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利用测井资料来评价或解释沉积相的方法称为测井相分析.测井资料与沉积学结合形成的测井相分析在研究油气藏沉积相和圈定砂体方面发挥着重要作用.利用综合测井资料物性曲线的形状、幅度、数值大小,建立不同沉积相与测井曲线之间的函数对应关系,分析不同沉积相的测井曲线特征,并对不同沉积相的岩性所对应的测井曲线形态分别进行描述.从单井分析剖面对比区域研究三个层次研究油气藏沉积相,勾画出主砂体的形态和展布方向,在此基础上,讨论了川口油气藏长6油层组油气藏与沉积相之间的关系,研究认为河道沉积是该区油田勘探和开发的首选区带.  相似文献   

天然气的测井识别方法是天然气勘探中重要手段之一,本文在简单分析气层测井响应特征的基础上,以准噶尔盆地东部五彩湾凹陷为例,分别对以碎屑岩为主的浅层气和火山岩为主的中深层气的测井识别方法原理进行归纳、总结,同时根据研究工区实际的储层特征,给出了部分识别方法的改进思路,并对特殊测井技术的机理以及在气层识别中的应用进行分析,并与基于常规测井信息的识别方法进行有效结合.最后对现有方法的不足和提高天然气勘探成功率给出了一些建议.  相似文献   

Bitumen from the Nanpanjiang Basin occurs mainly in the Middle Devonian and Upper Permian reef limestone paleo-oil reservoirs and reserves primarily in holes and fractures and secondarily in minor matrix pores and bio-cavities. N2 is the main component of the natural gas and is often associated with pyrobitumen in paleo-oil reservoirs. The present study shows that the bitumen in paleo-oil reservoirs was sourced from the Middle Devonian argillaceous source rock and belongs to pyrobitumen by crude oil cracking under high temperature and pressure. But the natural gas with high content of N2 is neither an oil-cracked gas nor a coal-formed gas generated from the Upper Permian Longtan Formation source rock, instead it is a kerogen-cracked gas generated at the late stage from the Middle Devonian argilla- ceous source rock. The crude oil in paleo-oil reservoirs completely cracked into pyrobitumen and methane gas by the agency of hugely thick Triassic deposits. After that, the abnormal high pressure of methane gas reservoirs was completely destroyed due to the erosion of 2000--4500-m-thick Triassic strata. But the kerogen-cracked gas with normal pressure was preserved under the relatively sealed condition and became the main body of the gas shows.  相似文献   

Water fluxes in highly impounded regions are heavily dependent on reservoir properties. However, for large and remote areas, this information is often unavailable. In this study, the geometry and volume of small surface reservoirs in the semi-arid region of Brazil were estimated using terrain and shape attributes extracted by remote sensing. Regression models and data classification were used to predict the volumes, at different water stages, of 312 reservoirs for which topographic information is available. The power function used to describe the reservoir shapes tends to overestimate the volumes; therefore, a modified shape equation was proposed. Among the methods tested, four were recommended based on performance and simplicity, for which the mean absolute percentage errors varied from 24 to 39%, in contrast to the 94% error achieved with the traditional method. Despite the challenge of precisely deriving the flooded areas of reservoirs, water management in highly reservoir-dense environments should benefit from volume prediction based on remote sensing.  相似文献   

针对柴迭木盆地三湖生物天然气预测,提出了地震预测方法的三项关键技术:地震资料处理中的静校正技术(初至波折射静校正技术);地震叠后预测技术(包括如下5项内容:共偏移距扫描;频率扫描;速度谱剖面分析;反射同相轴下拉量分析;烃类检测);地震叠前预测技术(包括如下2项内容:不同偏移距叠加剖面分析;叠前反演分析).在三湖北斜坡地区应用这三项关键技术,发现了台东2号舍气异常,成功钻探了台东2井.  相似文献   


A three-dimensional flow and temperature model was applied for a 124 km river-reservoir system from Lewis Smith Dam tailrace to Bankhead Lock & Dam, Alabama. The model was calibrated against measured water levels, temperatures, velocities and flow rates from 4 May to 3 September 2011 under small constant release (2.83 m3/s) and large intermittent releases (~140 m3/s) from an upstream reservoir. Distributions of simulated flow and temperatures and particle tracking at various locations were analyzed which revealed the complex interactions of density currents, dynamic surface waves and solar heating. Flows in the surface and bottom layers moved in both upstream and downstream directions. If there was small constant release only from Smith Dam, simulated bottom temperatures at Cordova were on average 4.8°C higher than temperatures under actual releases. The momentum generated from large releases pushed bottom density currents downstream, but the released water took several days to reach Cordova.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor B. Dewals  相似文献   

