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 The role of seamounts in the formation and evolution of sea ice is investigated in a series of numerical experiments with a coupled sea ice–ocean model. Bottom topography, stratification and forcing are configured for the Maud Rise region in the Weddell Sea. The specific flow regime that develops at the seamount as the combined response to steady and tidal forcing consists of free and trapped waves and a vortex cap, which is caused by mean flow and tidal flow rectification. The enhanced variability through tidal motion in particular modifies the mixed layer above the seamount enough to delay and reduce sea-ice formation throughout the winter. The induced sea-ice anomaly spreads and moves westward and affects an area of several 100 000 km2. Process studies reveal the complex interaction between wind, steady and periodic ocean currents: all three are required in the process of generation of the sea ice and mixed layer anomalies (mainly through tidal flow), their detachment from the topography (caused by steady oceanic flow) and the westward translation of the sea-ice anomaly (driven by the time-mean wind).  相似文献   

基于2019—2020期间在盘锦市含章湖利用浮式观测平台开展湖冰原型观测试验,分析不同因素对湖冰变化造成的影响.结果表明:99 d冰期内湖冰的生消过程可概述为:湖泊封冻(3 d)—稳定生长(62 d)—冰厚稳定(7 d)—加速消融(24 d)—破碎分解(3d).生长期冰厚的平均增长速率为0.4 cm/d,最大冰厚为30.7 cm;不同深度(5~17 cm)冰温对气温变化的响应存在滞后性,滞后时间为70~158 min,冰温与气温的最大相关系数为0.52~0.89;降雨过程造成冰面反照率由0.22降至0.09,影响了冰内温度以及冰下40 cm以内的浅层水温,但14 mm的降雨量并未引起表面冰厚增加;降雪过程造成冰面反照率由0.25升至0.90,同时阻碍了 5 cm以内的浅层冰温对气温变化的响应,但风速长时间大于8 m/s时会导致冰面积雪被吹散,冰面重新裸露;消融期冰厚的衰减过程呈抛物线趋势,存在显著的加速过程,融化速率由0.3 cm/d逐渐增加到2.7 cm/d;湖冰生长期的冰底热通量均值为4.8 W/m~2;到消融期增加至8.1 W/m~2,为生长期的1.7倍;太阳辐射与湖冰边界侧向融化是导致湖冰加速融化的关键因素.本研究填补了国内湖冰冻融全过程实测资料的空缺,为湖冰热力学模型的改进提供了科学支撑.  相似文献   

Observations of lake ice at the shore, complete ice cover, ice duration, ice thickness and other measures for 18 Polish lakes were collected for the 50 year period (1961–2010). Average ice dates in early winter became later: first appearance of ice along shore 2.3 days decade−1 and complete ice cover 1.2 days decade−1 while complete ice cover disappeared earlier (5.6 days decade−1) as did last ice at the shore (4.3 days decade−1). The duration of ice cover decreased by 5.6 days decade−1 and average ice thickness declined by 6.1 cm decade−1. The magnitude of these values for individual lakes decreased from eastern to western Poland. This geographic gradient is likely related to regional atmospheric circulation because in winter this part of Europe is strongly affected by continental air, an influence that is greater in the east. A multivariate redundancy analysis (RDA), used in order to examine the dependence of ice measures on lake physical properties and location, indicated longitude and altitude as key factors explaining lake ice dynamics such as the disappearance of ice and ice cover, ice cover duration and thickness. Lake volume and average depth influenced mostly the appearance of ice and ice cover.  相似文献   

