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Whereas the global march towards the professional development of geography teachers in schools was, perhaps, the major achievement in geography education of the twentieth century, promoting the professional development of faculty teaching geography in higher education is one of the major challenges that faces us in geography education for the twenty‐first century. What little educational development is currently provided for faculty teaching in universities is largely generic. There is a need for a disciplinary specific component in educational development, both for the initial training of faculty and for their continuing professional development. This article explores how the professional development of faculty is related to the international debate about developing the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. It reviews some recent initiatives, particularly from the United States and the United Kingdom, and examines the role of national associations and international networks in supporting faculty teaching geography in higher education. Some of the challenges involved in professionalizing teaching geography in higher education are discussed. The article ends with some suggestions for promoting lifelong professional development in geography in higher education nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

This study examines factors affecting the acceptance and utilization of the Internet as a teaching tool in college geography. Geography faculty members were surveyed with a questionnaire that measured their perceptions of Internet‐based teaching. An analysis of the survey data identified factors that influenced perceptions and adoption decisions among various groups of geographers. Overall, the results support hypothesized relationships between perceptions of innovations and rates of adoption and reveal intradisciplinary patterns of using the Internet for college geography instruction.  相似文献   

As we enter the new millennium, geographers have a momentous opportunity to reflect upon the historical development of our discipline and the academic culture within which it thrives, with the aim of setting out an antiracist agenda. We advocate a fundamental refashioning of the discipline, not simply an extension of its research agenda; for racism, like gender, is not just another item in the lexicon of geographical subjects. The agenda includes, but is not limited to: clarifying relations between racism and law; racism and immigration policy; racism and poverty; and mobilizing racialized groups around policy issues. These items need to be addressed both through scholarship and through activism, as centering geographical practices in the streets rather than in the academy impels not only more effective social change, but also new theoretical understanding of geographies of engagement. Our agenda for antiracist geography also involves three aspects of institutional change: to build up on and extend traditional geographical scholarship; to change the basis of the discipline by extending the principles of antiracism throughout our institutional practices, particularly in the classroom; and to change the face of the discipline by increasing the participation and contributions of geographers of color.  相似文献   

地理学思想变革的案例剖析:哈维的学术转型   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
叶超  蔡运龙 《地理学报》2012,67(1):122-131
大卫·哈维的学术转型是当代西方地理学发展的一个重要现象,也是地理学思想创新的一个典型案例.本文聚焦于哈维空间观的转型,通过解析哈维学术转型的代表论著,认为哈维关于空间的认识论立场主要经历了以实证主义相对空间观为主的“多维”空间观、“社会过程一空间形式”统一体、历史一地理唯物主义空间体系三个阶段.这三个阶段基本对应于他作为实证主义、激进主义、马克思主义地理学代表人物的历史.导致哈维学术转型的原因主要是剧变的社会政治环境、其个人禀赋和志趣、工作环境、地理学学科发展状况等.哈维的学术转型对中国地理学理论和方法创新具有重要借鉴意义,启示我们正确对待逻辑实证主义地理学;直面现实社会重大问题,洞察其深层次原因并建树理论;以“独立之精神,自由之思想”为学术研究和社会发展做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

An analysis of the presence of women geographers in Spanish universities indicates that women lecturers are a minority, especially in the top posts. The written contributions of women geographers in geographical journals published by geography departments, and in unpublished M.A. theses and doctoral dissertations are proportionally fewer than the corresponding percentage of staff members.  相似文献   

Early career geography faculty in colleges and universities in the United States are positioned at the leading edge of a challenging period of change in higher education. Demands brought on by new technologies, new administrative and research pressures, and an increasingly competitive campus climate, may make it difficult to balance teaching, research, and service while also trying to maintain a personal life. This article argues that many geographers could benefit from the support of mentoring. Using ideas generated by participants in the Association of American Geographers' recent project, the Geography Faculty Development Alliance, I provide both pragmatic and personal suggestions for establishing these all‐important mentoring relationships to help cope with the pressures facing early career faculty.  相似文献   

罗士培与中国地理学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张雷 《地理学报》2015,70(10):1686-1693
罗士培作为20世纪著名地理学家,根植英国地理学术脉络,研究宣讲中国地理,并以地理学服务中国,沟通中英理解,是近代中国地理学国际化的重要推动者之一。他主持的利物浦大学地理系成为民国地理学的中心之一,为中国培养了以林超为代表的一批地理学家。罗士培在中国地理研究、中国地理学国际化以及中国地理学人才培养方面都甚有成就,是民国地理学书写中不可或缺的人物。  相似文献   

This report analyses a decade of geography scholarship student entry and achievement data (n = 10,205) to reveal patterns and trends of high‐achieving school students. The study is an exploratory analysis, the aim of which is to describe where the greatest scholarship success has occurred, as well as attendant demographic characteristics of New Zealand's most capable geography students and their schools. Emerging from the regions is a localised story of students from an extremely narrow number of schools achieving disproportionate scholarship success. This raises questions in the wider geography teaching community about the possibility of a broader constituency achieving scholarship awards.  相似文献   

