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Losses of pelagic diatom production resulting from silica limitation have not only been blamed for toxic algal blooms, but for the reduction in ability of coastal food webs to support higher trophic levels. Recent research has shown the importance of advective seepage water fluxes of dissolved silica (DSi) from freshwater marshes to pelagic waters during moments of riverine Si-limitation. In this study, we investigated the potential impact of recently installed new tidal areas along the Schelde estuary, located in former polder areas and characterized by so-called controlled reduced tidal regimes (CRT). Nine mass-balance studies were conducted in a newly constructed CRT in the freshwater Schelde estuary. During complete tidal cycles both DSi and amorphous silica (ASi) concentrations were monitored at the entrance culverts and in different habitats in the marsh. A swift DSi-delivery capacity was observed despite the shifted spatiotemporal frame of exchange processes compared to reference marshes. As silica-accumulating vegetation is not yet present, and difference with reference marshes’ deliveries is surprisingly small, we indicate diatomaceous debris and phytoliths to be the main silica source. Although further research is necessary on the driving forces of the different processes involved, restoration of former agricultural areas under CRT-regime provide the potential to buffer silica in the estuary.  相似文献   

Tidal marsh exchange studies are relatively simple tools to investigate the interaction between tidal marshes and estuaries. They have mostly been confined to only a few elements and to saltwater or brackish systems. This study presents mass-balance results of an integrated one year campaign in a freshwater tidal marsh along the Scheldt estuary (Belgium), covering oxygen, nutrients (N, P and Si), carbon, chlorophyll, suspended matter, chloride and sulfate. The role of seepage from the marsh was also investigated. A ranking between the parameters revealed that oxygenation was the strongest effect of the marsh on the estuarine water. Particulate parameters showed overall import. Export of dissolved silica (DSi) was more important than exchange of any other nutrient form. Export of DSi and import of total dissolved nitrogen (DIN) nevertheless contributed about equally to the increase of the Si:N ratio in the seepage water. The marsh had a counteracting effect on the long term trend of nutrient ratios in the estuary.  相似文献   

The diversity of small-scale wetlands, high salinity tidal creeks, salt marshes, estuaries, and a wide and shallow shelf with the Gulf Stream close to the break makes the coastal zone of south-eastern North Carolina (U.S.) a natural laboratory for the study of the cycling of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in coastal and shelf waters. We assessed the summer concentrations, forms, and ratios for each N (total dissolved N, nitrate + nitrite, ammonium and dissolved organic N) and P (total dissolved P, o-phosphate and dissolved organic P) pool as these nutrients travel from tidal creeks, salt marshes and two large estuaries to Long and Onslow Bays. Additionally, we measured ancillary physical (temperature, salinity and turbidity) and chemical (dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a and pH) water properties. Highest concentrations of all individual N and P compounds were found in the upper parts of each tributary and were attributed to loads from agricultural and urban sources to the coastal watersheds, continuing downstream to receiving estuaries. In all areas, dissolved organic N and P species were predominant constituents of the total dissolved N and P pools (64–97% and 56–93%, respectively). The lower parts of estuaries and surface shelf waters were characterized by oceanic surface values, indicating removal of N and P downstream in all tributaries. The different watershed and hydrological characteristics also determined the different speciation of N and P pools in each estuary. Despite a high level of anthropogenic pressure on the uppermost coastal waters, there is self-regulation in this coastal ecosystem with respect to human perturbations; i.e. significant amounts of the N and P load are retained within estuarine and nearshore waters without reaching the shelf.  相似文献   