基于吸收滤波技术的储层气水性质识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前,人们主要从岩性、物性、电性、弹性阻抗等角度,对储层中气水的性质进行预测,然而成功率却并非很高.其实,从频率或能量响应的角度出发,或许能提高气水识别的成功率.由于频率是物质的固有属性,地震波经过含气或含水的储层后,在不同的频段将有不同的响应特征,但在原始地震剖面上却很不容易发现.利用基于ARMA模型时间序列分析方法和Prony信号分析理论的吸收滤波技术,结合测井、岩石物理、地质、地震等资料,分析含气储层和含水储层的不同吸收衰减特征和响应差异.由此可以实现气水性质的有效识别,最终达到直观、快捷的预测优质含气储层的目的.将该技术应用到气水裂缝理论模型的试算和川西坳陷深层须家河组气藏的含气性识别中,均获得了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   

Shaly sands reservoir is one of the most distributive types of the oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs discovered in China, and low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs are mostly shaly sands reservoirs. Therefore, shaly sands reservoir conductive model is the key to evaluate low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs using logging information. Some defects were found when we studied the clay distribution type conductive model, dual-water conductive model, conductive rock matrix model, etc. Some models could not distinguish the conductive path and nature of microporosity water and clay water and some models did not consider the clay distribution type and the mount of clay volume. So, we utilize the merits,overcome the defects of the above models, and put forward a new shaly sands conductive model-dual water clay matrix conductive model (DWCMCM) in which dual water is the free water and the microporosity water in shaly sands and the clay matrix(wet clay) is the clay grain containing water. DWCMCM is presented here, the advantages of which can tell the nature and conductive path from different water (microporosity water and freewater), in consid-eration of the clay distribution type and the mount of clay volume in shaly sands. So, the results of logging interpretation in the oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs in the north of Tarim Basin area, China with DWCMCM are better than those interpreted by the above models.  相似文献   

The reservoirs of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Sichuan Basin have the characteristics of low compositional maturity, low contents of cements and medium textural maturity. The general physical properties of the reservoirs are poor, with low porosity and low permeability, and there are only a few reservoirs with medium porosity and low permeability in local areas. Based on the diagenetic mineral association, a diagenetic sequence of cements is established: early calcites (or micrite siderites) →first quartz overgrowth→chlorite coatings→dissolution of feldspars and debris→chlorite linings→ second quartz overgrowth (quartz widen or filled in remain intergranular pores and solution pores)→dissolution→third quartz overgrowth (quartz filled in intergranular and intragranular solution pores)→intergrowth (ferro) calcites→dolomites→ferro (calcites) dolomites→later dissolution→veins of quartz and calcites formation. Mechanical compaction is the main factor in making the reservoirs tight in the basin, followed by the second and third quartz overgrowth. In a long-term closed system, only feld-spars and some lithic fragments are dissolved by diagenetic fluids, while intergranular cements such as quartz and calcit are not dissolved and thus have little influence on the porosity of the Xujiahe Formation. This is the third factor that may have kept the sandstones of Xujiahe Formation tight finally. The hydrocarbon was extensively generated from organic materials after the second quartz overgrowth, and selectively entered favorable reservoirs to form tight sandstone gas reservoirs.  相似文献   

三湖地区北斜坡褶皱发育,相变快,生储盖组合优越,具备形成岩性地层气藏的构造背景和地质务件.由于本区储层厚度薄(1~3m),缺乏三维地震资料,砂体分布难以准确追踪,导致岩性地层气藏勘探难以取得突破.已知气藏解剖和理论研究表明地层含气后会产生特殊的地震响应,通过地震异常信息研究,结合构造、沉积和成藏条件分析,发现驼西地区是岩性圈闭发育带,Tzh2井获得工业气流证明该区带具备形成岩性气区的潜力.  相似文献   

塔河油田碳酸盐岩缝洞型储层的测井识别与评价方法研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
塔河油田奥陶系以碳酸盐岩为主,油气的主要储渗空间为裂缝和溶蚀孔洞,具有很强的非均质性.本文利用常规及成像测井资料,对碳酸盐岩缝洞型储层的识别与评价方法进行研究.为了综合各种测井方法识别裂缝,建立了综合裂缝概率模型,计算综合裂缝概率指示裂缝的发育程度.利用地层微电阻率扫描成像测井资料进行裂缝和溶蚀孔洞的定性、定量解释.定量计算的裂缝参数为:裂缝密度、裂缝长度、裂缝平均宽度、平均水动力宽度、裂缝视孔隙度;定量计算的溶蚀孔洞参数有:面孔率、孔洞密度.根据缝洞型储层孔隙空间类型及其中子孔隙度、补偿密度、声波、双侧向电阻率的测井响应物性特征,建立缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层复杂孔隙介质解释模型,用于确定裂缝、溶蚀孔洞孔隙度和评价储层.  相似文献   

