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Two new genera and species of fossil Palaeontinidae are described from Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China: Cladocossus undulatus gen. et sp. nov. and Cricocossus paradoxus gen. et sp. nov. Both new genera are described based on well-preserved forewings. This discovery confirms the high diversity of palaeontinids during the Middle Jurassic. Both specimens have interesting modal structures which are new to Palaeontinidae: M five-branched and M3 with two branches. Based on this character, wing structural characteristic is discussed.  相似文献   

Diverse caddis flies are recently collected from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou fauna in Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, northern China, and different types of caddis cases have been reported in the same locality. A new species of caddisfly, Liadotaulius daohugouensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated; the establishment is based on a well-preserved isolated forewing collected from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou. The family status of Liadotaulius is discussed on the basis of new material and is referred to the family Philopotamidae. The Daohugou fauna continues to provide new data for studying the early evolution of Trichoptera.  相似文献   

内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区首次发现中侏罗世蝌蚪化石   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
中国中生代的两栖类化石十分稀少,已报道的有尾两栖类仅见产于河北丰宁县凤山炮樟沟晚侏罗世的东方塘螈(Laccotriton subsolanus)、凤山中华螈(Sinerpeton fengshanensis)、辽宁葫芦岛市水口子早白垩世的钟健辽西螈(Liaoxitriton zhongjiani)、内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区中侏罗世的天义初螈(Chunerpeton tianyiensis)和奇异热河螈(Jeholotriton paradoxus),以及辽西早白垩世热河生物群中的无尾两栖类葛氏辽蟾(Liaobatrachus grabaui)、三燕丽蟾(Callobatrachus sanyanensis)北票中蟾(Mesophryne beipiaoensis)。本文记述了一件采自内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区中侏罗世的蝌蚪化石,这在中国乃至亚洲尚属首次报道,不仅填补了中国中侏罗世无尾两栖类化石分布的空白,而且进一步丰富了燕辽生物群的内容,对早期蛙类的地理分布、形态发生、生存环境等研究具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   

Two new species of lacewings are described and illustrated from the Jiulongshan Formation (Middle Jurassic) of Inner Mongolia, China: Leptolingia calonervis sp. nov. and Litholingia ptesa sp. nov. (Grammolingiidae). The species can be distinguished by the following features: the outermost branch of MP2 on the hind wing did not reach the margin of wing in Leptolingia calonervis sp. nov.; the second branch of Rs forked deeply while other branches of Rs forked much later in Litholingia ptesa sp. nov..  相似文献   

Three new species of fossil dragonflies assigned to Sinokaratawia Nel, Huang and Lin in family Campterophlebiidae, i.e. S. daohugouica sp. nov., S. magica sp. nov. and S. gloriosa sp. nov., and new materials of male S. prokopi Nel, Huang and Lin, 2007 are described from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. An emended diagnosis of genus Sinokaratawia was proposed.  相似文献   

Three new species of fossil dragonflies assigned to Sinokaratawia Nel,Huang and Lin in family Campterophlebildae,i.e.S,daohugouica sp.nov.,S.magica sp.nov.and S.gloriosa sp.nov.,and new materials of male S.prokopi Nel,Huang and Lin,2007 are described from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou,Inner Mongolia,China.An emended diagnosis of genus Sinokaratawia was proposed.  相似文献   

Four new species of three genera in the family Cimbrophlebiidae, Telobittacus decorus sp. nov., Bellicimbrophlebia heteroneura sp. nov., Cimbrophlebia amoena sp. nov., and Cimbrophlebia gracilenta sp. nov., are described and illustrated based on eleven well-preserved fossil specimens. These specimens were collected from the latest Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. This is the first record of the genus Cimbrophlebia in the Jurassic extending its age from the Lower Cretaceous to the Middle Jurassic. Due to same venational characters, we propose that an undescribed fossil specimen of Cimbrophlebiidae from the Jurassic of Germany is attributed to C. gracilenta sp. nov. Our new findings demonstrate an evolutionary trend of venational change from 185 to 50 Ma that the level of the bifurcation of Rs is gradually moving toward the base of wing in reference to the bifurcation of M.  相似文献   

