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伽马射线暴的光变复杂度是描述其光变曲线复杂程度的物理量.由已知红移的伽马射线暴,Reichart等人发现其光变复杂度与各向同性光度之间有正相关性(LαVα,α在1.77~3.5之间),即光变越复杂,光度越高.此相关性类似于造父变星的周光关系,可用来估计伽马暴的距离和红移.调研、分析了各种光变复杂度的定义、算法和光变复杂度-各向同性光度关系的拟合结果,最后对光变复杂度和光度之间的关系做了总结和展望.  相似文献   

Swift时代伽马暴的观测及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Swift卫星从2004年11月20日升空开始运转到现在已有2年多时间.到目前为止,它-共观测到了200多个伽马暴及其余辉现象.由于Swift观测到了早期X射线余辉、短暴余辉和高红移伽马暴等新的重要现象,伽马暴研究进入了新的时代.该文首先对伽马暴的研究历史做简短回顾,然后简要介绍伽马暴的物理图像和Swift卫星的构成及特点,最后全面评述Swift的观测成就及由此引起的理论挑战.  相似文献   

γ射线暴的研究进展(Ⅱ):γ暴的辐射机制及能谱形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦大明 《天文学进展》1995,13(3):220-223
在中子星作为γ暴源的基础上讨论了各种辐射机制及能谱形成。由于中子星表面磁场很强,我们首先讨论了强磁场中的辐射过程,包括同步辐射和吸收,单光子和双光子的产生和湮灭,康普顿散射,轫致辐射等。  相似文献   

γ暴余辉的发现是γ暴研究史上的一个重大突破,火球模型几乎可以较好地解释γ暴余辉的观测特性。但在标准的火球模型中,通常只考虑电子的同步加速辐射,没有考虑电子逆康普顿散射的贡献。这里我们详细计算了逆康普顿散射对γ暴余辉的影响,发现在一定的条件下,逆康普顿散射的影响是很重要的,它可以显著地改变辐射能谱,进而改变γ暴余辉的光变特性。  相似文献   

韦大明 《天文学进展》1995,13(3):206-219
文中评述了过去20年中对γ暴的观测结果,包括它的时间特性,能谱特征和空间分布。γ暴的时间结构非常复杂,持续时间相关很大,从小于1s到1000s,平均大约为15s。  相似文献   

伴随着引力波事件GW170817的短暴GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst) 170817A首次提供了双中子星并合与短暴相联系的直接证据.但是短暴GRB 170817A具有非常弱的光度,意味着观测的视线方向可能偏离喷流轴方向.根据短暴静止系的峰值能量E_(p,i)和各向同性光度L_(iso)。之间的关系以及洛伦兹因子Γ和L_(iso)。之间的关系估算了短暴GRB 170817A以及长短暴GRB 060614观测角与喷流边缘的夹角θ'_(obs)和洛伦兹因子Γ,结果表明GRB 170817A的Γ=45±27,θ'_(obs)=2.2±0.5°,而GRB 060614的Γ=214±93,θ'_(obs)=0.5±0.1°.这个结果相当于GRB 170817A的正轴各向同性光度L_(iso,on)=(2.1±0.7)×10~(49) erg·s~(-1),比典型的短暴少2-3个数量级.GRB 060614的L_(iso,on)=(5.12±1.91)×10~(51) erg·s~(-1)与典型短暴相当.这意味着GRB 060614可能属于短暴类型,而GRB 170817A可能本质上就是一个弱暴.  相似文献   

黎卓  戴子高 《天文学报》1999,40(3):225-229
在γ射线暴( 简称γ暴) 的火球模型下,γ暴余辉存在等时面,面上发射的光子会同时被观测到.通过对等时面积分来计算辐射流量Fν(t) ,结果表明等时面的引入对峰值以及峰值前后流量随观测者时间的变化关系有明显的影响  相似文献   

高能伽马射线探测是研究极端天体物理的主要途径之一.空间高能伽马射线探测具有覆盖波段宽、时间连续性好、能量分辨率高等突出优势.在成功研发并运行我国首颗天文卫星—“悟空”号(DArk Matter Particle Explorer, DAMPE)的基础上,紫金山天文台联合国内的多家单位提议研制甚大面积伽马射线空间望远镜(Very Large Area gamma-ray Space Telescope, VLAST),该望远镜在GeV–TeV能段接受度高达10 m2·sr,并具有强的MeV–GeV波段探测能力,其综合性能预期比费米卫星的大面积伽马望远镜(Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope))提升10倍之上.重点介绍了VLAST的主要科学目标,探测器的初步配置及预期性能指标.  相似文献   

