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The conductivity structure of the Earth's mantle was estimated using the induction method down to 2100  km depth for the Europe–Asia region. For this purpose, the responses obtained at seven geomagnetic observatories (IRT, KIV, MOS, NVS, HLP, WIT and NGK) were analysed, together with reliable published results for 11  yr variations. 1-D spherical modelling has shown that, beneath the mid-mantle conductive layer (600–800  km), the conductivity increases slowly from about 1  S  m−1 at 1000  km depth to 10  S  m−1 at 1900  km, while further down (1900–2100  km) this increase is faster. Published models of the lower mantle conductivity obtained using the secular, 30–60  yr variations were also considered, in order to estimate the conductivity at depths down to the core. The new regional model of the lower mantle conductivity does not contradict most modern geoelectrical sounding results. This model supports the idea that the mantle base, situated below 2100  km depth, has a very high conductivity.  相似文献   

The C -response connects the magnetic vertical component and the horizontal gradient of the horizontal components of electromagnetic variations and forms the basis for deriving the conductivitydepth profile of the Earth. Time-series of daily mean values at 42 observatories typically with 50 years of data are used to estimate C -responses for periods between 1 month and 1  yr. The Z : Y method is applied, which means that the vertical component is taken locally whereas the horizontal components are used globally by expansion in a series of spherical harmonics.
In combination with results from previous analyses, the method yields consistent results for European observatories in the entire period range from a few hours to 1  yr, corresponding to penetration depths between 300 and 1800  km.
1-D conductivity models derived from these results show an increase in conductivity with depth z to about 2  S  m-1 at z =800  km, and almost constant conductivity between z =800 and z =2000  km with values of 310  S  m-1, in good agreement with laboratory measurements of mantle material. Below 2000  km the conductivity is poorly resolved. However, the best-fitting models indicate a further increase in conductivity to values between 50 and 150  S  m-1.  相似文献   

A deep magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) investigation in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth has revealed a complex electrical image of the crustal structure. The geotectonic structure of the Parnassos unit and the Transition zone in the central Hellenides, overthrusting the Pindos zone both towards the west and towards the south, has been clearly identified by its higher resistivity and its intrinsic anisotropy related to the N–S strike of the Hellenides range. Subsequent N–S extension of the Gulf introduced another heterogeneous anisotropy characteristic that corresponds to E–W-trending normal faults on both sides of the Gulf. The 2-D modelling of the MTS results reveals the existence of a relatively conductive layer about 4 km thick at a depth greater than 10 km in the middle crust. It corresponds to a ductile detachment zone suggested by microseismic and seismic studies ( King et al . 1985 ; Rigo et al . 1996 ; Bernard et al . 1997a ). It may be attributed to the phyllite series lying between the allochthonous Hellenic nappes and the autochthonous Plattenkalk basement. Towards the east, under the Pangalos peninsula, approaching the internal Hellenides, the detachment zone could root deeply into the lower crust.
Some strong local electrical anomalies are observed, reaching the conductive layer in the middle crust, such as that under the Mamousia fault and under the front of the overthrust of the Transition zone on the Pindos zone. Other anomalies affect only the shallower zones such as that beneath the Helike fault and in the Psaromita peninsula. These shallower anomalies provide complementary information to the study of spatial and temporal variations of the seismic anisotropy in relation to the short- and long-term tectonic activity of the Gulf ( Bouin et al . 1996 ; Gamar et al . 1999 ).  相似文献   

All explanations of the high-conductivity layers (HCL) found by magnetotellurics in the middle or lower crust incorporate a mixture of a low-conductivity rock matrix and a highly conductive phase, for example graphite or saline fluids. In most cases the bulk conductivity of the mixture does not depend on the conductivity of the rock matrix but rather (1) on the amount of high-conductivity material and, in particular, (2) on its geometry. The latter is quantitatively described by the parameter 'electrical connectivity'. Decomposition of the observed bulk conductivity of the mixture into these two parameters results in an ill-posed problem. Even if anisotropy occurs in the HCL, three output parameters (highly conductive phase fraction, connectivity with respect to the X direction, connectivity with respect to the Y direction) have to be estimated from the two bulk conductivities of the anisotropic HCL. The additional information required for solving this problem is provided if instead of single-site data the conductivities from many field sites are evaluated: a sample distribution of the conductivity can then be obtained. Ensembles of random networks are used to create theoretical distribution functions which match the empirical distribution functions to some extent. The use of random resistor networks is discussed in the context of other established techniques for the treatment of two-phase systems, such as percolation theory and the renormalization group approach. Models of embedded networks explain the discrepancy between 'small' anisotropy (2-3) on the laboratory scale and large anisotropy (10-100) found in electromagnetic field surveys encompassing volumes of several cubic kilometres. Strong anisotropy can indicate low electrical connectivity, and a possible explanation is that a network stays close to the percolation threshold.  相似文献   

土壤理化性质影响土壤质量,直接决定作物的产量,极易受到灌溉的影响。选择新疆典型绿洲——渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲作为靶区,利用土壤光谱反射率预测土壤的电导率、pH值。首先,对土壤光谱反射率做变换,得到18种形式的反射率;其次,对18种形式的反射率与土壤电导率、pH值进行相关与回归分析,得到预测方程;最后,验证预测方程的精度,并确定最佳方程。结果显示:可以用土壤的光谱反射率预测土壤电导率、pH值,土壤电导率的预测方程为反射率的一阶导数微分形式,均方根误差为0.184;土壤pH值的预测方程为倒数的二阶导数微分形式,均方根误差为0.278。快速预测土壤电导率、pH值可以为土壤质量的评价提供数据基础,有利于正确有效地指导农业生产。  相似文献   

In the frequency range from millihertz to hundreds of megahertz, many different physical and physico-chemical processes contribute to the electrical polarization of porous water-bearing rocks. This makes the interpretation of their electrical spectra a complicated problem and requires both elaborate theories and model experiments. At high frequencies, the Maxwell–Wagner–Bruggeman–Hanai (MWBH) theory of effective media, which takes into account only bulk properties, shape and partial volume of components, is very appropriate. At low frequencies, surface films, polarization of the electrical double layer (EDL) and clustering of conductive components can produce very strong polarization; corresponding theoretical models are considered in a companion paper ( Chelidze & Gueguen 1999 , hereafter referred to as Paper I). This paper is devoted to the review of experimental data and their comparison with theoretical models.
  Experiments on saturated mineral powders and rocks with various surface areas and surface chemistries confirm the existence of significant surface contributions to the electrical spectra of conductivity and polarization of water-bearing rocks and the dominance of this contribution over MWBH values at low frequencies. The effective dielectric constant of porous saturated rocks increases with the surface-to-volume ratio of the system and strongly depends on the surface charge ( ζ potential). At ζ potential, equal to zero, the low-frequency dielectric permittivity (DP) is minimal. The experimental data on relaxation times and the magnitude of the surface polarization of water-bearing porous systems can be satisfactorily explained by theories of film polarization, diffusional polarization generated by deformation of an 'open' electrical double layer (EDL) and percolation.  相似文献   

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