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The forage and oilseed halophyte,Salicornia bigeloviiTorr., was grown in gravity-drained lysimeters set in open plots of the same crop over two seasons in a coastal desert environment in Sonora, Mexico. The lysimeters were irrigated daily with seawater (40 g l−1salts) at rates ranging from 46–225% of potential evaporation. Biomass and seed yields increased with increasing irrigation depth over the range of treatments. Biomass yields ranged from 13·6–23·1 t DM ha−1, equivalent to conventional forage crops, on seasonal water application depths of 2·3–3·8 m, but were markedly lower at lower irrigation depths. Increasing the irrigation depth lowered the soil solution salinity, resulting in greater growth and water use, and hence leaching fractions that were nearly even over irrigation treatments, averaging 0·5. Evapo-transpiration rose in direct proportion to the irrigation depth. Potential evaporation was estimated by site pan evaporation and by the Blaney-Criddle and Penman models using climatological data; the methods agreed within 15%. The ratio of evapo-transpiration to potential evaporation increased over the growing season and approached 1·5 by pan on the highest irrigation treatment due to the combined effects of high transpiration and high evaporation from the permanently moist soil surface. The best field predictor of biomass yield was the salinity of the soil moisture in the top 15 cm of soil profile, which constitutes the root zone for this crop. Root zone salinity must be kept at 70–75 g l−1for high yields. Although irrigation and drainage requirements were high compared to conventional crops, seawater irrigation appears to be feasible in medium sand and could augment crop production along coastal deserts. The possibility of using this crop for animal production is discussed.  相似文献   

Characterizing spatial variability of soil nutrients in relation to site properties, including climate, land use, landscape position and other variables, is important for understanding how ecosystems work and assessing the effects of future land use change on soil nutrients. In order to assess the effects of land use and landscape position on soil nutrients consisting of soil organic matter (SOM), total N (TN), total P (TP), available N (AN) and available P (AP), soil samples were collected in August and October 1998 and July 1999 from three transects in a small catchment on the loess plateau, China. The three transects consisted of typical land use structure from the top to foot of hillslope in the study area: fallow land – cropland – woodland – orchard (T1), fallow land – shrub land – fallow land – cropland – woodland – orchard (T2) and intercropping land – woodland (T3). Significant differences among land uses were found for SOM, TN and AN. Woodland, shrub land and grassland had the higher levels for them compared to fallow land and cropland. Use of soil deterioration index showed that soils deteriorated moderately (−17·05%) under orchard and seriously (ranging from −29·91% to −20·32%) under fallow land, cropland and intercropping land, while soils had no deterioration (−0·74%) under shrubland and (−0·69%) grassland. This study indicated that the cultivated hilly lands must be abandoned before a critical minimum SOM of 0·492%. Soil nutrient responses to landscape positions were variable depending on transect and the location of land use types. The highest levels in SOM, TN and AN were observed at middle slope position on T1, while they occurred at foot slope position on T3. However, an increasing trend from upper slope to foot slope for five nutrients were found on T2.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether liveweight development of kids and dams can be improved by introducing a seasonal breeding regime in goat herds maintained under pastoral management in northern Kenya. The experimental treatment consisted of six consecutive mating seasons. Traits studied comprise relative growth rates of kids (g kg−0·75 day−1) from birth until 2 years of age, liveweight development of kids (kg) from birth until 2 years of age, and body weight development (kg) of does over a reproductive cycle of 1 year duration. No systematic effect of mating season on birth weights of kids could be detected, whereas the experiment succeeded in demonstrating that mating season has an impact upon body weight development of kids. The highest average preweaning weight gains were achieved by kids born in the period from October to May, while growth performance was seriously compromised when birth took place at the middle of the long dry season. However, the differences between mating season groups had almost completely disappeared by 1 year of age. The mating season treatment produced marked differences in weight development curves in does. During gestation, does were advantaged when they were mated just prior to the long rainy season, while the largest relative liveweight gains over the entire reproductive cycle were achieved by does mated during the short rains. It is concluded that seasonal breeding does not confer any major advantage in terms of liveweight production of young livestock, except that mating during the short dry season from December to January should be avoided. Similarly, a clear effect on body weights of does at the end of the reproductive cycle could only be observed when mating occurred during this period.  相似文献   