Much attention has been focused on investigating the effects of precipitation and temperature changes on runoff; however, the influence of wind speed, relative humidity and total solar radiation on hydrological components needs to be studied further. Hydrological responses to climate variations in a minimally disturbed mountainous watershed in the period 1971–2012 are identified and evaluated by statistical analysis and hydrological simulation. The results indicate that the impact of climate component changes on the hydrological process cannot be discounted. The temperature and relative humidity exhibit significant upward trends, while the wind speed exhibits a clear downward trend. The potential and actual evapotranspiration dramatically increased, but the observed pan evaporation substantially decreased. The surface water, soil water, baseflow and water yield are positively correlated with precipitation and relative humidity but negatively correlated with the temperature, wind speed and solar radiation.  相似文献   

Origin of dolostone remained a controversial subject, although numerous dolomitization models had been proposed to date. Because of the dolomitization’s potential to be hydrocarbon reservoirs, one debatable issue was the role of dolomitization in porosity construction or destruction. Based upon case studies of dolostone reservoirs in various geological settings such as evaporative tidal flat (Ordos Basin, NW China), evaporative platform (Sichuan Basin, SW China), and burial and hydrothermal diagenesis (Tarim Basin, NW China), here we systematically discuss the origin of porosity in dolostone reservoirs. Contrary to traditional concepts, which regarded dolomitization as a significant mechanism for porosity creation, we found two dominant factors controlling reservoir development in dolostones, i.e., porosity inherited from precursor carbonates and porosity resulted from post-dolomitization dissolution. Actually, dolomitization rarely had a notable effect on porosity creation but rather in many cases destroyed pre-existing porosity such as saddle dolostone precipitation in vugs and fractures. Porosity in dolostones associated with evaporative tidal flat or evaporative platform was generally created by subaerial dissolution of evaporites and/or undolomitized components. Porosity in burial dolostones was inherited mostly from precursor carbonates, which could be enlarged due to subsequent dissolution. Intercrystalline porosity in hydrothermal dolostones was either formed during dolo- mitization or inherited from precursor carbonates, whereas dissolution-enlarged intercrystalline pores and/or vugs were usually interpreted to be the result of hydrothermal alteration. These understandings on dolostone porosity shed light on reservoir prediction. Dolostone reservoirs associated with evaporative tidal flat were laterally distributed as banded or quasi-stratified shapes in evaporite-bearing dolostones, and vertically presented as multi-interval patterns on tops of shallowing-upward cycles. Dolostone reservoirs associated with evaporative platform commonly occurred along epiplatforms or beneath evaporite beds, and vertically presented as multi-interval patterns in dolostones and/or evaporite-bearing dolostones of reef/shoal facies. Constrained by primary sedimentary facies, burial dolostone reservoirs were distributed in dolomitized, porous sediments of reef/shoal facies, and occurred vertically as multi-interval patterns in crystalline dolostones on tops of shallowing-upward cycles. Hydrothermal dolomitization was obviously controlled by conduits (e.g., faults, unconformities), along which lenticular reservoirs could develop.  相似文献   

相对于常规砂岩,致密砂岩在岩石物理性质、力学性质等方面具有明显差异,并呈现出很强的非均质性.岩石物理模型能将储层参数与地震特性信息联系起来,因此可以作为致密砂岩储层参数与地震特性信息转换的桥梁.常规的岩石物理模型通常只考虑单一因素(例如非均匀性,单一孔隙,单一尺度等),建立的岩石物理模板并不适用于致密砂岩.本文针对高饱和气、微裂隙发育、非均质性强的致密砂岩储层,利用Voigt-Reuss-Hill模型计算混合矿物的弹性模量,采用微分等效介质(DEM)模型描述含裂隙、孔隙岩石的骨架弹性模量,基于Biot-Rayleigh波动方程构建了岩石物理弹性模板,给出了致密砂岩储层弹性参数与物性的关系.基于测井数据和实验数据对岩石物理弹性模板进行校正,并将校正后的岩石物理弹性模板结合叠前地震资料应用于川西地区储层孔隙度与裂隙含量预测.结果显示,反演裂隙含量、孔隙度与储层试气报告、测井孔隙度基本吻合,表明该模板能够较合理地应用于致密砂岩储层孔隙度及裂隙含量解释中.  相似文献   

