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In this paper we investigate the evolution of a pair of interacting planets – a Jupiter-mass planet and a Super-Earth with a mass of  5.5 M   – orbiting a Solar-type star and embedded in a gaseous protoplanetary disc. We focus on the effects of type I and II orbital migrations, caused by the planet–disc interaction, leading to the capture of the Super-Earth in first-order mean-motion resonances by the Jupiter. The stability of the resulting resonant system in which the Super-Earth is on the internal orbit relative to the Jupiter is studied numerically by means of full 2D hydrodynamical simulations. Our main aim is to determine the Super-Earth behaviour in the presence of the gas giant in the system. It is found that the Jupiter captures the Super-Earth into the interior 3:2 or 4:3 mean-motion resonance, and that the stability of such configurations depends on the initial positions of the planets and on the evolution of the eccentricity. If the initial separation of the orbits of the planets is larger than or close to that required for the exact resonance, the final outcome is the migration of the pair of planets at a rate similar to that of the gas giant, at least for the time of our simulations. Otherwise, we observe a scattering of the Super-Earth from the disc. The evolution of planets immersed in a gaseous disc is compared with their behaviour in the case of the classical three-body problem when the disc is absent.  相似文献   

Modelling planets is done for two main reasons – the first to further understanding of their internal structure and the second to provide models to explore astrophysical situations in which planets play a role. For the latter reason, the requirements on accuracy are less severe, although the planet must be realistic in its major features. A numerical model of a layered giant planet is developed with an iron core, a silicate mantle, an ice region and a hydrogen–helium atmosphere. The Tillotson equation of state is used and examples of two model planets are given, one reproducing the mass and radius of Jupiter quite closely and the other with two Jupiter masses. Transferring these results into a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model presents two main difficulties. A uniform distribution of SPH points leads to too few points representing the non-atmospheric component. It is shown that using a distorted lattice enables the core + silicate + ice to be represented by several hundred points so that the evolution of these regions can be followed in detail. Another difficulty concerns the density discontinuities attendant on a layered structure. Density estimates of SPH points are either too large or too small near material interfaces leading to unrealistic pressure gradients and, consequently, to large and unphysical local forces. Algorithms are described for avoiding this difficulty both at material interfaces and near the surface of the planet. In some astrophysical situations involving SPH-modelled planets, the main bulk of the planet is so opaque that internal heat transfer can be neglected. However, surface regions should radiate and a convenient way for including radiation from a planetary surface is described.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of weak gravitational lensing in the standard cold dark matter cosmology, using an algorithm that evaluates the shear in three dimensions. The algorithm has the advantage of variable softening for the particles, and our method allows the appropriate angular diameter distances to be applied to every evaluation location within each three-dimensional simulation box. We investigate the importance of shear in the distance–redshift relation, and find it to be very small. We also establish clearly defined values for the smoothness parameter in the relation, finding its value to be at least 0.83 at all redshifts in our simulations. From our results, obtained by linking the simulation boxes back to source redshifts of 4, we are able to observe the formation of structure in terms of the computed shear, and also note that the major contributions to the shear come from a very broad range of redshifts. We show the probability distributions for the magnification, source ellipticity and convergence, and also describe the relationships amongst these quantities for a range of source redshifts. We find a broad range of magnifications and ellipticities; for sources at a redshift of 4, 97.5 per cent of all lines of sight show magnifications up to 1.39 and ellipticities up to 0.23. There is clear evidence that the magnification is not linear in the convergence, as might be expected for weak lensing, but contains contributions from higher order terms in both the convergence and the shear. Our results for the one-point distribution functions are generally different from those obtained by other authors using two-dimensional (planar) approaches, and we suggest reasons for the differences. Our magnification distributions for sources at redshifts of 1 and 0.5 are also very different from the results used by other authors to assess the effect on the perceived value of the deceleration parameter, and we briefly address this question.  相似文献   

The origin of the irregular satellites of the giant planets has been long debated since their discovery. Their dynamical features argue against an in situ formation suggesting that they are captured bodies, yet there is no global consensus on the physical process at the basis of their capture. In this paper, we explore the collisional capture scenario, where the actual satellites originated from impacts occurred within Saturn's influence sphere. By modelling the inverse capture problem, we estimated the families of orbits of the possible parent bodies and the specific impulse needed for their capture. The orbits of these putative parent bodies are compared to those of the minor bodies of the outer Solar system to outline their possible region of formation. Finally, we tested the collisional capture hypothesis on Phoebe by taking advantage of the data supplied by Cassini on its major crater, Jason. Our results presented a realistic range of solutions matching the observational and dynamical data.  相似文献   

