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庄天山 《天文学报》2006,47(1):69-81
对《春秋》记载的“鲁庄公七年(前687年)四月辛卯夜,恒星不见,夜中星陨如雨.”一段中的夜恒星何以当见而不见这个千古未解的迷团进行探讨,在1994年笔者研究的1533年狮子座流星雨出现时呈现的天空亮度的基础上,结合古今中外的有关资料, 发现这天恒星不见的原因,实际是夜中出现的流星雨产生的天空明亮掩盖恒星.文中附带证明恒星不见和星陨如雨实际是出现在同一时段,即都在夜中.同时还估算了这次流星雨的流星数密度和流星总数、掩盖恒星亮度的流星质量以及被掩盖恒星的天空面积.  相似文献   

1.問題的提出在研究太阳系空間里流星物貭的密度时,以及在研究每天落入我們地球大气里的流星物貭总数和这些物貭按其貭量大小的分布情况时,我們首先会遇到一个問題,那就是我們所看見的流星的亮度和它們原来的貭量与速度之間有什么关系.只有知道了这个关系,我們才可以从观測到的流星的亮度、速度推出它們原来的貭量大小,这样我們才有可能利用对流星的观測資料去研究以上提出的問題.要知道流星的亮度和貭量及速度間的关系,首先必須知道流星在大气中飞行时的全部物理过程,可見这个問題的解决是与流星物理  相似文献   

天上一颗星,地上一个丁 过去在民间,有一种普遍的说法叫做“天上一颗星,地上一个丁”,认为地上的人口与天上的星星是对应的。这种民间的“天人合一”思想与人们对流星的认识大有关系。古人认为,流星是天上的恒星掉下来形成的,地上的一个人死去,天上那颗与他对应的恒星也就坠落了,夜间人们时常会看到有流星在天穹划过,这数量与人们心目中的人口死亡发生率也很吻合,所以形成了这么一种有趣的观念。  相似文献   

运行在地球轨道外面的行星称为外行星,在外行星中, 离地球最近的是火星。几千年前,我们的祖先就用好奇的目光注视着火星。它和别的行星不同,发出红色的光,而且亮度变幻,有时比天狼星还亮三四倍,有时仅比北极星稍亮。同时,它在恒星背景中的视位置也在变化,时而顺行时而逆行,古人称它为“荧惑”,意思是说它荧荧如火又令人大惑不解。西方人由红色联想到流血、创伤、危险和死亡,从而将火星冠以罗马神话中战神玛尔斯的名字。但不论是东方人还是西方人,都不约而同  相似文献   

对于配置光子计数探测器的低纬子午环,在其观测数据的归算过程中应该加以考虑的星径曲率改正包括三种改正量:卯酉方向记录时刻的星径曲率改正;卯酉方向天顶距的星径曲率改正;子午方向天顶距的星径曲率改正。结合测微器的新视栅形式,本文给出了一种旨在解决星径曲率改正问题的新思路。  相似文献   

从1995年起,GPS 共视法时间比对技术成为用于国际原子时 TAI 归算中使用的一种主要时间连接手段。由于许多因素诸如 SA 对 GPS 共视比对精度的影响.BIPM 一直在建议使用其它具有ns 准确度潜力的时间传递手段,比如“GLONASS 共视法时间比对”和“卫星双向法时间比对”等手段。当前国际上装备 GLONASS 系统并进行常规共视比对的实验室主要有8个:DLRL(德国)、LDS(英国)、SU(俄罗斯)、VSL(荷兰)、NIST 和 USNO(美国)、CRL(日本),当然还有 BIPM。  相似文献   

流星,是一种大气现象,但它的起因是太阳系空间的小天体——流星体闯入地球大气、其高速动能转化为热能而出现的燃烧发光现象,因此一直归入天文学领域,成为“天象”。当流星体特别大时,流星看起来象一个火球,非常耀眼,甚至一瞬间照得大地如同白昼,称“火流星”:当许多流星体不断闯入大气时,我们有时会看到流星多得象下雨一样,这种现象称“流星雨”。  相似文献   

在业余天文观测中,监测流星是很多资深天文爱好者的观测项目之一。近年来,国内也相继组建了流星监测网,如最早实现流星网络监测的"广东流星监测网",以及目前国内最大的流星监测网络——中国流星监测网。根据不同地点的监测数据,我们可以计算出未燃烧完的火流星坠落的大致范围,为寻找陨石提供支持,同时还可以发现新的流星群。  相似文献   

“东升西落”是人们熟知的一种太阳运动,当然,这只是人们的直观感觉,一种视觉效果,因此称“视运动”。太阳东升西落的运动是我们地球自转造成的,故称“周日视运动”,另外太阳还有一种在星空背景中的缓慢移动,一年在天空运动一周,这是由地球的公转造成的,称太阳的“周年视运动”。古人对太阳的这两种运动都非常关心,因为前者形成一天昼夜的变化,后者形成一年四季的变化,这都是历法中相当重要的元素。  相似文献   

