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过去千年气候变化的数值模拟研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在阐述千年气候变化研究意义的基础上,围绕着如何利用气候系统模式来对过去千年的气候变化进行归因模拟、以理解其中自然和人为因素的作用问题,总结和评述了国际上相关研究进展,进一步归纳了千年气候变化数值模拟中亟待解决的科学问题,重点包括千年气候演变中自然变率特征时段(即中世纪暖期和小冰期)与人类活动影响时段(即20世纪气候变暖)的气候差别,在中世纪暖期、小冰期和20世纪气候变暖这3个特征时段上,自然变化和人类活动影响的作用与机制比较、中国过去千年气候演变的模拟等,随后,扼要介绍了国家自然科学基金重大项目"中国地区树轮及千年气候变化研究"之课题"中国千年气候变化数值模拟与机理研究"的主要研究内容.  相似文献   

关于未来温室变暖的程度,目前仍是个未知数。但是,对于过去一个世纪的全球变暖,绝大多数气候学家确信是真的,这并非气候记录误差造成的,而是由于日益扩大的城市面积所引起的。在未来的数年中,不断精确的长期气候记录,在帮助科学家们判断温室变暖的程度有多大的难题方面,将是极其重要的。 与世界气候记录有关的恼人问题是,由日益增多的城填及都市侵占了气象台站而引起的误差。城市一般比乡村热。在秋季,霜冻的前兆首先出现在市郊,只有到了后来才进入城市中心。混凝土、沥青及屋顶不同于  相似文献   

西北干旱区石羊河流域末次冰期晚期气候不稳定性记录   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
张成君  王琪 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):646-650
通过对我国西北干旱区石羊河流域三角城末次冰期最盛期晚期-晚冰期地层剖面沉积物中有机质碳同位素分析,表明在季风边缘带的沉积地层中较详细地记录了这一时期气候快速颤动,发生千年至百年尺度的冷干-温湿变化,高分辨的有机质碳同位素组成与GRIP氧同位素组成有较好的可比性,表明与全球古气候变化有明显的联系,也反映在末次冰期最盛期与晚冰期过渡期气候温湿,陆地植被比较发育,可能与东亚季风有关。有机质碳同位素这一指标对气候记录较敏感,是重建干旱区高分辨古气候演化模式十分有效的手段,在季风交汇带能灵敏地记录到气候快速变化。  相似文献   

本文通过搜寻公元10世纪冰岛埃尔加(Eldgjá)火山喷发前后(公元932~948年)各地气候冷暖变化的历史文献记录以及树轮记录,重点发掘并考订了中国的历史文献记录,对公元10世纪冰岛埃尔加火山喷发的气候效应,特别是对中国的气候效应进行了分析.综合中国、欧洲和中东以及日本等地的历史文献记录与树轮记录,发现埃尔加火山喷发后的气候变冷集中在公元934~935年和公元939~942年两个时期.公元934~935年的降温可能是欧洲和中东的区域性降温,公元939~942年的降温在全球范围有广泛表现.埃尔加火山喷发开始后直至公元938年,中国出现了区域性的气候变暖,变暖的峰值可能在公元934年.从现有历史文献证据分析,埃尔加火山喷发后中国的降温发生在公元939~942年.初步估计,公元939年到940年冬季(939年12月至940年2月)中国洛阳开封一带相对于公元933~938年的降温幅度可达5℃~8℃.我们对埃尔加火山喷发过程的考订印证了前人的推测:埃尔加火山在3~8年的喷发过程中,可能于公元934年和939年前后各出现一个喷发的高潮.  相似文献   

