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In this paper, families of simple symmetric and non-symmetric periodic orbits in the restricted four-body problem are presented. Three bodies of masses m 1, m 2 and m 3 (primaries) lie always at the apices of an equilateral triangle, while each moves in circle about the center of mass of the system fixed at the origin of the coordinate system. A massless fourth body is moving under the Newtonian gravitational attraction of the primaries. The fourth body does not affect the motion of the three bodies. We investigate the evolution of these families and we study their linear stability in three cases, i.e. when the three primary bodies are equal, when two primaries are equal and finally when we have three unequal masses. Series, with respect to the mass m 3, of critical periodic orbits as well as horizontal and vertical-critical periodic orbits of each family and in any case of the mass parameters are also calculated.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a restricted equilateral four-body problem where a particle of negligible mass is moving under the Newtonian gravitational attraction of three masses (called primaries) which move on circular orbits around their center of masses such that their configuration is always an equilateral triangle (Lagrangian configuration). We consider the case of two bodies of equal masses, which in adimensional units is the parameter of the problem. We study numerically the existence of families of unstable periodic orbits, whose invariant stable and unstable manifolds are responsible for the existence of homoclinic and heteroclinic connections, as well as of transit orbits traveling from and to different regions. We explore, for three different values of the mass parameter, what kind of transits and energy levels exist for which there are orbits with prescribed itineraries visiting the neighborhood of different primaries.  相似文献   

A periodic orbit of the restricted circular three-body problem, selected arbitrarily, is used to generate a family of periodic motions in the general three-body problem in a rotating frame of reference, by varying the massm 3 of the third body. This family is continued numerically up to a maximum value of the mass of the originally small body, which corresponds to a mass ratiom 1:m 2:m 3?5:5:3. From that point on the family continues for decreasing massesm 3 until this mass becomes again equal to zero. It turns out that this final orbit of the family is a periodic orbit of the elliptic restricted three body problem. These results indicate clearly that families of periodic motions of the three-body problem exist for fixed values of the three masses, since this continuation can be applied to all members of a family of periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem. It is also indicated that the periodic orbits of the circular restricted problem can be linked with the periodic orbits of the elliptic three-body problem through periodic orbits of the general three-body problem.  相似文献   

We study the motions of an infinitesimal mass in the Sitnikov four-body problem in which three equal oblate spheroids (called primaries) symmetrical in all respect, are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. These primaries are moving in circular orbits around their common center of mass. The fourth infinitesimal mass is moving along a line perpendicular to the plane of motion of the primaries and passing through the center of mass of the primaries. A relation between the oblateness-parameter ‘A’ and the increased sides ‘ε’ of the equilateral triangle during the motion is established. We confine our attention to one particular value of oblateness-parameter A=0.003. Only one stability region and 12 critical periodic orbits are found from which new three-dimensional families of symmetric periodic orbits bifurcate. 3-D families of symmetric periodic orbits, bifurcating from the 12 corresponding critical periodic orbits are determined. For A=0.005, observation shows that the stability region is wider than for A=0.003.  相似文献   

The collinear equilibrium position of the circular restricted problem with the two primaries at unit distance and the massless body at the pointL 3 is extended to the planar three-body problem with respect to the massm 3 of the third body; the mass ratio μ of the two primaries is considered constant and the constant angular velocity of the straight line on which the three masses stay at rest is taken equal to 1. As regards periodic motions ‘around’ the equilibrium pointL 3, four possible extensions from the restricted to the general problem are presented each of them starting with a simple or a doubly periodic orbit of the family α of the Copenhagen category (μ=0.50). Form 3=0.10, μ=0.50 (i.e. for fixed masses of all three bodies) the characteristic curve of the extended family α is found. The qualitative differences of the families corresponding tom 3=0 andm 3=0.10 are discussed.  相似文献   

