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We present a new photoelectric light curve of α Coronae Borealis. The derived rate of apsidal motion differs from the theoretical prediction. A possible solution of the problem is suggested.  相似文献   

Kepler’s equation needs to be solved many times for a variety of problems in Celestial Mechanics. Therefore, computing the solution to Kepler’s equation in an efficient manner is of great importance to that community. There are some historical and many modern methods that address this problem. Of the methods known to the authors, Fukushima’s discretization technique performs the best. By taking more of a system approach and combining the use of discretization with the standard computer science technique known as dynamic programming, we were able to achieve even better performance than Fukushima. We begin by defining Kepler’s equation for the elliptical case and describe existing solution methods. We then present our dynamic discretization method and show the results of a comparative analysis. This analysis will demonstrate that, for the conditions of our tests, dynamic discretization performs the best.  相似文献   

A theory is constructed for solving half-space, boundary-value problems for the Chandrasekhar equations, describing the propagation of polarized light, for a combination of Rayleigh and isotropic scattering, with an arbitrary probability of photon survival in an elementary act of scattering. A theorem on resolving a solution into eigenvectors of the discrete and continuous spectra is proven. The proof comes down to solving a vector, Riemann—Hilbert, boundary-value problem with a matrix coefficient, the diagonalizing matrix of which has eight branching points in the complex plane. Isolation of the analytical branch of the diagonalizing matrix enables one to reduce the Riemann—Hilbert problem to two scalar problems based on a [0, 1] cut and two vector problems based on an auxiliary cut. The solution of the Riemann—Hilbert problem is given in the class of meromorphic vectors. The conditions of solvability enable one to uniquely determine the unknown expansion coefficients and free parameters of the solution of the boundary-value problem. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 263–276, April-June, 1998.  相似文献   

The work presented in paper I (Papadakis, K.E., Goudas, C.L.: Astrophys. Space Sci. (2006)) is expanded here to cover the evolution of the approximate general solution of the restricted problem covering symmetric and escape solutions for values of μ in the interval [0, 0.5]. The work is purely numerical, although the available rich theoretical background permits the assertions that most of the theoretical issues related to the numerical treatment of the problem are known. The prime objective of this work is to apply the ‘Last Geometric Theorem of Poincaré’ (Birkhoff, G.D.: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 14, 14 (1913); Poincaré, H.: Rend. Cir. Mat. Palermo 33, 375 (1912)) and compute dense sets of axisymmetric periodic family curves covering the initial conditions space of bounded motions for a discrete set of values of the basic parameter μ spread along the entire interval of permissible values. The results obtained for each value of μ, tested for completeness, constitute an approximation of the general solution of the problem related to symmetric motions. The approximate general solution of the same problem related to asymmetric solutions, also computable by application of the same theorem (Poincaré-Birkhoff) is left for a future paper. A secondary objective is identification-computation of the compact space of escape motions of the problem also for selected values of the mass parameter μ. We first present the approximate general solution for the integrable case μ = 0 and then the approximate solution for the nonintegrable case μ = 10−3. We then proceed to presenting the approximate general solutions for the cases μ = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5, in all cases building them in four phases, namely, presenting for each value of μ, first all family curves of symmetric periodic solutions that re-enter after 1 oscillation, then adding to it successively, the family curves that re-enter after 2 to 10 oscillations, after 11 to 30 oscillations, after 31 to 50 oscillations and, finally, after 51 to 100 oscillations. We identify in these solutions, considered as functions of the mass parameter μ, and at μ = 0 two failures of continuity, namely: 1. Integrals of motion, exempting the energy one, cease to exist for any infinitesimal positive value of μ. 2. Appearance of a split into two separate sub-domains in the originally (for μ = 0) unique space of bounded motions. The computed approximations of the general solution for all values of μ appear to fulfill the ‘completeness’ criterion inside properly selected sub-domains of the domain of bounded motions in the (x, C) plane, which means that these sub-domains are filled countably densely by periodic family curves, which form a laminar flow-line pattern. The family curves in this pattern may, or may not, be intersected by a ‘basic’ family curve segment of order from 1 up to 3. The isolated points generating asymptotic solutions resemble ‘sink’ points toward which dense sets of periodic family curves spiral. The points in the compact domain in the (x, C) plane resting outside the domain of bounded motions (μ = 0), including the gap between the two large sub-domains (μ > 0) created by the aforementioned split, generate escape motions. The gap between the two large sub-domains of bounded motions grows wider for growing μ. Also, a number of compact gaps that generate escape motions exist within the body of the two sub-domains of bounded motions. The approximate general solutions computed include symmetric, heteroclinic, asymptotic, collision and escape solutions, thus constituting one component of the full approximate general solution of the problem, the second and final component being that of asymmetric solutions.  相似文献   