In 1969, prior to the discovery of the subglacial Lake Vostok, an Askania Gs-11 gravimeter was operated at Vostok Station (78.466°S, 106.832°E; 3478 m asl) to observe tidal gravity variations. To gain a better understanding of the lake's tidal dynamics, we reanalyzed these data using a Bayesian Tidal Analysis Program Grouping method (BAYTAP-G and -L programs). The obtained phase leads for the semidiurnal waves M2 (6.6 ± 2.1°) and S2 (10.1 ± 4.2°) are more pronounced than those of the diurnal waves, among which the largest phase lead (for K1) was 5.0 ± 0.5°. The obtained δ factor for M2 was 0.890 ± 0.032, significantly less than the theoretical value of 1.16. For three global ocean tide models (NAO99b, FES2004, and TPXO6.2), the estimated load tides on waves Q1, O1, P1, K1, M2, and S2 range from 0.1–0.2 μGal (Q1 and S2) to 0.6–0.7 μGal (K1). The difference in amplitude among the three models is less than 0.14 μGal (M2), and the difference in phase is generally less than 10°. In calculating the residual tide vectors using the ocean models, the TPXO6.2 model generally gave the smallest residual amplitudes. Our result for the K1 wave was anomalously large (1.36 ± 0.25 μGal), while that for the M2 wave was sufficiently small (0.37 ± 0.17 μGal). The associated uncertainty is half that reported in previous studies. It is interesting that the residual K1 tide is approximately 90° phase-leaded, while the M2 tide is approximately 180° phase-leaded (delayed). Importantly, a similar reanalysis of data collected at Asuka Station (71.5°S, 24.1°E) gave residual tides within 0.2–0.3 μGal for all major diurnal and semidiurnal waves, including the K1 wave. Therefore, the anomalous K1 residual tide observed at Vostok Station must be linked to the existence of the subglacial lake and the nature of solid–ice–water dynamics in the region.  相似文献   

In arid environments, limited resources may compromise allocations to reproduction, while unpredictable rainfall may confound the timing of reproductive events. Here we evaluate how female tent tortoises (Psammobates tentorius tentorius) allocate resources to reproduction while coping with low and unpredictable rainfall. Vitellogenesis in tent tortoises started in autumn, when rainfall was highest and most predictable. Tent tortoises required a high body condition and large follicles to ovulate their first clutches, but a temperature threshold for ovulation may have prevented breeding during the winter months. Females produced small clutches (1.78±0.63; 1–3 eggs) but produced several clutches (3.7±1.6; 1–6 clutches) from spring to late autumn. Clutch frequency (CF) was correlated to body condition, and CF rather than clutch size (CS) determined annual fecundity. Although body size influenced egg size, body size had no effect on CS, CF or fecundity. There was no trade-off between relative egg size and CS. The small clutches of tent tortoises limit the risks of producing too many offspring at one time, a scenario that may leave females without resources for their own needs. When clutches are small, an extended breeding season enhances reproductive output by providing females more time and opportunities to leave offspring.  相似文献   

