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目前,世界上利用的能源90%以上都是“化石能源”(如石油、煤炭和天然气等)。随着人类不断利用这些不可再生的“化石能源”,它将会逐渐枯竭,且其燃烧形成的产物(如CO2和SO2等)造成的严重环境污染(如温室效应和酸雨),也有害于人类健康。因此,人类正面临着能源紧缺和环境污染的双重压力。为满足能源需求量日益增长和环境保护的需要,我们必须寻找环保型的可再生能源来替代“化石能源”以满足人类对能源的需求。在各种可再生能源中氢能将有可能替代“化石能源”,成为未来能源利用的主要形式。氢能具有许多优点:①氢能燃烧时只生成水,不产生任何…  相似文献   

化石能源的不可再生性和使用过程中造成的环境污染使开发新能源变得非常迫切。氢是理想的能源,因此,利用微藻制氢具有诱人前景。本文综述了微藻光合制氢技术的研究历史、固氮酶和可逆产氢酶的产氢机制及研究进展;介绍了基于微藻的硫缺乏生理调控而发展起来的一步法与两步法光解制氢的方式;指出了利用微藻可逆产氢酶两步法间接光水解制氢最具开发潜力;分析了实现微藻光合制氢的限制因子和存在的问题;归纳了今后的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

随着风电制氢技术的成熟,各国逐渐将目光聚焦在海上平台制氢。将风能与氢能相结合,是海上风电和氢能发展的双赢举措。本文通过对国内外海上集中式制氢平台发展现状的调查及对不同电解槽特点的比较,找出更适合海上集中式风电制氢的质子交换膜电解技术。针对管线系统、管线附属系统及储氢系统进行研究,分析了氢气对临氢设施的影响,总结了其研究现状,并为我国进一步发展该产业提出建议。  相似文献   

海洋氢能作为一种清洁、低碳、高效且可再生的能源,逐渐成为目前我国实现“双碳”目标的重要能源载体,其开发对我国具有重大战略意义。但由于海洋氢能起步晚,目前存在技术成熟度不高、政策支撑较少、法律配套不完善等诸多困难。同时存在海域管辖权竞合、海洋环境污染、海洋生物多样性破坏以及国际合作开发难等问题。关于海洋氢能开发法律规制问题,在国际法层面,以《联合国宪章》《联合国海洋法公约》等基本法构建海洋氢能国际合作开发以及海洋环境保护的基本法律框架,以《生物多样性公约》和《BBNJ协定》为基础进一步对海洋环境污染和保护海洋生物多样性提出法律规范;在国内法层面,通过现有能源领域法律法规可知,《可再生能源法》填补海洋氢能开发法律空白;在海洋环境领域,我国法律法规对海洋氢能开发提出了环境影响评价的要求,以保障海洋生态环境不受侵害。综上所述,海洋氢能开发利用应当完善国内相关立法,制定有针对性的海洋氢能领域环境影响评价制度,以促成国际开发与合作。这些完善建议旨在为海洋氢能开发提供清晰的法律指导,促进其可持续发展和利用,同时保护海洋环境和社会稳定。  相似文献   

上海目前消耗的能源全部来自煤、石油和天然气,环境污染一直困扰着上海。由于大量使用煤炭、石油、天然气等化石能源,带来两大问题:化石物质在燃烧过程中,排放了大量有害有毒物质,严重地污染了环境;地球上这些资源的储存量是有限的,专家们指出,如继续大量使用石油,按现有储量,则五六十年后石油资源将枯竭,已探明可开采的天然气约可维持六七十年,储量丰富的煤,预计也只有三百年左右的开采寿命。1面对能源与环境的双重挑战,研究开发利用清洁和可再生的新能源已在世界发达国家兴起。新能源主要包括太阳能、风能、生物质能、…  相似文献   

现代社会经济增长的基础是对能源的占有和利用。当今世界能源的80%来自化石燃料———煤、石油和天然气。随着经济的发展、人口的增长 ,人类对资源的需求也在逐年增大。按照传统的化石燃料理论和勘探结果 ,人类行将面临不可再生化石燃料资源的短缺问题。因此 ,寻找新型替代 (或称后续 )资源以解决资源短缺问题 ,维持经济持续发展 ,是世界各国共同面临的重要课题。天然气水合物自上个世纪在海底沉积物中广泛被发现以来 ,因其分布广、资源量大、能量高而引起科学界的高度重视 ,并被认为可望成为“21世纪行将枯竭的常规油气能源的后续能源…  相似文献   