We develop a simple model for computing planetary formation based on the core instability model for the gas accretion and the oligarchic growth regime for the accretion of the solid core. In this model several planets can form simultaneously in the disc, a fact that has important implications especially for the changes in the dynamic of the planetesimals and the growth of the cores since we consider the collision between them as a source of potential growth. The type I and type II migration of the embryos and the migration of the planetesimals due to the interaction with the disc of gas are also taken into account. With this model we consider different initial conditions to generate a variety of planetary systems and analyse them statistically. We explore the effects of using different type I migration rates on the final number of planets formed per planetary system such as on the distribution of masses and semimajor axis of extrasolar planets, where we also analyse the implications of considering different gas accretion rates. A particularly interesting result is the generation of a larger population of habitable planets when the gas accretion rate and type I migration are slower.  相似文献   

Along with the development of the observing technology, the observation and study on the exoplanets’ oblateness and apsidal precession have achieved significant progress. The oblateness of an exoplanet is determined by its interior density profile and rotation period. Between its Love number k2 and core size exists obviously a negative correlation. So oblateness and k2 can well constrain its interior structure. Starting from the Lane-Emden equation, the planet models based on different polytropic indices are built. Then the flattening factors are obtained by solving the Wavre's integro-differential equation. The result shows that the smaller the polytropic index, the faster the rotation, and the larger the oblateness. We have selected 469 exoplanets, which have simultaneously the observed or estimated values of radius, mass, and orbit period from the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Exoplanet Archive, and calculated their flattening factors under the two assumptions: tidal locking and fixed rotation period of 10.55 hours. The result shows that the flattening factors are too small to be detected under the tidal locking assumption, and that 28% of exoplanets have the flattening factors larger than 0.1 under the fixed rotation period of 10.55 hours. The Love numbers under the different polytropic models are solved by the Zharkov's approach, and the relation between k2 and core size is discussed.  相似文献   

日冕是太阳大气活动的关键区域,是日地空间天气的源头.受观测限制,对日冕低层大气等离子体结构和磁场状态的研究非常欠缺,国际上对于可见光波段日冕低层大气的亮度分层研究很少.利用丽江日冕仪YOGIS(Yunnan Green-line Imaging System)的日冕绿线(FeⅩⅣ5303?)观测资料,对内日冕区域(1.03R-1.25R,R表示太阳半径)亮结构及其中冕环进行了有效的强度衰减分析.对亮结构的强度在太阳径向高度上进行了指数衰减拟合,比较这些拟合结果发现所得到的静态内冕环的衰减指数在一固定值附近.然后将比较明显的冕环提取出来,通过对不同高度的绿线强度进行指数拟合,得出的衰减指数与亮结构中也比较相近,这对进一步研究日冕中的各项物理参数演化提供了参考.  相似文献   

Planetesimals encountering with a planet cannot be captured permanently unless energy dissipation is taken into account, but some of them can be temporarily captured in the vicinity of the planet for an extended period of time. Such a process would be important for the origin and dynamical evolution of irregular satellites, short-period comets, and Kuiper-belt binaries. In this paper, we describe the basic formulation for the study of temporary capture of planetesimals from heliocentric orbits using three-body orbital integration, such as the definition of the duration and rate of temporary capture, and present results in the case of low random velocity of planetesimals. In the case of planetesimals initially on circular orbits, we find that planetesimals undergo a close encounter with the planet before they become temporarily captured. When planetesimals are scattered by the planet into the vicinity of one of periodic orbits around the planet, the duration of temporary capture tends to be extended. Typically, these capture orbits are in the retrograde direction around the planet. We evaluate the rate of temporary capture of planetesimals, and find that the ratio of this rate to their collision rate on to the planet increases with increasing semimajor axis of the planet. Similar results are obtained for planetesimals with non-zero but small random velocities, as long as Kepler shear dominates the relative velocity between the planet and planetesimals. For larger initial random velocities of planetesimals, temporary capture in both prograde and retrograde directions with much longer duration becomes possible.  相似文献   

The first JWST observations of hot Jupiters showed an unexpected detection of SO 2 $$ {}_2 $$ in their hydrogen-rich atmospheres. We investigate how much sulfur can be expected in the atmospheres of rocky exoplanets and which sulfur molecules can be expected to be most abundant and detectable by transmission spectroscopy. We run thermochemical equilibrium models at the crust–atmosphere interface, considering surface temperatures 500–5000 K, surface pressures 1–100 bar, and various sets of element abundances based on common rock compositions. Between 1000 and 2000 K, we find gaseous sulfur concentrations of up to 25% above the rock in our models. SO 2 $$ {}_2 $$ , SO, H 2 $$ {}_2 $$ S, and S 2 $$ {}_2 $$ are by far the most abundant sulfur molecules. SO 2 $$ {}_2 $$ shows potentially detectable features in transmission spectra at about 4 μ $$ \mu $$ m, between 7 and 8 μ $$ \mu $$ m, and beyond 15 μ $$ \mu $$ m. In contrast, the sometimes abundant H 2 $$ {}_2 $$ S molecule is difficult to detect in these spectra, which are mostly dominated by H 2 $$ {}_2 $$ O and CO 2 $$ {}_2 $$ . Although the molecule PS only occurs with concentrations < 300 $$ <300 $$ ppm, it can cause a strong absorption feature between 0.3 and 0.65 μ $$ \mu $$ m in some of our models for high surface pressures. The detection of sulfur molecules would enable a better characterization of the planetary surface.  相似文献   

