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层次分析法在城市灾害应急能力评价中的应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
城市灾害应急能力评价是城市灾害管理的重要内容。建立城市灾害应急能力评价体系对增强城市灾:善管理能力和提高政府部门对灾害的应急响应能力有极其重要的意义。文章从系统理论的角度出发,运用层次分析法(AHP)和专家调查法合理地确定了各个评价指标的权重,建立起城市灾害应急能力评价模型。该方法将定量和定性相结合。很好地解决城市应急能力评价的定量问题,同时,还可以克服主观随意性,从而提高对城市灾害应急能力评价的可靠性、准确性和客观性,为城市安全减灾提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Natech risk and management: an assessment of the state of the art   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present state-of-the-art for natech risk and management is discussed. Examples of recent natechs include catastrophic oil spills associated with Hurricane Katrina and hazardous chemical releases in Europe during the heavy floods of 2002. Natechs create difficult challenges for emergency responders due to the geographical extent of the natural disaster, the likelihood of simultaneous releases, emergency personnel being preoccupied with response to the natural disaster, mitigation measures failing due to the effects of the natural disaster, and others. Recovery from natechs may be much more difficult than for “normal” chemical accidents, as the economic and social conditions of the industrial facility and the surrounding community may have been drastically altered by the natural disaster. Potential safeguards against natechs include adoption of stricter design criteria, chemical process safeguards, community land use planning, disaster mitigation and response planning, and sustainable industrial processes, but these safeguards are only sporadically applied. Ultimately, the public must engage in a comprehensive discussion of acceptable risks for natechs.
Ana Maria CruzEmail:

为了适应当前常态减灾与非常态救灾情景下信息化管理的深度应用,提出一种面向自然灾害突发事件应对过程的业务平台的设计方案。采用数据交换方法,实现多部门之间的信息共享;建立自然灾害综合数据库,实现统一数据源管理和实时更新;采用智能移动终端推送自然灾害信息,实现政府-社会-公众多元协同;基于网络地理信息系统实时显示自然灾害风险状况,实现自然灾害风险监测预警、综合研判和应急指挥应用。该平台有效提升了自然灾害风险防控的管理水平和应急管理的工作效率,真正实现了跨领域、多灾种、全流程的自然灾害风险闭环管理和精准管控的目标。  相似文献   

In the event of a disaster, communities become the targets of specialist organisations and a concentration of activities. The complex unstructured activities and routines of daily life are disrupted and even totally overwhelmed by a single catastrophic event that requires a redirection of priorities, resources and people to deal with all aspects of the disaster impact as rapidly as possible. The whole community must be mobilised to restore functions and meet needs, to return to the normality of the pre-disaster state. This latter purpose is least likely to be achieved, as the destroyed community can seldom rebuild to the same complex, but randomly haphazard state that existed before the disaster. The mobilisation of the whole community to the single purpose of recovery requires a high level of organisation. Response to a disaster demands that there be purposeful organisations ready to provide leadership and action. Emergency management is predicated for the existence of such purposeful organisations. However, while organisations are at the core of emergency management response and recovery, they are by no means simple or singular. Disaster generates a plethora of organisations, which interact with the community rather than simply organising disaster response. The community also organises itself, re-assigning priorities and using existing organisations and networks.  相似文献   

Jishu-bosai-soshiki, or Jishubo for short, with a literal meaning of “autonomous organization for disaster reduction”, is a neighborhood association for disaster preparedness and rescue activity. In this paper, the role of Jishubo in the context of participatory disaster management in Japan is discussed. Although the formation of Jishubo is not legally mandated, local governments exercise a great deal of persuasion on the inhabitants of their community to organize and participate in disaster management activities. Therefore, participants in Jishubo activities tend to be guided and mobilized with a soft touch by local governments rather than being truly self-motivated, with the objective of reducing disaster risks in their residential areas. There have been several studies on community participatory management conducted in a number of countries, including New Zealand, the USA and Europe, which will serve as a reference in our study. However interesting, the cultural comparison of the “Western” and “Japanese” approaches to community disaster management, is beyond the scope of this paper, the aim of which is to determine a case of community disaster management in Japan. This paper addresses the background behind the development of Jishubo and discusses the uniqueness and limits of this softly mobilized participatory movement in Japan. Based on a case study in Kishiwada City, Osaka, the motivations driving people to participate in disaster management activities organized for Jishubo members is examined. In conclusion, we derive some policy implications and suggest possible approaches for improving the effectiveness of Jishubo and increasing the motivation of people to participate. We also propose that the roles of administrative bodies in Japan, such as non-profit organizations, be better incorporated into community’s participatory disaster reduction activities.  相似文献   

