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Abstract. Evolution of hydrothermal system from initial porphyry Cu mineralization to overlapping epithermal system at the Dizon porphyry Cu‐Au deposit in western central Luzon, Zambales, Philippines, is documented in terms of mineral paragen‐esis, fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry, and sulfur isotope systematics. The paragenetic stages throughout the deposit are summarized as follows; 1) stockwork amethystic quartz veinlets associated with chalcopyrite, bornite, magnetite and Au enveloped by chlorite alteration overprinting biotite alteration, 2) stockwork quartz veinlets with chalcopyrite and pyrite associated with Au and chalcopyrite and pyrite stringers in sericite alteration, 3) stringer quartz veinlets associated with molybdenite in sericite alteration, and 4) WNW‐trending quartz veins associated with sphalerite and galena at deeper part, while enargite and stibnite at shallower levels associated with advanced argillic alteration. Chalcopyrite and bornite associated with magnetite in quartz veinlet stockwork (stage 1) have precipitated initially as intermediate solid solution (iss) and bornite solid solution (bnss), respectively. Fluid inclusions in the stockwork veinlet quartz consist of gas‐rich inclusions and polyphase inclusions. Halite in polyphase inclusions dissolves at temperatures ranging from 360d?C to >500d?C but liquid (brine) and gas (vapor) do not homogenize at <500d?C. The maximum pressure and minimum temperature during the deposition of iss and bnss with stockwork quartz veinlets are estimated to be 460 bars and 500d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet stockwork quartz enveloped in sericite alteration (stage 2) consist mainly of gas‐rich inclusions and polyphase inclusions. In addition to the possible presence of saturated NaCl crystals at the time of entrapment of fluid inclusions that exhibit the liquid‐vapor homogenization temperatures lower than the halite dissolution temperatures in some samples, wide range of temperatures of halite dissolution and liquid‐vapor homogenization of polyphase inclusions from 230d?C to >500d?C and from 270d?C to >500d?C, respectively, suggests heterogeneous entrapment of gaseous vapor and hypersaline brine. The minimum pressure and temperature are estimated to be about 25 bars and 245d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet quartz associated with molybdenite (stage 3) are dominated by gas‐rich inclusions accompanied with minor liquid‐rich inclusions that homogenize at temperatures between 350d?C and 490d?C. Fluid inclusions in vuggy veinlet quartz associated with stibnite (stage 4) consist mainly of gas‐rich inclusions with subordinate polyphase inclusions that do not homogenize below 500d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet quartz associated with galena and sphalerite (stage 4) are composed of liquid‐rich two‐phase inclusions, and they homogenize into liquid phase at temperatures ranging widely from 190d?C to 300d?C (suggesting boiling) and the salinity ranges from 1.0 wt% to 3.4 wt% NaCl equivalent. A pressure of about 15 bars is estimated for the dilute aqueous solution of 190d?C from which veinlet quartz associated with galena and sphalerite precipitated. In addition to a change in temperature‐pressure regime from lithostatic pressure during the deposition of iss and bnss with stockwork quartz veinlets to hydrostatic pressure during fracture‐controlled quartz veinlet associated with galena and sphalerite, a decrease in pressure is supposed to have occurred due to unroofing or removal of the overlying piles during the temperature decrease in the evolution of hydrothermal system. The majority of the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides ranges from ±0 % to +5 %. Sulfur originated from an iso‐topically uniform and homogeneous source, and the mineralization occurred in a single hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Batu Hijau porphyry Cu‐Au deposit, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia, is associated with a tonalitic intrusive complex. The temperature‐pressure condition of mineralization at the Batu Hijau deposit is discussed on the basis of fluid inclusion microthermometry. Then, the initial Cu‐Fe sulfide mineral assemblage is discussed. Bornite and chalcopyrite are major copper ore minerals associated with quartz veinlets. The quartz veinlets have been classified into ‘A’ veinlets associated with bornite, digenite, chalcocite and chalcopyrite, ‘B’ veinlets having chalcopyrite bornite along vuggy center‐line, rare ‘C’ chalcopyrite‐quartz veinlets, and late ‘D’ veinlets consisting of massive pyrite and quartz (Clode et al., 1999). Copper and gold mineralization is associated with abundant ‘A’ quartz veinlets. Abundant fluid inclusions are found in veinlet quartz consisting mainly of gas‐rich inclusions and polyphase inclusions throughout the veinlet types. The hydrothermal activity occurred in temperature‐pressure conditions of aqueous fluid immiscibility into hypersaline brine and dilute