This article deals with the region of motion in the Sitnikov four-body problem where three bodies (called primaries) of equal masses fixed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Fourth mass which is finite confined to moves only along a line perpendicular to the instantaneous plane of the motions of the primaries. Contrary to the Sitnikov problem with one massless body the primaries are moving in non-Keplerian orbits about their centre of mass. It is investigated that for very small range of energy h the motion is possible only in small region of phase space. Condition of bounded motions has been derived. We have explored the structure of phase space with the help of properly chosen surfaces of section. Poincarè surfaces of section for the energy range ?0.480≤h≤?0.345 have been computed. We have chosen the plane (q 1,p 1) as surface of section, with q 1 is the distance of a primary from the centre of mass. We plot the respective points when the fourth body crosses the plane q 2=0. For low energy the central fixed point is stable but for higher value of energy splits in to an unstable and two stable fixed points. The central unstable fixed point once again splits for higher energy into a stable and three unstable fixed points. It is found that at h=?0.345 the whole phase space is filled with chaotic orbits.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the circular restricted three-body Earth-Moon-particle problem predicts the existence of the retrograde periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1. Such orbits belong to the so-called family G (Broucke, Periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem with Earth-Moon masses, JPL Technical Report 32–1168, 1968) and starting from them it is possible to define a set of trajectories that form round trip links between the Earth and the Moon. These links occur even with more complex dynamical systems as the complete Sun-Earth-Moon-particle problem. One of the most remarkable properties of these trajectories, observed for the four-body problem, is a meaningful inclination gain when they penetrate into the lunar sphere of influence and accomplish a swing-by with the Moon. This way, when one of these trajectories returns to the proximities of the Earth, it will be in a different orbital plane from its initial Earth orbit. In this work, we present studies that show the possibility of using this property mainly to accomplish transfer maneuvers between two Earth orbits with different altitudes and inclinations, with low cost, taking into account the dynamics of the four-body problem and of the swing-by as well. The results show that it is possible to design a set of nominal transfer trajectories that require ΔV Total less than conventional methods like Hohmann, bi-elliptic and bi-parabolic transfer with plane change.  相似文献   

We study the existence, linear stability and bifurcations of what we call the Sitnikov family of straight line periodic orbits in the case of the restricted four-body problem, where the three equal mass primary bodies are rotating on a circle and the fourth (small body) is moving in the direction vertical to the center mass of the other three. In contrast to the restricted three-body Sitnikov problem, where the Sitnikov family has infinitely many stability intervals (hence infinitely many Sitnikov critical orbits), as the “family parameter” ż0 varies within a finite interval (while z 0 tends to infinity), in the four-body problem this family has only one stability interval and only twelve 3-dimensional (3D) families of symmetric periodic orbits exist which bifurcate from twelve corresponding critical Sitnikov periodic orbits. We also calculate the evolution of the characteristic curves of these 3D branch-families and determine their stability. More importantly, we study the phase space dynamics in the vicinity of these orbits in two ways: First, we use the SALI index to investigate the extent of bounded motion of the small particle off the z-axis along its interval of stable Sitnikov orbits, and secondly, through suitably chosen Poincaré maps, we chart the motion near one of the 3D families of plane-symmetric periodic orbits. Our study reveals in both cases a fascinating structure of ordered motion surrounded by “sticky” and chaotic orbits as well as orbits which rapidly escape to infinity.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the periodic orbits generated by Lagrangian solutions of the restricted three-body problem when both the primaries are oblate bodies. We have illustrated the periodic orbits for different values of μ, h, σ1 and σ2 (h is energy constant, μ is mass ratio of the two primaries, σ1 and σ2 are oblateness factors). These orbits have been determined by giving displacements along the tangent and normal to the mobile coordinates as defined by (Karimov and Sokolsky, 1989). We have applied the predictor-corrector algorithm to construct the periodic orbits in an attempt to unveil the effect of oblateness of the primaries by taking the fixed values of parameters μ, h, σ1 and σ2.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional motions in the Chermnykh restricted three-body problem are studied. Specifically, families of three-dimensional periodic orbits are determined through bifurcations of the family of straight-line periodic oscillations of the problem which exists for equal masses of the primaries. These rectilinear oscillations are perpendicular to the plane of the primaries and give rise to an infinite number of families consisting entirely of periodic orbits which belong to the three-dimensional space except their respective one-dimensional bifurcations as well as their planar terminations. Many of the computed branch families are continued in all mass range that they exist.  相似文献   

