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There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that bivalve molluscs routinely ingest zooplankton. To elucidate further these observations, a 15-month study of zooplankton ingestion by farmed mussels was conducted using mussel long-lines in Bantry Bay, Ireland. Stomach content analysis of the mussels showed that there was evidence of zooplankton ingestion throughout the sampling period, but that highest mean numbers of zooplankters were ingested by mussels in the spring and summer months. Various zooplankton species were present in mussel stomachs. Harpacticoid copepods were found more often in stomach contents than calanoid copepods, probably due to their proximity to the bivalves' inhalent siphons. Barnacle cyprids featured in large numbers in stomach contents, but only for a period of 3 months which broadly corresponded with their pelagic phase. Sizes of ingested zooplankton ranged from 126 μm to 6 mm, but more of the smaller zooplankters (e.g. crustacean nauplii) were ingested. When lengths of ingested copepods were compared with those found in plankton net samples, it was found that the net-sampled copepods were significantly larger than those found in mussel stomachs, suggesting that mussels select for smaller categories within the zooplankton available to them. Soft bodied zooplankton was rarely found in mussel stomachs but their absence may be due to rapid digestion or they may have been destroyed in the preservation process. Ingestion of zooplankton by bivalves is discussed in the context of the impacts mussel farms have on resident zooplankton populations.  相似文献   

Pinna nobilis is the largest endemic bivalve of the Mediterranean Sea, declared protected since 1992. Although hydrodynamic stress induced by waves is known to influence density, size and orientation of P. nobilis, the effect of other hydrological features is unknown. This paper considers a P. nobilis population living within a Posidonia oceanica meadow in the Gulf of Oristano (Sardinia, Italy). We hypothesize that spatial differences in density and orientation of P. nobilis may be related to significant wave height (HS), wave direction (DW), bottom current direction (DBC) and bottom current speed (SBC). A population of P. nobilis was investigated at different sites and its distribution was correlated to hydrodynamics by means of a numerical modeling approach. The spatial distribution was patchy, with a density of 0.06–6.7 ind. 100 m 2. A non-uniform distribution of shell orientations (OS) was demonstrated in 4 sites out of 6. DBC and SBC were the main factors affecting OS, while waves had little influence. A SBC of 0.07 m s 1 appears to be the threshold for inducing specimen directionality with shells aligned to the current and the ventral side exposed to the flow. This suggests that feeding strategy is a key factor in determining OS, in addition to drag minimization. We also highlighted the role of adjacent lagoons in supporting high densities as a result of high food availability. These findings demonstrate the usefulness of modeling techniques in explaining the spatial distribution pattern of P. nobilis and in contributing to our knowledge of its ecological traits.  相似文献   

Abstract. Pinna nobilis Linnaeus 1758 is an endemic bivalve mollusc in the Mediterranean Sea, where it inhabits seagrass meadows, especially Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile. It is the largest bivalve in the Mediterranean, reaching lengths up to 120 cm. In its natural habitat, P. nobilis lives with the anterior part of the valve buried in the seabed, attached to Posidonia rhizomes by byssus threads.
This habit makes it impossible to measure its total length directly in situ. As the only way to determine the individual age is the relationship between age and total length, several equations have been proposed to estimate total length by relating it to the unburied parts of the shell. Such measurements are essential to ecological studies that consider age, growth, and population dynamics, and that evaluate the environmental factors that affect this species.
Accurately estimating total length depends on the accuracy and precision of the method employed to measure the unburied shell parts. In this paper, we point out the lack of precision of the instruments and methods used until now; we also demonstrate the reason for this imprecision. A new device to measure unburied parts of Pinna nobilis with a precision comparable to that obtained when measuring extracted valves is described. This device is unaffected by substratum type and reduces measurement time. The latter is a very important feature, because these procedures are usually performed whilst SCUBA diving. Finally, a growth equation has been fitted to the measurements obtained with the new device from a population located in Moraira (Alicante, western Mediterranean).  相似文献   