用太阳系主要天体的位置建立特大地震的时间预测模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李勇 《天文学报》2003,44(4):363-368
根据某类事件发生时太阳系主要运动天体的位置,通过对其历史资料的归算,尝试并设计出一种具有普适性的事件时间预测模型.以1900-1980年间全球所有8级及以上的99次地震为例,定义与天体特征位置(视黄经)相关的发震率,初步建立预测发震时刻的概率曲线.指出这可能成为研究地震预报问题的新途径.  相似文献   

Abstract— The possibility of an abrupt origin of interplanetary dust as a result of a collision between asteroids or an extraordinary comet is considered. If all interplanetary dust were produced in one event within recorded history, it would have been visible from the Earth with the unaided eye. The rate, surface area, and brightness of asteroid collision remnants are derived. Ancient Chinese records are searched for extraordinary comets and bright pointlike objects with small angular motion and concentration to the ecliptic.  相似文献   

We present the results of our infrared JHK photometry for the unusual UX Ori star V1184 Tau. Comparison with previous observations performed before the catastrophic decline in its optical brightness in 2004 (when the star faded approximately by a factor of 100) has shown the following: the star faded approximately by 2 m and 1 m in the J and H bands, respectively, while its K brightness remained almost constant. This pattern of infrared variability seems incompatible with the mechanism of variable circumstellar extinction responsible for the dramatic decline in the star’s optical brightness. However, if this mechanism is considered in the context of an accretion disk model with a puffed-up inner rim in the dust sublimation zone and with a disk wind producing an expanding gas-dust atmosphere above the disk surface, then the paradox can be resolved. In this model, the photometric activity of V1184 Tau in both visible and near-infrared spectral ranges, including the sharp brightness decline in 2004, can be explained by an increase in the geometric thickness of the disk in the dust sublimation zone caused by enhanced accretion of circumstellar matter onto the star. There is reason to believe that such events occur periodically and result from the presence of a companion to V1184 Tau moving in a highly eccentric orbit. The offered interpretation of the photometric activity of V1184 Tau allows this object to be classified as an UX Ori star based on the observed photometric effect and, at the same time, as a FU Ori star based on the pattern of the physical process that produced this effect.  相似文献   

An astrophotometer was used for measurements of lunar sky brightness in visible and ultraviolet range during day and night. The data obtained showed unexpectedly high values of brightness during the lunar day in the visible region. From measurements during lunar ‘twilight’ conditions and from the dependence of excessive flux on cosZ⊙ we have concluded that the effect is due to scattering of solar radiation by dust particles above the surface of the Moon. Some evidence in favour of dust clouds around the Moon is presented.  相似文献   

The monochromatic brightness factors for morphologically nonuniform cloudy surface fields of Jupiter and Saturn in the visible wavelength range were calculated. In the spectra of both giant planets, the combination (Raman) light scattering feature (a pseudoemission peak) was detected in the range of a strong Fraunhofer line H Ca II; and its intensity was estimated.  相似文献   

Differential infrared flux scans at 22m have been made across the nighttime lunar surface over a range of phases before and after new Moon. The differential chopping technique effectively cancels atmospheric emission in the beam path but records the flux difference between adjacent resolution elements on the lunar disk. The scans show that the brightness temperature gradient across the highlands after sunset is much greater than that across the western maria. The large gradients consistently disappear approximately 3.5 days after sunset. The post-sunset enhancement could be due to surface roughness in the highlands or to a significant surface rock population with a mean size of approximately 0.5 m. The effect can be seen in the 10m measurements of other investigators, but its global nature was not detected in their limited data sets.  相似文献   

"日中乌"辨析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从观测资料可认证史载“日中乌”是指太阳黑子,而“阳乌载日”则是日全食时的日冕。二者并非神话,而是写实文字。  相似文献   

We have investigated the apparent variation of the surface brightness distribution of disc galaxies with distance within three different samples 1) a diameter limited sample of ESO catalogue galaxies in the direction of the cluster A3574 in Centaurus, 2) all ESO catalogue disc galaxies with redshifts, and 3) a sample of fainter galaxies from our surveys of the Fornax Cluster area. In each case we find, as predicted for a sample dominated by surface brightness selection effects, that the distribution narrows with distance. Both high and low surface brightness galaxies are underrepresented in galaxy catalogues. Not because they are rare, but because the volume over which they are sampled is considerably smaller than that of their normal surface brightness counterparts. The question of how many galaxies there are in the Universe remains un-answered. In addition, since selection is byapparent surface brightness, the most distant sample (where cosmological dimming becomes important) contains galaxies of higher intrinsic surface brightness than do the nearby samples, again confirming a previous theoretical prediction. The galaxies we observe in the distant Universe are very different to those we observe close by because of observational selection.  相似文献   