The Sitnikov configuration is a special case of the restricted three-body problem where the two primaries are of equal masses and the third body of a negligible mass moves along a straight line perpendicular to the orbital plane of the primaries and passes through their center of mass. It may serve as a toy model in dynamical astronomy, and can be used to study the three-dimensional orbits in more applicable cases of the classical three-body problem. The present paper concerns the straight-line oscillations of the Sitnikov family of the photogravitational circular restricted three-body problem as well as the associated families of three-dimensional periodic orbits. From the stability analysis of the Sitnikov family and by using appropriate correctors we have computed accurately 49 critical orbits at which families of 3D periodic orbits of the same period bifurcate. All these families have been computed in both cases of equal and non-equal primaries, and consist entirely of unstable orbits. They all terminate with coplanar periodic orbits. We have also found 35 critical orbits at which period doubling bifurcations occur. Several families of 3D periodic orbits bifurcating at these critical Sitnikov orbits have also been given. These families contain stable parts and close upon themselves containing no coplanar orbits.  相似文献   

This paper studies the asymmetric solutions of the restricted planar problem of three bodies, two of which are finite, moving in circular orbits around their center of masses, while the third is infinitesimal. We explore, numerically, the families of asymmetric simple-periodic orbits which bifurcate from the basic families of symmetric periodic solutions f, g, h, i, l and m, as well as the asymmetric ones associated with the families c, a and b which emanate from the collinear equilibrium points L 1, L 2 and L 3 correspondingly. The evolution of these asymmetric families covering the entire range of the mass parameter of the problem is presented. We found that some symmetric families have only one bifurcating asymmetric family, others have infinity number of asymmetric families associated with them and others have not branching asymmetric families at all, as the mass parameter varies. The network of the symmetric families and the branching asymmetric families from them when the primaries are equal, when the left primary body is three times bigger than the right one and for the Earth–Moon case, is presented. Minimum and maximum values of the mass parameter of the series of critical symmetric periodic orbits are given. In order to avoid the singularity due to binary collisions between the third body and one of the primaries, we regularize the equations of motion of the problem using the Levi-Civita transformations.  相似文献   

The restricted three-body problem in Schwarzschild's gravitational field is analyzed. The existen- ce of the equilibrium points in the orbital plane is discussed and the corresponding positions are established. There are three collinear libration points, and, if they exist, two triangular libration points (situated in the orbital plane of the primaries). If triangular points exist, they may not form equilateral triangles; the triangles are isosceles for equal masses of the primaries, and scalene else.  相似文献   

The backbone of the analysis in most dynamical systems is the study of periodic motions, since they greatly assist us to understand the structure of all possible motions. In this paper, we deal with the photogravitational version of the rectilinear restricted four-body problem and we investigate the dynamical behaviour of a small particle that is subjected to both the gravitational attraction and the radiation pressure of three bodies much bigger than the particle, the primaries. These bodies are always in syzygy and two of them have equal masses and are located at equal distances from the third primary. We study the effect of radiation on the distribution of the periodic orbits, their stability, as well as the evolution of the families and their main features.  相似文献   

