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中国活动火山监测进展回顾 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
许建东 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》2011,30(4):390-392
自2006年国家火山监测台网中心建成到目前为止,我国已有6处活火山受到监测:吉林长白山天池火山、龙岗火山、云南腾冲火山、黑龙江五大连池火山、镜泊湖火山和海南琼北火山。设在中国地震局地质研究所的国家火山监测台网中心,负责全国火山监测台网及火山流动观测的数据汇集、数据分析处理、数据存储管理、数据服务,承担火山异常判断、火山灾情分析、组织会商和上报等任务,同时承担着全国火山岩测试、火山挥发分测试、火山灾害模拟等实验室工作,以及通过互联网提供数据服务和火山宣传工作。 相似文献
Satellite remote sensing applications for surface soil moisture monitoring: A review 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Surface soil moisture is one of the crucial variables in hydrological processes, which influences the exchange of water and
energy fluxes at the land surface/atmosphere interface. Accurate estimate of the spatial and temporal variations of soil moisture
is critical for numerous environmental studies. Recent technological advances in satellite remote sensing have shown that
soil moisture can be measured by a variety of remote sensing techniques, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. This
paper presents a comprehensive review of the progress in remote sensing of soil moisture, with focus on technique approaches
for soil moisture estimation from optical, thermal, passive microwave, and active microwave measurements. The physical principles
and the status of current retrieval methods are summarized. Limitations existing in current soil moisture estimation algorithms
and key issues that have to be addressed in the near future are also discussed. 相似文献
为地质灾害预测、预报提供可靠的信息是社会需要解决的现实问题。根据实际工作经历与掌握的资料,认为通过整合卫星遥感、地质、物化探、地震、地温、深部构造、区域变异、地壳升降等信息,利用计算机技术,可以达到对地质灾害的预测、预报。 相似文献
国家地下水监测工程站网布设成果综述 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
国家地下水监测工程由水利部和国土资源部联合建设,建设监测站20 401个,其中,水利部建设监测站10 298个,国土资源部建设监测站10 103个,有效监控面积达350×10~4km~2。站网布设遵循"满足需求、继承发展、全面布设、突出重点、方便管理、避免重复"的原则,在地下水开发利用、潜在开发利用和地质环境保护的平原、盆地等基本类型区进行全面布设;在地下水超采区、地下水饮用水水源地、南水北调中线受水区、海咸水入侵区等特殊类型区进行加密布设。通过国家地下水监测工程建设,全国监控区监测站平均布设密度达到5.8站/10~3km~2,站网布设基本满足现阶段对地下水资源的开发、利用、管理及地质环境保护等的需求。 相似文献
The first step in a seismicity analysis usually consists of defining the seismogenic units, seismic zones or individual faults. The worldwide delimitation of these zones involves an enormous effort and is often rather subjective. Also, a complete recording of faults will not be available for a long time yet. The seismicity model presented in this paper therefore is not based on individually defined seismic zones but rather on the assumption that each point in a global 1/2° grid of coordinates represents a potential earthquake source. The corresponding seismogenic parameters are allocated to each of these points. The earthquake occurrence frequency, one of the most important parameters, is determined purely statistically by appropriately spreading out the positions of past occurrences. All the other significant seismicity characteristics, such as magnitude-frequency relations, maximum possible magnitude and attenuation laws including the dependence on focal depth are determined in a global 1/2° grid of co-ordinates. This method of interpreting seismicity data allows us to establish a transparent, sufficiently precise representation of seismic hazard which is ideally suited for computer-aided risk analyses. 相似文献