Zooplankton are important grazers of primary production within intertidal marshes and are the optimal prey of higher trophic consumers; however, the patterns of their spatial distribution in marsh creeks are rarely reported. The zooplankton in the intertidal creeks with different salinities at Dongtan marshes of the Yangtze River Estuary was surveyed. The mean zooplankton densities in the intertidal creeks were 53,638 ind. m−3 in April and 132,916 ind. m−3 in July, respectively, which were as high as in the near-shore subtidal waters of the Yangtze River Estuary. This high abundance implied the important roles of zooplankton in the matter flux between marshes and near-shore waters through complex intertidal creek systems. Zooplankton total densities changed significantly from northern to southern creeks. ANOSIM and CCA analyses revealed that the zooplankton community structure were significantly different among the northern, eastern and southern creeks, and between two sampling seasons. Salinity accounted for most of the spatial variation of zooplankton community, whereas water temperature, chlorophyll a concentration, and pH were the main reasons of the temporal variation observed. Copepods were the most abundant zooplankton group. A total of 24 copepod species, belonging to 15 families and 20 genera, were recorded. Planktonic copepods preferred the northern and eastern creeks, with higher densities in July than in April, while benthic copepods predominated only in the northern creeks in April. Since the role of benthic and planktonic copepods may differ in transporting nutrients in the intertidal creeks, it is suggested that the variations in their distribution may influence the ecological functions of zooplankton in the estuarine matter fluxes both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

In coastal ecosystems, denitrification is a key process in removing excess dissolved nitrogen oxides and participating in the control of eutrophication process. Little is known about the role of salt marshes on nitrogen budgets in cold weather coastal areas. Although coastal salt marshes are important sites for organic matter degradation and nutrient regeneration, bacterial-mediated nitrogen cycling processes, such as denitrification, remain unknown in northern and sub-arctic regions, especially under winter conditions. Using labelled nitrogen (15N), denitrification rates were measured in an eastern Canadian salt marsh in August, October and December 2005. Freshly sampled undisturbed sediment cores were incubated over 8h and maintained at their sampling temperatures to evaluate the influence of low temperatures on the denitrification rate. From 2 to 12 degrees C, average denitrification rate and dissolved oxygen consumption increased from 9.6 to 25.5 micromol N2 m-2 h-1 and from 1.3 to 1.8 mmol O2 m-2 h-1, respectively, with no statistical dependence of temperature (p>0.05). Nitrification has been identified as the major nitrate source for denitrification, supplying more than 80% of the nitrate demand. Because no more than 31% of the nitrate removed by sediment is estimated to be denitrified, the presence of a major nitrate sink in sediment is suspected. Among possible nitrate consumption mechanisms, dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium, metal and organic matter oxidation processes are discussed. Providing the first measurements of denitrification rate in a St. Lawrence Estuary salt marsh, this study evidences the necessity of preserving and restoring marshes. They constitute an efficient geochemical filter against an excess of nitrate dispersion to coastal waters even under cold northern conditions.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the importance of advective transport of water through permeable estuarine and salt marsh sediments. This transport delivers significant quantities of radium and barium to the coastal ocean; and, in some cases may remove significant quantities of uranium. These conclusions are based on repeated analyses of seven river–estuarine systems from North Carolina to Florida. Fluxes of radium and barium from these river systems are shown to be inadequate to balance the dissolved inventories of these elements in the South Atlantic Bight. The strong interactions that occur between surface and subsurface waters as these rivers encounter coastal marshes lead us to consider these river mouths as marsh-dominated in terms of their chemical fluxes to the ocean. Such interactions between the river and coastal marsh must be considered when estimating fluxes of material between the land and ocean.  相似文献   

Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), as the light absorbing fraction of bulk dissolved organic matter (DOM), plays a number of important roles in the global and local biogeochemical cycling of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and in controlling the optical properties of estuarine and coastal waters. Intertidal areas such as salt marshes can contribute significant amounts of the CDOM that is exported to the ocean, but the processes controlling this CDOM source are not well understood. In this study, we investigate the production of DOM and CDOM from the decomposition of two salt marsh cordgrasses, Spartina patens, a C4 grass, and Typha latifolia, a C3 grass, in well-controlled laboratory experiments. During the seven-week incubation period of the salt marsh grasses in oxic and anoxic seawater, changes in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, dissolved nitrogen (DN) concentrations, stable carbon isotopic composition of DOC (DOC-δ13C), and CDOM fluorescence demonstrate a significant contribution of DOC and CDOM to estuarine waters from salt marsh plants, such as Spartina and Typha species. In the natural environment, however, the release processes of CDOM from different cordgrass species could be controlled largely by the in situ oxic and anoxic conditions present during degradation which affects both the production and decomposition of DOC and CDOM, as well as the optical properties of CDOM in estuarine and coastal waters.  相似文献   

