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Subaqueous sediment density flows: Depositional processes and deposit types   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Submarine sediment density flows are one of the most important processes for moving sediment across our planet, yet they are extremely difficult to monitor directly. The speed of long run‐out submarine density flows has been measured directly in just five locations worldwide and their sediment concentration has never been measured directly. The only record of most density flows is their sediment deposit. This article summarizes the processes by which density flows deposit sediment and proposes a new single classification for the resulting types of deposit. Colloidal properties of fine cohesive mud ensure that mud deposition is complex, and large volumes of mud can sometimes pond or drain‐back for long distances into basinal lows. Deposition of ungraded mud (TE‐3) most probably finally results from en masse consolidation in relatively thin and dense flows, although initial size sorting of mud indicates earlier stages of dilute and expanded flow. Graded mud (TE‐2) and finely laminated mud (TE‐1) most probably result from floc settling at lower mud concentrations. Grain‐size breaks beneath mud intervals are commonplace, and record bypass of intermediate grain sizes due to colloidal mud behaviour. Planar‐laminated (TD) and ripple cross‐laminated (TC) non‐cohesive silt or fine sand is deposited by dilute flow, and the external deposit shape is consistent with previous models of spatial decelerating (dissipative) dilute flow. A grain‐size break beneath the ripple cross‐laminated (TC) interval is common, and records a period of sediment reworking (sometimes into dunes) or bypass. Finely planar‐laminated sand can be deposited by low‐amplitude bed waves in dilute flow (TB‐1), but it is most likely to be deposited mainly by high‐concentration near‐bed layers beneath high‐density flows (TB‐2). More widely spaced planar lamination (TB‐3) occurs beneath massive clean sand (TA), and is also formed by high‐density turbidity currents. High‐density turbidite deposits (TA, TB‐2 and TB‐3) have a tabular shape consistent with hindered settling, and are typically overlain by a more extensive drape of low‐density turbidite (TD and TC,). This core and drape shape suggests that events sometimes comprise two distinct flow components. Massive clean sand is less commonly deposited en masse by liquefied debris flow (DCS), in which case the clean sand is ungraded or has a patchy grain‐size texture. Clean‐sand debrites can extend for several tens of kilometres before pinching out abruptly. Up‐current transitions suggest that clean‐sand debris flows sometimes form via transformation from high‐density turbidity currents. Cohesive debris flows can deposit three types of ungraded muddy sand that may contain clasts. Thick cohesive debrites tend to occur in more proximal settings and extend from an initial slope failure. Thinner and highly mobile low‐strength cohesive debris flows produce extensive deposits restricted to distal areas. These low‐strength debris flows may contain clasts and travel long distances (DM‐2), or result from more local flow transformation due to turbulence damping by cohesive mud (DM‐1). Mapping of individual flow deposits (beds) emphasizes how a single event can contain several flow types, with transformations between flow types. Flow transformation may be from dilute to dense flow, as well as from dense to dilute flow. Flow state, deposit type and flow transformation are strongly dependent on the volume fraction of cohesive fine mud within a flow. Recent field observations show significant deviations from previous widely cited models, and many hypotheses linking flow type to deposit type are poorly tested. There is much still to learn about these remarkable flows.  相似文献   

The Eocene flysch of Middle Dalmatia comprises several beds that are interpreted to have been deposited from reflected sediment gravity flows. Their compositions are similar and two bed types are differentiated: complex beds that are debrite-plus-turbidite couplets, and turbidites. The sequence alternations in the turbidite part of the bed, opposing ripples within the same bed, and opposite flow directions indicated by flutes and ripples are indicative of flow reflections. The influence of seiches is suggested by the occurrence of symmetrical (oscillation) ripples. The palaeotransport directions of reflected flows show wide dispersal. A geometry of small, fault-controlled sub-basins with centripetal palaeotransport patterns is proposed.  相似文献   

