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Thailand has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and an important factor contributing to this phenomenal growth is foreign direct investment (FDI). Taiwan's investment in Thailand, led by small and medium sized companies in labour intensive and relatively low technology industries, has increased dramatically since 1986. While Western multinational companies have been interested in using FDI to expand their markets in the host country, Taiwanese FDI — in a pattern similar to Japanese FDI of the 1970s — has been taking place in selected developing countries to lower production costs and export manufactured products to third country markets. Taiwan's exports to Thailand have also shown a marked increase since the Taiwanese government allowed large scale FDI in 1986. Although small at the global scale, Taiwanese investment in Thailand has contributed to an increasingly integrated East Asian economy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Alexander von Humboldt is universally identified as a key figure in laying the foundations for modern geography. His main sites of research and scholarly production were centered on Europe, Latin America, and Russia. He drew on global sources of geographical data and knowledge in constructing and producing his voluminous works. Although he only briefly knew North America firsthand—at the outset of his career, in the late spring of 1804—he maintained a lifelong interest in the realm, especially in the United States. In turn, many North American scholars were admirers and followers of his perspectives, practices, and publications. Although geography did not emerge as an institutionally based discipline in the United States until the late nineteenth century, Humboldt's influence and impact on its antecedents were considerable. Contrary to conventional wisdom, his authority and influence in geography persisted well beyond Humboldt's death in 1859. His vision of demonstrating nature's unity in diversity and his enlightened views on social issues have continued to appeal to select sectors and actors in North American geography, especially Latin Americanists, historians of the discipline, and, more recently, proponents of an engaged, critical geography.  相似文献   

周政可  梁育填 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1633-1642
中美作为世界上最大的2个经济体,中美贸易格局及其发展演化对全球经济的发展具有深刻的影响,然而,中美贸易格局特征以及贸易产品网络地位与演变当前还没有得到充分揭示。因此,论文基于联合国商品贸易数据,采用描述性统计分析和社会网络分析方法,对2001—2017年中美两国的贸易发展历程、产品结构、产品贸易网络进行分析研究。研究发现:① 在贸易联系方面,2001—2017年中美双边进出口贸易额不断上升,贸易联系不断增强。② 出口产品结构方面,中国对美国的出口产品类型主要是机械设备、纺织服装等产品,产品结构没有发生大的改变;美国对中国的出口产品类型主是机械设备、运输设备、植物产品和化工产品,近年来机电产品占比有所下降,运输设备产品比例上升。③ 主要产品贸易网络方面,以电子信息产品为例,一方面度中心性指标反映出中国在网络中影响力迅速增强,是电子信息产品全球贸易网络的核心成员国;另一方面在中介中心度与接近中心度2个指标上中国与美国仍存在差距,电子信息产业核心竞争力有待加强,在新一轮产业变革中应投入更多物质与精力用于产业链高端技术的研发与开拓。  相似文献   

Until recently, migration has had a limited role to play in China's space economy because of central‐planning logic and mechanisms. Mobility increases and economic restructuring since the 1980s, however, call for new conceptualizations of migration. Using interprovincial migration data from China's 1990 and 2000 censuses, I analyze migration rates, migration effectiveness, population growth, net migration flows, and spatial focusing of migration. The analysis supports the notions that migration is an increasingly effective factor of population redistribution and that it has a strong relationship with regional development. While these relationships have been documented in many other parts of the world, they have been less well addressed in the case of China. Regional divergence in economic development during the 1990s was accompanied by a marked increase in interprovincial migration and sharply concentrated migration flows, especially from relatively poor central and western provinces to the rapidly growing eastern region. These results suggest that migration theories that draw from experiences of capitalist economies may be of increased relevance to China.  相似文献   

选取UN Comtrade 2000年—2016年中国与南亚各国相关贸易数据,从中国与南亚的贸易现状入手,对中国在南亚地区的贸易格局进行了分析,并运用HM指数对中国与南亚国家的贸易相互依赖程度进行测算。研究表明:①中国与南亚地区的贸易总额呈增长态势,印度是中国在南亚最大的贸易伙伴;②中国与南亚各国贸易显著不平衡;③中国在南亚的贸易格局一直以印度为主,以巴基斯坦和孟加拉国为辅;④中国出口南亚的主要商品类别的国家间差异在缩小,以资本或技术密集型产品中的机械及运输设备为主;⑤中国进口南亚的主要商品类别的国家间差异较大,但以劳动密集型产品为主;⑥中国出口对南亚国家的依赖程度明显低于南亚国家出口对中国的依赖程度;⑦“一带一路”倡议提出至今,中国出口对南亚国家的依赖程度整体呈增长态势,而南亚国家出口对中国的依赖程度多呈下降态势。  相似文献   

