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袁立明 《地球》2012,(8):60-63
2009年7月13日下午14——16时左右,北京最大降水量达74毫米,西三环主路被淹,丰益桥下积水水深达1米左右,造成西三环,西四环,南三环,南四环等地区发生大面积拥堵,截至晚22点左右(除丰益桥)方恢复正常。2011年7月23日下午,北京突降暴雨,最大降水量达到173.2毫米,造成地铁1号线,4号线部分线路雨水倒灌,暂停运营,同时,西二环,西三环,西四环,丰益桥,南四环,南五环发生大面积拥堵,多架航班延误,对此,人民日报发表评论文章《再遇暴雨,北京有谱了》。2012年7月21日,最大降雨量  相似文献   

氮及氮磷比对附着藻类及浮游藻类的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
宋玉芝  秦伯强  高光 《湖泊科学》2007,19(2):125-130
2005年5月至11月,在河北省YH水库选取5个具有代表性的样点,进行了微囊藻毒素-LR的调查,同时,测定了相应各样点的TN,TP,NH4-N,NO3-N和PO4-P.结果显示,水库中微囊藻毒素-LR(MC-LR)随季节发生变化,其中,7-10月期间相对较高,且大部分超过了生活饮用水地表水标准限值(1 μg/L);MC-LR与水体中的N、P之间的相互关系表明,5-7月期间,水库MC-LR与TP呈正相关,与NH4-N和TN/TP呈负相关;8-9月期间,水库中TP逐渐降低,但其它降低速率低于TN,造成TN/TP明显降低,MC-LR与TP和TN/TP呈正相关,与NH4-N呈负相关;10-11月期间,大量藻细胞死亡,释放到水体中MC-LR也逐渐下降,这时,大量外源营养盐也进入水库,造成微囊藻毒素-LR的变化与TN、NH4-N、NO3-N呈显著或极显著负相关.这说明在不同季节下,微囊藻毒素-LR与营养盐的关系不同,必须视实际情况而定.  相似文献   

This review paper summarizes the research of Mercury’s magnetosphere in the Post-MESSENGER era and compares its dynamics to those in other planetary magnetospheres,especially to those in Earth’s magnetosphere.This review starts by introducing the planet Mercury,including its interplanetary environment,magnetosphere,exosphere,and conducting core.The frequent and intense magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetopause,which is represented by the flux transfer event"shower",is reviewed on how they depend on magnetosheath plasma β and magnetic shear angle across the magnetopause,followed by how it contributes to the flux circulation and magnetosphere-surface-exosphere coupling.In the next,Mercury’s magnetosphere under extreme solar events,including the core induction and the reconnection erosion on the dayside magnetosphere,as well as the responses of the nightside magnetosphere,are reviewed.Then,the dawn-dusk properties of the plasma sheet,including the features of the ions,the structure of the current sheet,and the dynamics of magnetic reconnection,are summarized.The last topic is devoted to the particle energization in Mercury’s magnetosphere,which includes the energization of the Kelvin-Helmholtz waves on the magnetopause boundaries,reconnection-generated magnetic structures,and the cross-tail electric field.In each chapter,the last section discusses the open questions related to each topic,which can be considered by the simulations and the future spacecraft mission.We end this paper by summarizing the future Bepi Colombo opportunities,which is a joint mission of ESA and JAXA and is en route to Mercury.  相似文献   

In this paper, the particle acceleration processes around magnetotail dipolarization fronts(DFs) were reviewed. We summarize the spacecraft observations(including Cluster, THEMIS, MMS) and numerical simulations(including MHD, testparticle, hybrid, LSK, PIC) of these processes. Specifically, we(1) introduce the properties of DFs at MHD scale, ion scale, and electron scale,(2) review the properties of suprathermal electrons with particular focus on the pitch-angle distributions,(3)define the particle-acceleration process and distinguish it from the particle-heating process,(4) identify the particle-acceleration process from spacecraft measurements of energy fluxes, and(5) quantify the acceleration efficiency and compare it with other processes in the magnetosphere(e.g., magnetic reconnection and radiation-belt acceleration processes). We focus on both the acceleration of electrons and ions(including light ions and heavy ions). Regarding electron acceleration, we introduce Fermi,betatron, and non-adiabatic acceleration mechanisms;regarding ion acceleration, we present Fermi, betatron, reflection, resonance, and non-adiabatic acceleration mechanisms. We also discuss the unsolved problems and open questions relevant to this topic, and suggest directions for future studies.  相似文献   