The complexity of flow and wide variety of depositional processes operating in subaqueous density flows, combined with post‐depositional consolidation and soft‐sediment deformation, often make it difficult to interpret the characteristics of the original flow from the sedimentary record. This has led to considerable confusion of nomenclature in the literature. This paper attempts to clarify this situation by presenting a simple classification of sedimentary density flows, based on physical flow properties and grain‐support mechanisms, and briefly discusses the likely characteristics of the deposited sediments. Cohesive flows are commonly referred to as debris flows and mud flows and defined on the basis of sediment characteristics. The boundary between cohesive and non‐cohesive density flows (frictional flows) is poorly constrained, but dimensionless numbers may be of use to define flow thresholds. Frictional flows include a continuous series from sediment slides to turbidity currents. Subdivision of these flows is made on the basis of the dominant particle‐support mechanisms, which include matrix strength (in cohesive flows), buoyancy, pore pressure, grain‐to‐grain interaction (causing dispersive pressure), Reynolds stresses (turbulence) and bed support (particles moved on the stationary bed). The dominant particle‐support mechanism depends upon flow conditions, particle concentration, grain‐size distribution and particle type. In hyperconcentrated density flows, very high sediment concentrations (>25 volume%) make particle interactions of major importance. The difference between hyperconcentrated density flows and cohesive flows is that the former are friction dominated. With decreasing sediment concentration, vertical particle sorting can result from differential settling, and flows in which this can occur are termed concentrated density flows. The boundary between hyperconcentrated and concentrated density flows is defined by a change in particle behaviour, such that denser or larger grains are no longer fully supported by grain interaction, thus allowing coarse‐grain tail (or dense‐grain tail) normal grading. The concentration at which this change occurs depends on particle size, sorting, composition and relative density, so that a single threshold concentration cannot be defined. Concentrated density flows may be highly erosive and subsequently deposit complete or incomplete Lowe and Bouma sequences. Conversely, hydroplaning at the base of debris flows, and possibly also in some hyperconcentrated flows, may reduce the fluid drag, thus allowing high flow velocities while preventing large‐scale erosion. Flows with concentrations <9% by volume are true turbidity flows (sensu 4 ), in which fluid turbulence is the main particle‐support mechanism. Turbidity flows and concentrated density flows can be subdivided on the basis of flow duration into instantaneous surges, longer duration surge‐like flows and quasi‐steady currents. Flow duration is shown to control the nature of the resulting deposits. Surge‐like turbidity currents tend to produce classical Bouma sequences, whose nature at any one site depends on factors such as flow size, sediment type and proximity to source. In contrast, quasi‐steady turbidity currents, generated by hyperpycnal river effluent, can deposit coarsening‐up units capped by fining‐up units (because of waxing and waning conditions respectively) and may also include thick units of uniform character (resulting from prolonged periods of near‐steady conditions). Any flow type may progressively change character along the transport path, with transformation primarily resulting from reductions in sediment concentration through progressive entrainment of surrounding fluid and/or sediment deposition. The rate of fluid entrainment, and consequently flow transformation, is dependent on factors including slope gradient, lateral confinement, bed roughness, flow thickness and water depth. Flows with high and low sediment concentrations may co‐exist in one transport event because of downflow transformations, flow stratification or shear layer development of the mixing interface with the overlying water (mixing cloud formation). Deposits of an individual flow event at one site may therefore form from a succession of different flow types, and this introduces considerable complexity into classifying the flow event or component flow types from the deposits.  相似文献   

Stromboli is a 3000 m high island volcano, rising to 900 m above sea-level. It is the most active volcano of the Aeolian Archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). Major, large volume (1 km3) sector collapses, four occurring in the last 13 kyr, have played an important role in shaping the north-western flank (Sciara del Fuoco) of the volcano, potentially generating a high-risk tsunami hazard for the Aeolian Islands and the Italian coast. However, smaller volume, partial collapses of the Sciara del Fuoco have been shown to be more frequent tsunami-generating events. One such event occurred on 30 December 2002, when a partial collapse of the north-western flank of the island took place. The resulting landslide generated 10 m high tsunami waves that impacted the island. Multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar imaging and visual observations reveal that the landslide deposited 25 to 30 × 106 m3 of sediment on the submerged slope offshore from the Sciara del Fuoco. Two contiguous main deposit facies are recognized: (i) a chaotic, coarse-grained (metre-sized to centimetre-sized clasts) deposit; and (ii) a sand deposit containing a lower, cross-bedded sand layer and an upper structureless pebbly sand bed capped by sea floor ripple bedforms. The sand facies develops adjacent to and partially overlying the coarse deposits. Characteristics of the deposits suggest that they were derived from cohesionless, sandy matrix density flows. Flow rheology and dynamics led to the segregation of the density flow into sand-rich and clast-rich regions. A range of density flow transitions, both in space and in time, caused principally by particle concentration and grain-size partitioning within cohesionless parent flows was identified in the deposits of this relatively small-scale submarine landslide event.  相似文献   

