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Three topics dealing with morphology and taxonomy of coccoid blue-green algae are discussed. In the first part the new records of some chroococcal algae are mentioned, then the problem of cell division in two markedly unequal portions is analyzed and, finally, a few examples of incrustation in planktonic chroococcal species are given.  相似文献   

基于突变理论的太湖蓝藻水华危险性分区评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
蓝藻水华暴发是湖泊生态系统中营养物质长期累积的结果,是系统营养经长期演化后的极端状态.突变理论评价方法无需确定指标权重,减少了人为主观因素,并且计算方便.本文基于突变理论,采取蓝藻水华暴发的表征因子(叶绿素浓度)和导致蓝藻水华暴发的环境因子(总氮和总磷)作为潜在危险性评价指标,蓝藻水华的面积、范围以及暴发频次作为历史危险性评价指标建立多准则蓝藻水华暴发风险评价指标体系,并结合太湖九个分区进行蓝藻水华暴发危险性分区及全湖评价.研究结果表明:竺山湖和西部沿岸为极重危险性湖区;梅梁湾为重度危险性湖区;南部沿岸、贡湖和大太湖为中度危险性湖区;箭湖东茭咀、东太湖和胥湖蓝藻水华暴发危险性较小,为轻微危险性湖区.整体上看,太湖蓝藻水华暴发危险性程度由轻到重基本上沿东南-西北方向变化,与营养盐浓度由低到高分布趋势相一致.根据评价结果,可以明确太湖各区遭遇蓝藻水华暴发危险性的大小,为蓝藻水华风险管理和应急处理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Scytonema stuposum (Kütz.) Born. has been studied in culture for its morphological variability using different media. In modified Chu 10 and Gerloff's media typical Scytonemoid condition with normal false branches and heterocysts was developed whereas in the two Zehnder and Gorham's media the branches became most often atypical. In Allen and Arnon's medium, on the other hand, a more or less complete suppression of heterocysts and normal false branches resulted. The taxonomic criteria for a clear-cut separation ofScytonema andTolypothrix are shortly discussed and the importance of selecting a suitable medium for obtaining a complete morphological expression of an alga has been stressed.  相似文献   

Lowry's method, adapted to the analysis of small amounts of fresh-water plankton, was selected for the basic evaluation of the published methods of determination of proteins in algae. The protein contents were studied by this method in aqueous, alcohol and sodium hydroxide extract from green algae of the types Ankistrodesmus falcatus, Haematococcus pluvialis, Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus, Pediastrum boryanum, Chlorococcus spec. and from blue-green algae Microcystis pulverea, M. aeruginosa and Anacystis nidulans. These organisms were cultivated in artificial media under standard conditions and the analysis of proteins was carried out during the growth and stagnation phases. The largest amount of proteins was ascertained in extracts of 2N NaOH, amounting to 7 … 44% according to the dry substance (aqueous extract 1 … 48%, alcohol extract 1 … 23%). As the ageing of the cultures of green algae proceeded, the amount of dry substance increased, but the protein contents decreased. In the samples of blue-green algae there were in all cases the protein contents higher in the stationary phase than in the growth phase.  相似文献   

Standard methods to identify microbial contaminants in the environment are slow, laborious, and can require specialized expertise. This study investigated electrochemical detection of microbial contaminants using commercially available, hand-held instruments. Electrochemical assays were developed for a red tide dinoflagellate (Karenia brevis), fecal-indicating bacteria (Enterococcus spp.), markers indicative of human sources of fecal pollution (human cluster Bacteroides and the esp gene of Enterococcus faecium), bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Staphylococcus aureus), and a viral pathogen (adenovirus). For K. brevis, two assay formats (Rapid PCR-Detect and Hybrid PCR-Detect) were tested and both provided detection limits of 10 genome equivalents for DNA isolated from K. brevis culture and amplified by PCR. Sensitivity with coastal water samples was sufficient to detect K. brevis that was "present" (相似文献   

