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The Brixen Quartzphyllite, basement of the Southern Alps (Italy), consists of metasediments which had suffered progressive deformation and low grade metamorphism (p max4 kbar, T max375±25° C) during the Palaeozoic. It has been excavated by pre-Permian erosion, buried again beneath a pile of Permo-mesozoic to Cainozoic sediments (estimated T max150° C), and is now exposed anew due to late Alpine uplift and erosion. The behavior of the K-Ar system of white micas is investigated, taking advantage of the narrow constraints on their thermal history imposed by the geological/stratigraphic reference systems.The six structurally and petrographically differing samples come from a single outcrop, whose position is roughly two kilometers beneath the Permian land-surface. White mica concentrates from five grain size fractions (<2 , 2–6 , 6–20 , 20–60 , 60–75 ) of each sample have been analyzed by the conventional K-Ar method, four selected concentrates additionally by the 40Ar/39Ar stepwise heating technique; furthermore, Ar content and isotopic composition of vein quartz were determined.The conventional ages of the natural grain size fractions (20–60 , 60–75) are in the range 316±8 Ma, which corresponds to the 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 319.0±5.5 Ma within the error limits. The finer grain size fractions yield significantly lower ages, down to 233 Ma for fractions <2 . Likewise low apparent ages (down to 83 Ma) are obtained for the low temperature 40Ar/39Ar degassing steps.There is no correlation between microstructural generation of white mica prevailing in the sample and apparent age. This favours an interpretation of the 316±8 Ma values as cooling age; progressive deformation and metamorphism must be respectively older and their timing cannot be resolved by these methods. The data preclude any significant influence of a detrital mica component as well as of excess argon.The lower ages found for the fine grain-size fractions (respectively the low-T degassing steps) correspond to a near-surface period (p-T-minimum); the values are geologically meaningless. The effect is interpreted to result from partial Ar loss due to reheating during Mesozoic-Cainozoic reburial. A model based on diffusion parameters derived from the outgassing experiments and Dodson's (1979) equation yields a closure temperature of 284±40 °C for a cooling rate of 18° C/Ma. Furthermore, this model suggests that the observed argon loss of up to 5% may in fact have been induced by reheating to 150 °C for 50 Ma.  相似文献   

The olivine-clinopyroxene (Fe-Mg partition) geothermometer of Powell and Powell (1974) was derived on the basis of clinopyroxene mixing parameters which imply a large miscibility gap in CaFeSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 clinopyroxenes at 950° C. Application of the Powell and Powell thermometer in an empirical way (ignoring likely errors in mixing parameters) is limited by the fact that almost all natural clinopyroxene-olivine pairs are constrained by the form of the equation to have 1-bar temperatures within the narrow (915–1,060° C) limits of their calibration points.Temperatures obtained from the Powell and Powell thermometer have been compared with those obtained from clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene (miscibility gap) thermometers; agreement with the latter is poor. There are discrepancies between calculated and observed (experimental) temperatures for iron-rich clinopyroxene-olivine pairs. It is concluded that application of the thermometer in its present form is unlikely to produce reliable results.  相似文献   

Abstract Crystal-chemical relationships between coexisting sodic and calcic amphiboles have been studied in eclogitic metagabbros from the Aosta Valley, Western Alps. Textural analysis gives evidence of three successive high-pressure parageneses:
1. Pre-kinematic high-grade blueschist assemblages, preserved as polymineralic inclusions in garnet cores and made of glaucophane and actinolite (stage A).
2. Synkinematic eclogite assemblages, composed of garnet + omphacite + glaucophane ± actinolite ± white mica ° Clinozoisite + quartz + rutile (stage B).
3. Post-kinematic epitactic overgrowths of barroisitic amphibole on glaucophane and actinolite (stage C).
P–T conditions of the eclogitic metamorphism have been estimated at around 500–550°C, 16 kbar.
Glaucophane and actinolite coexist as discrete grains in stage A and B assemblages. This texture and the chemistry of the amphiboles unambiguously denotes the existence of a miscibility gap between sodic and calcic amphiboles (from NaM4= 0.80 in actinolite to NaM4= 1.70 in glaucophane at T = 500–550°C). A comparison with published analyses allows a new solvus along the glaucophane–actinolite join to be drawn.
The later barroisitic amphibole (stage C) exhibits strong chemical zonation indicating disequilibrium growth. This amphibole cannot either be used to define a miscibility gap with glaucophane or actinolite or be considered as an intermediate stage between these two end-members.  相似文献   

