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渤海东部晚更新世以来的沉积物地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨渤海东部晚更新世以来的元素地球化学特征及控制因素,对渤海东部DLC70-1孔157个沉积物样品进行了化学成分、粒度及测年分析。结果表明,晚更新世以来研究区沉积物的物质来源与沉积环境较为稳定;根据DLC70-1孔沉积物地球化学特征,钻孔岩芯可划分为6层,反映了末次间冰期(暖期)晚期以来渤海东部沉积物物源的变化以及海面波动。Al2O3、MgO、TFe2O3、MnO、TiO2、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr和Rb等元素与细粒沉积物呈正相关,SiO2、Na2O与粗粒沉积物呈正相关,K2O、Sr和Ba分布与沉积物粒度无明显正或负的相关性;R-型因子分析得出三种主要组合类型,以Mg、Sr和Ba为代表,分别对应陆源细粒物质输入与黄河物质、海河物质和滦河物质的影响。运用Ba/Al2O3与Sr/Al2O3、MgO/Al2O3与K2O/Al2O3离散图分析了DLC70-1孔的物质来源,结果表明沉积物主要来源于黄河,该孔中上部32.30~49.00 m和9.30~23.20 m沉积物受到了滦河和海河物质的影响。  相似文献   

渤海湾及其沿岸是中国海洋地质与第四纪地质研究程度最高的地区之一.虽然研究成果众多,但仍有一些基础的地质问题亟待解决.比如,晚更新世晚期黄河是否流经渤海湾?全新世黄河在渤海湾及其沿岸形成的多期次三角洲叶瓣在海域如何展布?以上问题一直是中国海洋地质研究中备受关注的热点话题.借助2016—2017年在渤海湾获取的约2000 ...  相似文献   

利用在南黄海西北部陆架获得的3500 km高分辨率浅地层剖面资料,结合3口地质钻孔的岩芯资料,建立了研究区晚更新世以来的沉积地层格架,厘定了地层地质年代。研究表明,过孔的浅地层剖面与钻孔岩芯的沉积地层有很好的对应关系。浅地层剖面可划分出5个主要不整合面(T5~T1)和6个主要地震单元(SU6-SU1),相应的钻孔岩芯可划分出6个主要的沉积单元(DU6-DU1),反映了大约128 ka以来的地层结构和沉积环境演化。钻孔沉积物岩性相特征、测年数据和地层反射特征表明研究区氧同位素5期(MIS5)发育了滨浅海相和三角洲相沉积,MIS 4发育了河流湖泊相沉积,MIS 3发育了三角洲相沉积,MIS 2发育了河流和河口相沉积,MIS 1发育了近岸水下楔形沉积。晚更新世以来,南黄海构造相对稳定,影响沉积环境演化的主要因素是海平面变化和沉积物物源。本文的研究对于深入了解南黄海西北部陆海相互作用过程、地质环境演化以及揭示全球变化的区域响应具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(1):16-25
There are three transgression-regression events and evolutions of the sedimentary environment by sea level changes since the Pleistocene in the southern section of the Bohai Sea, China. It is obvious that a multi-source fluvial delta sedimentary system may be more dominant in a sedimentary environment. Based on previous research and survey or historical data, we carried out studies on the division of sedimentary units, sedimentary facies analysis and strata division and comparison, which aim to establish the sedimentary stratigraph of Laizhou Bay. We focus on the sedimentary procession of the Laizhou Bay since the early Late Pleistocene. It can be divided into two glacial periods and three interglacial periods, corresponding to two regression and three transgression events in Laizhou Bay since Late Pleistocene. In 124.6–72.0 ka BP, 60.0–24.4 ka BP and 10.2–4.0 ka BP, three times warm-wet periods occurred, respectively corresponding to the Cangzhou transgression, Xianxian transgression, and Huanghua transgression. In 72.0–60.0 ka BP and 24.4–10.2 ka BP, two dry and cold periods, it was the continental sedimentary environment, corresponding to Wurm early glacier and Wurm late glacier. The results show: (1) Sediments have the characteristics of phase and stage under the terrestrial input of the Yellow River and middle-small rivers in the southern section of the Bohai Sea. (2) PI moved towards coastal in Cangzhou transgression strata in early Late Pleistocene. PI moved northward from land in Xianxian transgression strata in the late Pleistocene. PI moved further north in the Huanghua transgression strata in Holocene. (3) During the regressive period, the land source input increased and the estuarine or lagoon sedimentation developed, which manifested as progradational superposition. (4) During the transgressive period, it mainly developed shallow coastal sediment and transitionally formed regressive deposition to the south in delta/tidal flat deposition.©2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