A new species, referable to a new genus, is erected, and named the Sinokalligramma jurassicum gen. et sp. nov. It is the second finding of kalligrammatids in the Daohugou Formation. The origin and migration of the family Kalligrammatidae are discussed. The geological age and stratigraphic correlation of the Daohugou and Karabastau Formations are briefly reviewed and reassessed.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of fossil elaterid namely Clavelater ningchengensis gen. et sp. nov. assigned to the subfamily Protagrypninae based on one specimen from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation near Daohugou Village, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, northeastern China is described and illustrated. This specimen displays a pair of large antennae that easily differs from those of most Mesozoic elaterids. There are around 36 species within 20 genera referred to elateroids described from the Early Jurassic to Miocene of China, with another three species within three genera reviewed, but the taxonomic assignment of at least seven species within three genera is doubted. The systematic position of fossil elateriform beetles reported from China is reviewed and the evolution of Mesozoic elateroids briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Two new genera with two new species of sawflies, Cathayxyela extensa gen. et sp. nov. and Aequixyela immensa gen. et sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of southeastern Inner Mongolia, China, are assigned to the subfamily Xyelinae (Hymenoptera, Xyelidae). Cathayxyela gen. nov. can be distinguished by the third antennal article longer than the head; mesoprescutum and mesoscutellum nearly equal in length; the forewing with Sc meeting C before the junction of 1-M and 1- Rs; a weak and narrow pterostigma; and 3-Cu at least 1.5 times longer than the lm-cu. Aequixyela gen. nov. is characterized by the third antennal article nearly as long as the head; the forewing with Rs+M approximately equal to 2-Rs in length; 2m-cu inclined toward the wing base and nearly reaching the middle of cell 3rm; lm-cu as long as the 2-Cu and 3-Cu; and the cell 2cua of regular hexagonal shape.  相似文献   

Three new species of fossil dragonflies assigned to Sinokaratawia Nel, Huang and Lin in family Campterophlebiidae, i.e.S, daohugouica sp. nov., S. magica sp. nov. and S. gloriosa sp. nov., and new materials of male S. prokopi Nel, Huang and Lin, 2007 are described from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. An emended diagnosis of genus Sinokaratawia was proposed.  相似文献   

<正>The classification and phytogeny of the basal Vespina(=Orussoidea+Apocrita)are reconsidered based primarily on rich and well preserved material from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou in Inner Mongolia,China. Comparatively smooth morphological transitions are traced from a Xiphydriidae-like ancestor toward Orussoidea via the Jurassic family Karatavitidae,and through Karatavitidae and the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous family Ephialtitidae independently to Stephanidae,to Evanioidea,and,via the extinct Jurassic Kuafuidae fam.nov.to the remaining Apocrita.New hypothesis is proposed concerning development of the characteristic wasp-waist of Apocrita,which is supposed to appear independently and in different ways in Evanioidea and in the rest of Apocrita.As a result,six infraorders are proposed for the suborder Vespina with the following taxonomic structure:infraorder Orussomorpha including the only superfamily Orussoidea(Karatavitidae+Paroryssidae + Orussidae),infraorder Stephanomorpha with the only superfamily Stephanoidea(Ephialtitidae+Stephanidae), infraorder Evaniomorpha with the only superfamily Evanioidea of traditional composition,infraorder Ceraphronomorpha with the superfamilies Ceraphronoidea s.str.and monotypical Megalyroidea and Trigonaloidea,and the infraorders Proctotrupomorpha,Ichneumonomorpha,and Vespomorpha of traditional composition.The family Kuafuidae is unplaced to infraorder because it is putatively paraphyletic with respect to Ceraphronomorpha,Proctotrupomorpha,Ichneumonomorpha and Vespomorpha.Described as new are Karatavites junfengi sp.nov,Praeratavites wuhuaensis sp.nov.,P.perspicuus sp.nov.,Postxiphydria daohugouensis gen.et sp.nov.,P.ningchengensis gen.et sp.nov.,Postxiphydroides strenuus gen.et sp.nov.,Praeratavitoides amabilis gen.et sp.nov.,Proapocrtius densipediculus sp.nov.,P.sculptus sp.nov.,P.longantennatus sp.nov., P.formosus sp.nov.,P.atropus sp.nov.,P.elegans sp.nov.,Stephanogaster pristinus sp.nov.,Asiephialtites lini sp. nov.,Praeproapocritus vulgatus gen.et sp.nov.,Sinaulacogastrinus solidus gen.et sp.nov.,Sinevania speciosa gen. et sp.nov.,Eonevania robusta gen.et sp.nov.,Kuafua polyneura gen.et sp.nov.(all from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou),as well as Kuafuidae fam.nov.including Kuafua gen.nov.as well as Arthrogaster Rasnitsyn,1975,and Leptogastrella Rasnitsyn,1975 from the Upper Jurassic of Karatau in Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Schizolepis daohugouensis sp. nov. is described from the Jurassic sediments of Daohugou flora, from Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. The female cone is slender, cylindrical in shape, seed scale complexes are loosely and helically arranged on the cone axis at intervals of 3–5 mm. The seed scales are bilobed and divided almost from the base; the scales have no evident petiole but an articulation at the region of attachment to the cone axis. Each lobe of the seed scales is oval in shape, widest at the lower middle part; lobes are obtusely pointed with entire margins. Bract scale is fan shaped. Based on the records of Schizolepis, this is the first report of the occurrence of female cone of Schizolepis with the seed scales, the winged seeds and vegetative branches preserved together in the Jurassic deposits. The new discovery provides evidence that confirms the phylogenetic position of Schizolepis to the extant Pinaceae.  相似文献   

