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The geochemical computer model PHREEQC can simulate solute transport in fractured bedrock aquifers that can be conceptualized as dual-porosity flow systems subject to one-dimensional advective-dispersive transport in the bedrock fractures and diffusive transport in the bedrock matrix. This article demonstrates how the physical characteristics of such flow systems can be parameterized for use in PHREEQC, it provides a method for minimizing numerical dispersion in PHREEQC simulations, and it compares PHREEQC simulations with results of an analytical solution. The simulations assumed a dual-porosity conceptual model involving advective-reactive-dispersive transport in the mobile zone (bedrock fracture) and diffusive-reactive transport in the immobile zone (bedrock matrix). The results from the PHREEQC dual-porosity transport model that uses a finite-difference approach showed excellent agreement compared with an analytical solution.  相似文献   

Gradient based UCODE_2005 and data assimilation based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter(EnKF) are two different inverse methods. A synthetic two-dimensional flow case with four no-flow boundaries is used to compare the UCODE_2005 with the Ensemble Kalman Filter(EnKF) for their efficiency to inversely calculate and calibrate a hydraulic conductivity field based on hydraulic head data. A zonal, random heterogeneous conductivity field is calibrated by assimilating the time series of heads observed in monitoring wells. The study results indicate that the two inverse methods, UCODE_2005 and EnKF, could be used to calibrate the hydraulic conductivity field to a certain degree. More available observations and information about the conductivity field, more accurate inverse results will be obtained for the UCODE_2005. On the other hand, for a realistic zonal heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity field, EnKF can only efficiently determine the hydraulic conductivity field at the first several assimilated time steps. The results obtained by the UCODE_2005 look better than those by the EnKF. This is possibly due to the fact that the UCODE_2005 uses observed head data at every time step, while EnKF can only use observed heads at first several steps due to the filter divergence problem.  相似文献   

本文利用澳大利亚北领地West Arnhem Land 地区实测重力异常数据并联合DEM(9")和SRTM3(3")地形高程数据,使用移去-恢复技术和Stokes积分方法计算了该地区两条剖面的重力梯度及其功率谱密度,使用FFT方法解算了整个地区的重力梯度值,结果证明了联合重力异常数据和高分辨率地形高程数据能有效地提高重力梯度的解算精度;功率谱密度的计算结果与国外成熟的重力梯度功率谱密度模型相吻合,表明高于0.3 Hz频率范围的功率谱密度可看做噪声,为重力梯度数据处理中噪声的辨别和剔除提供了借鉴,另外对重力梯度辅助导航基准图的构建以及重力梯度测量系统的标定提供了有益的探索.  相似文献   

For data acquired with conventional acquisition techniques, surface multiples are usually considered as noise events that obscure the primaries. However, in this paper we demonstrate that for the situation of blended acquisition, meaning that different sources are shooting in a time‐overlapping fashion, multiples can be used to ‘deblend’ the seismic measurements. We utilize the recently introduced estimation of primaries by sparse inversion (EPSI) methodology, in which the primary impulse responses are considered to be the unknowns in a large‐scale inversion process. With some modifications the estimation of primaries by sparse inversion method can be used for blended seismic data. As output this process gives unblended primary impulse responses with point sources and receivers at the surface, which can be used directly in traditional imaging schemes. It turns out that extra information is needed to improve on the deblending of events that do not have much associated multiple energy in the data, such as steep events at large offsets. We demonstrate that this information can be brought in during acquisition and during processing. The methodology is illustrated on 2D synthetic data.  相似文献   

郑兵  苏琴 《四川地震》2006,(4):41-46
本文描述了西昌测区的重力场在1990~2005年之间由于安宁河断裂带和则木河断裂带的构造断裂活动而引起的重力场正负值区域的动态演化情况,按演化情况分为1990~1995年、1996~1997年、1998~2003年、2004~2005年4个时间段,并进行了比较详细的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques are widely adopted to simulate the behavior of fire. However, CFD suffers from the shortcoming of requiring extensive computer storage and a lengthy computational time. In practical applications, although comprehensive field information on velocities, temperatures, pressure, and the fractions of different constitutes can be obtained from CFD simulations, the user may only be interested in few important parameters that index the performance of a compartment design in the event of a fire. The height of the thermal interface (HTI) is one such key index, and refers to the average height above floor level inside a fire compartment at which the temperature gradient is highest. In practice, a fire compartment is considered untenable when the HTI drops below the respiratory level of the occupants, and in optimizing the design of a fire system, another set of design parameters (e.g., the width of the door opening) must be examined if the HTI of a fire compartment design is evaluated by CFD as being too low. This trial and error exercise then continues until a close to optimum set of design parameters is achieved. This approach is theoretically feasible, but requires lengthy computational time. This paper proposes the application of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach as a fast alternative to CFD models to simulate the behavior of a compartment fire. A novel ANN model named GRNNFA has been specially developed for fire studies. It is a hybrid ANN model that combines the General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) and Fuzzy ART (FA). The GRNNFA model features a network structure that grows incrementally, stable learning, and the absence of the noise embedded in experimental fire data. It has been employed to establish a system response surface based on the training samples collected from a full-scale experiment on compartment fire. However, as the available training samples may not be sufficient to describe the behavior of all systems, and especially those involving fire data, this paper proposes that extra knowledge be acquired from human experts. Human expert network training has thus been developed to remedy established system response surface problems. After transforming the remedied system response surface to the problem domain, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to evaluate the close to optimum set of design parameters.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a technique that calculates average electron density (Ne) profiles over a wide geographic area of coverage, using tomographic ionospheric Ne profiles. These Ne profiles, which can provide information of the Ne distribution up to global positioning system (GPS) orbiting altitude (with the coordination of space-based GPS tomographic profiles), can be incorporated into the next generation of the international reference ionosphere (IRI) model. An additional advantage of tomography is that it enables accurate modeling of the topside ionosphere. By applying the tomographic reconstruction approach to ground-based GPS slant total electron content (STEC), we calculate 3-h average Ne profiles over a wide region. Since it uses real measurement data, tomographic average Ne profiles describe the ionosphere during quiet and disturbed periods. The computed average Ne profiles are compared with IRI model profiles and average Ne profiles obtained from ground-based ionosondes.  相似文献   