The Eastern Weddell Ice Shelves (EWIS) are believed to modify the water masses of the coastal current and thus preconditions the water mass formation in the southern and western Weddell Sea. We apply various ocean warming scenarios to investigate the impact on the temperature–salinity distribution and the sub-ice shelf melting in the Eastern Weddell Sea. In our numerical experiments, the warming is imposed homogeneously along the open inflow boundaries of the model domain, leading to a warming of the warm deep water (WDW) further downstream. Our modelling results indicate a weak quadratic dependence of the melt rate at the ice shelf base on the imposed amount of warming, which is consistent with earlier studies. The total melt rate has a strong dependence on the applied ocean warming depth. If the warming is restricted to the upper ocean (above 1,000  m), the water column (aside from the mixed surface layer) in the vicinity of the ice shelves stabilises. Hence, reduced vertical mixing will reduce the potential of Antarctic Bottom Water formation further downstream with consequences on the global thermohaline circulation. If the warming extends to the abyss, the WDW core moves significantly closer to the continental shelf break. This sharpens the Antarctic Slope Front and leads to a reduced density stratification. In contrast to the narrow shelf bathymetry in the EWIS region, a wider continental shelf (like in the southern Weddell Sea) partly protects ice shelves from remote ocean warming. Hence, the freshwater production rate of, e.g., the Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf increases much less compared with the EWIS for identical warming scenarios. Our study therefore indicates that the ice-ocean interaction has a significant impact on the temperature-salinity distribution and the water column stability in the vicinity of ice shelves located along a narrow continental shelf. The effects of ocean warming and the impact of increased freshwater fluxes on the circulation are of the same order of magnitude and superimposed. Therefore, a consideration of this interaction in large-scale climate studies is essential.  相似文献   

水库冰气泡含量和密度对探地雷达测厚的影响分析(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在水库现场试验了RIS K2型探地雷达探测水库冰厚度的能力,试验时所用天线频率为600MHz;同步钻孔测量雷达探测处的冰厚度;以及在一个点上取样测试分析冰晶体、冰内气泡和冰密度。试验时冰面积雪厚度0.03-0.05m,冰层上部有0.24m粒状冰,其下均为柱状冰;冰内气泡含量呈表层高底层低分布;冰密度随气泡含量变化;冰厚度在平面内不均一。通过探测厚度和实测厚度的对比分析以及气泡含量对介电系数影响的理论分析,建立了积雪、粒状冰和柱状冰三层介质模型,获取雷达波在冰内的理论传递时间。结果发现:能够利用等效介电常数或等效传播速度评价雷达波传递时间,结冰期冰层1/3深度处的对应介电常数或传递速度可以作为等效值;另外因冰内大气泡造成的理论传递时间大于雷达探测时间,其差值随理论传递时间或冰厚的增加呈非线性增加。  相似文献   

Data of a sample from long-term observations (made with an interval of ten days) of ice cover state parameters in the Sea of Japan are analyzed. The results of analysis are used to formulate a model describing the evolution of ice floe distribution in terms of area and thickness. The obtained model is used to construct a model describing the evolution of ice thickness. Particular cases are studied analytically. A method for parametric identification of the model is considered and its adequacy is assessed against observed distributions. The model can be used to predict the state of the ice cover in the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

The geophysical, thermodynamic and dielectric properties of snow are important state variables that are known to be sensitive to Arctic climate variability and change. Given recent observations of changes in the Arctic physical system (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, 2004), it is important to focus on the processes that give rise to variability in the horizontal, vertical and temporal dimensions of the life‐history of snow on sea ice. The objectives in this study are to present these ‘state’ variables and to investigate the processes that govern variability in the vertical, horizontal and temporal dimension by using a case study over land‐fast first‐year sea ice for the period December 2003 to June 2004. Results from two sampling areas (thin and thick snowpacks) show that differences in snowpack thickness can substantially change the vertical and temporal evolution of snow properties. During the late fall and early winter (cooling period) we measured no significant changes in the physical properties, except for thin snow‐cover salinity, which decreased throughout the period. Fall‐snow desalination was only observed under thin snowpacks with a rate of ?0·12 ppt day?1. Significant changes occurred in the late winter and early spring (warming period), especially for snow grain size. Snow grain kinetic growth of 0·25–0·48 mm·day?1 was measured coincidently with increasing salinity and wetness for both thin and thick snowpacks. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Arctic sea ice plays an important role in Earth's climate and environmental system. Sea ice thickness is one of the most important sea ice parameters. Accurately obtaining the sea ice thickness and its changes has great significance to Arctic and global change research. Satellite altimeters can be used to derive long-term and large-scale changes in sea ice thickness. The leads detection is vital in sea ice thickness estimation by using satellite altimetry. Different leads detection methods are compared with remote sensing images, and results show that the detection method that uses waveform parameters can obtain improved results. The model for the conversion of freeboard to thickness is optimized by considering the incomplete penetration of snow for radar altimeters. We derive the estimates of the Arctic sea ice thickness for November 2010 to December 2019 by using the CryoSat-2 altimetry data. The sea ice thickness from the IceBridge and draft data from the upward-looking sonar are used to validate our thickness results. Validations show that the accuracy of our thickness estimates is within 0.2 m. Variations in the Arctic sea ice thickness are analyzed using the PIOMAS model and air and sea surface temperatures. A sharp increase in sea ice thickness is found in 2014.  相似文献   