vapor. The halite dissolution (Tm[halite]) and liquid‐vapor homogenization (Th) temperatures of the polyphase inclusions in veinlet quartz range from 270 to 472d?C and from 280 to 454d?C, respectively. The estimated salinity ranges from 36 to 47 wt% (NaCl equiv.). The apparent pressures lower than 300 bars are estimated to have been along the liquid‐vapor‐halite curve for the fluid inclusions having the Th lower than the Tm that trapped the brine saturated with halite, or at slightly higher pressure relative to liquid‐vapor‐halite curve for the fluid inclusions having the Th higher than the Tm that trapped the brine unsaturated with halite. The actual temperature and pressure during the hydrothermal activity at the Batu Hijau deposit are estimated to have been around 300d?C and 50 bars. At such temperature‐pressure conditions, the principal and initial Cu‐Fe sulfide mineral assemblages are thought to be chalcopyrite + bornite solid solution (bnss) for the chalcopyrite‐bearing assemblage, and chalcocite‐digenite solid solution and bnss for the chalcopyrite‐free assemblage.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Mamut deposit of Sabah, East Malaysia, is a porphyry type Cu‐Au deposit genetically related to a quartz monzonite (“adamellite”) porphyry stock associated with upper Miocene Mount Kinabalu plutonism. The genesis of the Mamut deposit is discussed based on petrology of the intrusives in the Mount Kinabalu area combined with ore– and alteration–petrography, fluid inclusion and sulfur isotope studies. Groundmass of the adamellite porphyry at Mamut is rich in K which suggests vapor transport of alkaline elements during the mineralizing magmatic process, while the groundmass of the post‐ore “granodiorite” porphyry at Mamut contains small amounts of normative corundum suggesting depletion in alkaline elements at the root zone of the magma column. Sub‐dendritic tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende phenocrysts in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest interaction between the mineralizing magma and the exsolved fluids. Occurrences of clinopyroxene microphenocrysts and pseudomor‐phic aggregates of shredded biotite and clinopyroxene after hornblende phenocrysts in the barren intrusives imply lower water fugacity and decreasing in water fugacity, respectively. Compositional gap between the core of hornblende phenocrysts and the tremolitic amphibole rims and those in the groundmass of the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggests a decrease in pressure. Higher XMg (=Mg/(Mg+Fe) atomic ratio) in the tremolitic amphibole rims in the Mamut adamellite porphyry compared to those of the barren intrusions suggests high oxygen fugacity. High halogen contents of igneous hydrous minerals such as amphiboles, biotite and apatite in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest the existence of highly saline fluids during the intrusion and solidification of the mineralizing magma. Fluid inclusions found in quartz veinlet stockworks are characterized by abundant hypersaline polyphase inclusions associated with subordinate amounts of immiscible gaseous vapor. Both Cu and Au are dispersed in disseminated and quartz stockwork ores. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite as well as magnetite are the principal ore minerals in the biotitized disseminated ores. Primary assemblage of intermediate solid solution (iss) and pyrrhotite converted to the present assemblage of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite during cooling. Subsequent to biotitization, quartz veinlet stockworks formed associated with retrograde chlorite alteration. The Cu‐Fe sul–fides associated with stockwork quartz veinlet are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Overlapping Pb and Zn and subsequent Sb mineralizations were spatially controlled by NNE‐trending fractures accompanying the phyllic and advanced argillic alteration envelope. Sulfur isotopic composition of ore sulfides are homogeneous (about +2%) throughout the mineralization stages. These are identical to those of the magmatic sulfides of Mount Kinabalu adamellitic rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Santo Tomas II (Philex) deposit is a porphyry Cu‐Au deposit, located in the southern part of the Baguio mineral district, Benguet Province, northern Luzon, Philippines. The Santo Tomas II deposit is associated with an intrusive complex consisting of four rock types that are distinguished based on petrography. They are 1) post‐ore clinopyroxene‐bearing hornblende andesite porphyry, 2) ore‐generating hornblende andesite porphyry, 3) hornblende quartz diorite porphyry and 4) porphyritic hornblende quartz diorite. K‐Ar age of hydrothermal biotitization was estimated to be 1.5±0.4 Ma. A number of intrusive bodies having broadly similar petrography and K‐Ar age occur in the vicinity of the Santo Tomas II deposit, such as at Clifton, Ligay (Binang), Bumolo (Waterhole) and Philex Main Camp areas. The intrusions at the Santo Tomas II deposit and in the vicinity are characterized by high XMg (Mg/[Mg+Fe] atomic ratio, about 0.7 or higher) of mafic silicate phenocrysts such as hornblende, and high sulfur contents (> 0.2 wt% as SO3) in accessory microphenocrystic apatite, suggesting a highly oxidizing condition. Sulfur is accommodated dominantly as oxidized species since the crystallization of phe‐nocrysts. Sub‐dendritic rim of tremolitic amphibole on hornblende phenocryst in the ore‐generating andesite porphyry at the Santo Tomas II deposit suggests interaction of magma and aqueous fluid(s) exsolved due to decompression during intrusion. Dissemination of magnetite is associated with hydrothermal biotitization and is followed by sheeted and stockwork quartz veinlets having silician magnetite and rare titanohematite instead of Cu‐Fe sulfides. The silician magnetite‐rich quartz veinlet was formed at fO2 near the hematite‐magnetite buffer at nearly magmatic temperature, where sulfur dominantly existed as oxidized species such as SO2. Chalcopyrite and bornite, which commonly exhibit micrographic texture often accompanying Pd telluride and native gold/Au‐rich electrum, are associated with subsequent anhydrite (‐quartz) veinlets and stringers. Both intermediate solid solution (iss) and bornite solid solution (bnss) are thought to have coprecipitated primarily at above 500°C based on fluid inclusion microthermometry and sulfur isotope thermometry applied for anhydrite and associated chal‐copyrite and bornite. The initial iss is considered to have converted to chalcopyrite partly replacing bnss during cooling. The hypersaline polyphase fluid inclusions abundantly found in the sheeted and stockwork quartz as well as anhydrite veinlets with scarce gaseous inclusions suggest that they have been trapped in the two aqueous fluid immiscible region. The western Luzon arc associated with porphyry Cu mineralization is characterized by oxidized hydrous magmatism and shallow emplacement, and by the source of sulfur enriched in 34S.  相似文献   

At the Kingking porphyry copper-gold deposit, Compostela Valley, south-eastern Mindanao, Philippines, bornite pods occur in the brecciated parts in the biotite diorite porphyry, together with the volcanic rock and diorite fragments without associated stockworks of quartz veinlets. These pods are generally elongated in shape and measure several centimeters across their longest axes. They are composed of bornite and chalcopyrite with traces of calaverite. The δ34S of bornite and subordinate chalcopyrite of bornite pods ranging from −2.2‰ to +0.1‰ are similar to the δ34S of sulfides associated with quartz veinlets such as bornite and chalcopyrite ranging from −4.7‰ to ±0.0‰. This suggests that the ultimate source of sulfur is identical for bornite pods and sulfides associated with quartz veinlets. Bornite pods are associated with volcanic rock and dioritic fragments in the brecciated portion of the biotite diorite porphyry. It was observed that some dioritic fragments contain quartz veinlets, which may indicate an earlier episode of mineralization. Fragments of the earlier dioritic intrusive rocks and the volcanic rocks, together with the sulfides were incorporated into the biotite diorite porphyry magma. A molten sulfide is possible for the composition between bornite and intermediate solid solution at ∼800°C. The sulfides from the earlier dioritic intrusive rocks in the molten state were segregated and then eventually coalesce to form the bornite pods in the brecciated section of the biotite diorite porphyry.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Lepanto Far Southeast porphyry Cu‐Au deposit is located beneath and to the southeast of the Lepanto enargite‐luzonite Cu–Au deposit in Mankayan, Benguet Province, Philippines. The principal orebody consists of potassic alteration subjected to partial retrograde chlorite alteration that rims stock‐work of quartz‐anhydrite veinlets. Fluid inclusions found in stockwork quartz and anhydrite in the biotitized orebody center are dominated by polyphase inclusions that homogenize at temperatures of >500C. Sulfur isotopic thermometry applied to the sulfides‐anhydrite pairs suggests around 500C. The principal ore minerals associated with quartz‐anhydrite stockworks are chalcopyrite and pyrite with minor bornite and Bi–Te–bearing tennantite, with trace of native gold. Rounded pyrite grains appear fractured and corroded and are interpreted as remnants of primary intermediate solid solution + pyrite assemblage. A breccia pipe truncates the deposit. Mineralization in the breccia pipe is brought by quartz‐anhydrite veinlets and infilling in the interstices between clasts. Chalcopyrite‐Au mineralization associated with molybdenite is recognized in the deeper zone in the breccia pipe. Fluid inclusion microthermometry on polyphase inclusions in veinlet quartz as well as sulfur isotope thermometry applied for the pair of anhydrite and sulfides suggests >450C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet quartz and anhydrite in the fringe advanced argillic alteration are chiefly composed of coexisting liquid‐rich inclusions and gas‐rich inclusions, in addition