董竞遥 《地球》2012,(6):96-97
去年暑假,妈妈带我去了向往已久的美丽云南。太多优美的景色让我大饱眼福,太多奇异的风土人情让我大开眼界,但一直让我记忆深刻的还要数虎跳峡了。我们从丽江赶往香格里拉的路上,一直是盘山路,急弯不断,而且海拔不断升高。虽然窗外美景处处,我却开始有晕车的感觉,昏昏欲睡。随着藏族导游的讲解指点,我抬头向窗外望去,一眼就看到了宽阔的金沙江横卧在眼前。别看金沙江有"金"字,江水却是奇妙的红色,缓缓、蜿蜒地向前流动着。不管怎样,这顿时让无精打采的我兴奋起来,猜测着将会有什么到来。  相似文献   

马云川 《地球》2012,(7):21-22
香港,每当提起这个名字,相信每个人都有一种想要亲自去看一看的冲动。美丽的维多利亚港,雄伟的国际会展中心……,不知道吸引了多少双眼睛,多少颗心。说她是东方明珠,其实更像是一个完美的情人,让人朝思暮想,让人恋恋不舍……然而万事万物均有始有终,香港也  相似文献   

张晶晶 《地球》2012,(7):108-109
吴子书,笔名"子书",字"虞心",号"双辑堂主人",别称"清心夫子"。吴子书自幼善书好写,研习书帖、碑刻、篆印。十七岁时正式学习书法,凭其天资聪慧,博众家之长,耕耘于执白守黑之间,挥洒于真草隶篆之中。吴子书的书法,绝名超美,灵姿秀俊。章法有制,狂中不燥。其超然之气度,天地合一之魂韵,令众人瞠目。欧阳先生说:大开大合者有,而当  相似文献   

段雯娟 《地球》2013,(5):13-17
正北京时间2013年4月20日8时02分,在四川,在雅安,在芦山,本来应该是一个有美好开始的早晨,也应该是一个安静的早晨,然而不应该动的却动了,天降灾难地动山摇,不应该毁的也毁了。一场灾难突然袭击,来不及逃脱,老天爷又跟四川开了个玩笑。雅安,不久的将来,你的世界,仍会春暖花开。8时02分四川省雅安市芦山县发生7.0级地震。震源深度13公里。截至4月27日8时,地震遇难人数升至  相似文献   

赵洪山 《地球》2014,(8):79-81
2013年7月2日,我们从美国拉斯维加斯出发,自驾车经过犹他州,来到位于亚利桑那州的小镇——佩吉。当天傍晚,夕阳西下,我们来到佩吉镇附近的包伟湖观景。包伟湖位于美国号称大峡谷州的亚利桑那州,是北美洲最大的人工湖之一,湖岸线超过3000公里,湖区内足足有96个峡谷。  相似文献   

<正>又是地震,又在四川。但这一次,与5年前不同,这一次,我们做得好了太多。五年前的汶川,让我们经历了巨大的痛苦,但也积累了许多救灾抗灾经验,毫无疑问,那些用众多生命和巨大财产损失换来的宝贵经验,在这一次的"4·20"四川芦山7.0级地震中,发挥了不可忽视的积极作用。无论是当地政府、各级相关部门、救援机构、志愿者乃至全国民众,至少,大家知道了该怎么做,如  相似文献   