The diet of sardine Sardinops sagax in the southern Benguela was investigated by microscopic examination of stomach contents. The relative dietary importance of prey size and prey type was assessed by calculating the carbon content of prey items. Sardine is an omnivorous clupeoid, ingesting both phytoplankton and zooplankton, with the relative importance of these two food types varying both spatially and temporally. Stomach contents were numerically dominated by small prey items, principally dinoflagellates, followed by crustacean eggs, cyclopoid copepods, calanoid copepods and diatoms. Virtually all prey items ingested by sardine were <1.2 mm maximum dimension, the particle size below which sardine only filter-feed. Despite the numerical dominance by phytoplankton, zooplankton contributed the major portion to sardine dietary carbon, small calanoid and cyclopoid copepods, anchovy eggs and crustacean eggs being the primary prey types. These results indicate that, like anchovy Engraulis capensis, sardine in the southern Benguela are primarily zoophagous, and contrast with earlier dietary studies on sardine in the region. However, the two species appear to partition their prey on the basis of size; sardine consume small zooplankton, whereas anchovy consume large zooplankton. This difference has been observed in other upwelling ecosystems where the two genera co-exist and is likely to contribute to the regime shifts observed between sardine and anchovy.  相似文献   

This study reported the mass mortality events (MMEs) of Pinna nobilis based on diving surveys in Turkey. Data were collected across 12 sites in the Aegean Sea, and one site in the Sea of Marmara, within the period of June-September 2019. The results showed that a low mortality rate of 10% was found in the Sea of Marmara, and a MME was not detected for this area. In contrast, 97% mortality was recorded for the P. nobilis population distributed in the Turkish Aegean Sea. This discrepancy might be related to the seawater temperature and salinity values of these two seas. The waters of the Sea of Marmara were colder and less salty than the Aegean Sea. The findings highlighted the importance of protecting the healthy population of critically endangered fan mussels in the Sea of Marmara. It was recommended that sound management plans comprising of monitoring, enforcement and public awareness activities could be implemented in order to achieve this.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2011,65(4):436-445
The Northwest Atlantic marine community underwent dramatic changes during the last 30 years, including the collapse of many groundfish stocks and an increase in shrimp populations. Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides is an important commercial species and one of the top fish predators in this system. It is a large, wide-ranging flatfish that is found at depths up to 2200 m and it has an opportunistic diet which makes it a potential candidate for an ecosystem indicator. Analysis of stomach contents of Greenland halibut between 1978 and 2003 indicates that diet composition reflects the major changes in community structure. Over the entire period there was a clear increase in the importance of invertebrates, particularly after 1992. This change was associated with a higher importance of Pandalus shrimp and Gonatus squid and a protracted reliance on zooplankton by predators under 25 cm length. Capelin Mallotus villosus was the dominant prey between 1978 and 1992 for predators in the 12–63 cm range, but its importance dropped off drastically in the mid 1990s. Levels of main prey in the diet of Greenland halibut correlated well with fishery-independent surveys. Greenland halibut sample capelin well, compared to bottom trawl surveys and acoustic surveys. Greenland halibut consumed small shrimp which are not routinely caught by surveys and may be important in deriving information on year classes and growth of shrimp. Our results suggest that Greenland halibut's diet is a useful tracker of ecosystem change.  相似文献   