自然灾害应急救灾的若干经验和建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自然灾害应急救灾是社会危机管理的重要内容, 也是对一个国家综合国力、政府危机管理水平和社会精神文明建设成果的直接检验. 近几十年来, 我国应急救灾管理体制在应对数次大规模突发性自然灾害的实践中得到不断完善与发展. 通过多年参与应急救灾一线工作实践, 总结归纳了几点有助于救灾管理体制向着法制化、科学化、规范化和有序性方向发展的体会和建议, 以期能对灾害危机管理人员和受灾群众的自救互救工作有所启示.  相似文献   

Laurie Pearce 《Natural Hazards》2003,28(2-3):211-228
The paper offers first a brief historical overview of disaster management planning. Second, it reviews Australian and American research findings and show that they urge the field of disaster management to shift its focus from response and recovery to sustainable hazard mitigation. It is argued that in order for this shift to occur, it is necessary to integrate disaster management and community planning. Current practice seldom reflects such a synthesis, and this is one of the reasons why hazard awareness is absent from local decision-making processes. Third, it is asserted that if mitigative strategies are to be successfully implemented, then the disaster management process must incorporate public participation at the local decision-making level. The paper concludes with a case study of California's Portola Valley, which demonstrates that when public participation is integrated into disaster management planning and community planning, the result is sustainable hazard mitigation.  相似文献   


The occurrence of disasters such as extreme flooding in urban environments has severe consequences, not only on the human population but also on critical infrastructures such as the road networks, which are of vital importance for everyday living and particularly for emergency response. In this article, our main goal is to present-conceptually and in praxis-a model that could be used from the emergency responders for timely and efficient emergency management and response in an urban complex environment. For the city of Cologne in Germany, we aim to indicate possible ways to decrease the emergency response time during an extreme flood scenario through the development of an accessibility indicator, which consists of different components. Therefore, we will investigate the opportunities that occur, in a flood risk scenario, from the use of geographic information in different forms such as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and open-source data in an ArcGIS environment, to increase urban resilience through the decreasing emergency response time. We will focus on network analysis for the fire brigades (first acting emergency responders) during a flood scenario to calculate their emergency response ranges and emergency response routes through flooded road networks, for the assistance of the possibly affected hospitals, refugee homes and fire brigades, which can be flooded. At the end of the paper, we suggest that the vulnerable community of the refugees could be taken into consideration as a new source of VGI, as an additional component that would lead to the decrease in the emergency response time. The geo-located information that could be provided by the refugee community can be very useful in emergency situations, such as those examined in this article where timely information can be forwarded to the proper authorities for a more focused and timely emergency response, increasing the resilience of the urban population and their community.


China is a disaster-prone country, and these disasters have diverse characteristics, a wide scope of distribution, high frequency, and large losses. China has advanced community-based disaster management (CBDM) capacity. Community is the bottom unit of the society, and CBDM is the foundation of the entire society’s disaster management system. A series of domestic major emergency incidents and disasters and international disaster reduction activities have promoted the formation of the CBDM concept, the implementation of capacity building activities, and the improvement of policy and laws. Thus far, the CBDM system has been preliminarily formed in China, and relevant rules and regulations have been promulgated and implemented. Furthermore, disaster reduction activities, such as the construction of the national comprehensive disaster reduction community and national safe community, have been promoted nationwide. As a result, China’s disaster-resistance capacity has largely improved. However, it is only in the initial phase of CBDM implementation, which remains plagued by several challenges and problems, such as the deficiency of community resident participation, management organizations, disaster risk assessment methods, NGO development, and safety culture cultivation.  相似文献   

重大事件情景构建理论是前沿的应急管理理论之一.通过分析情景构建的技术内容及方法,对地震重大事件进行情景构建.以地震情景描述、震后灾区情况、震后应对等进行实例分析,为地震应急准备、应急预案、应急演练提供依据,为地震重大突发事件的应急响应提供了一个新的思路和发展方向.  相似文献   

