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The dilution technique, combined with identification and enumeration of pico-, nano- and micro-plankton by microscopy, was used to estimate microzooplankton impact on the microbial community in surface waters of a coastal embayment on the NW Iberian upwelling system. Microzooplankton were important consumers of autotrophic and heterotrophic plankton in this system, feeding up to 93% of standing stock and more than 100% of production of several groups. Heterotrophic bacteria and heterotrophic picoflagellates experienced the highest and constant impact, with 75–84% of their standing stocks and 85–102% of their production being channelled through the microbial food web. Pico- and nano-phytoplankton were also consumed, although maximum grazing occurred on diatoms during upwelling events, coinciding with highest primary production. Predation on pico-nano-heterotrophs was especially relevant under downwelling conditions, when consumption of total carbon and particularly autotrophic carbon was considerably lower than during upwelling. The results suggest that the existence of a multivorous food web, extending from the microbial loop to the herbivorous food web, could be a major feature in this coastal upwelling system. The microbial loop, which occurs as a permanent background in the system, would contribute to sustain the microbial food web during downwelling, whereas the herbivorous food web could coexist with a microbial food web based on large diatoms during upwelling. The multivorous food web would partially divert diatoms from sinking and hence favour the retention of organic matter in the water column. This could enhance the energy transfer to higher pelagic trophic levels in coastal upwelling systems.  相似文献   

The seismic analysis of the sedimentary infill of the Ría de Vigo reveals that the infill comprises of a fifth order sequence (18 ky) bounded by a major discontinuity surface. Within the Holocene sequence, several seismic units have been identified; the oldest one originated after the Würm glaciation and the origin of its top discontinuity was eroded during the regression (sea level at − 120 m) of this last glacial episode (isotopic stages 2 to 4), 18 ky B.P.

In some places below this ría infill, another sequence can be identified. This older sequence is associated with the pre-existing faults and troughs in the deepest parts of the ría, and it was deposited during the Würm glaciation (Miocene–Pleistocene). Eroded sediments were moved from the rías area to deeper zones, where they accumulated in the lowstand system tract. The next sea level rise occured in two steps, producing two transgressive units separated by an hiatus surface. This cycle was interrupted by the next sea level fall (to − 55 m) marked on the seismic records by another recognizable boundary. The next sea level rise took place in several steps (back-stepping) with some stillstands, generating another transgressive system tract in the ría. From that time on, the relative sea level continued rising, depositing the most recent unit which represents the highstand system tract. Separating the highstand system tract and the transgresive unit below there is a consensed section.

The analysis of 29 cores provides groundtruthing for our hypothesis. The identified main lithologic units show a transgressive sequence: a granitic rock base, an overlying second unit-locally wedge shaped- and most recently, a marine muddy unit covering the present ría seafloor.  相似文献   

Since 1987, twice weekly, hydrological variables have been monitored at a fixed station in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain), aiming to examine the time scales of variability and the relationships to meteorological conditions. The present paper analyses: (1) the advantage of Box-Jenkins transfer function (TF) models (single output–multiple input), a type of linear stochastic model, to describe the dynamic behaviour of the system; and (2) the coupling between the Ría and meteorological events at the time scale of autonomy of this coastal inlet affected by the Iberian coastal upwelling, approximately a fortnightly period. In order to achieve these objectives, thermohaline properties have been used to characterize the estuarine ecosystem (output variables), while wind regime, runoff in the drainage basin and incoming solar radiation have been considered as the main forcing variables (input variables). The use of the amplitude time series, derived from principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the deseasonalized meteorological variables, is also explored as a different set of input variables.When compared with standard regression models, all TF models built to describe thermohaline behaviour had reduced residual variance. Similar TF models, as well as percentage of explained variance, were also obtained when meteorological variables or the amplitude time series were used as input variables. The fitted TF models provided an insight into the ‘ inertial ’ behaviour of the system and the time scales of coupling of the system with the forcing variables. The plausible physical mechanisms which link the response of the system with the observed meteorological variability are also discussed. As could be expected, bottom thermohaline properties show a stronger inertial behaviour than the surface ones, which is particularly marked for bottom temperature. Besides, the shelf domain, by means of upwelling-downwelling events, strongly influences surface and bottom temperature, as well as bottom salinity; by contrast, surface salinity is mainly influenced by the effect of wind along the main axis of the Ría and runoff. In relation to the time scales of coupling between the system and the forcing variables, thermohaline properties show a dependance with the meteorological conditions in, at least, the immediately preceding fortnight period. It was concluded that: (1) TF models that incorporate meteorological information described the dynamic behaviour of the system adequately; and (2) this type of model can be useful as a first approximation to develop more sophisticated (deterministic) models, since, with the purpose of modelling any state variable of the system, both the coupling between different domains and the time scales of the interactions must be taken into account.  相似文献   

