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Subarctic ecohydrological processes are changing rapidly, but detailed and integrated ecohydrological investigations are not as widespread as necessary. We introduce an integrated research catchment site (Pallas) for atmosphere, ecosystems, and ecohydrology studies in subarctic conditions in Finland that can be used for a new set of comparative catchment investigations. The Pallas site provides unique observational data and high-intensity field measurement datasets over long periods. The infrastructure for atmosphere- to landscape-scale research in ecosystem processes in a subarctic landscape has recently been complemented with detailed ecohydrological measurements. We identify three dominant processes in subarctic ecohydrology: (a) strong seasonality drives ecohydrological regimes, (b) limited dynamic storage causes rapid stream response to water inputs (snowmelt and intensive storms), and (c) hydrological state of the system regulates catchment-scale dissolved carbon dynamics and greenhouse (GHG) fluxes. Surface water and groundwater interactions play an important role in regulating catchment-scale carbon balances and ecosystem respiration within subarctic peatlands, particularly their spatial variability in the landscape. Based on our observations from Pallas, we highlight key research gaps in subarctic ecohydrology and propose several ways forward. We also demonstrate that the Pallas catchment meets the need for sustaining and pushing the boundaries of critical long-term integrated ecohydrological research in high-latitude environments.  相似文献   

Over the last century, afforestation in Ireland has increased from 1% of the land area to 10%, with most plantations on upland drained blanket peatlands. This land use change is considered to have altered the hydrological response and water balance of upland catchments with implications for water resources. Because of the difficulty of observing these long‐term changes in the field, the aim of this study was to utilize a hydrological model to simulate the rainfall runoff processes of an existing pristine blanket peatland and then to simulate the hydrology of the peatland if it were drained and afforested. The hydrological rainfall runoff model (GEOtop) was calibrated and validated for an existing small (76 ha) pristine blanket peatland in the southwest of Ireland for the 2‐year period, 2007–2008. The current hydrological response of the pristine blanket peatland catchment with regard to streamflow and water table (WT) levels was captured well in the simulations. Two land use change scenarios of afforestation were also examined, (A) a young 10‐year‐old and (B) a semi‐mature 15‐year‐old Sitka Spruce forest. Scenario A produced similar streamflow dynamics to the pristine peatland, whereas total annual streamflow from Scenario B was 20% lower. For Scenarios A and B, on an annual average basis, the WT was drawn down by 16 and 20 cm below that observed in the pristine peatland, respectively. The maximum WT draw down in Scenario B was 61 cm and occurred in the summer months, resulting in a significant decrease in summer streamflow. Occasionally in the winter (following rainfall), the WT for Scenario B was just 2 cm lower than the pristine peatland, which when coupled with the drainage networks associated with afforestation led to higher peak streamflows. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The transport of reactive iron (i.e. colloidal and dissolved) by a glacier‐fed stream system draining a high relief periglacial landscape in the high Arctic archipelago of Svalbard is described. A negative, non‐linear relationship between discharge and iron concentration is found, indicative of increased iron acquisition along baseflow pathways. Because the glaciers are cold‐based and there are no intra‐ or sub‐permafrost groundwater springs, baseflow is principally supplied by the active layer and the colluvial and alluvial sediments in the lower valley. Collectively, these environments increase the flux of iron in the stream by 40% over a floodplain length of just 8 km, resulting in 6 kg Fe km?2a?1 of reactive iron export for a 20% glacierized watershed. We show that pyrite oxidation in shallow‐groundwater flowpaths of the floodplain is the most important source of reactive iron, although it is far less influential in the upper parts of the catchment where other sources are significant (including ironstone and secondary oxide coatings). Microbial catalysis of the pyrite oxidation occurs in the floodplain, enabling rapid, hyporheic water exchange to enhance the iron fluxes at high discharge and cause the non‐linear relationship between discharge and reactive iron concentrations. Furthermore, because the pyrite oxidation is tightly coupled to carbonate and silicate mineral weathering, other nutrients such as base cations and silica are also released to the stream system. Our work therefore shows that high Arctic floodplains should be regarded as critically important regulators of terrestrial nutrient fluxes to coastal ecosystems from glacial and periglacial sources. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We outline the development of a simple, coupled hydrology–biogeochemistry model for simulating stream discharge and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in data sparse, permafrost‐influenced catchments with large stores of soil organic carbon. The model incorporates the influence of active layer dynamics and slope aspect on hydrological flowpaths and resulting DOC mobilization. Calibration and evaluation of the model was undertaken using observations from Granger Basin within the Wolf Creek research basin, Yukon, northern Canada. Results show that the model was able to capture the dominant hydrological response and DOC dynamics of the catchment reasonably well. Simulated DOC was highly correlated with observed DOC (r2 = 0.65) for the study period. During the snowmelt period, the model adequately captured the observed dynamics, with simulations generally reflecting the timing and magnitude of the observed DOC and stream discharge. The model was less successful over the later summer period although this partly reflected a lack of DOC observations for calibration. The developed model offers a valuable framework for investigating the interactions between hydrological and DOC processes in these highly dynamic systems, where data acquisition is often very difficult. © 2015 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In peatlands, poorly maintained baseflows mean that network expansion during storm events can be rapid and pronounced, resulting in large changes in catchment connectivity. This has implications for the timing and magnitude of material fluxes from these environments, understanding of which is becoming increasingly important due to peatlands' significance as global carbon stores. In this study, electrical resistance (ER) technology has been used to create sensors capable of detecting the presence and absence of flow in ephemeral portions of the channel network. These sensors provide data on the patterns of network variation in the Upper North Grain research catchment, a small peatland headwater in the South Pennines, UK. Networks of around 40 sensors were deployed in autumn 2007 and summer 2008, giving a total of almost four months of high‐resolution monitoring data. Drainage density in the catchment was found to vary between 1.4 and 30.0 km/km2, suggesting significant differences in connectivity between the expanded and contracted networks. Water table depth was identified as the key factor determining the temporal pattern of streamflow at both the site‐ and catchment‐wide scales. Spatially, network expansion and contraction occurred in a disjointed manner, following a similar pattern between events, suggesting that localized controls are important for flow generation. Spatial controls on flow generation relate to local water table levels, and include drainage area, local dissection, channel slope and gully morphology. The importance of water table as the key control on catchment connectivity suggests that potential future change in catchment water tables, associated with projected climate change or with peatland restoration by rewetting, will modify the frequency of full catchment connectivity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Arctic hydrologic cycle is intensifying, as evidenced by increased rates of precipitation, evapotranspiration, and riverine discharge. However, the controls on water fluxes from terrestrial to aquatic systems in upland Arctic landscapes are poorly understood. Upland landscapes account for one third of the Arctic land surface and are often drained by zero‐order geomorphic flowpath features called water tracks. Previous work in the region attributed rapid runoff response at larger stream orders to water tracks, but models suggest water tracks are hydrologically disconnected from the surrounding hillslope. To better understand the role of water tracks in upland landscapes, we investigated the surface and subsurface hydrologic responses of 6 water tracks and their hillslope watersheds to natural patterns of rainfall, soil thaw, and drainage. Between storms, both water track discharge and the water table in the hillslope watersheds exhibited diel fluctuations that, when lagged by 5 hr, were temporally correlated with peak evapotranspiration rate. Water track soils remained saturated for more of the summer season than soils in their surrounding hillslope watersheds. When rainfall occurred, the subsurface response was nearly instantaneous, but the water tracks took significantly longer than the hillslopes to respond to rainfall, and longer than the responses previously observed in nearby larger order Arctic streams. There was also evidence for antecedent soil water storage conditions controlling the magnitude of runoff response. Based on these observations, we used a broken stick model to test the hypothesis that runoff production in response to individual storms was primarily controlled by rainfall amount and antecedent water storage conditions near the water track outlet. We found that the relative importance of the two factors varied by site, and that water tracks with similar watershed geometries and at similar landscape positions had similar rainfall–runoff model relationships. Thus, the response of terrestrial water fluxes in the upland Arctic to climate change depends on the non‐linear interactions between rainfall patterns and subsurface water storage capacity on hillslopes. Predicting these interactions across the landscape remains an important challenge.  相似文献   