to coexisting polyphase inclusions and gas‐rich inclusions. These inclusions exhibit a wide range of homogenization temperatures, suggesting heterogeneous entrapping in the two‐fluid unmixing region. Sulfur isotopes of aqueous sulfide and sulfate exhibit a general trend from the smallest fractionation pairs (about 11%) in the biotitized orebody center to the largest fractionation (about 25%) pairs in the fringe advanced argillic alteration, suggesting a simple evolution of hydrothermal system. The slopes of arbitrary regression lines in δ34S versus 34S[SO4 = –H2S] diagram suggest that the abundance ratio of aqueous sulfate to sulfide in the hydrothermal fluid has been broadly constant at about 1:3 through temperature decrease. The intersection of these two regression lines at the δ34S axis indicates that the bulk δ34S is about +6%. Thus, the Lepanto FSE deposit is a further example which confirms enrichment in 34S in the hydrous intermediate to silicic magmas and associated magmatic hydrothermal deposits in the western Luzon arc.  相似文献   

The Selogiri area, situated in Wonogiri regency, Central Java, is one of several gold prospecting areas in the Southern areas Mountain Range in Java, Indonesia. Three types of dioritic–andesitic intrusive rocks occur in the Selogiri area, namely, hornblende andesite porphyry, hornblende diorite porphyry and hornblende diorite, exposed in a half‐circular depression where volcanic breccia and tuff are widely distributed. The occurrence of stockwork quartz veinlets and associated with magnetite and malachite coating along the cracks in the diorite porphyry suggests porphyry type mineralization. This is also supported by the occurrence of polyphase hypersaline fluid inclusions in the stockwork veinlet quartz. Small‐scale miners are mining NS‐trending quartz veins for gold associated with base metal sulfides. These veins are probably epithermal‐type mineralization that overprinted porphyry‐type mineralization. The Neogene intermediate to silicic hydrous magmatism in Java could have formed the porphyry‐type mineralization in Selogiri, as in the rest of the Sunda–Banda arc.  相似文献   

Several high‐sulfidation epithermal gold orebodies in the Mankayan Mineral District were formed in an environment that has been already affected by earlier porphyry‐type mineralization. This study reports the geologic and geochemical characteristics of the Carmen and Florence epithermal orebodies, which are located in the south of the Lepanto main enargite–gold orebody. The gold‐bearing epithermal quartz veins in the Carmen and Florence areas are of two types: (i) the enargite‐rich veins and (ii) the quartz–pyrite–gold (QPG) veins. The two types of veins are mainly hosted by the Cretaceous Lepanto Metavolcanics basement rocks, with minor veins cutting the Pleistocene Imbanguila Dacite Pyroclastics. The mineral assemblages and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions indicate that the Carmen and Florence orebodies were deposited by fluids varying from high to very high sulfidation state. The enargite and QPG epithermal veins of Carmen and Florence cut porphyry‐type quartz veinlet stockworks and veins that host polyphase hypersaline fluid inclusions that did not homogenize at or below 400°C. These high‐temperature quartz exhibits distinctly different mineral chemistry from the quartz of the QPG and enargite‐rich epithermal veins. In particular, the Ti content of quartz of the porphyry‐type veinlet stockwork is elevated (>100 ppm), whereas the Ti concentration of the epithermal vein quartz crystals are below detection limits. The Fe concentration of quartz is high in epithermal vein quartz (>300 ppm), whereas nearly undetected in the porphyry‐type stockwork veinlet quartz. Multiple generations of quartz with different mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions morphology, temperature, salinity and bulk gas compositions, and stable isotopic ratios indicate the variable hydrothermal conditions throughout the mineralization history of the Mankayan District. The temperature, pH, sulfidation state, oxidation state, and fluid composition vary among the orebodies in Carmen and Florence areas. Furthermore, the characteristics of earlier alteration affected the apparent characteristics of subsequent mineralization.  相似文献   

The porphyry Cu deposits at Waisoi in Namosi district, Viti Levu are separated into two deposits: the Waisoi East deposit and the Waisoi West deposit. In the Waisoi East deposit, quartz porphyry is exposed and in the Waisoi West deposit, diorite porphyry is sporadically exposed in addition to a small body of quartz porphyry. The mineralization in the Waisoi East deposit is characterized by the bornite–chalcopyrite–pyrite assemblage associated with traces of molybdenite and native gold. Polyphase fluid inclusions in stockwork quartz veinlets show homogenization temperatures ranging from 210 to >500°C. The high‐grade Cu mineralization in the Waisoi West deposit is characterized by the bornite–chalcopyrite–pyrite assemblage accompanied with sheeted and stockwork quartz veinlets. Polyphase fluid inclusions occasionally containing hematite flakes in quartz veinlets in the center of the Waisoi West deposit homogenize at temperatures ranging from 450°C to >500°C. However, fluid inclusions in stockwork quartz veinlets in the periphery, homogenize at lower temperatures around 210°C. Both in the Waisoi East and Waisoi West deposits, primary bornite–chalcopyrite–pyrite assemblage in the high Cu‐grade zone was deposited at the upper stability limit of chalcopyrite with respect to sulfur fugacity. Thus, the principal Cu mineralization at the Waisoi deposits occurred at a relatively high sulfur fugacity, that is, in a high‐sulfidation environment.  相似文献   

