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Acidic atmospheric deposition has adversely affected aquatic ecosystems globally. As emissions and deposition of sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) have declined in recent decades across North America and Europe, ecosystem recovery is evident in many surface waters. However, persistent chronic and episodic acidification remain important concerns in vulnerable regions. We evaluated acidification in 269 headwater streams during 2010–2012 along the Appalachian Trail (AT) that transits several ecoregions and is located downwind of high levels of S and N emission sources. Discharge was estimated by matching sampled streams to those of a nearby gaged stream and assuming equivalent daily mean flow percentiles. Charge balance acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) values were adjusted to the 15th (Q15) and 85th flow percentiles (Q85) by applying the ANC/discharge slope among sample pairs collected at each stream. A site-based approach was applied to streams sampled twice or more and a second regression-based approach to streams sampled once to estimate episodic acidification magnitudes as the ANC difference from Q15 to Q85. Streams with ANC <0 μeq/L doubled from 16% to 32% as discharge increased from Q15 to Q85 according to the site-based approach. The proportion of streams with ANC <0 μeq/L at low flow and high flow decreased from north to south. Base cation dilution explained the greatest amount of episodic acidification among streams and variation in sulfate (SO42−) concentrations was a secondary explanatory variable. Episodic SO42− patterns varied geographically with dilution dominant in northern streams underlain by soils developed in glacial sediment and increased concentrations dominant in southern streams with older, highly weathered soils. Episodic acidification increased as low-flow ANC increased, exceeding 90 μeq/L in 25% of streams. Episodic increases in ANC were the dominant pattern in streams with low-flow ANC values <30 μeq/L. Chronic and episodic acidification remain an ecological concern among AT streams. The approach developed here could be applied to estimate the magnitude and extent of chronic and episodic acidification in other regions recovering from decreasing levels of atmospheric S and N deposition.  相似文献   

Evolution and petroleum systems of the Ying-Qiong Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Ying-Qiong Basin, a newly-discovered large gas province in China, lies to the west and south of the Hainan Island. Although the Yinggehai Basin and the Qiongdongnan Basin are different in genesis, the rapid subsidence and the fast deposition since 5 Ma made both of them share the same environments of overtemperature and overpressure, which resulted in different petroleum systems from others in China. Part of tht study results of the State Eighth Five-Year-Plan Key Science and Technology Prolects  相似文献   

This paper presents the attenuation relations of peak ground acceleration and spectral accelerations for rock and soil sites in the central and eastern United States (CEUS). For the bedrock site condition, 56 pairs of moment magnitude M and epicentral distance R are used to simulate ground motion, and for each pair of M and R, 550 samples of ground motion parameters are generated using a seismological model together with random vibration theory and distribution of extreme values. From the regression analyses of these data, the attenuation relations of ground motion parameters for the bedrock site are established. With the aid of appropriate site coefficients, these attenuation relations are modified for the site categories specified in the 1994 NEHRP Provisions. These attenuation relations are appropriate for the assessment of seismic hazards at far-field rock and soil sites in the CEUS.  相似文献   

Tree‐ring reconstructions of streamflow are uncommon in the eastern United States compared with the western United States. Although the east has not experienced severe drought on the scale of the west over the last 100 years, multiyear droughts have stressed the water management systems throughout the east. Here, we reconstruct mean May–September streamflow of three rivers serving population centers in the northeast (Beaver Kill River serving New York, NY), mid‐Atlantic (Potomac River serving Washington, DC), and southeast (Flint River serving Atlanta, GA) to demonstrate the efficacy of reconstructing streamflow in the eastern United States. Then, we conducted an interbasin comparison to identify periods of common variability and examined the influence of the North Atlantic subtropical high on reconstructed streamflow. Our models explained 40–61% of the variance in the instrumental record and passed verification tests in all basins during the period 1675–2000 CE. Droughts and pluvials showed some synchrony across all basins, but the mid‐Atlantic region acted as a hinge, sometimes behaving more like the northeast, and other times like the southeast. Climatic analyses suggest a relationship exists between the North Atlantic subtropical high and reconstructed streamflow that influences the probability of drought and pluvial events. Given the many factors influencing tree growth in closed‐canopy systems, we have shown that careful standardization of individual tree‐ring series, nested regression models, and the use of multiple species can produce robust proxies of streamflow across the eastern seaboard.  相似文献   

