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沂沭断裂带地热资源管理信息系统的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
山东省沂沭断裂带地热资源管理信息系统是以Mapinfo为平台,通过建立地热信息数据库及软件二次开发,实现对山东沂沭断裂带地区地热资源空间多源信息数据的有效管理。该系统可为政府部门做好地热资源开发与管理工作提供空间信息技术支持。  相似文献   

“West Jilin Porovince” in ths paper means Zhenlai,Baicheng,Taonan,Da‘an,Tongyu,Fuyu,Songyuan,Qian‘an ,Chandling,also includes Gongzhuling,Shuangliao,Lishu,Siping and Nong′an which have been suf-fered from desertification.In west Jilin Province there are three sand zones passing through,they are Xiang(Xianghai)-Wu(Wlan Tug)sand zone,Hai-Fent sand zone,and Tao′er River right band sand zone.The desertification area of west Jilin Province is 819 100ha,making up 12.5% of the total land area.Among desertification types,in Jilin Province light desertification is the major,then is medium dersertification,hevey desertification is the least.According to the compare-son of the interpretation results of the Landsat images of the 1980s and 1990s by remote sensing and GIS techniques,it can be seen that the diesertification area in west Jilin Province basically didn′t change on the whole,only increased 6130ha,making up 0.8% of the desertification area,change scale is less than 1%.Evidently,desertification is con-trolled mostly,but some areas are continuing deterioration.The desertification process of China can be divided into three types according to origin nature,they are sandy steppe desertification,fixed sand area(sand land) activation and dunes transfer invasion.Reasons of desertification of West Jilin Province are analyzed,they include natural factors(such as material source factors,chimate factors) and artificial factors(such as destroying grass to reclaim,steppe decreasing greatly,illegally feeling shelter forest stands,constructing reservoir to influence eco-environment etc.).Some sugges-tions are put forward as follows:establishing the social project for ecological reconstruction of degenerated land;intensify-ing planning and management of land use,reverting farmland into forestland or pasture in a planned way.The key desertifica-tion control is to depend mainly on policy and management,then control techniques.  相似文献   

本文首先在分析地学虚拟环境和虚拟地理信息系统的同时 ,指出当前虚拟地理信息系统在数据模型上的不足 ;然后具体介绍了我们设计的虚拟地理信息系统数据模型 ,在该数据模型中通过引入结构对象 ,支持地理数据在空间数据库中的管理和在地学虚拟环境中表达 ;同时介绍了该数据模型基于主动式面向对象数据库的实现 ,并在其支持下的地理对象中引入了对象事件属性 ;最后文中给出系统应用示例图。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONAsanimportantcomponentoftheglobalterres trialecosystems ,forestlinkstheatmosphere ,soilandwatertogetherthroughitspowerfulecologicalfunc tion .Inrecentyears,owingtotheglobalwarmingandhumaninfluence ,forestfireoccurmuchmorefrequently .Theannualf…  相似文献   

Influenced by artificial factors, landscape pattern of Yantai City, Shandong Province changes continu-ously. Revealing its landscape pattern and its changing process has a practical significance for the urban development and layout. Zhifu District, Development Zone, Laishan District and Fushan District in Yantai City were selected to study the landscape pattern. Remote sensing technology was used to obtain landscape information of different peri-ods. Under the support of Geographic Information System (GIS), the spatial landscape pattern of Yantai City was an-alyzed and simulated by using various special quantitative analysis models. The analysis shows that built-up area lies in the center of Yantai City, the outside is vegetable land. irrigated land, dry land, garden land and woodland.  相似文献   

基于遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,采用多层次分析(AHP)法,以北京密云水库上游部分库区为研究对象,根据库区实际情况,选取植被覆盖率、土壤类型、坡度、高程、降雨量、土地利用六种影响滑坡灾害发生的因素作为评价因子,对区域滑坡风险进行分析。同时,在ArcGIS的空间分析环境中运行权重叠加,将研究区域划分成无危险区、低危险区、中危险区、高危险区和极危险区。结果表明,研究区域内大部分地区比较稳定,最易发生滑坡的区域主要集中在密云水库东北部的河谷、山谷地带,呈零星状分布。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONResearchonglobalenvironmentalchange,especiallyglobalvegetationchange,hasbeenmoreandmoreemphasizedbyscientistsandgovernments.HoWever,theinvestigationofvegetationcoveredinlargeareaneedagreatdealoffundandlaal.Asthesatelliteremotesensingdatahavebeenavailablesinceearly1980s,thesedataarebeingemployedtowardstOtheimprovementofvegetationclassification.NOAA--AVHRRdatahavebeenmoreandmoreusedbyscientistsbecauseOfitsshorttemPOralrefution,largescope,inexpensivecostandbreadwavebands.On…  相似文献   