姜辉 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1618-1626
从总贸易、出口、进口、外资和人员5个视角构建对美风险系数,测度和比较各省区市对美外贸风险的地理差异。结果表明:上海、浙江和福建与美国的进出口贸易规模最大,对美国市场的依赖程度最高,面临的综合外贸风险最大;河南尤其需要防范对美国的出口风险;海南、新疆、天津和西藏等需要加强从美国进口的风险管理;重庆除了需要防范对美出口风险外,还因为实际利用美资最多且依赖程度最大,亟需加强外资风险管理。宁夏和山西虽然从美国的引资规模不大,但是对美资的依赖程度最高,亟需提升外资多元化水平。从人员跨境流动风险来看,上海、北京和浙江面临的风险最大。中国各省区市在应对美国出口管制时应该加强外贸风险的识别和管理,针对不同的风险采取差别化的防范和化解措施。  相似文献   

柳坤  申玉铭  张旺 《世界地理研究》2012,(1):111-120,149
运用世界发展指标和国际统计年鉴数据,从时间序列的角度并深入服务业增加值及增长速度、就业比重、就业结构、行业结构、服务业贸易五个方面进行国际比较。结果表明:我国服务业发展水平与整体经济不协调,工业对服务业的支撑能力较弱,服务业的增速高于世界主要国家:服务业的就业比重稳步上升,与世界平均水平差距较大,但吸纳就业的潜力仍然较大;传统服务业比重较高而现代服务业比重偏低,房地产、租赁及商务服务业、社会服务业的就业比重远落后发达国家;服务业出口快速增长,但出口多集中与传统服务业,知识、技术密集型服务业出口偏少。  相似文献   

从社会网络视角,采用中心度、社团划分和结构熵等社会网络指标,探究全球贸易网络的空间格局及演化特征,重点分析中国在网络中的社团归属及其地缘战略启示。研究表明:随着时间推移,发展中国家的群体性崛起使得全球贸易网络结构呈现日益多元化的复杂格局;全球贸易网络的社团演化经历了发达国家主导、亚洲崛起的萌芽、亚洲社团的分离和“三足鼎立”四个阶段,中国从被支配的边缘地位逐步走向“舞台中央”;中、美、德三国在全球市场细分过程中形成一种“错位竞争”关系,亚太、中东、非洲和拉美地区成为大国之间争夺贸易市场的博弈区域。中国应首先立足于亚太地区,通过“一带一路”倡议延伸至中东、非洲和拉美地区,将经济优势转化为全球战略影响力。  相似文献   

中美航空客运网络层次结构和地域系统对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶倩  吴殿廷  戴特奇  郭谦  鲍捷 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1084-1094
美国民航1978年彻底市场化以来已经历30多年的发展,航空网络趋于成熟。我国民航也在经历市场化改革,机场属地化完成至今已近10年,运量快速增长、高铁建设等因素正剧烈地影响着网络演变。对比中美两国航空网络有利于判断我国航线网络和机场体系的演变趋势,对于我国民航发展具有借鉴意义。以中国大陆地区和美国本土48个州作为研究区,运用交通地理信息系统和VBA等技术,从绝对联系和首位联系两个角度,对当前中美两国航空客运网络层次结构和地域系统进行分析与对比。研究发现:中国航空客运网络已表现出一定的轴辐体系,但一级枢纽较少、客运压力过大,且航空枢纽重东南、轻中西;美国航空客运网络的轴辐体系已趋向完善,各大枢纽和重要城市之间的内部空间联系非常密切。进而,提出了一些政策性建议,以期对我国航空客运网络未来的空间发展形式和方向提供借鉴。  相似文献   