Vertical accretion in tidal marshes is necessary to prevent submergence due to rising sea levels. Mineral materials may be more important in driving vertical accretion in tidal freshwater marshes, which are found near the heads of estuaries, than has been reported for salt marshes. Accretion rates for tidal freshwater marshes in North America and Europe (n = 76 data points) were compiled from the literature. Simple and multiple linear regression analyses revealed that both organic and mineral accumulations played a role in driving tidal freshwater marsh vertical accretion rates, although a unit mass of organic material contributed ∼4 times more to marsh volume than the same mass input of mineral material. Despite the higher mineral content of tidal freshwater marsh soils, this ability of organic matter to effectively hold water and air in interstitial spaces suggests that organic matter is responsible for 62% of marsh accretion, with the remaining 38% from mineral contributions. The organic material that helps to build marsh elevation is likely a combination of in situ production and organic materials that are deposited in association with mineral sediment particles. Regional differences between tidal freshwater marshes in the importance of organic vs. mineral contributions may reflect differences in sediment availability, climate, tidal range, rates of sea level rise, and local-scale factors such as site elevation and distance to tidal creeks. Differences in the importance of organic and mineral accumulations between tidal freshwater and salt marshes are likely due to a combination of factors, including sediment availability (e.g., proximity to upland sources and estuarine turbidity maxima) and the lability of freshwater vs. salt marsh plant production.  相似文献   

The North Inlet marsh-estuarine system encompasses the spectrum of interaction between the ocean and the uplands typical of the southeastern United States. The system is an ebb-dominated, bar-built estuary with good flow connection to the sea and some freshwater input.The North Inlet basin has evolved from a forested, relic, beach-ridge terrain under a regime of slowly rising sea level (2 mm year−1). This mode of development is supported by historic tide gage data. 210Pb dating of sediment cores, the presence of spodic soil horizons and tree roots at shallow depths beneath the marsh surface, and the presence of relic ‘cat eye’ ponds at the edge of the salt marsh. As sea level rises, the boundary between forest and salt marsh recedes upslope and forest spodosols are gradually transformed into marsh soils by salinization, the deposition and mixing of marine mud into the upper horizons of the forest soil and the accumulation of reduced sulfur via sulfate reduction. As a forest watershed is transformed into a salt-marsh basin, the hydraulic geometry of the original, black-water (fresh) stream increases to accommodate the increasing volumes of tidal discharge. Forest sands move seaward while marine muds are transported into the basin.As water moves between the forest and the sea, it passes through creeks in different developmental stages. Large mature creeks interact with the ocean while young, ephemeral creeks drain the uplands and intertidal marsh zones. Intermediate stage creeks connect these two and are characterized by the presence of oyster reefs. Net nutrient fluxes appear to be different in each developmental stage.The ‘Bly Creek’ study of Dame and coworkers addressed the flux of materials between a creek at the intermediate stage of development and the adjacent mature system. Material fluxes from a freshwater stream draining into Bly Creek from the adjacent uplands were also observed. The role of the salt marsh and the oyster reefs in determining material fluxes was examined. The Bly Creek basin imports particulate nutrients and exports dissolved forms.The ‘Outwelling’ study of Dame and coworkers at North Inlet focused on the flux of materials between the mature creeks and the Atlantic Ocean. All constituents were exported seasonally and annually from the estuary, except total sediments (imported during fall and winter) and chlorophyll a (imported in the summer and fall). The export of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus was high compared with other estuarine systems.On a unit area basis, primary productivity is higher and nutrient fluxes are lower in Bly Creek (intermediate stage of development) as compared with the mature North Inlet system. These observations support the general ecosystem development hypothesis that nutrient storage and retention are higher in younger systems than more mature systems where growth is lower and fewer nutrients are needed.  相似文献   