As the rock samples will produce abnormal signals of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge signals under external loading, the waveform comprehensive monitoring devices are used to synchronously monitor acoustic emission, microseismic and charge signals during the deformation and failure process of granite with fault zone under uniaxial compression. The results show that, the granite with fault zone has obvious synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction in the elastic deformation stage, and has high amplitude synchronous precursory signals in the instability destruction stage. The influence of fault zone on granite samples strength is remarkable, and the uniaxial compressive strength of samples with the fault zone is greatly reduced. With the angle of the fault zone decreasing, the uniaxial compressive strength of the specimens is reduced, the samples are more liable to instability and the energy of instability destruction is greater. With the fault zone angle of granite samples decreasing, the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction signals increase in the deformation and failure process of samples. The samples stress decreases when the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals appear synchronously. The duration of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals is increasing in the instability destruction stage. When the angle of the fault zone reaches 30°, the mutability of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction signal increases, the time to enter the dangerous stage is much earlier, and the acoustic emission events of large magnitude increase significantly, and the large angle faults of coal mine are more dangerous. The intensive and high amplitude synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction are produced before the instability destruction, and the signals duration is shorter. The intensive and strongest synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction are produced in the instability destruction, and the signals duration is longer. Acoustic emission monitoring data can better reflect the micro rupture of rock. And combined with the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals, the precursory information of rock instability destruction can be obtained more accurately.  相似文献   

湖冰光谱特征是湖冰遥感反演的物理基础,是研究湖冰光学特性和空间分布的理论依据。本文以查干湖为例,使用ASD Field Spec 4便携式地物光谱仪采集冰封期不同类型湖冰、积雪和水体光谱,利用Savitzky-Golay滤波法和包络线去除法分析白冰、灰冰、黑冰、雪冰、积雪和水体的反射光谱特征,探索气泡对湖冰反射光谱特征的影响。积雪和雪冰、白冰和灰冰、黑冰和水体的反射特征随着波长的变化特征基本一致,冰的反射率介于积雪和水体之间,其中白冰的反射率高于灰冰和黑冰,在包络线去除结果中,黑冰和水体在440 nm吸收谷处的吸收面积为5.184和10.878、吸收深度为0.052和0.106,雪、雪冰、白冰、灰冰在800和1030 nm吸收谷处的吸收面积和吸收深度的变化表现为雪<雪冰<灰冰<白冰。气泡是影响湖冰光谱特征的重要因素,气泡使白冰反射率减小和黑冰反射率增大,并且气泡使得白冰在800/1030nm和黑冰在440 nm处的吸收面积和吸收深度减小,其中气泡大小和疏密程度的不同会导致湖冰反射率的影响程度存在差异。同时,本文选取时间同步的Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像,在完成辐...  相似文献   

湖库水环境保护在保障生产与生活用水、维系生态平衡、发展旅游等方面发挥着重要的作用.水质目标管理是保护湖库水质的最佳管理办法.本文以天目湖地区沙河水库及其流域为研究区域,建立模型模拟沙河水库流域的水文与水质,评估入库污染通量和主要来源;依据水质目标测算氮、磷污染的容量和减排量,结合土地的生态保护与开发适宜性评估,提出氮、磷污染分区减排和土地管控的对策和措施.研究结果表明,沙河水库氮、磷污染物入库通量分别为206.01和3.29 t/a,面源总氮和总磷分别占总入库量的85.7%和67.5%.不同土地利用类型氮、磷输出强度有显著差异,总氮输出强度依次为茶园 >耕地 >建筑用地 >裸地 >草地 >退耕地 >林地 >河湖漫滩,总磷输出强度与地表覆盖度有关,依次为裸地 >建筑用地 >茶园 >耕地 >草地 >退耕地 >林地和河湖漫滩.从氮、磷输移过程来看,沙河水库流域总氮排放量为321.64 t/a,进入河流的为255.53 t/a,在河道输送过程中损失19.4%,最终有206.01 t/a进入水库;沙河水库流域总磷排放量为13.42 t/a,进入河流的为7.90 t/a,在河道输送过程中损失58.3%,最终有3.29 t/a进入水库.不同分区河流氮、磷滞留降解率有很大的差异,中田河总氮、总磷滞留降解能力最强,分别为34.71%和84.31%.2009年的通量计算结果显示,沙河水库总氮达到Ⅳ类水质目标需要的入湖减少量为32.01 t/a,入湖削减比例为15.50%,总氮达到Ⅲ类水质目标需要的入湖减少量为59.66 t/a,入湖削减比例为29.00%;总磷达到Ⅲ类水需要的入湖减少量为0.682 t/a,入湖削减比例为20.70%,总磷达到Ⅱ类水需要的入湖减少量为1.479 t/a,入湖削减比例为44.90%.为了实现基于土地利用的面源污染减排管控,选定植被覆盖度、水源涵养能力、地形坡度、土地利用、氮磷分区贡献量、与道路和村落距离等指标综合评估生态保护价值和开发适宜性,并划定禁止开发区、限制开发区和保护性开发区3个管理分区,最终确定各分区的开发强度限制和管控方式.  相似文献   