Abstract. In situ feeding habits of the cyclopoid copepods Oncaea venusta, Corycaeus amazonicus, Oithona plumifera , and O. simplex were investigated by scanning electron microscope examination of fecal pellets, the contents of which reflected copepod gut contents upon capture. Peilet contents were compared with assemblages of phytoplankton present in surface waters at times of copepod collection. All samples were from the northern Gulf of Mexico. All four copepods fed upon phytoplankton and O. venusta also ingested other crustaceans. Dominant components of fecal pellets generally did not mirror those of available phytoplankton assemblages. In some cases, O. venusta ingested primarily larger-sized particles even when these were not most abundant, and in other cases it did not ingest large cells even when they were present in bloom concentrations. The presence of small (< 2–5 urn diameter) centric diatoms in O. venusta pellets suggests the possibility of feeding by mechanisms other than suspension or raptorial feeding. Limited observations suggest that C. amazonicus and O. plumifera may feed raptorially on larger particles even when these are not particularly abundant, and that the small O. simplex (< 500 nm total length) feeds mainly upon nanoplankton. It appears that cyclopoid feeding mechanisms are complex, and likely more so than those of many calanoids.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of two potentially competing species, the longspine snipefish, Macroramphosus scolopax, and the boarfish Capros aper was examined. While both species are very abundant along the Mediterranean coast and are regularly caught by demersal trawlers, they are of no commercial value. The diets of boarfish and longspine snipefish were investigated from samples collected between January 2001 and May 2002. Variations in the diet with fish size and season, as well as diet overlap and diversity were explored. Mysid shrimps, amphipods and gastropods were the most important food items in the diet of longspine snipefish. During ontogenetic development, M. scolopax occupies different trophic levels: the diet shifts from being predominantly composed of mysids (Anchialina agilis, Lophogaster typicus, Erythrops sp., Leptomysis spp.) in the smaller longspine snipefish [<6.5 cm total length (TL)] towards decapods (Anapagurus laevis) and amphipods (Leucothoe incisa, Eusirus longipes, Hyperidea) in the larger individuals (>6.5 cm TL). Crustacean decapods and copepods were the most important prey in the stomachs of boarfish. Mysids (Lo. typicus), euphausiids and nematodes were present in the larger individuals (>8 cm TL). A more generalist diet, still containing copepods, crustacean decapods, gastropods (Limacina retroversa) and a large variety of amphipods (e.g. Phtysica marina, Stenotoe bosphorana) and mysids (e.g. A. agilis, Leptomysis spp., Erythrops sp.), dominated the diet of C. aper between 2 and 8 cm TL. Diet overlap between longspine snipefish and boarfish was very low and the differences in stomach species diversity were explained by season and fish size.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the deep-sea octopus Pteroctopus tetracirrhus was studied from monthly samples obtained throughout the year in different areas of the western Mediterranean (mainly around the Balearic Islands and along the coast of the Iberian Peninsula). A total of 373 individuals (205 females, 168 males) were analyzed; females ranged from 4.5 to 14.0 cm mantle length (ML) and males from 4.5 to 11.5 cm ML. There were few small-sized octopuses (<7 cm ML) in the samples, which might indicate that these individuals inhabit rocky grounds that are not accessible to trawlers or waters deeper than the maximum depth sampled (800 m). The species occurred more frequently around the Balearic Islands than along the Iberian Peninsula as they appeared in 20% and 7%, respectively, of the hauls in these areas. The octopus inhabits the lower continental shelf and upper slope in both areas, primarily between 200 and 500 m depth. Modal lengths were followed from autumn, when recruits were caught by trawlers, to summer, when reproduction took place. Females grew from 8 to 10 cm ML from winter to spring, but this modal size did not increase further in summer; males grew from 7 to 9 cm ML from winter to spring. The total disappearance of large individuals after summer suggests a life cycle lasting a single year. The evolution of the monthly mean sizes showed that the growth was best described by log-linear functions in both sexes. The length at first maturity was clearly higher in females (12 cm ML) than in males (8 cm ML). A total of 30 different prey items, belonging to four major taxonomic groups (crustaceans, osteichthyes, cephalopods and gastropods), were identified in the stomach contents. The diet of the octopus was based on crustaceans and teleosts, which accounted for 75% and 23% of the prey items, respectively. Cephalopods and gastropods were accessory prey as they only represented 1.6% and 0.7%, respectively, of the total. The octopus showed a marked preference for the benthic fish Symphurus nigrescens and the endobenthic crustacean Alpheus glaber. The bathymetric distribution of P. tetracirrhus coincides with those of these two main prey, which suggests that the distribution of the octopus might be strongly linked to its trophic resources.  相似文献   