Historical eruptions have produced lahars and floods by perturbing snow and ice at more than 40 volcanoes worldwide. Most of these volcanoes are located at latitudes higher than 35°; those at lower latitudes reach altitudes generally above 4000 m. Volcanic events can perturb mantles of snow and ice in at least five ways: (1) scouring and melting by flowing pyroclastic debris or blasts of hot gases and pyroclastic debris, (2) surficial melting by lava flows, (3) basal melting of glacial ice or snow by subglacial eruptions or geothermal activity, (4) ejection of water by eruptions through a crater lake, and (5) deposition of tephra fall. Historical records of volcanic eruptions at snow-clad volcanoes show the following: (1) Flowing pyroclastic debris (pyroclastic flows and surges) and blasts of hot gases and pyroclastic debris are the most common volcanic events that generate lahars and floods; (2) Surficial lava flows generally cannot melt snow and ice rapidly enough to form large lahars or floods; (3) Heating the base of a glacier or snowpack by subglacial eruptions or by geothermal activity can induce basal melting that may result in ponding of water and lead to sudden outpourings of water or sediment-rich debris flows; (4) Tephra falls usually alter ablation rates of snow and ice but generally produce little meltwater that results in the formation of lahars and floods; (5) Lahars and floods generated by flowing pyroclastic debris, blasts of hot gases and pyroclastic debris, or basal melting of snow and ice commonly have volumes that exceed 105 m3.The glowing lava (pyroclastic flow) which flowed with force over ravines and ridges...gathered in the basin quickly and then forced downwards. As a result, tremendously wide and deep pathways in the ice and snow were made and produced great streams of water (Wolf 1878).  相似文献   

To model ice conditions in the eastern Gulf of Finland, a high-resolution three-dimensional hydrodynamic model is coupled with the advanced sea-ice model HELMI (Haapala et al., 2005). To test the model in extreme situations, the ice pattern in the eastern Gulf of Finland was simulated for a mild ice winter (2007–2008) and for a moderate one (2003–2004). The reference runs were performed on the assumption that the ice in the model domain is fast ice if the sea depth is less than 10 m. Using this assumption, the ice thickness averaged over the Neva Bay (the easternmost part of the Gulf of Finland) is overestimated by the model for almost the entire wintertime in the mild winter and during the ice formation and melting periods in the moderate winter, as compared with the thickness reported in ice charts.  相似文献   

A cyclonic gyre controls the advection of source waters into the formation areas of bottom water in the southern and western parts of the Weddell Sea and the subsequent transport of modified water masses to the north. Determination of the structure of the Weddell Gyre and of the associated transports was one of the objectives of the “Weddell Gyre Study” which began in September 1989 and ended in January 1993. The collected data set comprises records of moored current meters and profiles of temperature and salinity distributed along a transect between the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and Kapp Norvegia. The circulation pattern on the transect is dominated by stable boundary currents of several hundred kilometers width at the eastern and western sides of the basin. They are of comparable size on both sides and provide nearly 90% of the volume transport of the gyre which amounts to 29.5 Sv. In the interior, a weak anticyclonic cell of 800 km diameter transports less than 4 Sv. Apart from the continental slopes, the near-bottom currents flow at some locations in an opposite direction to those in the water column above, indicating a significant baroclinic component of the current field. The intensity of the boundary currents is subject to seasonal fluctuations, whereas in the interior, time scales from days to weeks dominate. The large-scale circulation pattern is persistent during the years 1989 to 1991. The heat transport into the southern Weddell Sea is estimated to be 3.48×1013 W. This implies an equivalent heat loss through the sea surface of 19 W m−2, as an average value for the area south of the transect. The derived salt transport is not significantly different from zero; consequently, the salt gain by sea ice formation has to compensate almost entirely the fresh water gain from the melting ice shelves and from precipitation. Estimation of water mass formation rates from the thermohaline differences of the inflow and outflow through the transect indicates that 6.0 Sv of Warm Deep Water are transformed into 2.6 Sv of Weddell Sea Bottom Water, into 1.2 Sv of Weddell Sea Deep Water, and into 2.2 Sv of surface water.  相似文献   