2004-06-22滑坡位于我国西藏自治区的最西端,中印边界附近的帕里河流域中部。以多时相高分辨率卫星图像为信息源,以Orbview立体像对制作的高精度DEM为地理控制,采用数字滑坡技术研究和监测该滑坡自滑坡前至2007年7月的活动。遥感解译表明,滑坡前该处为由弧形裂缝与山体分割的滑前危岩,2004-06-22发生的堵河事件为一高速顺层基岩滑坡,基于RS+GIS求得滑坡体积为63。7万m3。遥感监测显示自2004年9月至2007年7月共35个月内,滑坡边界及滑面各细部均没有明显变化,期间该处未见发生过任何新的滑坡活动。该滑坡是一次在新构造活动强烈的高山峡谷区自然形成的重力侵蚀活动过程,能量释放充分,近期除原滑体四周有一些泄荷及调整活动外不会有大的活动。 相似文献
火山学研究有了长足的进步。笔者总结近些年全球火山学研究各个方面的成果,包括对火山基本概念的新的认识、火山机构、火山的各种分类、火山岩石学和地球化学、火山岩相学、评估火山爆发大小的火山爆发指数、岩石和地球化学分类、各种常量和微量元素区分图、活火山分布与板块构造理论的关系、活火山给人类带来的灾害与利益和活火山的监测、曾经的火山活动与生物毁灭、单成因火山研究等。火山—构造是未来火山学研究的一个方向,通过火山与构造关系的研究以揭示火山的分布和地球的演化。火山喷出的岩浆是其通过地下以岩墙或管道形式为通道运移到地表的结果。中朝边境上的长白山的位置是个特例,应当值得深入的研究。中国分布有许多新生代火山,它们是否为单成因火山、这些火山在成分上是否有演化规律、它们的分布与大地构造的关系等都有待深入和系统的研究。 相似文献
Western Canada lies in a zone of active tectonics and volcanism, but thedispersed population has witnessed few eruptions due to the remoteness of the volcanoes and their low level ofactivity. This has created a false perception that Canada's volcanoes are extinct.There are more than 200 potentially-active volcanoes in Canada, 49of which have erupted in the past 10,000 years. They occur in five belts, with origins related totectonic environment. The minimum annual probability of a Canadian volcanic eruption is approximately 1/200;for an effusive (lava) eruption the probability is about 1/220, and for a significant explosive eruptionit is about 1/3333. In-progress studies show that there have been earthquakes associated with at least 9 ofthe youngest Canadian volcanoes since 1975. A scenario of an eruption of Mt. Cayley (50.1°N,123.3°W) shows how western Canada is vulnerable to an eruption. The scenario is basedon past activity in the Garibaldi volcanic belt and involves both explosive and effusive activity.The scenario impact is largely a result of the concentration of vulnerable infrastructure in valleys.Canadian volcanoes are monitored only by a regional seismic network,that is capable of detecting a M > 2 event in all potentially-active areas.This level of monitoring is probably sufficient to alert scientistsat or near eruption onset, but probably insufficient to allow a timelyforecast of activity. Similarly the level of geological knowledge about the volcanoes is insufficient to createhazard maps. This will improve slightly in 2002 when additional monitoring is implemented in theGaribaldi volcanic belt. The eruption probabilities, possible impacts, monitoring limitations and knowledgegaps suggest that there is a need to increment the volcanic risk mitigation efforts. 相似文献
卫星遥感信息系统在林火及干旱监测中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据几种投影方式的特点,再结合贵州地理位置,采用麦卡托投影方式来进行火灾检测,火灾自动监测系统能迅速找出火点位置并计算火面积,监测范围广,时效较常规地面监测手段提前1-3天。旱情的遥感监测基于土壤水分和植被状况,对于裸地卫星遥感重点是土壤的含水量,对于有植被覆盖的区域,遥感的重点是植被指数的变化以及植被冠层蒸腾状况的变化。从贵州的实际情况和地表条件,分别选用植被指数法、第四通道遥感下垫面温度法、植被供水指数法及热惯量方法来进行干旱监测。通过实例认为,气象卫星确实能大范围地对干旱进行宏观监测,其监测面积精度高,不仅可以迅速准确确定受灾面积,而且还可精确到县,在实际运用中可操作性很强,能为政府部门抓好防旱抗旱提供详细的数据参考,做好灾情预报和指导抗灾救灾工作服务。 相似文献
矿产资源勘查项目客观上面临地质灾害风险.本文以风险理论为主线,运用风险管理方法,通过理论演绎和案例分析,说明了加强矿产资源勘查项目地质灾害风险管理的必要性及其过程、评价方法和指标等. 相似文献