The Gohpur–Ganga section is located southwest of Itanagar, India. The study area and its adjacent regions lie between the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Himalayan Front Fault (HFF) within the Sub-Himalaya of the Eastern Himalaya. The Senkhi stream, draining from the north, passes through the MBT and exhibits local meandering as it approaches the study area. Here, five levels of terraces are observed on the eastern part, whereas only four levels of terraces are observed on the western part. The Senkhi and Dokhoso streams show unpaired terraces consisting of very poorly sorted riverbed materials lacking stratification, indicating tectonic activity during deposition. Crude imbrications are also observed on the terrace deposits. A wind gap from an earlier active channel is observed at latitude 27°04′42.4″ N and longitude 93°35′22.4″ E at the height of about 35 m from the present active channel of Senkhi stream. Linear arrangements of ponds trending northeast–southwest on the western side of the study section may represent the paleochannel of Dokhoso stream meeting the Senkhi stream abruptly through this gap earlier. Major lineament trends are observed along NNE–SSW, NE–SW and ENE–WSW direction. The Gohpur–Ganga section is on Quaternary deposits, resting over the Siwaliks with angular contact. Climatic changes of Pleistocene–Holocene times seem to have affected the sedimentation pattern of this part of the Sub-Himalaya, in association with proximal tectonism associated with active tectonic activities, which uplifted the Quaternary deposits. Older and younger terrace deposits seem to mark the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary in the study area with the older terraces showing a well-oxidized and semi-consolidated nature compared to the unoxidized nature of the younger terraces.  相似文献   

Chemical and environmental isotope study of precipitation in Syria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waters from a network of rainfall collection covering nine meteorological stations distributed mainly in the western part of Syria have been assayed using chemical and environmental isotope techniques for a period of 5 months from Dec 1989 to Apr 1990. The chemistry of rain waters falling over the mountainous stations shows a low solute concentration (20–105 mg−1/L) compared with those falling over the coastal and anterior stations (50–210 mg−1/L). The rain waters are generally characterized by a high deuterium excess (d = 19 ‰) compared with that of typical global meteoric waters (d = 10 ‰). The estimated deuterium excess is lower than that for the eastern Mediterranean meteoric waters (d = 22 ‰). The altitude effect is shown up by a depletion of heavy stable isotopes of about −0·23 ‰ and −1·65 ‰ per 100 m elevation of δ18O and δD, respectively. The spatial distribution pattern of tritium contents shows a gradual build up with increasing distance from the Syrian coast. The weighted mean tritium content in rain waters falling over the country is estimated to amount to 9·5 tritium units (TU) during the period of observation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses analysis of surface meteorological and hydrographic data collected along the transects Durban–India Bay, Antarctica (Track-1) and Prydz Bay–Mauritius (Track-2) during February–March 2007 as part of the International Polar Year project (IPY#70). Strong winds (>12 m s−1) resulted in enhanced turbulent heat loss north of 45°S. Whereas a highly stable marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) and strong winds facilitated the release of latent heat of condensation along Track-1, a highly unstable MABL and strong winds resulted in large turbulent heat loss from the sea surface along Track-2, in the 40–45°S belt. The northern and southern branches of Subantarctic Front on both tracks coalesce, while the Agulhas Retroflection Front (AF) and South Subtropical Front (SSTF) merge between 43° and 44°S on Track-2. The southern branch of the Polar Front (PF2) meanders 550 km southward towards the east. The Subtropical Surface Water, Central Water, and Mode Water are located north of 43.5°S, while the Subantarctic Surface Water, Antarctic Surface Water, Antarctic Intermediate Water, and Circumpolar Deep Water are encountered in the region of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). Baroclinic transport relative to 1000 db reveals that the ACC is enhanced by 10 × 106 m3 s−1 eastward, and a four-fold increase in transport occurs south of the ACC. Nearly 50% of the ACC transport occurs in the 100–500 m slab. We discuss the effects of the feedback of AC and hydrological fronts on the MABL.  相似文献   