This paper gives the results of a programme attempting to exploit ‘la seule bréche’ (Poincaré, 1892, p. 82) of non-integrable systems, namely to develop an approximate general solution for the three out of its four component-solutions of the planar restricted three-body problem. This is accomplished by computing a large number of families of ‘solutions précieuses’ (periodic solutions) covering densely the space of initial conditions of this problem. More specifically, we calculated numerically and only for μ = 0.4, all families of symmetric periodic solutions (1st component of the general solution) existing in the domain D:(x 0 ∊ [−2,2],C ∊ [−2,5]) of the (x 0, C) space and consisting of symmetric solutions re-entering after 1 up to 50 revolutions (see graph in Fig. 4). Then we tested the parts of the domain D that is void of such families and established that they belong to the category of escape motions (2nd component of the general solution). The approximation of the 3rd component (asymmetric solutions) we shall present in a future publication. The 4th component of the general solution of the problem, namely the one consisting of the bounded non-periodic solutions, is considered as approximated by those of the 1st or the 2nd component on account of the `Last Geometric Theorem of Poincaré' (Birkhoff, 1913). The results obtained provoked interest to repeat the same work inside the larger closed domain D:(x 0 ∊ [−6,2], C ∊ [−5,5]) and the results are presented in Fig. 15. A test run of the programme developed led to reproduction of the results presented by Hénon (1965) with better accuracy and many additional families not included in the sited paper. Pointer directions construed from the main body of results led to the definition of useful concepts of the basic family of order n, n = 1, 2,… and the completeness criterion of the solution inside a compact sub-domain of the (x 0, C) space. The same results inspired the ‘partition theorem’, which conjectures the possibility of partitioning an initial conditions domain D into a finite set of sub-domains D i that fulfill the completeness criterion and allow complete approximation of the general solution of this problem by computing a relatively small number of family curves. The numerical results of this project include a large number of families that were computed in detail covering their natural termination, the morphology, and stability of their member solutions. Zooming into sub-domains of D permitted clear presentation of the families of symmetric solutions contained in them. Such zooming was made for various values of the parameter N, which defines the re-entrance revolutions number, which was selected to be from 50 to 500. The areas generating escape solutions have being investigated. In Appendix A we present families of symmetric solutions terminating at asymptotic solutions, and in Appendix B the morphology of large period symmetric solutions though examples of orbits that re-enter after from 8 to 500 revolutions. The paper concludes that approximations of the general solution of the planar restricted problem is possible and presents such approximations, only for some sub-domains that fulfill the completeness criterion, on the basis of sufficiently large number of families.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Ammar in Proc. Math. Phys. 77:99, 2002) the statement of the problem was formulated and the basic equations of motion were formed in terms of variables suitable for the applications in the problem of asteroid motion close to 2:1 commensurability. The short period terms has been eliminated up to the first order in masses O(μ), using a perturbation approach based on the Lie series, the problem is reduced to that of secular resonance one. In the present work the extended Delaunay method has been applied to develop the Hamiltonian and the generator as a power series in rather than the power of ε, where ε is a small parameter of order of the relative mass of the perturber. Hamilton–Jacobi method were used as a method of integration of the equations of the dynamical system in order to build a formal solution for the resonant problem of the type 2:1 with one degree of freedom.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm of finding numerical solutions of pulsar equation. The problem of finding the solutions was reduced to finding expansion coefficients of the source term of the equation in a base of orthogonal functions defined on the unit interval by minimizing a multi-variable mismatch function defined on the light cylinder. We applied the algorithm to Scharlemann and Wagoner boundary conditions by which a smooth solution is reconstructed that by construction passes successfully the Gruzinov’s test of the source function exponent.   相似文献   