雪鸡坪铜矿床产于印支晚期石英二长闪长玢岩-石英闪长玢岩-石英二长斑岩复式侵入体内,为一斑岩型铜矿床。矿床形成经历了多阶段热液成矿作用,主要有微细脉浸染状黄铁矿±黄铜矿-石英、细脉状辉钼矿±黄铁矿±黄铜矿-石英及微细脉状贫硫化物-石英-方解石等。流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温、激光拉曼及碳、氢、氧同位素综合研究表明,微细脉浸染状黄铁矿±黄铜矿-石英阶段石英中主要发育含Na Cl子矿物三相及气液两相包裹体,与含矿的石英二长斑岩石英中发育的流体包裹体特征相似,表明成矿流体主要为中高温、高盐度Na Cl-H2O体系热液,可能主要来源于印支期石英二长斑岩侵入体;辉钼矿±黄铁矿±黄铜矿-石英中主要发育含CO2三相及气液两相包裹体,成矿流体为中温、低盐度Na Cl-CO2-H2O体系热液,与前者来源明显不同;贫硫化物-石英-方解石石英中主要发育气液两相包裹体,成矿流体为中低温、低盐度Na Cl-H2O体系热液,推测其可能较多来自于大气降水。因此,雪鸡坪铜矿床为不同来源、不同地球化学性质热液叠加成矿作用的结果。  相似文献   

地苏嘎印支期斑岩体位于中甸岛弧东斑岩带的北端,岩性为石英闪长玢岩,与普朗超大型斑岩铜矿的成矿岩体同属于甘孜—理塘洋壳俯冲作用晚期岩浆活动的产物。全岩地球化学特征显示,地苏嘎石英闪长玢岩具有中等的SiO2含量,较高的Al2O3及全碱(K2O+Na2O)含量。全岩亏损高场强元素,富集大离子亲石元素,稀土元素配分曲线呈典型的右倾状,显示出轻稀土富集、重稀土相对亏损的特点。主量元素和微量元素成矿指示方面的研究结果表明:与普朗38个与成矿有关的石英闪长玢岩的全岩数据相比,地苏嘎石英闪长玢岩具有相对较低的SiO2和Y含量、较高的∑REE和(La/Yb)N比值,但二者的Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O)比值及MnO含量差别不大。在成矿与非成矿斑岩的SiO2- Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O)和Y-MnO图解中,地苏嘎石英闪长玢岩与普朗石英闪长玢岩数据投图结果类似。此外,地苏嘎斑岩体在物探异常、化探异常及遥感影像特征上具有明显的矿化标志,同时岩体的剥蚀深度小于侵位深度,有利于矿床的保存。以上研究结果表明地苏嘎斑岩体具有成为斑岩型铜矿床的潜力。  相似文献   

The Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit is located about 200 km northwest of Hami City, the Eastern Tianshan orogenic belt, Xinjiang, northwestern China, and is a quartz vein‐type tungsten deposit. Combined fluid inclusion microthermometry, host rock geochemistry, and H–O isotopic compositions are used to constrain the ore genesis and tectonic setting of the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit. The orebodies occur in granite intrusions adjacent to the metamorphic crystal tuff, which consists of the second lithological section of the first Sub‐Formation of the Dananhu Formation (D2d 12). Biotite granite is the most widely distributed intrusive bodies in the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit. Altered diorite and metamorphic crystal tuff are the main surrounding rocks. The granite belongs to peraluminous A‐type granite with high potassic calc‐alkaline series, and all rocks show light Rare Earth Element (REE)‐enriched patterns. The trace element characters suggest that crystallization differentiation might even occur in the diagenetic process. The granite belongs to postcollisional extension granite, and the rocks formed in an extensional tectonic environment, which might result from magma activity in such an extensional tectonic environment. Tungsten‐bearing quartz veins are divided into gray quartz vein and white quartz veins. Based on petrography observation, fluid inclusions in both kinds of vein quartz are mainly aqueous inclusions. Microthermometry shows that gray quartz veins have 143–354°C of Th, and white quartz veins have 154–312°C of Th. The laser‐Raman test shows that CO2 is found in fluid inclusions of the tungsten‐bearing quartz veins. Quadrupole mass spectrometry reveals that fluid inclusions contain major vapor‐phase contents of CO2, H2O. Meanwhile, fluid inclusions contain major liquid‐phase contents of Cl?, Na+. It can be speculated that the ore‐forming fluid of the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit is characterized by an H2O–CO2, low salinity, and H2O–CO2–NaCl system. The range of hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions indicated that the ore‐forming fluids of the tungsten deposit were mainly magmatic water. The ore‐forming age of the Xiaojiashan deposit should to be ~227 Ma. During the ore‐forming process, the magmatic water had separated from magmatic intrusions, and the ore‐bearing complex was taken to a portion where tungsten‐bearing ores could be mineralized. The magmatic fluid was mixed by meteoric water in the late stage.  相似文献   

This paper describes petrologic and geochemical characteristics of intrusive rocks associated with porphyry copper deposits in south-eastern Mindanao, the Philippines, where the Kingking deposit is located. Intrusive rocks at the Kingking deposit, are classified into biotite-bearing diorite porphyry, hornblende diorite porphyry and diorite porphyry. Intrusive rocks in other areas in south-eastern Mindanao, including Batoto, Bukal, Maragusan, Masara, Amacan and Sumlog, are hornblende diorite porphyry and hornblende quartz diorite. They are adakitic in Sr/Y-Y diagram, but not in La/Yb-Yb diagram due to relatively low REE contents. The magmas are oxidizing as suggested by the high XMg of mafic silicate phenocrysts and SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite. An Oligocene-Miocene diorite intrusive complex formed by calc-alkaline, hydrous, oxidizing magma is considered to be associated with porphyry-type copper-gold mineralization.  相似文献   