Microstructural analysis of glacial deposits has recently been used as a research tool to determine sediment genesis. However, the occurrence of microstructures in deposits of known origin has not been sufficiently documented, hindering our ability to confidently interpret microstructures in sediments of unknown origin. Our objective is to present a calibration study of microstructures of recent sediment flow deposits and associated sediments from the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, and to evaluate the degree of commonality with microstructures found in subglacially deformed sediments. Microstructures in sediment flow deposits can be formed as a result of sediment transport, deposition, and/or post-depositional processes, and are related to the viscosity regime of the source flow. Characteristic microstructures formed during brittle deformation include shears, faults, and brecciation; microstructures formed during ductile deformation include folds, pressure shadows, re-orientation of clasts around a 'core' stone, fine laminations, basal shear zones, imbrication, and flow fabrics. Other microstructures include fluid escape and injection structures, clast haloes, and fissility. The results of our comparison suggest that sediment flow deposits share many microstructures in common with subglacially deformed sediments.  相似文献   

Chromite deposits in China and their origin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The major chromite resources of China occur in ophiolites and continental intrusions. Podiform chromite deposits are mainly developed in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ophiolitic mantle sequences. They occur as tabular, lenticular, or irregular masses hosted by dunite lithologies, or dunite lenses, or harzburgite associated with dunite lenses. Main stratiform deposits occur within the Archean Northern China craton and are named as the Gaosi-type deposits, which are contained in intrusions similar to their Alaskan-type counterparts and are characterised by their ring-shaped ores. Stratiform deposits are also found in Phanerozoic ophiolites. Chromites in the ophiolites are chemically divided into high-A1 and high-Cr types, both of which plot in the alpine type field. Chromites from the Gaosi-type deposits belong to high-Fe type, possessing uniform Al contents. The podiform chromitites were generated from magmatic pockets in the mantle sequences, whereas those deposits (such as the Dadao deposit) in cumulate sequences had a similar origin but crystallized at shallower depths. Stratiform Gaosi-type deposits should have formed by accumulation of chromites which were in equilibrium with an ultramafic magma with a uniform Al content.  相似文献   

事件沉积:沉积物补给及相对海平面变化的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文为事件沉积综述,要点如下:(1)根据河流悬移载荷和床沙载荷简要总结了不同地形和气候区的剥蚀速率;(2)不同盆地充填物中泥砂的比例;(3)控制沉积物再活化的机理。在大陆环境中,事件沉积(冲积扇上的碎屑流、扇三角洲上的崩塌作用和漫滩上的泛滥作用)的粒度和频率直接反映了物源区的侵蚀作用和剥蚀面积与堆积面积之比率。在海洋环境中,沉积物补给和近滨容纳空间的变化在很大程度上控制着地层层序的性质。在沉积物大量补给和低频率海平面变化的情况下,巨厚的体系域内事件沉积(包括风暴岩)的差异很小。随着沉积物补给量减少,事件沉积在低水位体系内不断聚集。如一些模式(差异性沉降和盆地边缘抬升)所示,相对海平面的迅速下降突出反映了海岸及海底富砂沉积物的再活化(特别是在低水位早期)和延迟河谷下切,所形成的海底扇多半以砂为主。而河流供给的大型扇则以浊积泥岩为主。在海岸抬升的地区,河谷下切的时期比低水位期长,海平面变化可导致"上升脉动"和峭壁削蚀。三级或高频率海平面变化的低水位沉积,在碳酸盐建隆边缘通常为粗粒骨屑和巨角砾岩;在混合体系内通常为硅质碎屑浊积岩。在快速闭合的前陆盆地中,高频率海平面旋回通常只影响盆地边缘两侧;而三级海平面变化直接控制靠近逆冲前缘的沉积层序和事件沉积的可能性也有限。由于沉积物大量补给,各种事件沉积(如碎屑流沉积、砂质和钙质风暴岩和浊积岩)形成的时间间隔一般为几十年、几百年,甚至数千年。在沉积物补给量小或以大规模块体流和巨浊积岩为特征的环境中,其再现的时间间隔还更长。  相似文献   

