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There widely occur stretches of permafrost at more than 3,800-4,200 meters above sea level in the source area of the Huanghe (Yellow) River. The periglacial geomorphology develops quite well, including frozen disintegration geomorphology, freezing and thawing geomorphology in cold environments, periglacial dune, buried ices and fossil periglacial phenomena. In light of the relation between stratigraphy and periglacial phenomena, three periglacial periods can be divided, which are the Middle Pleistocene periglacial period, the Late Pleistocene periglacial period and modern periglacial period.  相似文献   

Runoff coefficients of the source regions of the Huanghe River in 1956–2000 were analyzed in this paper. In the 1990s runoff of Tangnaihai Hydrologic Station of the Huanghe River experienced a serious decrease, which had at- tracted considerable attention. Climate changes have important impact on the water resources availability. From the view of water cycling, runoff coefficients are important indexes of water resources in a particular catchment. Kalinin baseflow separation technique was improved based on the characteristics of precipitation and streamflow. After the separation of runoff coefficient (R/P), baseflow coefficient (Br/P) and direct runoff coefficient (Dr/P) were estimated. Statistic analyses were applied to assessing the impact of precipitation and temperature on runoff coefficients (including Dr/P, Br/P and R/P). The results show that in the source regions of the Huanghe River, mean annual baseflow coefficient was higher than mean annual direct runoff coefficient. Annual runoff coefficients were in direct proportion to annual pre- cipitation and in inverse proportion to annual mean temperature. The decrease of runoff coefficients in the 1990s was closely related to the decrease in precipitation and increase in temperature in the same period. Over different sub-basins of the source regions of the Huanghe River, runoff coefficients responded differently to precipitation and temperature. In the area above Jimai Hydrologic Station where annual mean temperature is –3.9oC, temperature is the main factor in- fluencing the runoff coefficients. Runoff coefficients were in inverse relation to temperature, and precipitation had nearly no impact on runoff coefficients. In subbasin between Jimai and Maqu Hydrologic Station Dr/P was mainly affected by precipitation while R/P and Br/P were both significantly influenced by precipitation and temperature. In the area be-tween Maqu and Tangnaihai hydrologic stations all the three runoff coefficients increased with the rising of annual precipitation, while direct runoff coefficient was inversely proportional to temperature. In the source regions of the Huanghe River with the increase of average annual temperature, the impacts of temperature on runoff coefficients be-come insignificant.  相似文献   

Using neutron activation analysis method we determined contents of rare-earth and radioactive elements (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu, Cs, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sr, Ba, U, Th) in source water system of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, which is mainly composed of the Tuotuo River, the Chumaer River, and the Buqu River. The contents of these elements in the unflltered water have a great variation and a close correlation with the water turbidity. The contents of these elements in filtered water only have a little variation and are lower than those in the unflltered water. The variations in contents of these elements in sediments are also very little. These elements in the unifiltered water are in geometric distribution, except Sc. Most of the elements in sediments are in arithmetic distribution, but Cs, Sb, Th, are in deviation distribution. The contents of most of these elements in the river source area correspond to the contents of fresh water of the earth. Most of these elements have a little variation in their c  相似文献   

There are two different opinions on the formation history of Huanghe (Yellow) River. One postulates that Huanghe River might have come into existence before Tertiary. The other supposes that it joined up into a long river only in the last stage of Late Pleistocene. The appearance of Huanghe River is believed to have close relation to the uplifting of Tibetan Plateau. It is not likely that it could have come into being before its high elevation riverhead was formed. Today Huanghe River occurred probably during the recession of the sea in glacial periods. In the last glacial age, the climate was very harsh in the area north of the modern estuary of Changjiang (Yangtse) River; some areas were permafrost and the others barren deserts. At that time, eolation was the major exogenic force on exposed shelf. Beginning from 12 Ka BP, the global climate warmed up, resulting in gradual disappearance of continental mountain glaciers retreated, and sea level rose. Consequently, Huanghe River was replenished with water to become modern river system. With continued rising of sea level, Huanghe River delta moved continuously eastward.  相似文献   