地理学的政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘云刚 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2170-2175
中国地理学的发展当前正处于十字路口,面临诸多方向的选择。如外生地理学和内生地理学的分化,实用主义和科学主义的混行,系统地理学和区域地理学的脱节,经济地理学和人文地理学的互为归属。这些问题悬而不决使地理学的向心力逐渐弱化,地理学者不得不面对诸多学科发展方向上的困扰,以及对学科规范和学术认同上的困惑。笔者以为,此时“搁置争议”并不是办法。为了学科的长远发展,中国的地理学家和地理学会必须做出一些选择。坚持一元还是认同分化,这即是地理学的政治。  相似文献   

地理院系调整研究旨在通过对地理学认同产生不利影响的高校地理院系调整的解析,揭示地理学发展存在的学科与体制认同问题。基于对高校地理院系调整的回顾,分析地理院系调整的原因及影响,并结合当前地理院系发展态势阐明其启示。结果显示:学科认同与院系调整互为关联,尽管地理院系调整导致的解体并不表明地理学的终结,一般意义的调整也存在积极影响,但不同类型地理院系调整对地理学(特别是人文地理学)学科认同的不利影响仍然明显,并影响着体制层面的学科再生产。地理院系调整的发生是多因素共同影响的结果,复杂多样的因素及其影响表明地理院系面临竞争,需要地理学者既“正名”(塑造科学性、统一性的学科形象)又“指实”(完整的院系体制建设);既“向内”(地理院系及地理学家的努力)又“向外”(维护地理学及地理院系的完整性认同)的集体努力,在强化地理学综合性基础上形成“多轨发展”机制,强化地理学学科与体制认同。“跨学科典范”的塑造或许是当前地理院系应努力的现实目标。  相似文献   

This paper presents the initial findings of a survey of geographers working on fixed-term or other temporary contracts (FTCs), with particular reference to their characteristics, achievements and employment conditions. The results suggest that job satisfaction among contract geographers is related to career stage, and that structural features of the academic labour market combine to restrict many highly qualified academic staff to FTCs for longer than may be appropriate. This phenomenon is highly gendered, with women over-represented among the more junior ranks of contract staff and men dominating the senior ranks. Prolonged employment on FTCs can result in negative effects on the health, welfare and personal finances of many contract staff, and also on staff morale and productivity. The paper concludes that underlying structural inequalities in the academic labour market need to be addressed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the ways in which the impacts of “geographic” community-based learning and research (CBLR) transcend the boundaries of the discipline of geography and also contribute to the practice and theory of civic engagement. I consider mapping and spatial thinking as a unique method for encouraging faculty, students, and community to engage in community partnerships. Drawing from several years of experience of teaching a CBLR course in an interdisciplinary setting, I highlight the role of geography in promoting community engagement. Geographic perspectives and methods can transform outreach or service models of community engagement into meaningful community partnerships that build and sustain a reciprocal relationship between university and community. I articulate three levels of geographic intervention that geographers need to attend to: theoretical, pedagogical, and institutional interventions on civic engagement.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the state of higher education human geography in contemporary Malaysia in relation to four main challenges: defending the unity of identity of higher education geography as a coherent and distinct discipline; ensuring the institutional survival of geography in higher education; enhancing the visibility of geographers as public intellectuals; and fostering the internationalization of human geography in Malaysia. It also suggests possible measures in responding to these. Moreover, while sharing the problems of developing higher education human geography experienced in other countries, Malaysia suffers most from national education policies that place lesser importance on the teaching of geography in schools, that stipulate a non‐English (Malay) medium of instruction, and that have been late in espousing an outward looking research university concept. In summing up the prevailing conditions as depicting a mixed bag of benign contentment, hard‐nosed pragmatism and continuing frustrations, it is uncertain whether recent policy changes to advance research environments in public universities can appreciably alleviate the fourfold challenges mentioned above.  相似文献   

Qualitative urban geographical research should explicitly acknowledge insights gained from walking (the iterative exploration and observation of cities on foot), which enhances local literacy and enables researchers to compare methods more explicitly. Some urban geographers might use walking as a method, but it is rarely reported in published scholarship. This article argues for the explicit inclusion of walking in methodological reporting for urban research. We suggest that reporting the walking that researchers do adds rigor to research findings and should be distinguished from research where this practice is absent, we report on international experiences using walking in combination with other methods, and we conclude with a proposal for comparable urban geographic walking practices.  相似文献   

Feminist scholars have traditionally emphasized the importance of incorporating “the everyday” worlds of women into the historically masculinist theoretical and empirical foundations of the social sciences. Such emphases have commonly resulted in smaller-scale research projects and more interactive kinds of research methods and methodologies. Feminist geographers have uniquely contributed to the body of feminist scholarship through drawing out the importance of place in everyday constructions of gender and, more recently, sexuality. Critical field-based research has therefore from the beginning been the mainstay of subdisciplinary research. Like the discipline as a whole, however, little explicit attention has been given in publications or pedagogically to the politics of fieldwork (including how a “field” is defined and the politics involved in choosing and working in a particular “field”) or the politics of representation (which includes considerations of the partiality of knowledge and how and to whom we represent our work, ourselves and others in various kinds of texts). These “Opening Remarks” show how these issues are addressed in the papers that follow and how feminist geography has much to contribute to critical analyses of global and multinational processes, including patriarchy, capitalism, and racism.  相似文献   