为研究南黄海北部泥质区元素地球化学特征对于地层划分与物质来源的指示意义,对南黄海北部DLC70-3孔(孔深71.20 m)沉积物作了元素地球化学分析和物源判别。根据元素含量及比值的变化,可将DLC70-3孔岩心划分为5层,它们分别反映了末次间冰期(暖期)晚期以来黄海海面波动以及沉积物物源的变化。运用判别函数、MgO/Na2O与CIA的散点图等方法分析了DLC70-3孔沉积物的物质来源,结果显示该孔沉积物主要来源于黄河,长江物质对该孔中上部及下部沉积物有较明显影响。DLC70-3孔物源指数反映0~4.50 m和27.80~38.80 m沉积物以黄河源为主,4.50~27.80 m、38.80~55.00 m和55.00~71.20 m沉积物以长江源为主;可见黄河从晚更新世中期到现代对南黄海北部沉积起着重要作用,而长江物质在晚更新世早期开始对南黄海北部沉积就有明显影响。  相似文献   

3D seismic data from the Dogger Bank, North Sea, allow the mapping of Late Pleistocene and Holocene depositional systems in unprecedented detail. The data demonstrate that glacial processes resulted in the development of incised tunnel valley systems during the Weichselian and that these were subsequently modified by fluvial processes in a pro-glacial setting. Subsequently, the Dogger Bank formed an emergent plain during the Holocene with a complex meandering river system, associated tributary or distributary channels and lakes, dominating the region. Prior to the sea level rising sufficiently to submerge the Dogger Bank around 7500 yr ago, the meandering river system was replaced by a dendritic channel network of potential fluvial, estuarine or intertidal origin. As the Holocene depositional features bear no systematic relationship to the bathymetry this study demonstrates that previously published bathymetry-based models for the Holocene palaeogeographic development of the North Sea require modification.  相似文献   

全新世渤海泥质沉积物地球化学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对渤海泥质区柱状沉积物的粒度与化学成分的分析及AMS 14C测年数据表明,全新世以来本区泥质沉积物的物质来源与沉积环境较为稳定.R型因子分析得出三种主要组合类型,以Ca、Ti和Mn为代表,分别对应黄河物质影响、陆源细粒物质输入和海洋自生作用.其中西南部与中部泥形成于约6000 a B.P.以来,黄河物质影响较强,主要在潮余流的作用下搬运后沉积下来.北部泥自早全新世之前便已开始形成,且主要沉积于高海面之前,受滦河物质作用相对较强.南部和北部泥质沉积年代存在明显差异,受水深、离岸距离、海平面高度等多种因素影响.尽管距黄河口较近,但区内沉积速率远低于中国近海其他泥质体,这与渤海环流状况及泥沙运移方向关系密切.  相似文献   

This study deals with the relationship between sea-level changes and paleoclimatic fluctuations based on the analysis of stratigraphy, grain sizes, palynology, and radiometric dating of the Yellow River delta since the Late Pleistocene. Evidence from the sedimentary record, grain sizes, and pollen provides a paleoenvironmental history of the Late Pleistocene from the boreholes of the delta. Based on a combination of grain-size analysis with lithological studies, marine deposit units contain the ...  相似文献   

A combination of published and new radiometric dates on uplifted Holocene fossil beaches from northeastern Sicily and southern Calabria (southern Italy) is compared with the altitude of the inner margin of the Last Interglacial (LIg) (Late Pleistocene, 124 ka) and older marine terraces in order to gain a regional-scale outline of uplift rates and their temporal changes in a region which is one of the fastest uplifting sectors of the Central Mediterranean Sea. Late Holocene radiocarbon dates from Ioppolo (southern Calabria) and Ganzirri (northeast Sicily), two newly discovered sites are here presented for the first time. The Holocene uplift rates are highest at St. Alessio and Taormina in eastern Sicily (2.4 mm/y) and at Scilla in southwestern Calabria (2.1 mm/y), two sites located across the Messina Straits and which separate the island of Sicily from mainland Italy. Uplift rates decrease towards the south and north from this centre of uplift. Late Holocene uplift rates show an apparent increase of between 64 and 124% when compared with the longer-term uplift rates calculated from the LIg highstand terraces. Furthermore, we discovered that the locations of fastest Late Pleistocene and Late Holocene uplift rates spatially coincide. To what extent the Holocene increase in uplift rates results from incomplete elastic strain release along the major extensional faults which frame the seismotectonic of the area, or indicate a true change in regional tectonic processes, is not resolved. Nonetheless, the heterogeneity of uplift, with a well-defined centre that crosses the Messina Straits, and its persistence at different time-scales indicates a tight connection between wider regional processes and fault-related displacement in controlling crustal instability in this area.  相似文献   

