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A formal solution to the elastodynamic equation in an anelastic earth model is presented. The derivation also incorporates the effects of aspherical structure, rotation, self-gravitation, and pre-stress. It is found that the solution can be expressed as a sum of the normal modes of the earth model along with additional terms accounting for anelastic relaxation processes. However, the derivation does not assume that such an eigenfunction expansion is possible, and so avoids difficulties previously encountered due to the non self-adjointness of the problem.  相似文献   

Summary. The long period luni-solar tidal potential is known to cause periodic changes in the Earth's rotation rate. We find that the effect of a dissipationless fluid outer core is to reduce the amplitudes of these tidal perturbations by ∼ 11 per cent. When the fluid core effect is added to Agnew & Farrell's estimate of the effect of an equilibrium ocean, the result is in accord with observation.
The effects of dissipative processes within the fluid core are also examined. We find out-of-phase perturbations which could be as large as ∼ 10ms at 18.6 yr. We conclude, however, that the poorly understood decade fluctuations in the Earth's rotation rate will prohibit observation of this effect.  相似文献   

中国海洋产业发展的地区差距变动及空间集聚分析   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
采用基尼系数、变异系数、加权变异系数等指标,分析了20世纪90年代海洋经济发展的地区差距以及海洋产业空间集聚的变动趋势。得出以下结论,90年代前半期,我国海洋经济的相对地区差距缩小,后半期有所扩大。90年代多种海洋产业在同一地区的空间集聚减弱。其中,1995年到2000年多种海洋产业的空间集聚加剧。我国海洋经济地区差异与多种海洋产业的同一空间集聚表现为相同的变动过程。  相似文献   

Summary. A first-order form of the Euler's equations for rays in an ellipsoidal model of the Earth is obtained. The conditions affecting the velocity law for a monotonic increase, with respect to the arc length, in the angular distance to the epicentre, and in the angle of incidence, are the same in the ellipsoidal and spherical models. It is therefore possible to trace rays and to compute travel times directly in an ellipsoidal earth as in the spherical model. Thus comparison with the rays of the same coordinates in a spherical earth provides an estimate of the various deviations of these rays due to the Earth's flattening, and the corresponding travel-time differences, for mantle P -waves and for shallow earthquakes. All these deviations are functions both of the latitude and of the epicentral distance. The difference in the distance to the Earth's centre at points with the same geocentric latitude on rays in the ellipsoidal and in the spherical model may reach several kilometres. Directly related to the deformation of the isovelocity surfaces, this difference is the only cause of significant perturbation in travel times. Other differences, such as that corresponding to the ray torsion, are of the first order in ellipticity, and may exceed 1 km. They induce only small differences in travel time, less than 0.01s. Thus, we show that the ellipticity correction obtained by Jeffreys (1935) and Bullen (1937) by a perturbational method can be recovered by a direct evaluation of the travel times in an ellipsoidal model of the Earth. Moreover, as stated by Dziewonski & Gilbert (1976), we verify the non-dependence of this correction on the choice of the velocity law.  相似文献   

Schismus arabicusis a common annual with an ‘escape’ strategy of caryopsis dispersal and ‘opportunistic’ strategy of germination. It inhabits the Negev and Saharo-Arabian and Irano-Turanian phytogeographical regions. It displays a quantitative long-day response for flowering and a day length response in caryopses germinability. Germination in the dark was much higher than in light. The longer the period of light, from 0·5 h to continuous light, the lower the percentage of germination. The low percentage of germination, which is also regulated by temperature during dry storage, is important for the survival ofS. arabicusunder the unpredictable distribution and small amounts of rain in its extreme desert habitats.  相似文献   

The thermal structure of a sedimentary basin is controlled by its thermal conductivity, its boundary conditions, water flow, rate of sedimentation and erosion and radiogenic heat sources. The radiogenic heat production in the sediments is known to vary over several orders of magnitude, with the lowest values in evaporites and carbonates and the highest values in black shales. Due to a paucity of information available on the existing heat sources, this parameter can be represented with a known mean value and a Gaussian correlation structure rather than a deterministic function. In this paper, the 1-D steady-state thermal structure in a sedimentary basin has been modelled in a stochastic framework with a random radiogenic heat source, and analytical expressions for the first two moments of the temperature field have been obtained. A synthetic example has been examined to quantify the error bounds on the temperature field due to uncertainties in the radiogenic heat sources.  相似文献   

