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The analysis of hard X-ray INTEGRAL observations (2003–2008) of superaccreting Galactic microquasar SS433 at precessional phases of the source with the maximum disc opening angle is carried out. It is found that the shape and width of the primary X-ray eclipse are strongly variable, suggesting additional absorption in dense stellar wind and gas outflows from the optical A7I component and the wind–wind collision region. The independence of the observed hard X-ray spectrum on the accretion disc precessional phase suggests that hard X-ray emission (20–100 keV) is formed in an extended, hot, quasi-isothermal corona, probably heated by interaction of relativistic jet with inhomogeneous wind outflow from the precessing supercritical accretion disc. A joint modelling of X-ray eclipsing and precessional hard X-ray variability of SS433 revealed by INTEGRAL by a geometrical model suggests the binary mass ratio   q = mx / m v ≃  0.25–0.5. The absolute minimum of joint orbital and precessional  χ2  residuals is reached at   q ≃ 0.3  . The found binary mass ratio range allows us to explain the substantial precessional variability of the minimum brightness at the middle of the primary optical eclipse. For the mass function of the optical star   f v = 0.268 M  as derived from Hillwig & Gies data, the obtained value of   q ≃ 0.3  yields the masses of the components   mx ≃ 5.3 M, m v ≃ 17.7 M  , confirming the black hole nature of the compact object in SS433.  相似文献   

We present results of VLBA observations of SS433 at two epochs at 5, 8.4, and 15 GHz. The AU-scale region of the source is resolved and shows the familiar quasi-symmetric core-jet structures. But at another epoch, the maps show bright knots ejected a few days before the observation, while the core-complex disappeared. The bright jet components are completely depolarised with fractional polarization less than 0.5%. We also present the first VLBI image of SS433 at 22 GHz.  相似文献   

We develop a Monte Carlo technique based on L.B. Lucy's indivisible photon packets method to calculate X-ray continuum spectra of Comptonized thermal plasma in arbitrary geometry and apply it to describe the broad-band X-ray continuum of the galactic superaccreting microquasar SS433 observed by INTEGRAL . A physical model of the X-ray emitting region is proposed that includes thermal emission from the accretion disc, jets and hot corona where the photons of different origin are Comptonized. From comparison with INTEGRAL observations, we estimate physical parameters of the complex X-ray emitting region in SS433 and present model spectra for different viewing angles of the object.  相似文献   

We present time–resolved optical spectroscopy of the famous X-ray binary SS 433. We obtained 61 medium resolution spectra spread over three months and thus cover roughly five orbits and about half a precession phase. We used various emission lines, that we attribute to the accretion disc, to determine the radial velocities of the compact component. They are of course modulated with the orbital period but in addition show a variation of the system velocity on a longer time scale. With the present data it is not possible to determine whether this is a transient effect or a periodic variation, although we present various possible interpretations of this effect.  相似文献   

SS433是银河系内一个著名的高能天体,W50是它周围的超新星遗迹,自20世纪70年代末SS433的运动模型建立以来,已经受到了越来越多的关注,取得了丰富的多波段观测资料。但是,直到现在,关于这一系统的一些基本性质和参数还存在相当大的争论。该文介绍了关于SS433研究的某些新进展,主要包括SS433的运动模型和喷流的膨胀冷却模型,SS433的物质损失,各种时标的光变和喷流的结构,并对关于SS433研究的热点问题作了总结与展望。  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2009,32(2):112-119
SS433, located at the center of the supernova remnant W50, is a close proximity binary system consisting of a compact star and a normal star. Jets of material are directed outwards from the vicinity of the compact star symmetrically to the east and west. Non-thermal hard X-ray emission is detected from lobes lying on both sides. Shock accelerated electrons are expected to generate VHE gamma rays through the inverse-Compton process in the lobes. Observations of the western X-ray lobe region of SS433/W50 system have been performed to detect VHE gamma rays using the 10 m CANGAROO-II telescope in August and September, 2001, and July and September, 2002. The total observation times are 85.2 h for ON source, and 80.8 h for OFF source data. No significant excess of VHE gamma rays has been found at three regions of the western X-ray lobe of SS433/W50 system. We have derived 99% confidence level upper limits to the fluxes of gamma rays and have set constraints on the strengths of the magnetic fields assuming the synchrotron/inverse-Compton model for the wide energy range of photon spectrum from radio to TeV. The derived lower limits are G for the center of the brightest X-ray emission region and G for the far end from SS433 in the western X-ray lobe. In addition, we suggest that the spot-like X-ray emission may provide a major contribution to the hardest X-ray spectrum in the lobe.  相似文献   

A succession of near-infrared (near-IR) spectroscopic observations, taken nightly throughout an entire cycle of SS 433's orbit, reveal (i) the persistent signature of SS 433's accretion disc, having a rotation speed of  ∼500 km s−1  , (ii) the presence of circumbinary disc recently discovered at optical wavelengths by Blundell, Bowler & Schmidtobreick (2008) and (iii) a much faster outflow than has previously been measured for the disc wind, with a terminal velocity of  ∼1500 km s−1  . The increased wind terminal velocity results in a mass-loss rate of  ∼10−4 M yr−1  . These, together with the newly (upwardly) determined masses for the components of the SS 433 system, result in an accurate diagnosis of the extent to which SS 433 has super-Eddington flows. Our observations imply that the size of the companion star is comparable with the semiminor axis of the orbit which is given by     , where e is the eccentricity. Our relatively spectral resolution at these near-IR wavelengths has enabled us to deconstruct the different components that comprise the Brackett-γ (Brγ) line in this binary system, and their physical origins. With this line being dominated throughout our series of observations by the disc wind, and the accretion disc itself being only a minority (∼15 per cent) contribution, we caution against use of the unresolved Brγ line intensity as an 'accretion signature' in X-ray binaries or microquasars in any quantitative way.  相似文献   

We report on the properties of a 99.3-d periodic modulation in the X-ray transient XTE J1716−389. We associate this source with the transient KS J1716−389, first detected by the Mir /Kvant module in 1994. The spectral characteristics of XTE J1716−389, a high intrinsic absorption column, strong emission features and a power-law spectrum, make it very similar to the class of highly absorbed X-ray binaries detected by INTEGRAL . We associate the 99.3-d periodic behaviour with the geometrical obscuration that results from a precessing circumbinary disc that is moving in and out of the field of view, comparable to what has been proposed for SS 433. We therefore propose that XTE J1716−389 is a high-mass X-ray binary with a supergiant companion that is similar not only to SS 433, but also to the new class of highly obscured X-ray binaries, suggesting that SS 433 is a member of much wider population that is now being detected by INTEGRAL .  相似文献   

The structure of the SS 433 supercritical accretion disk derived from spectral and photometric data is described. In the disk plane, gas outflows at a velocity of about 100-150 km/s, while above the disk plane, the velocity increases sharply and reaches 1500 km/s at polar angle 60°. The outer parts of the accretion disk are involved in the precessional motion, which means that the slaved disk precession model is correct. There is complex periodic variability in the radial velocities of SS 433. Apart from the well-known precessional and orbital variability, the strongest cycle is 1/7 of the precession period, P7 = 23.228 ± 0.005 days. This is interpreted as evidence for a spiral shock in the accretion disk. The He II 4686 line consists of two components: a stream-formed narrow Gaussian profile and a broad double-peaked one. The latter is completely eclipsed at phase 0.0. Its blue and red peaks are probably emitted in gaseous cocoons around the bases of the relativistic jets. A correct value of the mass function has been found, which shows that the optical star is massive. The relativistic star's mass is estimated to be Mx 6M.  相似文献   

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