杨群  任云生  鞠楠  陈聪  孙振明  秦朝建 《地质通报》2015,34(203):523-534
东风北山钼矿床位于延边天宝山矿集区东北部,已探明的浅部石英脉型钼矿体均受黑云母石英闪长岩中的构造裂隙控制,经历了石英—辉钼矿阶段、石英—多金属硫化物阶段和石英—方解石阶段。含矿石英脉中主要发育富液相、富气相、含CO2三相、含子矿物三相和少量纯CO2 五种类型包裹体。石英—辉钼矿阶段包裹体类型多样,且具有相似的均一温度,表明流体演化的过程中发生了沸腾作用,流体沸腾是导致Mo元素沉淀富集成矿的主要机制。包裹体气相成分除H2O以外还含有部分CO2和少量的CH4,表明成矿流体属于中高温、中高盐度的H2O-NaCl±CO2±CH4流体体系。综合分析认为,该矿床已探明的脉型矿体应属斑岩型钼矿成矿作用的浅部结果,含矿黑云母石英闪长岩体的深部或外围应存在成矿斑岩体,其中细脉浸染型钼矿化是进一步研究和地质找矿的重点。  相似文献   

The Nuri Cu‐W‐Mo deposit is located in the southern subzone of the Cenozoic Gangdese Cu‐Mo metallogenic belt. The intrusive rocks exposed in the Nuri ore district consist of quartz diorite, granodiorite, monzogranite, granite porphyry, quartz diorite porphyrite and granodiorite porphyry, all of which intrude in the Cretaceous strata of the Bima Group. Owing to the intense metasomatism and hydrothermal alteration, carbonate rocks of the Bima Group form stratiform skarn and hornfels. The mineralization at the Nuri deposit is dominated by skarn, quartz vein and porphyry type. Ore minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrite, molybdenite, scheelite, bornite and tetrahedrite, etc. The oxidized orebodies contain malachite and covellite on the surface. The mineralization of the Nuri deposit is divided into skarn stage, retrograde stage, oxide stage, quartz‐polymetallic sulfide stage and quartz‐carbonate stage. Detailed petrographic observation on the fluid inclusions in garnet, scheelite and quartz from the different stages shows that there are four types of primary fluid inclusions: two‐phase aqueous inclusions, daughter mineral‐bearing multiphase inclusions, CO2‐rich inclusions and single‐phase inclusions. The homogenization temperature of the fluid inclusions are 280°C–386°C (skarn stage), 200°C–340°C (oxide stage), 140°C–375°C (quartz‐polymetallic sulfide stage) and 160°C–280°C (quartz‐carbonate stage), showing a temperature decreasing trend from the skarn stage to the quartz‐carbonate stage. The salinity of the corresponding stages are 2.9%–49.7 wt% (NaCl) equiv., 2.1%–7.2 wt% (NaCl) equiv., 2.6%–55.8 wt% (NaCl) equiv. and 1.2%–15.3 wt% (NaCl) equiv., respectively. The analyses of CO2‐rich inclusions suggest that the ore‐forming pressures are 22.1 M Pa–50.4 M Pa, corresponding to the depth of 0.9 km–2.2 km. The Laser Raman spectrum of the inclusions shows the fluid compositions are dominated in H2O, with some CO2 and very little CH4, N2, etc. δD values of garnet are between ?114.4‰ and ?108.7‰ and δ18OH2O between 5.9‰ and 6.7‰; δD of scheelite range from ?103.2‰ to ?101.29‰ and δ18OH2O values between 2.17‰ and 4.09‰; δD of quartz between ?110.2‰ and ?92.5‰ and δ18OH2O between ?3.5‰ and 4.3‰. The results indicate that the fluid came from a deep magmatic hydrothermal system, and the proportion of meteoric water increased during the migration of original fluid. The δ34S values of sulfides, concentrated in a rage between ?0.32‰ to 2.5‰, show that the sulfur has a homogeneous source with characteristics of magmatic sulfur. The characters of fluid inclusions, combined with hydrogen‐oxygen and sulfur isotopes data, show that the ore‐forming fluids of the Nuri deposit formed by a relatively high temperature, high salinity fluid originated from magma, which mixed with low temperature, low salinity meteoric water during the evolution. The fluid flow through wall carbonate rocks resulted in the formation of layered skarn and generated CO2 or other gases. During the reaction, the ore‐forming fluid boiled and produced fractures when the pressure exceeded the overburden pressure. Themeteoric water mixed with the ore‐forming fluid along the fractures. The boiling changed the pressure and temperature, oxygen fugacity, physical and chemical conditions of the whole mineralization system. The escape of CO2 from the fluid by boiling resulted in scheelite precipitation. The fluid mixing and boiling reduced the solubility of metal sulfides and led the precipitation of chalcopyrite, molybdenite, pyrite and other sulfide.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2022,5(4):662-695
The porphyry copper belt in the Geza island arc in southwestern China is the only Indosinian porphyry copper metallogenic belt that has been discovered and evaluated so far. The Pulang porphyry copper deposit (also referred to as the Pulang deposit) in this area has proven copper reserves of 5.11×106 t. This deposit has been exploited on a large scale using advanced mining methods, exhibiting substantial economic benefit. Based on many research results of previous researchers and the authors’ team, this study proposed the following key insights. (1) The Geza island arc was once regarded as an immature island arc with only andesites and quartz diorite porphyrites occurring. This understanding was overturned in this study. Acidic endmember components such as quartz monzonite porphyries and quartz monzonite porphyries have been identified in the Geza