when the extinction of an weak star-forming galaxy is calibrated by its UV continuum spectral slope β, the UV extinction of the galaxy is overestimated, it makes the UV luminosity tends to be large after the extinction correction. In addition, the star formation rates (Hα) of weak starforming galaxies in the MPA/JHU (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics/Johns Hopkins University) database are generally less than the real values.  相似文献   

We have observed the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6356 in the CO J = 2 → 1 transition. The data revealed no apparent emission corresponding to the radial velocity of the cluster and we present an upper limit to the mass of gas in the cluster core. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The investigation of the distributions of number densities, radial velocities and morphological types in the Hydra I cluster led us to the conclusion that this cluster possesses dominant substructures. This result is in agreement with former conclusions of different authors that substructures are a typical phenomenon for a high percentage of all clusters of galaxies. The galaxies inside the radius 60 from the cluster centre giv ea mean cluster redshift 3332±102 km/s and a velocity dispersion 679 ± 87 km/s.  相似文献   

G298 = L3216 (V = 12.68, B?V = 0.59) is a field star in the direction of the globular cluster M4. It was used as one of our comparison stars in the past, now it is shown that G298 is a new γ Dor variable star with a period of 1.03099 day and peak to peak amplitude of about 0.02 mag in V. Its spectral type is F2 (IV ?).  相似文献   

A66是位于球状星团M4红巨星支最底部(近亚巨星支顶部)的一颗红星.按其在C-M图上的位置,A66可能是星团成员.目前尚无自行或视线速度的测定.发现A66为一小变幅的新变星,周期约一天, v波段的总变幅约0.05等.但是,如果自行或视线速度测定证实为其成员星,那么变光的原因也许不是脉动.因为按照熊氏理论,这样低光度的红星其脉动周期不可能长于0.1天.对于A66这样的周期和变幅,又很难想像变光原因是黑子星的自转或EW型双星的交食.或者,A66不是星团成员.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic and photometric observations of objects embedded in the L1340 dark cloud are reported. An entire series of HH-objects in the RN07 region was discovered, including new ones that form two or three flows. It is suspected that several cases of HH emission are included. In addition, 14 emission stars, of which 11 are new, were found in this region. Most of these stars are localized inside the RN07 nebula which, therefore, encompasses a compact cluster of very young stars. Other nebulous objects inside the L1340 cloud, many of which are associated with IR sources, are described. As a whole, this cloud represents an extremely active star forming region.  相似文献   

熊大闰  邓李才 《天文学报》2006,47(3):256-267
利用一种非定常的恒星非局部对流理论,对球状星团中低光度的红巨星进行了线性非绝热脉动理论计算.结果表明,对所有温度高于约5400 K模型的基音到4阶泛音都是脉动稳定的.随着恒星光度的增大,低阶泛音也变得脉动不稳定.对中低光度的红巨星,脉动稳定性非常低,接近中性稳定.因此他们将是不变星或非常小振幅的短周期变星(P<2天).  相似文献   

The Galway/DIAS Image Sharpening Camera, TRIFFID, has been used to make observations in two colours of the centre of the post-core-collapse globular cluster M15. We present here our analysis of the photometry in B over two seasons. We have combined the complementary qualities of the HST 's high astrometric precision and TRIFFID's extended coverage and photometric precision, to perform crowded-field photometry in the innermost region of M15. Our technique virtually eliminates the problem of extreme crowding which has hitherto hampered studies of the variable star populations in globular cluster cores, and thereby provides an extension of the HST 's capability. Candidate variables detected with the HST have been confirmed and monitored over longer periods. We show that most of these are RR Lyrae stars, and that one is a short-period Type II Cepheid (the third to be discovered in M15). Our photometric study also produced evidence of a similar number of new variables. These also appear to be RR Lyrae stars, except for a possible eclipsing system. Further data from an upgraded version of TRIFFID have recently been obtained to help to refine the light curves of all these objects.  相似文献   

本文发展了一套计算机自动证认、交叉比对的技术,应用于1989年9月至12月间北京天文台60/90cm施密特望远镜的CCD测光资料及GSC星表,由二个系统的V星等资料,在6个平方度内找到5颗变星;利用二个系统B颜色带宽的不同,进行发射线星系巡天,在3个平方度内找到15个致密核发射线星系.并讨论了本方法用于光变天体、包指数反常天体、位置移动天体、发射线天体巡天的可能性.  相似文献   

Two methods are proposed for finding star groups in coordinate and velocity spaces, which were used to investigate stars of the Hipparcos Catalog with known radial velocities in the solar neighborhood with a radius of 125 pc. Thirteen probable nonrandom star groups in coordinate space and five moving groups in velocity space were found. These results are compared with the results of other authors.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - In view of the absence of a satisfactory solution to the globular cluster (GC) classification problem, we have searched for a physical parameter that admits of the GC...  相似文献   

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