22 hornblende K-Ar ages and 10 39Ar-40Ar spectra were obtained for hornblende garbenschists from the Western Tauern Window. The post-kinematic amphiboles were produced during the late Alpine prograde metamorphism (6–10 kb and 500–570° C). Two nearly potassiumfree cummingtonites rimming hornblende yield K-Ar ages of 120 Ma, while the 20 tschermakitic hornblendes scatter between 17 and 37 Ma. The reason for this scatter is excess Ar, possibly incorporated into amphiboles during healing of fractures, now traceable by trails of fluid inclusions. Excess Ar is semiquantitatively corrected for by combining cogenetic hornblende and cummingtonite with K-Ar isochrons. It can be quantified in 4 out of 10 hornblendes by 39Ar-40Ar stepwise heating experiments. Ages of 18–20 Ma result for corrected hornblendes. The retentivity of 40Ar, after correction for excess, shows no correlation with chemistry within the narrow compositional range observed; rather, it shows intriguing correlations with irregularities in Ca/K spectra, pointing to a microstructurally controlled mechanism for Ar loss. This observation leads to a critical evaluation of the closure temperature constant, which apparently depends on an incompletely known number of mineralogical and environmental parameters. In particular those 39Ar-40Ar release spectra which yield low temperature steps with younger ages than the plateaus are not interpretable in terms of a synchronous closure. This gives evidence that loss of radiogenic isotopes proceeds by a more complex mechanism than simple volume diffusion through isotropic media.  相似文献   

The Finero lherzolite is distinct amongst the tectonically emplaced slices of mantle in the Ivrea Zone (Italian Alps) for its abundant coarse phlogopite. An average composition (SiO2 39.9, TiO2 0.97, Al2O3 16.0, Cr2O3 1.16, FeO 2.73, MgO 24.5, NiO 0.16, BaO 0.31, Na2O 0.58, K2O 8.7, Rb2O 0.056, Cl 0.03, F 0.10 wt.%) is similar in Fe, Cr, Ni, Ba and F/Cl to primary-textured micas from coarse garnet-lherzolite xenoliths from S. Africa, but is higher in Ti, Na, Rb, and Al, and lower in halogens. The distinct values of Ti and Fe for five specimens of Finero peridotites demonstrate local spatial variation. The overall ranges of TiO2 (0.5–1.7) and FeO (2.3–3.6) fall within the range for secondary-textured micas in peridotite xenoliths from S. Africa. The Finero micas are lower in both K/Rb and K/Ba than the primary and secondary micas from S. Africa, and their mean values of K/Rb (110–220) and K/Ba (15–39) are lower than for almost all bulk rocks, but fit well with the ranges of 109–180 and 12–49 for the high-K lavas of the Roman region.Although all evidence is indicative rather than conclusive, the chemical properties of the Finero micas are consistent with introduction of an alkaline phase into peridotite during or before emplacement of the Finero complex from the upper mantle into the crust, and the coarse, partly-deformed textures can be explained by incomplete metamorphic equilibration during prolonged deformation. The alkaline phase is tentatively attributed to the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