北极阿拉斯加巴罗地区Elson湖长60cmAB—67钻孔岩芯提供了过去450年连续的高分辨环境变化记录。综合分析210Pb测年、沉积物粒度、有机质、化学元素和微体古生物化石等资料,一致反映出巴罗地区过去450年的气候、环境变化过程存在如下3个阶段:1)大约1540~1740年,为低海面寒冷时期;2)1740~1827年,为气候转暖-海侵过渡时期;3)1827年至今,为继续海侵-气候波动变暖时期。其中1800年前后和1940年前后,气温较高。1921~1993年巴罗的气温记录说明,北极地区气温不仅有明显的10a和60a周期变化,而且年平均温度变幅极大,达4.5℃。显示极地气候变化特别强烈并不反映大幅度升温。近20年来的变暖趋势是1827年以来自然的气候波动变暖的继续。  相似文献   

本文通过搜寻公元10世纪冰岛埃尔加(Eldgjá)火山喷发前后(公元932~948年)各地气候冷暖变化的历史文献记录以及树轮记录,重点发掘并考订了中国的历史文献记录,对公元10世纪冰岛埃尔加火山喷发的气候效应,特别是对中国的气候效应进行了分析。综合中国、欧洲和中东以及日本等地的历史文献记录与树轮记录,发现埃尔加火山喷发后的气候变冷集中在公元934~935年和公元939~942年两个时期。公元934~935年的降温可能是欧洲和中东的区域性降温,公元939~942年的降温在全球范围有广泛表现。埃尔加火山喷发开始后直至公元938年,中国出现了区域性的气候变暖,变暖的峰值可能在公元934年。从现有历史文献证据分析,埃尔加火山喷发后中国的降温发生在公元939~942年。初步估计,公元939年到940年冬季(939年12月至940年2月)中国洛阳开封一带相对于公元933~938年的降温幅度可达5℃~8℃。我们对埃尔加火山喷发过程的考订印证了前人的推测:埃尔加火山在3~8年的喷发过程中,可能于公元934年和939年前后各出现一个喷发的高潮。  相似文献   

北极巴罗Elson湖过去450年气候与环境变化记录   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
北极阿拉斯加巴罗地区Elson湖长60cmAB—67钻孔岩芯提供了过去450年连续的高分辨环境变化记录。综合分析210Pb测年、沉积物粒度、有机质、化学元素和微体古生物化石等资料,一致反映出巴罗地区过去450年的气候、环境变化过程存在如下3个阶段:1)大约1540~1740年,为低海面寒冷时期;2)1740~1827年,为气候转暖-海侵过渡时期;3)1827年至今,为继续海侵-气候波动变暖时期。其中1800年前后和1940年前后,气温较高。1921~1993年巴罗的气温记录说明,北极地区气温不仅有明显的10a和60a周期变化,而且年平均温度变幅极大,达4.5℃。显示极地气候变化特别强烈并不反映大幅度升温。近20年来的变暖趋势是1827年以来自然的气候波动变暖的继续。  相似文献   

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中国第四纪研究委员会高分辨率气候记录专业委员会与珊瑚礁专业委员会 2 0 0 1年1 0月在广州联合召开了第一次学术会议 ,对中国高分辨率气候 -环境记录的研究做了回顾和展望。作为中国高分辨气候记录研究的一次巡礼 ,本期所刊出的大部分文章就是由高分辨率气候记录专业委员会组稿、经有关专家审稿和作者们认真修改后的成果。几种重要的年分辨率气候记录 ,如历史文献、石笋、树轮、珊瑚和冰芯本期都涉及到了。从中能够了解到 ,中国的高分辨率气候环境记录研究究竟能够做什么或正在做什么。怀着喜悦的心情 ,我们在本期文章中看到了一些有新意…  相似文献   

杨保  谭明 《第四纪研究》2009,29(5):880-887
集成中国季风区石笋氧同位素记录的共同变化特征,初步建立了近千年10年平均的东亚夏季风演变序列。在10年尺度以上分析了东亚夏季风演变与其他气候要素变化之间的关系。主要结论有: 1)近千年来东亚夏季风演变可划分为中世纪时期(11~13世纪初期)的季风稍弱阶段,13世纪中后期至14世纪前半叶的季风较强时期,14世纪后半叶至17世纪的季风较弱阶段,自18世纪开始持续约200年的季风再次增强时期,以及20世纪初开始的季风逐渐减弱阶段。2)近千年来东亚大陆或北半球温度的变化虽然对东亚夏季风变化具有一定的影响,但东亚夏季风强度的变化并不总是取决于陆地温度的变化。3)近千年来东亚夏季风的强弱变化与降水变化在低频趋势上有良好的对应关系,在东亚夏季风增强的时期,中国东部降水较多,而在夏季风减弱时,中国东部降水趋于偏少。  相似文献   