This study is focused on the analyses of a Chaschuil section (27° 49′ S–68° 04′ W), north of the Argentina Famatina Belt, where Ordovician explosive-effusive arc volcanism took place under subaerial to subaqueous marine conditions. In analyzing the profile, we have recognized an Arenigian succession composed by dominant volcaniclastic lithofacies represented by volcaniclastic debris flow, turbidity current and minor resedimented syn-eruptive pyroclastic depositsand lavas. The upper portions of succession are represented by volcanogenic sedimentary lithofacies with fossiliferous levels. Great volumes of the volcaniclastic deposits are strongly controlled in their transport by mass flow processes. These representative deposits provide significant data in relation to the coeval volcanic events for recognizing a continuous explosive volcanism together a minor effusive activity and the degradation of volcanic edifices. Likewise mass flow deposits give indications of the high rate of sedimentation, strong slope control and instability episodes in the basin, typical of those volcanic environments. That substantial information was the key to understand the features and evolution of the Arenigian basin in the north of the Famatina System.  相似文献   

The development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in clastic sediments is now reasonably well‐understood but their development in various deltaic subenvironments is not. A sedimentological analysis of a Pleistocene (ca 13·1 to 15 10Be ka) Gilbert‐type glaciolacustine delta with gravity‐induced slides and slumps in the Mosty‐Danowo tunnel valley (north‐western Poland) provides more insight, because the various soft‐sediment deformation structures in these deposits were considered in the context of their specific deltaic subenvironment. The sediments show three main groups of soft‐sediment deformation structures in layers between undeformed sediments. The first group consists of deformed cross‐bedding (inclined, overturned, recumbent, complex and sheath folds), large‐scale folds (recumbent and sheath folds) and pillows forming plastic deformations. The second group comprises pillar structures (isolated and stress), clastic dykes with sand volcanoes and clastic megadykes as examples of water‐escape structures. The third group consists of faults (normal and reverse) and extensional fissures (small fissures and neptunian dykes). Some of the deformations developed shortly after deposition of the deformed sediment, other structures developed later. This development must be ascribed to hydroplastic movement in a quasi‐solid state, and due to fluidization and liquefaction of the rapidly deposited, water‐saturated deltaic sediments. The various types of deformations were triggered by: (i) a high sedimentation rate; (ii) erosion (by wave action or meltwater currents); and (iii) ice‐sheet loading and seasonal changes in the ablation rate. Analysis of these triggers, in combination with the deformational mechanisms, have resulted – on the basis of the spatial distribution of the various types of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the delta under study – in a model for the development of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the topsets, foresets and bottomsets of deltas. This analysis not only increases the understanding of the deformation processes in both modern and ancient deltaic settings but also helps to distinguish between the various subenvironments in ancient deltaic deposits.  相似文献   

华北地台沉积岩型金矿床的找矿勘查意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冀东地区沉积岩型金矿床主要赋存在中上元古界长城系和蓟县系巨厚钙-镁碳酸盐岩内,金矿化受层间角砾岩带控制。相比之下,内蒙古中西部沉积岩型金矿床主要产出在上元古界青白不钙质粉砂岩和板岩内,矿父母产状受层间构造破碎带控制。尽管上述金矿床的成矿环境、赋矿围岩和成矿时代存在一定差别,但是它们均以埋藏浅、规模大、物质组分简单和易选冶为特点。为突出这两类金矿床的区域性特征,前者命为“长城式”,后者则确定为“阿拉  相似文献   

The Danian deposits of the Crimea are described. Emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the rock of a well-exposed section in the Crimean piedmont. The depositional environment and paleogeography of different sections of the Crimea are reconstructed. The sequences and the system tracts that are distinguished in the Danian deposits fix the alternation of transgressive-regressive episodes. It is revealed that the stratigraphic completeness of Danian sections and variations in their thickness are determined not only by the sea-level fluctuations, but also by the tectonic events that manifested themselves in the growth of the Simferopol’skoe rise and the formation of trough-like structures in eastern Crimea.  相似文献   

造山型矿床、成矿模式及找矿潜力   总被引:92,自引:9,他引:92       下载免费PDF全文
陈衍景 《中国地质》2006,33(6):1181-1196
矿床新类型的识别往往导致大批矿床和成矿省的发现,预测和识别矿床新类型是矿床研究的重要任务之一。造山型金矿的普遍性和重要性已被世界范围的大量研究所证明,但其他矿种的造山型矿床却很少被涉及。笔者提出了造山型矿床的概念及其变质流体成矿的实质,建立了矿床、矿田和成矿省等不同尺度的造山型矿床成矿模式及其随时间演化的3阶段模式。强调会聚造山作用的挤压伸展转变期是大规模成矿时间。同造山成矿系统的特点是成矿年龄滞后于造山作用时间。通过矿床实例研究证明了造山型银矿床、铅锌矿床、铜矿床和钼矿床的客观存在.阐明了中国巨大的造山型矿床的勘查潜力,例证了运用矿田尺度成矿模式进行成矿预测的有效性和重要意义。  相似文献   