冬季南海北部陆架锋区悬浮颗粒态硅的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对冬季南海北部陆架锋区的悬浮颗粒态生物硅(Particulate Biogenic Silica,PBSi)和成岩硅(Lithogenic Silica,LSi)含量进行了调查分析,讨论了悬浮颗粒态生物硅分布及其影响因素。结果表明,南海北部陆架区悬浮颗粒态生物硅和成岩硅平均含量分别为0.59和8.93μmol/dm3。生物硅分布与水团关系密切:在营养盐充足的沿岸水生物硅含量高(1.0μmol/dm3);而在营养盐缺乏的陆架表层水生物硅含量低(0.23μmol/dm3);在两种水团过渡区生物硅含量居中(0.65μmol/dm3)并与溶解硅酸盐(Dissolved Silicate,DSi)成显著正相关(R=0.48,N=44,P=0.001,a=0.01)。此外锋面位置也直接影响生物硅的含量与分布。大部分调查海区被高温高盐低营养盐海水占据,因此导致了调查海区以低浓度的生物硅和成岩硅为特征,且与世界其他海区相比,生物硅含量处于低值区。  相似文献   

Silica cycling in the upper 175 m of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre was examined over a two year period (January 2008-December 2009) at the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) station ALOHA. Silicic acid concentrations in surface waters ranged from 0.6 to 1.6 ??M, exhibiting no clear seasonal trends. Biogenic silica concentrations and silica production rates increased by an order of magnitude each summer following stratification of the upper 50 m reaching values of 157 nmol Si L−1 and 81 nmol Si L−1 d−1, in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Sea surface height anomalies together with analyses of variability in isothermal surfaces at 150-175 m indicated that the summer periods of elevated biogenic silica were associated with anticyclonic mesoscale features during both years. Lithogenic silica concentrations increased in the spring during the known period of maximum atmospheric dust concentrations with maximum values of 36 nmol Si L−1 in the upper 10 m. Dust deposition would enhance levels of dissolved iron in surface waters, but there was no response of diatom biomass or silica production to increases in near-surface ocean lithogenic silica concentrations suggesting iron sufficiency of diatom silica production rates.Low ambient silicic acid concentrations restricted silica production rates to an average of 43% of maximum potential rates. Si sufficiency only occurred during the summer period when diatom biomass was elevated suggesting that bloom diatoms are adapted to exploit low silicic acid concentrations. Annual silica production at HOT is estimated to be 63 mmol Si m−2 a−1 with summer blooms contributing 29% of the annual total. Diatoms are estimated to account for 3-7% of total phytoplankton primary productivity, but 9-20% of organic carbon export confirming past suggestions that diatoms are relatively minor contributors to primary productivity and autotrophic biomass, but important contributors to new and export production in oligotrophic open-ocean ecosystems.Annual silica production at HOT is nearly 4-fold lower than estimates at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea from the 1990s, but annual silica export at the base of the euphotic zone is similar between the two gyres indicating very different balances between silica production and its loss in surface waters. On a relative basis, BATS is a more productive system with respect to silica, where biogenic silica is recycled with high efficiency in surface waters; in contrast the NPSG is a lower productivity system with respect to silica, but where lower recycling efficiency leads to a much higher fraction of new silica production. The two gyres show contrasting long-term trends in diatom biomass as biogenic silica concentrations at HOT have been increasing since 1997, but they have been decreasing at BATS suggesting very different forcing of decadal trends in the contribution of diatoms in carbon cycling between these gyres. Combining the data from both gyres indicates that globally subtropical gyres produce 13 Tmol Si a−1, which is only 51% of previous estimates reducing the contribution of subtropical gyres to 5-7% of global annual marine silica production.  相似文献   