随着国家对黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划的批复,如何加强黄河入海流路管理及其范围内土地开发,既要符合国家对河口治理的综合规划和土地规划,又能促进黄河三角洲高效生态经济快速发展,已成为突出问题。文章对黄河入海河口基本情况及如何管理和对其范围内土地进行合理利用开发提出了建议和意见。  相似文献   

黄河源区拥有独特的生态系统和生物资源,是我国重要的江河水源涵养地和重要的生态屏障。近年来,放牧家畜数量的增加使该地区传统草地畜牧业面临过度放牧、草地退化、季节性失衡等发展难题。为科学掌握黄河源区放牧家畜的情况,本文以黄河源区的玛多县为研究区,应用无人机对玛多县放牧家畜(牦牛、藏羊和马)的数量和空间分布开展航拍调查。根据牦牛、藏羊和马的无人机图像解译标志库进行目视解译,采用5种方法估算玛多县放牧家畜的数量,利用选择指数分析家畜空间位置与环境因子的关系,结果表明:① 在冷季无人机航拍样带内,牦牛、藏羊和马的样带密度分别为4.12、7.34和0.06 只/km2。② 玛多县有牦牛7.08万头,藏羊10.22万只,马0.12万匹,经验证,估算牦牛、藏羊和马数量的误差分别为-0.93%、2.27%和-13.23%。③ 家畜对环境因子的选择倾向于坡度小于12°,草地覆盖度高于0.6,距居民点小于1 km,距水源小于 3 km,距公路大于3 km的区域。研究结果表明,无人机遥感技术在畜牧业方面有较大的应用潜力,为研究牧区放牧家畜的特征和草畜平衡情况提供新的思路。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲南部冲洪积扇区浅层地下水由于长期大量开发利用,早已形成了区域性漏斗群。通过对漏斗区地下水赋存条件和调蓄条件的分析,提出了由新建的引黄主干渠引黄河水,采用河渠、坑塘内施工回灌引渗,以及丰水期大气降水地表径流拦蓄引渗和引黄河水引渗回灌联合调度的方案,并从调蓄资源增量、调蓄可行性和调蓄效益等方面进行了论证。  相似文献   

The Chinese people began to research the main source of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River 2,400 years ago. Limited by the scientific level, they did not discover it. The Tuotuo River was determined as the main source of the Changjiang River in the 1970s. However, this was not correct, because when comparing the length of the Tuotuo River with the Dam River, the glacier length at the headwaters was added to the Tuotuo River, resulting in that the Tuotuo River is 1 km longer than the Dam River, keeping in mind that the glacier can not be regarded as part of the river. In the summer of 1986, we investigated the source of the Changjiang River, we accurately measured the length of both the Tuotuo and Dam rivers, we discovered that the Dam River was 353.1 km long, and the Tuotuo River was 346.3 km long, the Dam River thus being 6.8 km longer than the Tuotuo River. The discharge of the Dam River is 196.18 m3/sec., 2.6 times as large as that of the Tuotuo River, that of the Tuotuo River is 75.10 m3/ sec. The drainage area of the Dam River is 1.8 times as larger as that of the Tuotuo River; the drainage area of the Dam River is 30,715.7 km2, the Tuotuo River is 16,691.0 km2. Through synthetic analysis of the factors mentioned above, we came to the conclusion that the main source of the Changjiang River is the Dam River instead of the Tuotuo River.  相似文献   

利用地球化学元素分析方法,对淮河源区中更新世黄土、古土壤剖面含有的化学元素及多种化学元素指标进行了分析。研究表明:区内中更新世以来的气候变化,主要以湿热气候为主,淋溶及氧化作用较强;表现在气温上HT-1~HT-3的气温较低,HT-4~HT-7的气温高,HT-8的气温又相对较低,其变化趋势表现为中更新世经历了从早期寒冷转湿热转温干,中期凉干转暖湿到晚期温湿转暖湿。  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTION niques in China(ZHANG。t al,1999; CHEN et al,2000b).Since the early 1990s,he acceleration of land With its abundant forest,land and water re-use/cover change(LUL乙)has spurred renewed con-sources,the area of the Nenjlang River valley Is one ofcerns about the role ofland use change Indrlvingmany the lmpoFtant lumber products and commodity grainenvironmental problems.Research on the causes and ba…  相似文献   