Baker Creek drains water from subarctic Canadian Shield terrain comprised of a mix of exposed Precambrian bedrock, lakes, open black spruce forest and peat filled depressions. Research in the catchment has focused on hydrological processes at the hillslope and catchment scales. Streamflow is gauged from several diverse sub-catchments ranging in size from 9 to 155 km2. The period of record (2003–2019) of streamflow from these sub-catchments extends from 12 to 17 years, and these data are the focus of this note. Such data are unique in this remote region. 2003–2019 was a period that included both historic wet and dry conditions. Observations during such a diversity of conditions are helping to improve understanding of how stream networks that drain this landscape expand and contract in response to short and long hydroclimatic cycles. These data from a distinctly cold and dry region of low relief, thin soils, exposed bedrock and permafrost are a valuable contribution to the global diversity of research catchment data.  相似文献   

The transformation of snowmelt water chemical composition during melt, elution and runoff in an Arctic tundra basin is investigated. The chemistry of the water flowing along pathways from the surface of melting snow to the 95·5 ha basin outlet is related to relevant hydrological processes. In so doing, this paper offers physically based explanations for the transformation of major ion concentrations and loads of runoff water associated with snowmelt and rainfall along hydrological pathways to the stream outlet. Late‐lying snowdrifts were found to influence the ion chemistry in adjacent reaches of the stream channel greatly. As the initial pulse of ion‐rich melt water drained from the snowdrift and was conveyed through hillslope flowpaths, the concentrations of most ions increased, and the duration of the peak ionic pulse lengthened. Over the first 3 m of overland flow, the concentrations of all ions except for NO increased by one to two orders of magnitude, with the largest increase for K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+. This was roughly equivalent to the concentration increase that resulted from percolation of relatively dilute water through 0·25 m of unsaturated soil. The Na+ and Cl? were the dominant ions in snowmelt water, whereas Ca2+ and Mg2+ dominated the hillslope runoff. On slopes below a large melting snowdrift, ion concentrations of melt water flowing in the saturated layer of the soil were very similar to the relatively dilute concentrations found in surface runoff. However, once the snowdrift ablated, ion concentrations of subsurface flow increased above parent melt‐water concentrations. Three seasonally characteristic hydrochemical regimes were identified in a stream reach adjacent to late‐lying snowdrifts. In the first two stages, the water chemistry in the stream channel strongly resembled the hillslope drainage water. In the third stage, in‐stream geochemical processes, including the weathering/ion exchange of Ca2+ and Mg2+, were the main control of streamwater chemistry. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

M. A. Shantz  J. S. Price 《水文研究》2006,20(18):3799-3814
Blocking drainage ditches and creating bunds to limit surface water losses are important for restoring abandoned peat‐extraction sites in North America. However, these runoff control techniques have not been well characterized, particularly during the snowmelt period. Therefore, patterns of runoff timing and magnitude were evaluated in a peatland (Bois‐des‐Bel, Quebec, Canada) undergoing restoration (restored site), in comparison with an unrestored section of the same peatland (unrestored site). Snowmelt dominated runoff, representing over 79% of the April to August runoff for both sites in 2001. Low (25–35 cm) bunds constructed on the restored site detained water for much of the melt period, but some water loss occurred where bunds were breached. Overland flow and surface ponding were prevalent at the restored site, but were not evident at the unrestored site. At the restored site, the presence of bunds and frozen, saturated (thus impermeable) ground contributed to differences in snowmelt runoff patterns relative to the unrestored site. In the post‐snowmelt period (May–August 2001 and 2002), restored site runoff was reduced to 25% of that lost at the unrestored site. Both hydrometric and chemical hydrograph separation analysis using electrical conductivity indicated that blocked ditches restricted water losses from much of the restored site during the summer months, when the bunds had little effect on runoff. However, discharge peaks were greater at the restored site relative to the unrestored site and generally occurred more quickly following rainfall, because of the wetter antecedent conditions. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Harvested sites rarely return to functional ecosystems after abandonment because drainage and peat extraction lower the water table and expose relatively decomposed peat, which is hydrologically unsuitable for Sphagnum moss re‐establishment. Some natural regeneration of Sphagnum has occurred in isolated pockets on traditionally harvested (block‐cut) sites, for reasons that are poorly understood, but are related to natural functions that regulate runoff and evaporation. This study evaluates the water balance of a naturally regenerated cutover bog and compares it with a nearby natural bog of similar size and origin, near Riviere du Loup, Quebec. Water balance results indicated that evapotranspiration was the major water loss from the harvested bog, comprising 92 and 84% of total outputs (2·9 mm day?1) during the 1997 and 1998 seasons, respectively. Despite denser tree cover at the harvested site, evapotranspiration from the natural bog was similar, although less spatially variable. At the harvested site, evaporative losses ranged from 1·9 mm day?1 on raised baulks and roads to 3·6 mm day?1 from moist surfaces with Sphagnum. Although about half of the ditches were inactive or operating at only a fraction of their original efficiency, runoff was still significant at 12 and 24% of precipitation during the 1997 and 1998 study seasons, respectively. This compares with negligible rates of runoff at the natural bog. Thus the cutover bog, although abandoned over 25 years ago, has not regained its hydrological function. This is both a cause and effect of its inability to support renewed Sphagnum regeneration. Without suitable management (e.g. blocking ditches), this site is not likely to improve for a very long time. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Northern peatlands are a vital component of the global carbon cycle, containing large stores of soil organic carbon and acting as a long‐term carbon sink. Moss productivity is an important factor in determining whether these wetlands will retain this function under future climatic conditions. Research on unsaturated water flow in peatlands, which controls moss productivity during periods of evaporative stress, has focused on relatively deep bog systems. However, shallower peatlands and marginal connective wetlands can be essential components of many landscape mosaics. In order to better understand factors influencing moss productivity, water balance simulations using HYDRUS‐1D were run for different soil profile depths, compositions, and antecedent moisture conditions. Our results demonstrate a bimodal distribution of peatland realizations, either primarily conserving water by limiting evapotranspiration or maximizing moss productivity. For sustained periods of evaporative stress, both deep water storage and a shallow initial water table delay the onset of high vegetative stress, thus maximizing moss productivity. A total depth of sand and peat of 0.8 m is identified as the threshold above which increasing peat depth has no effect on changing vegetative stress response. In contrast, wetlands with shallow peat deposits (less than 0.5 m thick) are least able to buffer prolonged periods of evaporation due to limited labile water storage and will thus quickly experience vegetative stress and so limit evaporation and conserve water. With a predicted increase in the frequency and size of rain events in continental North America, the moss productivity of shallow wetland systems may increase, but also greater moisture availability will increase the likelihood they remain as wetlands in a changing climate.  相似文献   

Two models for estimating expected areal‐average infiltration rate, ī, at the hillslope scale are presented. The first relies upon the condition of a negligible infiltration of surface water running downslope (run‐on process) into a previous heterogeneous soil. It is an adapted version of an earlier semi‐analytical model. The second incorporates the run‐on process and is based on a lumped approach that uses an effective saturated hydraulic conductivity. This latter was parameterized in terms of the main characteristics of rainfall and soil. Both the models were tested by comparison with the results carried out by Monte‐Carlo simulations over different soil types. It was found that the first model simulated ī with maximum errors in magnitude typically less than 10%. The second model provided similar errors in the total volume of overland flow, and the rising limb of the hydrograph experienced a distortion. Lastly, satisfactory results were obtained by comparing the model without run‐on with an empirical approach particularly accurate for fine‐textured soils. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We attempted to clarify the runoff characteristics of a permafrost watershed in the southern mountainous region of eastern Siberia using hydrological and meteorological data obtained by the State Hydrological Institute in Russia from 1976 to 1985. We analysed seasonal changes in the direct runoff ratio and recession gradient during the permafrost thawing period. Thawing depth began to increase from the beginning of May and continued to increase until the end of September, exceeding 150 cm. Annual precipitation and discharge were in the range 525–649 mm and 205–391 mm respectively. The sum of the annual evapotranspiration and changes in water storage ranged from 235 to 365 mm. The mean daily evapotranspiration in June, July, August and September was 1·5 mm day?1, 1·7 mm day?1, 1·5 mm day?1, and 0·5 mm day?1 respectively. The direct runoff ratio was highest in June, decreasing from 0·8 in June to 0·2 in September. The recession gradient also decreased from June to September. Since the frozen soil functioned as an impermeable layer, the soil water storage capacity in the thawing part of the soil, the depth of which changed over time, controlled the runoff characteristics. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most terrestrial allochthonous organic matter enters river networks through headwater streams during high flow events. In headwaters, allochthonous inputs are substantial and variable, but become less important in streams and rivers with larger watersheds. As allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) moves downstream, the proportion of less aromatic organic matter with autochthonous characteristics increases. How environmental factors converge to control this transformation of DOM at a continental scale is less certain. We hypothesized that the amount of time water has spent travelling through surface waters of inland systems (streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs) is correlated to DOM composition. To test this hypothesis, we used established river network scaling relationships to predict relative river network flow-weighted travel time (FWTT) of water for 60 stream and river sites across the contiguous United States (3090 discrete samples over 10 water years). We estimated lentic contribution to travel times with upstream in-network lake and reservoir volume. DOM composition was quantified using ultraviolet and visible absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. A combination of FWTT and lake and reservoir volume was the best overall predictor of DOM composition among models that also incorporated discharge, specific discharge, watershed area, and upstream channel length. DOM spectral slope ratio (R2 = 0.77) and Freshness Index (R2 = 0.78) increased and specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (R2 = 0.68) and Humification Index (R2 = 0.44) decreased across sites as a function of FWTT and upstream lake volume. This indicates autochthonous-like DOM becomes continually more dominant in waters with greater FWTT. We assert that river FWTT can be used as a metric of the continuum of DOM composition from headwaters to rivers. The nature of the changes to DOM composition detected suggest this continuum is driven by a combination of photo-oxidation, biological processes, hydrologically varying terrestrial subsidies, and aged groundwater inputs.  相似文献   

Understanding how rivers respond to changes in land cover, climate, and subsurface conditions is critical for sustainably managing water resources and ecosystems. In this study, long‐term hydrologic, climate, and satellite data (1973–2012) from the Upper Tahe River watershed (2359 km2) in the Da Hinggan Mountains of northeast China were analysed to quantify the relative hydrologic effects of climate variability (system input) and the combined influences of forest cover change and permafrost thaw (system characteristics) on average annual streamflow (system response) using 2 methods: the sensitivity‐based method and the Kendall–Theil robust line method. The study period was subdivided into a forest harvesting period (1973–1987), a forest stability period (1988–2001), and a forest recovery period (2002–2012). The results indicated that the combined effects of forest harvesting and permafrost thaw on streamflow (+ 47.0 mm) from the forest harvesting period to the forest stability period was approximately twice as large as the effect associated with climate variability (+20.2 mm). Similarly, from the forest stability period to the forest recovery period, the decrease in average annual streamflow attributed to the combined effects of forest recovery and permafrost thaw (?38.0 mm) was much greater than the decrease due to climate variability (?22.2 mm). A simple method was used to separate the distinct impacts of forest cover change and permafrost thaw, but distinguishing these influences is difficult due to changes in surface and subsurface hydrologic connectivity associated with permafrost thaw. The results highlight the need to consider multiple streamflow drivers in future watershed and aquatic ecosystem management. Due to the ecological and hydrological susceptibility to disturbances in the Da Hinggan Mountains, forest harvesting will likely negatively impact ecohydrological processes in this region, and the effects of forest species transition in the forest recovery process should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Proglacial icings are one of the most common forms of extrusive ice found in the Canadian Arctic. However, the icing adjacent to Fountain Glacier, Bylot Island, is unique due to its annual cycle of growth and decay, and perennial existence without involving freezing point depression of water due to chemical characteristics. Its regeneration