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This work examines the tidal exchanges of heat, inorganic nitrogenous nutrients and various forms of organic matter at the mouth of San Quintin Bay, Baja California, Mexico. It also attempts to elucidate the main factors responsible for the short-term fluctuations of these seawater properties. To accomplish this, a time series sampling was carried out at the mouth of the bay from 25 June to 5 July, 1979. The bay systematically exported heat, with an average of 1·2×1010 kcal per half tidal cycle during the sampling period. Inputs of nitrite and nitrate during upwelling were of major importance to the productivity of the lagoon. During non-upwelling conditions the trend was toward a dynamic equilibrium in the oxidized inorganic nutrient fluxes. There were significant exports of ammonia. These ammonia exports were, on average, about 20% of the nitrate plus nitrite imports. Ammonia concentrations were related to metabolic and mixing processes. Ammonia might be an important export product throughout the year, as a result of the reduced state of the sediments. During the sampling, there were imports of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen. The C/N ratio suggests that the main origin of organic detritus was other than the breakdown of eelgrass in the bay. There were mostly imports of diatom carbon, but fluxes of dinoflagellate carbon were always near equilibrium. Zooplankton showed both exports and imports. Variability in the zooplankton carbon was mostly related to diel vertical migration. There were no significant exports of floating seagrass, not even during spring tides.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted using seawater from the Oregon continental shelf to determine: (1) rates of phytoplankton-derived particulate organic matter (POM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) degradation by natural microbial communities, and (2) whether inorganic nutrients or flagellate grazing limit the bacterial response to, and subsequent degradation of, the DOM. In the initial seawater samples, nutrients were depleted and organic matter concentrations were elevated above concentrations found in upwelled water, indicative of recent bloom conditions. In whole water treatments incubated for 3 d, an average of 24% of the total organic C and 33% of the POC was degraded, with some portion of the POC being converted to DOC. In treatments incubated after POM was removed by filtration, DOC degradation was initially rapid and then proceeded at a slower rate. After 3 d, an average of 41% of the DOC was degraded. Selective degradation of the C-component of both the POM and DOM relative to the N-component was observed. Reductions in flagellate grazing resulted in increases in bacterial abundance and enhanced DOC degradation, while inorganic nutrient amendments had little effect. Overall, these results suggest that a fraction of the phytoplankton-derived POM and DOM can be rapidly degraded, contributing to oxygen consumption on the continental shelf. The long degradation time of a less labile DOC fraction relative to potential offshelf transport mechanisms suggests that Oregon's coastal waters may be a source of DOC to adjacent offshore waters of the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Sea level, salinity, temperature, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate, chlorophylls a, b and c and their phaeophytins, phytoplankton abundance and phytoplankton productivity time series were generated for the mouth and three interior locations of Bahia San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, for 10 days during summer of 1979. The samples were taken once every 2 h. This was done to describe space and time variability of these ecological properties and to elucidate the main factors that cause this variability. Upwelling events bring nutrient reach waters near the bay mouth and tidal currents propagate those waters throughout the bay. Nutrient remineralization at the sediments and the effect of turbulence induced by tidal currents and winds increase nutrient concentrations in the interiors of the bay. In comparison with available information on nutrients limited growth of planktonic algae, nutrients seemed not to be limiting to phytoplankton growth during the sampling period. Phytoplankton cell abundances at the extremes of the lagoon are an order of magnitude lower than at the mouth due to greater turbidity. Chlorophyll concentrations at the extremes are about one-third of those of the mouth. Primary productivity decreases from the mouth to the interiors in the same manner as chlorophyll does. There is not a significant difference in cell size between phytoplankton at the bay mouth and those at the extremes of the bay. Primary productivity in the bay is comparable to the productivity maxima of other upwelling areas. There is no clear permanent dominance of diatoms over dinoflagellates, or vice versa, at any location in the bay. The alternation of upwelling and non-upwelling played an important role, together with that of the spring-neap tide cycle, in producing low frequency (< 0.01 cycles h?1) temporal variability of ecological properties throughout the bay.  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (aCDOM) has been found to be correlated with fluorescence emission (excitation at 355 nm). In the coastal European Atlantic area and in the Western Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lions), a significant statistical dependence has been found between aCDOM and fluorescence with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration. The relationship shows that, in the river plume areas (Rhine in the North Sea and Rhône in the Gulf of Lions), a consistent fraction of DOC (from 40% to 60% of the average of the DOC measured) is non-absorbing in visible light range, where the dissolved organic matter (DOM) is typically absorbent. In comparison, in the open sea, apparently not affected by the continental inputs, the entire DOC belongs to the chromophoric DOM whose specific absorption is lower (5 to 10 times) than that found in the river plume areas.  相似文献   