一种新的气候变化敏感区的定义方法与预估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李依婵  李育  朱耿睿 《地理学报》2018,73(7):1283-1295
气候变化敏感区的研究是气候变化研究的一个重要方向,前人对气候变化敏感区的定义大多基于单一的指标,而对综合性指标研究较少。基于柯本气候分类法所划分出的中国气候类型分布及其变化频次,提出一种新的气候变化敏感区定义方法,并使用该方法划分中国的气候变化敏感区,气候类型变化频繁的区域被认为是敏感区。选取CESM模型中等碳排放(RCP 4.5)下的模拟数据计算2006-2013年、21世纪40年代和90年代气候类型的变化,以此预估未来30~80年间气候变化敏感带的变化。结果显示:依据本文提出的方法划分的气候变化敏感区,与降水变化敏感区有较好拟合;中国气候变化最敏感的区域分布在黑河腾冲线附近、秦岭淮河一线、青藏高原西部和天山以北部分地区,气候最为稳定的区域分布在青藏高原中东部、昆仑山、祁连山以北、天山以南、贺兰山以西的大片区域和大兴安岭附近;未来30~80年间,西部(贺兰山、横断山以西)地区气候变化敏感区基本不变,而东部地区的气候变化敏感区则逐渐向北偏移。  相似文献   

Varnish microlamination (VML) dating is a correlative age determination technique that can be used to date and correlate various geomorphic features in deserts. In this study, we establish a generalized late Quaternary (i.e., 0–300 ka) varnish layering sequence for the drylands of western USA and tentatively correlate it with the SPECMAP oxygen isotope record. We then use this climatically correlated varnish layering sequence as a correlative dating tool to determine surface exposure ages for late Quaternary geomorphic features in the study region. VML dating of alluvial fan deposits in Death Valley of eastern California indicates that, during the mid to late Pleistocene, 5–15 ky long aggradation events occurred during either wet or dry climatic periods and that major climate shifts between glacial and interglacial conditions may be the pacemaker for alteration of major episodes of fan aggradation. During the Holocene interglacial time, however, 0.5–1 ky long brief episodes of fan deposition may be linked to short periods of relatively wet climate. VML dating of alluvial desert pavements in Death Valley and the Mojave Desert reveals that pavements can be developed rapidly (< 10 ky) during the Holocene (and probably late Pleistocene) in the arid lowlands (< 800 m msl) of these regions; but once formed, they may survive for 74–85 ky or even longer without being significantly disturbed by geomorphic processes operative at the pavement surface. Data from this study also support the currently accepted, “being born at the surface” model of desert pavement formation. VML dating of colluvial boulder deposits on the west slope of Yucca Mountain, southern Nevada, yields a minimum age of 46 ka for the emplacement of these deposits on the slope, suggesting that they were probably formed during the early phase of the last glaciation or before. These results, combined with those from our previous studies, demonstrate that VML dating has great potential to yield numerical age estimates for various late Quaternary geomorphic features in the western USA drylands.  相似文献   

Tanzhuo Liu   《Geomorphology》2003,53(3-4):209-234
Rock varnish is a manganiferous dark coating ubiquitous in desert landscapes. To test the validity of varnish microstratigraphy as a chronometric indicator, varnish samples were collected from radiometrically dated and undated late Quaternary lava flows in Amboy, Cima, and Pisgah volcanic fields (AVF, CVF, PVF) in the Mojave Desert of California, western United States. Varnish microstratigraphies show a replicable layering sequence that appears to record regional climate changes that likely correspond in time to the Younger Dryas and Heinrich events in the North Atlantic region. Microstratigraphic patterns on these volcanic fields match patterns found in varnishes from other western US sites with available radiometric age constraints. Based on this regional chronology, varnishes from the A flow, H flow, and a stone pavement surface in the Cima volcanic field were estimated to be 16.5–24, 74–85, and 74–85 ka, respectively; these ages are consistent with previously published cosmogenic 3He ages of 18–20, 72–74, and 80–85 ka for these geomorphic surfaces. Varnishes from the I flow at Cima yielded a puzzling age estimate of 39 ka, which is consistent with an older 3He age of 37±6 ka reported for the I flow, but inconsistent with a younger 3He age of 31±7 ka and a cosmogenic 36Cl age of 27±1.3 ka for the same flow. Reinterpretation of the original varnish age data, with knowledge of then available field mapping results of the I flow, suggests that the I cone is polycyclic and different flow units were probably unintentionally sampled in the field. The revised varnish ages of 30 and 39 ka for the I flow thus may be in good agreement with their corresponding 3He and 36Cl ages. In a blind test of the method, varnishes from the Phase 1 flow at Pisgah, an unnamed flow (called here the I′ flow) at Cima, and the Amboy flow were estimated to be 24–30, 46–60, and 74–85 ka, respectively; these ages agree well with 36Cl ages of 22.5±1.3, 46±2, and 79±5 ka reported for the same flows by Phillips [Geomorphology (2002).]. These test results provide convincing evidence that varnish microstratigraphy, once radiometrically calibrated, can be used as a valid dating tool to estimate surface exposure ages of desert landforms in the western US drylands.  相似文献   