Two reflection seismic transects, one across the central Appalachians in Virginia and the other across the southern Appalachians in Georgia, reveal a significant contrast in mid- and lower crustal reflectivity from east to west. Data from east of the Blue Ridge geologic province in Virginia and to the east of the Inner Piedmont in Georgia show a highly reflective crust extending from the near-surface to the Moho, including zones of east-dipping reflections, a sub-horizontal reflection signature at 7 seconds, and a west-dipping Moho. Reflection seismic data from west of the Blue Ridge in Virginia and Inner Piedmont farther south are characterized by reflector geometries related to deformation above a master decollement, leading to classic ‘thin-skinned’ tectonic structures in the overlying allochthon, and few if any apparent structures in the underlying basement. The location of the Iapetan rifted margin, the preexistence of favorably oriented structures to the east of this point, and sub-horizontal weak zones within the lower Paleozoic shelf strata have played critical roles in the distribution of seismic reflector geometry. Seismic reflection signatures seen in the southeastern United States are a result of multiple episodes of deformation from the early Paleozoic through the middle Mesozoic. Oblique stresses during late Paleozoic time produced transpression that manifested itself as predominantly strike-slip faulting to the east of the Blue Ridge/Inner Piedmont. Onlapping lower Paleozoic shelf strata responded to tectonic stresses through thin-skinned deformation above a master decollement during the late Paleozoic Alleghanian orogeny, aided in part by sub-horizontal zones of weakness in the strata. This partitioning of strain was supported via tectonic buttressing provided by Precambrian continental crust that was little deformed in the Taconic orogeny. During the Alleghanian orogeny, the variations in Valley and Ridge deformational style between the central and southern Appalachians were controlled by the original shape of the continental edge. Further deformation during Mesozoic extension occurred to the east of the Precambrian rift margin in the region where favorably oriented faults were reactivated, leading to the rotation of the fault zones from more steeply dipping initial orientations, the merging of the mid-crustal reflection zone with the Moho, and the formation of Mesozoic basins and antiformal reflections in the seismic sections.  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic analysis of B‐horizons of soils developing upon the surfaces of alluvial fans was undertaken in order to: (i) differentiate and rank discrete fan surfaces by order of formation; (ii) establish whether fan surfaces formed simultaneously in adjacent fan systems; and (iii) deduce probable patterns of fan development. The results of the analysis indicate that the greatest concentration of ferrimagnetic and anti‐ferromagnetic minerals occurs within soils which have developed upon the proximal fan surfaces with a progressive reduction in magnetic minerals in soils associated with medial and distal surfaces. The build‐up of magnetic minerals in the proximal fan soils suggests that these surfaces formed first followed by the medial and distal surfaces. With the exception of the Kalivia Sokas fan, the majority of depositional events responsible for fan surface formation occurred simultaneously, suggesting that adjacent fan systems share broadly similar depositional histories. Although the precise timing of depositional events is uncertain, it is probable that by the end of the late Pleistocene, small, largely undissected fans comprising two to three surfaces had formed. At the start of the Holocene, fan systems experienced significant fanhead incision. A net distal extension of the fan trench coupled with a progressive basinward shift of the locus of deposition during the middle and late Holocene resulted in formation of medial and distal fan surfaces. Changes in climate are deemed to be the major control of fanhead incision, fan trenching and fan surface formation. However, the likely effects of long‐term tectonic activity and approximately five thousand years of human occupation upon fan development in the Sparta Basin remain unclear. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The upper-mantle structure down to about 220 km in the central United States has been inferred from long-period P- and S-wave spectra of deep earthquakes recorded at three WWSSN stations, by using the re-formulated transfer ratio method. This method has been experimentally shown to be a very powerful means for elucidating the fine configuration of the low-velocity zone. The strong advantage of this method is its ability to determine separately the extent of the velocity decrease and the depth to the bottom of this zone, which is more uncertain by the other methods.From the Interior Plain to the Gulf of Mexico the low-velocity zone shifts to a shallower depth while increasing its thickness and decreasing its velocities. This zone is made up of an approx. 50 km thick layer ranging in depth from about 150 to 200 km under the Interior Plain, an approx. 75 km thick layer from about 120 to 195 km under the Gulf Coastal Plain, and an approx. 80 km thick layer from about 95 to 175 km under the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, all nearly along 89°N longitude. The decrease in S-wave velocity at the top of this zone is about 0.30, 0.45, and 0.70 km/sec under each of the above areas, although the last value may be somewhat an overestimate. Both boundaries of this zone are sharp, the transition occurring over at most ca. 10 km. In this region the existence of the high-velocity lid zone is possible.  相似文献   