Two major episodes are evident in the metamorphic and igneous Precambrian basement of the Llano Uplift, central Texas. Dynamothermal metamorphism was accompanied by minor basaltic and tonalitic syntectonic plutonism. This was followed by a second period of thermal overprinting accompanying emplacement of high-K2O, high-level major granite plutons. Extensive isotopic age work by Zartman, published in the mid-1960s, suggests that development of the basement complex, spanning an interval of 150 m.y. or more, began with deposition of Valley Spring Gneiss (the lowest unit) and terminated about 1,050 m.y. ago with final postmetamorphic cooling (indicated by retention ages of Ar and Sr in biotite). We have supplemented these data with more than 50 new K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses.Two foliated plutons in the southeast are 1,167±12m.y. (2) old, with distinctly different initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Field relationships and isotopic data indicate that these plutons are the earliest yet known in the Uplift. Metamorphosed basalt dikes and gabbro bodies were emplaced immediately preceding and following the syntectonic plutons. Eleven of these rocks had extremely uniform initial 87Sr/ 86Sr=0.7029±0.0005. A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron of the unfoliated Enchanted Rock pluton indicates an age of 1,048±34 m.y. with initial 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7048±0.0007. One of the northern unfoliated granites, the Lone Grove pluton, gives a whole-rock isochron age of 1,056±12 m.y., with initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7061±0.0003. All of the intrusive rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios consistent with a source in the mantle or lower crust, but not in ancient remobilized continental crust. Six K-Ar hornblende ages from metabasalts are 1,078±19 m.y. (1), in general agreement with K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages elsewhere in the eastern Llano Uplift. A metasedimentary Valley Spring Gneiss sample from the western Uplift has a whole rock-muscovite Rb-Sr age of 1,129±9 m.y. Field and isotopic data are now sufficiently numerous to permit a moderately detailed reconstruction of the Precambrian history of the area.  相似文献   

Samples from metamorphosed pillowed basalts and related Besshi-type deposits occurring in the Sanbagawa belt of the Shikoku Island, southwest Japan, have been analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd and 40 K/40Ar. This is to investigate the tectonic settings in which the original submarine volcanism and associated Besshi-type mineralization occurred, as well as the age of metamorphism. Eight whole-rock samples of the pillow lavas metamorphosed in pumpellyite-actinolite facies conditions yield a Rb-Sr isochron age of 107 ± 15 Ma with an initial ratio of 0.70401 ± 0.00006, while they do not define a Sm-Nd isochron. We interpret the results as the metamorphic age, an interpretation consistent with the previously reported Rb-Sr whole-rock age for the Sanbagawa pelitic schists. The overall ranges of the initial epsilon values at T = 107 Ma are: ɛNd (T ) = +7.8 to +4.3; ɛSr(T ) = +2.2 to −7.0, suggesting that the most likely source for the pillowed basalts is depleted oceanic mantle, a conclusion supported by the previous Pb isotope studies. The K-Ar ages determined for twelve mineral separates from the Besshi-type deposits range from about 60 to 112 Ma, with a mean age of about 80 Ma, in agreement with the previous K-Ar and Ar-Ar data for the Sanbagawa pelitic and basic schists. The youngest age, 60 Ma, was obtained for sericite from the Hinooku deposit metamorphosed in pumpellyite- actinolite facies conditions, while the oldest one for hornblende from the spotted amphibolite in the immediate vicinity of the Shiragayama deposit metamorphosed in albite-biotite grade. The oldest age, 112 Ma, is interpreted to date the peak metamorphism, consistent with the Rb-Sr data, though a possibility of excess Ar cannot always be ruled out. In view of the closure temperatures of muscovite (350 °C) in the biotite zone, it is suggested that our K-Ar age data (<about 80 Ma) represent the age of the retrograde metamorphism or subsequent uplift. Datable microfossils found in the Sanbagawa belt of Shikoku suggest that the submarine basaltic volcanism and related Besshi-type mineralization occurred in an oceanic basin away from the trench region in Late Triassic (conodont) to Late Jurassic (radiolarian) times. Received: 5 March 1997 / Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

