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Some numerical experiments are made using a linear barotropic model of Lake Biwa to investigate the current induced by the spatially uniform wind stress. Concerning the phenomena whose time scale is longer than the inertial period, we integrate the non-divergent vorticity equation.It is found that the topographic curl of the wind stress which comes from the bottom topography and the wind stress induces circular currents and that the current, generated by the wind, attenuates gradually accompanying the topographic Rossby wave whose period is about 9 half-pendulum days in Lake Biwa. This mechanism of the barotropic response of the lake water to the wind will explain well the unsteady lake current in Lake Biwa in winter.  相似文献   

Some numerical experiments by the barotropic nonlinear two dimensional models are performed to study the water circulations in Lake Biwa, especially to study the large anticlockwise gyre in the north basin. The wind fields used in the experiments have no rotational component. This gyre is induced by the southerly wind and is approximately on the geostrophic balance. The vorticity of this gyre is contributed from the vertical stretching of the vortex tube by the variable bottom topography and the inertia term. But the latter term does not become effective if the bottom profile of the basin is flat. Therefore the horizontal circulation in the barotropic closed basin is the “topographic gyres”. The bottom stress has a little contribution to the vorticity balance of the gyre.  相似文献   

黑潮和中国近海环流   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
伍伯瑜 《台湾海峡》1991,10(1):25-32
本文根据历史资料总结和讨论了黑潮对中国近海环流影响的基本结果,指出经巴士海峡进入南海和沿台湾海峡向北运动的黑潮分支,其年际变化明显,并认为该黑潮分支的运动状况对中国近海特别是南海和东海南部的中、下层环流影响显著,需要作进一步的调查研究。  相似文献   

渤海的平均余环流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用72个渤海石油平台、站点测流资料,阐明了渤海的平均余环流特征,并用已有的数值计算结果阐明了其形成机制。观测表明在黄河三角洲近海存在一支北-东北向的流动,可抵达秦皇岛附近水域,数值计算表明该支流动主要是潮生的;在辽东湾北部存在一顺时针向的涡旋运动,在冬半年该涡旋是风生的;在渤海湾北部存在潮生的逆时针向的余环流。  相似文献   

不同模态海洋内波特征的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用谐波分析理论提出了海洋中内波在不同模态下的特征参量的诊断方法,给出了两种背景场的求取方法:函数逼近法和平均法,并对一个实测内波资料进行了诊断分析,得到了不同模态下内波温度振幅和周期的特性。  相似文献   

Evaporation from Lake Qarun and its water budget   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Finite element numerical modelling based on field data is used to study the tidal and tidally induced residual circulation dynamics of a coupled “restricted” and “leaky” coastal lagoon system located in the Magdalen Islands, Gulf of Saint-Lawrence. Havre-aux-Maisons Lagoon (HML) is of a “restricted” nature with a neutral inlet in terms of tidal asymmetry. Grande-Entrée Lagoon (GEL) is of a “leaky” nature with a marked ebb dominance at the inlet due to direct interactions between the main astronomical tidal constituents. The imbalance caused by the different tidal filtering characteristics of both inlets combines with the internal morphological asymmetries of the system to produce a residual throughflow from HML to GEL. The residual circulation is also characterized by strongest values at both inlets, very weak residual currents in HML deep basin and a dipole of residual eddies over the deeper areas of GEL. Further investigations including numerical tracer experiments will be necessary to achieve a full understanding of the long term circulation of this lagoonal system.  相似文献   

潮汐余流对中国东部海域物质输运过程起着重要作用。通过对中国东部海域的三维数值模拟,计算了潮汐余流并从潮余涡量角度分析了其形成机制。中国东部海域的欧拉余流在水深较浅的朝鲜半岛沿岸、苏北浅滩、长江浅滩、闽浙沿岸,以及冲绳海槽附近海域,流速量级较大,以余流涡旋的形式呈现,其机制为局部地形差异和潮汐水位高度波动下,科氏效应或摩擦效应导致潮周期内存在净涡量。斯托克斯漂流量级在浅水区较大,而在深水海域则远小于欧拉余流。拉格朗日余流在深水区域与欧拉余流相似,在浅水区域由欧拉余流和斯托克斯漂流共同决定。输运余流和拉格朗日余流分布特征更接近,特别是在近岸海域,但两者的物理意义并不相同。潮汐余流由于常年稳定存在,且在许多海域的流动方向同已知的沿岸流系的方向基本一致,是中国东部海域沿岸流的重要组成部分。估算出了输运余流对沿岸流的贡献率或抑制率,输运余流对近岸陆源沉积物输运和沉积物分布具有不可忽略的作用。  相似文献   