In the present work, we study the stability of hypothetical satellites that are coorbital with Enceladus and Mimas. We performed numerical simulations of 50 particles around the triangular Lagrangian equilibrium points of Enceladus and Mimas taking into account the perturbation of Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Titan and the oblateness of Saturn. All particles remain on tadpole orbits after 10 000 yr of integration. Since in the past the orbit of Enceladus and Mimas expanded due to the tidal perturbation, we also simulated the system with Enceladus and Mimas at several different values of semimajor axes. The results show that in general the particles remain on tadpole orbits. The exceptions occur when Enceladus is at semimajor axes that correspond to 6:7, 5:6 and 4:5 resonances with Mimas. Therefore, if Enceladus and Mimas had satellites librating around their Lagrangian triangular points in the past, they would have been removed if Enceladus crossed one of these first-order resonances with Mimas.  相似文献   

针对返回型月球探测器,基于月球探测中转移轨道的动力学特征和误差传递矩阵的性质,分别对地月转移轨道和月地转移轨道的误差传递特点进行了研究,并根据误差传递矩阵给出估算第1次中途轨道修正速度增量的线性公式.通过具体算例,给出在实际力学模型下月球探测中转移轨道误差传递性质,讨论了目标点和目标轨道两种不同的轨道修正方法的特点和适用情形,并结合再入约束条件对月地转移轨道第2次中途修正进行了分析和计算.  相似文献   

We investigate the fast (type III) migration regime of high-mass protoplanets orbiting in protoplanetary discs. This type of migration is dominated by corotational torques. We study the details of flow structure in the planet's vicinity, the dependence of migration rate on the adopted disc model and the numerical convergence of models (independence of certain numerical parameters such as gravitational softening).
We use two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations with adaptive mesh refinement, based on the flash code with improved time-stepping scheme. We perform global disc simulations with sufficient resolution close to the planet, which is allowed to freely move throughout the grid. We employ a new type of equation of state in which the gas temperature depends on both the distance to the star and planet, and a simplified correction for self-gravity of the circumplanetary gas.
We find that the migration rate in the type III migration regime depends strongly on the gas dynamics inside the Hill sphere (Roche lobe of the planet) which, in turn, is sensitive to the aspect ratio of the circumplanetary disc. Furthermore, corrections due to the gas self-gravity are necessary to reduce numerical artefacts that act against rapid planet migration. Reliable numerical studies of type III migration thus require consideration of both the thermal and the self-gravity corrections, as well as a sufficient spatial resolution and the calculation of disc–planet attraction both inside and outside the Hill sphere. With this proviso, we find type III migration to be a robust mode of migration, astrophysically promising because of a speed much faster than in the previously studied modes of migration.  相似文献   

We present a numerical study of rapid, so-called type III migration for Jupiter-sized planets embedded in a protoplanetary disc. We limit ourselves to the case of inward migration, and study in detail its evolution and physics, concentrating on the structure of the corotation and circumplanetary regions, and processes for stopping migration. We also consider the dependence of the migration behaviour on several key parameters. We perform this study using the results of global, two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations with adaptive mesh refinement. The initial conditions are chosen to satisfy the condition for rapid inward migration. We find that type III migration can be divided into two regimes, fast and slow. The structure of the co-orbital region, mass accumulation rate and migration behaviour differ between these two regimes. All our simulations show a transition from the fast to the slow regime, ending type III migration well before reaching the star. The stopping radius is found to be larger for more massive planets and less massive discs. A sharp density drop is also found to be an efficient stopping mechanism. In the fast migration regime the migration rate and induced eccentricity are lower for less massive discs, but almost do not depend on planet mass. Eccentricity is damped on the migration time-scale.  相似文献   

We present a numerical study of rapid, so-called type III migration for Jupiter-sized planets embedded in a protoplanetary disc. We limit ourselves to the case of outward migration, and study in detail its evolution and physics, concentrating on the structure of the corotation and circumplanetary regions, and processes for stopping migration. We also consider the dependence of the migration behaviour on several key parameters. We perform this study using global, two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations with adaptive mesh refinement. We find that the outward-directed type III migration can be started if the initial conditions support the initial average non-dimensional migration rate bigger than one. Unlike the inward-directed migration, in the outward migration the migration rate increases due to the growing of the volume of the co-orbital region. We find the migration to be strongly dependent on the rate of the mass accumulation in the circumplanetary disc, leading to two possible regimes of migration, fast and slow. The structure of the co-orbital region and the stopping mechanism differs between these two regimes.  相似文献   

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