基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)遥感云平台,利用2000—2019年MODIS积雪产品资料提取和计算新疆积雪终日信息,利用趋势分析,变异系数等方法分析了新疆积雪终日时空变化特征和变化趋势。结果表明:(1) 新疆积雪终日以天山为界,天山以北长于南部,山区为积雪终日的高值区,盆地为积雪终日的低值区。北疆准噶尔盆地和伊犁河谷积雪终日在75~114 d之间,南疆塔里木盆地在0~31 d之间属于低值区。阿尔泰山脉、天山山脉和昆仑山脉区域在224~365 d之间属于高值区。(2) 南疆和北疆积雪终日有明显的时空差异,2000—2019年北疆准噶尔盆地和高海拔山脉地区积雪终日有明显的推迟趋势,推迟幅度达到14 d,占新疆总面积的8%。南疆塔里木盆地和东疆区域有明显的提前趋势,提前幅度达到16 d约占新疆总面积的44%。塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地具有相反的变化趋势。(3) 新疆积雪终日年际变化差异显著,天山中段和北疆积雪终日出现不稳定状况,天山中段2002—2009年总体上呈现“M”型的特点,即多年积雪消融日年均值中出现明显的波峰和波谷,北疆2009—2019年积雪终日有较大的年际变化呈现出不稳定状况,出现明显的波峰和波谷,年际变化较大。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse wind, temperature and humidity profiles, surface radiation temperature, and eddy correlation fluxes of momentum and heat over a grass field in order to obtain a better parameterisation of exchange processes over such a surface. The study was performed under summer conditions over a formerly cultivated, uniform and well-watered field of tall grass in central Sweden. An unusually low displacement height, d, was found, at 0.25 times the maximum canopy height h. The roughness length for wind speed could be approximated with the relation zou = 0.15(hd). The relations of d and zou would be closer to the traditional ones if a mean canopy height, which is about half of the height used here, had been used in the analysis. The estimation of the quantity kB–1 required accurate determination of the surface temperature. The radiometric surface temperature was measured by two different radiometers, one collecting thermal radiation at angles 0–45° and measuring effectively at 30° from nadir, and the other having a field of view of 15° and being tilted at 45° from nadir. The detected directional variations in the surface radiation temperature were within ± 1K, and the former radiometer, which was judged to be more accurate, was used for further analysis. The quantity kB–1 was expressed through the roughness-sublayer Stanton number and drag coefficient. Methodologically, the most accurate determination of the Stanton number was to plot the air-surface temperature difference versus the temperature scale multiplied by any other relevant parameter. The quantity kB–1 showed a dependence on the roughness Reynolds number, Reo, and it took the form kB–1 = 0.08 Reo0.5–1.9; its value varied between 0 and 4 for the present range of Reo. These results are judged to be in good agreement with theory, considering the complexity of natural surfaces and the simplifications used in the theoretical deductions.  相似文献   

Summary. An empirical equation of state, assuming mineralogical equilibrium, is developed for the top 700 km of the mantle. Assuming a uniform viscosity, this equation of state is used to show that the stresses due to the changes in phase induced in a descending lithospheric plate in a subduction zone are an order of magnitude larger than those due to the negative buoyancy of the slab in the asthenosphere. The stresses predicted are well within the power law creep region for likely mantle materials and so the effective viscosity will vary within the slab. Consequently the stresses will be smaller than those of 7.0 × 108N/m2 obtained here using uniform viscosities. These stresses are relatively compressional near the sides of the slab and tensional in the centre.  相似文献   

Construction of urban tunnels requires the control of surface subsidence to minimize any disturbance to nearby buildings and services. Past study of surface subsidence has been limited to mainly empiri...  相似文献   

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