The physical and biological environment of the Barents Sea is characterised by large variability on a wide range of scales. Results from a numerical ocean model, SINMOD, are presented showing that the physical variability is partly forced by changes in annual net ice import. The mean contribution from ice import in the simulation period (1979–2007) is about 40% of the total amount of ice melted each year. The annual ice import into the Barents Sea varies between 143 and 1,236 km3, and this causes a substantial variability in the amount of annual ice melt in the Barents Sea. This in turn impacts the freshwater content. The simulated freshwater contribution from ice is 0.02 Sv on average and 0.04 Sv at maximum. When mixed into a mean net Atlantic Water (AW) inflow of 1.1 Sv with a salinity of 35.1, this freshwater addition decreases the salinity of the modified AW to 34.4 and 33.9 for the mean and maximum freshwater fluxes, respectively. Ice import may thus be important for the Barents Sea production of Arctic Ocean halocline water which has salinity of about 34.5. The changes in the ice melt the following summer due to ice import also affect the formation of dense water in the Barents Sea by changing stratification, altering the vertical mixing rates and affecting heat loss from the warm AW. The model results thus indicate that ice import from the Arctic has a great impact on water mass modification in the Barents Sea which in turn impacts the ventilation of the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

The influence of winter on methane (CH4) stored in pore water and emitted through snow was investigated in a temperate poor fen in New Hampshire over two winters. Methane accumulated beneath ice layers (1 cm) deposited by freezing rain, resulting in snow-pore air mixing ratios as high as 140 ppmv during the first winter and 600 ppmv during the second. An early winter snow crust of 300 kg m?3 caused no discontinuity in a linear mixing ratio profile and therefore was not observed to retard snowpack emissions. Methane concentration-depth profiles in pore water steepened and concentrations increased by as much as 400 μM at the 10 and 20 cm depths as the ice cover formed. This suggests that the peat-ice cover plays an important part in CH4 build-up in pore water by limiting the transport of gases between the peat and the atmosphere. Pore water concentrations gradually declined through late winter. The seasonality of dissolved CH4 in pore water over two winters and one summer showed an average annual amplitude of 1.3 gCH4m?2 (25–75cm depth range), with a winter maximum of 4.7gCH4m?2. Emissions during the winter with average snowfall accounted for a larger percentage (9.2% in 1993–1994) of total annual emission than the winter with below-average snowfall and warmer air temperature (2% in 1994–1995). Emissions averaged 56 and 26mg m?2 day?1 during the first and second winter (December, January and February), respectively.  相似文献   