Petrographic examination of amygdules and veins associated with moderately altered pillow basalts dredged from the Peru Trench has revealed that a consistent pattern of mineral crystallization has occurred. This sequence is: (1) green, weakly pleochroic clay (R.I. > 1.56); (2) dark yellowish brown, non-pleochroic clay (R.I. > 1.56); (3) light yellowish brown to colorless, fibrous, weakly pleochroic clay (R.I. < 1.56); and (4) calcite or celadonite. Chemical and X-ray diffraction analyses suggest that all clay mineral amygdule and vein fillings are dominated by intimate mixtures of an Fe-rich saponite and nontronite with very small admixtures of serpentine and illite. It is argued that sequential mineral fillings of fractures and vesicles may provide significant information about the chemistry of circulating interstitial fluids. For the pillow basalts studied the first-formed clays were enriched in nontronite, thereby suggesting Fe-rich fluids. These in turn were followed by saponite-rich clays and calcite. The change from Fe-and Mg-rich fluids to dominantly Ca-rich fluids is thought to correspond to a change from mafic mineral alteration to plagioclase alteration in the pillow basalts. An increase in the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio of clays toward the centers of vesicles may indicate a change toward a more oxidizing environment of alteration.  相似文献   

Wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, are predatory oceanic fish that occur and are harvested in all tropical and subtropical oceans. Total mercury concentrations analyzed in dorsal muscle tissue of 208 wahoo from offshore waters of the southeastern United States and the Bahamas ranged from 0.021 to 3.4 mg/kg (wet weight), with a mean of 0.50 mg/kg (± 0.595 SD). Analyses indicated significant positive linear relationships between mercury and length, as well as, age of wahoo. The piscivorous nature, generally high trophic position, fast growth rate, and associated high metabolism of wahoo within tropical offshore pelagic environments may lead to comparatively higher concentrations of mercury over relatively short time periods. Mercury in wahoo, a highly mobile species consisting of one world-wide population, is regionally influenced by large-scale spatial differences in available mercury in selected prey fish species - many of which have been found to contain relatively high concentrations of mercury.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a critical component of the water supply for agriculture, urban areas, industry, and ecosystems, but managing it is a challenge because groundwater is difficult to map, quantify, and evaluate. Until recently, study and assessment of governance of this water resource has been largely neglected. A survey was developed to query state agency officials about the extent and scope of groundwater use, groundwater laws and regulations, and groundwater tools and strategies. Survey responses revealed key findings: states' legal frameworks for groundwater differ widely in recognizing the hydrologic connection between surface water and groundwater, the needs of groundwater‐dependent ecosystems, and the protection of groundwater quality; states reported a range in capacity to enforce groundwater responsibilities; and states have also experienced substantial changes in groundwater governance in the past few decades. Overall, groundwater governance across the United States is fragmented. States nevertheless identified three common priorities for groundwater governance: water quality and contamination, conflicts between users, and declining groundwater levels. This survey represents an initial step in a broader, continuing effort to characterize groundwater governance practices in the United States.  相似文献   

The vadose zone is the portion of the geologic profile above a perennial aquifer. Inclusion of mandatory vadose zone monitoring techniques as an approach to aquifer protect ion was first proposed under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act in the United States in 1978 and has since received increasing acceptance at federal and stale levels. The goals of a vadose zone characterization and monitoring effort are to establish background conditions, identify contaminant transport pathways, identify the extent and degree of existing contamination, establish the basis for monitoring network design, measure the parameters needed in a risk assessment, and provide detection of contaminant migration toward ground water resources. The benefits of vadose zone monitoring include early warning of contaminant migration, potential reduction of ground water monitoring efforts, reduction of contaminant spreading and volume, and reduced time and cost of remediation once a contaminant release occurs. Vadose zone characterization and monitoring techniques should be considered as critical hydrologic tools in the prevention of ground water resource degradation.  相似文献   