The standard metabolic rate ofUromastyx philbyiwas measured at 20–40 °C, using constant pressure manometric respirometers. Standard metabolic rate was mass-dependent. Values for the mass exponent ‘b’ ranged from 0·75 at 20 °C to 0·82 at 40 °C. Standard metabolic rate increased as temperature increased with high Q10values at low temperatures (20–25 °C). Low standard metabolic rates in this species are probably an adaptation to herbivory in hot desert environments.  相似文献   

We investigated the size fraction and pigment-derived class compositions of phytoplankton within the euphotic zone of the Antarctic marginal ice zone between 63.3°S and 66.5°S along the 140°E meridian on two consecutive cruises in the late austral summer and early austral autumn of 2003. We observed significant temporal and spatial variations in phytoplankton size and taxonomic composition, although chlorophyll a concentrations were generally below 1 μg l−1 during both periods. Microphytoplankton (>20 μm), mainly diatoms, were prominent in the euphotic zone in the southernmost area around 66.5°S during late summer. In the rest of the study area during both cruises, the phytoplankton community was dominated by pico- and nano-sized populations (<20 μm) throughout the euphotic zone. The small-size populations mostly consisted of diatoms and haptophytes, although chlorophytes were dominant in extremely cold water (−1.5°C) below the overlying warm water around 65.5°S during late summer. From late summer to early autumn, chlorophytes declined in abundance, probably due to increasing temperature within the euphotic zone (−1 to 0°C). These pico- and nano-phytoplankton-dominated populations were often accompanied by relatively high concentrations of ammonium, suggesting the active regeneration of nutrients within the small-size plankton community.  相似文献   

Based on the mean yearly precipitation and the total yearly evaporation data of 295 meteorological stations in China in 1951–1999, the aridity index is calculated in this paper. According to the aridity index, the climatic regions in China are classified into three types, namely, arid region, semi-arid region and humid region. Dry and wet climate boundaries in China fluctuate markedly and differentiate greatly in each region in the past 50 years. The fluctuation amplitudes are 20–400 km in Northeast China, 40–400 km in North China, 30–350 km in the eastern part of Northwest China and 40–370 km in Southwest China. Before the 1980s (including 1980), the climate tended to be dry in Northeast China and North China, to be wet in the eastern part of Northwest China and very wet in Southwest China. Since the 1990s there have been dry signs in Southwest China, the eastern part of Northwest China and North China. The climate becomes wetter in Northeast China. Semi-arid region is the transitional zone between humid and arid regions, the monsoon edge belt in China, and the susceptible region of environmental evolution. At the end of the 1960s dry and wet climate in China witnessed abrupt changes, changing wetness into dryness. Dry and wet climate boundaries show the fluctuation characteristics of the whole shifts and the opposite fluctuations of eastward, westward, southward and northward directions. The fluctuations of climatic boundaries and the dry and wet variations of climate have distinctive interdecadal features.  相似文献   

