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关于我国海洋产业发展的若干建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于我国海洋产业发展的若干建议许启望,刘秀芳(国家海洋信息中心)海洋产业是指人类在海洋、海岸带开发利用海洋资源和空间,发展海洋经济的生产事业。近3O年来,世界海洋开发规模迅速扩大,海洋产业日益增多,海洋经济持续快速增长。本世纪60年代,海洋产业的总产...  相似文献   

杨黎军 《海洋信息》1999,(10):19-21
农业,从区域上讲,可分为陆地淡水农业和海洋海水农业两大类。海水灌溉种植业或海水灌溉农业是海水农业的一个基本组成部分,是指用海水灌溉的种植业、林业及其相关产品加工业,这是近期发展起来的一种新兴海洋产业。它所发展的空间,是沿海的滩涂潮间带、盐碱地和湿地,是传统农业不易开发利用的荒漠地带。目前,世界约有5亿多亩盐碱荒地,开发潜力巨大。  相似文献   

海水养殖产业的发展是缓解渔业资源紧张、带动水产品加工产业升级、扩大就业和提高渔业产值的关键。目前,中国海水养殖产业整体发展水平较低,仍处于产业发展初级阶段。智利鲑鱼养殖业是发展中国渔业经济实现产业升级的成功案例。通过分析智利鲑鱼养殖产业的发展和产业升级路径,在剖析中国海水养殖产业现状和产业升级中的优势和劣势基础上,提出中国海水养殖产业升级路径的对策思考。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国海洋经济迅猛发展。80年代,我国海洋主要产业总产值的年平均增长率为17%,进入90年代发展更快,其年均增长率高达28%。1994年,我国海洋主要产业总产值为1400亿元,到本世纪末,预计可达2500亿元左右。近10多年来,福建省同全国沿海省市一样,海洋经济也有了长足的发展。1994年,全省海洋主要产业的产值突破了100亿元大关。但是,与有些沿海省份相比,福建海洋经济发展的科技含量还不高,新兴海洋产业发展比较慢。作为我国主要海洋省份之一,其海洋主要产业产值在全国海洋总产值中所占的比例偏低。为此,必须加快海洋经济的发展,在改造和加快传统海洋产业发展的同时,充分发挥资源优势和科技优势,大力推进海洋高新技术产业的发展,促进海洋产业结构的转型、调整和升级,使之成为以高新技术为主的高效、高产、优质产业。  相似文献   

数年以来,伴随着国际上开发海洋的大潮,中国的海洋产业发展迅猛,取得了引人瞩目的成绩。但比起欧美先进国家,中国的海洋产业发展尚处于初级阶段。中国的海洋产业将走一条什么样的发展道路,这是有识之士十分关注的问题。这里,顾世显先生提出了“三条龙”理论,反映了他对海洋开发、保护工作的高效、低耗、综合、协调的发展观点。  相似文献   

近年来,随着青岛市委市政府“挺进西海岸”战略的深入实施,大港口、大造船、大旅游等涉海产业在青岛开发区迅速崛起,这些大项目建设用海的规模在逐步扩大,同时,也暴露出一些日益突出的矛盾和问题。主要表现在:  相似文献   

出于对海蓬子的痴迷,张春银的夫人封给他“海疯子”这个“昵称”。而在张春银看来,如果没有这种热情和冲动,海水蔬菜产业化则只是纸上谈兵,也正是凭着这份热情,我国江苏东部广袤而荒凉的盐碱地上,一个真正意义上的“海上农场”正渐渐浮出水面。  相似文献   

国际劳氏船级社认为,船员劳务市场是中国一个潜在的、亟待开发的国际性市场,将成为中国的一个重要产业经济。舟山素有利用“舟楫之便、渔盐之利”的传统,近年来随着海洋经济的蓬勃发展,如何依托港口和航运业的发展,充分利用海岛适海劳力资源丰富的优势,发展船员劳务产业.促进海洋经济繁荣,已成为全市各级政府和社会关注的问题。  相似文献   