—Records from broadband digital stations have allowed us to map regional variations of Lg coda Q across almost the entire United States. Using a stacked ratio method we obtained estimates of Q 0 (Lg coda Q at 1 Hz) and its frequency dependence, <eta>, for 218 event-station pairs. Those sets of estimates were inverted using a back-projection method to obtain tomographic images showing regional variations of Q 0 and <eta>. Q 0 is lowest (250–300) in the California coastal regions and the western part of the Basin and Range province, and highest (650–750) in the northern Appalachians and a portion of the Central Lowlands. Intermediate values occur in the Colorado Plateau (300–500), the Columbia Plateau (300–400), the Rocky Mountains (450–550), the Great Plains (500–650), the Gulf Coastal Plain and the southern portion of Atlantic Coastal Plain (400–500), and the portions of the Central Lowlands surrounding the high-Q region (500–550). The pattern of Q 0 variations suggests that the United States can be divided into two large Q provinces. One province spans the area from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic coast, is tectonically stable, and exhibits relatively high Q 0?. The other extends westward from the approximate western margin of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, is tectonically active, and exhibits low Q 0?. The transition from high to low Lg coda Q in the western United States lies further to the west than does an upper mantle transition for Q and electrical resistivity found in earlier studies. The difference in Q 0 between the western and eastern United States can be attributed to a greater amount of interstitial crustal fluids in the west. Regions of moderately reduced Q within the stable platform often occur where there are accumulations of Mesozoic and younger sediments. Reduced Q 0 in the southeastern United States may not be due to anelasticity but may rather be explained by a gradational velocity increase at the crust-mantle boundary that causes shear energy to leak into the mantle.  相似文献   

The 7.05 Ma Rattlesnake Tuff covers ca. 9000 km2, but the reconstructed original coverage was between 30000 and 40000 km2. Thicknesses are remarkably uniform, ranging between 15 and 30 m for the most complete sections. Only 13% of the area is covered with tuff thicker than 30 m, to a maximum of 70 m. The present day estimated tuff volume is 130 km3 and the reconstructed magma volume of the outflow is 280 km3 DRE (dense rock equivalent). The source area of the tuff is inferred to be in the western Harney Basin, near the center of the tuff distribution, based mainly on a radial exponential decrease in average pumice size, and is consistent with a general radial decrease in welding and degree of post-emplacement crystallization. Rheomorphic tuff is found to a radius of 40–60 km from the inferred source.Four facies of welding and four of post-emplacement crystallization are distinguishable. They are: non-welded, incipiently welded, partially welded and densely welded zones; and vapor phase, pervasively devitrified, spherulite and lithophysae zones. The vapor phase, pervasively devitrified and lithophysae zones are divided into macroscopically distinguishable subzones. At constant thickness (20±3 m), and over a distance of 1–3 km, nonrheomorphic sections can cary between two extremes: (a) entirely vitric sections grading from nonwelded to incipiently welded; and (b) highly zoned sections. Highly zoned sections have a basal non- to densely welded vitric tuff overlain by a spherulite zone that grades upward through a lithophysae-dominated zone to a zone of pervasive devitrification, which, in turn, is overlain by a zone of vapor-phase crystallization and is capped by partially welded vitric tuff. A three-dimensional welding and crystallization model has been developed based on integrating local and regional variations of 85 measured sections.Strong local variations are interpreted to be the result of threshold-governed welding and crystallization controlled by residence time above a critical temperature, which is achieved through differences in thickness and accumulation rate.  相似文献   

We present new data on the stratigraphy, volcanism, and K–Ar ages of Jurassic features in the Shadoron Basin. Two phases of volcanic eruptions have been identified, a Middle Jurassic and a Late Jurassic, which are separated by a pre-Oxfordian phase of tectogenesis. We show that the Jurassic volcanism in the area of study occurred through fissure vents and mostly evolved in subaqueous conditions.  相似文献   

