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The results from hourly measurements of the magnetic field strengths of several main spots in three selected spot groups within the years 1968/69 are given in graphs. The values of the field strength used in the graphs are mean values out of three spectrograms taken immediately one after another. The mean error of a mean value is ±85 Gauss. Besides a general tendency in the daily course of the field strength the graphs are showing rapid variations up to 500 Gauss within a few hours. In contrast to these variations which are probably real, the frequent short time variations indicated cannot be regarded as certain. In addition to the observations of the field strength the development of the spot groups is described, and informations on the flare-activity are given.  相似文献   

A method of estimating the surface-brightness of globular cluster with equidensity curves is described. (Russian abstract)  相似文献   

Rocket results are presented on the OI 6300 Å line and on the N2+ 3914 Å band in the dayglow. An altitude range of 78–335 km is covered. Theoretical interpretations are given, using results of simultaneous measurements of electron density and electron temperature. The apparent brightness of the 6300 Å line at the base of the emitting region is found to be 13 kR, of which 5.5 kR are ascribed to excitation through the Schumann-Runge dissociation of O2 by the solar UV radiations, 0.55 kR to the dissociative recombination of O2+ and NO+ ions, and 0.03 kR to the excitation of O by thermal electrons. An additional source of excitation above 280 km is suggested. The deactivation of O(1D) by O2(X3Σg) is found to be appreciable below 200 km, and its rate coefficient is estimated to be 2 × 10−10 cm3/sec. The apparent brightness of the 3914 Å band at the base of the emitting region is found to be 6.5 kR, decreasing to 3.2 kR at 330 km. Assuming that fluorescent scattering of solar radiation is the mechanism involved the distribution of N2+ ions is calculated. The rate coefficients for the loss of these ions are hence calculated.  相似文献   

Proof of the dynamical equivalence of the post-NEWTONian approximations for the LAGRANGAIN representations of planetary motions according to GRT and according to our “RIEMANNian dynamics with MACH EINSTEIN doctrine”. Finally, we discuss the equivalence problem for general post-NEWTONian LAGRANGians of the one-body Problem in celestical mechanics.  相似文献   

We describe the TRAnsportable Flbre COupled échelle Spectrograph (TRAFICOS) equipped with a Zeeman analyzer and manufactured mainly for the observation of stellar magnetic fields. The spectrograph, designed at the Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam and constructed at the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, is laid out in a quasi-Littrow configuration. The part attached to the Nasmyth focus of the 2 m telescope contains the telescope adapter for the fibre input and output of the star and calibration light, the cases for the flatfield and the wavelength calibration, and the Zeeman analyzer. The optical scheme and the reduction software are mentioned in some details and the first results of the determination of the magnetic field and radial velocity of several stars are given showing the performance of the device in comparison with existing data.  相似文献   

We discuss the altitude and intensity of the nocturnal green line emission resulting from O2+ recombination. The Doppler profile of this emission is markedly non-thermal, the width being characteristic of the energy at which the O(1S) atoms are produced. A simple theory is formulated which predicts the profile of this line. Experimental evidence on airglow line profiles is reviewed and it is found that the effect predicted here has not yet been observed. However a deliberate search for this effect should yield immediate results.  相似文献   

The relative variations between 82 km and 205 km in the emission rates of nightglow radiation features at 5300 Å, 5577 Å, 5893 Å and 6300 Å have been photometrically measured from a Skylark rocket flown from Woomera, S. Australia at 2053 hours CST (1123 hours GMT) on 18 October, 1965.

Emission profiles obtained for the first three features show that these layers have their centre of intensity at, respectively, 94.0 ± 1 km, 94.5 ± 0.5, and 98.0 ± 2 km. The results further indicate that not more than 10% of the 6300 Å radiation was emitted below apogee at 205 km.

By virtue of a rather complicated vehicle motion—almost a slow tumble in the vertical plane—evidence is adduced which suggests that differences between these profiles and those of previous flights could be explained by insufficient or incorrect account being then taken of the contamination from extra-atmospheric sources such as starlight and galactic light.

Regarding the continuum, it is found that, depending on the particular region of sky background, up to 80% of the 5300 Å emission observed from the Earth may be extra-atmospheric in origin. Furthermore, of the extra-atmospheric component, again depending on the viewing direction in the sky, the emission intensity at 5577 Å may be from 10% to 50% greater than that at 5300 Å.

While it is to be expected that, before penetrating the layer, the zenithal emission intensity as registered by the photometers should remain constant, this constancy was not generally observed and the 5300 Å and 5577 Å photometers, both of which were independently duplicated, indicate an initial increasing emission intensity. Marked differences in the variation of each pair of photometers suggest that interpretation by means of aerosol absorption of the radiation in the 80 to 100-km region is incorrect and that the effect is probably instrumental in origin and of a temporary nature.  相似文献   

An atlas of airglow spectrograms obtained in the USSR during the IGY is presented.  相似文献   

