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作者从1984年以来在青岛和北戴河对曾被 Howe(1924)描述过的蜈蚣藻中空型和节荚型两种藻类进行定点观察,发现它们的形态构造和生殖器官的发育是相同的,后者实为前者的生长后期,它们的外形在前后所起的变化,是由于水温上升影响所致,两者应为同一藻体,因此,蜈蚣藻中空型与蜈蚣藻节荚型为同物异名,由于其藻体内部中空,故建议学名应为蜈蚣藻中空型Grateloupia fillicina f·porracea(Mert.)Howe.取消节荚型 f·lomentaria 的学名。  相似文献   

本种为青岛港及黄渤海沿岸常见种,此外也产于日本及西印度等地。曾呈奎等(1962)曾描述过产于青岛港的本种形态构造。作者自1977年开始在青岛港采到大量本种标本,同时也研究了它的形态构造及其生殖器官的系统发育过程,现报导如下:  相似文献   

本种为我国南方常见一种经济红藻。藻体直立,叶片窄带状,单条或叉状,全缘或有小育枝,体下部淅细成柄状。藻体不中空。我们发现它在生殖器官发育过程中也出现三个新特徵:1、少数果胞枝与助细胞可在同一的生殖枝丛中形成,2、少数果胞枝枝丛中可出现2个果胞枝;3、少数助细胞枝丛中可出现2个助细胞。  相似文献   

本种为青岛港及黄渤海沿岸常见种,此外也产于日本及西印度等地。曾呈奎等(1962)曾描述过产于青岛港的本种形态构造。作者自1977年开始在青岛港采到大量本种标本,同时也研究了它的形态构造及其生殖器官的系统发育过程,现报导如下: 一、藻体形态构造藻体直立,单生或丛生。紫红色或紫红带绿色,粘滑。有的幼体长至2公分时,才开始长出小羽枝,主枝线状或扁压,高7—35公分,宽2—3公分。固着器盘状。1—2回羽状分枝,小枝长短不一,互生,偏生或对生,基部缢缩,有的小枝亦从藻体表面伸出,成长的  相似文献   

锈斑蟳(Charybdis feriatus)室内人工育苗的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐度30、温度27.5~29.5℃、pH7.8~8.6的条件下,投喂扁藻(10×104mL-1)、轮虫(20mL-1~50mL-1)、卤虫无节幼体(1mL-1~30mL-1)及卤虫成体(0.1mL-1),进行锈斑蟳室内人工育苗试验。结果表明:溞状幼体Z1期2~4d,存活率100%;Z2期2~3d,存活率74.0%~78.0%;Z3、Z4、Z5期各3d,存活率分别为37.5%~59.0%、26.5%~43.0%、22.0%~36.7%;Z6期3~5d,存活率19.0%~26.3%;大眼幼体5~6d,存活率11.0%~11.5%;Ⅰ期幼蟹(蟹苗)存活率4.5%~5.0%,整个育苗过程共计20~26d。  相似文献   

总状蕨藻多糖提取工艺的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用酶法提取与热水抽提相结合的方法研究了总状蕨藻多糖的提取工艺,结果显示,采用固液质量比1:10,蛋白酶用量136.5U/g,于60气下酶法提取2.5h后,再将固液质量比调至1:20,在温度95气:条件下继续进行热水提取2.5h,多糖得率为6.7%,比单用热水提取法提高了131.0%。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾的幼体变态发育需经过多次蜕皮,每次蜕皮均伴随形态及附肢特征的改变。采用显微观测摄像法对Z1-Z12各期幼体样本30尾进行观察测量,结果显示:Z2与Z1在复眼上存在较大的差异;Z3的主要特征为尾节与第六腹节分界;Z4尾扇分为内肢和外肢,均具羽状刚毛;Z5无腹足,尾节狭长,且末端平直;Z6的腹部出现腹足萌芽;Z7腹肢芽延长分为内外肢,Z7与Z8的分期特征主要位于第1触角的内鞭、外鞭的分枝上;Z8的第1、第2对步足具不完全的螯;Z9第1、2对步足具完全的螯;Z10后额角上缘的齿刻增多,Z11第1触角内鞭和外鞭分节数量比Z10多;Z12的形态与成虾相似,额角上、下缘均有齿刻。  相似文献   

报道中国红质藻科的新记录种,尖根星丝藻Erythrotrichia biseriata,加粗星丝藻E.incrassata,日本星丝藻E.japonica,垫状星丝藻E.pulvinata,分枝星丝藻E.welwitschii。  相似文献   

报道中国红质藻科的新记录种,尖根星丝藻Erythrotrichia biseriata,加粗星丝藻E.incrassata,日本星丝藻E.japonica,垫状星丝藻E.pulvinata,分枝星丝藻E.welwitschii。  相似文献   

Grateloupia turuturu is a commercial red alga with potential value in nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. To supplement information on its life history and verify whether carpospores can be used for seedling culture, early development of G. turuturu was investigated under culture conditions (27°C, 10-13 mol/(m2.s) in irradiance, photoperiod 10:14 h L:D). Three physiological stages were recognized by continuous microscopic observation: division stage, discoid crust stage, and juvenile seedling stage. At the beginning of the division stage, the carpospores developed germ tubes into which the carpospore protoplasm was evacuated, and then the carpospore protoplasm in the germ tubes began to divide continuously until discoid crusts formed. Finally, upright thalli appeared on the discoid crusts and developed into juvenile seedlings. It took about 60 days for carpospores to develop into juvenile seedlings. The growth parameters, including germination rate for carpospores and discoid crust diameter, were recorded. These results contribute more information on the life cycle, and at the same time are of great significance in the scaling-up of artificial seedling cultures of G. turuturu.  相似文献   