伽玛射线暴是一种来自宇宙空间随机方向的短时间内伽玛射线突然增亮的现象。伽玛射线暴虽然早在1967年就由Vela卫星观测到,但直到1997年人们才通过余辉观测确定其寄主星系,并通过寄主星系的红移最终确定了伽玛射线暴的宇宙学起源。对伽玛射线暴研究概况进行了评述:详细介绍了伽玛射线暴及其余辉的观测进展,特别是近期Swift卫星和Fermi卫星带来的新发现;系统描述了伽玛射线暴标准火球模型、伽玛射线暴余辉物理(相对论性外流与暴周环境介质的相互作用过程、辐射产生机制等)及伽玛射线暴的前身星等。也对伽玛射线暴的未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

γ射线暴研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎卓  戴子高  陆埮 《天文学进展》2003,21(4):334-369
γ射线暴(简称γ暴)的研究自1997年以来由于余辉的发现而有了很大的突破。在此,对γ暴的观测作了简要的概述,而对γ暴的理论进展和存在问题进行了较为全面的评述,内容包括γ暴本身、余辉、能源机制、寄主星系、暴周环境、高能粒子和引力波辐射、宇宙学意义等。  相似文献   

The complex structure of the light curves of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) has made the identification of breaks, and the interpretation of the blast wave caused by the burst, more difficult than in the pre- Swift era. We aim to identify breaks, which are possibly hidden, and to constrain the blast wave parameters; electron energy distribution, p , density profile of the circumburst medium, k , and the continued energy injection index, q . We do so by comparing the observed multiwavelength light curves and X-ray spectra of our sample to the predictions of the blast wave model. We can successfully interpret all of the bursts in our sample of 10, except two, within this framework and we can estimate, with confidence, the electron energy distribution index for 6 of the sample. Furthermore, we identify jet breaks in a number of the bursts. A statistical analysis of the distribution of p reveals that, even in the most conservative case of least scatter, the values are not consistent with a single, universal value. The values of k suggest that the circumburst density profiles are not drawn from only one of the constant density or wind-like media populations.  相似文献   

We study the spectral and energetics properties of 47 long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with known redshift, all of them detected by the Swift satellite. Due to the narrow energy range (15–150 keV) of the Swift -BAT detector, the spectral fitting is reliable only for fitting models with two or three parameters. As high uncertainty and correlation among the errors is expected, a careful analysis of the errors is necessary. We fit both the power law (PL, two parameters) and cut-off power law (CPL, three parameters) models to the time-integrated spectra of the 47 bursts, and we present the corresponding parameters, their uncertainties and the correlations among the uncertainties. The CPL model is reliable only for 29 bursts for which we estimate the  ν f ν  peak energy E pk. For these GRBs, we calculate the energy fluence and the rest-frame isotropic-equivalent radiated energy,   E γ,iso  , as well as the propagated uncertainties and correlations among them. We explore the distribution of our homogeneous sample of GRBs on the rest-frame diagram   E 'pk  versus   E γ,iso  . We confirm a significant correlation between these two quantities (the 'Amati' relation) and we verify that, within the uncertainty limits, no outliers are present. We also fit the spectra to a Band model with the high-energy PL index frozen to −2.3, obtaining a rather good agreement with the 'Amati' relation of non- Swift GRBs.  相似文献   

In the collapsar scenario of the long duration Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs),multi-TeV neutrino emission is predicted as the jet makes its way through the stellar envelope.Such a neutrino signal is also expected for more general failed GRBs in which a putative jet is choked by a heavy envelope.If the ν e →νμ neutrino oscillation parameters are in the atmospheric neutrino oscillation range,we show that the resonant oscillation of ν e  νμ,τ can take place within the inner high density region of the choked jet prog...  相似文献   