Recently many authors have attepmted to model circulations in East China Sea by numerical means, for example, Xi et al1),2). (henceforth Ref.[1] is referred to as A and[2] as B respectively), Yuan et al. and Chio. We had raised questions in regard to the correctness of the governing equations used in A, as well as their choice of boundary conditions. Comparing numerical solution of A with that of B which employed a correct form of governing equations (but with an incorrect value for the bottom friction coefficient), B asserted that the governing equations used in A were correct. It is, therefore, appropriate to have a discussion on the formulation of proper equations.  相似文献   

The year-to-year change in characteristics of water exchange between Lake Hamana, a semi-enclosed bya, and the adjacent open sea is investigated.The destruction of the bay mouth by a typhoon in 1953 and subsequent stabilization work on the bay mouth from 1954 to 1973 resulted in an increase in the tidal prism volume of the bay (Mazda, 1983). In the present paper, a simple model has been constructed in which the magnitude of water exchange depends on the tidal prism, and using this model, the year-to-year increase in salinity of the bay water after 1953 can be well explained. Consequently, it can be said that the salinity increase after 1953 is a result of a progressive increase in water exchange caused by successive changes in topography of the bay mouth.The extent of water exchange in Lake Hamana, which varies seasonally, has increased gradually since 1953, and became stable after about 1967. For instance, at present the turnover time of the bay for exchange with open sea water reaches a maximum (2.9 months) in January and a minimum (0.9 month) in October, while in 1955 it is estimated to have been about 2.5 times that at the present time.  相似文献   

Data archives from four global coupled ocean–atmosphere models are used to construct maps of diapycnal mass flux through selected isopycnal surfaces in the model oceans. The maps illustrate location and strength of the up and downwelling limbs of thermohaline-forced overturning loops whose stability in the face of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations is of major concern in century-scale climate prediction. The up and downwelling limbs simulated by the four models for present-day greenhouse gas concentrations are compared with observational estimates. Predicted changes in the overturning brought about by gradually rising atmospheric CO2 content are compared model-to-model. While all four models predict some decline in the rate of Atlantic overturning during CO2-induced global warming, the geographic layout of the overturning circulations in each model is found to be insensitive to the changing climate.  相似文献   

Sergei Winogradsky illuminated revolutionary concepts and produced a tool to visualize complex microbial communities and their metabolisms over time: columns displaying aquatic consortia with variety of niches. We worked with museums in Utah to create Winogradsky columns that would highlight aesthetic properties of the Great Salt Lake(GSL) ecosystem, which has a salinity gradient from the freshwater wetlands to salt saturation. One column, constructed using haloarchaea-rich hypersaline brine and...  相似文献   

南海上层环流观测研究进展   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
李立 《台湾海峡》2002,21(1):114-125
回顾了近50a来南海环流研究的进展,重点介绍了近期有关南海上层总环流的观测研究成果,并就南海季风急流、南海暖流、南海南部的次海盆尺度环流,以及南海东北部环流的几个问题进行了专门讨论。  相似文献   