Deformation structures, within some Quaternary calcretes of Botswana and South Africa, have been classified into five types. Type 1 folds are small-scale (< 2 m wavelength) anticlines in shale or sheet calcrete, separated by wedges of calcrete, polygonal in plan. The anticlines have resulted from horizontal expansion and buckling caused by the disruptive growth of the calcrete wedges. Type 2(a) folds are medium-scale, strongly convoluted features in sheet calcrete and bedrock and are attributed to the introduction of calcrete along major vertical joint planes. Type 2(b) folds are large wavelength (> 20 m), but low amplitude (< 1 m), anticlines in hardpan calcrete; structural evidence suggests dominantly horizontal compression within the hardpan due either to an overall increase in volume of the calcrete, or to the disruptive formation of calcrete in joints in the synclinal areas. The mineralogy of the calcretes is dominated by low-Mg calcite which may have inverted from a high-Mg form; the deformation in type 1 and 2 folds was probably caused by the disruptive and displacive growth of calcite during calcretization. Type 3 folds are saucer-shaped depressions in hardpan calcrete and may be due to the removal of soluble salts below the folded layer during or after calcretization. Finally, type 4 folds are small, diapiric anticlines resulting from the upward injection of swelling clays into calcrete or calcretized shale.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies on distributions of attached algae in British estuaries suggest that the estuaries might be classified on the basis of the flora in the upper reaches. This could contribute to biological assessment of water quality in estuaries.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented which indicates that dense blooms of the blue-green alga Nodularia spumigena have affected fish and crab populations in a large estuarine system in south-western Australia. For example, the numbers of fish were generally very low at sites in which the chlorophyll a level, an excellent indicator of Nodularia density during the late spring and summer, was above 100 μgl?1. Moreover, commercial fishermen have recorded greatly reduced catches in Nodularia-affected areas and dead fish and crabs were found in regions where Nodularia was very dense. While the effects of this blue-green alga apparently led to death in the case of some bottom-living species in the most affected parts of the system, more active species moved into regions where Nodularia was virtually absent.  相似文献   

太平湖水库藻类演替与营养侦别研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
况琪军  夏宜琤 《湖泊科学》1995,7(3):235-239
本文报告了1992~1993年间对安徽省太平湖水库藻类的演变以及库水营养侦别试验的研究结果。与1985~1986年资料相比,整个水库的藻类种类多样性下降,总种类数由175种降为112种,减少了1/3。藻类种类小型化现象十分明显,相隔6~7年,小型藻类的种类及其数量越来越多,单个藻细胞鲜重的平均值在敞水区和库湾区分别减少了63.6%和75.4%;平均细胞密度则分别增长了3.6和5.6倍;生物量的变化不大,增长不足1倍。营养侦别试验结果表明,磷仍然是该水库的主要限制因子,库水的藻类生长潜力约为对照培养基的1/4。  相似文献   

Aromatic compounds isolated from marine muds cause cancerous growths in certain seaweeds. In this study a number of aromatic hydrocarbons, including some which are not yet reported as having carcinogenic activity have been found to stimulate growth of algae.  相似文献   

A fast and simple method to quantify filamentous algae in inverted microscope is described. It is based on the number of intersections between the midline of a diametrical transect and the filaments on the chamber bottom. It is shown to be theoretically sound and is compared with the common length measurement method.  相似文献   

Planktonic algae and epiphyton of the littoral in lake Peipsi, Estonia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The littoral plankton of Lake Peipsi (3555 km2, mean depth 7.1 m) was studied in summer 1980 and 2000–2002, and the epiphyton was studied on two dominating macrophytes, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. and Potamogeton perfoliatus L., in 2000. The purpose of the study was to estimate to what extent the littoral phytoplankton and epiphytic algae (their biomass, chlorophyll a content and dominant species) can be used as a criterion for the trophic state of the lake. In wind-open areas, phytoplankton biomass in the littoral is commonly more than ten times higher than in open water due to the presence of the macroscopic cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata (J.S. Smith) P. Richter. This alga is abundant in the moderately eutrophic northern lake's part and rare in the strongly eutrophic southern part; hence also biomass in the southern part is considerably lower. In open water, phytoplankton biomass increases southward with increasing trophy. Algal biomass in the littoral depends on wind direction and can change completely in a few days. Epiphyton biomass and Chla content increased southward with increasing trophic state. They both revealed significant Spearman correlations (P < 0.05) with wind index and transparency (negative), and with abundance of the host plant, both reed and pondweed (positive). The phytoplankton biomass of the littoral of the large and shallow Lake Peipsi can not be used as a criterion of trophic state, however, the species composition of the dominants, particularly cyanobacteria, is well applicable for this purpose. The biomass and Chla content of the epiphyton can be used as a criterion for trophic state.  相似文献   

Zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, lead and mercury concentrations were examined in 48 species of algae from the Great Barrier Reef. In general the data showed considerable inter- and intra-specific variation with mean levels for each metal ranging from 0.27 to 38.6; 0.74 to 11.2; 0.08 to 2.2; 0.41 to 46.1; <0.45 to 6.7, and 0.005 to 0.320 μg g−1 dry weight, respectively. Not-withstanding this, levels of all metals were substantially lower than reported values for algae from metal contaminated environments. The green alga, Chlorodesmis fastigiata, was the only species examined which was abundant at all study sites and, as a consequence, was considered to be the most suitable candidate for continued surveillance studies in the area.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖不同湖区营养盐状态及藻类种群对比   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在平水期、丰水期和枯水期对鄱阳湖典型天然碟形湖、人控湖汊和主湖区进行了水质、藻类和蓝藻毒素等对比调查,结果表明鄱阳湖各个湖区的水质与藻类种群等差异较大,蓝藻毒素浓度和底泥中铁含量的分布具有一定关联性.在各水文季节蓝藻均为人控湖汊藻类的主要优势种之一.平水期鄱阳湖藻类生物量(叶绿素a浓度)与水体的pH呈正相关关系,与采样点的水深呈负相关关系,碟形湖区水体营养盐浓度和藻类细胞密度均较其他湖区水体低.丰水期各湖区的水质差异相对较小,碟形湖藻类细胞密度仍低于其他湖区,但蓝藻已成为各湖区的优势种,该时期藻类生物量与水体总磷浓度及浊度呈正相关关系.枯水季鄱阳湖各水体藻类生物量与水体总氮浓度、铵态氮浓度及电导率呈正相关关系,碟形湖与主湖区发生了完全分离,水体流动性差,暴发蓝藻水华的风险较高.高温丰枯季节鄱阳湖水体蓝藻毒素浓度与底泥铁含量呈现一定的相关分布关系,底泥铁含量高的地方,其水体蓝藻毒素浓度通常比较高,应警惕鄱阳湖流域富铁红壤流失带来的湖区蓝藻水华风险加剧后果.上述研究结果将为鄱阳湖水环境的预警和污染控制提供科学指导.  相似文献   

以采自山西晋祠泉的一株淡水红藻JC1712001为实验材料,对其进行分子系统发育分析和形态特征鉴定,同时利用分子数据对其进行生物地理学研究.结果显示,该株淡水红藻JC1712001与美国、西班牙地区报道的马赫拉熊野藻(Kumanoa mahlacensis Kumano)遗传距离最近,基于rbcL、COI和UPA序列的遗传距离均为0.基于3个序列,利用贝叶斯法、最大似然法和邻接法3种方法构建的系统发育树具有高度一致的系统发育关系,JC1712001均与西班牙及美国地区已报道的马赫拉熊野藻聚为一支,支持率都在97%以上,支持其为马赫拉熊野藻,同时也表明3个基因的高度保守性.形态特征的观察也支持这个结果.马赫拉熊野藻在欧洲、亚洲、北美洲均有分布,RASP软件构建的地理起源图谱显示,欧洲类群地理起源更为古老.马赫拉熊野藻为稀有种,本文的研究结果丰富了我国淡水红藻的分布,为其系统发育和地理起源研究提供了依据.  相似文献   

Raritan Bay, which is adjacent to the New York metropolitan area, served as a study site to investigate the relationship between copper and lead concentrations in water and in seaweeds. Correlation coefficients of 0.98 for copper and 0.97 for lead indicate a high degree of correspondence between levels of these metals in water and in algal tissue. Concentration factors of 18.4 × 104 for copper and 8.2 × 104 for lead are among the highest reported to date.  相似文献   

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