A new approach to estimating of shear-wave attenuation is proposed. The method is based on an assumption that an anisotropic attenuating geological medium possesses gyrotropic properties. Doing so allows to obtain attenuation constant together with gyrotropic constant. Some examples of experimental determination of gyration and attenuation constants are given. A presentation of the new way of determining shear-wave attenuation constant is proceeded by a brief elucidation of the main aspects of the phenomenological theory of gyrotropy. The most interesting and important phenomenon inherent to gyrotropy—rotation of shear-wave polarization plane—is illustrated.  相似文献   

Schroth MH  Istok JD 《Ground water》2006,44(2):275-283
Push-pull tests (PPTs) have been successfully employed to quantify various microbially mediated processes in the subsurface. Current models for determining first-order rate coefficients (k) from PPTs assume complete and instantaneous mixing of injected test solution in the portion of the aquifer investigated by the test, i.e., the system is treated like a well-mixed reactor. Here we present two alternative models to estimate k that are based on different mixing assumptions, i.e., plug-flow and variably mixed reactor models. Rate coefficients estimated by the models were compared using a sensitivity analysis and numerical simulations of PPTs. Results indicated that all models yielded reasonably accurate k estimates (errors < 13%), while best accuracy (errors < 1%) was obtained using the variably mixed reactor model. The well-mixed reactor model generally overestimated true (simulation input) k values, whereas true k values were consistently underestimated by the plug-flow reactor model. However, estimates of k obtained with the latter models bracketed true k values in all cases. As the variably mixed reactor model is more difficult to apply, we suggest using the well-mixed and plug-flow reactor models to obtain intervals for k estimates that will encompass true k values with high certainty. In an example application, we used all models to reanalyze a published PPT data set to obtain k estimates for nitrate consumption in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer. Similar results were obtained for all three models (relative differences < 10% between k estimates), indicating that all three models are robust tools for estimating k values from PPT experimental data.  相似文献   

CDSN兰州台数字地震仪观测到永登地区17个小地震,记录到了来自地壳中间层C界面(也称康腊德界面)的反射横波Sc。用该震相的走时特性测定了永登地区地壳中间层界面的深度HC的平均值为24.9±2.0km左右。进一步明确了永登地区是双层地壳模型的概念。  相似文献   

A model is developed for estimating location of a volcano relative to sample points in an associated ashfall, cloud height during eruption, and mean wind velocity during ash deposition. The ash deposit must cover a large area and have an elongate axis. The model appears to be applicable both to recent and to unobserved ashfalls in the past, provided adequate and representative ash samples are available. The opportunity to test the diagnostic model on volcanic ashfalls is limited by sparsity of the necessary input data. From more than 20 ashfalls described in the literature, the 1947 Hekla (Iceland) eruption is the only one which includes suitable particle size analyses taken from samples related to a well-defined axis. The application of the model to the Hekla ashfall is discussed.  相似文献   

The lack of knowledge concerning modelling existing buildings leads to significant variability in fragility curves for single or grouped existing buildings. This study aims to investigate the uncertainties of fragility curves, with special consideration of the single-building sigma. Experimental data and simplified models are applied to the BRD tower in Bucharest, Romania, a RC building with permanent instrumentation. A three-step methodology is applied: (1) adjustment of a linear MDOF model for experimental modal analysis using a Timoshenko beam model and based on Anderson's criteria, (2) computation of the structure's response to a large set of accelerograms simulated by SIMQKE software, considering twelve ground motion parameters as intensity measurements (IM), and (3) construction of the fragility curves by comparing numerical interstory drift with the threshold criteria provided by the Hazus methodology for the slight damage state. By introducing experimental data into the model, uncertainty is reduced to 0.02 considering Sd ) as seismic intensity IM and uncertainty related to the model is assessed at 0.03. These values must be compared with the total uncertainty value of around 0.7 provided by the Hazus methodology.  相似文献   