Nine samples from the Monte Rosa Granite have been investigated by microscopic, X-ray, wet chemical, electron microprobe, stable isotope and Rb-Sr and K-Ar methods. Two mineral assemblages have been distinguished by optical methods and dated as Permian and mid-Tertiary by means of Rb-Sr age determinations. The Permian assemblage comprises quartz, orthoclase, oligoclase, biotite, and muscovite whereas the Alpine assemblage comprises quartz, microcline, albite+epidote or oligoclase, biotite, and phengite. Disequilibrium between the Permian and Alpine mineral assemblages is documented by the following facts: (i) Two texturally distinguishable generations of white K-mica are 2 M muscovite (Si=3.1–3.2) and 2 M or 3 T phengite (Si=3.3–3.4). Five muscovites show Permian Rb-Sr ages and oxygen isotope fractionations indicating temperatures between 520 and 560 ° C; however, K-Ar ages are mixed or rejuvenated. Phengite always shows mid-Tertiary Rb-Sr ages, (ii) Two biotite generations can be recognized, although textural evidence is often ambiguous. Three out of four texturally old biotites show mid-Tertiary Rb-Sr cooling ages while the oxygen isotopic fractionations point to Permian, mixed or Alpine temperatures, (iii) Comparison of radiogenic and stable isotope relations indicates that the radiogenic isotopes in the interlayer positions of the micas were mobilized during Alpine time without recrystallization, that is, without breaking Al-O or Si-O bonds. High Ti contents in young muscovites and biotites also indicate that the octahedral (and tetrahedral) sites remained undisturbed during rejuvenation. (iv) Isotopic reversals in the order of O18 enrichment between K-feldspar and albite exist. Arguments for equilibrium during Permian time are meagre because of Alpine overprinting effects. Texturally old muscovites show high temperatures and Permian Rb-Sr ages in concordancy with Rb-Sr whole rock ages. For the tectonically least affected samples, excellent concordance between quartz-muscovite and quartz-biotite Permian temperatures implies oxygen isotope equilibrium in Permian time which was undisturbed during Alpine metamorphism. Arguments for equilibrium during the mid-Tertiary metamorphism are as follows: (i) Mid-Tertiary Rb-Sr mineral isochrons of up to six minerals exist, (ii) Oxygen isotope temperatures of coexisting Alpine phengites and biotites are concordant.The major factor for the adjustment of the Permian assemblages to Alpine conditions was the degree of Alpine tectonic overprinting rather than the maximum temperatures reached during the mid-Tertiary Alpine metamorphism. The lack of exchange with externally introduced fluid phases in the samples least affected by tectonism indicates that the Monte Rosa Granite stewed in its own juices. This seems to be the major cause for the persistence of Permian ages and corresponding temperatures.  相似文献   

花垣矿集区位于扬子地块东南缘与雪峰(江南)造山带的过渡部位, 是湘西-鄂西成矿带的重要组成部分.狮子山铅锌矿床的发现是近年来湘西-鄂西成矿带矿地质勘查的重大进展之一, 该矿床位于矿集区中部, 主矿体呈层状、似层状展布, 与地层产状一致, 直接容矿围岩为下寒武统清虚洞组下段第三亚段藻灰岩, 矿体与围岩界线截然, 伴有方解石化等热液蚀变, 矿石矿物成分相对简单, 主要为闪锌矿, 少量方铅矿和黄铁矿.采用全溶方法和流体包裹体淋滤法对该矿床主成矿期的闪锌矿及其残渣进行Rb-Sr等时线法定年, 获得矿物相+残渣相的年龄为410±12 Ma(MSWD=2.20), 地质时代为早泥盆世, 明显晚于赋矿地层的时代.据此认为矿床的形成可能与加里东运动后构造伸展引起的盆地流体运移有关.该年龄对于整个花垣矿集区的铅锌成矿时代具有同样约束意义.闪锌矿+残渣的Sr初始值(87Sr/86Sr)i为0.709 16, 高于赋矿围岩, 与上覆寒武系白云岩地层的87Sr/86Sr值相近, 表明矿床形成时有来自上覆地层物质的加入.结果表明, 采用闪锌矿Rb-Sr等时线定年方法通过单矿物及其残渣相互约束, 可以有效确定成矿时代.   相似文献   