东北北部多年冻土的退化现状及原因分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
在全球范围内,我国东北冻土区是受气候变暖和人为活动影响最显著的地区之一.近几十年来,区内冻土退化显著,大兴安岭多年冻土退化主要表现为多年冻土上限下降,温度升高,厚度减薄,融区扩大;多年冻土岛消失及多年冻土南界北移等几个方面.多年冻土退化的主要自然原因归结于气候变暖,特别是冬季变暖,降水和积雪时段和厚度等气候变化因素.以城镇化、重大工程建设为代表的人类活动,已对该区冻土和环境产生深刻影响,导致了多年冻土的快速、显著和大规模退化,但其影响机制的合理解释还需深入研究.  相似文献   

末次冰消期转暖的过程和机制一直是古气候研究的热点,然而对于末次冰消期全球气候在时间、空间上的变化以及热带低纬度地区在其中发挥的作用仍不明确。文章根据我国中低纬度地区的湖光岩玛珥湖、渭南黄土剖面和东海DGKS9603孔沉积物中的植硅体等环境指标的分析,研究了末次冰消期在这些地区的变化特点,并结合古里雅冰芯和南京葫芦洞石笋氧同位素记录与南极BYRD冰芯、北极格陵兰GRIP冰芯氧同位素记录进行了对比。结果表明,各地区转暖的时间并不同步,明显受印度洋季风或东南季风影响的古里雅、湖光岩地区是气候转暖较早的地区,格陵兰地区的快速转暖滞后于我国中低纬度转暖1.5~2.0ka以上。如何理解高纬度和热带低纬度地区气候转暖的差异性问题及其原因和机制有待于更多高分辨率气候记录研究和模型的检验。  相似文献   