全球气候变化给人类生存和发展带来的影响早已不言而喻,如何有效控制气候变化成为一个重要而紧迫的话题。目前,多数专家认可的有效途径莫过于从“末端”增加碳吸收以及从源头上减少碳排放两种。减少碳排放,主要从调整能源结构、减少化石燃料使用量、增加可再生能源的使用等方面入手。至于增加碳吸收,则更多要借助自然的力量。  相似文献   

国外海洋能的利用及我国的海洋能开发阎季惠(国家海洋局海洋技术研究所,天津300111)1引言在陆地矿物燃料日趋枯竭和环境污染日益严重的今天,开发可再生能源已成为人类文明得以持续发展的重要保障。为了保证人类所需的能源得到稳定而持久的供应,世界各国均在努...  相似文献   

莫杰 《海洋信息》1997,(9):24-25
在当今世界能源消耗结构中,常规能源(煤炭,石油和天然气等)仍然占绝对的优势。从全球范围看,煤炭仍是第一能源,其消费量占能源总消费量约半数;其次是石油和天然气。然而,海洋能源主要是石油与天然气,其次是海底煤炭和可再生能源——潮汐能、波浪能、温差与盐差能、海岛的风能与太阳能等。  相似文献   

由于传统的化石燃料能源体系造成环境污染、燃料储量逐渐减少等后果以及人类希望改变以掠夺地球的方式获得能源等因素,新能源项目(主要包括自然界中的太阳能、风能、海浪能等)以其绿色无污染的巨大优势在世界各地纷纷兴起,但自然能源虽总量大但具体到单位面积能量微小、收集困难、设备昂贵且较不稳定。海洋能是其中能量较集中、分布较广且较稳定的能源,但目前尚未找到好的大规模利用的方式,将多种自然能源同时集中联合利用应是未来发展方向。海岸是海浪能、风能、太阳能集中的地点之一,气筒风光式海浪电站以海浪能为基础,将上述3种自然能源汇聚于一点加以联合利用,希望能为新能源的利用做出新的尝试。  相似文献   

Revisiting ocean thermal energy conversion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increasing concerns regarding oil spills, air pollution, and climate change associated with fossil fuel use have increased the urgency of the search for renewable, clean sources of energy. This assessment describes the potential of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) to produce not only clean energy but also potable water, refrigeration, and aquaculture products. Higher oil prices and recent technical advances have improved the economic and technical viability of OTEC, perhaps making this technology more attractive and feasible than in the past. Relatively high capital costs associated with OTEC may require the integration of energy, food, and water production security in small island developing states (SIDSs) to improve cost-effectiveness. Successful implementation of OTEC at scale will require the application of insights and analytical methods from economics, technology, materials engineering, marine ecology, and other disciplines as well as a subsidized demonstration plant to provide operational data at near-commercial scales.  相似文献   

基因工程在提高微藻生产生物柴油能力中的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油消耗,气候变化,能源安全等问题的日益突出,使得可再生能源研究逐渐受到世界各地的关注。微藻富含油脂,具有很多独特的优势,在生物柴油领域被寄予厚望,但利用微藻生产生物柴油也有许多问题亟待解决。通过基因工程的手段对微藻进行改造有可能是解决这一问题的突破点。国内外通过基因工程手段在高等植物、微藻、微生物中均实现过提高油脂含量或改变油脂组成的目的,而这些经验能够为基因工程在微藻中的应用起到很好的指导作用。对此,本文作了比较详细的介绍以期为利用微藻生产生物柴油提供些有价值的信息。  相似文献   

海岛海洋能应用需求和发展建议探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海岛海洋能是海岛地区绿色、清洁、低碳的海洋可再生能源,主要包括海岛潮汐能、海岛潮流能、海岛波浪能、海岛温差能等,与海岛风能、海岛太阳能统称为海岛可再生能源。《海洋可再生能源发展"十三五"规划》明确提出"积极利用海岛可再生能源",为其开发利用指明了方向。我国海岛海洋能资源储量丰富,其开发利用有助于解决制约海岛发展、海上装备运行、深海资源开发等用电问题,对于调整海岛能源结构、保护海岛海洋生态环境也具有十分重要的战略意义。文章总结了发展海洋能的重要意义,描述了我国海洋能产业的发展现状,对海岛海洋能开发利用成果进行了梳理,分析了海洋能在海岛应用的需求及前景,从顶层设计、激励政策、实施科技创新、开放共享等方面给出了促进海岛海洋能产业化的发展建议。  相似文献   

