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Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) from seventeen sites was investigated on the coasts around Taiwan in order to verify its occurrences and to understand its characteristics. The fresh water fraction (FWF) in most pore water samples, except the Fangsan sampling site, range from 0 to 59% based on the salinity evidence. The relative low FWF evidence implies that the recirculated saline groundwater discharge (RSGD) is more important than the submarine fresh groundwater discharge (SFGD) in most sampling sites. Fangsan, which is located at the southwestern coast of Taiwan, has nearly 100% FWF in SGD. Evaluation of the relationship between the magnitude of SGD flux and geological type of the Taiwanese coast proves to be difficult because complex hydrological factors affect the SGD, rather than the coastal topography. According to the hydrological evidence, the modeled-SGD discharge is enhanced by high precipitation but is generally reduced by severe groundwater pumping. In addition, modeled-SGD has an inverse relationship with river base flow, indicating the river effect. The almost fresh SGD with flow rates ranged from 34 to 42 m/year at Fangsan deserves attention because a seven-year-long groundwater budget calculation implies that the aquifer could not supply so much fresh SGD over a large area. This suggests that a significant amount of fresh water SGD at Fangsan is derived from a point source via a fault passage, considering its geological background. Although the rudimentary salinity and stable isotope results indicate that RSGD plays an important role in SGD, the type of submarine spring discharge via fault zones may very well be the most prominent in highly deformed areas elsewhere in the world, too.  相似文献   

海底地下水排放对典型红树林蓝碳收支的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底地下水排放(Submarine Groundwater Discharge,SGD)是陆海相互作用的重要表现形式之一,其携带的物质对近岸海域生源要素的收支有重要影响。本文利用222Rn示踪技术估算了我国典型红树林海湾—广西珍珠湾在2019年枯季(1月)SGD携带的碳通量。调查发现,地下水中222Rn活度、溶解无机碳(DIC)和溶解有机碳(DOC)的平均浓度均高于河水和湾内表层海水。利用222Rn质量平衡模型估算得到珍珠湾SGD速率为(0.36±0.36) m/d,SGD输入到珍珠湾的DIC和DOC通量分别为(2.41±2.63)×107 mol/d和(1.96±2.20)×106 mol/d。珍珠湾溶解碳的源汇收支表明,SGD携带的DIC和DOC分别占珍珠湾总DIC和总DOC来源的91%和89%。因此,SGD携带的DIC和DOC是珍珠湾DIC和DOC的主要来源,是海岸带蓝碳收支和生物地球化学循环过程中的重要组成。  相似文献   

胶州湾水交换及湾口潮余流特征的数值研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用基于普林斯顿海洋模式建立的胶州湾及临近海域潮汐潮流数值模型,结合胶州湾口走航式声学多普勒海流剖面仪(ADCP)测流资料,研究了胶州湾口的潮(余)流特征,并在潮流模型的基础上耦合建立了水质模块,模拟了胶州湾的水交换过程。考虑M2,S2,K1,O1,M4和MS4六个主要分潮,胶州湾口潮流场的模拟与ADCP观测数据吻合较好。外湾口水道上的潮流非常强,大潮期间观测到201 cm/s的峰值流速。团岛岬角的两侧分别存在一个流向相反的余流涡旋,两涡旋在团岛附近辐合,形成了57 cm/s的离岸强余流。整个胶州湾平均水体存留时间为71 d,平均半交换时间为25 d。胶州湾水体交换能力在空间分布上有很大差异:湾口海域最强,向湾顶逐渐减弱。湾内存在两个弱交换区,分别位于湾的西-西南部和东北端,水体存留时间多超过80 d,湾西局部水域最长达120 d,而半交换时间也大多超过40 d。潮流场的结构、强度,以及与湾口距离的远近是造成湾内水交换能力空间差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

潮致余流和潮混合对长江口外东北海域低盐水团的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江冲淡水对黄海、东海水文环境有重要影响,它主要以羽状形态向外海扩展,在某些年份的特殊时间段也存在孤立的低盐水团现象。在低盐水团的动力机制研究中,风、径流量、台湾暖流、天文潮和斜压不稳定的作用已得到讨论。天文潮对冲淡水及低盐水团的影响主要包括潮致余流和潮混合,潮致余流作用仍缺乏讨论。本文对1983年8月低盐水团的动力机制进行数值模拟分析,重点讨论了潮致余流和潮混合的影响。结果表明:潮致Lagrange余流促使一部分冲淡水从口门向北输运,在32°N附近呈舌状转向东,有利于在口外东北海域形成低盐水团;小潮转大潮的垂向混合作用加强,浅水区表层盐度升高的速度快于较深水区,也有利于在口外东北海域形成低盐水团。  相似文献   

X.H. Wang   《Ocean Modelling》2005,10(3-4):253-271
The Princeton Ocean Model was implemented to investigate the response of northern Adriatic Sea during the Bora event in January 2001 when strong wind and surface cooling was reported. The model has been run with realistic wind stress, surface heat flux and river runoffs forcings continuously from 1 January 1999 to 31 January 2001. The wind stress and surface heat flux was computed by the bulk parameterization, using the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast analysis fields and the Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set cloud data. All the freshwater sources along the Adriatic coastlines were represented by point or line source functions. Open boundary conditions in the Ionian Sea along a latitudinal boundary were nested within a large scale model of the Mediterranean Sea. The numerical study found that, before the Bora event of 13–17 January 2001, the water column of the northern Adriatic Sea was stratified by salinity, and the temperature was already cooler at the surface and over the shallower shelf region. The pre-Bora circulation of the northern Adriatic Sea was relatively weak and baroclinic with maximum surface currents occurred near the Italian coast. During the Bora event, the water column was well mixed in the most of coastal region of the northern Adriatic Sea. The atmospheric cooling produced colder water over the northern and western Adriatic Coast. The circulation of the northern Adriatic Sea was barotropic and dominantly wind driven, with maximum current speed of about 1 m s−1. The numerical study also demonstrated that the Bora event decreased the heat content of the water column with an area averaged value of 205 W m−2 over the shallow northern shelf. It was concluded that the heat budget of the northern Adriatic Sea during the Bora event was a balance between the surface heat loss, horizontal net heat inflow and resulting heat content decrease. The horizontal advection played a particularly important role in controlling the water temperature change over the shallower northern shelf.  相似文献   

根据2001年7月对南黄海的大面积调查,研究了南黄海夏季pCO2的分布机制,着重讨论下层海水涌升和长江冲淡水对海-气界面CO2通量的贡献,并给出了南黄海海-气界面CO2通量。研究结果表明:夏季南黄海总体上是CO2的1个弱源,大约向大气中释放45.05×104t C。夏季南黄海表层海水pCO2分布表现出了极大的不均性,其汇区主要由长江冲淡水造成,影响区域占汇区吸收CO2的99.9%;而在源区,下层海水涌升虽然面积较小却占源区释放CO2的35.2%。可见陆架边缘海区源/汇格局的地域差异非常之特别。  相似文献   

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