Great change, associated with global warming, has occurred at the Hailuogou (海螺沟)has retreated 1 822 m in the past 106 years, with an annual mean retreat of 17.2 m, and the front elevation has risen by 300 m since 1823. Comparison of glacier variations and temperature fluctuations in China and the Northern Hemisphere, over the last 100 years, indicates that glacier retreat stages occurred during the warm phase, and vice versa. Mass balance records during 1959/60--2003/04 have shown that the glacier has suffered a constant mass loss of snow and ice. The accumulated mass balance, -10.83 m water equivalent, indicates an annual mean value of -0.24 m water equivalent. The correlation between the mass balance and temperature is significant, which also indicates that climate warming is the crucial cause of glacier loss.Local hydrological and climatic data demonstrate that runoff from the glacier has been increasing both seasonally and annually.The correlation analysis and trend analysis indicate that ice and snow melted water is the main cause of an increase in the runoff. As the climate has become warmer, changes in the glacier surface morphology have obviously occurred. These include a decrease in glacier thickness, enlargement of glacial caves, and reduction of the size of clefts on the glacier surface. The ablation period has lengthened and the ablation area has expanded. A variety of factors thus provide evidence that the Hailuogou glacier has suffered a rapid loss of snow and ice as a result of climatic warming.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that magnetic properties and sediment particle size of Chinese loess deposits provide information on past behaviour of Chinese summer and winter monsoons, respectively (Heller and Evans, 1995; Derbyshire et al, 1997). It has been suggested that the East Asian winter monsoon system in particular is teleconnected on earth orbital and sub-orbital timescales to climatic states and events in high northern latitudes, especially northern hemisphere ice volume and Heinrich events, (Porter and An, 1995; Chen et al., 1997). However, the majority of this research has been performed around the central part of the Chinese Loess Plateau where the rate of dust accumulation is relatively low, thus limiting the potential resolution of palaeoclimatic records. Here we present a high resolution (5mm / ~20 yr interval) magnetic susceptibility record from an thick loess deposit located at Caoxian in the north-western part of the Loess Plateau. The record spans the “Lateglacial” (last glacial / interglacial transition) and when placed on a palaeomagnetic chronology shows a relationship with the GISP2 proxy air temperature record from Greenland (Grootes et al., 1993; Meese et al., 1994; Stuiver et al 1995). The results demonstrate that several Lateglacial climatic fluctuations previously reported in the North Atlantic region and in Europe are also recorded in China. In addition, the apparent absence of a signal corresponding to the Bølling Interstadial in China during the early deglaciation suggests that, at certain times, the apparent North Atlantic — Asian monsoon teleconnection may have collapsed. The demonstrated ability of the loess deposits to resolve sub-millennial scale climate variations points to their potential as a previously unexplored archive for very high-resolution studies of terrestrial climate.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》1986,26(1):3-26
Denton and Hughes (1983, Quaternary Research 20, 125–144) postulated that sea level linked a global ice-sheet system with both terrestrial and grounded marine components during late Quaternary ice ages. Summer temperature changes near Northern Hemisphere melting margins initiated sea-level fluctuations that controlled marine components in both polar hemispheres. It was further proposed that variations of this ice-sheet system amplified and transmitted Milankovitch summer half-year insolation changes between 45 and 75°N into global climatic changes. New tests of this hypothesis implicate sea level as a major control of the areal extent of grounded portions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, thus fitting the concept of a globally interlocked ice-sheet system. But recent atmospheric modeling results (Manabe and Broccoli, 1985, Journal of Geophysical Research 90, 2167–2190) suggest that factors other than areal changes of the grounded Antarctic Ice Sheet strongly influenced Southern Hemisphere climate and terminated the last ice age simultaneously in both polar hemispheres. Atmospheric carbon dioxide linked to high-latitude oceans is the most likely candidate (Shackleton and Pisias, 1985, Atmospheric carbon dioxide, orbital forcing, and climate. In “The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric CO2: Natural Variations Archean to Present” (E. T. Sundquest and W. S. Broecker, Eds.), pp. 303–318. Geophysical Monograph 32, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.), but another potential influence was high-frequency climatic oscillations (2500 yr). It is postulated that variations in atmospheric carbon dioxide acted through an Antarctic ice shelf linked to the grounded ice sheet to produce and terminate Southern Hemisphere ice-age climate. It is further postulated that Milankovitch summer insolation combined with a warm high-frequency oscillation caused marked recession of Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet melting margins and the North Atlantic polar front about 14,000 14C yr B.P. This permitted renewed formation of North Atlantic Deep Water, which could well have controlled atmospheric carbon dioxide (W. S. Broecker, D. M. Peteet, and D. Rind, 1985, Nature (London) 315, 21–26). Combined melting and consequent sea-level rise from the three warming factors initiated irreversible collapse of the interlocked global ice-sheet system, which was at its largest but most vulnerable configuration.  相似文献   

利用Olympus偏光显微镜,直接在光学薄片上对长江中游和尚洞HS4石笋进行微层计数,并测量微层厚度。微层计数结果与其对应的UTh定年结果相吻合,证明该支石笋微层为年层;统计分析说明,该石笋的年层厚度变化响应近百年来东亚夏季风强度变化,两者呈负相关,说明长江中游石笋生长受东亚夏季风制约。因而,长江中游石笋年层厚度可以作为高分辨率的东亚夏季风强度代用指标。  相似文献   