Four new fossil genera and species of true bugs from the family Pachymeridiidae, Beipiaocoris multifurcus, Bellicoris mirabilis, Nitoculus regiUus, and Viriosinervis stolidus, are described. New specimens were collected from the Middle and Upper Jurassic non-marine sedimentary strata from the Jiulongshan and Yixian Formations of northeast China. The species Karatavocoris asiatica Becker-Migdisova, 1963, which was considered to be a member of the family Coreidae is transferred to the Pachymeridiidae. A new map of all known and newly discovered fossil pachymeridiid localities is given. The diagnosis of the family is modified.  相似文献   

Two new coniferous wood taxa, Protocedroxylon zhangii sp. nov. and P. zhalantunense sp. nov., are described from the Middle Jurassic Wanbao Formation in Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia, NE China. The new discovery represents the first record of petrified wood in the Wanbao Formation, and contributes to further understanding the floral composition, especially that of the forest, of the Wanbao Formation. Anatomically, the two new species are characterized by having a mixed type of radial pitting and Abietineentüpfelung. In extant conifers, Abietineentüpfelung is considered to be characteristic of the wood of Pinaceae. The new discovery further indicates that the first occurrence of Abietineentüpfelung in conifer-like wood should be earlier than the Kimmeridgian. The palaeolatitudinal distribution pattern of Protocedroxylon indicates that the genus is a palaeobiogeographically consistent group, which was probably restricted to wetter and cooler temperate climates. In combination with distinct growth rings, the occurrence of Protocedroxylon suggests that a cool temperate and seasonal climate might have prevailed during the sedimentation period of the Wanbao Formation in eastern Inner Mongolia, NE China. Such a view is also in agreement with the palaeoclimatic conditions indicated by the plant megafossils of the Wanbao Formation.  相似文献   

A new species of Phoenicopsis subgenus Windwardia(Florin) Samylina, Phoenicopsis neimengguensis sp.nov., is recognized from the Middle Jurassic Zhaogou Formation in the Shiguai Basin, a Jurassic coal-bearing sedimentary basin in Inner Mongolia, China. Linear leaves are in bundles of six to eight and are attached on a short shoot. The leaf is amphistomatic with one or two irregular rows of longitudinally oriented stomata in each intercostal zone on the upper epidermis and three or four(occasionally six) rows of stomata in each intercostal zone on the lower epidermis. Each stomata is surrounded by four to six subsidiary cells with unevenly developed papillae. The anticlinal walls of epidermal cells are straight. Cuticular thickenings or papillae are present on the outer surface of the periclinal walls. This is the first time that Phoenicopsis subgenus Windwardia(Florin) Samylina is recognized from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. The occurrence of the new species is noteworthy because it extends the geological and geographic distribution of Phoenicopsis subg. Windwardia in China and Eurasia. The discovery is significant as it increases our knowledge of Phoenicopsis subg. Windwardia by providing new data on morphological and epidermal features.  相似文献   

Until now, all Chinese palaeontinids have come from northern China and are more diverse than any other hemipterous insects in the Mesozoic. Most palaeontinids have been discovered from the area encompassing northern Hebei, the Ningcheng area of Inner Mongolia and western Liaoning. The difference in ubiquity of fossil records between northern and southern China is probably related to taphonomical and collecting bias. Records of Early and Late Jurassic palaeontinids are very scarce. The highest diversity of palaeontinid species occurs in the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou Lagersttte. Early Cretaceous palaeontinids of China are restricted to the typical distribution of Jehol Biota. Palaeontinodes sp. is described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Yangshuwanzi, Inner Mongolia and is the only Palaeontinodes specimen from the Cretaceous. Plachutella exculpta Zhang, 1997 from the Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation of Karamai, Xinjiang is re-described and some previously reported species of this genus are discussed.  相似文献   

内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区侏罗纪地层划分及时代探讨   总被引:42,自引:5,他引:42  
任东  高克勤等 《地质通报》2002,21(8):584-591
最近在内蒙古宁城道虎沟村新发现了一些翼龙、蝾螈等重要化石、有关道虎沟化石层的地层层序和时代归属产生了较大的争论。笔者根据野外调查结果和生物地层学资料,讨论了道虎沟化石层的地层层序和时代归属。详尽的区域地层踏勘和实测地层剖面充分显示,道虎沟化石层归属于中侏罗世九龙山组,而不是所谓的义县组;道虎沟化石层与下伏太古宙马鞍山片麻岩而不是土城子组呈角度不整合接触。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper two new species of fossil Pseudopolycentropus Handlirsch, 1906 are described: Pseudopolycentropus janeannae sp. nov. and P. novokshonovi, sp. nov. All of them were recovered from the Middle Jurassic non-marine sedimentary strata of northeastern China. The new material from China reveals that the early diversification of pseudopolycentropodids was well underway by the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

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