广西近海营养盐的时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用2006~2007年4个航次的大面调查数据,分析讨论了广西近海4个季节营养盐的时空分布变化特征。结果表明,该海域在春、夏、秋三季,活性硅酸盐和溶解无机氮分布趋势是近岸高,远岸低,由北向南呈梯度快速递减,高值区主要出现在廉州湾、铁山港和茅尾海三个区域;夏季磷酸盐在雷州半岛与涠洲岛之间出现高值;冬季3类营养盐在调查海区内分布均匀且为一年最低值。对该海区营养盐结构分析表明,硅在该海区过剩,溶解无机氮基本能满足浮游植物的生长需要,但在春季溶解无机氮和磷浓度都较低,属于寡营养型;夏季该海区磷浓度充足,在秋冬两季磷为该海区的限制性元素。  相似文献   

Exergy, as the sum of energy and information contained in a given system due to living organisms, can act as a quality indicator of ecosystems. Here, we investigated the exergy of Marsala Lagoon (Mediterranean Sea), along with microbial (prokaryotic and heterotrophic nanobenthos) biomass, prokaryotic heterotrophic production and extracellular enzymatic activities, and the biochemical composition of sediment organic matter. The aim of the study was to assess the role of auxiliary energy (e.g. hydrodynamic stress) in the ecosystem functioning and efficiency of a ‘detritus sink’ lagoon. Samples were collected at sites characterized by contrasting hydrodynamic and trophic conditions. Exergy transfer through the benthic microbial loop was influenced by two main factors: (1) organic matter bioavailability; and (2) hydrodynamic forcing. At both sites, the values of total exergy were higher in summer than in winter, and the specific exergy decreased from winter to autumn, along with increasing auxiliary energy. Our data indicate that in coastal ‘detritus sink’ systems, auxiliary energy sources can have a crucial role in exergy transfer and ecosystem functioning through modifying the efficiency of transfer to higher trophic levels of the refractory organic detritus, which is otherwise lost by burial in the sediment. As coastal lagoons are often intensively modified by human activities, we conclude that maintenance of the natural hydrodynamic regimes is a key factor in the preservation of the functioning of lagoon ecosystems and of their provision of goods and services to humans.  相似文献   