Manganese abnormity has been observed in the Holocene sediments of the mud area of Bohai Sea. On the basis of grain size, chemical composition, heavy mineral content and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dating of foraminifer, relationships between manganese abnormity and sedimentation rates, material source, hydrodynamic conditions are probed. Manganese abnormity occurred during the Middle Holocene when sea level and sedimentation rates were higher than those at present. Sedimentary hiatus was not observed when material sources and hydrodynamic conditions were quite similar. Compared with the former period, the latter period showed a decrease in reduction environment and an inclination toward oxidation environment with high manganese content, whereas provenance and hydrodynamic conditions showed only a slight change. From the above observations, it can be concluded that correlation among manganese abnormity, material source, and hydrodynamic conditions is not obvious. Redox environment seems to be the key factor for manganese enrichment, which is mainly related to marine authigenic process.  相似文献   


近年来渤海地区晚更新世以来沉积环境演化和地层划分存在争议。本文对现代黄河三角洲东南海岸带YRD-1401孔岩芯(长81.00 m)沉积物进行综合研究,旨在建立该孔晚更新世以来地层的沉积相序列和时间标尺,为解决地层划分争议提供新的证据。根据AMS 14C和光释光测年结果,并考虑到YRD-1401孔底部地层光释光年代的不精确性,本文主要研究YRD-1401孔MIS 5以来的沉积演化史。综合分析YRD-1401孔沉积地层的岩性特征和底栖有孔虫组合变化,结合测年结果,该孔可划分为6个沉积单元(从下往上DU 6~DU 1):最底部的DU 6(51.35~81.00 m)为受潮流影响的河流沉积(其形成时间有待进一步研究),DU 5(37.64~51.35 m)为MIS 5潮坪-近岸浅海沉积,DU 4(30.71~37.64 m)为MIS 3早期的潮坪沉积,DU 3(23.50~30.71 m)为MIS 3晚期至全新世早期形成的河流沉积,DU 2(14.22~23.50 m)为全新世早期(约10 cal.ka B.P.)至1855年形成的滨岸沼泽-滨岸浅水-近岸浅海~前三角洲沉积-海洋改造层,DU 1(0~14.22 m)为1855年以来发育的现代黄河三角洲沉积。晚更新世以来该孔有3个海相层(自下而上分别是DU 5、DU 4和DU 2),分别形成于MIS 5、MIS 3早期和全新世,表明晚更新世以来全球海平面变化是其主要控制因素。研究区MIS 4的沉积地层出现缺失。渤海沿岸地区多个钻孔地层的对比表明,区域性的差异构造沉降、沉积物供给和地层完整性等因素也是影响研究区晚更新世以来沉积地层发育的重要因素。


This paper examines the Quaternary changes in the coastal zone of northwestern Portugal through the relationship between sediments and landforms. By interpolating the available data from geomorphology, lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and geochronology, it was possible to reconstruct existing palaeoenvironments, the oldest of which date back to the last interglacial. The main landforms are a high and a low platform bounded by scarps. River sands and silty sediments formed in a lacustrine environment (Antas Formation, MIS 5) are associated with the high platform. Two deposits are associated with the low platform: the Cepães Formation (MIS 3) consisting of a lower set of river sand beds and an upper gravel beach bed, and the Aguçadoura Formation (MIS 1) consisting of Holocene lagoonal beds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对钻孔岩心详细的沉积特征、微体古生物、测年(AMS 14C、OSL)等综合研究,表明研究区晚更新世以来受到区域性的3期海侵事件影响,多表现为边缘海滨海湖沼相沉积。同时,追踪了3期海侵最大影响边界:晚更新世早期最大海侵(第3海侵层)位于唐官屯-西长屯-梁头镇;晚期最大海侵(第2海侵层)位于大黄洼-三呼庄一带;全新世海侵(第1海侵层)使整个研究区受到影响,其最大影响边界需进一步开展向西追踪工作,前人资料显示可西至文安县。另外,晚更新世以来发育4期古河道,且影响和制约海侵层及影响范围。二者相互作用,形成晚更新世以来的海陆交互沉积地层格架和滨浅海冲海积平原。利用年代学及深海氧同位素MIS(Marine isotope stages)1、3、5阶段3期海侵层标志层位等,对4期古河道形成时代进行了限定。结果表明,自下而上的4期古河道形成于MIS 5、MIS 4、MIS 3晚期-早全新世早期、晚全新世。研究结果可为该区域晚更新世以来的古地理演变、陆海变迁及水工环地质调查提供重要的地学资料。  相似文献   