地貌是自然地域综合体中的主导因素,数字地貌强调了以数字形式将所有地貌信息集成于一起。本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,以1∶100万标准分幅中的张家口幅(编号为k-50)为例,探讨了以遥感数据(ETM和TM)为基础的数字地貌信息集成方法,体现了分层分级的集成原则,便于信息的数字化、定量化分析。对其特征分析表明:地貌信息的存储、应用及分类分级指标充分体现了其数字化与定量化特征;它们为生成各种专题图件、评判划分指标的合理性以及国民经济建设等提供了分析基础,这将在地貌研究、农业生产、国防建设、环境建设和生态修复等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

地理信息系统不仅发展成为一门成熟的技术科学 ,而且已成为一个新兴的产业 ,在测绘、地质矿产、农林水利、环境监测、区域开发等领域发挥越来越重要的作用。利用地球信息科学领域积累的大量的 GIS数据 ,进行其出版可视化技术研究与实践 ,不仅能够满足 GIS空间数据的出版要求 ,同时对于最大限度地利用 GIS数据资源、避免基础数据的重复投入和提高地图生产效率有着重要的现实意义。本文论述了地理空间数据的类型、关系、矢量数据结构及其在电子出版系统中共享的制约因素 ,讨论了 GIS空间数据在电子出版系统中可视化技术实现的基本方法 ,在实践的基础上提出了两种企业级解决方案。  相似文献   

金沙江流域生态保护与建设决策支持系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用地理信息系统对生态保护与建设相关的地理信息进行采集、管理、分析,对政府部门的决策是一种有效的技术支撑。本文主要介绍“金沙江流域(云南部分)生态保护与建设决策支持系统”的体系结构设计和系统实现。  相似文献   

In view of the large quantities of areas,complex landform and dynamic change of resources and environ-ment in China,China has already funded abundantly a series of macro remote sensing investigation projects in land use cover change(LUCC) since 1990.Supported by the achievements of such projects,Chinese resources,environmental and remote sensing database(CRERS) was created.In this paper,we standardized the LUCC dataset of CRERS at scale of 1km,which facilitated the study of spatial features of LUCC in China.The analysis on the spatial features of LUCC and their causes of formation in China are based on the CRERS supported by the technologies of Geographic Information System(GIS) .The whole research was based on the grade index of land use,ecological environmental index and index of population density.Based on the correlation analysis,we found that the special features of LUCC were closely related with those of ecological environment and population density,which resulted form that areas with better ecological environ-ment and high production potential of land were easy and convenient for human being to live,which,furthermore,led to the aggravation of excessive exploitation of land resources there.  相似文献   

基于GIS的广州市土地利用遥感动态监测与变化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以1997、2003年广州市的Landsat TM影像为基本数据源,在遥感和地理信息系统处理软件的支持下,经过几何纠正、图像裁剪和图像增强处理后,采用最大似然比法结合人工目视解译对影像进行了识别分类,获得了广州市两个时相的土地利用分类数据,并进行了分类精度评价.然后建立了土地利用转移矩阵,并利用数值统计的方法,从不同角度分析了1997~2003年广州市土地利用变化的过程,包括土地利用变化的数量、速度、空间转移及其区域差异等.另外,经济发展、人口的增长、城市化建设等因素是广州市土地利用变化的主要驱动力.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of meteorological elements is important for understanding the regional meteorology and climate changes. However, previous studies rarely focused on the daily changes of the spatial patterns of meteorological elements due to the limitation of remote sensing (RS) techniques and traditional meteorological methods. In this paper, the regional meteorological elements were simulated by the fifth-generation non-hydrostatic Mesoscale Model (MM5), and the spatial patterns of meteorological elements and their diurnal variations were analyzed in landscape level over the Pearl (Zhujiang) River Delta (PRD), China. The results showed that there were several centers of urban heat islands, cold islands, dry islands, wet islands, high wind over the PRD at noon. The diurnal changes of Moran I of meteorological elements were obvious and they reached the extremum at noon and 2-3 hours after the sunrise. The landscape indices of meteorological elements, such as area-weighted mean Fractal Dimension Index (FRAC_AM), Landscape Shape Index (LSI), Shannon's Diversity Index (SHDI) and Contagion Index (CONTAG), were more variable at about the sunrise, noon and sunset. The occurrence of wave crests and vales of landscape indices was affected by the surface net radiation, turbulence and local circumfluence. The spatial patterns of meteorological elements correlated well with the land surface, thermal exchanges and local circumfluence. A new approach combining GIS, RS and numerical simulatious technologies and the landscape ecology method was presented to analyze spatial patterns of meteorological elements, which may be useful for studying global and regional climate changes.  相似文献   