Organic matter quality, expressed as the proportion of chlorophyll a (Chl a) to degraded organic material (i.e. phaeopigments), is known to influence the structure of benthic associations and plays an important role in the functioning of the ecosystem. This study investigates the vertical distribution of microbial biomass, meiofauna and macrofauna with respect to organic matter variation in Ubatuba, Brazil, a southeastern, subtropical coastal area. On three occasions, samples were collected in exposed and sheltered stations, at high and low hydrodynamic conditions. We hypothesize that benthic assemblages will have high meio‐ and macrofaunal densities and high microbial biomass at the sediment surface at the sheltered site, and lower and vertically homogeneous microbial biomass and densities of meio‐ and macrofauna are expected at the exposed site. The accumulation of fresh organic matter at the sediment surface was observed at both stations over the three sampling dates, which contributed to the higher densities of meiofauna in the first layers of the sediment column. Macrofauna followed the same trend only at the exposed station, but changes in the number of species, biodiversity and feeding groups were registered for both stations. Microbial biomass increased at the sheltered station over the three sampling dates, whereas at the exposed station, microbial biomass was nearly constant. Physical exposure did not influence organic matter loading at the sites and therefore did not affect overall structure of benthic assemblages, which negates our original hypothesis. Most of the benthic system components reacted to organic matter quality and quantity, but relationships between different‐sized organisms (i.e. competition and/or predation) may explain the unchanged microbial profiles at the exposed site and homogeneous vertical distribution of macrofauna at the sheltered site. In conclusion, the high quality of organic matter was a crucial factor in sustaining and regulating the benthic system, but coupled results showed that interactions between micro‐, meio‐ and macrofauna can be highly complex.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacterial and phytoplankton biomass, production, specific growth rates, and growth efficiencies were studied in the Northern region of the Cananéia–Iguape estuarine system, which has recently experienced an intense eutrophication due to anthropogenic causes. Two surveys were carried out during spring and neap tide periods of the dry season of 2005 and the rainy season of 2006. This region receives large freshwater inputs with organic seston and phosphate concentrations that reach as high as 1.0 mg l−1 and 20.0 μM, respectively. Strong decreasing gradients of seston and dissolved inorganic nutrients were observed from the river/estuary boundary to the estuary/coastal interface. Gradients were also observed in phytoplankton and bacterial production rates. The production rates of phytoplankton were 5.6-fold higher (mean 8.5 μg C l−1 h−1) during the dry season. Primary production rates (PP) positively correlated with salinity and euphotic depth, indicating that phytoplankton productivity was light-limited. On the other hand, bacterial biomass (BB) and production rates (BP) were 1.9- and 3.7-fold higher, respectively, during the rainy season, with mean values of up to 40.4 μg C l−1 and 7.9 μg C l−1 h−1, respectively. Despite such a high BP, bacterial abundance remained <2 × 106 cells ml−1, indicating that bacterial production and removal were coupled. Mean specific growth rates ranged between 0.9 and 5.5 d−1. BP was inversely correlated with salinity and positively correlated with temperature, organic matter, exopolymer particles, and particulate-attached bacteria; this last accounted for as much as 89.6% of the total abundance. During the rainy season, BP was generally much higher than PP, and values of BP/PP > 20 were registered during high freshwater input, suggesting that under these conditions, bacterial activity was predominantly supported by allochthonous inputs of organic carbon. In addition, BB probably represented the main pathway for the synthesis of high-quality (low C:N) biomass that may have been available to the heterotrophic components of the plankton food web, particularly nanoheterotrophs.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions of DOC and particulate organic carbon (POC), and elemental C/N ratios of POC were measured for samples collected from the lower Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and adjacent coastal waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico during the low flow season in June 2000 and high flow season in April 2001. These isotopic and C/N results combined with DOC measurements were used to assess the sources and transport of terrestrial organic matter from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers to the coastal region in the northern Gulf of Mexico. δ13C values of both POC (−23.8‰ to −26.8‰) and DOC (−25.0‰ to −29.0‰) carried by the two rivers were more depleted than the values measured for the samples collected in the offshore waters. Strong seasonal variations in δ13C distributions were observed for both POC and DOC in the surface waters of the region. Fresh water discharge and horizontal mixing played important roles in the distribution and transport of terrestrial POC and DOC offshore. Our results indicate that both POC and DOC exhibited non-conservative behavior during the mixing especially in the mid-salinity range. Based on a simple two end-member mixing model, the comparison of the measured DOC-δ13C with the calculated conservative isotopic mixing curve indicated that there was a significant in situ production of marine-derived DOC in the mid- to high-salinity waters consistent with our in situ chlorophyll-a measurements. Our DOC-δ13C data suggest that a removal of terrestrial DOC mainly occurred in the high-salinity (>25) waters during the mixing. Our study indicates that the mid- to high- (10–30) salinity range was the most dynamic zone for organic carbon transport and cycling in the Mississippi River estuary. Variability in isotopic and elemental compositions along with variability in DOC and POC concentrations suggest that autochthonous production, bacterial utilization, and photo-oxidation could all play important roles in regulating and removing terrestrial DOC in the northern Gulf of Mexico and further study of these individual processes is warranted.  相似文献   