江西冷水坑银铅锌矿田闪锌矿铷-锶测年及地质意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
江西冷水坑矿田是武夷山地区重要的银铅锌集中区之一.无论其是世界上少有的斑岩型银铅锌矿床还是火山沉积-热液改造型矿床都独具特色,具有很高的研究价值.冷水坑矿田含矿斑岩的锆石年龄为162~155Ma,可作为花岗斑岩侵入的时间,绢云母Ar-Ar年龄与含矿斑岩活动时间的一致性说明冷水坑早期成矿发生于斑岩成岩过程中.本文首次采用闪锌矿Rb-Sr同位素测年方法获得冷水坑矿田成矿年龄为126.9±7.1 Ma,代表了冷水坑矿田晚期阶段矿化的年龄.冷水坑Ag-Pb-Zn矿田中大型—超大型矿床的形成,不但受中国东部燕山期构造体制转换的制约,而且受长期多阶段矿化的影响.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of chlorine and fluorine in apatites, micas, and amphiboles in rocks from eight intrusive complexes of the Siberian Platform has been first studied on the basis of new factual and analytical data (more than 1000 analyses). The main attention is focused on minerals from layered intrusions. Most apatites show F > Cl; the maximum contents of halogens are specific to chlorapatite (6.97 wt.% Cl) and fluorapatite (6.04 wt.% F). The total f value (f = Fe/(Fe + Mg), at.%) of femic minerals varies from 2 to 98 at.% in micas and from 22 to 95 at.% in amphiboles. The Cl-f and F-f trends show an increase in the Cl content and a decrease in the F content in the minerals with increasing f. Chlorine clearly exhibits ferrophilic properties, and fluorine has magnesiophilic properties. The halogen-richest minerals are fluorophlogopite (F = 7.06 wt.%, f = 7 at.%), chlorannite (Cl = 6.30 wt.%, f = 89 at.%), and chloroferrihastingsite (Cl = 5.22 wt.%, f = 90 at.%). Coexisting micas and amphiboles in the rocks are close in f value, but the micas are richer in Cl than the amphiboles. We assume that the halogen-containing minerals crystallized at the high pressure of halogen-hydrocarbon fluids at the levels of the MW, IW, and QIF buffers. The reducing conditions of the magmatism process are also evidenced by the presence of graphite and native metals in the rocks. The similarity of the Cl-f and F-f trends of micas and amphiboles from different intrusive complexes indicates the same mechanisms of the melt differentiation and mineral crystallization.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of the incorporation of chlorine in trioctahedral biotite-like micas, belonging to the series phlogopite-annite, phlogopite-KCo3AlSi3O10(OH)2 and phlogopite-KNi3AlSi3O10(OH)2, were performed at 600°C and 2 kbars, with a duration of two weeks.The results confirm for the incorporation of an anion in a crystal structure, the fundamental role of the dimension of the anion site, as has been established for cations in previous works. In biotites, the dimension of (OH-Cl) site is mainly controlled by the rotation angle α of the tetrahedra around a direction approximately parallel to c1.The experiments were performed using hydrothermal solutions with KCl? 0.5 M; under these conditions, the quantity of incorporated chlorine does not exceed ?0300 ppm in the most receptive mica (annite) and is twenty times less in the less receptive ones (phlogopite, for example).These results are applied to natural biotites in porphyry copper deposits, metamorphic rocks and mafic rocks. We conclude that most natural biotites which have a chlorine content of 1000 ppm or more crystallized in equilibrium with a fluid phase with chloride contents of several molar (minimum 3 M).The consideration of micas applies in the same way to amphiboles. A clear correlation between the Cl content and XFe is observed which can be interpreted in terms of local structure of the minerals. The structural factors which favour the fixation of chlorine, a large anion are the same which favour the fixation of large alkali cations (replacement of Na by K). This explains the observed correlations between Cl and K in natural amphiboles.  相似文献   