Sandy sediments of continental shelves and most beaches are often thought of as geochemical deserts because they are usually poor in organic matter and other reactive substances. The present study focuses on analyses of dissolved biogenic compounds of surface seawater and pore waters of Aquitanian coastal beach sediments. To quantitatively assess the biogeochemical reactions, we collected pore waters at low tide on tidal cross-shore transects unaffected by freshwater inputs. We recorded temperature, salinity, oxygen saturation state, and nutrient concentrations. These parameters were compared to the values recorded in the seawater entering the interstitial environment during floods. Cross-shore topography and position of piezometric level at low tide were obtained from kinematics GPS records. Residence time of pore waters was estimated by a tracer approach, using dissolved silica concentration and kinetics estimate of quartz dissolution with seawater. Kinetics parameters were based on dissolved silica concentration monitoring during 20-day incubations of sediment with seawater. We found that seawater that entered the sediment during flood tides remained up to seven tidal cycles within the interstitial environment. Oxygen saturation of seawater was close to 100%, whereas it was as low as 80% in pore waters. Concentrations of dissolved nutrients were higher in pore waters than in seawater. These results suggest that aerobic respiration occurred in the sands. We propose that mineralised organic matter originated from planktonic material that infiltrated the sediment with water during flood tides. Therefore, the sandy tidal sediment of the Aquitanian coast is a biogeochemical reactor that promotes or accelerates remineralisation of coastal pelagic primary production. Mass balance calculations suggest that this single process supplies about 37 kmol of nitrate and 1.9 kmol of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) to the 250-km long Aquitanian coast during each semi-diurnal tidal cycle. It represents about 1.5% of nitrate and 5% of DIP supplied by the nearest estuary.  相似文献   

根据2017年12月—2019年12月和2018年小浪底水库泄洪期间对黄河下游营养盐的月观测和日观测,系统的分析了黄河下游溶解态营养盐浓度、组成和通量变化。结果表明,除DON(溶解有机氮)、DSi(溶解态硅)和DIP(溶解无机磷)外,其他各溶解态营养盐浓度均呈丰水期低、枯水期高的特点。在观测期间,DSi/DIN(溶解态硅/溶解无机氮)比值月变化呈升高趋势,而DIN/DIP和DSi/DIP比值呈降低的趋势,可能与近年来黄河流域生态环境变化有关。水库泄洪期间DIN和DSi浓度升高,主要与水库下泄高浓度营养盐水体和大径流冲刷沿岸土壤导致营养盐释放进黄河水体有关;DIP和DOP(溶解有机磷)浓度降低,主要受到大径流稀释和悬浮颗粒物吸附作用的影响。水库泄洪期间DSi/DIP与DSi/DIN比值增加,而根据水体富营养化潜力指标(ICEP)显示,水库泄洪的年份P-ICEP和N-ICEP均高于非水库泄洪的年份数倍,进一步证明水库泄洪事件会加剧营养盐失衡,潜在影响黄河口及其邻近海域浮游植物群落结构。2018年水库水沙调控期间输送了全年各项营养盐入海通量的13%~25%,在全年营养盐输送通量中扮演重要的角...  相似文献   

This study addresses the impact marshes have on the dissolved oxygen content of tidal waters, particularly during summer when respiratory demand for oxygen in adjacent coastal waters is at a maximum and the solubility of oxygen is lowest. The net transports of dissolved oxygen, salt and heat have been measured for 65 tidal cycles during late spring and summer for a small (0·14 km2) salt marsh basin near North Inlet, S.C. The results indicate that export of dissolved oxygen occurs only on tidal cycles that begin between 2:00 am and 10:00 am such that high tide occurs within 4 h of noon. The largest exports of oxygen and heat are produced by spring tides beginning near sunrise. Although the time window for oxygen export is only about 8 h in duration, there is a more or less overall long-term balance between export and import because the magnitude of oxygen export is about 25% greater than import. The magnitude of heat export similarly exceeds heat import but because the time windows for heat export and import are equal, there is an overall export of heat. This study thus suggests that in summer salt marshes of the Atlantic coast export heat and are in balance with respect to the export and import of dissolved oxygen. However, because of the interaction of the diurnal tide with the daily cycle of solar radiation, transient dissolved oxygen concentrations in tidal waters can range from 1.5 to 10.0 ppm. Thus loading of additional oxygen consuming materials to these waters possibly could lead to significant periods of anoxia.  相似文献   