暴雨是诱发山洪的主要原因,雨量监测站网的布设至关重要。本文采用抽站法和流域水文模型法对江西遂川江流域雨量站网密度进行了分析研究,得出允许误差控制下的最少监测站数量。对比分析站网密度公式计算结果,大流域内的子流域区划对雨量站数量有很大影响。综合考虑流域特征、地形起伏及流域内人口密度、社会经济水平等因素修正的站网密度公式,为无资料地区山洪监测预警系统建设提供参考。 相似文献
Debris flows constitute a major threat forseveral urban settlements located on the fans ofmountain catchments and for other infrastructures thatinteract with these fans, particularly highways andmotorways. Often structural measures such as theconstruction and maintenance of deposition basins,check dams, channel linings are both too expensive andnot capable of completely guaranteeing the safety forinhabitants of villages and users of infrastructuresaffected by debris flows. Therefore the search offunctional, reliable and possibly not expensivewarning systems should be pursued to increase theavailable tools to face this often devastating kind ofphenomenon. In this paper the use of seismic detectorsfor the determination of a debris flow occurrence ina torrent before its arrival on the fan will bediscussed, together with their potential use asmonitoring and warning systems. In 1995 a set of fourseismic detectors was placed at a distance of aboutone hundred meters from each other along a straightchannel reach of a debris flow prone torrent locatedon the Eastern Italian Alps. The purpose, in a firstphase of the research, was mainly to verify whichinformation could be obtained through this type ofdevice on the occasion of a debris flow occurrence. On5 July 1995, 22 June and 8 July 1996 three debrisflows were recorded by this seismic network: the datathat have been collected will be presented andconveniently processed for their interpretation. Theresults that have been obtained show that the passageof a debris flow in a torrent can be clearlyidentified using seismic devices placed at a safedistance from the channel bed and that in some casesa velocity estimation of the flowing mass is alsopossible through the processing of the seismic data. 相似文献
The EGO method, developed by Egozcue et al. and the SRAMSC method, originally developed by Cornell and later programmed by McGuire, to assess the seismic hazard, are compared for the low seismicity area Belgium, The Netherlands, and NW Germany. Using the same input data, the results of the EGO method without the majority criterion and the SRAMSC method with upper bound XII agree very well. The influence of the zoning is investigated for the EGO method. It is not necessary to define the zones for the EGO method so strictly as for the SRAMSC method, but too wide zones can give bad results. 相似文献
矿山遥感监测是近年来国土资源部门管理矿产资源开发、整顿和规范矿业秩序的一项重要的矿情调查工作。西藏罗布莎铬铁矿区是我国铬铁矿的主要产区,随着国民经济的快速发展,对铬铁矿石的开采力度和强度在逐年增大。为了更好地促进矿产经济及环境的可持续发展,选用WorldView-2遥感数据,首次深入分析了罗布莎矿山开发过程中不同地物遥感影像特征,建立了各类矿山地物的高空间分辨率遥感解译标志,通过遥感解译与野外查证工作,基本查明了研究区矿山开发状况和矿山地质生态环境现状,并对矿区开发现状与矿山环境进行了统计和分析,基于遥感矿山监测,给出了合理的矿山环境恢复建议。结果表明:WorldView-2作为高分辨率遥感影像,空间分辨率高,包含全色和8个多光谱波段,信息量丰富,解译精度高,在矿山遥感监测乃至更广范围的动态监测中应用可以取得很好的效果。 相似文献
在北京地区深基坑工程是比较常见的,目前深基坑工程相关的监测和理论研究不太成熟.通过对望京A1区C组团4#地项目基坑支护工程中锚杆拉力的监测研究,可知:本工程极具特点,两排锚杆的拉力变化趋势截然相反,在一定程度上反映出现行规范的不尽详细之处,也反映了基坑工程较强的地域特点;工程中应加入桩身位移监测,既保证工程安全,又提供详细数据进行设计优化和减少造价、工期;建议今后有新进场施工的张拉机具时,先采用锚杆轴力计对其锁定时的预应力损失进行量化,并以此为依据适当优化施工参数;由此可知目前的基坑工程存在很大的优化空间.研究结论也可为类似工程设计提供参考和依据. 相似文献