In the coastal and estuarine waters of Goa, particulate organic carbon (POC) varied from 0.52 to 2.51 mg l?1 and from 0.28 to 5.24 mg l?1 and particulate phosphorus (PP) varied from 0.71 to 5.18 μg l?1 and from 0.78 to 20.34 μg l?1, respectively. The mean values of chlorophyll and primary productivity were 1.94 mg m?3 and 938.1 mg C m?2 day?1 in the coastal waters and 4.3 mg m?3 and 636.5 mg C m?1 day?1 in the estuarine waters, respectively.POCchl ratios were low in June and October even when POC values were quite high. The POC in surface waters was linearly correlated with the chlorophyll content. Also PP increased when chlorophyll and primary productivity remained high. The results suggest that the phytoplankton was sharply increasing and contributed to POC and PP content. The percentage of detritus calculated from the intercept values of chlorophyll on POC varied from 46 to 76% depending on season. Results indicate that the major portion of POC and PP during postmonsoon (October–January) is derived from phytoplankton production while the allochthonous matter predominate during monsoon (June–September).  相似文献   

对墨西哥湾北部水深2200m的Alaminos Canyon645区块(AC645区)和水深540m的Green Canyon185区块(GC185区)冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质进行了研究,结果显示深水和浅水区冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质丰度和烷烃组成差别较大,下陆坡深水AC区样品有机质含量低,正构烷烃、萜烷、甾烷各组分的含量相对较高,正构烷烃以低碳数占绝对优势,并含有种类丰富的三环萜烷和五环三萜烷,且以17a(H),21B(H)-藿烷为主峰碳,反映了深水区冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质来源于细菌和低等藻类,有少量的深部油气藏有机质的渗漏输入,并受微弱的微生物作用改造。上陆坡浅水GC区样品有机质含量较高,其中正构烷烃含量较低,并且以难以分开的复杂混合物(UCM)为主,同样含有种类丰富的以17α(H),21β(H)-降藿烷为主峰碳的三环萜烷和五环三萜烷,表明有机质主要来源于深部油气藏渗漏的有机质,并遭受了强烈的微生物降解。本文系统地研究了冷泉碳酸盐岩中正构烷烃、萜烷、甾烷的组成和分布特征,并探讨了有机质来源和冷泉渗漏的关系。  相似文献   

Fish larvae abundance and distribution in the coastal zone off Terminos Lagoon and their relation to the environmental features of the Lagoon inlets were analysed (1986–87). The sampling grid consisted of 24 stations extending between 0·5 and 10 km off the Lagoon, including both Terminos Lagoon Inlets; El Carmen and Puerto Real. A total of 23 families and 43 species were identified. Highest larval abundance was registered during the rainy period (July and September) when the fluvial discharges favoured the planktonic development. The lowest larval abundance was recorded in the period of northern cold wind (January–March) when the fluvial discharges decreased. Bray-Curtis index defined two groups of stations, corresponding to each of the lagoon inlets, persisting throughout the year. The first one, ‘ El Carmen ’, was characterized by larvae of Engraulidae and Gobiidae; estuarine-dependent inhabitants. This group could be considered as a functional extension of the Lagoon to the sea. The second group, ‘ Puerto Real ’, was characterized by highest larval abundance of marine dwellers (e.g.Opisthonema oglinumandHarengula jaguana). This situation suggests that the Puerto Real Inlet could be the main entrance of marine fishes into the Lagoon. These results indicate that the coastal zone off Terminos Lagoon constitutes an important nursery area both for species spending part of their life cycle linked to this estuarine system, and for marine species that migrate towards the Lagoon, carried by local currents.  相似文献   

Land/ocean boundaries constitute complex systems with active physical and biogeochemical processes that affect the global carbon cycle. An example of such a system is the mesotidal lagoon named Ria de Aveiro (Portugal, 40°38′N, 08°45′W), which is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a single channel, 350 m wide. The objective of this study was to estimate the seasonal and inter-tidal variability of organic carbon fluxes between the coastal lagoon and the Ocean, and to assess the contribution of the organic carbon fractions (i.e. dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC)) to the export of organic carbon to the Ria de Aveiro plume zone. The organic carbon fractions fluxes were estimated as the product of the appropriate fractional organic carbon concentrations and the water fluxes calculated by a two-dimensional vertically integrated hydrodynamic model (2DH). Results showed that the higher exchanges of DOC and POC fractions at the system cross-section occurred during spring tides but only resulted in a net export of organic carbon in winter, totalling 85 t per tidal cycle. Derived from the winter and summer campaigns, the annual carbon mass balance estimated corresponded to a net export of organic carbon (7957 = 6585 t yr−1 POC + 1372 t yr−1 DOC). On the basis of the spring tidal drainage area, it corresponds to an annual flux of 79 g m−2 of POC and 17 g m−2 of DOC out of the estuary.  相似文献   