近年来,能源和环境问题一直制约着我国经济的发展。潮汐能作为一种洁净、无污染且可再生的能源,对其进行有效开发利用不失为一良策。文章总结了国内外潮汐能利用状况并简要介绍我国潮汐能开发利用的意义及其开发可行性情况。同时,指出我国潮汐能大规模开发利用所面临的问题,在此基础上,提出未来研究的方向并给出相应建议。  相似文献   

英国海上风电产业起步较晚,但发展迅猛,成为全球海上风电产业的领头羊。英国海上风电产业扶持政策依次经历过非化石燃料义务制度、可再生能源义务制度、差价合约制度等阶段。差价合约制度作为可再生能源义务制度的后继制度,在制度上有较多的创新之处,有效地推动了英国海上风电产业的发展。文章基于差价合约制度与可再生能源义务制度的分析和比较,结合英国海上风电2030年规划目标,深入分析发现差价合约制度对英国海上风电产业发展具有较大的推动力。研究表明,差价合约制度改进了可再生能源义务制度的不足之处,能够充分利用市场机制提高海上风电企业的投资热情,降低消费者的电力消费成本,并可减轻政府的财政压力,从而推动英国海上风电产业的快速发展,这对我国具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The European Union׳s energy policy aims to increase the proportion of energy derived from renewable sources in Europe. Marine renewable energy, offshore wind energy especially, contributes to the renewable energy mix. Offshore wind farms appear to be clean, and are supported by governments and NGOs as a way to reduce the use of conventional energy resources and thus decrease greenhouse gas emissions. However, developing infrastructure in marine areas can impact marine ecosystems. European directives ask offshore wind farm developers to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) including a mitigation hierarchy, i.e. envisaging measures that would avoid, reduce, and if possible offset significant adverse effects on ecosystems and human activities. This paper reviews EIA reports from seven European countries and is focused on impacts on the open water marine environment. According to the reports, measures have been taken for avoiding and reducing impacts, so there should be no significant negative residual impacts and hence no need of offsets. But the mitigation hierarchy for ecological impacts seems to have been incompletely implemented, because it is unlikely that there are no significant residual impacts. The paper proposes some technical and ecological explanations, followed by some governance and social explanations, for the absence of biodiversity offsets.  相似文献   

This paper summarises research and options for sustainable sea transport in Oceania with a focus on domestic shipping. This debate is situated initially within the context of the current Pacific domestic shipping scenario, a region of minute economies connected by some of the longest sea transport routes in the world. All current options are fossil fuel powered and increasingly uneconomic and unsustainable. Many routes are marginal or unviable and a vicious cycle of old ships replaced with old ships prevails. Although a central and essential issue of many Pacific communities, the option of pursuing sustainable sea transport is currently invisible within the policy space at all levels. Various renewable energy options are possible and increasingly available. Recent research finds that these have strong potential for providing benefits across multiple wellbeings. The barriers to pursing this agenda are complex and poorly understood but are perceptual and institutional more than technological. A small number of critical experiments during the last oil crisis provide critical lessons and direction.  相似文献   

Growing levels of energy consumption and concern over the environmental consequences of energy production are leading to an increased investment in renewable energy generation. Despite an important relationship between energy production, consumption and well-being, little attempt has been made to provide a holistic assessment of how renewable energy sectors can contribute to different aspects of human well-being. This paper develops an impact evaluation framework that can be used to capture societal-level impacts of change on primarily objective well-being and applies it to the case of the UK offshore wind industry. As such, the framework goes beyond the traditional view of economic, social and environmental impact assessment and evaluation capturing wider aspects of societal costs and benefits as well as sustainable development. The framework proves a useful tool for organising the available evidence and suggests a broadly positive impact of the UK offshore wind industry. While further testing and refinement of the framework is needed, it could be easily transferred for well-being assessment of other industries and interventions.  相似文献   

Many countries now recognise the need for mitigation of climate change induced by human activities and have incorporated renewable energy resources within their energy policy. There are extensive resources of renewable energy within the marine environment and increasing interest in extracting energy from locations with either large tidal range, rapid flow with and without wave interaction, or large wave resources. However, the ecological implications of altering the hydrodynamics of the marine environment are poorly understood. Ecological data for areas targeted for marine renewable developments are often limited, not least because of the considerable challenges to sampling in high energy environments. In order to predict the scale and nature of ecological implications there is a need for greater understanding of the distribution and extent of the renewable energy resource and in turn, of how marine renewable energy installations (MREIs) may alter energy in the environment. Regional ecological implications of a MREI need to be considered against the greater and global ecological threat of climate change. Finally, it is recommended that the identification of species and biotopes susceptible to the removal of hydrokinetic energy could be a suitable strategy for understanding how a MREI may alter flow conditions.  相似文献   

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