Trends among major metazoan meiofaunal taxa were investigated based on 56 deployments of a multicorer at 10 time points over a period of 11 years (1989–1999) at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory site (PAP-SO: 48°50′N 16°30′W, 4850 m depth). This area is characterised by a strong seasonality in the deposition of organic matter to the seafloor and by the massive increase in the density of holothurian species since 1996, the so-called ‘Amperima event’. Total meiofaunal densities ranged from 346 to 1074 ind.×10 cm−2 and showed a significant increase with time when time was represented by cruises, years and the ‘Amperima period’ (1996–1999) vs. the pre-Amperima period (1989–1994). This pattern was driven mainly by the nematodes, which were the dominant taxon (∼90% of total abundance). The third most abundant group, the polychaetes, also increased significantly in abundance over the time series, while the ostracods showed a significant decrease. Most other taxa, including the second-ranked group, the copepods (harpacticoids and nauplii), did not exhibit significant temporal changes in abundance. Ordination of taxon composition showed a shift from the pre-Amperima to the Amperima periods, a trend supported by the significant correlation between the x-ordinate and time. The majority (52–75%) of meiofaunal animals inhabited the top 2 cm of the 5 cm sediment cores analysed. There were significant increases in the proportion of total meiofauna, nematodes and copepods (but not polychaetes) inhabiting the 0–1 cm layer over time (represented by cruises) and between the pre-Amperima and Amperima periods in the case of copepods and polychaetes. During the intensively sampled period (1996–1997), there were indications of seasonal changes in the vertical distribution patterns of total meiofauna and nematodes within the sediment. We discuss the potential link between temporal variations in organic matter flux to the seafloor and meiofaunal populations, considering both qualitative and quantitative changes in fluxes and how they may be linked to climate variations.  相似文献   

The conspicuous, red harpacticoid Metis holothuriae grows to a large size (∼600 μm length) and accounts for 29.51% of the numerical meiofaunal abundance within blooms of the toxic, benthic cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. Despite this, the meiobenthic juvenile trumpeter whiting, Sillago maculata, consume M. holothuriae at only 2.16% of numerical meiofaunal biomass within simulated blooms, despite their apparent ease of predation. We compared the predation rates of copepods that had been dyed red (primarily Canuellidae and not known to be toxic) to M. holothuriae by S. maculata, to assess whether avoidance by predators is possibly a response to an aposematic signal conveyed by the colouration of the copepods and reinforced by their potential toxicity from exposure to L. majuscula. M. holothuriae were again strongly avoided, with only 6.25% of M. holothuriae consumed, whereas dyed copepods were consumed with relative alacrity, indicating that predation was not deterred by colouration alone. M. holothuriae copepodites were consumed in preference to adult individuals, supporting the idea that toxin accumulation or other factors relating to maturation might explain avoidance by benthivorous fishes.  相似文献   

Benthopelagic fishes were sampled during three cruises to Seine Seamount, NE Atlantic, using bottom trawls and an epibenthic sledge. A total of 16 fish species were caught on the summit plateau of the seamount at 160–180 m depth, belonging to 15 different families. Four species were common to all types of trawls, whereas the other species were found only in part of the catches. Most fish caught were small species and typical for shelf and seamount communities. The most abundant fish was the snipefish, Macroramphosus spp., which was important also in terms of biomass. The population structure (size classes and length/weight relationships) of the five most abundant species (Macroramphosus spp., Capros aper, Anthias anthias, Callanthias ruber and Centracanthus cirrus) shows that usually two or three size classes, probably representing age groups (year classes), were present, and that growth rates were high. A stomach content analysis of these fishes revealed a predominance of pelagic prey, mainly small copepods. No indications for a seamount effect in terms of enhanced biomass or topographic blockage were found.  相似文献   