过去2000年中国东部冬半年温度变化   总被引:57,自引:9,他引:57       下载免费PDF全文
根据近年收集、整理的历史文献冷暖记载及过去有关研究结果,对中国东部地区过去2000年冬半年的温度状况进行了定量推断,重建了中国东部地区过去2000年分辨率为10~30年的冬半年温度距平变化序列,并分析了中国东部过去2000年的冷暖变化阶段与变化幅度。结果发现:在过去2000年中,中国东部冬半年温度高于1951~1980年平均值且持续时间超过百年的暖期有4个,其中最暖的30年出现在1230’s~1250’s(较1951~1980年高0.9℃);低于1951~1980年平均值且持续时间超过百年的冷期有3个,其中最冷的30年出现在1650’s~1670’s(较1951~1980年低1.1℃)。在冷暖期之间相互转换的过程中,冬半年温度一般都出现1℃左右的升、降温;在冷暖期内,一些幅度较大的升、降温也与之相仿;在相邻的两个30年中,温度变化幅度达0.5℃以上的有19次之多。对比过去2000年中的冷暖交替变化还可以看出:20世纪回暖时的升温幅度与过去2000年中的其他回暖过程所出现的幅度相似,特别是与5世纪末至6世纪的回暖极为相似;而在当前温暖阶段中,1981~1999年较1951~1980年升高了0.5℃,不但使其接近过去2000年中的最暖30年,而  相似文献   

德吉  姚檀栋  姚平  陈昱凝 《冰川冻土》2013,35(6):1382-1390
气候冷暖变化问题是全球科学家研究的一个聚焦点,但高海拔地区的气候变化过程尚不十分清楚,作为全球气候变化的敏感区的青藏高原更是如此. 以青藏高原北部的古里雅冰芯、唐古拉冰芯和南部的达索普冰芯、宁金岗桑冰芯δ18O记录作为温度代用指标,同时结合青藏高原西北缘的吉尔吉斯斯坦Naryn站长期气象记录和北半球同时期的气温变化进行比较,研究了过去100 a来青藏高原北部和南部的温度变化. 结果显示:青藏高原过去100 a来共出现1910年左右、1920年左右、1950年左右、1970年代4个冷期,各冷期之间对应出现4次暖期,并且变冷的程度越来越弱而变暖的程度越来越强. 其次,青藏高原气候的变冷变暖在不同地区和不同时段差异很大:从空间尺度上看,青藏高原北部变暖过程比南部更强烈;从时间尺度上看,1910年左右和1920年左右的两次变冷十分明显,但1950年左右和1970年代的两次变冷不明显. 另外,虽然有发生在1990年代早期的短暂降温过程,但与其说是一个冷事件,还不如说是一次变暖过程中的短暂停顿,随后表现为持续升温.  相似文献   

By comparison with the Northern Hemisphere, there is a paucity of high-resolution, continuous records extending into the Last Glacial Maximum from the Southern Hemisphere. With specific reference to coastal eastern Australia, there are long records of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental variability available from the tropical north and temperate south. However, there are significant spatial gaps between such records: in particular, until relatively recently, little attention had been paid to the subtropics. This review paper summarises understanding of regional paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic variability in coastal eastern Australia during the termination of the Last Glacial Stage, with the aim of highlighting gaps in the current state of knowledge. Recommendations for future research are prioritised to answer knowledge gaps in understanding climate variability in eastern Australia between ca 33–18 kyr BP.  相似文献   

地下水年代测定对于了解地下水循环具有十分重要的意义。放射性氪同位素85Kr(半衰期10.8a)、81Kr(半衰期0.23Ma)具有十分理想的地球物理化学特性,十分适于对溶解了大气的水或冰样品进行绝对年代测定。由于样品中的放射性氪原子量极少,利用81Kr含量进行地下水测年时需要数吨水样品才能完成(Earth and Planetary Science Letters,2000,182:103~113;Geophysical Research Letters,2004,31: L05503)。本文主要介绍我们在中国科学技术大学建立的激光冷却氪原子测量装置,该系统已经成功地对氪原子进行了激光冷却和囚禁,实现了单个放射性氪原子81Kr和85Kr的计数测量。氪原子的冷却捕获速率被大幅提高,预计测年应用中所需样品量可减小一个量级以上,这将使得我们可以开展新的地下水年代测定应用。  相似文献   