Since 1987, twice weekly, hydrological variables have been monitored at a fixed station in the R?́a de Vigo (NW Spain), aiming to examine the time scales of variability and the relationships to meteorological conditions. The present paper analyses: (1) the advantage of Box-Jenkins transfer function (TF) models (single output–multiple input), a type of linear stochastic model, to describe the dynamic behaviour of the system; and (2) the coupling between the R?́a and meteorological events at the time scale of autonomy of this coastal inlet affected by the Iberian coastal upwelling, approximately a fortnightly period. In order to achieve these objectives, thermohaline properties have been used to characterize the estuarine ecosystem (output variables), while wind regime, runoff in the drainage basin and incoming solar radiation have been considered as the main forcing variables (input variables). The use of the amplitude time series, derived from principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the deseasonalized meteorological variables, is also explored as a different set of input variables.When compared with standard regression models, all TF models built to describe thermohaline behaviour had reduced residual variance. Similar TF models, as well as percentage of explained variance, were also obtained when meteorological variables or the amplitude time series were used as input variables. The fitted TF models provided an insight into the ‘ inertial ’ behaviour of the system and the time scales of coupling of the system with the forcing variables. The plausible physical mechanisms which link the response of the system with the observed meteorological variability are also discussed. As could be expected, bottom thermohaline properties show a stronger inertial behaviour than the surface ones, which is particularly marked for bottom temperature. Besides, the shelf domain, by means of upwelling-downwelling events, strongly influences surface and bottom temperature, as well as bottom salinity; by contrast, surface salinity is mainly influenced by the effect of wind along the main axis of the R?́a and runoff. In relation to the time scales of coupling between the system and the forcing variables, thermohaline properties show a dependance with the meteorological conditions in, at least, the immediately preceding fortnight period. It was concluded that: (1) TF models that incorporate meteorological information described the dynamic behaviour of the system adequately; and (2) this type of model can be useful as a first approximation to develop more sophisticated (deterministic) models, since, with the purpose of modelling any state variable of the system, both the coupling between different domains and the time scales of the interactions must be taken into account.  相似文献   

San Simón Bay in the innermost part of the Ría de Vigo is characterized by an abundance of very shallow gas accumulations and methane seeps. During the expeditions of April–June–September 2004 within the Spanish-funded Gs2G project, detailed very high-resolution seismic and field investigations were carried out to study the shallow gas and the seeps. Direct gas fluxes also were measured from bubble streams. For the first time, the surface area and gas front depth of a shallow gas field has been mapped and quantified in the inner bay of Ría de Vigo. This field overlaps spatially with the distribution of Holocene mud within the bay. Seismic data show 3.6 km2 affected by acoustic turbidity but this surface can be extended up to 9.5 km2 of San Simón’s muddy subtidal area. Mounded turbidity superimposed on the main gas field has been mapped and characterized as anthropogenically (mussel rafts) mediated gas accumulations. Different acoustic anomalies have been identified and interpreted as being due to gas escapes from the present seabed sediment. The very high resolution of the seismic data makes it possible to identify a new type of seep, here named ‘acoustic smoke.’ A direct relationship can be observed between the gas front of accumulations and escape features, both acoustic seeps and pockmarks. The methane flux has been estimated from the subtidal environment in San Simón based on detected acoustic targets and direct measurements of current bubble flow. The total estimated methane flux from the seabed into the water column ranges from 10.1 to 48.8 t/year, and into the atmosphere from 7.0 to 34.2 t/year. The intertidal San Simón environment is also actively venting methane, as indicated by the presence of bubbling during high tide and white patches of Beggiatoa sp.  相似文献   