The trophic relationships of decapod crustaceans on Le Danois bank (NE of Iberian Peninsula, NE Atlantic Ocean) were studied within the framework of the multidisciplinary project ECOMARG during two surveys, one in October 2003 and the other in April 2004. The diets of eleven species of decapods were analyzed and, within a rather continuous gradient of food source exploitation, 3 trophic groups were identified: (1) plankton feeders, comprising the shrimps Acanthephyra pelagica, Sergia robusta, and Pasiphaea tarda, which preyed on meso-bathypelagic taxa such as euphausiids and calanoids; (2) benthos feeders, comprising the crangonids Pontophilus norvegicus and Pontophilus spinosus, the crab Geryon trispinosus and the shrimp Aristeus antennatus; and (3) an intermediate group, including the rest of species, with mixed diets that included detritus. Among the third group, anomurans (Munida tenuimana, Pagurus alatus, and Parapagurus pilosimanus) consumed phytoplanktonic detritus in April, suggesting a link with peaks of surface Chl a occurring between March and April in the study area. Gut pigment and isotopic (δ13C/δ15N correlations) analyses revealed that assemblages inhabiting the top of the bank (455–612 m) and the inner basin (642–1048 m, close to the Lastres canyon head) had different food sources, with species inhabiting the deepest region exhibiting a stronger dependence on marine snow derivatives. These results are consistent with the higher proportion of mud and sediment organic matter (OM) content in the inner basin (82.2% pellites; 6.3% OM at 1028 m) compared to the top of the Le Danois bank (only 13.9% pellites; 2.8% OM at 485 m), which is a hydrodynamically more active zone. Exploitation of different food sources is also consistent with differences in the trophic level of species, inferred from stable δ15N isotope analyses, which yield values ranging from 6.88‰ for the hermit crab P. alatus to 13.52‰ for the crangonid shrimp P. norvegicus. Stomach fullness was higher in April 2004 than in October 2003, both between and within species of the dominant decapods, including detritus feeders (M. tenuimana) and benthos feeders (e.g. G. trispinosus, P. norvegicus). Most species exhibited a parallel increase in their density in April 2004, with a significant positive correlation between density and stomach fullness. This increase coincides with a peak of surface Chl a concentration occurring in March–April.  相似文献   

Barium/calcium profiles of bivalve shells are characterized by flat background signals periodically interrupted by sharp peaks, with the background signals correlated with water Ba/Ca. To test if the peaks are an environmental signal related to productivity, we analyzed high-resolution Ba/Ca profiles in bivalve shells that grew adjacent to one another. Two aragonitic Saxidomus giganteus show remarkable similarity over a decade of growth, clearly indicating an environmental forcing. Four calcitic Pecten maximus shells also record synchronous Ba/Ca peaks, again indicating an exogenous control. The Ba/Ca peaks, however, start ~40 days after the crash of a bloom, while sedimentation takes place immediately following the bloom. Barite formation in settling phytoplankton flocs, as has been previously proposed, is clearly not the cause of these peaks. Other possible causes, such as dissolved Ba in ambient water, spawning, shell organic matter content, and kinetic growth rate effects are also discussed, but none provide satisfactory explanations. Background shell Ba partition coefficients (Ba/Cacarbonate/Ba/Cawater) for both the calcitic shells (0.18) and aragonitic shells (0.16) are similar to that previously reported for the calcitic Mytilus edulis (~0.1). We suggest that Ba/Ca peaks in bivalve shells are caused by an as yet undetermined environmental forcing, while background Ba/Ca levels are a good indication of dissolved Ba/Ca in the water; both are independent of shell mineralogy.  相似文献   

We evaluate the potential of the geographic and within-sediment distribution patterns of rust-coloured shell encrustations on an abundant subtidal bivalve, Axinopsida serricata (Carpenter, 1864) as geochemical indicators of organic enrichment from marine municipal outfalls. The progressive development of shell encrustation over the life of the animals is suggested by heavier encrustations on large shells compared to smaller shells regardless of the geochemical conditions of the habitat. Heavy encrustations decline in an exponential manner at sediment acid volatile sulphide (AVS) levels >7 μmol/g. Analyses show that the reddish shell encrustations are from an amorphous iron oxide or hydroxy-oxide likely micro-biologically mediated; the oxides appear to be embedded within the inner matrix of an organic layer, with a chemically distinct outer layer. A schematic model is proposed which shows how enrichment of labile organic carbon around outfalls affects the availability of dissolved iron in sediments and leads to less extensive encrustations on bivalve shells. Predominantly sandy sediments with low organic loading have much less potential for iron oxide deposition than silty sediments due to greater oxygen penetration into the surface sediment.Shell encrustation appears to be relatively persistent and indicative of long-term conditions, regardless of spatial and temporal fluctuations in sediment geochemistry. With more research on development over the life-cycle of the animal, the pattern of A. serricata shell encrustation has the potential to rapidly provide a map of cumulative labile organic loading and oxygen penetration of sediments around municipal outfalls on the west coast of North America where this species is common. However, caution must be used in interpreting results, since background sediment characteristics (substrate type, bottom currents and sediment transport) can affect encrustation patterns.  相似文献   