Improvement of snow depth retrieval for FY3B-MWRI in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The primary objective of this work is to develop an operational snow depth retrieval algorithm for the FengYun3B Microwave Radiation Imager(FY3B-MWRI)in China.Based on 7-year(2002–2009)observations of brightness temperature by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS(AMSR-E)and snow depth from Chinese meteorological stations,we develop a semi-empirical snow depth retrieval algorithm.When its land cover fraction is larger than 85%,we regard a pixel as pure at the satellite passive microwave remote-sensing scale.A 1-km resolution land use/land cover(LULC)map from the Data Center for Resources and Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,is used to determine fractions of four main land cover types(grass,farmland,bare soil,and forest).Land cover sensitivity snow depth retrieval algorithms are initially developed using AMSR-E brightness temperature data.Each grid-cell snow depth was estimated as the sum of snow depths from each land cover algorithm weighted by percentages of land cover types within each grid cell.Through evaluation of this algorithm using station measurements from 2006,the root mean square error(RMSE)of snow depth retrieval is about 5.6 cm.In forest regions,snow depth is underestimated relative to ground observation,because stem volume and canopy closure are ignored in current algorithms.In addition,comparison between snow cover derived from AMSR-E and FY3B-MWRI with Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)snow cover products(MYD10C1)in January 2010 showed that algorithm accuracy in snow cover monitoring can reach 84%.Finally,we compared snow water equivalence(SWE)derived using FY3B-MWRI with AMSR-E SWE products in the Northern Hemisphere.The results show that AMSR-E overestimated SWE in China,which agrees with other validations.  相似文献   

Snow in the McMurdo Dry Valleys is a potential source of moisture for subnivian soils in a cold desert ecosystem. In a water‐limited environment, enhanced soil moisture is expected to provide more favourable conditions for subnivian soil communities. In addition, snow cover insulates the underlying soil from air temperature extremes. Quantifying the spatial and temporal patterns of seasonal snow accumulation and ablation is necessary to understand these dynamics. Repeat high‐resolution imagery acquired for the 2009–2010 austral summer was used to map the seasonal distribution of snow across Taylor and Wright valleys, Southern Victorialand, Antarctica. An edge detection algorithm was used to perform an object‐based classification of snow‐covered area. Coupled with topographic parameters obtained from a 30‐m digital elevation model, unique distribution patterns were characterized for five regions within the neighbouring valleys. Time lapses of snow distribution in each region provide insight into spatially variable aerial ablation rates (change in area of landscape covered by snow) across the region. A strong coastal to interior gradient of decreasing snow‐covered area was evident for both Taylor and Wright valleys. The surrounding regions of Lake Fryxell, Lake Hoare, Lake Bonney, Lake Brownworth, and Lake Vanda exhibited losses of snow‐covered area of 9.61 km2 (?93%), 1.63 km2 (?72%), 1.07 km2 (?97%), 2.60 km2 (?82%), and 0.25 km2 (?96%), respectively, as measured from peak accumulation in October to mid‐January. Differences in aerial ablation rates within and across local regions suggest that both topographic variation and regional microclimates influence the ablation of seasonal snow cover. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thermokarst lakes cover > 20% of the landscape throughout much of the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) with shallow lakes freezing solid (grounded ice) and deeper lakes maintaining perennial liquid water (floating ice). Thus, lake depth relative to maximum ice thickness (1·5–2·0 m) represents an important threshold that impacts permafrost, aquatic habitat, and potentially geomorphic and hydrologic behaviour. We studied coupled hydrogeomorphic processes of 13 lakes representing a depth gradient across this threshold of maximum ice thickness by analysing remotely sensed, water quality, and climatic data over a 35‐year period. Shoreline erosion rates due to permafrost degradation ranged from < 0·2 m/year in very shallow lakes (0·4 m) up to 1·8 m/year in the deepest lakes (2·6 m). This pattern of thermokarst expansion masked detection of lake hydrologic change using remotely sensed imagery except for the shallowest lakes with stable shorelines. Changes in the surface area of these shallow lakes tracked interannual variation in precipitation minus evaporation (P ? EL) with periods of full and nearly dry basins. Shorter‐term (2004–2008) specific conductance data indicated a drying pattern across lakes of all depths consistent with the long‐term record for only shallow lakes. Our analysis suggests that grounded‐ice lakes are ice‐free on average 37 days longer than floating‐ice lakes resulting in a longer period of evaporative loss and more frequent negative P ? EL. These results suggest divergent hydrogeomorphic responses to a changing Arctic climate depending on the threshold created by water depth relative to maximum ice thickness in ACP lakes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A one‐dimensional hydrodynamic lake model (DYRESM‐WQ‐I) is employed to simulate ice cover and water temperatures over the period 1911–2014. The effects of climate changes (air temperature and wind speed) on ice cover (ice‐on, ice‐off, ice cover duration, and maximum ice thickness) are modeled and compared for the three different morphometry lakes: Fish Lake, Lake Wingra, and Lake Mendota, located in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. It is found that the ice cover period has decreased due to later ice‐on dates and earlier ice‐off dates, and the annual maximum ice cover thickness has decreased for the three lakes during the last century. Based upon simulated perturbations of daily mean air temperatures across the range of ?10°C to +10°C of historical values, Fish Lake has the most occurrences of no ice cover and Lake Wingra still remains ice covered under extreme conditions (+10°C). Overall, shallower lakes with larger surface areas appear more resilient to ice cover changes caused by climate changes.  相似文献   