近年来地球空间信息学(Geomatics)和对地观测学(EOS)的迅速发展, 为灾难管理提供了强有力的支撑技术, 促进了灾难管理效率的提高。在简述地球空间信息学、对地观测学和灾难管理的基础上, 综述了地球空间信息学和对地观测学中多传感技术、高分辨率、多时相的卫星遥感系统的发展不仅满足了灾难管理需求数据的多源性、实时性, 而且提高了遥感影像解译精度和增强了对自然灾害的探测、识别能力; 认为日益完善的空间数据基础设施(SDI)和软件系统功能的增强, 将有利于灾难管理需求数据的可用性、可访问性和数据共享, 加强了灾难管理中海量数据管理、处理、分析和发布能力, 提高了预报和管理决策信息系统的可视化程度, 从而提高灾难管理各个环节的效率和效益。同时, 从技术的角度简述了当前地球空间信息学和对地观测技术在灾难管理应用中的局限性和存在的问题。   相似文献   

An analysis on disasters management system in China   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
This paper introduced the principle, institutional framework, and legal construction of Chinese disaster management system, and operating mechanisms of disaster management departments in pre-disaster, response and post-disaster phases were also demonstrated. Although China has basically built the disaster management system, formed national emergency plan system, and gained achievements in some aspects, the disasters management system is still a segmental model and is not an integrated management system. This article analyzes problems of Chinese disaster management system, and puts forward some suggestions for improving and optimizing this system. This can make Chinese disaster management system better respond and handle to disasters risk, and reduce the social and economic losses of disasters caused.  相似文献   

重大地质灾害应急响应技术支撑体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘传正  陈红旗  韩冰  陈辉 《地质通报》2010,29(1):147-156
地质灾害应急响应是一种涉及因素多、技术含量高、时间要求紧、工作任务重和社会影响大的危机事件管理行为,也是一种跨阶段、高要求、大集成、快反应和求实效的非常规防灾减灾行动。针对重大地质灾害的应急响应,为了探索减小地质风险和在风险下生存的途径,必须创建一个有灾害意识、有充分准备的政府或社区应急管理技术支撑体系。技术体系包括人才团队、技术装备、理论方法等方面。人才团队要求科学技术素养深厚,工作高效实用;技术装备要求简单、快速并有效;理论方法追求支撑防灾减灾决策的"满意解"或"有用解"。技术支撑具体针对地质灾害"险情应急"和"灾情应急"2种类型,前者突出预测预警与应急处置的防灾方法,后者重在成因分析与减灾行动。工作程序上划分为响应启动、调查评价、监测预警、会商定性、防控论证、决策指挥、实施检验和总结完善8个阶段。技术路线包括地质环境信息获取、分析研判、预测预警、模拟仿真、技术方案论证、风险评估与决策支持6个步骤。为了促进地质灾害应急响应从经验走向科学,从感性判断走向理性量化,尽快提升和加强对重大地质灾害应急管理的技术支撑能力,立足于国家层面的决策需求初步提出了重大地质灾害应急响应的科学技术工作框架体系。  相似文献   

The occurrence of disasters such as extreme flooding in urban environments has severe consequences, not only on the human population but also on critical infrastructures such as the road networks, which are of vital importance for everyday living and particularly for emergency response. In this article, our main goal is to present-conceptually and in praxis-a model that could be used from the emergency responders for timely and efficient emergency management and response in an urban complex environment. For the city of Cologne in Germany, we aim to indicate possible ways to decrease the emergency response time during an extreme flood scenario through the development of an accessibility indicator, which consists of different components. Therefore, we will investigate the opportunities that occur, in a flood risk scenario, from the use of geographic information in different forms such as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and open-source data in an ArcGIS environment, to increase urban resilience through the decreasing emergency response time. We will focus on network analysis for the fire brigades (first acting emergency responders) during a flood scenario to calculate their emergency response ranges and emergency response routes through flooded road networks, for the assistance of the possibly affected hospitals, refugee homes and fire brigades, which can be flooded. At the end of the paper, we suggest that the vulnerable community of the refugees could be taken into consideration as a new source of VGI, as an additional component that would lead to the decrease in the emergency response time. The geo-located information that could be provided by the refugee community can be very useful in emergency situations, such as those examined in this article where timely information can be forwarded to the proper authorities for a more focused and timely emergency response, increasing the resilience of the urban population and their community.  相似文献   

In urban area, popular and property is accumulated in a small area, potential risk of earthquake disaster in urban community is great. Pre-disaster emergency evacuation zoning has become a significant topic of disaster prevention and mitigation research. Based on the present layout of evacuation facilities and shelters as well as the evacuation demands in urban communities, a systematical methodology for occupant evacuation against earthquakes on community scale was developed by employing spatial analysis techniques of Geographical Information System (GIS). The methodology included the following aspects: the distribution analysis of emergency evacuation demands, the calculation of shelter space accessibility, and the optimization of evacuation destinations. This methodology was applied to Lujiazui Street in Pudong, a new district located in Shanghai, China. It was found that the proposed methodology could be used to formulate pre-event planning for earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation on a community scale, especially for organizing a rapid and smooth evacuation and optimizing the location allocation of shelters.  相似文献   