We consider a model that describes the evolution of distant satellite orbits and that refines the solution of the doubly averaged Hill problem. Generally speaking, such a refinement was performed previously by J. Kovalevsky and A.A. Orlov in terms of Zeipel’s method by constructing a solution of the third order with respect to the small parameter m, the ratio of the mean motions of the planet and the satellite. The analytical solution suggested here differs from the solutions obtained by these authors and is closest in form to the general solution of the doubly averaged problem (∼m 2). We have performed a qualitative analysis of the evolutionary equations and conditions for the intersection of satellite orbits with the surface of a spherical planet with a finite radius. Using the suggested solution, we have obtained improved analytical time dependences of the elements of evolving orbits for a number of distant satellites of giant planets compared to the solution of the doubly averaged Hill problem and, thus, achieved their better agreement with the results of our numerical integration of the rigorous equations of perturbed motion for satellites.  相似文献   

Lambert problem solution in the hill model of motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of this paper is obtaining a solution of the Lambert problem in the restricted three-body problem described by the Hill equations. This solution is based on the use of pre determinate reference orbits of different types giving the first guess and defining the sought-for transfer type. A mathematical procedure giving the Lambert problem solution is described. This procedure provides step-by-step transformation of the reference orbit to the sought-for transfer orbit. Numerical examples of the procedure application to the transfers in the Sun–Earth system are considered. These examples include transfer between two specified positions in a given time, a periodic orbit design, a halo orbit design, halo-to-halo transfers, LEO-to-halo transfer, analysis of a family of the halo-to-halo transfer orbits. The proposed method of the Lambert problem solution can be used for the two-point boundary value problem solution in any model of motion if a set of typical reference orbits can be found.  相似文献   

In this paper we study shape-preserving formations of three spacecraft, where the formation keeping forces arise from the electric charges deposed on each craft. Inspired by Lagrange’s 3-body problem, the general conditions that guarantee preservation of the geometric shape of the electrically charged formation are derived. While the classical collinear configuration is a solution to the problem, the equilateral triangle configuration is found to only occur with unbounded relative motion. The three collinear spacecraft problem is analyzed and the possible solutions are categorized based on the spacecraft mass–charge ratio. Precise statements on the number of solutions associated with each category are provided. Finally, a methodology is proposed to study boundedness of the collinear solution that is inspired by past understanding and results for the 3-body problem. Given the initial position and the velocity vectors of each craft along with the charges, analytical solutions are provided describing the resulting relative motion.  相似文献   

The question about the interpretation of numerical experiments on magnetic reconnection in solar flares is considered. A correspondence between the standard classification of magnetohydrodynamic discontinuities and the parameters characterizing the mass flux through a discontinuity and the magnetic field configuration has been established within a classical formulation of the problem on discontinuous magnetohydrodynamic flows. A pictorial graphical representation of the relationship between the angles of the magnetic field vector relative to the normal to the discontinuity plane on both its sides has also been found. The relations between the parameters of a two-dimensional discontinuous flow have the simplest form in a frame of reference where the magnetic field lines (B) are parallel to the matter velocity (u)—the deHoffmann-Teller frame. The question about the transformation of the magnetic field configuration when passing to a “laboratory” frame of reference where (v · B) ≠ 0, i.e., an electric field is present, is considered in this connection. The result is applied to the analytical solution of the problem on the magnetic field structure in the vicinity of a reconnecting current sheet obtained previously by Bezrodnykh et al. The regions of nonevolutionary shocks are shown to appear near the endpoints of a current sheet with reverse currents.  相似文献   