depends on the availability of subglacial water and on the balance between ice accretion and hydro‐thermal erosion. The storage and conduction of the glacial meltwater involved in the accretion of the icing were analyzed by conducting topographic and ground penetrating radar surveys in addition to the modelling of the subglacial drainage network and the thermal characteristics of the glacier base. The reflection power analysis of the geophysical data shows that some areas of the lower ablation zone have a high accumulation of liquid water, particularly beneath the centre part of the glacier along the main supraglacial stream. A dielectric permittivity model of the glacier – sediment interface suggests that a considerable portion of the glacier is warm based; allowing water to flow through unfrozen subglacial sediments towards the proglacial outwash plain. All these glacier‐related characteristics contribute to the annual regeneration of the proglacial icing and allow for portions of the icing to be perennial. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cushion plant dominated peatlands are key ecosystems in tropical alpine regions of the Andes in South America. The cushion plants have formed peat bodies over thousands of years that fill many valley bottoms, and the forage produced by the plants is critical for native and nonnative domesticated mammals. The sources and flow paths of water supporting these peatlands remain largely unknown. Some studies have suggested that glacier meltwater streams support some peatlands, and that the ongoing loss of glaciers and their meltwaters could lead to the loss or diminishment of peatlands. We analysed the hydrologic regime of 10 peatlands in four mountain regions of Bolivia and Peru using groundwater monitoring. Groundwater levels in peatlands were relatively stable and within 20 cm of the ground surface during the rainy season, and many sites had water tables 40–90 cm below the ground surface in the dry season. Topographic and groundwater elevations in the peatlands demonstrated that the water source of all 10 peatlands was hillslope groundwater flowing from lateral moraines, talus, colluvium, or bedrock aquifers into the peatlands. There was little to no input from streams, whether derived from glacier melt or other sources, and glacier melt could not have recharged the hillslope aquifers supporting peatlands. We measured the stable water isotopes in water samples taken during different seasons, distributed throughout the catchments, and the values are consistent with this interpretation. Our findings indicate that peatlands in the study region are recharged by hillslope groundwater discharge rather than stream water and may not be as vulnerable to glacial decline as other studies have indicated. However, both glaciers and peatlands are susceptible to changing thermal and precipitation regimes that could affect the persistence of peatlands.  相似文献   


Cutover bogs do not return to functional peatland ecosystems after abandonment because re‐establishment of peat‐forming mosses is poor. This paper presents a conceptual model of bog disturbance caused by peat harvesting (1942–1972), and the hydrological evolution that occurred after abandonment (1973–1998). Two adjacent bogs of similar size and origin, one harvested and the other essentially undisturbed, provide the basis for understanding what changes occurred. The model is based on historical trends evident from previous surveys of land‐use, bog ecology and resource mapping; and from recent hydrological and ecological data that characterize the current condition. Water balance data and historical information suggest that runoff increased and evapotranspiration decreased following drainage, but tended towards pre‐disturbance levels following abandonment, as vegetation recolonized the surface and drainage became less efficient over time. Dewatering of soil pores after drainage caused shrinkage and oxidation of the peat and surface subsidence of approximately 80 cm over 57 years. Comparisons with a nearby natural bog suggest that bulk density in the upper 50 cm of cutover peat increased from 0·07 to 0·13 g cm?3, specific yield declined from 0·14 to 0·07, water table fluctuations were 67% greater, and mean saturated hydraulic conductivity declined from 4·1 × 10?5 to 1·3 × 10?5 cm s?1. More than 25 years after abandonment, Sphagnum mosses were distributed over broad areas but covered less than 15% of the surface. Areas with ‘good’ Sphagnum regeneration (>10% cover) were strongly correlated with high water tables (mean ?22 cm), especially in zones of seasonal groundwater discharge, artefacts of the extraction history. Forest cover expanded from 5 to 20% of the study area following abandonment. The effect of forest growth (transpiration and interception) and drainage on lowering water levels eventually will be countered by slower water movement through the increasingly dense soil, and by natural ditch deterioration. However, without management intervention, full re‐establishment of natural hydrological functions will take a very long time. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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