以2011年6月和8月在长江口邻近海域采集的沉积物和间隙水样品为研究对象,讨论了沉积物中生物硅(BSi)和间隙水中溶解硅(DSi)的分布情况和影响因素,并初步探讨了生物硅的循环和保存。结果表明,表层沉积物中BSi的含量较低,且均小于1%。柱状沉积物中BSi的含量范围为0.34%~0.52%。C3、D1站位柱状沉积物中BSi的记录主要是由早期成岩过程控制,33#站位的分布特征主要是由水动力等变化控制。沉积物间隙水中DSi的浓度范围为101.6~263.9 μmol/L,低于纯BSi的溶解度;间隙水的pH值越大,沉积物的含水率越低,还原性越强,间隙水中DSi的含量越高。3站位生物硅的埋藏效率均较高,表明长江口邻近海域是潜在的硅的汇。沉积通量的分布与沉积速率和埋藏效率的分布一致,均有近岸高于远海的趋势。  相似文献   

A budget model covering the Baltic Sea was developed for the time period 1980–2000 to estimate water and dissolved silica (DSi) fluxes as well as internal DSi sinks/sources. The Baltic Sea was resolved by eight basins, where the largest basin — the Baltic Proper — was divided laterally into north/west and southern/east parts as well as vertically to take into account the existence of the permanent halocline. The basins demonstrated rather different patterns with regard to silica cycling. The Gulfs of Finland and Riga together with the northernmost basins, Bothnian Bay and Bothnian Sea, are distinguished by substantial specific rates of silica removal accounting for 1.6–4.9 g Si m− 2 yr− 1. Bearing in mind the large total primary production, the basins comprising the Baltic Proper with the specific removal rates 0.2 and 1.2 g Si m− 2 yr− 1, do not appear as regions with a high silica accumulation. The Arkona and the Kattegat mainly behave as regions of rapid through-flows. These results point out the northernmost Gulf of Bothnia, the Gulfs of Riga and Finland as areas with a larger share of biogenic silica accumulation than in the Baltic Proper. It is attributed to hydrographic and hydrochemical features. An estimate of diatom export production was made for the Baltic Proper showing that the diatom contribution accounts for 19–44% of the net export production.  相似文献   

A sampling and computational approach for estimating nutrient fluxes from a salt marsh ecosystem is presented. Extensive and intensive sampling of tidal velocities, water depths, and nutrient concentrations was made synoptically across three tidal creeks, connecting a 34 km2 South Carolina salt marsh with surrounding coastal waters. An estimate of nutrient exchange over each sampling period is based on measurements over four tidal cycles during a neap and spring tidal regime. The computation of instantaneous fluxes of NO3?NO2?, NH4+, and o-PO24? was based on the cross-multiplication of concentration, velocity, and integrated over the cross-sectional area of each tidal creek. The net flux of nutrients was estimated using a least-squares regression model which included periodic functions simulating tidal and diurnal cycles. This computational approach allows for a rigorous test of the statistical significance of the measured nutrient fluxes and a basis on which interpretations of the ecological significance of the exchange can be made.Tidal patterns in inorganic nutrient concentrations and the corresponding exchanges are presented for a spring time sampling. Nitrate-nitrite was exported consistently from the marsh to the coastal ocean with a mean value of 8.0 kg per tidal cycle for the neap sampling set and 15.6 kg per tidal cycle for the spring set. This corresponded to high concentrations of nitrate-nitrite (0.6 μM) on the ebb tide with low concentrations (0.1 μM) on the flood tide. Ammonia flux was variable and did not portray a consistent tidal concentration pattern. Concentrations ranged from 1 to 6 μM. Ammonia flux was exported to the coastal ocean only during the spring tidal set with a mean value of 114 kg per tidal cycle. Ortho-phosphate was also exported only on the spring tidal set with a mean flux of 40.0 kg per tidal cycle. A tidal concentration pattern of high concentrations (0.6 μM) on the ebb tide and low concentrations (0.05 μM) on the flood was consistent for ortho-phosphate during both neap and spring tidal sets.  相似文献   