K-Ar ages were determined on fine fractions and one massive silicification associated with vein mineralizations in uranium, barium, fluorine and related base metals in Western Europe. The reliability of the potassic materials analysed, once the mineralogical and geochemical relationships to the low-temperature mineralization have been established, is demonstrated. The isotopic ages are concentrated between nearly 190 and 170 MA. This epoch corresponds to that of the rifting of the future Atlantic and Tethys oceans. This type of low-temperature mineralization thus seems to be better explained by extensional phenomena.  相似文献   

In 61 pairs of coexisting biotites and muscovites from the Central Alps total Al scatters considerably, but in both series a gradual increase is noticed with increasing metamorphic grade. The ratio Al Mu tot /Al Bi tot remains virtually constant (1.61 average for greenschist facies, 1.57 for amphibolite facies). Tetrahedral Al varies little in biotites and increases in muscovites-phengites with rising metamorphic grade; accordingly the ratio Al Mu IV /Al Bi IV increases slightly with grade. Far the best control of metamorphism is evidenced by octahedral Al. In the muscovite series, and still more pronounced in the biotite series, AlVI increases with increasing metamorphic grade. Consequently 1 $$K_D = \frac{{Al_{Mu}^{VI} }}{{Al_{Bl}^{VI} }}$$ decreases from 14 to 3. A map (Fig. 6) representing the regional distribution of the KD values locates a 100 km long and 23 km broad central zone with low KD. The outline of this central core almost coincides with the isograds anorthite-diopside-calcite and labradorite-pyroxene-hornblende of the Tertiary regional metamorphism; with some deviations this core also agrees with the zone in which phenomena of partial anatexis are observed. The KD values of micas from anateotic pegmatites agree with those of associated gneisses and schists. The study demonstrates that in the course of progressive regional metamorphism equilibrium has been approached to an unexpected extent and that the two micas coexisted in a strict sense.  相似文献   

湖北省随州杨家棚地区辉长岩Rb-Sr同位素年龄   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对湖北省随州地区组成花山蛇绿混杂岩的杨家棚MORB型辉长岩进行了RbSr同位素分析,其矿物(辉石、斜长石)等时线年龄为435±49(2σ)Ma,ISr为0.70516±28(2σ),与该地区出露的三里岗二长花岗岩的RbSr等时线年龄(422Ma)在误差范围内是一致的;反映了该地区在加里东期曾受到强烈地质事件的作用,并进一步表明花山洋盆可能是一个形成年龄较老的洋盆,以前有关花山洋盆存在时限(海西印支期)的推测在这里没有得到确证。  相似文献   

四川大梁子铅锌矿床单颗粒闪锌矿铷-锶测年及地质意义   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
大梁子铅锌矿床位于扬子地台西南缘、甘洛-小江深大断裂带西缘,是中国川滇黔地区重要的大型铅锌矿床之一,其金属储量为 180 万吨(Pb Zn),平均品位为11.45%.铅锌矿体产于灯影组顶部,严格受近南北向断层控制.本文首次采用超低本底单颗粒闪锌矿 Rb-Sr 同位素测年方法,测得大梁子铅锌矿床成矿年龄为(366.3±7.7)Ma,代表了矿床的主成矿阶段年龄.通过地球动力背景探讨,认为该矿床的形成可能与晚加里东期扬子地台西缘构造活动有关.锶同位素初始比值测试结果表明大梁子铅锌矿床成矿物质来源可能主要源自围岩碳酸盐岩或基底地层.  相似文献   