杨秋明 《海洋学报》2006,28(3):47-56
用1951~2001年观测资料,研究了南印度洋副热带偶极子型(IOSD)海温异常对全球500hPa环流和我国降水的影响.结果表明,冬季IOSD激发出极显著的南北半球环绕太平洋的波列结构(CP),其年际变化周期是2.0和6.5 a,与赤道中东太平洋海温也有密切联系.北半球冬季异常峰值后的第二年春季欧亚中高纬度地区500 hPa环流出现显著的EUP型低频流型持续异常,同时中太平洋和北美地区出现CPNP流型和澳大利亚南部的南半球中高纬地区呈现极显著的西南太平洋遥相关型(SWP).当冬季赤道南印度洋副热带呈极显著的西负东正海温距平分布时,后期春季欧亚中高纬地区负EUP型遥相关波列持续偏强,导致东亚大槽明显偏弱,长江以北地区(特别是黄河中上游地区)多雨.反之,春季东亚大槽加强且稳定,我国东部地区大范围少雨.它反映了南印度洋地区海气系统相互作用与东亚热带内外环流低频变化的联系.因此,上一年冬季南印度洋副热带偶极子型(IOSD)海温异常强度是预测春季华北地区旱涝变化的重要因子之一.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of circulations in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seasonal variation of the water circulations in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea is investigated with use of a robust diagnostic numerical model. Water circulations in four season are calculated diagnostically from the observed water temperature and salinity data from JODC (Japan Oceanographic Data Center) and wind data from COADS (Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set). Counter-clockwise circulations are developed at the upper and middle layers and a clockwise one at the lower layer in the central part of he Yellow Sea in summer. On the other hand, a clockwise circualtion is developed from the surface to the bottom in the Yellow Sea and a counter-clockwise one in, the northern part of the East China Sea in winter.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2000,2(1-2):29-43
Lake Vostok in Eastern Antarctica is covered by a ∼4000 m thick ice sheet that glides over the sub-glacial water body on a time scale of ∼20 000 years. As a basis for “pre-expedition” planning, a priori estimates are made for water temperature, heat flux and currents. Whereas vertical temperature gradients are predicted to be extremely small due to geothermally driven convective turbulence, horizontal temperature gradients are expected to be present due to the horizontal gradient of the pressure-dependent freezing point at the base of the sloped ice ceiling. Except at the lake’s deepest location, where a thin stratified layer may develop, the vertical in situ temperature profile will be near the adiabatic lapse rate. Based on internal heat fluxes associated with observed melting and re-freezing at the base of the ice sheet we calculate internal currents by assuming geostrophic balance. Vertical and horizontal motions are both expected to lie in the range of fractions of mm/s. Ice plasticity (hydrostatic adjustment) and water–ice heat exchanges are predicted to flatten the ice-cover quickly to a remarkably smooth terrain while the ice moves over the lake. These results corroborate well with the recent finding that only the upper part of accreted lake water, retrieved from the Vostok ice-core, contains particles. Our predictions are discussed with respect to uncertainties and the experimental challenges to be met.  相似文献   

基于2000年秋季东中国海水文观测资料,应用三维有限元模式FEOM(Finite Element Ocean circulation Model),在温盐保持不变的情况下进行诊断计算100 d,模拟结果再现了环流的主要特征:由于海表面风的影响,秋季东中国海表层的环流以西南向流为主,在10m深以下由于风的影响减弱环流特征比较清晰完整。黄海北部出现一个气旋式涡旋,10m层流速大小为5 cm/s左右;浙闽沿岸流从表层到50~60m深都是存在的,流速基本不变;台湾暖流在10m层流速较大,且向陆架方向入侵明显,但是越向下越不明显,流速也有所减小。诊断计算60d后的后报计算结果显示,松弛尺度为5d可以更好地消除资料的不匹配。因此最终在诊断计算60d后开展了松弛时间为5d的40d的强诊断计算,强诊断模拟结果显示:强诊断计算能更好的模拟东中国海环流结构,相较于诊断计算,表层流速有所减弱,10 m层流速有所加强,各层流向强诊断计算和诊断计算基本一致。  相似文献   

The dynamics of the wind-driven circulations and surface transport processes in Suruga Bay have been examined by performing numerical experiments. While strong winds exist outside the bay, the winds inside the bays are greatly reduced, which generates a strong wind stress curl in winter and autumn. In particular, in winter, a strong positive curl region is located across the bay mouth, and a strong surface circulation with counterclockwise rotation is generated beneath it. The circulation is nearly geostrophic, but is not affected by the bottom topography in the deep bay. It is suggested that intense surface water exchange through the bay mouth occurs in winter, whereas it is not active in the other seasons when no significant vorticity is supplied on the bay mouth from the atmosphere. Moreover, we propose a hypothesis that the atmospheric wind stress curl will cause the frequent appearance of the counterclockwise circulation in winter in the real ocean.  相似文献   

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