The exploitation of fossil fuels in the Mediterranean Sea will likely lead to an increase in the number of offshore platforms, a recognized threat for marine biodiversity. To date, in this basin, few attempts have been made to assess the impact of offshore gas and oil platforms on the biodiversity of benthic assemblages. Here, we adopted a structured experimental design coupled with high taxonomic resolution to outline putative effects of gas platforms on soft-bottom macrofauna assemblages in the North Ionian Sea. The analysis was based on a total of 20,295 specimens of 405 taxa, almost entirely identified at species level. Multivariate and univariate analyses showed idiosyncratic patterns of assemblage change with increasing distance from the platforms. Potential reasons underlying such inconsistency are analyzed and the view that structured experimental monitoring is a crucial tool to quantify the extent and magnitude of potential threats and to provide sound baseline information on biodiversity patterns is supported.  相似文献   

The gas field in the center of Ordos Basin has been conventionally considered as a large gas pool with thin reservoirs. However, lots of phenomena contrary to this concept occur in the exploration and production process. It is proposed that the gas field is composed of many small lithological gas pools, sourced from and reservoired in the same Ordovician formation which is an underpressured fluid compartment. A dynamic equilibrium moldel of natural gas migration and accumulation has been developed to illustrate the formation mechanism of these gas pools.  相似文献   

The components and carbon isotope of gases in inclusions are one of the most important geochemical indexes for gas pools.The analysis results of the components and carbon isotope of gases from inclusions in reservoir layers of Upper Palaeozoic gas pools in the Ordos Basin show that most inclusions grown in reservoir sandstone are primary inclusions.There is only a little difference about the components and carbon isotope between the well gases and the secondary inclusions gases.This indicated that the epigenetic change of gas pools is little.This difference between the well gases and the secondary inclusions gases is caused by two reasons:(i)The well gases come from several disconnected sand bodies buried in a segment of depth,while the inclusion gases come from a point of depth.(ii)The secondary inclusions trapped the gases generated in the former stage of source rock gas generation,and the well gases are the mixed gases generated in all the stages.It is irresponsible to reconstruct the palaeo-temperature and palaeo-pressure under which the gas pool formed using carbon dioxide inclusions.  相似文献   

The concept and division method for petroleum accumulation system,based on layer structure,are presented according to characteristics of layer structure and reservoirs. The petroleum accumulation system of Jiyang depression can be divided into four levels,namely petroleum accumulation system combination,petroleum accumulation system,oil-gas reservoir combination and reservoir. The petro-leum accumulation system combination includes three types of genetic pattern: other-source bur-ied-ridge accumulation system combination in pre-Paleogene,medium-deep layer self-source accu-mulation system combination in Paleogene,and shallow layer other-source accumulation system combination in Neogene. This paper also describes the reservoir types and their distribution charac-teristics of different petroleum accumulation system combinations and their interior units.  相似文献   

对取自黔中喀斯特地区克酬水库32cm长沉积物柱样进行^137Cs比活度以及粒度测定,结合气象站点降雨数据进行比对分析,对沉积物不同层位的年代进行了划分,并以此结合质量深度推算了1960-2004年间该水库的沉积速率。结合实例分析了^137Cs沉降、运移和沉积,改进了仅依靠^137Cs峰值定年方法,认为在流域面积较小、^137Cs比活度测试绝对数值较小的流域,降水和其他条件造成的土壤侵蚀程度差异可能是造成土壤中^137Cs进入湖泊沉积物多少的更主要原因,并表现为沉积物中^137Cs不同层位的差异。  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed the relationship between the occurrence of the invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water quality properties as well as macroinvertebrate diversity in a tropical reservoir, situated in western Ecuador. Macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical water quality variables were sampled at 32 locations (during the dry season of 2013) in both sites covered and non-covered by water hyacinth in the Daule-Peripa reservoir. The results indicated that, in terms of water quality, only turbidity was significantly different between sampling sites with and without water hyacinth (Mann–Whitney U-test, p < 0.01). The habitat suitability model showed that water hyacinth was present at sites with a low turbidity. The percentage water hyacinth cover increased with decreasing turbidity. The Biological Monitoring Working Party-Colombia score and the Margalef diversity index were significantly higher (Mann–Whitney U-test, p < 0.01) at sampling sites where water hyacinth was present compared to water hyacinth absent sites. However, there were no significant differences in the Shannon–Wiener index, Evenness index and Simpson index between the sampling sites with and without water hyacinth. Our results suggest that water hyacinth cover was an important variable affecting the diversity of macroinvertebrates in the Daule-Peripa reservoir, with intermediate levels of water hyacinth cover having a positive effect on the diversity of macroinvertebrates. Information on the habitat suitability of water hyacinth and its effect on the physico-chemical water quality and the macroinvertebrate community are essential to develop conservation and management programs for large tropical reservoirs such as the Daule-Peripa reservoir and the Guayas river basin, where water resources are being at high risk due to expansion of agricultural and industrial development activities.  相似文献   

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