One of the main effects of urbanization on coastal areas is through the discharge of sewage, which increases nutrient concentrations in the receiving environment. Salt marshes, like other coastal marine environments, are limited by nutrients, mainly nitrogen, and thus increasing nutrient loadings to a marsh may have consequences on marsh characteristics. We evaluated how the effects of nutrient enrichment in the form of sewage input, affected the vegetation structure and bird assemblages in a Spartina alterniflora salt marsh system near Bahía Blanca, Argentina (39° 01' S - 56° 25' W). Surveys of nutrient concentration, vegetation and birds were made at three different distances from the sewage discharge source. The concentration of ammonium, phosphate, and nitrate and the percent organic matter was higher in marshes nearest to the sewage discharge source. Bird composition and abundance, and vegetation physiognomy changed along a gradient of nutrient concentration. The increased habitat complexity found near the areas of higher nutrient concentration was exploited by birds that use neighboring interior and coastal habitats, including Spartina densiflora marshes, freshwater marshes and upland shrubby habitats. Our results show that local increases of nutrient inputs directly changed the vegetation physiognomy, and indirectly the composition and abundance of bird assemblages.  相似文献   

Seasonal deposition fluxes of sinking phytoplankton, zooplankton and major mass compounds (i.e. calcium carbonate, biogenic opal and organic matter), intercepted by deep-moored sediment traps, are contrasted with their sediment accumulation rates over the 2700 m deep central Walvis Ridge in the oligotrophic SE Atlantic. These data provide the first seasonally resolved record of biogenic particle fluxes in the South Atlantic Central Gyre and serve as the oligotrophic end member of a gradient across the Benguela system to the highly productive coastal upwelling off Namibia. Maximum fluxes at the central Walvis Ridge were deposited in early austral spring, following winter deepening of the surface mixed layer and associated nutrient entrainment. Nearly 25% of the annual mass flux arrived in October, when sea surface temperature rose, deep vertical mixing halted and surface production collapsed. The annual flux of diatoms was dominated by small specimens of Nitzschia bicapitata (60%) whereas Globorotalia inflata dominated the foraminiferal fluxes (25%). Diatom diversity dropped significantly during the bloom periods, when up to 80% was composed of small N. bicapitata, but foraminiferal diversity remained about constant. The diatom flux maximum, together with those of biogenic silica and organic matter, preceded those of the foraminifera, pteropods, carbonate and total mass by 1 week. Fluxes of the left- and right-coiled shells of the deep-dwelling foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides peaked in different seasons, a distinctive ecological behaviour which merits their taxonomic recognition as separate species. These findings testify to recent evidence for the existence of several genetic species within G. truncatulinoides and now suggest that such species may also have different seasonal responses.The Benguela trophic gradient showed a shoreward increase in particle fluxes, but differences were surprisingly small, testifying to only moderately enhanced export productivity and deposition at the Namibian margin relative to the oligotrophic central gyre. From the open ocean toward coastal upwelling, small and weakly silicified diatoms were substituted by other, larger and more heavily silicified species, possibly in response to decreased silica limitation. Foraminiferal deposition fluxes were increasingly dominated by G. inflata, accompanied by a change-over from many warm- to few cold-water minor species. The late winter maximum at the Namibian margin and the early spring maximum at the central Walvis Ridge were generated by the same process of collapsing surface productivity in response to the shut down of nutrient entrainment at the winter to summer transition, although delayed by up to 2 months in the Central Gyre. At the sediment-water interface, intense degradation of organic matter and biogenic silica resulted in poor preservation accompanied by pronounced changes in the species composition of siliceous phytoplankton. Of all particle groups at the central Walvis Ridge, only the export of foraminiferal shells appeared to be fully transferred into the sediment, and through their species assemblage to provide a sedimentary record of past seasonal productivity conditions of the upper ocean.  相似文献   

还原性硫气体和甲烷自然释放是全球碳、硫循环研究的重要内容,对全球估算的时空变异性和不确定性问题、环境地球化学循环的特殊性以及还原性硫气体和甲烷通量关系的不明确性等主要科学问题进行了述评.并提出了解决这些科学问题的必要途径.  相似文献   

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