Horizontal water velocities were measured using three current meters moored at the levels of 5, 18, and 30 m depth in the oriental side of Concepción Bay (36°40′S; 73°02′W), an almost rectangular, shallow bay off central Chile, connected with the open sea through two mouths.The large momentum transfer from the wind to the water causes variations of the internal volume of the bay generating circulation layers having almost anti-parallel directions. Northerly winds carry superficial water into the bay, causing a compensating flow leaving the bay near its bottom. Winds from the SW, on the other hand, cause an outgoing circulation layer in the surface and a circulation layer entering into the bay near the bottom. During wind calm periods, longer than 12 h, the two layers disappear, leaving a current system comprising only one circulation layer. The response time necessary for the generation or dissipation of these layers, which fluctuates between 1 and 7 h, depends on the initial conditions of the bay and on the intensity, direction and persistence of the wind.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population biology of the portunid crab Liocarcinus arcuatus is analyzed over a yearly cycle in beach zones and mussel raft culture areas in the Ria de Arousa.
The breeding cycle of this species has two annual peaks, which result in two annual cohorts that are recruited in different areas. The growth rate is higher in the group settled in spring than in autumn, and, especially, in the culture areas compared with the beach zones. There are movements from the beach zones to the raft polygons related to reproductive and feeding behavior as well as growth. The role of mussel culture in the dynamics of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

The Ría de Ribadeo, a small embayment in NW Spain, was observed for the first time using three months of ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) current meter records and three CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) surveys. A wave driven circulation pattern arises from the observations, instead of the shelf wind driven circulation of other Galician Rias. Based on ADCP records, a unidirectional flow in the horizontal velocity field coexists with the classic two-layer circulation (bidirectional flow). The proposed horizontal circulation pattern can then be explained as a wave driven inflow. This flow enters the ria through the west side, describes an anticlockwise gyre inside of it, and flows out through the east side. Numerical simulations run with the HAMSOM (Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model) agreed with observations, confirming the proposed pattern.  相似文献   

Coastal upwelling systems are regions with highly variable physical processes and very high rates of primary production and very little is known about the effect of these factors on the short-term variations of CO2 fugacity in seawater (fCO2w). This paper presents the effect of short-term variability (<1 week) of upwelling–downwelling events on CO2 fugacity in seawater (fCO2w), oxygen, temperature and salinity fields in the Ría de Vigo (a coastal upwelling ecosystem). The magnitude of fCO2w values is physically and biologically modulated and ranges from 285 μatm in July to 615 μatm in October. There is a sharp gradient in fCO2w between the inner and the outer zone of the Ría during almost all the sampling dates, with a landward increase in fCO2w.CO2 fluxes calculated from local wind speed and air–sea fCO2 differences indicate that the inner zone is a sink for atmospheric CO2 in December only (−0.30 mmol m−2 day−1). The middle zone absorbs CO2 in December and July (−0.05 and −0.27 mmol·m−2 day−1, respectively). The oceanic zone only emits CO2 in October (0.36 mmol·m−2 day−1) and absorbs at the highest rate in December (−1.53 mmol·m−2 day−1).  相似文献   

Through 2004 and 2005, δ 34S of sinking material from Otsuchi Bay was measured at the center and rocky shore of the bay. At the center of the bay δ 34S was high (18∼21‰) in the material collected from April to November. However, δ 34S was low (9∼14‰) in the material collected from December to March. The increase in δ 34S in April was attributed to an increase in phytoplankton biomass because marine phytoplanktonic δ 34S is high. When δ 34S of sinking material was low, input of riverine material or bottom sediment resuspension were considered as the probable causes, because their δ 34S is low. Marine sulfur was always high (more than 70%) at both stations. The difference between the δ 34S of sinking material collected from the different sampling stations indicates that marine macroalgae contribute to sinking material near the shore when phytoplankton is scarce. In conclusion, the relative influence of different material sources to sinking materials could be successfully estimated using δ 34S.  相似文献   

Peracarids (Crustacea: Peracarida) are an important component of soft-sediment faunas and are considered good indicators of quality of water and sediments. Nevertheless, little is known about diversity of peracarid crustaceans on the shallow subtidal sediments of Playa América, a sandy beach in the Ensenada de Baiona (Galicia, NW Spain). Therefore, the peracarid fauna of its shallow subtidal zone was studied in a fine-sand site at 4-m depth from February 1996 to February 1997. Monthly sampling yielded a total of 4753 individuals belonging to 60 species. Amphipods were dominant in number of individuals and species followed by cumaceans. The assemblage showed a stable composition in species through the year and was numerically dominated by a few species, namely the amphipods Siphonoecetes kroyeranus and Microprotopus maculatus and the cumacean Pseudocuma longicorne . These species showed large monthly fluctuations in abundance, with maximal values between summer and autumn.  相似文献   

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