The diet of slope dwelling macrourid fishes in the eastern North Pacific is poorly known. We collected several hundred stomach samples to investigate the feeding habits of Coryphaenoides acrolepis and Albatrossia pectoralis, the two dominant slope dwelling macrourids off the continental United States. Coryphaenoides acrolepis exhibited a pronounced ontogenetic shift in diet. Specimens <15 cm pre-anal fin length (PAF) consumed primarily polychaetes, amphipods, cumaceans and mysids, while larger individuals consumed increasingly larger, more pelagic prey such as fish, squid, and large crustaceans. Scavenging was also very important to specimens >15 cm with scavenged food constituting approximately 20% of the weight of total prey and occurring in approximately 20% of fish 21–29 cm. Albatrossia pectoralis consumed primarily midwater fish and squid, and we believe that it feeds in the water column. There were significant differences between the diets of A. pectoralis and C. acrolepis suggesting some degree of niche separation between macrourid species on the continental slope of the eastern North Pacific. Both species are at the top of the food web on the upper continental slope and, because of their abundance, may exert significant pressures on their prey populations.  相似文献   

Bathymodiolus brevior [von Cosel, R., Métivier, B., Hashimoto, J., 1994. Three new species of Bathymodiolus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vents in the Lau Basin and the North Fiji Basin, western Pacific, and the Snake Pit Area, mid-Atlantic ridge. Veliger 37, 374–392] a bivalve mollusk living at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, exhibits daily microgrowth structures in its shell. This interpretation is substantiated by various lines of evidence: (1) similar shell portions of contemporaneous specimens from the same locality contain almost the same number of microincrements; (2) the number of microincrements coincides with the expected number of days in which shell portions of Bathymodiolus spp. form; (3) the width of such microincrements compares well with daily growth rates estimated for the close relative B. thermophilus [Kenk, V.C., Wilson, B.R., 1985. A new mussel (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vents in the Galapagos rift-zone. Malacologia 26, 253–271]; (4) different specimens from the same site show similar microgrowth curves. In addition, we found support for tide-controlled shell growth. Daily shell growth rates fluctuate on a fortnightly basis. Some shell portions also revealed the typical tide-controlled microgrowth pattern commonly observed in intertidal bivalves. Based on the analyses of lunar daily growth increments, a growth curve for B. brevior was computed: Xt=14 cm−(14–0.04 cm) e−0.26t. This curve enables estimation of ontogenetic age from shell length. According to this equation, B. brevior reaches its maximum shell length of 14 cm at about age 18. Shell isotope analyses suggest that some major shell growth interruptions or retardations are related to extremely active hydrothermal venting activity. However, shell growth also stopped during periods of low venting implying physiological controls on shell formation. Results of the present study demonstrate that shells of B. brevior provide calendars and environmental data loggers that can complement or partly substitute for long-term observations of venting systems.  相似文献   