The Kara Sea is one of the arctic marginal seas strongly influenced by fresh water and river suspension. The highly seasonal discharge by the two major rivers Yenisei and Ob induces seasonal changes in hydrography, sea surface temperature, ice cover, primary production and sedimentation. In order to obtain a seasonal pattern of sedimentation in the Kara Sea, sediment traps were deployed near the river mouth of the Yenisei (Yen) as well as in the central Kara Sea (Kara) within the framework of the German–Russian project “Siberian River run-off; SIRRO”. Two and a half years of time-series flux data were obtained between September 2000 and April 2003 and were analyzed for bulk components, amino acids, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes as well as sterols and fatty acids.Sediment trap data show that much of the annual deposition occurred under ice cover, possibly enhanced by zooplanktonic activity and sediment resuspension. An early bloom of ice-associated algae in April/May occurred in the polynya area and may have been very important to sustain the life cycles of higher organisms after the light limitation of the winter months due to no/low insolation and ice cover. The strong river input dominated the months June–August in the southern part of the Kara Sea. The central Kara Sea had a much shorter productive period starting in August and was less affected by the river plumes. Despite different time-scales of sampling and trapping biases, total annual fluxes from traps were in the same order of magnitude as accumulation rates in surface sediments. Terrestrial organic carbon accumulation decreased from 10.7 to 0.3 g C m−2 a−1 from the riverine source to the central Kara Sea. Parallel to this, preservation of marine organic matter decreased from 10% to 2% of primary productivity which was probably related to decreasing rates of sedimentation.  相似文献   


The runoff regime of glacierized headwater catchments in the Alps is essentially characterized by snow and ice melt. High Alpine drainage basins influence distant downstream catchments of the Rhine River basin. In particular, during the summer months, low-flow conditions are probable with strongly reduced snow and ice melt under climate change conditions. This study attempts to quantify present and future contributions from snow and ice melt to summer runoff at different spatial scales. For the small Silvretta catchment (103 km2) in the Swiss Alps, with a glacierization of 7%, the HBV model and the glacio-hydrological model GERM are applied for calculating future runoff based on different regional climate scenarios. We evaluate the importance of snow and ice melt in the runoff regime. Comparison of the models indicates that the HBV model strongly overestimates the future contribution of glacier melt to runoff, as glaciers are considered as static components. Furthermore, we provide estimates of the current meltwater contribution of glaciers for several catchments downstream on the River Rhine during the month of August. Snow and ice melt processes have a significant direct impact on summer runoff, not only for high mountain catchments, but also for large transboundary basins. A future shift in the hydrological regime and the disappearance of glaciers might favour low-flow conditions during summer along the Rhine.

Citation Junghans, N., Cullmann, J. & Huss, M. (2011) Evaluating the effect of snow and ice melt in an Alpine headwater catchment and further downstream in the River Rhine. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 981–993.  相似文献   

The problems of parametric representation of the initial formation and the subsequent evolution of fast ice in freezing seas are discussed within the framework of the model of marine ice cover evolution. The mathematical form of this representation takes into account the processes of transformation of sea ice formations in open water areas in coastal regions into fast ice during its formation and inverse processes at the stage of its destruction. The parametric identification of the model was based on samples of long-term distributions of ice cover characteristics in the Sea of Japan, as well as the distributions of air temperature and wind speeds over sea water area. The model can be used to predict the state of fast ice in the ice cover of the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

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