island arc, and the mineralization is mainly related to the magmatism of quartz monzonite porphyries. (2) Complete porphyry orebodies and large vein orebodies have developed in the Pulang deposit. Main orebody KT1 occurs in the transition area between the potassium silicate alteration zone of quartz monzonite porphyries and the sericite-quartz alteration zone. Most of them have developed in the potassium silicate alteration zone. The main orebody occurs as large lenses at the top of the hanging wall of rock bodies, with an engineering-controlled length of 1920 m and thickness of 32.5‒630.29 m (average: 187.07 m). It has a copper grade of 0.21%‒1.56% (average: 0.42%) and proven copper resources of 5.11×106 t, which are associated with 113 t of gold, 1459 t of silver, and 170×103 t of molybdenum. (3) Many studies on diagenetic and metallogenic chronology, isotopes, and fluid inclusions have been carried out for the Pulang deposit, including K-Ar/Ar-Ar dating of monominerals (e.g., potassium feldspars, biotites, and amphiboles), zircon U-Pb dating, and molybdenite Re-Os dating. The results show that the porphyries in the Pulang deposit are composite plutons and can be classified into pre-mineralization quartz diorite porphyrites, quartz monzonite porphyries formed during the mineralization, and post-mineralization granite porphyries, which were formed at 223±3.7 Ma, 218±4 Ma, and 207±3.9 Ma, respectively. The metallogenic age of the Pulang deposit is 213‒216 Ma. (4) The petrogeochemical characteristics show that the Pulang deposit has the characteristics of volcanic arc granites. The calculation results of trace element contents in zircons show that quartz monzonite porphyries and granite porphyries have higher oxygen fugacity. The isotopic tracing results show that the diagenetic and metallogenic materials were derived from mixed crust- and mantle-derived magmas.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The Sawayaerdun gold deposit, located in Wuqia County, Southwest Tianshan, China, occurs in Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian low‐grade metamorphic carbonaceous turbidites. The orebodies are controlled by a series of NE‐NNE‐trending, brittle–ductile shear zones. Twenty‐four gold mineralized zones have been recognized in the Sawayaerdun ore deposit. Among these, the up to 4‐km‐long and 200‐m wide No. IV mineralized zone is economically the most important. The average gold grade is 1–6 g/t. Gold reserves of the Sawayaerdun deposit have been identified at approximately 37 tonnes and an inferred resource of 123 tonnes. Hydrothermal alteration is characterized by silicification, pyritization, arsenopyritization, sericitization, carbonatization and chloritization. On the basis of field evidence and petrographic analysis, five stages of vein emplacement and hydrothermal mineralization can be distinguished: stage 1, early quartz stage, characterized by the occurrence of quartz veins; stage 2, arsenopyrite–pyrite–quartz stage, characterized by the formation of auriferous quartz veinlets and stockworks; stage 3, polymetallic sulfide quartz stage, characterized by the presence of auriferous polymetallic sulfide quartz veinlets and stockworks; stage 4, antimony–quartz stage, characterized by the formation of stibnite–jamesonite quartz veins; and stage 5, quartz–carbonate vein stage. Stages 2 and 3 represent the main gold mineralization, with stage 4 representing a major antimony mineralization episode in the Sawayaerdun deposit. Two types of fluid inclusion, namely H2O–NaCl and H2O–CO2–NaCl types, have been recognized in quartz and calcite. Aqueous inclusions show a wide range of homogenization temperatures from 125 to 340°C, and can be correlated with the mineralization stage during which the inclusions formed. Similarly, salinities and densities of these fluids range for each stage of mineralization from 2.57 to 22 equivalent wt% NaCl and 0.76 to 1.05 g/cm3, respectively. The ore‐forming fluids thus are representative of a medium‐ to low‐temperature, low‐ to medium‐salinity H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4–N2 system. The δ34SCDT values of sulfides associated with mineralization fall into a narrow range of ?3.0 to +2.6‰ with a mean of +0.1‰. The δ13CPDB values of dolomite and siderite from the Sawayaerdun gold deposit range from ?5.4 to ?0.6‰, possibly reflecting derivation of the carbonate carbon from a mixed magmatic/sedimentary source. Changes in physico‐chemical conditions and composition of the hydrothermal fluids, water–rock exchange and immiscibility of hydrothermal fluids are inferred to have played important roles in the ore‐forming process of the Sawayaerdun gold–antimony deposit.  相似文献   