Rotifera density, biomass, and secondary production on two marginal lakes of Paranapanema River were compared after the recovery of hydrologic connectivity with the river (São Paulo State, Brazil). Daily samplings were performed in limnetic zone of both lakes during the rainy season immediately after lateral inflow of water and, in the dry period, six months after hydrologic connectivity recovery. In order to identify the factors that affect rotifer population dynamics, lake water level, volume, depth, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, suspended solids, nutrients, and chlorophyll-a were determined. Variations of water physical and chemical factors that affect rotifer population were related to the lake-river degree of connection and to water level rising after drought. The water lateral inflow from the river resulted in an increase in lake water volume, depth, and transparency and a decrease in water pH, alkalinity, and suspended solids. The lake with the wider river connection, more frequent biota exchange, and larger amount of particulate and dissolved materials was richer and more diverse, while rotifer density, biomass, and productivity were lower in both periods studied. Density, biomass, and secondary production were higher in the lake with the smaller river connection and the higher physical and chemical stability. Our results show that the connectivity affects the limnological stability, associated to seasonality. Stable conditions, caused by low connectivity in dry periods, were related with high density, biomass and secondary production. Conversely, instability conditions in rainy periods were associated to elevated richness and diversity values, caused by exchange biota due to higher connectivity.  相似文献   

基于吸收滤波技术的储层气水性质识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前,人们主要从岩性、物性、电性、弹性阻抗等角度,对储层中气水的性质进行预测,然而成功率却并非很高.其实,从频率或能量响应的角度出发,或许能提高气水识别的成功率.由于频率是物质的固有属性,地震波经过含气或含水的储层后,在不同的频段将有不同的响应特征,但在原始地震剖面上却很不容易发现.利用基于ARMA模型时间序列分析方法和Prony信号分析理论的吸收滤波技术,结合测井、岩石物理、地质、地震等资料,分析含气储层和含水储层的不同吸收衰减特征和响应差异.由此可以实现气水性质的有效识别,最终达到直观、快捷的预测优质含气储层的目的.将该技术应用到气水裂缝理论模型的试算和川西坳陷深层须家河组气藏的含气性识别中,均获得了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   

[专稿]湖泊沉积物-水界面研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范成新 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1191-1218
湖泊沉积物-水界面是以水层/沉积层物相为基础、具有一定立体尺度的交接面,界面上所发生的由生物积极参与的物理、化学和生物学微小反应和环境变化,都会对界面附近物质的状态和迁移转化行为产生着复杂影响.本文首先回顾了沉积物-水界面研究100多年来的发展历程及国内外近20年发展.然后系统介绍了国际上对沉积物-水界面的物理尺度与结构的宏观和微观认识;重点综述了沉积物间隙水的取样、物化性质的多维测定与结构表征、过程的静态和动态模拟等湖泊沉积物-水界面研究技术与方法;分析和展示了氮磷等营养物、重金属和持久性有机污染物在湖泊沉积物-水界面迁移转化过程的研究进展;总结和归纳了在沉积物-水界面过程的模型研究、沉积物-水界面物质交换的定量化、界面过程与湖泊生态环境灾害关系等模型与过程效应方面的研究成果.最后对沉积物-水界面信息获取技术的研发方向、界面物质交换定量化研究的关注点,以及加强模型的应用和构建等方面进行了展望.  相似文献   