The general solution of the Henon–Heiles system is approximated inside a domain of the (x, C) of initial conditions (C is the energy constant). The method applied is that described by Poincaré as ‘the only “crack” permitting penetration into the non-integrable problems’ and involves calculation of a dense set of families of periodic solutions that covers the solution space of the problem. In the case of the Henon–Heiles potential we calculated the families of periodic solutions that re-enter after 1–108 oscillations. The density of the set of such families is defined by a pre-assigned parameter ε (Poincaré parameter), which ascertains that at least one periodic solution is computed and available within a distance ε from any point of the domain (x, C) for which the approximate general solution computed. The approximate general solution presented here corresponds to ε = 0.07. The same solution is further improved by “zooming” into four square sub-domain of (x, C), i.e. by computing sufficient number of families that reduce the density parameter to ε = 0.003. Further zooming to reduce the density parameter, say to ε = 10−6, or even smaller, although easily performable in both areas occupied by stable as well as unstable solutions, was found unnecessary. The stability of all members of each and all families computed was calculated and presented in this paper for both the large solution domain and for the sub-domains. The correspondence between areas of the approximate general solution occupied by stable periodic solutions and Poincaré sections with well-aligned section points and also correspondence between areas occupied by unstable solutions and Poincaré sections with randomly scattered section points is shown by calculating such sections. All calculations were performed using the Runge-Kutta (R-K) 8th order direct integration method and the large output received, consisting of many thousands of families is saved as “Atlas of the General Solution of the Henon–Heiles Problem,” including their stability and is available at request. It is concluded that approximation of the general solution of this system is straightforward and that the chaotic character of its Poincaré sections imposes no limitations or difficulties.  相似文献   

Two-point boundary value problems appear frequently in space trajectory design. A remarkable example is represented by the Lambert’s problem, where the conic arc linking two fixed positions in space in a given time is to be characterized in the frame of the two-body problem. Classical methods to numerically solve these problems rely on iterative procedures, which turn out to be computationally intensive in case of lack of good first guesses for the solution. An algorithm to obtain the high order expansion of the solution of a two-point boundary value problem is presented in this paper. The classical iterative procedures are applied to identify a reference solution. Then, differential algebra is used to expand the solution of the problem around the achieved one. Consequently, the computation of new solutions in a relatively large neighborhood of the reference one is reduced to the simple evaluation of polynomials. The performances of the method are assessed by addressing typical applications in the field of spacecraft dynamics, such as the identification of halo orbits and the design of aerocapture maneuvers.  相似文献   

Saari’s conjecture adapted to the restricted three-body problem is proven analytically using BKK theory. Specifically, we show that it is not possible for a solution of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem to travel along a level curve of the amended potential function unless it is fixed at a critical point (one of the five libration points.) Due to the low dimension of the problem, our proof does not rely on the use of a computer.  相似文献   