The descent imager/spectral radiometer (DISR) onboard the Huygens probe investigated the radiation balance inside Titan's atmosphere and took hundreds of images and spectra of the ground during the descent. The scattering of the aerosols in the atmosphere and the absorption by methane strongly influence the irradiation reaching the surface and the signals received by the various instruments. The physical properties of the surface can only be assessed after the influence of the atmosphere has been taken into account and properly removed. In the broadband visible images (660 to 1000 nm) the contrast of surface features is strongly reduced by the aerosol scattering. Calculations show that for an image taken from an altitude of 14.5 km, the corrected contrast is about three times higher than in the raw image.Spectral information of the surface by the imaging spectrometers in the visible and near infrared range can only be retrieved in the methane absorption windows. Intensity ratios from the methane windows can be used to make false color maps. The elevated bright ‘land’ terrain is redder than the flat dark ‘lake bed’ terrain.The reflectance spectra of the land and lake bed area in the IR are derived, as well as the reflectance phase function in the limited range from 20° to 50° phase angle. An absorption feature at 1.55 μm which may be attributed tentatively to water ice is found in the lake bed, but not in the land area. Otherwise the surface exhibits a featureless blue slope in the near-IR region (0.9-). Brightness profiles perpendicular to the coast line show that the bottoms of the channels of the large scale flow pattern become darker the further they are away from the land area. This could be interpreted as sedimentation of the bright land material transported by the rivers into the lake bed area. The river beds in the deeply incised valleys need not to be covered by dark material. Their roughly 10% brightness decrease could be caused by the illumination as illustrated by a model calculation. The size distribution of cobbles seen in the images after landing is in agreement with a single major flooding of the area with a flow speed of about .  相似文献   

A mathematical theory and a corresponding algorithm have been developed to derive topographic maps from radar images as photometric arrays. Thus, as radargrammetry is to photogrammetry, so radarclinometry is to photoclinometry. Photoclinometry is endowed with a fundamental indeterminacy principle even for terrain homogeneous in normal albedo. This arises from the fact that the geometric locus of orientations of the local surface normal that is consistent with a given reflected specific-intensity of radiation is more complicated than a fixed line in space. For a radar image, the locus is a cone whose half-angle is the incidence angle and whose axis contains the radar. The indeterminacy is removed throughout a region if one possesses a control profile as a boundary-condition. In the absence of such ground-truth, a point-boundary-condition will suffice only in conjunction with a heuristic assumption, such as that the strike-line runs perpendicularly to the line-of-sight. In the present study I have implemented a more reasonable assumption which I call the hypothesis of local cylindricity.Firstly, a general theory is derived, based solely on the implicit mathematical determinacy. This theory would be directly indicative of procedure if images were completely devoid of systematic error and noise. The theory produces topography by an area integration of radar brightness, starting from a control profile, without need of additional idealistic assumptions. But we have also theorized separately a method of forming this control profile, which method does require an additional assumption about the terrain. That assumption is that the curvature properties of the terrain are locally those of a cylinder of inferable orientation, within a second-order mathematical neighborhood of every point of the terrain. While local strike-and-dip completely determine the radar brightness itself, the terrain curvature determines the brightness-gradient in the radar image. Therefore, the control profile is formed as a line integration of brightness and its local gradient starting from a single point of the terrain where the local orientation of the strike-line is estimated by eye.Secondly, and independently, the calibration curve for pixel brightness versus incidence-angle is produced. I assume that an applicable curve can be found from the literature or elsewhere so that our problem is condensed to that of properly scaling the brightness-axis of the calibration curve. A first estimate is found by equating the average image brightness to the point on the brightness axis corresponding to the complement of the effective radar depression-angle, an angle assumed given. A statistical analysis is then used to correct, on the one hand, for the fact that the average brightness is not the brightness that corresponds to the average incidence angle, as a result of the non-linearity of the calibration curve; and on the other hand, we correct for the fact that the average incidence angle is not the same for a rough surface as it is for a flat surface (and therefore not the complement of the depression angle).Lastly, the practical modifications that were interactively evolved to produce an operational algorithm for treating real data are developed. They are by no means considered optimized at present. Such a possibility is thus far precluded by excessive computer-time. Most noteworthy in this respect is the abandonment of area integration away from a control profile. Instead, the topography is produced as a set of independent line integrations down each of the parallel range lines of the image, using the theory for control-profile formation. An adaptive technique, which now appears excessive, was also employed so that SEASAT images of sand dunes could be processed. In this, the radiometric calibration was iterated to force the endpoints of each profile to zero elevation. A secondary algorithm then employed line-averages of appropriate quantities to adjust the mean tilt and the mean height of each range profile. Following this step, a sequence of fairly ordinary filtering techniques was applied to the topography. An application is shown for a Motorola image of Crazy Jug Point in the Grand Canyon. Unfortunately, a radiometric calibration curve is unavailable. But a fictitious calibration curve has provided an encouraging qualitative test of these efforts.  相似文献   

Using IRAS measurements, we find positive correlations between both the infrared to optical flux ratio (L FIR/L B) and infrared colour temperature (L 60/L 100) with optical surface brightness. These correlations can be understood by high surface brightness galaxies having (i) a high star formation rate, or (ii) a high-space density of stars and dust.In an attempt to interpret (ii) above, we have produced radiative transfer models for the dust absorption in a galactic disc. These models indicate that the highest surface brightness galaxies may be the most dust obscured (i.e., optically thick) and that the total luminosity (and, hence, mass) of these galaxies may be considerably underestimated.  相似文献   

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