A quantitative study of metazoan meiofauna was carried out on bathyal sediments (305, 562, 830 and 1210 m) along a transect within and beneath the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the southeastern Pacific off Callao, Peru (12°S). Meiobenthos densities ranged from 1517 (upper slope, middle of OMZ) to 440–548 ind. 10 cm−2 (lower slope stations, beneath the OMZ). Nematodes were the numerically dominant meiofaunal taxon at every station, followed by copepods and nauplii. Increasing bottom-water oxygen concentration and decreasing organic matter availability downslope were correlated with observed changes in meiofaunal abundance. The 300-m site, located in the middle of the OMZ, differed significantly in meiofaunal abundance, dominance, and in vertical distribution pattern from the deeper sites. At 305 m, nematodes amounted to over 99% of total meiofauna; about 70% of nematodes were found in the 2–5 cm interval. At the deeper sites, about 50% were restricted to the top 1 cm. The importance of copepods and nauplii increased consistently with depth, reaching ∼12% of the total meiofauna at the deepest site. The observation of high nematode abundances at oxygen concentrations <0.02 ml l−1 supports the hypothesis that densities are enhanced by an indirect positive effect of low oxygen involving (a) reduction of predators and competitors and (b) preservation of organic matter leading to high food availability and quality. Food input and quality, represented here by chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) and sedimentary labile organic compounds (protein, carbohydrates and lipids), were strongly, positively correlated with nematode abundance. By way of contrast, oxygen exhibited a strong negative correlation, overriding food availability, with abundance of other meiofauna such as copepods and nauplii. These taxa were absent at the 300-m site. The high correlation of labile organic matter (C-LOM, sum of carbon contents in lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) with CPE (Pearson's r=0.99, p<0.01) suggests that most of the sedimentary organic material sampled was of phytodetrital origin. The fraction of sediment organic carbon potentially available to benthic heterotrophs, measured as C-LOM/Total organic carbon, was on average 17% at all stations. Thus, a residual, refractory fraction, constitutes the major portion of organic matter at the studied bathyal sites.  相似文献   

Seasonal samples from Shark Bay on the west coast of Australia were used to determine (1) the habitats occupied by the juveniles and adults of Acanthopagrus latus in this large subtropical marine embayment and (2) the extent to which the dietary composition of this sparid is influenced by habitat type, body length and season. Sampling was undertaken in two habitat types in which A. latus was known to be abundant, namely mangrove (Avicennia marina) creeks and nearby rocky areas, the latter comprising sandstone boulders and/or limestone reefs. The mean total length ±95% CLs of A. latus was far lower in mangrove creeks, 126 ± 6.1 mm, than in rocky areas, 313 ± 4.7 mm. As A. latus attains maturity at ca. 245 mm, the juveniles of this species typically occupy mangrove areas and then, with increasing body size, move to nearshore rocky areas, where they become adults. The species composition of the food ingested by juvenile A. latus in mangrove creeks differed markedly from that of large juveniles and adults in rocky areas. Based on analyses of data for both habitat types combined, this difference was far greater than that between size classes and season, which was negligible. There were indications, however, that, overall within each habitat, the dietary composition did change seasonally, although not with body size. Acanthopagrus latus fed predominantly on mangrove material, sesarmid crabs and small gastropods in mangrove habitats, and mainly on Brachidontes ustulatus in rocky areas, where this mytilid bivalve is very abundant. The mangrove material, which contributed nearly 40% of its overall dietary volume in mangrove creeks, consisted mainly of lateral root primordia. This apparently unique food source for a teleost is presumably ingested through subsurface nipping, which would be facilitated by the mouth and dentitional characteristics of sparids. The almost total lack of correspondence in the dietary compositions of fish in the length class that was well represented in both mangrove and rocky areas illustrates the extent to which this sparid is capable of opportunistic feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the feeding performances of Uca zoeae and the estuarine copepods Acartia tonsa and Tortanus setacaudatus when these zooplankton preyed upon the co-occurring tintinnids Favella panamensis (length 265 μm) and Tintinnopsis tubulosa (length 148 μm). Predation by Favella on Tintinnopsis was also studied. Over the range of experimental prey densities used, Acartia ingested Tintinopsis at rates linearly related to prey density. Favella was ingested by Aractia at higher rates than was Tintinnopsis. Tortamus ingested Favella more readily than did Acartia, but Tortanus did not ingest Tintinnopsis. Uca ingested both Tintinnopsis and Favella while Tintinnopsis was also ingested by the larger tintinnid Favella. Comparisons of Acartia predation on tintinnids with published data on ingestion of nauplii and phytoplankton showed that when the phytoplankton are dominated by small (diameters < 10 μm) species, tintinnids in concentrations exceeding 103 organisms 1?1 can be important items in the diets of Acartia. At lower tintinnid concentrations or when algal species with diameters > 10 μm are present in significant concentrations, tintinnids merely supplement algae in the diet of Acartia. Generally, tintinnids are more important food items for Acartia than are comparably sized nauplii. Only at concentrations exceeding 104 cop. m?3 can Acartia depress tintinid population growth.  相似文献   

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