利用IGS数据分析全球TEC的周年和半年变化特性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用太阳活动高年(2000年)IGS提供的全球TEC数据,采用傅里叶展开的方法,分析了白天电离层TEC周年和半年变化的全球特征.结果显示:电离层TEC周年变化幅度在南北半球中高纬度地区较大、赤道和低纬地区很小.半年变化的幅度在“远极地区”(远离地球南北地磁极点的东北亚和南美地区) 比“近极地区”(靠近地球南北地磁极点的北美和澳大利亚)大得多.进一步的统计显示,全球大部分地区TEC在春秋月份出现最大值,北半球近极地区最大值在冬季出现.南半球的南美和澳大利亚部分地区,最大值出现在夏季.同样,采用傅里叶方法分析了中性大气模式MSIS90计算的全球大气原子分子浓度比值([O/N2])的数据,发现在南北半球中高纬度地区,中性成分[O/N2]周年变化幅度较大且有明显的冬季异常现象,依据Rishbeth等提出的理论,我们认为大气成分[O/N2]可能对TEC周年变化的产生有重要作用,并且也是TEC在近极地区出现冬季异常现象的主要原因.TEC半年变化的全球分布特征形成的原因较复杂,我们初步分析可能是由于中性成分[O/N2]、太阳天顶角控制的电离层光化学产生率变化共同作用而产生的.  相似文献   

A novel methodology for simultaneous discharge and channel roughness estimation is developed and applied to data sets available at three experimental sites. The methodology is based on the synchronous measurement of water level data in two river sections far some kilometers from each other, as well as on the use of a diffusive flow routing solver and does not require any direct velocity measurement. The methodology is first analyzed for the simplest case of a channel with a large slope, where the kinematic assumption holds. A sensitivity and a model error analysis are carried out in this hypothesis in order to show the stability of the results with respect to the error in the input parameters in the case of homogeneous roughness and to analyze the effect of unknown roughness heterogeneity on the estimated discharges. The methodology is then extended to the more general case of channels with mild slope and validated using field data previously collected in three Italian rivers: the Arno (in Tuscany), the Tiber (in Latium) and the Vallo di Diana, a small tributary of the Tanagro river (in Southern Italy). The performance of the proposed algorithm has been investigated according to three performance criteria estimating the quality of the match between the measured and the computed stage and discharge hydrographs. Results of the field tests can be considered good, despite the uncertainties of the field data and of the measured values.  相似文献   

The concept of entropy originates from thermodynamic theory where entropy represents the turbidness of molecular movement. If the status of the molecular movement in a thermodynamic system is more disordered, the entropy of the system is larger. Wiggins[1…  相似文献   

Chenaf D  Chapuis RP 《Ground water》2002,40(4):385-389
Starting from the equations of Theis and Cooper-Jacob, two new mathematical methods are proposed for interpreting the residual drawdown data for an infinite confined aquifer. Under Theis' assumptions and using the Cooper-Jacob approximation, the principal aquifer characteristics of transmissivity, pumping storativity, and recovery storativity are expressed without any correction or additional assumption. An actual case is used for illustration and confirms the validity of proposed equations and methods.  相似文献   

A data assimilation method is developed to calibrate a heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity field conditioning on transient pumping test data. The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) approach is used to update model parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and model variables such as hydraulic head using available data. A synthetical two-dimensional flow case is used to assess the capability of the EnKF method to calibrate a heterogeneous conductivity field by assimilating transient flow data from observation wells under different hydraulic boundary conditions. The study results indicate that the EnKF method will significantly improve the estimation of the hydraulic conductivity field by assimilating continuous hydraulic head measurements and the hydraulic boundary condition will significantly affect the simulation results. For our cases, after a few data assimilation steps, the assimilated conductivity field with four Neumann boundaries matches the real field well while the assimilated conductivity field with mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundaries does not. We found in our cases that the ensemble size should be 300 or larger for the numerical simulation. The number and the locations of the observation wells will significantly affect the hydraulic conductivity field calibration.  相似文献   

Collection of water-level recovery data is a common practice for pumping tests. The resulting data can provide some of the most useful information from the tests, but are rarely used to their full value. van der Kamp (1989) proposed a general method that uses recovery data to extend the effective duration of pumping. The method is straightforward to implement and applicable for simple or complex hydrogeologic settings. The only assumption invoked is that the response remains linear such that the principle of superposition can be applied. No other assumptions about the properties of the aquifer are required. The method can greatly increase the value of pumping tests by extending the effective duration of the tests for as long as significant residual drawdowns are observed.  相似文献   

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