An optical model is developed for the remote sensing of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in a wide range of waters within coastal and open ocean environments. The absorption of CDOM (denoted as ag) is generally considered as an exponential form model, which has two important parameters – the slope S and absorption of CDOM at a reference wavelength ag(λ0). The empirical relationships for deriving these two parameters are established using in-situ bio-optical datasets. These relationships use the spectral remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) ratio at two wavelengths Rrs(670)/Rrs(490), which avoids the known atmospheric correction problems and is sensitive to CDOM absorption and chlorophyll in coastal/ocean waters. This ratio has tight relationships with ag(412) and ag(443) yielding correlation coefficients between 0.77 and 0.78. The new model, with the above parameterization applied to independent datasets (NOMAD SeaWiFS match-ups and Carder datasets), shows good retrievals of the ag(λ) with regression slopes close to unity, little bias and low mean relative and root mean square errors. These statistical estimates improve significantly over other inversion models (e.g., Linear Matrix-LM and Garver-Siegel-Maritorena-GSM semi-analytical models) when applied to the same datasets. These results demonstrate a good performance of the proposed model in both coastal and open ocean waters, which has the potential to improve our knowledge of the biogeochemical cycles and processes in these domains.  相似文献   

海洋有机质的光谱分析方法评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋有机质的光谱分析已成为海洋碳循环的研究热点之一。本文从天然有机质吸收光谱和荧光光谱分析的基本原理入手,系统梳理了有机质光谱分析中容易被忽视的基本概念,讨论了过滤与保存方式、p H值、荧光内滤效应等对有机质光谱分析的影响。结合色氨酸、酪氨酸、腐殖酸及大量现场样品的实验结果,对吸收光谱和三维荧光光谱的不同解析方法进行了系统的分析与对比。基于在南海、西菲律宾海获取的现场调查数据,对于文献中常用的荧光指数(FI)、腐殖化指数(HIX)、自生源指数(BIX)等光谱参数的内在含义及其在海洋环境中的适用性进行了评述。此外,还归纳和总结了胶体有机质和颗粒有机质荧光分析的最新进展,并对今后在光谱分析与观测领域有待完善和突破的一些关键领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

The fish and macro-crustacean community of the Vaccarès lagoon (Rhône River delta, South France) was sampled monthly from 1993 to 2002. The lagoon salinity shifted from 15 in 1993 to 5 in 1994–1997 and went back to 15 in 1999–2002. Connections with the sea also varied during the study period with larger openings in 1996–1997. During the study period, the community changed to revert in 2002 to a state similar to 1993. These changes consisted of a sequence of increased and decreased patterns of freshwater species and some marine species. Typical lagoon species tended to resist to salinity changes. Freshwater species colonised the lagoon when the salinity was low. Marine species may have varied both in relation to connections with the sea and to indirect effects of freshwater outflow. This study shows that community changes following environmental variations can be delayed in time, and emphasises the need for long-term studies.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were selected from 28 sites across the deep (212–3527 m) northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) as part of the Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos (DGoMB) program, and analyzed for geochemical parameters related to organic carbon (OC) distribution and characteristics. The results of this study indicate that the OC content of sediments in the deep northern GOM is controlled by several factors; including water depth, overlying water productivity, sediment carbonate content, sediment oxygen exposure time, OC sources, and regional influences. The best correlation between sediment OC content, on a CaCO3-free basis, and other parameters examined was an inverse correlation of OC with water depth. The OC/SA ratio had a wide range of values and, along with variable sources of sedimentary OC, indicated that the organism-available concentration of metabolizable organic matter may not be simply related to sedimentary OC content. This was perhaps reflected in the observation that benthic macrofaunal and meiofaunal biomass abundances were well correlated with sedimentary OC, but the abundance of bacteria in sediments was not.  相似文献   

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