地理科学的中国进展与国际趋势   总被引:61,自引:7,他引:54  
中国地理学取得了骄人的进展,表现在科研方向的突破、对国家建设的贡献、研究手段的革新、对科学和教育的贡献、对社会的贡献等方面。但当前中国也存在基础研究薄弱、学科整合不足、学术走向迷茫、竞争能力堪忧、全球视野欠缺、地理教育错位等问题。国际地理学对科学界所确定的关键研究问题表示出更大的关注,科学界也将更加了解地理学及其视角能对科学知识做出的贡献。地理学所关切的科学问题直指今天决策者的紧迫需求。地理学家以多种方式对解决实际问题做出贡献。国际地理学的发展聚焦在:揭示复杂系统中的不平衡和动态,认识全球化 (包括环境、经济、人口、政府和文化等)的潮流及其影响,建立从地方到全球的空间连续系列研究,利用包括时间系列数据在内的纵向数据进行过程比较研究,加强地理学理论、技术和研究成果对决策的影响,加强地理教育,包括努力提高公众的地理学能力,改进高等院校地理学家的训练,提高地理理解力,加强地理组织机构。  相似文献   

本文基于多种资料,梳理了1912—1949年中国地理学者姓名、生卒年、籍贯、领域、教育与工作经历等数据,从来源、增长、结构3个层面讨论当时中国地理学者发展进程。研究发现1912—1949年间:① 地理学者在来源层面可分舆地学者、外聘地理学者、现代学制培养地理学者(含有交集关系的国内培养学者、留学培养学者、跨学科学者)3种类型,不同类型群体对地理学者发展的影响差异明显;② 地理学者数量发展可分1912—1927年波动增长,1928—1939年持续增长,1940—1941年急速增长和1942—1949年放缓增长4个时期;③ 中国地理学者学科结构、领域结构、学缘结构、地域结构、年龄结构、性别结构等方面均表现为失衡但失衡程度趋于降低的态势;④ 地理学者发展与地理教学、研究机构发展关系密切,特别是高等地理教学机构对地理学者发展有多重影响。1912—1949年中国地理学者的发展为中国科学地理学的持续进步奠定了人才基础,其过程同时是中国近现代地理学转型的一个侧面。  相似文献   

Questionnaires sent to 500 geographers randomly selected from U.S. graduate departments solicited opinions on the quality of scholarship of articles in 34 U.S. geography journals. The five highest ranked were Quaternary Research, Annals, AAG, Arctic and Alpine Research, Geographical Review, and American Cartographer. When familiarity and quality together were ranked, the top five were Annals, AAG, Geographical Review, Professional Geographer, Economic Geography and Journal of Geography. Age and specialty of respondent were most significant in explaining ranking variations.  相似文献   

This paper responds to recent postcolonial geographical scholarship that sets forth transformative agendas in order to create more cosmopolitan theoretical projects within the discipline. For many geographers the challenges they face are located within not only their own disciplinary parameters, but also those of other specific research communities within which their work situates them. By bringing geography and area studies into productive conversation, this paper explores the tensions between negotiating one's academic voice, position and responsibility within geography as well as within a specific area studies community. More specifically, as a UK-based geographer I reflect on some of my own fairly unremarkable, yet extremely awkward, encounters during the course of scholarly praxis in Sri Lanka in order to raise questions over the spatialities of responsibility and political engagement in such academic praxis. I seek to theorize the chasms that open in such awkward encounters between notionally situated 'local' and 'foreign' scholars respectively and, in particular, develop ways of engaging and reorienting those chasms in ways that might enable the production of theoretically rich, yet richly contextualized postcolonial knowledges committed to the site of one's scholarly praxis – not just to the advancement of a more cosmopolitan theoretical project within geography.  相似文献   

China has witnessed unprecedented growth of its universities in recent years. Because they function as a sort of urban quasi-public good, university campuses generate a variety of externalities within surrounding communities, including their impacts on adjacent housing markets. Through an analysis of the case of Nanjing, China, this study attempts to quantify the association between university campuses and housing markets in China and to help policymakers, planners, and community members better understand campus–community relationships more generally. The study yields the following findings. First, university campuses have been capitalized into the housing prices of their neighboring communities in Nanjing. Second, in the proximate communities, university campus spillover benefits involve trade-offs with the amenity values of other public goods. Third, campus capitalization effects vary across different tiers of universities. Based on the empirical results, we offer several policy implications, key among which are that policymakers need to acknowledge and rationally distribute the potential spillover benefits of the campus to multiple stakeholders; campus and residential communities should be planned synergistically to optimize land use efficiency; and universities should be fully engaged with their surrounding communities to maximize mutual benefits.  相似文献   

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