Archaeological records of the Neolithic settlements on the eastern China coast between 35°N and 30°N, an area covering the abandoned Yellow River and the Yangtze River delta plains, reveal that Neolithic people moved from the Yellow River basin onto the northern coast for fishing, hunting and dry-land agriculture ~ 7000 yr ago. Marine transgression interrupted their activities on the low-lying (2-5 m in elevation) coastal wetlands between 6000 and 5000 yr ago, after which they reclaimed their land near the river mouths. Their migration routes on the southern Yangtze delta plain indicate another scenario: early Neolithic communities moved onto the plain for wet-rice cultivation. Despite relative sea-level rise from 7000 to 4000 yr ago, a large number of settlements were established on the lowlands between the eastern Chenier Ridges and the western Taihu Lake depression. The Chenier Ridges, with ~ 1.0 m higher topography than the adjacent coastal area, played a role in sheltering the Neolithic people. Subsequently, settlements waned considerably, possibly due to further marine inundation combined with cold climate. The present study shows that migration patterns of the Neolithic settlements are closely associated with a gradually rising sea level between 7000 and 4000 yr ago.  相似文献   

Pollen, diatom, radiocarbon and lithostratigraphical data from isolation basins in northwest Scotland are used to quantify the reference water (tide) level, indicative range and age of differenty types of isolation and connection contacts. Tendencies of sea-level movement and relative sea-level changes from the mid-Lateglacial Interstadial (11.8 ka BP) to the late Holocene are constructed from these data. Relative sea-level fell continuously from + 17.8 m OD at 11.8 ka BP to ca. + 5.2 m OD at 10.1 ka BP. From an unkown minimum between 10 ka and 9 ka BP relative sea-level then rose to +6.3 m OD at 8.3 ka BP. The maximum Holocene sea-level occurred within the range +6.6 m OD to +9.3 m OD between 6.6 ka BP and 4.0 ka BP before falling to present. Isobase, age-altitude and quantitative rebound models for northwest Scotland are tested using these sealevel data, but none of the published models shows close agreement with the new results.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary, litho-, bio- and amino-stratigraphical investigations of the infills of buried channels on the coast of eastern Essex have a direct bearing on the differentiation of MIS 11 and MIS 9 in continental records. New data are presented from Shoeburyness, where a deeply incised channel filled with interglacial sediment can be directly related to the terrace stratigraphy of the River Thames. Fossil assemblages confirm that the interglacial beds began accumulating in a freshwater environment, which became transformed into a dynamic estuary as relative sea-levels rose. Pollen data confirm that this occurred early in the interglacial when mixed oak forest was becoming established.The geological context of the sediments indicates that they post-date the Anglian glaciation, yet pre-date the Barling Gravel terrace aggradation, which has been ascribed to MIS 8. Amino acid racemisation data based on Bithynia opercula further constrain the age to the Hoxnian (=MIS 11) or to MIS 9. An MIS 9 attribution is favoured because (i) AAR data suggest that the sequence post-dates the interglacial channel-fill at Clacton, which is widely ascribed to the Hoxnian; (ii) the bivalve Corbicula occurred early within the interglacial (unlike its late appearance during the Hoxnian); and (iii) the sequence includes evidence for a marine transgression that occurred earlier in the interglacial cycle than it did at local Hoxnian sites.Plant macrofossil remains suggest that the early part of the Shoeburyness interglacial was associated with warmer-than-present summer temperatures. This is in keeping with inferences from sites at Barling, Cudmore Grove and Purfleet, which are also attributed to MIS 9. All three sites are similar in terms of their palaeo-vegetation and inferred relative sea-level histories and provide an emerging picture of this temperate episode in southern Britain.  相似文献   

进入20世纪50年代以来,我国海岸侵蚀日趋明显,一些海岸带资源或油田设施遭到破坏。针对我国黄河三角洲和长江三角洲海岸线的侵蚀现状,分析了我国海岸线侵蚀的主要因素:河流泥沙减少;海平面的上升或海洋动力因素增强以及人为因素的影响。并对目前我国所采用的海岸防护措施进行了分析。提出了我国海岸防护工程类型较多,应根据海岸侵蚀的特点采用不同的措施或多种形式组合,因势利导,使工程达到最好的防护效果。  相似文献   

聂宗笙 《地学前缘》2019,26(4):259-272
内蒙古河套盆地为受断裂控制形成的新生代断陷盆地,盆地中积水成湖,称河套古湖。晚更新世时期,河套古湖为继承性闭塞型断陷湖。上更新统主要为湖泊沉积体系,地层划分建组为上部东河村组、中部万水泉组、下部达拉特组。达拉特组在湖盆连续沉降条件及半深湖深湖中硫酸盐型、碳酸盐型湖水交替环境下沉积形成。万水泉组在湖盆沉降速率与沉积速率大体平衡条件及浅湖半深湖中半咸水湖环境下沉积形成。东河村组在湖盆沉降速率小于沉积速率条件下以及半咸水湖、局部时期为碳酸盐湖环境下的滨浅湖中沉积形成。晚更新世末期,河套古湖处于大湖水期,晋陕内蒙古交界处河流袭夺、河套盆地北侧山前断裂强烈活动和超强地震导致河套古湖湖水快速外泄,银川盆地、河套盆地、晋陕峡谷贯通而形成今日黄河河道。  相似文献   

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