We report on the phenology, seed production, and three assays (field, greenhouse and laboratory) to detect the optimal temperature for germination (OPT) and the temperature with fastest germination rate (TFASG) of seven Mimosa species, all endemic to Mexico: Mimosa adenantheroides (M. Martens and Galeotti) Benth., M. calcicola B. L. Rob., M. lacerata Rose, M. luisana Brandegee, M polyantha Benth., M. purpusii Brandegee and M. texana (A. Gray) Small var. filipes (Britton and Rose) Barneby. Flowering and fruiting take place during the wet season (May–September). Though flowering periods overlap among species, no hybrid species were found. The reproductive strategy includes a large number of seeds produced (4000–15000 per plant); however, a high percentage (30–75%) is not viable due to bruchid predation (Acanthoscelides mexicanus (Sharp) and Stator pruininus Horn). In the laboratory, OPT was established at (23°C)24°C(27–28°C) and TFASG at (20°C)25°C(30°C), with 100% of germination in six of the seven Mimosa species. In the field, the maximum germination rate (MAXG) was 92% to 100%, whereas in the greenhouse this value was 56% to 80%. Our results show that heat and moisture do not necessarily stress Mimosa seedling germination, but shade seems to be an important factor influencing germination.  相似文献   

Pre-volcanic structure of the basement influences volcanism distribution and avalanche generation in volcanic edifices. Therefore, systematic studies of basement structure below volcanic chains are necessary to understand the deformation effects observed in the surface and vice versa. Based on a compilation of pre-existing data, interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite images, and a collection of structural data we analyzed morphological and structural features of the Cofre de Perote–Pico de Orizaba (CP–PO) volcanic chain and its basement. We have identified three sets of regional lineaments that are related to basement trends. (1) NW 55° SE fractures are parallel to anticline folds observed in Cretaceous rocks that originated during Laramide shortening. These folds present an abrupt morphology observed only in the eastern flank but that is likely to continue below the volcanic chain. (2) NE 55° SW fractures are parallel to normal faults at the basement. We infer that these basement faults confine the CP–PO chain within a stepped graben with a total normal displacement of about 400 m. These faults have been active through time since they have affected volcanic deposits and induced the emplacement of monogenetic vents. Notably, lineaments of monogenetic vents concentrate where the basement is relatively shallow. (3) Another set of faults, oriented N–S, has been observed affecting the scarce basement outcrops at the western flank of the chain covered by lacustrine deposits. Lineaments measured in the volcanic edifice of Pico de Orizaba correlate with the regional trends.In particular, the NE 55° SW alignment of monogenetic vents and fractures at Pico de Orizaba suggest that the same dike trend exists within the volcanic edifice. A normal fault with similar orientation was documented at the NE continuation of an alignment crossing the volcanic edifice along the Jamapa canyon. In the absence of magmatic activity related to collapses, the displacement of NE 55° SW faults represents a potential triggering mechanism for generating avalanches at Pico de Orizaba volcano. Instability is enhanced by the presence of N–S trending fractures crossing the entire volcanic edifice and E–W fractures affecting only the present day cone. We conclude that mechanical instability of the volcanic chain is influenced by the basement structure heterogeneity, but further detailed studies are necessary at individual volcanoes to evaluate their effects on volcano deformation.  相似文献   

1951-2010 年中国主要气候区划界线的移动   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
根据采用同一区划方法、指标体系划分的1951-1980 年及1981-2010 年中国气候区划结果,对比分析了过去60 年中国气候区划的主要界线变化特征。结果表明:1951-1980 年至1981-2010 年,我国寒温带界线西缩、北移;暖温带北界东段北移,其中最大北移幅度超过1个纬度;北亚热带北界东段平均北移1 个纬度以上,并越过淮河一线;中亚热带北界中段从江汉平原南沿移至了江汉平原北部,最大移动幅度达2 个纬度;南亚热带北界西段北移0.5~2 个纬度;青藏高原亚寒带范围缩小,高原温带范围增加。东北湿润、半湿润区虽转干与趋湿并存,但其中温带地区的湿润-半湿润东界东移,大兴安岭中部与南部的半湿润-半干旱界线北扩;其他地区的干湿分界线虽未出现明显移动,但北方半干旱及华北半湿润区总体转干,河西走廊、新疆及青藏高原的干旱、半干旱区总体转湿;而南方湿润区则趋干与转湿并存。  相似文献   