Restoration projects in the United States typically have among the stated goals those of increasing channel stability and sediment storage within the reach. Increased interest in ecologically based restoration techniques has led to the consideration of introducing beavers to degraded channels with the hope that the construction of beaver dams will aggrade the channel. Most research on beaver dam modification to channels has focused on the long‐term effects of beavers on the landscape with data primarily from rivers in the western United States. This study illustrated that a role exists for beavers in the restoration of fine‐grained, low gradient channels. A channel on the Atlantic Coastal Plain was analyzed before, during, and after beaver dams were constructed to evaluate the lasting impact of the beaver on channel morphology. The channel was actively evolving in a former reservoir area upstream of a dam break. Colonization by the beaver focused the flow into the channel, allowed for deposition along the channel banks, and reduced the channel width such that when the beaver dams were destroyed in a flood, there was no channel migration and net sediment storage in the reach had increased. However, the majority of the deposition occurred at the channel banks, narrowing the channel width, while the channel incised between sequential beaver dams. The study indicated that where channels are unstable laterally and bank erosion is a concern, the introduction of beavers can be a useful restoration tool. However, because of the likelihood of increased channel bed erosion in a reach with multiple beaver dams, they may not be the best solution where aggradation of an incised channel bed is the desired result. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River health can be defined as the degree to which riverine energy source,water quality,flow regime, habitat and biota match the natural conditions.In a healthy river,physical process and form remain actively connected and able to mutually adjust,and biological communities have natural levels of diversity and are resilient to environmental stress.Both physical diversity and biodiversity influence river health.Physical diversity is governed by hydrology,hydraulics,and substrate,as reflected in the geometry of the river channel and adjacent floodplain,which create habitat for aquatic and riparian organisms.Biodiversity is governed by biological processes such as competition and predation,but biodiversity also reflects the diversity,abundance and stability of habitat,as well as connectivity. Connectivity within a river corridor includes longitudinal,lateral,and vertical dimensions.River health declines as any of these interacting components is compromised by human activities.The cumulative effect of dams and other human alterations of rivers has been primarily to directly reduce physical diversity and connectivity,which indirectly reduces biodiversity.Restoration and maintenance of physical diversity and biodiversity on rivers affected by dams requires quantifying relations between the driver variables of flow and sediment supply,and the response variables of habitat,connectivity,and biological communities.These relations can take the form of thresholds(e.g., entrainment of streambed sediment) or response curves(e.g.,fish biomass versus extent and duration of floodplain inundation).I use examples from Wyoming,Colorado,and Arizona in the western United States to illustrate how to quantify relations between driver and response variables on rivers affected by dams.  相似文献   

Concurrently erupted, alternating Deccan Trap flows of tholeiitic and potassic alkalic basalt outcrop along both banks of the Narmada River near Navgam. Nearby, around Rajpipla, early tholeiites are overlain by K-rich alkalic flows and intrusives, which are themselves cut by later tholeiitic dikes. Nd and Sr isotopic ratios of a wide variety of rocks from both areas form a single correlated array, which reflects mixing between positive εJUV and negative εJUV endmembers. There is an almost complete overlap between values for tholeiitic and alkalic samples; thus, both alkalic and tholeiitic primary magmas must have been produced that were isotopically much alike. A Rajpipla rhyolite also falls on the array, near the midpoint. For positive values of εJUV(T) the array is indistinguishable from that defined by the lower group of tholeiites at Mahabaleshwar, some 450 km to the south, implying a similar or identical high εJUV mantle source. The negative εJUV component, apparently different from either of the two at Mahabaleshwar, may have been continental crust or enriched mantle. Both alkalic and tholeiitic groups display wide overlapping ranges in incompatible elements other than K, Rb, and Ba—particularly in Sr and Nb. This partial decoupling of incompatible elements, in conjunction with the isotopic similarity between the two classes of rocks, is strongly suggestive of an enrichment event in portions of the mantle source shortly before magmatism.  相似文献   

The New England and Mid‐Atlantic regions of the Northeast United States have experienced climate‐induced increases in both the magnitude and frequency of floods. However, a detailed understanding of flood seasonality across these regions, and how flood seasonality may have changed over the instrumental record, has not been established. The annual timing of river floods reflects the flood‐generating mechanisms operating in a basin, and many aquatic and riparian organisms are adapted to flood seasonality, as are human uses of river channels and flood plains. Changes in flood seasonality may indicate changes in flood‐generating mechanisms, and their interactions, with important implications for habitats, flood plain infrastructure, and human communities. I applied a probabilistic method for identifying flood seasons at a monthly resolution for 90 Northeast U.S. watersheds with natural, or near‐natural, flood‐generating conditions. Historical trends in flood seasonality were also investigated. Analyses were based on peaks‐over‐threshold flood records that have, on average, 85 years of data and three peaks per year—thus providing more information about flood seasonality than annual maximums. The results show rich detail about annual flood timing across the region with each site having a unique pattern of monthly flood occurrence. However, a much smaller number of dominant seasonal patterns emerged when contiguous flood‐rich months were classified into commonly recognized seasons (e.g., Mar–May, spring). The dominant seasonal patterns identified by manual classification were corroborated by unsupervised classification methods (i.e., cluster analyses). Trend analyses indicated that the annual timing of flood‐rich seasons has generally not shifted over the period of record, but 65 sites with data from 1941 to 2013 revealed increased numbers of June–October floods—a trend driving previously documented increases in Northeast U.S. flood counts per year. These months have been historically flood‐poor at the sites examined, so warm‐season flood potential has increased with possible implications for aquatic and riparian organisms.  相似文献   

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