The 4.45 m-thick pure ice lens have been discovered firstly at depth from 19.81 -24.26 m in the bore No.6, which locates in north bank of the Ngoring Lake. In source region of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, 14C dating, X -ray diffraction, pollen analysis, micropalaeontology, chemical components, environmental isotope 2H, 3H, 18O and freezing point of the ice and water samples from the bore have been tested and microorganism in the ice have been also appraised with microscope. Combined with the research on geomorphy and Quaternary around the lake, the ice lens are determined as a kind of deep-buried lake ice, formed in 35,030-45,209 yr.B.P., and annual mean air temperature was about -10℃ during that time.  相似文献   

The results of water sample analyses and investigation in the head area of the Changjiang River reveal that the characteristics of hydrochemistry of the river vary with drainage basins. In the drainage basin of the Tuotuo River, the mineral concentration of water is generally high, ions of Cl and Na are obviously dominant. The water tends to be salty, and the type of hydrochemistry is rather complex. In the drainage basin of the Dam River, the mineral concentration is mainly in a low and middle level, ions of HCO3- and Ca2 are higher than others, and the type of hydrochemistry is relatively simple. The ground water in deep layers plays an important role in recharging surface water, and the stable recharging results in little change in chemical composition of surface water.  相似文献   

Zhang  Kun  Zou  Li  Dai  Qunying  Wang  Jian  Jiang  Xueyan  Liang  Shengkang 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2020,19(2):369-376
In order to examine the impacts of water-sediment regulation on regional carbon cycling,we collected water,particulate and sediment samples from the middle-lower Yellow River in late June and early July,2015 and analyzed their specific amino acids(AA),DOC,POC,and bacteria abundance.Summarized by 14 specific AA,the total hydrolysable AA(THAA),particulate AA(PAA),and sediment AA(SAA)varied in ranges of 2.29-9.05μmol L^-1,5.22-22.96μmol L^-1,and 81.7-137.19μg g^-1 dry weight.After the regulation,dissolved free AA(DFAA)decreased by 29%while DCAA increased by 72%.These variations suggested that DFAA were further degraded,while DCAA molecules were further activated.Meanwhile,PAA increased almost 4 times as many as those before regulation,and SAA increased as well.After regulation,the amounts of bioactive amino acids(Asp,Glu and Gly)increased in THAA but decreased in PAA,with little changes in SAA.The ratios of Asp/Gly in different phases increased after regulation,indicating the AA contributions were promoted by calcareous organisms rather than by siliceous organisms.Multiple correlation analysis showed that PAA was primary representatives of AA and organic carbon,followed by DCAA and POC.Moreover,bacterial reproduction played a key role in shaping the AA compositions and properties,followed by the redox condition and acid-base balance.The results of this study provided a clear evidence for the effects of water-sediment regulation on regional biogeochemistry of organic carbon in the middle-lower Yellow River.  相似文献   