The correlation between distant Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) and foreground galaxy clusters is re-examined by using the well localized (with an accuracy down to a few arcsec) Swift/XRT GRBs.The galaxy clusters are compiled from both the X-ray selected ROSAT brightest cluster sample (BCS) and the BCS extension by requiring δ≧ 0° and b ≧ 20°.The Swift/XRT GRBs fulfilling the above selection criteria are cross-correlated with the clusters.Both Nearest-Neighbor analysis and the angular two-point cross-correlation function show that there is not enough evidence supporting the correlation between the GRBs and foreground clusters.We suggest that the non-correlation is probably related to the GRB number-flux relation slope.  相似文献   

Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are fascinating celestial objects. These short, energetic bursts of gamma-rays mark the most violent, cataclysmic explosions in the universe, likely associated with the births of stellar- size black holes or rapidly spinning, highly magnetized neutron stars. Since the detections of their long- wavelength afterglows (Costa et al. 1997; van Paradijs et al. 1997; Frail et al. 1997), GRBs are observa- tionally accessible in essentially all electromagn…  相似文献   

We investigate redshift distributions of three long burst samples, with the first sample containing 131 long bursts with observed redshifts, the second including 220 long bursts with pseudo-redshifts calculated by the variability-luminosity relation, and the third including 1194 long bursts with pseudo-redshifts calculated by the lag-luminosity relation, respectively. In the redshift range 0-1 the Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability of the observed redshift distribution and that of the variability-luminosity relation is large. In the redshift ranges 1-2, 2-3, 3-6.3 and 0-37, the Kolmogorov-Smimov probabilities of the redshift distribution from lag-luminosity relation and the observed redshift distri-bution are also large. For the GRBs, which appear both in the two pseudo-redshift burst samples, the KS probability of the pseudo-redshift distribution from the lag-luminosity relation and the observed reshifi distribution is 0.447, which is very large. Based on these results, some conclusions are drawn: I) the V-Liso relation might be more believable than the τ-Liso relation in low redshift ranges and the τ-Liso relation might be more real than the V-Liso relation in high redshift ranges; ii) if we do not consider the redshift ranges, the τ-Liso relation might be more physical and intrinsical than the V-Liso relation.  相似文献   

Two dimensional distributions of T90 versus Epeak(or Ebreak)for three bright GRB samples have been investigated.The result shows that although both T90 and Epeak(or Ebreak) each span over a wide range,they are restricted to the region log(T90)≤-log(Epeak) 5.24.This cannot be explained by the current fireball model.It may represent a constraint on the fireball model.  相似文献   

If X-ray flashes (XRFs) and X-ray rich Gamma-ray Bursts (XRRGs) have the same origin as the Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) but are viewed off-center from structured jets, their early afterglows may differ from those of GRBs, and when the ultra-relativistic outflow inter- acts with the surrounding medium, there are two shocks formed, a forward shock (FS), and a reverse shock (RS). We calculate numerically the early afterglow powered by uniform jets, Gaussian jets and power-law jets in the forward-reverse shock scenario. A set of differential equations govern the dynamical evolution. The synchrotron self-Compton effect has been taken into account in the calculation. In the uniform jets, the very early afterglows of XRRGs and XRFs are significantly lower than the GRBs and the observed peak times of RS emission are later in the interstellar medium environment. The RS components in XRRGs and XRFs are difficult to detect, but in the stellar wind environment, the reduction of the very early flux and the delay of the RS peak time are not so remarkable. In nonuniform jets (Gaussian and power-law jets), where there are emission materials on the line of sight, the very early light curve resembles equivalent isotropic ejecta in general although the RS flux decay index shows notable deviations if the RS is relativistic (in stellar wind).  相似文献   

强磁场中的共振逆康普顿散射(RICS)是产生伽玛射线的有效机制.在前文工作的基础上,导出强磁场中子星中具有幂律能谱的大量相对论电子沿中子星磁轴向外运动时在变化磁场中产生的集体RICS辐射谱(RICS谱光度)的基本公式.由此得到在中子星周边几种典型的低频辐射场中集体RICS辐射谱形的简单解析表示(如热轫致辐射场、黑体辐射场,以及非热低频幂律谱辐射场),以便与实际观测谱形比较.计算表明:在满足匹配条件(即近似共振条件)下,RICS辐射效率很高,其谱形都是两段式(折断的)的幂律谱形式,与周边低频场性质无关.通过计算,再一次论证RICS机制是伽玛射线脉冲星和伽玛暴(GRBs)在高能射线段(硬X-射线和伽玛射线)辐射的一个理想的高效辐射机制。  相似文献   

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