Binary systems hosting astrophysical compact objects such as white dwarfs and/or neutron stars provide excellent test beds for studying the impact of the oblateness of the main bodies in the restricted three-body problem (R3BP). The case is investigated when the primary bodies are non-luminous, non-spherical (oblate) bodies and the third body of infinitesimal mass is also an oblate spheroid. The existence of extra solar planets orbiting these systems constitutes a three-body problem which makes them excellent models for this axisymmetric ER3BP. The positions of the equilibrium points are affected by the oblateness parameters of the three-bodies; this is shown for double neutron star binaries. The triangular points are stable for 0<μ<μ c ; where μ is the mass ratio (μ≤1/2) and μ c is the critical mass value influenced by the eccentricity, semi major axis and oblateness factors. The size of the region of stability increases with decreasing values of the oblateness. The oblateness of the system’s bodies does not affect the nature of the stability of the collinear points since they remain unstable. Due to the almost equal masses of the primaries, our study shows that even the triangular points of these systems are unstable.  相似文献   

We locate members of an important category of periodic orbits in the Newtonian four-body problem. These systems perform an interplay motion similar to that of the periodic three-body orbit discovered by Schubart. Such orbits, when stable, have been shown to be a key feature and influence on the dynamics of few-body systems. We consider the restricted case where the masses are collinear and are distributed symmetrically about their centre of mass. A family of orbits is generated from the known (three-dimensionally) unstable equal masses case by varying the mass ratio, whilst maintaining the symmetry. The stability of these orbits to perturbation is studied using linear stability analysis, analytical approximation of limiting cases and nonlinear simulation. We answer the natural question: are there any stable periodic orbits of this kind? Three ranges of the mass ratio are found to have stable orbits and three ranges have unstable orbits for three-dimensional motion. The systems closely resemble their three-body counterparts. Here the family of interplay orbits is simpler requiring just one parameter to characterise the mass ratio. Our results provide a further insight into three-body orbits studied previously.  相似文献   

The intervals of the mass parameter (μ) values for possible stability of the basic families of 3D periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem determined elsewhere are now extended into regions of theμ - q 1 parameter space of the photogravitational restricted three-body problem, where q 1 is the radiation factor of m 1 and it is assumed that m 2 does not radiate. Several 3D periodic orbits corresponding to these regions are computed and tested for stability and seven regions, corresponding to the vertical-critical orbits l1v, l'1v, l6v, m1v, m2v and i1v, survive this stability test, emerging as the regions allowing the simplest types of stable low inclination 3D motion of the infinitesimal particle. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present special generating plane orbits, the vertical-critical orbits, of the coplanar general three-body problem. These are determined numerically for various values of m3, for the entire range of the mass ratio of the two primaries. The vertical-critical orbits are necessary in order to specify the vertically stable segments of the families of plane periodic orbits, and they are also the starting points of the families of the simplest possible three-dimensional periodic orbits, namely the simple and double periodic. The initial conditions of the vertical-critical periodic orbits of the basic families l, m, i, h, b and c and their stability parameters are determined. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The rectilinear elliptic restricted three-body problem (TBP) is the limiting case of the elliptic restricted TBP when the motion of the primaries is described by a Keplerian ellipse with eccentricity \(e'=1\), but the collision of the primaries is assumed to be a non-singular point. The rectilinear model has been proposed as a starting model for studying the dynamics of motion around highly eccentric binary systems. Broucke (AIAA J 7:1003–1009, 1969) explored the rectilinear problem and obtained isolated periodic orbits for mass parameter \(\mu =0.5\) (equal masses of the primaries). We found that all orbits obtained by Broucke are linearly unstable. We extend Broucke’s computations by using a finer search for symmetric periodic orbits and computing their linear stability. We found a large number of periodic orbits, but only eight of them were found to be linearly stable and are associated with particular mean motion resonances. These stable orbits are used as generating orbits for continuation with respect to \(\mu \) and \(e'<1\). Also, continuation of periodic solutions with respect to the mass of the small body can be applied by using the general TBP. FLI maps of dynamical stability show that stable periodic orbits are surrounded in phase space with regions of regular orbits indicating that systems of very highly eccentric orbits can be found in stable resonant configurations. As an application we present a stability study for the planetary system HD7449.  相似文献   

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