Peloids from sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits in Belgium, Ireland and Poland are composed of Zn-calcite, siderite, smithsonite, silica, pyrite, melnikovite, sphalerite, galena, thiosulphates and Zn-As-bearing limonite. The size of peloids is between 7 and 60 m. The core and the shell of peloids are composed of different minerals and the shell is usually coarsely crystalline. Peloids are present in collapse breccias of karst cavities, stromatactis cavities, debris-flow breccias, and fractures cross-cutting carbonates hosting the mineralization. In places peloids form a major microtexture of the sulfide mineralization. Peloids are cemented and replaced by sulfides. Organic acids extracted from sulfide peloids are composed of amido-acids considered to be characteristic of bacterial origin. The size and specific texture of peloids are independent of mineralogy, location and age of the mineralization. Therefore the peloids disussed are considered as forms induced by bacterial activity rather than forms precipitated inorganically.  相似文献   

Drag reduction has been observed in suspension flows of low clay concentrations in previous studies. Here, velocity profiles and bed shear stresses, expressed as shear velocities, are measured using epoxy-coated hot-film sensors to evaluate drag reduction and controlling factors in suspension flows of high clay concentrations (4 and 8 g l–1). The directly measured shear velocity in the viscous sublayer is found to be reduced by as much as 70% relative to the profile-derived shear velocity in the logarithmic layer. Drag reduction is found to increase with increasing clay concentration and decreasing flow strength. Density profile data indicate that the suspension flows were not stratified, and examinations of particle size distributions suggest that flocculation was not significant in causing the observed drag reduction. Measurements of the velocity profiles and of the shear velocity in the viscous sublayer indicate significant thickening of the inner wall layer and show turbulence damping in the viscous sublayer. These effects become stronger for higher concentrations and lower flow strength, suggesting that they are responsible for drag reduction in flows of clay suspension. Empirical relationships have been derived that can be used to predict the magnitude of drag reduction and the reduced shear stress in mud suspensions for both laboratory and field cohesive sediment transport studies.  相似文献   

The so-called“Yangtze-type”copper deposits include:(1)Cu-bearing massive pyrite bed ,(2)Cu-bearing skarn and magnetite-type ore deposits,with replacement Cu-vein-type deposits near the metasomatic zone,and (3)mineralized intrusive bodies and breccia pipes ,some of which are known as porphyry copper ores(e.g.Chengmenshan).This type of ore deposits is a typical example to verify the polygenesis of inost of the deposits in China,as has been promoted by Prof.Tu Guangchi in view of the polycyclic development of the geological history in China.This paper is con-cemed with one sub-type of such deposits.  相似文献   

Three geochemical series, i.e., the siderophile, chalcophile and lithophile series, have been classified for tin deposits based on geological-geochemical data on tin mineralization in China. The three series are distinct from each other in geological settings, ore-forming elements, minor elements, REE, stable isotopes, ore-forming fluids and physicochemical conditions. The formation of tin deposits of the three series could be closely related to the evolution of the Earth’s crust.  相似文献   

Metasediments and meta-igneous rocks of the Willyama Supergroup in the Paleoproterozoic Olary Block of South Australia were deposited at ~1700 Ma. Intrusion by I-type granitoids at 1630 Ma was followed by the Olarian Orogeny, comprising two events of deformation and high-grade metamorphism at 1590 ± 20 Ma. Regional S-type granites and rare-metal pegmatites also formed during the Olarian Orogeny. The K-Ar isotopic system in primary pegmatitic muscovite closed at ~1505 ± 7 Ma, and the third event (regressive) of deformation and metamorphism together with minor granite emplacement, associated with the Olarian Orogeny, occurred at 1500 ± 20 Ma. A widespread thermal event occurred at 1100 to 1200 Ma and resulted from the Musgravian Orogeny. This was followed by crustal extension, tholeiitic dolerite dike intrusion, and rifting at 700 to 800 Ma. Cooling after the Delamerian Orogeny is recorded at ~466 to 475 Ma in the muscovite data. The 40Ar/39Ar data from many mica samples are complex because of multiple phases of thermal resetting and regression. This partial resetting of the K-Ar system is characterized by multiple age components and mixtures between them.  相似文献   

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