The 2200 Å bump is a major figure of interstellar extinction. However, extinction curves with no bump exist and are, with no exception, linear from the near‐infrared down to 2500 Å at least, often over all the visible‐UV spectrum. The duality linear versus bump‐like extinction curves can be used to re‐investigate the relationship between the bump and the continuum of interstellar extinction, and answer questions as why do we observe two different kinds of extinction (linear or with a bump) in interstellar clouds? How are they related? How does the existence of two different extinction laws fits with the requirement that extinction curves depend exclusively on the reddening E (BV) and on a single additional parameter? What is this free parameter? It will be found that (1) interstellar dust models, which suppose the existence of three different types of particles, each contributing to the extinction in a specific wavelength range, fail to account for the observations; (2) the 2200 Å bump is very unlikely to be absorption by some yet unidentified molecule; (3) the true law of interstellar extinction must be linear from the visible to the far‐UV, and is the same for all directions including other galaxies (as the Magellanic Clouds). In extinction curves with a bump the excess of starlight (or the lack of extinction) observed at wavelengths less than λ = 4000 Å arises from a large contribution of light scattered by hydrogen on the line of sight. Although counter‐intuitive this contribution is predicted by theory. The free parameter of interstellar extinction is related to distances between the observer, the cloud on the line of sight, and the star behind it (the parameter is likely to be the ratio of the distances from the cloud to the star and to the observer). The continuum of the extinction curve and the bump contain no information on the chemical composition of interstellar clouds. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using the data of the Ultraviolet Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue, the equivalent width of the interstellar absorption band at 2200 Å is derived for 422 stars. A preliminary statistical analysis confirms the good correlation between the equivalent width of the 2200 Å band and the colour excess. The wavelength position of the band centre seems to vary to a small extent.  相似文献   

Band spectra of BaO covering a total wavelength region of 5050 Å-9300 Å were recorded from the ground with a scanning spectrophotometer at 7.1 Å resolution during a series of barium rocket releases at College, Alaska in the Spring of 1969. Rotational and vibrational temperatures, both equal to approximately 850°K at the release altitude of 170 km, were inferred by matching the release spectra with calculated synthetic spectra. This temperature persisted throughout the observing period, from release + 20 sec to 14 min after release.

Analysis of the BaO band spectrum over a large wavelength region reveals that rotational temperatures are best determined at wavelengths below 5500 Å, and that vibrational temperatures should be measured at wavelengths greater than 5500 Å. Comparisons with synthetic spectra show that several broad emission features in the release spectra, located at about 7900 Å 8400 Å and 9000 Å, may be identified as clusters of overlapping BaO bands. A synthetic spectrum of BaO extending from 4700 Å to 15,000 Å is included for general reference and to facilitate future studies in that wavelength region.  相似文献   

The orbital elements of the visual binary stars ADS 10279 and ADS 12889 are given. At last, the dynamical parallaxes and total masses of the systems have been calculated.  相似文献   

A second catalogue of equivalent widths of the interstellar 2200 Å band is presented. It is based on spectrophotometric data obtained with the TD-1 satellite and supplements a catalogue already published (paper I). Both catalogues list a total of 779 stars. The reliability of the derived parameters is analysed. There is a satisfying agreement with spectrophotometric data obtained with the OAO-2 satellite. The relationship between the equivalent width of the 2200-Å band and and the colour excess is discussed, making use of additional data for more strongly reddened stars obtained with OAO-2 and IUE.  相似文献   

To try to understand the behavior of helium variability in Chemically Peculiar stars, we continued our on‐going observational campaign started by Catanzaro, Leone & Catalano (1999). In this paper we present a new set of time resolved spectroscopic observations of the HeI5876 Å line for a sample of 10 stars in the spectral range B3 ‐ A2 and characterized by different overabundances. This line does not show variability in two stars: HD77350 and HD175156. It shows instead an equivalent width variation in phase with the Hipparcos light curve for two stars: HD79158 and HD196502. Antiphase variations have been found in 4 stars of our sample, namely: HD35502, HD124224, HD129174 and HD142990. Nothing we can say about HD115735 because of the constancy of Hipparcos photometric data, while no phase relation has been observed for HD90044. In the text we discuss the case of HD175156, according to photometric calibration and our spectroscopic observations we rule out the membership of this star to the main sequence chemically peculiar stars. We confirm the results obtained in the previous paper for which phase relations between light, spectral and magnetic variations are not dependent on stellar spectral type or peculiarity subclass.  相似文献   

A computer controlled measuring procedure is presented ascertaining intensity courses. The procedure is capable for measurement and storage of the transmittance of photographic spectrograms and for the determination of residual intensities derived from a mean local continum. Residual intensity courses obtained from several spectrograms can be superimposed and correlated with wavelength scale. The method was applied to eight weakly or not reddened early type stars in order to obtain data on atomic lines in the central part of the diffuse interstellar line at 4430 Å. The results show the general influence of the stellar portion on the central depth and equivalent width of the whole diffuse feature.  相似文献   

During the break-up phase of two strong auroral events, emissions of short duration on the wavelength of He I, 5876 Å have been observed. These records are accurate within 0.5 Å and intensities of up to 120 R have been measured. This high value is not consistent with the theoretical limit suggested by other authors. Simultaneous observations of H, 6563 Å show that the He I and H emissions are not closely related to each other with time, which may be one reason for explaining the discrepancy with the predicted intensity derived from observed ratios of He++/H+ in the solar wind. The emission on 5876 Å has only been detected at the lowest border of very intense ray bundles towards north but not yet in auroral arcs and diffuse glow. It is suggested that two principally different helium events in aurora may be observable, one resulting in a low level He emission lasting for longer time and another in a stronger He emission of short duration. The observational difficulties caused by the presence of OH bands are discussed.  相似文献   

The equivalent width of the diffuse interstellar absorption band W2200 and the abundances of neutral interstellar hydrogen and sodium derived from the interstellar absorption lines in the spectra of hot stars are well correlated each other.  相似文献   

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