豫西吉家洼金矿位于熊耳山金多金属矿集区西部,是一构造蚀变岩-石英脉型金矿床。矿体产于近南北向断裂带中,在倾向上呈"Y"字型分布,矿化以细脉-网脉状、浸染状黄铁矿化蚀变岩型金矿为主,其次为石英脉型金矿。热液成矿过程包括4个矿化阶段,黄铁矿-石英阶段(Ⅰ)、石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅱ)、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅲ)和石英-碳酸盐阶段(Ⅳ)。本次工作对吉家洼金矿床主要成矿阶段(Ⅲ)的闪锌矿进行了Rb-Sr同位素测年研究,以限定成矿时代。结果获得Rb-Sr等时线年龄为118.2±2.4Ma,表明矿床形成于早白垩世。该年龄与熊耳山地区中的庙岭、祁雨沟、公峪等金矿床的成矿年龄基本一致,对于整个熊耳山地区的金矿成矿年龄具有一定的约束意义。锶-铅同位素研究结果显示,吉家洼金矿的成矿物质为壳幔混源,新太古界太华群基底及其重熔形成的花岗岩体可能为铅同位素的主要物源。我们认为,吉家洼金矿床是熊耳山地区在早白垩世区域性强烈的构造-岩浆-流体活动事件的产物,是整个中国东部金的大规模成矿作用的组成部分。  相似文献   

Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages have been obtained on six biotites, two muscovites and one hornblende from samples of micaschist, gneiss and amphibolite of Lower Paleozoic to Precambrian age at a depth exceeding 2,000 m in basement rocks of the Larderello-Travale geothermal region. Most of the data cluster in the range 2.5–3.7 Ma, revealing the existence of a Pliocene thermal event to which the origin of the field may be attributed. The resulting duration of the Larderello geothermal field is unexpectedly long. In the basement levels of the two wells examined, unstabilized minimum temperatures of 290° and 380° C were measured. All the biotites show almost complete 40Ar and 87Sr retention at the measured well temperatures. Petrologic evidence (stilpnomelane stability) and experimental data (activation energies and diffusion coefficients) also favour a closure temperature above 400° C for Rb-Sr and K-Ar in biotites, in agreement with recent direct experimental determinations.For the last 3 Ma mean geothermal gradients of 120°–150° C/km have been evaluated in the first 2–3 km, and 60°–65° C/km in the underlying 2 km. A rough estimate of total cooling in the last 3 Ma gives a value of 120° C at 2,500 m depth and 50° C at 4,000 m depth in Sasso 22 well. A mean uplift rate of about 0.2 mm/year is calculated independently.Research conducted under a collaboration agreement between the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and the Italian National Electricity Board (ENEL)  相似文献   

In the eclogitic micaschists of the Monte Mucrone area (Sesia-Lanzo zone, Italian Western Alps), we have measured in detail the eclogitic lineation at several outcrops. We present observations at the markers scale, this scale allowing the whole range of progressive deformations to be described. Populations of glaucophanes and jadeites show different statistical features which must be, at least for a part, produced by the distinct mechanical behavior for these markers during the alpine history. The glaucophanes show a positive correlation between the intensity of preferred orientation and their aspect ratio, due to a mainly rigid behavior. The observed differences in shape and orientation of jadeites also show different behavior, related to different retromorphic overprints. We briefly discuss the implications of these observations on the significance of metamorphic lineations.  相似文献   

The results of Rb-Sr and K-Ar isotope studies of the Famennian upper salt and suprasalt complexes sampled from the core material of exploratory boreholes drilled at the northwestern margin of the Pripyat Trough (Belarus) are presented. The suprasalt and saliferous portions of the sequence define an age of approximately 470 Ma. Despite multiple reworking of the material, we interpret this value as preservation of the provenance “memory.” Regardless of the Sr content in sample, the strontium isotope ratios obtained for low-Rb minerals (celestine, carbonate, and halite) varies throughout the section within 0.7083–0.7095, indicating the preservation of some primary features of the matter. The lowest isotope values obtained are slightly higher than those inferred for the upper Famennian. This fact confirms the concept that the studied complex was formed in a shallow-water setting. Data on sylvites show that the present-day isotopic characteristics of potassium salts were formed significantly later.  相似文献   

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