As the world economy shifts towards services, transnational corporations (TNCs) in the service sector have accelerated their expansion in emerging economies. This paper examines the development and embeddedness of foreign hypermarket retailers in China. It also analyzes the spatial penetration patterns of retail TNCs, the impacts of home and host economies on their local embeddedness, and how they resolve the structural paradox between enforcing standardization and conducting localization. The expansion of retail TNCs has been influenced by the gradual liberalization policies of the Chinese government. Spatially, they expanded in two directions: from the eastern costal region to the central and western hinterland, and along China's urban hierarchy from larger cities to smaller cities. While home economies greatly influenced their initial strategies, foreign hypermarket retailers are constantly adjusting to better embed in the Chinese market and to more effectively resolve the structural paradox.  相似文献   

王开科  曾五一  王开泳 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2107-2120
工资水平的区域分异是一种较为常见的经济地理现象,其形成源自于众多影响因素的综合作用,生成与演进也带有特定的区域相互作用特征。运用空间计量分析与GIS相结合的方法,系统分析我国省域城镇现有工资水平的区域分布特征及分异格局,进一步深入探讨中国工资水平区域分异的作用机制和空间效应。在对中国工资水平区域分异的基本现状进行简要描述的基础上,利用新经济地理学中的工资方程,结合中国经济社会发展实际,试图阐明中国工资水平现有分异格局的作用机制;并通过全域自相关指数、SLM和SEM模型实证检验了各主要理论因素对中国工资水平区域分异的影响程度及其空间效应,结果显示:市场潜能、开放度、市场分割度等因素对中国工资水平的区域分异有重要的影响,且中国省域间城镇工资水平存在显著的空间误差效应。最后,从合理缩小现有的工资水平区域差距,促进区域协调发展的角度提出了若干政策建议,具体包括健全劳动力市场协调机制、减少劳动力资源的跨区域流动障碍;强化人力资本积累在缩小地区工资差异中的作用力;增进省级地域单元间的贸易联系性,弱化市场分割程度;优化低工资地区的外贸投资环境,提升其对外贸易竞争力和融资效率;推进东部地区尽快转型升级,积极培育中西部省份重要的增长极。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):371-376
In the second half of the 20th century, considerable resources and efforts have been devoted to revitalizing American central cities. In these redevelopment processes, however, the common byproduct of physical upgrading is social upgrading, the displacement of many of the original residents, who are often low-income and minority, from their traditional neighborhoods. This article explores the various processes of physical and social upgrading—including locally driven urban renewal, private sector "blockbusting," and gentrification—occurring in late 20th century Houston, Texas. This research also examines the neighborhood characteristics and demographic patterns that influence the occurrence of specific upgrading processes. One location of particular interest in the study is Houston's historic African American community of Freedmen's Town, which has experienced decades of conflict over land and space. Most recently, Freedmen's Town has been at the focus of Houston's urban revival, where physical upgrading has been accompanied by the displacement of the community's traditional population and the destruction of this historic neighborhood.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of foreign direct investment in the United States reveals source country differences in interstate location. We relate these differences to the knowledge foreign investors have of the United States. Regression analysis indicates a significant concentration of foreign investment from individual countries in larger states and in border states. Worldwide investment in the United States does not show these preferences. Investment from Japan and Canada accounted for most of the interstate dispersal of foreign employment in the 1980s.  相似文献   

World-wide, people and governments are gradually becoming more aware of the potential environmental, economic and health effects of climate change and the need for governments to take action to mitigate such impacts. This was emphasised by the creation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), signed at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. There has been much discussion on the greenhouse policy response of the commonwealth government of Australia, especially its stance taken at Kyoto in December 1997. Despite the recent nationalisation of Australia's state energy markets, due to Australia's federal political structure, much of the policy responsibility for energy and environmental issues rests with the states. Given these circumstances it is surprising that there has been relatively little academic focus on the energy policies of the states. This paper attempts to partially fill the policy analysis 'gap' by investigating the present environmental aspects of the energy policies of NSW and Victoria, implemented since the signing of the UNFCCC in 1992. NSW and Victoria are Australia's most populous states and are responsible for the bulk of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions with two very distinct policies.  相似文献   