我国是一个水资源短缺的国家,人均水资源占有量仅有2200m3,由于水资源时空分布不均,造成北方水少地多,南方水多地少。随着社会不断发展和进步,发展生产和繁荣经济,提高生活水平和质量,更加剧了水资源紧缺。水是基本的自然物质,又是社会和经济发展的命脉,也是维系和调节生态环境的重要因素,是人类生存、生产的必要资源,更是重要的战略资源。21世纪被称为水的世纪,解决好水资源与水环境问题,对一个国家的发展与建设是十分重要的。多年来,由于水资源不合理开发与利用,造成有的地方江河断流、湿地涸竭、湖面萎缩、地面下沉、水体污染等严重的破…  相似文献   

渤海油田浅水软刚臂系泊FPSO触底分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
在线性三维势流理论的基础上,采用时域计算方法对BZ25—1油田16万吨级FPSO不同吃水条件下的碰底情况作了分析研究。数值计算结果与模型试验进行了比较,两者吻合较好,说明应用时域计算方法可以从理论上预报FPSO在浅水中的触底情况。这对我国渤海等浅水海域油田应用FPSO系统进行开发具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

一、盐城沿海概况 盐城海域位于江苏沿海中部,东濒黄海。全市海岸线长582km,是江苏省海岸线长的60%,滩涂及其辐射沙洲面积46.8hm^2,占江苏省滩涂面积的70%,盐城市境内的海岸均为粉砂淤泥质海岸,射阳河口以北为侵蚀型海岸,潮间带海滩较窄,一般宽0.5-1km;射阳河口以南为堆积型海岸,沿岸潮间带浅滩宽10-13km,目前该岸段仍处于淤长趋势,平均速率新洋港至王港一带约50m/a左右,港附近约100m/a左右,盐城管辖的海域面积约1.7万km^2,其中内水面积约1.1万km^2。  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence concerning the chemical forms of zinc occurring in sea water is reviewed in order to aid in the systematic understanding of zinc geochemistry in the marine environment. The review indicates the necessity of systematizing the results obtained by different methods for the determination of zinc in sea water with respect to the chemical nature of the zinc fractions measured. Analytical procedures for the zinc determinations in sea water by spectrophotometry with dithizone extraction and anodic stripping voltammetry with composite mercury graphite electrodes are described. By using these methods, various pre-treatment tests were carried out to relate the results of different modes of measurements to the chemical forms of zinc involved. The comparisons of the results of these tests lead to an estimation of the occurrence of the following categories of chemical forms of zinc in sea water: (1) ionic plus labile form, (2) inorganic complexes and colloids as well as weak organic complexes and (3) occuled fraction in large organic molecules and/or organic colloids. Capabilities of different analytical procedures for differentiating one category from another are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the content and composition of sterols of the marine-suspended matter in the surface sea water of Kagoshima-Bay. The suspended matters were separated into 3 fractions by filtration with the glass and millipore filters. The sterols in each fraction were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography on 1.5 % SE-30. The results obtained are as follows: 1) The sterol contents ranged from 2.3 to 20.5g/liter of sea water. 2) Cholesterol was usually present as a predominant sterol in both suspended and dissolved matters. 3) A relatively large amount of other sterols such as 22-dehydro-cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol,-sitosterol, and fucosterol were occasionally detected.  相似文献   

Potentiometric titrations of deep Black Sea water give reasonably precise values of sulphide in the concentration range 30–300 μmol l−1 and a strong indication of thiols in the concentration range 10–30 μmol l−1. Organic analysis of Black Sea water should therefore include the search for compounds containing SH groups. A simple stoichiometric model indicates that sulphur-containing proteins might be the main source of thiols after hydrolysis and deamination. The alkalinity and total sulphide are simply related by At = 3287 ± 30 + (3.84 ± 0.10) [H2 S]t μmol kg−1. The slope of 3.84 instead of the stoichiometric slope of 2.31 indicates a lack of reduced sulphate in the form of hydrogen sulphide.  相似文献   