Pristine and sensitive environments, such as remote alpine and arctic lakes, are particularly susceptible to the effects of climate change. However, these remote environments do not have sufficiently long instrumental climate records to support studies on contemporary climate change. The issue of the scarcity of instrumental climate data at remote regions is addressed by reconstructing monthly mean air temperatures from 1781 to 1997 AD at eleven remote alpine and arctic lakes in Europe, as part of the MOuntain LAke Research (MOLAR) project. Stepwise multiple regression is applied to establish linear transfer functions of temperatures between each of eleven upland records and twenty homogenised long lowland records. Twelve monthly transfer functions are obtained for each lake. The skill of these transfer functions is found to range typically between 60 and 99%. The lower skill values generally correspond to winter months. The temperature reconstructions obtained using the transfer functions need to be corrected with vertical temperature gradients. Air-temperature lapse rates were obtained for each lake region by spatial interpolation of radiosonde air-temperature data (1990–1997). The resulting reconstructions at each lake were checked using air-temperature data (1996–1997) from automatic weather stations installed at the lakes during the MOLAR project. We estimate the typical reconstruction errors to be about 1.3 °C for low-sun months and about 0.98 °C for high-sun months. Trend analyses on the reconstructed annual mean air temperatures at the lakes show two distinct types of trends for the 19th and 20th centuries. During the period 1801–1900, the western European lakes show no significant trend whereas annual mean air temperatures at the eastern European lakes decrease significantly. The period 1901–1997 presents a warming trend at all but the Fennoscandian lakes. Our results are in good agreement with previous studies on the spatial distribution and magnitude of temperature change in Europe. Principal component analysis performed on the reconstructed annual mean air temperature reveals two different regimes of trends for the past two centuries. It also allows a regional clustering of the inter-annual variability of air temperature at the lakes to be identified.  相似文献   

Sedimentary deposits from the Smith Canyon dune field, south-central Columbia Basin, Washington, U.S.A. document climatically-influenced Late Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian and fluvial deposition in a region impacted by glacial outburst floods and tephra falls. The depositional history is summarized by five environmentally distinctive and climatically sensitive sedimentary units (temporal limits estimated): Unit 1 (c. 15·5–8 ka), pedogenically altered glacial outburst flood and minor aeolian silt and clay; Unit 2 (c. 8–6·9 ka), fluvial and minor aeolian sand; Unit 3 (c. 6·9–6·8 ka), flood-induced fluvial sand with gravel-sized tephra clasts; Unit 4 (c. 6·8–3·9 ka), aeolian dune sand; Unit 5 (c. 3·9 ka to present), pedogenically altered, stabilized dune sand. Estimated age ranges are based on stratigraphic position, tephrochronology, and correlation with temporally constrained strata from elsewhere in the region.  相似文献   

The suspended sediment contained in six flood events in the Hoanib River catchment during the wet season of 1999/2000 were analysed for volatile (or low molecular weight) fine particulate organic material (FPOM), higher molecular weight FPOM and the total organic carbon (TOC). Samples were evaporated to dryness at 80 °C, then heated in a high temperature oven to 250, 550 and 850 °C. The results show that the amount of sediment carried during the flood events varied between 1.54 and 31.27 g/L, with an average of 14.62 g/L. The amount of suspended sediment in the flood-waters (2.789–616.359×106 kg) was found to be dependent on the timing and duration of the flood event. The largest percentage of organic material was found in the volatile FPOM fraction (5.77±6.26%), with lesser amounts being found in the higher molecular weight FPOM (3.36±0.62%) and TOC (4.93±1.86%) fractions.  相似文献   

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