The European Union's ‘Everything But Arms’ (EBA) policy is a development initiative designed to offer least developed countries tariff- and quota-free access to the Union's market for all exports, with the exception of armaments. The Union argues that EBA reflects Europe's desire to see all WTO members benefit from trade liberalisation. In reality, however, market access improvements brought about as a direct result of EBA are limited to a restricted range of temperate agricultural products. In terms of export potential and employment generation, sugar is one of the most important products to be affected by EBA. However, plans to liberalise the protected European sugar market attracted strong resistance from several EU member states and the multinational sugar industry. This resulted in the initial EBA proposal on sugar being significantly weakened, both in terms of the level and security of market access. This paper examines the welfare effects of the EU's changing import regime for sugar and, for the first time, identifies potential winners and losers. The article concludes that the liberalisation of the European sugar market to least developed countries will not affect European farmers or producers and will be at the direct expense of other developing counties. The wider implications of this research are clear; the EU's first priority is to protect European farming interests from market liberalisation, even when protectionism is at the cost of some of the world's poorest countries and their peoples.  相似文献   

姜辉 《地理科学》2019,39(5):705-713
以1997年中国香港回归为时间节点,从总贸易和高技术产品贸易两个维度,区分短期和长期效应,研究美国加强出口管制对中国香港贸易地理结构的影响。研究发现:出口管制政策在短期抑制了中国香港从美国的进口贸易增长,阻碍了香港对内地的高技术输出贸易;在长期致使中国香港对美国高新技术的依赖程度逐步减弱,对其他未对港设限国家的技术依赖明显增强。中国香港的进出口贸易地理集中度明显增强。美国在中国香港的贸易地理地位呈现大幅下滑。内地在香港的贸易地理地位得到显著提升。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):493-515
Most studies of the size, growth, and distribution of cities have been based on Western economies and have identified economic factors such as scale and agglomeration economies and level of economic development as major determinants of urban growth. It is unclear whether these generalizations are applicable in socialist economies. In this paper, I argue that institutional factors have played key roles in shaping China's city system, which is characterized by declining population concentration across cities and by tremendous vertical (population growth of cities) and horizontal (addition of new cities) expansions. The empirical analysis focuses on describing the size distribution of cities, estimating a multivariate model predicting the population growth of cities, and performing a logistic regression analysis of new and existing cities. The findings underscore the effects of urban and regional development policies, socialist institutions, changes in the urban administrative system, and state and local government interests, and suggest that they as a whole are more important than economic factors in explaining the attributes and changes of China's city system. [Key words: urban growth, city system, institutional factors, China.]  相似文献   

Literature on transboundary knowledge flows has primarily focused on foreign direct investment (FDI) spillover effects in emerging economies during the last decades. Little has been known, however, about whether or not and how foreign firms learn from local firms to enhance their innovation performance. The existing literature on clusters lays much emphasis on the variety of knowledge sources in the process of innovation, but it largely ignores the social and institutional barriers to transboundary knowledge flows. This article argues that for foreign firms operating in emerging economies, the issues about legitimacy and liability of foreignness might inhibit “outsiders” from effective knowledge sourcing; therefore, the social and institutional structure in a region plays a no less significant role than knowledge per se. Based on a large-scale firm-level database from China's information and communications technology (ICT) industry, this article reveals that local innovativeness of indigenous firms significantly stimulates and enhances innovation of foreign firms. It is interesting to find that whereas related variety of a region fails to exert positive influences, ownership diversity and a low extent of market concentration that reflect the openness of a local innovation system significantly affect innovation performance of foreign firms. It calls for more studies on local institutional and social construction of interfirm knowledge flows.  相似文献   

The World Commission on Environment and Development was created as a consequence of a United Nations' General Assembly resolution in 1983. The Secretary-General appointed the Chairman Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway) and Vice-Chairman Mansour Khalid (Sudan), who were directed to appoint the other members of the Commission. The Commission's Secretary-General was a member of ex officio. Twelve of the twenty members came from developing countries. Four members were from Africa, five from Asia, four from Latin America, and eight from Europe and North America.  相似文献   

RESURGENT MEXICAN PHOENIX*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. Popular impressions of Phoenix, Arizona perpetuate the notion that this metropolitan area is an overwhelmingly Anglo place. We challenge this assertion and demonstrate that the city has substantial Mexican roots and is presently being shaped by a vibrant, resurgent Mexican population. Employing historical records, surveys, and landscape data, we articulate the Mexican character of early Phoenix and highlight how the revival of Mexican Phoenix has transformed the urban landscape. We then relate how Phoenix's Mexican population is a more nuanced regional subculture formed through both historical and contemporary connections with specific Mexican states. We conclude with a call for greater understanding of the internal heterogeneity of Mexicans in the United States and how this can inform our geographical interpretations of the growing Latinization of American cities.  相似文献   

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