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The proposed correlations between the energetics of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and their spectral properties, namely the peak energy of their prompt emission, can broadly account for the observed fluence distribution of all 'bright' BATSE GRBs, under the hypothesis that the GRB rate is proportional to the star formation rate and that the observed distribution in peak energy is independent of redshift. The correlations can also be broadly consistent with the properties of the whole BATSE long GRB population for a peak energy distribution smoothly extending towards lower energies, and in agreement with the properties of a sample at 'intermediate' fluences and with the luminosity functions inferred from the GRB number counts. We discuss the constraints that this analysis imposes on the shape of such peak energy distribution, the opening angle distribution and the tightness of the proposed correlations.  相似文献   

Statistical relations between the luminosity L of gamma-ray burster (GRBs) and several of their other observable properties have been discovered. Four of these properties are considered here: the spectral lag; a measure of the light-curve variability; peak energy and the minimum light-curve rise time. Data are taken from a tabulation by Schaefer. Log–log regression of L on various combinations of the four light-curve properties, as well as redshift, is considered, using conventional multiple linear regression, and multiple errors-in-variables regression. Several cases are found in which the regression coefficients of more than one luminosity indicators are significant. In particular, the simultaneous regression of luminosity on peak energy, spectral lag, minimum rise time and redshift is meaningful.  相似文献   

We compute the luminosity function (LF) and the formation rate of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) by fitting the observed differential peak flux distribution obtained by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) in two different scenarios: (i) the GRB luminosity evolves with redshift and (ii) GRBs form preferentially in low-metallicity environments. In both cases, model predictions are consistent with the Swift number counts and with the number of detections at   z > 2.5  and >3.5. To discriminate between the two evolutionary scenarios, we compare the model results with the number of luminous bursts (i.e. with isotropic peak luminosity in excess of 1053 erg s−1) detected by Swift in its first 3 yr of mission. Our sample conservatively contains only bursts with good redshift determination and measured peak energy. We find that pure luminosity evolution models can account for the number of sure identifications. In the case of a pure density evolution scenario, models with   Z th > 0.3 Z  are ruled out with high confidence. For lower metallicity thresholds, the model results are still statistically consistent with available lower limits. However, many factors can increase the discrepancy between model results and data, indicating that some luminosity evolution in the GRB LF may be needed also for such low values of Z th. Finally, using these new constraints, we derive robust upper limits on the bright end of the GRB LF, showing that this cannot be steeper than ∼2.6.  相似文献   

A new procedure for smoothing a gamma-ray burst (GRB) light curve and calculating its variability is presented. Applying the procedure to a sample of 25 long GRBs, we have obtained a very tight correlation between the variability and the peak luminosity. The only significant outlier in the sample is GRB 030329. With this outlier excluded, the data scatter is reduced by a factor of ∼3 compared to that of Guidorzi et al., measured by the deviation of fit. Possible causes for the outlier are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate a scenario of photon scattering by electrons within a relativistic outflow. The outflow is composed of discrete shells with different speeds. One shell emits radiation for a short duration. Some of this radiation is scattered by the shell(s) behind. We calculate in a simple two-shell model the observed scattered flux density as a function of the observed primary flux density, the normalized arrival time delay between the two emission components, the Lorentz factor ratio of the two shells and the scattering shell's optical depth. Thomson scattering in a cold shell and inverse Compton scattering in a hot shell are both considered. The results of our calculations are applied to the gamma-ray bursts and the afterglows. We find that the scattered flux from a cold slower shell is small and likely to be detected only for those bursts with very weak afterglows. A hot scattering shell could give rise to a scattered emission as bright as the X-ray shallow decay component detected in many bursts, on a condition that the isotropically equivalent total energy carried by the hot electrons is large, ∼1052–1056 erg. The scattered emission from a faster shell could appear as a late short γ-ray/MeV flash or become part of the prompt emission depending on the delay of the ejection of the shell.  相似文献   

The afterglow of GRB 050401 presents several novel and interesting features. (i) An initially faster decay in optical band than in X-rays. (ii) A break in the X-ray light curve after ∼0.06 d with an unusual slope after the break. (iii)The X-ray afterglow does not show any spectral evolution across the break while the R -band light curve does not show any break. We have modelled the observed multiband evolution of the afterglow of GRB 050401 as originating in a two-component jet, and interpreting the break in X-ray light curve as due to lateral expansion of a narrow collimated outflow which dominates the X-ray emission. The optical emission is attributed to a wider jet component. Our model reproduces all the observed features of multiband afterglow of GRB 050401. We present optical observations of GRB 050401 using the 104-cm Sampurnanand Telescope at the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital. Results of the analysis of multiband data are presented and compared with GRB 030329, the first reported case of double jet.  相似文献   

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