海水中溶解有机磷的测定方法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
于志刚 《海洋学报》1999,21(5):137-143
磷和氮一样,都是海洋环境中的重要生源要素,其在水环境中的时空分布控制着海洋生态系统中的初级生产过程.在大洋或深海区,氮的供应相对不足常是初级生产的制约因素,但在浅海区,特别是河口和海湾,由于农业施肥、城市污水及大气干湿沉降等的作用,氮/磷比值常远高于Redfield比值,从而使磷成为初级生产的制约因素[1-6].  相似文献   

海洋是地球表面最大的水体,通过水的自然循环,其他各类水体中含有的污染物都可能汇集到海洋中去。但由于世界上各大洋是彼此相通的,海洋具有巨大无比的容量,任何多量物质进入水体都会以几乎是无限大的比例稀释,所以海洋污染问题长期未能受到人们的关注。但是,随着工业化的进程和海洋运输业及海洋采矿的发展,经由各种途径进入海洋的废水、废气油、溢油、有毒化学品与日俱增,超过了海洋的自净能力,致使海洋污染日趋严重。据初步估计,由于人类活动每年流失入海的石油约1000t,海洋每年接收2.5万t多氯联苯25万t铜、390万t锌、30万t铅,每年约有500…  相似文献   

A new set of empirical formulas for the production rate and the number concentration of sea-water droplets on the sea surface are proposed, synthesizing past observation data of sea-salt particles in the sea and water droplets in wind-wave tanks. A new levelz c is introduced as the effective wind-sea surface where seawater droplets are produced. The new formulas are expressed in linear functions in logarithmic scales ofu*2/v p , a parameter to describe overall conditions of airsea boundary processes, whereu * is the friction velocity of air,v the kinematic viscosity of air and p the peak angular frequency of wind-wave part of wave spectra. A model of coexistence of spray droplets and suspended particles near the sea surface is proposed. As for the independent parameter, a comparison between the uses ofu*2/v p and ofu * 3 which was the traditional way of parameterization excluding wave measure, shows that the advantage of usingu*2/v p is statistically significant with a confidence limit 89% in F-test.  相似文献   

227Ac is a naturally occurring radioisotope with a unique combination of properties that make it suitable for the determination of deep ocean mixing and upwelling rates. Here, we present a method for the determination of 227Ac in sea water on sample sizes of 20–80 L. The measurement is based on co-precipitation of 227 Ac with MnO2, followed by chemical isolation of actinium in the presence of an artificial Ac isotope. Actinium is then electrodeposited onto silver discs. In two alpha-spectrometric counting periods, first the artificial 225Ac isotope is counted, then after > 100 days five daughters of 227Ac. The first counting period gives a total yield for the procedure, integrating chemical recovery and detector efficiency. The total yield was found here to be on average 15 ± 5%, the chemical yield on average about 50%. The counting of five decay products of 227Ac in the second period makes the method particularly sensitive. Using appropriate decay corrections, the initial 227Ac activity can be determined to better than 10% relative error for concentrations < 10,000 atoms/L. We compare data acquired by the new method to a data set from in-situ pumps, from a parallel sampling campaign in the Eastern Weddell Gyre, and we can show excellent agreement. Repeated determinations of 227Ac in a uranium reference material (UREM-11) demonstrate the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

日本的海水化学资源提取技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海水化学资源例如铀、锂提取技术已进入海水现场小规模试验。以纤维状偕胺肟类化合物为吸附材料 ,每公斤吸附剂的提铀量为 1 g。添加质量分数为 2 0 %聚氯乙烯的尖晶石型锰氧化物粒状海水提锂吸附剂 ,每克吸附剂的提铀量为 1 8mg。浮体式吸铀装置可用于深海作业。流动床或船舶提锂系统 ,可规模化海水提锂。吸锂剂的脱附以及脱锂液的浓缩分离已初步达到小型生产的程度。用吸附法从海水中提取的碳酸锂纯度达 99%以上 ,海水锂回收率为 2 7%。  相似文献   

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