对凝花菜的形态、结构、生长、繁殖;四分孢子的放散、附着及萌发;人工繁殖试验等进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on the community structure and function of the phytoplankton in Taipinghu Reservoir, the largest reservoir (9400 ha) in Anhui Province, China, was carried out dur ing 1985- 1986. A total of 175 species of algae belonging to 8 phyla and 87 genera was noted. The composition of phytoplankton was dominated by species of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta. The species number, cell density and biomass of the three groups were respectively 88%, 86.5% and 78.9% of the total phytopiankton. The weighted annual average biomass was 1.52 mg/L and cell density was 1.43 x 106 ind/L. The growth maximum was observed in summer. Diatoms were abundant in the region adjoining a river. A large number of flagellated algae such as Euglena and Chromulina occurred in the artificial fish culture bay.It can be inferred from the algal composition and total nitrogen concentration (1.48mg/L) that this reservoir is a mesotrophic water body that had undergone slight natural eutrophication.Presented are an  相似文献   

大珠母贝术后处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用蚌复康(A组)、鱼蚌康复剂(B组)和盐酸普鲁卡因(C组)对人工插核后的大珠母贝进行术后处理,并经室内人工管养度过休养期。结果显示:术后成活率C组为70.0%,A组为60.0%,对照组为364%;留核率A组为66.7%,C组为57.1%,对照组为50.0%。表明蚌复康与盐酸普鲁卡因可以明显提高植核母贝的术后成活率和留核率;另外,休养期在室内度过也有助于提高留核率。  相似文献   

Macroalgae in a littoral zone are inevitably exposed to UV-B irradiance.We analyzed the effects of UV-B on isoenzyme patterns and activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POX),catalase(CAT),and ascorbate peroxidase(APX) of red algae Grateloupia filicina(Lamour.) C.Agardh.The activities of SOD,CAT,and APX changed in response to UV-B in a time- and dose-dependent manner.POX activity increased significantly under all three UV-B treatments.The enzymatic assay showed three distinct bands of SODⅠ(Mn-SOD),SODⅡ(Fe-SOD),and SODⅢ(CuZn-SOD) under a low(Luv) and medium(Muv) dose of UV-B irradiation,while SODⅠ and SODⅢ activities decreased significantly when exposed to a high dose of UV-B irradiation(Huv).The activity of POX isoenzymes increased significantly after exposure to UV-B,which is consistent with the total activity.In addition,a clear decrease in activity of CATIV was detected in response to all the three doses of UV treatments.Some bands of APX isoenzyme were also clearly influenced by UV-B irradiation.Correspondingly,the daily growth rate declined under all the three exposure doses,and was especially significant under Muv and Huv treatments.These data suggest that,although the protection mechanisms of antioxidant defense system are partly inducible by UV-B to prevent the damage,G.filicina has incomplete tolerance to higher UV-B irradiation stress.  相似文献   

在水温为21.4℃—31.2℃,盐度为27.2‰—36.3‰的环境条件下,进行了企鹅珍珠贝培育附壳珍珠的研究。经287天的育珠,成活率87.5%。在收获的15个母贝中,植入直径为7~10mm的珠核47粒,佛像模型2个;收获附壳珍珠40颗,佛像2个,留核率达85.7%。其中商品珠35颗,商品珠率为83.3%。在商品珠中,珠色为银白色的16颗,占45.7%;金黄色的16颗(包括1佛像),占45.7%;污斑珠3颗,占8.6%。珍珠直径超过11mm的有5颗,10.0~10.9mm的有19颗,9.0~9.9mm的有9颗,8.0~8.9mm的仅1颗。抽测珍珠5颗,珠层厚度最大者862.5μm,最薄者562.5μm。  相似文献   

研究了硫酸溶液中D001B大孔强酸型树脂对烟碱的吸附性能。实验结果显示,介质在pH为2时,树脂对烟碱有最佳吸附,最大静态吸附量为300mgNicotin/gResin;Fe3+、Cu2+、Ca2+、Na+分别在其浓度为烟碱浓度的2.5、5.0、10、100倍以下对烟碱的吸附干扰较小;烟碱负载柱可用5%NaOH洗脱,洗脱率达99.6%。另外,通过对金丝猴、大前门二个牌号香烟的烟丝及烟丝燃烧后烟气中Nicotin含量的分析,确证吸烟有害健康。  相似文献   

This pathogenic study shows that the viral diseases of Chinese prawns (Penaeus chinensis. O'sbeck)is due to three kinds of viruses: epithelium envelope baculovirus of Penaeus chinensis (EEBV-PC, de-tected by the authors in 1993), infections hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus, andhepatopancreatic parvo-like virus, and that the first two viruses seem to be the main pathogens of theepidemic in the northern regions in 1993.  相似文献   

储良广眼的砧穗不亲和现象在众多个体中呈现从亲和至不亲和的连续变化,随砧、穗周长差异的增大,不亲和症状表现突出。砧、穗周长比值与几个生长量指标存在显著相关。提出以砧/穗比作为衡量不亲和程度指标。靠接加砧结果表明对严重不亲和树出现的症状有较大的缓解。  相似文献   

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