王赟  冯映雪    张波  杨勇 《世界地震工程》2021,(3):104-110
为了提高村镇承重夯土墙体的抗震性能,对2片竹片网水泥砂浆加固墙体和1片未加固对比墙进行拟静力试验,研究其破坏形态、水平承载力、滞回性能和耗能等抗震性能。试验结果表明:与未加固夯土墙体相比,加固后墙体的受力性能、变形性能及耗能能力均得到明显改善;同等加固水平下:斜放竹片网对夯土墙承载力的提高显著,相比对比试件峰值荷载和极限荷载分别提高82.58%和76.97%;正放竹片网加固的墙体滞回曲线更加饱满,骨架曲线下降更加平缓,变形能力和耗能提高更加明显,相比对比试件峰值位移和极限位移分别提高63.33%和327.69%,耗能提高了781%,且正放竹片网加固施工方便,可提倡应用。总之,竹片网水泥砂浆加固方法生态经济,可明显减轻墙体的破坏,有效改善墙体抗震性能,研究成果可对村镇夯土建筑实地加固提供参考。  相似文献   

This work investigates the adsorption of Cu ions in sediments by conducting batch experiments,including isothermal experiments and adsorption kinetics experiments.Data from isothermal experiments were analyzed using the Langmuir,Freundlich and Temkin models,and the experimental kinetic data were fit using pseudo-first-order,pseudo-second-order,Elovich,liquid film diffusion and intra-particle diffusion models.The Langmuir model resulted in the best fit for the equilibrium data,which indicated that the adsorption capacity of Cu ions on the sediment was 1.0403 mg g-1 with a KL value of 4.2877 L mg-1.The Freundlich and Temkin models also provided good fits,and the nF and A values were 3.8565 and 66.9964 L mg-1,respectively,indicating stronger adsorption intensities and adsorption energies between the Cu ions and the sediment.Compared with the pseudo-first-order and Elovich models,the pseudo-second-order model was more appropriate for describing the adsorption kinetics,indicating the chemisorption nature of adsorption.The adsorption kinetic process can be divided into film diffusion,pore diffusion and adsorption reactions.The controlling step for the adsorption kinetics changed with the development of the adsorption process.The entire adsorption process took 180 min.Film diffusion was the controlling step for the first 20 min.During the 20 to 60 min period,the pore diffusion gradually increased and the film diffusion decreased so that both phenomena coexisted.Pore diffusion was the controlling step during the 60-180 min period.  相似文献   

In this study, laboratory rainfall simulation in an extensive area was used to study the infiltration, and interception and storage from surface runoff in points with different stone cover percentages (0, 10, 20 and 30%) and slopes (5°, 10° and 20°). The experimental results of this study showed that the interrelationships among the slope, stone cover percentage, groundwater level, surface runoff amount, and interception and storage of the ponds were varied and irregular. No systematic patterns were detected for the change in the groundwater level, surface runoff amount, and interception and storage of the ponds with different stone cover percentages at different slopes and no threshold values were apparent. For a 5° slope, if the stone cover percentage was increased, the amount of surface runoff was reduced, the infiltration and the groundwater level experienced no significant change, and the interception and storage of the ponds increased. For a 10° slope, if the stone cover percentage was increased, the amount of surface runoff increased, the infiltration decreased, the groundwater level experienced no significant change or decreased slightly at certain points, and the interception and storage of the ponds increased. For a 20° slope, if the stone cover percentage was increased, the amount of runoff increased, the infiltration decreased, the groundwater level experienced no significant change or decreased slightly at certain points, and the interception and storage of the ponds increased. With or without stone cover, when the hydraulic conductivity of the top material is close to that of fine sand or laterite, an increase in the slope gradient decreased the amount of surface runoff and increased the storage amount of the ponds. As for the stone distribution, an interlaced style showed better performance in the interception and storage of ponds than that of a regular style. There was no significant change in the groundwater level. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on field data of river discharge, tide, tidal bore, and riverbed topography, the characteristics of river discharge, the effect of river discharge on riverbed erosion and sedimentation, and the feedback effect of riverbed erosion and sedimentation on the tide and tidal bore in the Qiantang River are analyzed. The results show that the inter-annual and seasonal variation of river discharge in the Qiantang River is noticeable, while the seasonal distribution of river discharge tends to be un...  相似文献   

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