This paper examines local government capability in managing pre-, during and post-natural disaster in Indonesia. The case study is the Bantul local government which had experience in managing the 2006 earthquake. Bantul is located in the most densely populated area of Java, where 1,500 people per square km square, and the earthquake destroyed domestic industries that had become the main resource of the Bantul local government. The capability of local government and the requirement to manage a disaster are very important issues for exploring the important role of local government in mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery disaster management activities, particularly in regard to the characteristics of local government in developing countries. In this paper, capability of local government in managing a disaster is defined as a function of institutions, human resources, policy for effective implementation, financial, technical resources and leadership. The capability requirement of each stage of disaster management has also been explained from the point of view of state and non-state actors and institutions. Finally, the paper integrates the capability requirement and reality in order to bridge these gaps.  相似文献   

Citizens have historically become involved in response to disasters by helping both themselves and others. Recently, the idea has emerged of individuals providing this assistance in the response period using bicycles. Community events have been organized by bicycling enthusiasts in US cities to demonstrate how bicycles could potentially be of use in disaster situations. Yet, there has been no empirical research around the idea of citizen bicyclists in disaster response. This study explored the potential use of bicycles and their citizen riders in disaster events in the USA—specifically considering what role, if any, citizen bicyclists could play in such scenarios. Data were initially collected through 21 in-depth, telephone interviews with emergency management officials and bicycling advocates from bicycle-friendly cities in ten different states. Grounded theory was used to conceptualize the overall research design and analyze the data. Based on theoretical and snowball sampling, an additional six interviews were completed with individuals who had requisite knowledge and experiences applicable to the research question. Participants indicated that there are a variety of tasks and activities citizen bicyclists could undertake in disaster response; however, it would have to be an event of significant scope and magnitude for bicycle usage to be widespread—an unlikely occurrence for many jurisdictions. Concerns about training and integration with the formal emergency management structure were also identified. Implications for potential citizen bicyclists—and citizen responders more broadly—are discussed.  相似文献   

Locating social capital in resilient community-level emergency management   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
This paper distinguishes between two types of emergency management at the local scale—municipal government responsibilities and community-level initiatives. It argues that these are interdependent, but separate aspects of emergency management. Communities, whether or not tied to particular places, are posited as being key, but often overlooked resources in both proactive and reactive phases of emergency management. Of particular importance within communities are the social capital resources (networks of strong and weak ties) that may work to improve a community’s resilience to risks and hazards. Two cases studies, the 2003 electricity power blackout in the eastern parts of both Canada and the United States and the 2000 water-borne disaster in Walkerton are utilised to demonstrate the concepts developed in the paper.  相似文献   

Nature-triggered hazards and disasters have traditionally been treated only from the lens of geophysical and biophysical processes, implying that the root cause of large-scale death and destruction lies in the natural domain rather than in a coupled human–environment system. Conceptually, the physical domain has been seen as discrete and separate from human entities, and solutions were sought in the technological intervention and control of the physical environment—solutions that often ended up being less effective than hoped for and sometimes even counter productive. At all levels, institutions have directed and redirected most of their financial and logistical resources into the search for scientific and engineering solutions without allocating due attention and resources towards the assessment of effects and effectiveness of the applications of such technological outcomes. However, over the last two decades, forceful criticisms of the ‘dominant’ technocratic approach to hazards analysis have appeared in the literature and consequently there has not only been a shift in thinking of causation of disaster loss in terms of human vulnerability, but also newer questions have arisen regarding distinguishing between the ‘physical exposure’ of people to threats and societal vulnerability, and linking them with propensity to hazards loss. Though the vulnerability/resilience paradigm has largely replaced the hazards paradigm within the social sciences and much of the professional emergency and disaster management communities, this shift of thinking has not progressed to much of the physical science community, decision-makers and the public, who have not yet accepted the idea that understanding and using human and societal dimensions is equally or more important than trying to deal and control nature through the use of technology. This special issue is intended to further the idea that the aspects of community and peoples’ power to mitigate, to improve coping mechanisms, to respond effectively, and recover with vigor against the environmental extremes are of paramount conceptual and policy importance.  相似文献   

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