The Miocene Qulong porphyry Cu‐Mo deposit, which is located at the Gangdese orogenic belt of Southern Tibet, is the largest porphyry‐type deposit in China, with confirmed Cu ~10 Mt and Mo ~0.5 Mt. It is spatially and temporally associated with multiphase granitic intrusions, which is accompanied by large‐scale hydrothermal alteration and mineralization zones, including abundant hydrothermal anhydrite. In addition to hydrothermal anhydrite, magmatic anhydrite is present as inclusions in plagioclase, interstitial minerals between plagioclase and quartz, and phenocrysts in unaltered granodiorite porphyry, usually in association with clusters of sulfur‐rich apatite in the Qulong deposit. These observations indicate that the Qulong magma‐hydrothermal system was highly oxidized and sulfur‐rich. Three main types of fluid inclusions are observed in the quartz phenocrysts and veins in the porphyry: (i) liquid‐rich; (ii) polyphase high‐salinity; and (iii) vapor‐rich inclusions. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of all type inclusions decrease from the quartz phenocrysts in the porphyry to hydrothermal veins (A, B, D veins). Microthermometric study suggests copper‐bearing sulfides precipitated at about 320–400°C in A and B veins. Fluid boiling is assumed for the early stage of mineralization, and these fluids may have been trapped at about 35–60 Mpa at 460–510°C and 28–42 Mpa at 400–450°C, corresponding to trapping depths of 1.4–2.4 km and 1.1–1.7 km, respectively.  相似文献   

The Dexing deposit is located in a NE‐trending magmatic belt along the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Craton. It is the largest porphyry copper deposit in China, consisting of three porphyry copper orebodies of Zhushahong, Tongchang and Fujiawu from northwest to southeast. It contains 1168 Mt of ores with 0.5% Cu and 0.01% Mo. The Dexing deposit is hosted by Middle Jurassic granodiorite porphyries and pelitic schist of Proterozoic age. The Tongchang granodiorite porphyry has a medium K cal‐alkaline series, with medium K2O content (1.94–2.07 wt%), and low K2O/(Na2O + K2O) (0.33–0.84) ratios. They have high large‐ion lithophile elements, high light rare‐earth elements, and low high‐field‐strength elements. The hydrothermal alteration at Tongchang is divided into four alteration mineral assemblages and related vein systems. They are early K‐feldspar alteration and A vein; transitional (chlorite + illite) alteration and B vein; late phyllic (quartz + muscovite) alteration and D vein; and latest carbonate, sulfate and oxide alteration and hematite veins. Primary fluid inclusions in quartz from phyllic alteration assemblage include liquid‐rich (type 1), vapor‐rich (type 2) and halite‐bearing ones (type 3). These provide trapping pressures of 20–400 ´ 105 Pa of fluids responsible for the formation of D veins. Igneous biotite from least altered granochiorite porphyry and hydrothermal muscovite in mineralized granodiorite porphyry possess δ18O and δD values of 4.6‰ and ?87‰ for biotite and 7.1–8.9‰, ?71 to ?73‰ for muscovite. Stable isotopic composition of the hydrothermal water suggests a magmatic origin. The carbon and oxygen isotope for hydrothermal calcite are ?4.8 to ?6.2‰ and 6.8–18.8‰, respectively. The δ34S of pyrite in quartz vein ranges from ?0.1 to 3‰, whereas δ34S for chalcopyrite in calcite veins ranges from 4 to 5‰. These are similar to the results of previous studies, and suggest a magmatic origin for sulfur. Results from alteration assemblages and vein system observation, as well as geochemical, fluid inclusion, stable isotope studies indicate that the involvement of hydrothermal fluids exsolved from a crystallizing melt are responsible for the formation of Tongchang porphyry Cu‐Mo orebodies in Dexing porphyry deposit.  相似文献   

Walegen Au deposit is closely correlated with granitic intrusions of Triassic age, which are composed of granite and quartz porphyries. Both granite porphyry and quartz porphyry consist of quartz, feldspar and muscovite as primary minerals. Weakly peraluminous granite porphyry(A/CNK=1.10–1.15) is enriched in LREE, depleted in HREE with Nb-Ta-Ti anomalies, and displays subduction-related geochemistry. Quartz porphyry is strongly peraluminous(A/CNK=1.64–2.81) with highly evolved components, characterized by lower TiO_2, REE contents, Mg~#, K/Rb, Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf ratios and higher Rb/Sr ratios than the granite porphyry. REE patterns of quartz porphyry exhibit lanthanide tetrad effect, resulting from mineral fractionation or participation of fluids with enriched F and Cl. LAICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicates quartz porphyry formed at 233±3 Ma. The ages of relict zircons from Triassic magmatic rocks match well with the detrital zircons from regional area. In addition, ε_(Hf)(t) values of Triassic magmatic zircons from the granite and quartz porphyries are -14.2 to -9.1(with an exception of +4.1) and -10.8 to -8.6 respectively, indicating a crustal-dominant source. Regionally, numerous Middle Triassic granitoids were previously reported to be formed under the consumption of Paleotethyan Ocean. These facts indicate that the granitic porphyries from Walegen Au deposit may have been formed in the processes of the closing of Paleotethyan Ocean, which could correlate with the arc-related magmatism in the Kunlun orogen to the west and the Qinling orogen to the east.  相似文献   

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