We present results from detailed analyses of new data combined with previously published light curves of ε Cra and ψ Ori. Based on the shape of the secondary minimum of ε CrA we found that the discrepancy between the photometric and spectroscopic mass ratio, although marginal, is statistically significant. We propose a third light as a possible solution and derive the absolute parameters of components. The physical parameters of components of the early-type binary system ψ Ori were also obtained from the light curve modelling. Our solution indicate that ψ Ori is a detached, grazing-eclipse system.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effects of short-period perturbations in the planar asteroidal problem with Stokes drag. The averaging of the dissipative terms is extended to show the appearance of crossed-terms which, in most commensurabilities, are more important than several zeroth-order terms calculated in previous works. In the case of resonance trapping in a libration point, we also discuss the effects of the eccentricity of the perturber in the stationary solution. For the so-called ‘universal eccentricity’, we show that the contributions due to both, short-period terms and harmonics of the auxiliary resonant angle, lead to a corrected value which is no longer invariant. The most significant dependence of this new librational eccentricity is with the eccentricity of the perturber, although a slight variation is also noted with respect to the chosen drag coefficient. In all cases, we present comparisons with numerical simulations of the exact N-body equations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Chaos appears in various problems of Relativity and Cosmology. Here we discuss (a) the Mixmaster Universe model, and (b) the motions around two fixed black holes. (a) The Mixmaster equations have a general solution (i.e. a solution depending on 6 arbitrary constants) of Painlevé type, but there is a second general solution which is not Painlevé. Thus the system does not pass the Painlevé test, and cannot be integrable. The Mixmaster model is not ergodic and does not have any periodic orbits. This is due to the fact that the sum of the three variables of the system (α + β + γ) has only one maximum for τ = τm and decreases continuously for larger and for smaller τ. The various Kasner periods increase exponentially for large τ. Thus the Lyapunov Characteristic Number (LCN) is zero. The "finite time LCN" is positive for finite τ and tends to zero when τ → ∞. Chaos is introduced mainly near the maximum of (α + β + γ). No appreciable chaos is introduced at the successive Kasner periods, or eras. We conclude that in the Belinskii-Khalatnikov time, τ, the Mixmaster model has the basic characteristics of a chaotic scattering problem. (b) In the case of two fixed black holes M1 and M2 the orbits of photons are separated into three types: orbits falling into M1 (type I), or M2 (type II), or escaping to infinity (type III). Chaos appears because between any two orbits of different types there are orbits of the third type. This is a typical chaotic scattering problem. The various types of orbits are separated by orbits asymptotic to 3 simple unstable orbits. In the case of particles of nonzero rest mass we have intervals where some periodic orbits are stable. Near such orbits we have order. The transition from order to chaos is made through an infinite sequence of period doubling bifurcations. The bifurcation ratio is the same as in classical conservative systems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to supply a proof of formulas for constructing a perturbative solution to the perturbed Kepler problem by utilizing quaternion algebra of the Kustaanheimo–Stiefel formulation. The main advantage of this approach is a removal, from the corresponding solution, of fast oscillations (in the case of conservative forces) and small divisors (in the case of time-dependent forces). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We study symmetric relative periodic orbits in the isosceles three-body problem using theoretical and numerical approaches. We first prove that another family of symmetric relative periodic orbits is born from the circular Euler solution besides the elliptic Euler solutions. Previous studies also showed that there exist infinitely many families of symmetric relative periodic orbits which are born from heteroclinic connections between triple collisions as well as planar periodic orbits with binary collisions. We carry out numerical continuation analyses of symmetric relative periodic orbits, and observe abundant families of symmetric relative periodic orbits bifurcating from the two families born from the circular Euler solution. As the angular momentum tends to zero, many of the numerically observed families converge to heteroclinic connections between triple collisions or planar periodic orbits with binary collisions described in the previous results, while some of them converge to “previously unknown” periodic orbits in the planar problem.  相似文献   

We study the scattering motion of the planar restricted three‐body problem for small mass parameters μ. We consider the symmetric periodic orbits of this system with μ = 0 that collide with the singularity together with the circular and parabolic solutions of the Kepler problem. These divide the parameter space in a natural way and characterize the main features of the scattering problem for small non‐vanishing μ. Indeed, continuation of these orbits yields the primitive periodic orbits of the system for small μ. For different regions of the parameter space, we present scattering functions and discuss the structure of the chaotic saddle. We show that for μ < μc and any Jacobi integral there exist departures from hyperbolicity due to regions of stable motion in phase space. Numerical bounds for μc are given. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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