The Mesozoic Liaonan metamorphic core complex (mcc) of the southeastern Liaoning province, North China, is an asymmetric Cordilleran-style complex with a west-rooting master detachment fault, the Jinzhou fault. A thick sequence of lower plate, fault-related mylonitic and gneissic rocks derived from Archean and Early Cretaceous crystalline protoliths has been transported ESE-ward from mid-crustal depths. U–Pb ages of lower plate syntectonic plutons (ca. 130–120 Ma), 40Ar–39Ar cooling ages in the mylonitic and gneissic sequence (ca. 120–110 Ma), and a Cretaceous supradetachment basin attest to the Early Cretaceous age of this extensional complex. The recent discovery of the coeval and similarly west-rooting Waziyu mcc in western Liaoning [Darby, B.J., Davis, G.A., Zhang, X., Wu, F., Wilde, S., Yang, J., 2004. The newly discovered Waziyu metamorphic core complex, Yiwulushan, western Liaoning Province, North China. Earth Science Frontiers 11, 145–155] indicates that the Gulf of Liaoning, which lies between the two complexes, was the center of a region of major crustal extension.Clockwise crustal rotation of a large region including eastern Liaoning province and the Korean Peninsula with respect to a non-rotated North China block has been conclusively documented by paleomagnetic studies over the past decade. The timing of this rotation and the reasons for it are controversial. Lin et al. [Lin, W., Chen, Y., Faure, M., Wang, Q., 2003. Tectonic implication of new Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic constraints from Eastern Liaoning Peninsula, NE China. Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (B-6) (EPM 5-1 to 5-17)] proposed that a clockwise rotation of 22.5° ± 10.2° was largely post-Early Cretaceous in age, and was the consequence of extension within a crustal domain that tapers southwards towards the Bohai Sea (of which the Gulf of Liaoning is the northernmost part). Paleomagnetic studies of Early Cretaceous strata (ca 134–120 Ma) in the Yixian–Fuxin supradetachment basin of the Waziyu mcc indicate the non-rotation of North China and the basin [Zhu, R.X., Shao, J.A., Pan, Y.X., Shi, R.P., Shi, G.H., Li, D.M., 2002. Paleomagnetic data from Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks of West Liaoning: evidence for intracontinental rotation. Chinese Science Bulletin 47, 1832–1837]. Such upper-plate non-rotation supports our conclusion that the lower plates of the Waziyu and Liaonan metamorphic core complexes were displaced ESE-ward in an absolute sense away from the stable North China block, thus contributing to the rotation of Korea and contiguous areas. Rotation is inferred to have affected only the upper crust above mid-crustal levels into which we believe the Jinzhou and Waziyu detachment fault zones flattened. If this is the case, the regional Tan Lu fault that lies between the two core complexes was truncated at mid-crustal depth, since in areas to the south it forms the boundary between the North and South China lithospheric blocks. It is noteworthy that the two extensional complexes lie not far north of the Bohai Bay, the area proposed by Lin et al. [Lin, W., Chen, Y., Faure, M., Wang, Q., 2003. Tectonic implication of new Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic constraints from Eastern Liaoning Peninsula, NE China. Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (B-6) (EPM 5-1 to 5-17)] as the site of the pole of rotation for Korea's clockwise displacement.Lin et al. [Lin, W., Chen, Y., Faure, M., Wang, Q., 2003. Tectonic implication of new Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic constraints from Eastern Liaoning Peninsula, NE China. Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (B-6) (EPM 5-1 to 5-17)] were unaware of the Liaonan and Waziyu mcc's and argued that most of the regional block rotation was post-Early Cretaceous and, in part, early Cenozoic. However, the ca. 130–120 Ma ages of the two Liaoning mcc's and a Songliao basin mcc (Xujiaweizi), the latter discovered only by recent drilling through its younger stratigraphic cover, support our and some Korean coworkers' conclusions that most of the clockwise rotation was Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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