生态环境状况评价是区域生态环境保护与管理的重要基础,脆弱生态区则是当前关注的热点区域。该文选择黄河三角洲脆弱生态核心区,利用3S(RS、GIS、GPS)数据、统计数据、野外实测数据等多元数据,构建并提取了7个反映生态环境状况的评价指标,用层次分析法确定各指标权重,以200m边长网格作为评价单元,通过指标叠加获取各单元分值,进而将生态环境状况划分为优、良、中、差、劣6个等级,得到了垦利区生态环境状况的评价结果,并进行了生态环境分区与分析。结果显示,垦利区的生态环境状况总体较差,生态环境状况优、良的比例仅占7.7%,差、劣的等级则占61.5%,生态环境状况从东北沿海向西南内陆呈变好趋势。与利用国家规程的评价结果相比,该研究能更加细致合理反映研究区生态环境等级变化。垦利区生态环境划分为稳定区、过渡区和脆弱区3个区,各区主要土地利用类型分别为耕地、盐荒地和滩涂,占各区面积的36.84%、31.85%和47.37%,生态环境稳定区要强化农田基本建设,控制建设用地规模,同时加强区内盐荒地的开发利用;生态环境过渡区应提高耕地集约化利用程度,加大土壤盐渍化改良力度,提高地表植被覆盖;生态环境脆弱区应适度水产养殖规模,防止海水侵蚀,加强天然林草地的保护。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲海岸线遥感动态监测   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
黄河三角洲是世界上海岸线变迁最快的地区之一。遥感与GIS技术相结合,能准确及时地监测黄河三角洲海岸线的动态演变。本文以1976年以来多时相遥感影像为主要数据源,通过几何精校正与配准,形成统一投影与坐标体系的遥感影像,运用平均高潮线法,对20景时间序列影像经分类处理后提取海岸线;另经GIS叠加分析,剖析了现行黄河河口、钓口河口地区海岸线的演变过程及其规律。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区靠近渤海湾,遍布滩涂湿地资源,生态环境比较复杂。该文通过建立“生态敏感性生态压力度”概念模型,构建生态环境脆弱性评价指标体系,通过数据标准化将指标统一量纲,最后根据数学模型计算评价区生态环境脆弱性指数,并分为5个等级。经计算,西北部沿海地区生态环境脆弱性等级较高,主要指湿地及盐渍化比较集中的东营市北部地区,南部地区相对较低,尤其是远离海岸线的地区。并针对评价中存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

对黄河下游第四系覆盖区的综合地质调查是山东省国土资源大调查的重点.根据该地区的地质情况,其调查内容主要包括土地资源调查、基础地质调查、农业地质调查、农业地质区划、农用矿产调查、水工环地质调查、旅游地质及城市地质调查.在调查过程中要力争解决国土资源调查评价与利用新技术和新方法过程中面临的新问题,建立国土资源调查与评价的综合体系,为黄河下游第四系覆盖区工农业生产提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Mountain areas are often rich in ecological diversity and recreational opportunities. Mountain tourism is thought to be an effective and important means for maintaining and expanding rural economies and, thus, improving the living conditions of rural societies. As mountain tourism service research is a professional field with several disciplines involved, a multi-disciplinary management pIatform is needed and it facilitates participation in sustainable mountain development by diverse stakeholders. With the source regions of the Yangtze and the Yellow River as a case study, this paper presents a conceptual framework for an adaptation management of mountain tourism services according to technical, policy, social and economic dimensions. The framework is based on a vulnerability assessment of mountain ecosystems, and can serve as a reference for the development of tourism service in other mountain areas.  相似文献   

山东黄河冲积平原区地氟病与地球化学环境相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东黄河冲积平原区是山东省地氟病的重病区,危害严重。选择其中的郓城、嘉祥、博兴3县进行土壤氟含量、饮水氟含量、儿童尿氟、儿童氟斑牙检出率、氟斑牙指数、成人尿氟、成人氟骨症检出率等指标进行调查,结果表明区内土壤、饮水氟含量和群体的尿氟含量普遍较高,高氟的危害和地方性氟中毒病情十分严重。在分析氟元素在土壤、饮水中的分布及变化规律的基础上,开展地方性氟中毒病与生态地球化学环境相关性研究,认为地方性氟中毒病与土壤中氟含量、饮水氟含量呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

山东省黄河下游流域生态地球化学调查主要成果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
农业地质环境调查成果表明,山东省黄河下游流域5.4万km^2的土地质量总体状况良好,绝大多数土地是清洁的。调查区内有99.9%的土壤为绿色土壤,可生产无公害小麦、玉米等农产品;一类土壤占92.7%,适宜于发展绿色食品生产;二类土壤占7.2%;三类土壤占0.1%。本次调查发现的重金属严重污染土地集中分布在城市的周边地区。浅层地下水地球化学调查结果表明,区内浅层地下水环境污染状况严重,水质优良的地段主要分布在济宁市区北、平阴周边、长清南、济南市区南部等靠近山前地段,其他平原地区的水环境质量多为较差或极差级(不能饮用)。  相似文献   

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