基于信息量模型和数据标准化的滑坡易发性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以北川曲山-擂鼓片区为研究区,将坡度、坡向、高程、地层、距断层的距离、距水系的距离和距道路的距离作为该区域滑坡易发性评价因子。采用信息量模型计算了各项评价因子的信息量值,并运用4种标准化模型对信息量值进行标准化处理。各评价因子的权重由层次分析法(AHP)确定。在GIS中将权重值和各评价因子的标准化信息量值,进行叠加计算得到区域滑坡总信息量值,并基于自然断点法对其进行重分类,将研究区划分为极高易发区、高易发区、中易发区、低易发区和极低易发区5级易发区。将基于4种标准化模型和信息量模型得到的滑坡易发性评价结果进行了对比分析,结果表明:基于最值标准化信息量模型的滑坡易发性评价结果的ROC曲线下面积AUC值为0.807,高于其余模型的AUC值,说明最值标准化信息量模型的滑坡易发性评价效果最好。极高易发区面积占研究区面积的20.03%,离断层和水系较近,主要分布地层为寒武系、志留系和三迭系。研究结果可为区内滑坡风险评价和灾害防治提供参考。  相似文献   

基于GIS的东黄海渔场影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术、结合近年对东黄海海洋渔业资源与环境的调查资料,对东黄海渔场的渔业资源变化的主要影响因子进行空间分析与叠加,得到该渔场的资源分布与水温、初级生产力、饵料、底质等因子的时空分布专题图,经过相关分析,即可掌握当前该渔场资源的概况。  相似文献   

运用层次分析和全局主成分分析结合的综合统计评价模型(AHP-GPCA模型),以县域和流域为评价单元,以气温、降水、归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)、冰川密度、湿地密度、湖泊率、人口密度、荒漠化率等数据为评价指标基础,基于GS/GIS对20世纪70年代末期至2000年青藏高原生态环境变迁进行综合评价,并探讨了研究区生态环境...  相似文献   

Urban heat environmental quality(UHEQ) is affected by the interacting of weather condition and underlying surface framework of urban area .In the last two decades,many researchers from domestic and overseas have studied many problems at the aspect of urban heat environment such as urban heat islands ,urban air temperature and their rela-tion with urban land cover,city population,air pollution etc,In the recent years,Hangzhou,acting as a center city of Zhejiang Province in China,its urbanization quantum and quantity have both changed greatly,in particular ,representing as business affairs building,resident real property and all kins of specialty market having arisen in built-up zone,Based on Landsat TM images data in 1991 and 1999,urban underlying surface temperature value and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were calculated using image interpreting and supervised classification technique by remote sensing software ERDAS image 8.4,The relation model between urban underlying surface temperature (UUST )and urban air temperature was setup according to the certain correlation patten .Reference to the relational standard of assessing human comfort and other meteorology data of Hangzhou City in summer,the spatial distribution characteristic and the spatial varia-tion degree of human comfort of heat environmental quality are estimated and mapped on a middle scale,that is ,in six districts of Hangzhou City .Then the paper reveals the main characteristic of spatial variation from 1991 to 1999.Lastly,the change mechanism is analyzed and discussed from the viewpoint of city planning,construction and environmental protec-tion.  相似文献   

我国地理信息系统教育发展迅速,设置地理信息系统专业的高校数量持续增加,针对地理信息系统专业数量增加与质量缺乏保证的现状,在分析存在问题的基础上,介绍了美国UCGIS提出的地理信息科学与技术学科知识体系的内容,重点分析了其对我国地理信息系统专业建设与人才培养的启示,建议借鉴该体系对我国地理信息系统专业建设进行改革与指导,进而提出了制订专业规范、实施专业评估、编写系列教材、培训师资队伍、构建教学基地等建议。  相似文献   

基于GIS的人工神经网络矿产预测系统设计及应用   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用地理信息系统(GIS)和人工神经网络(ANN)相结合,研究了基于GIS的人工神经网络矿产预测系统设计方案,实现了从地质变量优选到人工神经网络成矿预测结果图形显示的计算机自动化处理。在凤凰山矿田的应用显示,预测结果与现有矿床十分吻合,是矿产预测的有效方法。  相似文献   

地图学与地理信息系统专业点的分布与研究方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地图学与地理信息系统专业是地理学的二级学科,但其影响已远远超出了地理学的泛地学范围。全国所设学科点以北京、吉林、江苏和湖北最为集中,其大多数安置在地理学或地学等理学院系,目前仅海南、西藏、宁夏、青海 4省区没有设学科点。2005年全国有114所院校招收地图学与地理信息系统专业本科生,其中有师范院校31所、综合院校27所、理工科院校25所、农科院校8所、地质矿业和石油院校6所、林业院校5所、交通院校3所、建筑院校3所、邮电院校2所、信息工程院校2所、水利水电院校1所、经济学院1所;16所院校招收地图学与地理信息系统专业博士生,其中有综合大学6所、师范大学5所、海洋大学1所、中科院研究所4所;2004年全国有54所院校招收地图学与地理信息系统专业硕士生,其中有师范院校18所、综合院校16所、理工科院校3所、农科院校3 所、地质和矿业院校3所、林业院校1所、信息工程院校1所、海洋院校1所、中国科学院8个研究所。硕士专业共有281个研究方向,其中26个方向是地图学方向;博士专业共有126个研究方向,只有1个方向的核心词是地图, 1个方向含有经济一词、1个方向含有旅游一词,绝大多数方向都集中在理工科领域。  相似文献   

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